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100% Devils White Dragon Emperor (DxD) / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Kapitel 4: Chapter 4

[Albion talking]


3rd POV

Kouh Academy, Occult Research Club

The Gremory Peerage is getting ready to go to the underworld as Rias was ordered to bring Ryuma. Since Ryuma is this generation White Dragon Emperor a longinus user. The devil faction has never had a longinus user in there ranks before and are excited for Ryuma and even congratulated Rias for recruiting him. Other factions have gotten lucky and gained longinus users, The church have Zenith Tempest and the fallen angels are rumored to have the Red Dragon Emperor. Lord Lucifer wants to meet Ryuma personally. Rias is confused and concerned on why her brother wants to meet Ryuma.

"Are we going to the train station this time president?" Koneko asked Rias. 

Rias finished the last of her paperwork looked up at her. "No not this time. Lord Lucifer wants us to get to the underworld as soon as possible though he has showed a strange interest in meeting you Ryuma." 

Ryuma spit out the tea he was drinking . "Huhhhh! Lord Lucifer wants to meet me why?" Ryuma started sweating a little nervous. 

Crossing her arms under her impressive bust she answered. "My brother probably just wants to see the newest member of my peerage I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"Oh yeah I forgot your brother is the new Lucifer maybe I can relax." Ryuma sighed in relief. His sacred gear popped out.

[I wouldn't relax too much partner. Though Sirzechs Lucifer isn't a bad person per say, he still is known for his power as a super devil and being the top ten list. I advise you to be respectful at the least.] Albion advised his partner. 

Akeno nodded her head to this. "He's right Ryuma, Lord Lucifer may be nice to Rias and us as her peerage his position and power demand respect." 

Kiba sat down next to him. "If the devil society respects anything it's power and as the strongest everyone treats him as they did the original Lucifer." 

"Although I've never seen him fight, you can feel oni-sama power in the air when your close to him. Also his wife the underworld strongest queen is very strict and will punish you for disrespect." Rias said as she made a teleport circle in the middle of the room and everyone walked towards it holding their suitcases.

"I can't tell if you were trying to help me or make me even more nervous." Ryuma muttered as the circle activates.

"Oh calm down Ryuma, even if he's my brother I won't allow him to hurt you." Rias winked at him.

The magic circle flashed and Ryuma felt weightless and his stomach jumped a few times before he felt land under him. The flash went away and he looked at the sky. 

"Wow a purple sky! This looks amazing." Ryuma says in wonder.

"The underworld is it's own dimension with its own time and space rules but for the sake of reincarnated devils its time matches earth's. Now look ahead you'll see my home." Rias pointed out.

Ryuma looks forward and sees I gigantic castle with a wide fence along with several strong looking guards. Walking closer to the gates the guards bow at Rias opening the gates and made there way inside. At the front door was Sirzechs wife and queen Grayfia Lucifuge in a maid outfit she bowed in greeting.

"Good day Rias-sama and peerage your family is waiting inside for you all please come this way." Grayfia led them inside.

Ryuma was looking at all the expensive looking furniture and decorations. Walking ahead they stop to see two red haired men and a big beautiful blessed woman. 

"Rias so good to see you agian dear have been eating right come let your mother look at you." Venelana said.

"HAHAHA dear look at her face its almost as red as her hair I think you shouldn't embarrass our daughter in front of her peerage." Her father Zeoticus told his wife after giving his daughter a hug.

"Ria-chan don't ignore your oni-chan come give me a hug." Sirzechs said as he tried to lunge and hug Rias only to receive a kick in the face by her and a slap on the head by Grayfia.

"That's gross please never do that again oni-sama." Rias said in a dead tone and look of disgust.

"Please Lord Lucifer not in front of guest especially as important as this one." Grayfia reminded him.

'This is the guy I was worried about. That was sad.' Ryuma thought with a barely noticeable twitch on his lip.

"Ah yes you must be Ryuma my daughter has talked on and on about on the phone." Venelana said hiding her laugh behind her hands as Rias blushed.

"MOTHER!" Rias shouted completely red faced.

"Why yes Rias your mother has told me how often you speak of this young man. Even showed me the photos of several outings you have had. You should be careful. Your fiancé could have the wrong thought if he heard of this." Zeoticus said seriously.

Rias who was embarrassed was now enraged at what her father said but before she could comment she felt the room get heavy. Turning around she saw demonic power escaping from Ryuma. His eyes turned draconic and everyone could swear the scene a silhouette of Albion behind him

"Fiancé. Rias?" Though only saying her name Rias heard the question in his tone.

Rias hugged him close. "An arranged marriage I plan on escaping I refuse to marry that bastard It's okay Ryuma." 

His demonic power eased back into him and his eyes normal. He looked at Rias with a little pain in his eyes but he gave him a look that meant they will discus things later.

'Why didn't she tell me she had a fiancé. I know she said she doesn't want it but why not tell me. I could have helped her. I know we have a connection I feel it. I refuse to let her go to someone she doesn't like. Rias looked better happy not the sadness I saw in her eyes when her father mentioned it.' Ryuma thought

All the adults looked at each other a slightly nodded. Venelana clapped her hand gaining everyones attention.

"Well why don't we all catch up over dinner. Koneko dear I've got that special cake you like ready." Venelana said.

Koneko perked her head up at that and started walking fast to the dining room.

"Hehehe that girl never changes." Zeocutis laughed.

"I would like to have a small chat with Ryuma here you all go on ahead of us we'll catch up. Is that alright Ryuma?" Sirzechs asked but Ryuma could feel he really wanted to talk.

"Oni-sama?" Rias looked concerned.

Smiling Sirzechs patted her head. "It will be just fine Rias I only want to talk."

Rias looked at Ryuma who while still upset at her for not telling him sooner still gave her a small smile which calmed her.

Ryuma looks at Sirzechs and nods. "Of course sir lead the way."

Everyone continued on to the dinning room while Sirzechs and Ryuma walked to on of the offices in the manor. Its a silent walk to the office. Sirzechs opens the door for Ryuma and locks it shut once he's in. Sirzechs moves to the couch and gestures Ryuma to another.

"As I'm sure Rias has told you before I am Sirzechs Lucifer pleased to meet you." Sirzechs started off.

"Ahem yes, Ryuma Asakura the pleasers all mine Lord Lucifer." Ryuma said back.

Sirzechs smiled before getting serious. "First off I would like to apologize for my fathers actions as he wanted to test you before."

Ryuma looked confused. "Test me?"

Sirzechs sighed. "As you've heard Rias has a fiancé. This was not my doing I assure you. But the Gremory council always looks for the next generation as our race is so small since the war. Wanting to have stronger descendants they decided to offer Rias to another esteemed devil clan to make an alliance." Ryuma looked at him to continue. "The clan they chose are the Phenex clan who."

Ryuma caught him off. "Who are one of the riches clans in the underworld known for there bloodline ability Immortality regenerate body parts in flames and Phoenix Tears which can heal any injury instantly." 

Sirzechs looked shocked but pleased. "Impressive I see Rias has given you a history lesson."

Ryuma groaned. "Yes her and Akeno dam sadist, every time I got a question wrong she'd shock me and smile in my pain."

Sirzechs chuckled before getting back on track. "As I was saying the council chose the Phenex clan third son Riser. Who's peerage is his harem and a known womanizer, he's a strong contender in the rating games and finds himself unbeatable as he has his clans ability. Rias was given this news when she was 11 and has been angry and sad every since. At first she thought I would help her get out of it but my hands are tied.

Ryuma gains a frown on his face. "What do you mean?"

"When I became Lucifer I essentially gave up my title as Heir Gremory and "cut" ties with my family as my last name changed. One of the rules set up for the new Satan's are they can't interfere with their clan politics anymore to be fair to everyone else. My mother wanted to break Rias out of this marriage as she knew not everyone can get as lucky as her to fall in love with an arranged partner. My father doesn't want Rias in this marriage but his hands are also tied as if he doesn't agree than they may set her up with someone worse and up the time frame. At the same time my father believes this could be a good lesson for Rias. She needs to fight for what she wants. She hasn't ever trained past the bare minimum and has been handed everything on a golden spoon perhaps this is what she needs to kick her into gear. The contract between them say's they will be married at 18 unless Rias wants to oppose the marriage and fight Riser along with his peerage in a rating game for her freedom. "Sirzechs said and looked at Ryuma.

Many emotions have been showed by Ryuma during Sirzechs speech and than Ryuma gained an unreadable look. "I get the backstory and quite honestly I'm PISSED! Rias should get to decide who she wants to marry and so what if this old ass council wants to have stronger offspring Rias is not a whore here to breed and pop out babies. If the Gremory's want strong I'll show them strong! I'm a dragon and you never steel from a dragon." Memories of Rias flash through Ryuma mind. Remembering when they first met, her sleeping over at his house watching anime, Rias making him a bento box, Rias helping him study, the care she gave when she learned he was attacked by a stray, the sadness in her eye when her father mentioned her fiancé. and the dream of getting married to her. It was at this moment Ryuma knew he was in love with Rias Gremory. The Divine Dividing Wings formed on his back and the feathers of the wings were growing and glowing in power. "Rating game you say. RIAS GREMORY BELONGS TO ME THE UNDERWORLD WILL FEEL THE MIGHT WHITE DRAGON EMPEROR!" 

A blue and white aura formed around Ryuma and then his wings flashed a bright light and Sirzechs activated the rooms bairrers.


A White Dragon Armor with blue jewels that covers the Ryuma's body and the Divine Dividing wings increased in size.

(Divine Dividing Scale Mail image here)

'I feel so much stronger what's going on what is this?' Ryuma thought as he looked at his arms and body seeing he was armored up.

[You did it Ryuma, you've achieved balance breaker!] Albion said in pride.

 "I did! But how?" Ryuma asked in wonder.

"Perhaps I can answer that." Sirzechs said with a small smile.

'Even with my new found power he still sits so calmly as if nothing happened. Just how strong are you' Ryuma wondered.

"It seems as my father and mother theory was right and you passed his test." Sirzechs starts off.

Ryuma frowned in his helmet. "There you go again what test?" 

"You see as I said before my father wanted to help Rias buy his hands were tied and it seems as Rias didn't want to help herself. But one day she called mother happy, happier than she's been in years and it all revolves around a boy she meet. Later we here he had a sacred gear and how after getting to know him more she will invite him to her peerage. Imagine our surprise when we hear he had the Divine Dividing and Rias added him to our ranks. When father heard the way she talks about you, and all the time you spent together he thought that you liked each other and that this might be what Rias needed to start taking her training seriously as if she wants to be with you she will have to break her engagement. So father decided to bring you here and test you. He wanted to know how you felt about her and if you truly liked her than you would be enough to get her and the rest of the peerage training ready for Riser. But who would have thought it would be the catalyst you needed to unlock balance breaker I think you passed his test with flying colors." Sirzechs finished with a smile.

Wide eyed Ryuma was shocked at how this all went down. 

[Partner you might be one of my most talented users yet. Youve unlocked balance breaker so quickly and your demonic power is naturally high at least high rank level.] Albion informed him.

"WAIT, she's been talking about me to you guys and you think she likes me back?" Ryuma asked.

Both Albion and Sirzechs deadpanned and looked at him as if he were an idiot.

Sirzechs sighed. "Why don't you ask her after dinner your self and see what she says."

"Your right, I'll tell her how I feel and hopefully she likes me back." Ryuma says happily.

Sirzechs turns serious and his eyes turn crimson as his power of destruction slowly leaks out and the pressure the room gets heavy. "I give you my blessing to pursue Rias but if you hurt her. Nothing can save you from my wrath. You will burn in an everlasting destruction."

Ryuma feels the pressure and notices even though his power is leaking nothing is being destroyed. 'Even now his control is perfect. Is this a glimpse of the real Sirzechs Lucifer is this true power. Even though he's threatening me I don't feel scared but excited, like I want to test my strength.' Ryuma thought.

"If I hurt Rias I will kill my self. I will never hurt her she means to much." Ryuma tells him seriously. Sirzechs nods and goes back to his cheerful self. Ryuma relaxes and the balance breaker goes away.

"Now how about we go to dinner I know Rias and your friends are worried." Sirzechs gets up and Ryuma follows him to the dinning room.

At the Gremory dining room everyone is laughing or eating having a good time when the maids open the door allowing Ryuma and Sirzechs in. The room goes silent as Ryuma sat next to Rias and Sirzechs sits next to his father. Rias looks at Ryuma in concern and lightly hold his hand, he smiles at her and squeezed her hand to give her some comfort. Ryuma looks at the rest of his friends and smiles letting them know everything's fine. Zeoticus and Venelana notice this and look to Sirzechs who smiles in return. Chuckling Zeoticus resumes the festivities.

After a long but delicious dinner the Gremory peerage got ready for bed in all there own personal rooms, Ryuma getting his own as well. The peerage will return to the human world in the morning. Walking out of the bathroom Ryuma walks to his bed just for someone to knock on his door.

"Ryuma are you still awake it's me." Rias said.

Shocked but happy Ryuma opens the door to see Rias wearing a red robe around her body. Ryuma moves to the side gesturing her in.

"For you Rias I'm always awake." Ryuma teased 

Rias giggled and walked inside. Ryuma sat on his bed and patted next to him for her to take a seat. She sat down and leaned her head on his shoulder both enjoying the silence and each others warmth. 

"Why didn't you tell me Rias." Ryuma softly asked. 

Rias froze for a second before relaxing and putting her head in the crook of his neck.

"I was scared Ryuma." She whispered. "I know there's a connection between us and I didn't want to scare you away or make you mad at me by telling you."

Ryuma caressed her head. "Rias I could never be mad at you. Hurt a little but never angry at something that wasn't you fault. Your brother told me about your ass of a fiancé and I refuse to let him have you. Your contract with him states we can fight him in a rating game. I won't let Riser take you away from me. You should never take a dragons mate." 

Rias gasped and looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "Ryuma are you saying what I think your saying." She asked hopefully.

Ryuma pulls her up to her feat and walks with her to his room's balcony under hell's moonlight in the knight sky.

Ryuma looked her beautiful face. "I love you Rias Gremory. I love your cascading long hair that reminds me of roses, your blue eyes that remind me of the ocean, the way your ahoge moves when you get excited and the care you give to your friends. Your a beautiful soul and I have fallen for you. I know its been a short time since we've met but you've made me feel things I never felt before. Be mine Rias. I'll beat that bastard up and show him my might.

Rias was shocked at his words. For years she's been depressed that her clan set her up for a loveless marriage with a terrible man. She looked to her parents and brother for help but the looked the other way. She felt so trapped in her own home that she ran away to the human world biding time for the inevitable. But who would have thought that the man who bumped into her that day would be so strong, so confident, so loving. When she first met Ryuma something in her clicked. He shared her interest in anime, didn't laugh at her collection or when every she gone off about one of her favorite characters. He always looked at her face and never stared at her body unless she was trying to make him look and most importantly didn't treat her different when he found out she is an heiress. So many people want her for the Gremory name or connection to her brother but Ryuma could've cared less about any of that all he wanted was her Rias not the Gremory name.

'He loves me RIAS. He really does and nothing will hold me back anymore not the council not the underworld not even Riser will stop my happiness. I'll make sure of it.' Rias thought.

Rias looked at Ryuma who even if he looked confident she could still see the worry of her reply in his eyes. Rias wrapped her arms around Ryuma and got closer. "I love you too Ryuma. You see me for me, just Rias and nothing more. You've made me feel better than I have in years and give me the courage to fight for what I want and what I want is you. You're wrong you won't beat that bastard up we will I won't let him torment me anymore." 

Ryuma saw the love and determination in Rias eyes. He picked her up in a princess carry cauing her to yelp and hold him close.


Donning on his scale mail once more he flew to the skies. Ryuma looked at Rias suprised face and dispelled his helmet. "Will you be my girlfriend Rias Gremory."

Rias teared up but still responded. "Yes, now kiss me already."

Ryuma gave her a roguish smile. "Of course my princess."

Ryuma bent down and his lips felt a soft pair colliding with his. Thus floating in the sky under moon brilliant light a vow was made and a bond forged.

Unknown to the newly made couple their kiss was witnessed by the Gremory family and peerage all showing smiles at their new bond. The men proud of Ryuma and the women tearing up at this beautiful scene.

"I'm so happy for her she found her true love and he's quite the romantic. Why can't you be like him Zeo." Venelana teased her husband who sheepishly smiled.

Akeno looked at her best friend and king kissing her lover in the sky. 'I'm happy for you Rias I wonder if ill ever find someone like that. Someone who can love this dirty blood of mine.'

As the new couple finished their first kiss, they landed and Ryuma dispelled his balance breaker. They made it to his bedroom and he got into bed. Rias let her robe fall showing off her glory to her boyfriend who was mesmerized at the sight of her body. Rias got into bed and cuddled him giving him one final kiss.

"I don't want my first time to happen while that contract is still up sorry." Rias said apologetically.

Ryuma held her closer and kissed her forehead. "Its alright, the moment will happen once that chicken is roasted." 

Rias laughed and leaned on his chest. "Your right, how about for the rest of the week we spend training here in the manor training facilities. I'll ask Sona for a leave of absence."

Ryuma was happy she's taking this seriously. "Sure I like that idea and I know everyone else will too. Good night Rias I love you."

"I love you too Ryuma." Rias said and the couple was left to their dreams.

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