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48.38% Futanari World / Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - Changes!

Kapitel 28: Chapter 28 - Changes!


PART 1 – Thanks!


New Years was amazing, in fact this whole year has been amazing! Of course, I had many moments of unimaginable pain, which strengthened my mind and adapted me to this magical and cruel world!

I almost lost someone I love, but that's exactly what "someone I love" means!

In my past life, I was a lonely, perverted person who hated my parents and lived off what little I could get from donations and advertisements, using my body and my voice. I never made an effort to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, maybe out of laziness or fear of not being accepted for what I did.

I was always concerned about the opinion of others to some extent, although I often ignored my problems and became full of psychological problems.

But since I came to this world for mysterious reasons, I've been having a lot of fun. I found many people that I care about and love, I admit that I have my favorites. I'm a flawed human being, but that doesn't change the fact that I love everyone around me.

So in all my years of life, I can say with all the pleasure in the world that this was the happiest year of my life!

Thank you so much Tazla, who inflated my lust, my first girl, who started off so cute and shy but is now looking more and more like her sister, full of confidence and naughtiness, not bad, I love you anyway and for please continue to develop yourself the way you prefer, because I will not stop loving you!

Thank you so much Mayara, you Tsundere slut who loves to fuck my ass, starting out as a spoiled Young Miss who only needed a few good womb bumps to fix!

Thank you so much Sahari, someone who mistakenly appeared in my life, fell in love with my wonderful body and then with me, staying by my side ever since and accepting me with all my flaws.

Thank you so much Annie, who willingly or not, made me recover my love for music, something that marked my past life in a positive and negative way, which made me understand how much I loved her and everyone around me more than myself myself, I was an idiot to take so long to realize this, even if I almost lost you to understand...

Thank you very much Kassia, my roommate who just came for a little fun and has been with me ever since, even if your presence in the group is little due to your inferiority complex towards others, I know that you train harder than anyone one to stay by our side, but know that even if you are a few steps behind us, we will all stop to wait for you, we will even come back and push you to come with us, because you are family!

Thank you so much Juju… I admit that my feelings for you you cunt-thinking slut than your brain were purely lust, it was also the embarrassment of just kicking you out, Tazla's sister… at first it was nice but after for a while it got boring and forced, I started wanting you to go away, that's why I didn't visit you for a while and I made a lot of excuses, I regret having been such an idiot, a filthy asshole! Even though you're a nymphomaniac bitch, you're loyal and trustworthy, always keeping the group in high spirits and supporting everyone like a surgeon on the operating table, I've grown to like you and love you…thanks bitch!

Last but not least, we have you Renner… someone I've had my eye on for being a movie heartthrob… no! I don't think that few men in my past life could reach your level of beauty, I admit that my interest in you was purely physical, it didn't change even when I found you in that dark little room and stretched out your ass! To me, you were just an object that I loved to fuck, even if in the process you tried to kill me, but I think you deserved it, as I technically raped you, but you enjoyed it, you can't lie! But… after getting to know you better, your shitty family actually, I think only Sahari, Tazla, Juju and Kassia have decent families, the rest all have shitty families!

But getting to the point, Renner, my sissy with a small dick who loves to feel something hard in her ass, I love you from the bottom of my heart, maybe the love I feel is not comparable to what I feel for Tazla, Annie or Mayara, but know that I love you so much!

As for Miliam and Jessica? I don't feel love for any of them, one is purely for the benefit and of course the pleasure of tormenting this milf who thought she could play with me.

As for the other one... I never thought of Jessica properly, to me, she's just a pretty singer with Elven blood, which I'm sure she used her body and charm to get where she is.

Not that I despise you for that, I don't think I was much different in the past, it would be very hypocritical of me, but I just can't seem to like you, I don't see myself loving you, but that's it, I could be wrong, since I didn't see myself loving Juju and now, I don't want her out of my sight, of course, the biggest focus for that desire is that if I don't control her, maybe I'll find her in an orgy with 20 men.

Jokes aside, Jessica was a case, she might like me, I don't know why, maybe she's a sensitive woman after sex, maybe I'm very wrong about her… I don't know and I don't care!

=== Author ===

Taking advantage of Roxana thanking her for everything in her new life, I will thank my readers who are following the work, as well as my Patreon supporters who are helping me immensely, I can only thank you and promise that I will always try to improve and post more.

If it wasn't for the interlude with my brother that screwed up all my planning, I would have already increased each Tier's benefits by 3/6/9/9~12 Chapters instead of the current 2/4/6/6~8.

Anyway, thank you very much for everything and I hope you are patient, because I am human and I make a lot of mistakes, but it is with mistakes that we learn!


PART 2 – Dungeon of Ordeal… again!


Annie went to the hospital for a more detailed checkup, where as expected, everything was perfect, the changes in her body are all caused by the Elixir.

With that, Annie was free to go wherever she wanted, because Jolyn was strangely cold, more than usual, I even felt her aggressiveness.

This woman is certainly crazy, it's not good to be teasing her or even being in front of her.

Anyway, on Day 3 of Month 1, with everything finalized, we flew to Latius City.

We went 1st Class, very nice, we enjoyed a good trip and Annie naughty as usual, she used the blanket we were wrapped up in to torture me, but I also played the game using my fingers.

That made it a small draw, wait until we land, I swear I'll force you to sleep again!

When we arrived at the airport, a tall, black beauty was waiting for us, wearing sunglasses, her long silky hair tied in a nice ponytail, while wearing tight jeans and a white T-shirt open at the abdomen, which was perched high. on your wonderful breasts.

It was Sahari, she came to welcome us and as soon as she saw Annie, she went to give her a huge hug!

"It's good to have you back!" - Said Sahari giving Annie a kiss on the cheek.

"Well… it hasn't been that long for me, but it's good to be back!" - Said Annie smiling bitterly.

"As for you, I missed you a little!" - Said Sahari to me, before hugging me and giving me a passionate and wet kiss, which attracted a lot of attention from passersby.

I chuckled before hugging her and then pulling Annie into the hug, my hand landing on her perfect asses.

"So, do you have anything new to tell me?" - I ask laughing.

Sahari took us in her car, Annie grunted. - "There is a little more than 1 year until I can drive!"

Now I'm the one who grunts in response. - "I have 2 years to go…"

"… Sometimes I forgot that you were 15 years old, practically a brat …"-Annie said to me and I pinch her stomach, she screams and gives me a knock on the head.

"Imagine for me? Suddenly a 1st year girl is fucking my brains out and beating me in strength, it was hard to accept, but what can I do, she was my type! Big dick, hot, beautiful and muscular Futanari!" - Said Sahari laughing while driving.

"I know how it is, I am perfection incarnate!" - I say tensing my biceps and showing my ripped abdomen, mom here did an excellent job on this body.

Annie pinched my belly, it didn't hurt, I just smiled. - "Get a little stronger if you want to hurt me." - I say while pinching her cheek.

She snorts at me.

Less than 1 hour later, we arrived at our destination, the Shitrin Family's mansion, where a group of beauties were waiting for us… and a mouse!

We left and… everyone came to surround Annie, hugging her, Kassia was crying, Tazla was crying hugging her, happy that she was ok, Mayara had red eyes and smiling.

Renner stayed away with his arms crossed, he didn't interact with Annie at all, but even if he had, his reaction wouldn't be much different.

Anyway, we soon entered the house and went to the Living Room, which was modified to suit the tastes of all of us.

Annie smiled with a certain bitterness, since the girls were giving her so much attention, Mayara even said. - "I want an Elixir too, look at that skin, you're not even wearing makeup, I think even Elves would be jealous!"

Then she looked at me. - "Hey, I killed a Dragon for this, I don't want to kill another one so soon!"

"Lazy!" - Said Mayara snorting at me, I grunted in response, when she turned around, I got up, went to her and gave her a strong slap on her ass, making her jump and scream, where she then began to chase me furiously.

The day was spent better informing Annie of the future plans for the Guild that we will create once I graduate from the Academy.

In addition, he was informed about Miliam and her enormous support for our group, our plans for the sons and daughters of the powerful families interested in me, and much more!

After the day was informative, we went to rest, where Juju, Sahari and Mayara pulled me into a room, saying I was theirs for the day.

I didn't even have the right to give an opinion before we were tangled up in bed and Mayara was already furious, pushing her cock into my pussy, hitting my muscular ass hard, it was pretty tasty.


On Day 6, I went to the Ordeal Dungeon, I didn't want to come here anymore, but I wanted to know what happens if I visit the 100th Challenge.

If I can face him again, maybe I'll gain another Level, and if I face him dozens of times, maybe I'll reach Level 30 before the end of the month.

But as soon as I stepped into the 100th Challenge, I got a message.

[You completed this Dungeon!]

[You are at Level 25, starting leveling protocol!]

[Choose: Quantity or Quality?]

[Amount: The amount of enemies will increase drastically!]

[Quality: Enemies' strength and size will increase dramatically!]

"Amount!" - I say without hesitation, because if you are going to face those miniatures of Wyverns, Drakes and Snakes Dragons, it is not necessary to say which would be better.

But I soon realized that maybe, this is worse!

I was at the place where I confronted the Humanoid Red Dragon, which crushed my head with its foot, but I noticed that the sky turned black, but it wasn't because of a climate change, it was because of the swarm of monsters coming!

Wielding my axe, I knew it was time to kill non-stop!



I spent my days facing hordes and hordes of creatures with Dragon blood, where I reached Level 26 in a few days, Level 27 in 1 week, my goodness it felt good to level up so quickly!

But I understand that this is because of the so-called "Leveling Protocol", I don't understand its benefit to whoever developed the Dungeons, but since it was helping me get closer to Level 30, who am I to complain?

Well, reaching Level 27, my Stamina went to 70, so I stopped attending for the hour, get some rest and of course, enjoy more time with my girls!

After carefully analyzing my current leveling rate for the past, I know that I won't be able to reach 2nd Class Advancement before the duel with Zhuge Rayli, so there's no reason to force myself.

I'll beat her with what I have, but… it's good to train while I can, she trained her whole life, I only trained for 1 year.

And speaking of 1 year, I hit 16 and didn't even realize it, I'm 1 year older, it didn't bother me too much, but when I got home, the girls had a huge birthday party for me, I was pretty surprised, since commoners don't has a specific birthday.

Usually commoners increase their age at the beginning of each year, only civilians from Cities like this use the calendar for their date of birth.

Well, that was cool what they did and my present was even more fun and exhausting!


PART 3 – Academia!


The holidays were camping, soon the entrance show would start and it would be my duel with Zhuge Rayli.

I managed to reach Level 28, it was hard, but if I had 1 more month, I would reach Level 30 for sure!

But that aside, I took a ride with some girls to the Academy, which in less than 3 months, simply doubled in size!

The Academy was already huge in the past, now it looks like a damn city!

The training ground that was the focus of last year's Room competition has seen massive improvements, the arena also had an elevated stage and magical enhancements throughout.

The school buildings that were somewhat similar to the structure of a Japanese School with several other details that made it so different, now looked like a damn Prestige University!

It was possible to take some special vehicles to move around the campus better, of course if it breaks down, you will have to pay!

The Academy grew so much and underwent so many changes, that they installed several Maps in several places with high access.

I read that huge Map, the library did not increase in size, but its interior underwent changes, as books of more advanced and important contents were being stored, magical knowledge was now free for use.

The computers also had all sorts of useful knowledge, but of course, there have been changes in access, there are limits for students, as many will probably be attending from now on, even I'm curious to spend a few hours there learning.

Also, in the Gym, it looks like they installed a damn Gravity Room, turned into Dragon Ball?

If I still needed to train my body, I would probably make it my second home, but training doesn't work for me anymore.

Of course, not physical training, but Martial Arts… what a wonderful thing!

The Gym was connected to Private Martial Arts Lessons, many B and A rank experts were sent here from various families and the nation, it seems that some retired Adventurers and Mercenaries also came to work here.

I don't quite understand the structure of this, but I read through the available classes and their instructors, there are repeated classes, but with different instructors, the price also varies.

But there are Training Coupons, which you can get 1 Week of Free Class with B Rank experts.

It may seem wrong to have to pay for better education, but in the end we are talking about B-Rank individuals, they are superhumans who, if they are not abnormalities like me, had a standard progression up to 2nd Class Advancement, even if they are not remarkable, they are experienced and have a thing or two I could learn from.

I'm going to attend some Classes as soon as possible, even if I can literally beat up all the instructors, I could use help to reach A-Rank with my [Berserker Mastery] which has been stuck at C-Rank for a long time!

In addition, it seems that there have been changes in teaching, classes being more mandatory, as specialists will teach once a week and we are talking about A Ranks!

But leaving all that aside, let's focus on what I was most excited about, the Dorms!

They are divided between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Dorms, where there have been many changes in the style that the Dorms are.

Those in the 1st year will share the Dormitory between 4 people of the same sex, while those in the 2nd year will share the Dormitories between 2 People, while those in the 3rd year will be alone.

But the difference in room sizes doesn't change that much, just 1 meter difference, but it's still quite significant.

But that's when they added something special: Best Students!

The Top 10 Students each year will receive an entire Dormitory Floor from the 3 new Dormitory Buildings.

They are identical, but the important thing is that they are much larger than other Dorms and are 1 full Floor!

In addition, if you can have employees, the school will pay, but only 2 and the student must get it and then someone from the school will go to the individual interested in the job and tell him the salary.

As for duties? The student in question will say.

I am already a 2nd Year Distinguished Student, as such, I have been given the entire 1st Floor to myself and can order access cards to deliver to my girls.

And well… as the maids will have free access to the Academy, they just won't be able to use certain facilities, as soon as Juju found out, she forced me to accept her as a maid on behalf, I accepted, it would be nice to have her by my side and she makes delicious food.

As for another maid, Pericles recommended me a very skilled maid, but she will receive double Salary, in other terms, Juju will be a maid in name only so that she can access the Academy without any problems, but she will not receive anything.

Juju didn't mind and neither did I, so yesterday I met the maid, who to my surprise, was a Dark Elf!

[Image] →

"Are you Roxana Keller?" - She asked calmly and coldly.

"Yes ma'am!" - I said with respect, because even though she looks young, I was informed that she is over 50 years old.

"My pay will be 3,500 Credits per month, I will work 5 days a week for 6 hours a day, I will take care of breakfast and lunch, I will leave every day at 4 pm!" - She said calmly.

"Ah… ok, but not even to introduce yourself!" - I say smiling slightly, she looks at me coldly and I gasp.

"My name is Nadia, no last name, I won't work at her house to be her friend, nor with the intention of seducing her, because I know she's a Futanari and that she has several sexual partners, I'm going there to work and that's it! I also know the circumstances of my 'partner' at work, I have already been warned, I hope you respect these limits, the moment I feel that I am not being properly respected, even if the pay is good, I will resign!" - She said coldly to me.

"I understand, but I'm not that type of woman, not that you are unattractive, but I understand your professionalism and that because of my girl's lack, you will have to do twice as much work, I apologize and thank you for your understanding. But as there will be many girls living there, know that it will be well organized." - I say with confidence.

Nadia looked at me, didn't answer and in the end I just had to sign a contract.

Then I walked away relieved, Nadia seems like a difficult person to get close to, but I'm really not going to try anything with her.

(Author: Keep your eyes off that busty elf, she's not on the hit list!)

Until the end of the day, I went to see my Dorm, it was huge, several rooms, I can even ask for modifications, they even let me design the interior.

The inner walls are wood, they can be moved, but of course, they were properly fitted and reinforced, it would need the right tools for modifications.

Anyway, it has a huge living room and several bedrooms, I gave extra focus to a large bathroom that practically has a swimming pool.

All for my pleasure and that of my girls.

Of course, there is no furniture, students must take care of it, of course, the school provides some basic furniture, but it will not furnish the entire Dormitory.

In my case, I have money and lots of girls, I paid a lot and everything was already here, except that the clothes, computers and other electronics were in boxes to be arranged yet.

As Renner, Sahari, Mayara, Kassia, Annie and Tazla will be living with me, they have relinquished their role as "Model Students" so that others can have the Dorms.

To tell the truth, it is a huge exaggeration to give so much space to children, but in the end we are talking about Nobles, most of those who own such a Dormitory will be rich and powerful.

All 30 Dorms were already being occupied by old students, but it is very likely that as soon as the 1st month has passed since the beginning of classes and positions are changing, these students will move.

I think that's even why none of them started to change yet, because they don't guarantee themselves after knowing who they will compete with.

Anyway, a lot has changed and this is going to be a very busy year, I'm looking forward to it!


PART 4 – Twins! (+18)


5 days, that was the time I had until the Duel with Zhuge Rayli, Pericles was in high spirits, in addition to having gained a lot of support from the nation and several donations from rich families, it can be said that at least 1/20 of the greatest geniuses in the world world are attending the Academy he runs.

All because of me, needless to say he thinks highly of me, giving me all kinds of rights, me and my girls(+Renner) can have free classes, school pays, we are guaranteed top marks and many other benefits.

If we want, we can skip the whole year, and as long as we only show a little progress, he'll give us full marks and that's it!

Is it a huge cheat and unfair to all students? Too much!

But I care? Of course!

I practically have a free pass to graduate with my girls, but a major factor in that was Renner and Kassia forgoing one of the Prestige Dorms.

They qualified, Renner was the best student in the 2nd year, he easily defeated most of the 3rd year, while he would have difficulty defeating others, but he was confident of not losing to anyone, until I showed up, of course!

Kassia has now entered the 2nd year with me, but her differential is the fact that she has Aura!

It goes without saying that Aura for Warriors is extremely important, it completely changes the direction of a battle, as it greatly strengthens its wielder in percentage.

Kassia, who was below the top 50 in the 1st year, jumped to 2nd place, since besides me, she was the only one with Aura in the entire 1st year.

Then we moved on to 2nd year, she could have received a dorm room with me because of her grades from last year and fast progression, but since she doesn't need all that space, she decided to live with me.

In simpler terms, she is the 2nd best of the 2nd year, at least for now, as surely that will soon change, as she won't be the only one who uses Aura among the new students.

I went to the new Gym, which was a little busy and I drew attention, I didn't bother, likely that most people go to the gym just because of the chance of meeting me.

As my girls are doing all kinds of things, like preparing Dragon meat and blood, Mayara and Sahari are studying many things with Miliam, Renner is training as usual.

In the end I'm alone, as even Annie had to catch up a lot and try to recreate connections, she didn't give up on her dream of being a World Famous Singer, but she made changes in it.

Annie was never very interested in leveling up, she only went up because it would help her improve her singing and she would have some strength to protect herself.

But after what happened and ingesting a legendary Elixir, she wants more strength, she wants to go through the 1st Class Advancement, then she will join me, even if her BUFFs are a little weak, they are still useful, but not as much as the ones from Jessica.

As much as it pains me to admit, Jessica was strong, Annie knew that and it must have been one of the biggest factors in her making that decision.

But the best thing for everyone was that the Bonus Attribute Points provided by the [Love Totem] were spent appropriately for each one, that is, 8 free Points, equivalent to 4 levels, were distributed in a way that balanced and strengthened them. .

Take Renner for example, he is a Magic Swordsman, so he needs good physical attributes, as well as a high Intelligence, just 2 Points is not enough for him to be very powerful, but he is still very strong due to the resources he received all his life. life and constant training.

But I believe that in later stages, having to focus on so many Attributes to power up will leave him weaker than most, his biggest advantage would be his Skills, but if he runs out of Mana, it's over for him.

As a result, it looks like half of the Points went to his Intelligence, the rest to his Stamina.

I found this strange, but he seemed healthier and happier than usual.

Mayara, being a Mage, had a naturally weak body, but it seems that 8 Points were spent on her physical and non-magical attributes, very strange, but she lasted a few more rounds, so what would I be complaining about.

I realized that it was something similar to the others, the 8 Points were for something that was not her focus, but that would help them a lot in the future, as Sahari gained more Mana, as well as Kassia, being able to activate her Aura for a longer time.

Juju and Tazla got physically stronger, but not that much, as it seems they were more charming, it was probably due to their Charm.

A lot is happening in such a short period of time, but the focus is… I need to hunt more people, everyone has already agreed to this after experiencing the taste of such a significant increase in their strength.

But of course, I have to be careful, soon Zhuge Rayli could get in the middle of it and there could be a lot more, so this information will have to be carefully guarded, as there are only 10 spaces.

I trained for about 1 hour, remembering the many hours I spent here to get tired, pushing myself to the limit.

Now, carrying 100~200 kg dumbbells with ease, I carry 500 kg in my arms without a problem.

In fact, I can easily carry 1 or 2 tons!

And there was this here, I naturally used it, finally feeling the pressure, but of course, the explosions when I released them were huge!

I would look at myself in the mirror while lifting weights, seeing these muscular arms full of strong veins, getting tense, gosh, look at those muscles!

Sweat running down my body, I really love exercising, in the past I didn't like it, I was lazy, but now, hehehe!

After my workout, I happily headed for the showers, but first, I exhaled some intimidation so no one would get in my way while I enjoyed my shower.

Haaa~ how I wish it were that easy!

As I enjoyed the icy cold water splashing over my body, the footsteps came and a familiar feeling, I soon turned and leaned against my shower stall door.

"What do you two want?" - Have you asked the Li sisters who stopped in front of me, both naked and… I admit they have amazing bodies.

Well-trained physiques, their muscles smaller than mine, as I am a little more explosive and they are contained because of the Ki they practice, giving them slimmer and more athletic physiques, they also have nice packs in the abdomen and the most attractive perhaps, it would be their penises lying between their legs, swaying as they walked.

"Hey bitch, know that one hit of yours was just luck, you caught me off guard!" - Li Chow shouted, snarling fiercely at me and kicking the door that didn't even move because I was holding it.

"Okay, congratulations, you had your guard down!" - I say and already wave my fingers for them to move away, but I know they won't.

Li Chow snarls at me, how sweet an angry bitch.

But I see Li Chun touching his sister's shoulder to calm her down, so she looks at me. - "I will be frank with you, my sister and I despised and hated you!"

"I feel the same, keep going!" - I say laughing and she slightly clenches her teeth.

"But our family has a huge interest in you and has sent us to seduce you!" - She said grunting and Li Chow spat on the ground in disgust.

I kept looking at them with disinterest, I don't care about them and neither do their family.

"It ended? If so, you can go away and stop bothering me, tell whoever sent you that my interest in your family is null, I don't need you and any benefit you might give me!" - I say coldly.

"Humph! Ignorant monkey, that's what you get for being interested in ignorant commoners who don't know the limits of the world!" - Li Chow snorted and kicked the door again, which started to get damaged, I won't pay for that shit!

"I know the limits of the little bitch world well, only that the Li Family is not in my eyes, see, I will soon have a hot and strong woman named Zhuge Rayli by my side, as far as I know, I believe that the Zhuge Clan is what, 10 times stronger than the Li Family?" - I say thoughtfully and Li Chow growls at me.

"Want a bone to gnaw on, I think I have one." - I say laughing and I actually take out a bone, it's one of the many strange items I have in my inventory.

"Bastard…" - Li Chow was red, it made me happy, she shuddered red with anger.

"Indeed, the Li Family does not compare to the financial and political power of the Zhuge Clan, but there are several ways for the Li Family to support you, even more than the Zhuge Clan could, since as far as I know, you have a bet that if Zhuge Rayli loses, she will become your wife and leave the Clan, but if you lose, you will marry anyone the Patriarch decides and have to join the Clan without a say!" -Li Chun laughed as she crossed her arms.

I smiled and said. - "I already knew that, it's no secret."

"In other words, you don't want commitment to any family or clan, but unfortunately for you, many do and even more will in the future!" - Said Li Chun, which unfortunately is a fact, but I'm preparing for it.

"You are smart, congratulations, want a cookie?" - I laugh, why you arrogant and snobbish bitch, don't go straight to the damn point?!

"Humph! All we need is your dick, so let's help each other, you fuck us, end this shit, the Li Family will support you and that's it, we just want your bloodline, but if I could, I'd rather die, but it's for the sake of Family!" - Said Li Chow, I laughed.

"What is so funny?" - She growled at me and I said. - "The funny thing is that you think I would just agree to get you pregnant, then have my children on the other side of the world? Do they think I'm a cold bitch who would get someone pregnant and not take responsibility? If this is common where you come from, I feel sorry, but this will not happen here, not with me!"

"You want to create a Guild, right?" - Asked Li Chun, which immediately made me alert and she smiled.

"I knew it was something like this, you are talented and strong, if I were in your shoes and had so many options, I would think big, creating a Guild will be very beneficial for you who have no family or reliable support." -She said calmly and smiling as if she was reading me.

Now this bitch has me worried and alert.

"Whatever, what do my plans interest you?" - I snort at her.

Li Chun smiled and slowly walked forward, touching the door and pushing it, I thought a little and let her open, let's see what she wants, of course, I know very well Mayara, I won't lose control.

Soon Li Chow came alongside her sister, the two of them blocking the passage, with Li Chow having an irritated and confident smile, while Li Chun smiled lightly.

"Of course, your plans are of great interest to the Li Family, not just mine, but any family, sect or clan that knew you were going to create a Guild, would try their best to create connections with you, a future S Rank, those who were yours. sexual partners, will receive the greatest benefits." - Li Chun said, it's true, but I have to be careful and not expose my plans so greatly yet.

And while I was thinking of a way to get rid of these two, Li Chun did something that neither I nor Li Chow expected.

Li Chun attacked her sister, squeezing specific places on her body and I saw Li Chow simply falling limp in her arms, I was amazed, Li Chow especially.

"Sorry sister…"-She whispered and I heard it, then her hugging her sister said. - "I don't want to be my family's disposable toy anymore, my sister is an idiot who acts before thinking, because of her, our situation has become complicated since you almost killed her!"

I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed and said. - "I don't care, it's your problem and hers!"

Li Chun smiles bitterly and soon I see her hugging her sister and slowly changing her position, where she lifted her sister hugging her long and muscular legs, exposing to me that big and muscular ass, her wrinkled anus, hairy and drooping pussy, her flaccid penis .

A very…unique sight that cheered me up a bit, but I'm keeping myself in check.

"I am showing my sincerity, I want to stay by your side, you are talented and strong, if you succeed in your plans, you will be the leader of one of the biggest and most powerful Guilds in the West, maybe at the moment my family will hate me for that treason, but in the future they will come running begging me to come back and resume connections, so I'm willing to use you to have some voice and... I don't mind offering me and my sister for that!" - Said Li Chun with very sharp and scary eyes.

I say this is very tempting, but… - "Why should I accept her, especially the woman who is selling her own sister?"

"Actually, this must be pretty despicable for you, I'm despising myself and I know my sister will hate me for the rest of her life because of this, but… you need me!" - She said with great confidence and looking me in the eyes.

"And why do I need you?" - I smiled with some disdain.

"Unlike your other girls, I was trained to manage my Family, even if I wasn't the main heiress, I was still trained and if I don't inherit it, I will be sent to marry someone selected by the family and manage one of the Side Families, while your women at best know a little about business but were brought up with silver and gold spoons so have never been in a practical environment, I have!"

"My Family trained me for all kinds of situations and I survived many adversities alongside my sister, we kill many people, other Martial Artists or assassinate important targets, annihilate bandits, we know secrets and much more!"

She spoke a lot and in fact, it interested me, but… why would I accept someone who so readily betrayed her sister like that?

"In case that doesn't convince you then I would say that I am extremely intelligent and manipulative as well as cold and cruel, I am ambitious and I know that if I stay with my family I will not be able to achieve my goals and I will be just another piece on the board. , I don't want that, you're my chance to be the one moving the pieces, so I'm risking so much and doing this with the person I care about most besides myself!" - Said Li Chun looking into my eyes with calm and determination.

I laughed and approached, my hand touched Li Chow's smooth back which shuddered and my finger slid down her back. - "What if I don't trust you at all? What guarantee do I have that you won't stab me in the back?"

"My sister will hate me whether or not you fuck her, she will tell my family and regardless of the outcome, I could end up being returned for disciplinary punishment which will most likely result in me being imprisoned for decades or my entire life, while if you fuck her, the Li Family will put pressure on you and the nation, but the Zhuge Clan will intervene if you defeat Zhuge Rayli and make her your woman!"

"My plans will become concrete the instant you defeat Zhuge Rayli, but if I tried that after you defeat her, I wouldn't have any opportunities, but if I do before, my family will be able to do little… in simpler terms, the whole my family's anger will fall on me, my sister will abandon me and likely our cousin will be sent to try to seduce you and stay by your side."

"I want to have more opportunities and options, I feel that if I stay by your side and help you with my talents, you will be able to develop even faster and if I use you as protection, the Li Family will be able to do nothing and everything. what I have sacrificed will have been worth it!"

I looked at her and… I admit I didn't understand half of it, but what I did understand was.

If I refuse everything, she will probably try to run away as soon as possible, but she will be found by her family, captured, tortured and imprisoned for life.

If I accept, her family is likely to break connections with her and try to eliminate her, but if she stays with me, especially when I defeat Zhuge Rayli, she will be supported and the Li Family will have to be quiet and observe better before thinking about acting .

It's quite complex, but the moment she left her sister like that, she already put a target on her back, the problem is knowing if her sister is in that plan too, but... by her reactions before losing her ability to speak and her Look, she doesn't know any of this.

"Hummm… one question, why introduce me to your sister and not yourself?" -She asked curiously.

"… you need me to be honest, I am being honest about who I am and what I am willing to do for you to trust me even superficially, I just need the protection your name will give me and in return I will give you my loyalty and body, I will use my wisdom and wit to help you reach great heights and whatever weight, let me accompany you!" - She said without any hesitation and even added. - "Not to mention that from what I researched about you, you are an impulsive woman who easily gives in to your desires, so I believe that you would be irritated by my sister and you would even have, in the bottom of your heart, the desire to fuck her, then I am giving you this as a token of my loyalty!"

I laugh, seriously, I admit that Li Chun surprised me a lot and… thinking about everything she said, I believe that I need someone with her skills and maybe I can make her like me and even subdue that crazy bitch of her sister , 2 free points, even if it takes time, every point will be worth it.

And if Li Chun is as skilled as her confidence says, then I can use her… I really don't want to hear Mayara complain, she'll rip my ears and balls off after this, but…

My hand slid to that ass, my fingers soon slid over her puckered anus and her hairy pussy, the grunts came from Li Chow and curiously I took a look at her face and… holy shit, she is crying while making an expression of extreme anger.

Well, being betrayed by your sister like that can't be pleasant at all... well, I want to see something.

Opening her buttocks, I use the shower water to wet her a little, before sticking my fingers in her anus, because I want to fuck her ass not her pussy!

Li Chow glared at his sister with enormous hatred, so I took my dick that… holy shit, it's fucking hard!

I smile at Li Chun who has a cold expression, then I step forward and Li Chow's entire body trembles, I thrust my whole cock into this tight and constantly twitching interior, damn, she's too tight!

Smiling, I immediately hug Li Chow and remove her from the arms of this bitch she calls her sister.

"Turn off what you did to mute her, let's hear what her sister has to say!" - I say laughing, Li Chun clenched his teeth and then hit his sister's throat and…

"WORTHY!" - Li Chow roared in solutions. - "How can you do this to me… shit~" - She snarled.

"I'm sorry, but it's the only way we can disassociate ourselves from the Li Family!" - Said Li Chun.

"Us? You say we now?! Cum! Motherfucker, get that off my ass!!!" - Li Chow growled furiously and I say. - "No!"

She growls at me, crying and looks at her sister. - "I swear… I swear I will kill you…"

Wow, that escalated a lot and… To my surprise, Li Chun stepped forward and hugged his sister. - "Sorry… there's no other way, grandma would discard us… I talked to her and because of what you did, she was about to send us away and maybe… send us to the Lonely Tower!"

I have no idea what's going on, but Li Chow shuddered hearing this and even had a blank expression.

"I know you hate me for all of this, I'm sorry I'm really sorry sister…but this woman Roxana is the only thing keeping us from being sent to that place…that was the only way I thought we could have some choice!" - Said Li Chun crying while hugging her sister, the funniest and even darkest thing is that I have my huge cock in her sister's ass.

"Why… didn't you tell me anything?" - Asked Li Chow with his head on his sister's shoulder.

"You… you're too explosive and panicky, you don't know how to act, unfortunately I can't rely on your skills except in combat… sorry sister, but it was the only way I thought of getting closer to Roxana." - She cried hugging her sister tightly, I just heard that and… damn, I feel like the villain at the end!



Well, since it looks like I'm the villain, let's go all the way!

Li Chow growled and Li Chun closed her eyes, shuddering, maybe guilty or is this acting too?

I laughed and grabbed Li Chow's neck. - "Your sister was right, how I hate you and her, pestering me, walking around arrogantly, but well, now I can have as much fun as I want!"

I give another hard thrust and she grits her teeth hard. - "I'm going to kill you..." - She said in fury.

"You can try!" -I say listening to her and give her another strong thrust on her ass, my hand goes to her mouth, her soft legs falling and I roll up that tight ass, heavens, how tasty!

I may not enjoy this type of relationship that much, but this is exciting, such a betrayal, I know I can end up getting screwed a lot because of it, but I'm willing to risk it!

Smiling, she looked at Li Chun and I pulled her, she was scared, but she didn't resist, I brought my face closer to hers, she thought I would kiss her, but I reached her ear and said. - "How about helping your sister, I think something of hers is fine alone!"

She was confused and I looked in the direction, she looked and saw Li Chow's cock erect and swaying with my thrusts.

Hesitantly, she dropped to her knees and grabbed her sister's cock, I smiled at that and Li Chow clenched her teeth. - "See the sincerity of your sister, what a good sister you have!"

She growled at me and started moaning as Li Chun began to lick her long, thick length, carefully massaging her balls, she treated her sister's cock like it was the most precious thing in the world!

"Hahaha, you guys seem to play a lot, I envy, I wish I had a twin sister too!" - I say laughing and push harder, how this is turning me on, holy shit!

Soon I pull Li Chow's legs, hugging them and intertwining my fingers behind her head, Full Nelson baby!

I watched with delight as Li Chun swallowed all that huge cock, even I would have a hard time with something that big, what a committed sister!

Laughing I asked. - "Where do you want to come? Mouth, face or maybe in the sister's cunt? Take your pick, I'll send her and she'll obey!"

Li Chun stopped sucking her sister, Li Chow snarled, looking at me in anger, even though she was quite confused due to the intense pleasure she must be feeling, I believe this is not the first time she has tried anal.

"Won't you tell? Well then… Li Chun, keep it all in your mouth!" - I say and she goes back to giving her passionate blowjob to her sister.

Soon Li Chow begins to howl angrily and curses loudly as she explodes into her sister's mouth, which she seems to get a lot of, puffing out her cheeks.

I saw her squeezing that massive cock out to the last drop, where she lay there, kneeling and tasting. - "Don't be greedy, come here!" - I say and soon she gets up.

Smiling, I lift Li Chow's face and say. - "I want to see a beautiful kiss!"

Li Chun looks deep into his sister's eyes, before moving forward with his mouth full and kissing his sister, which she accepted?

I smile, it seems that they love each other much more than I thought, look, it seems that I'm putting together a forbidden couple, my forbidden couple!

Smiling, I walked over and stopped their kiss, I wanted some too, I even dropped Li Chow, of course, carefully!

I held Li Chun's waist, his hard cock pressing into my thigh and side of my abdomen, I tasted this oriental delicacy and it was delicious, I swallowed a little and smiled. - "I think I might come to like you." - I say laughing.

I look down at Li Chow sitting there, grunting and panting. -"Well, I'm tired of playing with her, now it's her turn!" - I say while my cock is throbbing vigorously.

"Where?" -She asked and I turned her around in response, sliding my finger through her vagina and anus, before sticking my fingers in her ass and guiding my cock to her.

Since I don't care if they like it or not, I decided to take advantage of it and take care of the consequences later!

So I hear Li Chun grunt as she shudders, damn I think she's even tighter than her sister!

"I don't know if it's your sister who has a lot of experience using her ass, or if it was this thing you did to make her immobile, as she was easier to fuck!" - I say laughing and Li Chun just growls at me.

I laugh and thrust everything into a vigorous lunge, which made her lose sensation in her legs, I grab her by the neck and hug her, then I begin to flex hard and fast, the constant sound of the clash of flesh echoed and I watched Li Chow looking at us angrily while his cock was very hard.

I chuckle, giving her full view of me destroying her sister, move her face to her side and give her a kiss, which she reluctantly returns as best she can.

Even though she's forcing herself to it, I really don't care, if she wants to use me, I'll use her too!

Growling, soon I come, fuck, I can't stop ejaculating, she howls, grabbing my arm around her neck.

I gasp a little and release her, dropping her to her knees in front of her sister, I'm still coming and my jets fall on Li Chow, naturally it was on purpose.

Smiling, I crouch down, look at her furiously looking at me and grinding her teeth, I grab her chin and decide to give her a kiss, she widens her eyes, but bites my tongue and I only give a light laugh.

I look at Li Chun on the side, recovering, then I turn off the shower and pull her out of here, I throw her on the bench and I'm already sticking myself in her tight ass again, she howls and I start pumping.

They locked the door which is good, privacy and I'm not worried about complaints as there are other shower sets as they have been thought of in case something like this happens.

With ferocious thrusts, I make her scream loudly as I hold her by the neck and waist, heavens, how tight she is!

I really needed this, I haven't fucked my girls in a while and I was also pretty frustrated with these two twins since they jerked me off in the shower last time, now here I am, fucking their tight asses after such a messed up and diabolical plot, which I really liked!

"CURSE!" - A roar came from behind, startling me when I'm pushed against Li Chun, has she come to her senses? What?!

I'm confused, but I'm already getting ready to fight, but I feel something and scream, fuck! She just shoved her dick up my ass!


She punched hard, making me growl, I wince because my ass is so sensitive.

"Are you enjoying your slut?! TRY A LITTLE MORE YOU FILTHY MONKEY!!!" - Li Chow roared holding my elbows and starting a frantic pumping in my ass, I face, but I can't resist, because how this is turning me on!

She's really angry as I'm even feeling a bit of a pain in my ass right now.

Soon she pulls me and hugs me, her hands tightly holding my tan breasts, her anger made her dig her nails into my breasts, bitch ~ fuck! - "Fuck harder!" - I say growling and she howls.

"FUCK YOU!" - She screams and it actually gets stronger, the heavy shock of her groin hitting my ass, I roll my eyes in pure delight as my cock is in her sister's ass.

Then I remember Li Chun, I look over at her, only to see her having adjusted herself to the light and started to move her ass on my cock, damn it! These two~ sure planned this!

I don't care about anything anymore, I'm going to roll these two up, but first, enjoy and dominate me, fuck my ass hard, you Pincher full of rage, then I'll see if what they said was true or false.

… (3rd Person POV)

Li Chow was angry, very angry, her sister betrayed her, said so many things, betrayed her family and then made that inferior monkey, Roxana, fuck her ass!

How angry she was, wanting to kill them both, but when Roxana went to turn off the shower, that's when her sister hit her pressure points and was then dragged onto the benches.

The flesh shock sounded and Li Chow was confused about her sister's plans, what did she want? Why did she do all this? She cried in anguish, regaining her strength and clenched her teeth.

She got up and looked over the door, seeing that troglodyte tugging at her sister, it infuriated her, she thought of killing her, taking the opportunity to break her neck, regardless of how strong she is, she is helpless.

But she thought of her sister's words, the Lone Tower... a place she doesn't want to go, a place for punishment and training, which turns anyone into an empty husk that only serves to fight, kill, and if you meet the requirements, breed, her descendants will be the same as her and it will be like this until someday, the Lone Tower ceases to exist, but it has existed for over 1,000 years…

Li Chow didn't want this, she thought, she was confused, her sister's screams and moans tormented her, until something seemed to snap in her mind and finally she stopped thinking about it all and jumped up, furiously kicking Roxana in the back. and seeing that ass and cunt exposed, she went and shoved his rock hard cock up her ass.

She wanted to see her cry out in anguish, but what came was moans and pleasurable screams, even mocking telling her to thrust harder.

Angry, Li Chow thrust harder, then she heard her sister's moans and looking under Roxana's armpit, she saw her sister working on that huge cock, this made her growl and thrust with even more force and ferocity, squeezing those big breasts, which are bigger than yours.

'Fuck~'-Li Chow moaned rolling her eyes, Roxana is too tight and all her anger and frustration was exploding, converting into pure ecstasy.

Before she could gasp for air, Roxana was on top of her, pushing her and it startled her, whereupon she howled shrilly as she began squirting her slimy cream into Roxana's guts, who howled shrilly as she came as well and filled her ass. by Li Chun for the 2nd time.

Li Chow snarled as he gripped Roxana's waist, spasming and then heaving, snarling with this troglodyte on top of her, she wasn't light at all, easily over 200 kilos, maybe 300!

(Note: Bone and muscle density!)

As soon as Roxana got out of her, getting up and throwing Li Chun over her, she moaned and so did her sister.

"I don't know if this was arranged, if she broke free of the paralysis on her own, I really don't care, the shit has already been thrown to the fan, but I hope you understand that you messed with an unstoppable monster and I will use you as much as my heart rule!" - Roxana said laughing.

"I don't know my sister's plans, but this won't end as you or she wishes!" - Said Li Chow fiercely as he pushed his sister and stood up, facing Roxana who was smiling.

"And even?" Roxana laughed and grabbed her cock. - "You thought that because you fucked me you were something? If you cum on my ass, it's because I left you idiot!"

"Humph! We will see!" - Li Chow growled and advanced on Roxana, aiming to knock her down, but… Roxana didn't even move!

"There is a huge barrier between us!" - Roxana said pushing her back and throwing her to the ground, before picking her up and taking her into her arms.

Being embraced by Roxana, Li Chow tried to break free, but Roxana's strength was overwhelming!

"Let's not use energies, I don't want to destroy you pincher!" - Roxana said laughing and Li Chow growled. - "I dont need!"

Roxana laughed and said. - "That's the spirit!" - Then she turned and lifted her, his huge cock going between her thighs and pressing on her rope balls and erect cock.

Li Chow growled as she tried to free herself, but the difference in strength is too absurd and she couldn't get rid of his grip, even kicking a few places that hurt or pressing others, Roxana only felt ticklish!

Then Roxana fit her ass again and brought her down, Li Chow howled shrilly as her nails dug into the flesh of Roxana's arm around her chest.

Roxana went to her ear. - "I'll love training you and your sister, but keep being wild, I'm liking that about you, adding explosive spice to my harem, I like that!"

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" - Li Chow roared, growling stridently while Roxana thrust hard into his ass, shaking his overheated mind.

"Yeah, kill me with that tight ass of yours!" -Roxana said laughing in her ear and then going to the wall, pressing her against the wall and crushing her fiercely.

Li Chow's howls and screams echoed stridently, she constantly wanting to reverse it, but the difference in power was too high.

Li Chun at that moment stood up, then advanced, fit Roxana's ass and advanced, Roxana howled and bit her lips, feeling Li Chun's embrace on her chest.

"Finally awake darling, show me some cheer, don't be short of your sister." - Roxana said provocatively and in response, Li Chun demonstrated all his momentum by crushing his ass and even grabbing his balls, massaging them.

"Fuck~ this is excitement!" - Roxana chuckled, then took advantage of Li Chow's flexibility to turn her around and leave her in front of her.

Laughing, Roxana stole her lips as she squashed her ass, she loved watching her like a wild animal struggling, her body covered in scratches, as the heavy shock of flesh echoed through the trio's minds.

Li Chow was howling shrilly, trying to push Roxana away while rolling his eyes in ecstasy, trying to hold on, but soon his cock began to pulsate and then shot jets upwards, smearing Roxana and her.

Roxana smiled and said. - "My turn!"

Soon she dumped her load into Li Chow's guts, where Roxana watched that face mixed with anger, frustration, and pleasure, trying her best to keep her pride.

Roxana laughed and released her, letting her fall to the floor and resting her hands on the wall, letting Li Chun forcefully fuck her ass, where soon came the heavy load she had kept until now.

Roxana felt some weakness in her legs, these sisters are really devilish!

Sitting with her back against the wall, Roxana smiled seeing the two of them, Li Chow beside her, catching her breath and Li Chun kneeling, also catching her breath.

Roxana thought for a while, before pulling Li Chun onto her lap and starting to kiss her, attacking her long neck, leaving several marks before opening her glutes wide, returning to her tight, soft and very wet interior.

Li Chun growled rolling her eyes, where Roxana started to move up and down her, less intensely than before, but she wanted to appreciate that tight and delicious ass.

And soon Li Chow was standing to the side, Roxana looked over with a smirk, which only pissed her off even more and grabbed her hair.

Roxana watched and then Li Chow was forcing his cock into her mouth, Roxana accepted and she was putting everything, invading her throat, not caring about the urge to vomit, she wanted to make Roxana suffer.

Indeed, it was difficult for Roxana to accept something that big, as even Mayara or Renner weren't that big or thick, but she adapted quickly.

But soon Li Chow was standing between Li Chun and Roxana's faces, pressing Roxana's head against the wall and stuffing it down her throat, using her as an onahole.

Li Chun biting his lips and feeling the cock pulsing hard in his ass, looked at his sister's ass, before moving forward and starting to lick, Li Chow growled but didn't refuse.

She braced her hands on the wall to drive deep into Roxana's throat, not caring if her head hit the wall, but Roxana used a little force to stop that from happening and just took advantage.

It wasn't long before Li Chow snarled fiercely and filled Roxana's throat, which she held to her waist and swallowed it all down, down to the last drop.

"FUCK~ BITCH!" - Li Chow shouted grabbing Roxana's hair, she soon wanted to withdraw, but Roxana didn't let her, a strong suction, until finally she was pushed slowly.

Li Chow was growling in ecstasy, that wonderful mouth and then his long thick cock came out of those greedy lips, falling over her face, Roxana making a naughty expression as she gasped, his huge cock lying in her face.

At that moment, Li Chow's heart pounded, his cock throbbed, she for the first time found Roxana sexy!

She growled at the thought and soon heard her sister's howl, who was getting another heavy load on her ass.

"Shit~" - Li Chow snarled and soon jumped to the side and then sat down on the bench, panting and clenching his teeth.

Roxana was also catching her breath, that was very good, Mayara if she saw this, she would die of jealousy of Li Chow, since she never managed to get such an expression out of Roxana.

Soon Roxana pulled Li Chun off his cock and Li Chow saw her sister's ass and she swallowed her saliva as big balls of semen started leaking from that ass she had seen her whole life, her sister's sexy body shuddering.

As soon as Roxana released her onto his groin, she needed to catch her breath.

But then Li Chow came, snarling with his rock hard cock, Roxana thought she was going to attack him again and she wasn't thinking of backing down, but who she went after was her sister!

Realizing this, Roxana gladly opened Li Chun's buttocks, which she grunted and said. - "Please… I need to breathe…"

Roxana laughed and said. - "Sorry, but it's not me this time!"

Li Chun was confused and soon howled as she felt a big thick cock invading her ass, Li Chow hugging her sister's neck and saying. - "I will never forgive you, you damn thing!"

Roxana laughed, surely this is just feigned anger, she can't even say anything better or express what she feels.

She enjoyed watching as Li Chun howled shrilly while Li Chow rolled up his cum-filled ass.

It was so much fun to see these Asian beauties with very similar faces but completely different looks.

Li Chow is something aggressive, a beast that just broke out of its chains!

Li Chun is calm and reserved, full of arrogance and confidence.

Now these two, who seem to be something like Yin-Yang, were engaging in frenetic and forbidden sex, as it was nice to see, but she wanted to participate!

Going to Li Chow's back, Roxana pushed her over her sister, she snarled, cursing, but didn't refuse, she knew it would be useless for what was to come.

Then her sensitive ass was filled by Roxana's massive cock, her high-pitched howl sounded, and then came the impacts!

Roxana pressed her over her sister as she ferociously thrust without stopping.

The moans and screams of the two assaulted her ears, taking her to new levels of excitement!

Roxana reveled in this fierce, merciless sex!

Time passed, Roxana smiled with satisfaction. - "Thanks girls, that was great!" - She said laughing, but the two weren't able to listen or reason.

Li Chow was lying with her face on her sister's breasts, her ass white, now a deep red, her eyes white from how much she came, her dick limp and swollen and her ass leaking the mixture of Roxana and Li's quality creams Chun.

Li Chun wasn't much different, only she had her legs spread wide as a large pool of cum formed below her ass, her eyes blank as well.

She enjoyed the two of them spasming for a while, her phone full of pictures of the two of them, she knows she'll hear a lot from Mayara but she's ready for whatever comes.

Soon she was in the shower, cleaning herself up, then drying off, unlocking the door and leaving.

The gym was already pretty empty, she really didn't mind and happily went to get ready to receive a huge scolding!

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