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92.3% A Force To Be Reckoned With / Chapter 36: Chapter 35: Meeting Fellow Peers

Kapitel 36: Chapter 35: Meeting Fellow Peers

The entire empire was in an uproar after Kaya's declaration to destroy all the dark guilds. He was a single man and everybody was thinking that he had gone senile. Although he had defeated nearly 2 million players by himself, normal guilds usually have over 2 million members and if all the dark guilds come as one, they could reach nearly 500 million players and that was only the case for the Hawksbill Empire. There were numerous more dark guilds outside of the empire and if they were to join the fray, the number could reach a billion players, what could one player be able to do with that much number? Dark guilds were known not because of the high power of their numbers but the quality of their players. Each player was capable of defeating 5 players with just pure techniques alone since they specialize in killing or assassinations. They were subpar at best when it comes to formations and wars but they should not be looked down upon even with these flaws. Nobody would dare provoke a dark guild more or less the whole entirety of dark guilds. One could be considered senile or just insane but the fact that the one who declared that had just shown that he is capable of defeating millions of players by himself speaks volumes. It wasn't a blank statement, it was backed up with solid proof and that proof was enough to set the ire of many dark guilds.

For some reason, the majority of players should've thought that the guy had gone crazy but they were in full support of Kaya's declaration. This started a propaganda in which a petition was made to destroy the entire guilds since they were already known as an evil guild and added the fact that they follow demons, the archenemies of humans was enough reason for them to despise the guilds.

A few hundred million players started following Kaya and wish to join his crusade in removing the dark guilds' existence once and for all. On the other hand, giant dark guilds started a meeting in which was led by the guild leader of Blood Carnival who had just returned from a tedious quest.

Of course, Kaya didn't know the influx of his declaration. He simply wanted to do things alone and would never think that he'd have a hundred million followers behind his back. As soon as he declared those words, he logged out.


Back in his room, Kaya got out of the pod and immediately went to his grandfather's office. He quickly saw his grandfather and Goodman waiting for him as they quickly told him to come sit on the sofa.

"What is it, grandpa?"

Kaya asked curiously. Goodman looked like he had just gotten a raise seeing the huge smile on his face while his grandfather placed a black card on the table and passed it to Kaya.

"Have you tried the Superfluids?"

His old man, Michael asked. He stared intently at Kaya and had one of his eyebrows raise as he sensed the drastic changes in Kaya's aura.

"Yeah, their effects are amazing, especially the S-rank fluids."

Kaya responded. He was confused as he saw his old man smile nonchalantly.

"So you've reached the Half-step of Enlightenment already. I'm surprised, did that virtual game help you?"

"Oh, you can tell? Yeah, the game did help me, I've finally reached level 130 and I just waged a war against those dark guilds. Amazing right?"


Goodman exclaimed in disbelief as soon as he heard Kaya's words. He stood up and immediately signaled Keith to check it out who also was stunned and in return quickly followed up with his orders.

"So you're that Vagabond!? I already can't believe that you've reached level 130 in just a week and now you're waging wars against all the dark guilds!? Do you know how scary dark guilds are!?"

"Yeah, they follow those demons and also like killing."

"That's half of what they are but in reality, their influence spread all around the continent. Since they are specialized PKers, many guilds settle their disputes with other guilds by ordering assassins from these dark guilds, and not just that, they compromise half of all the mercenary players in the world who are highly sought after by players especially if they need protective support or by waging war against dark guilds. Your declaration is equal to waging war against all of the guilds. Dark guilds came into existence due to that fact, so I advise that you stay low-key for now. Since you are only using an alias, it's better if you change up into something else."

Goodman advised, his head was already in a stroke at what he had just witnessed from watching Michael's bout against limping Joe, it didn't help at all after finding out what Kaya was currently doing. He couldn't help but swallow his nervous saliva knowing he is near these two monsters.

"I see..."

Kaya thought deeply about Goodman's advice and realized it make sense. He had been too hasty because all he had in his mind was hurriedly trying to help his grandfather he didn't think twice about the causes of his actions could in return affect his surroundings. But it was too late, shots had already been fired, and he couldn't back down now, at best, all he could do was lessen the ripple of his actions and go directly at the core of the problem.

'Then I'll just destroy the Blood, Carnival Guild.'

Kaya thought of it. Since Blood Carnival was the ruler of all the Dark Guilds, it was best to aim for them rather than the total annihilation of the dark guilds.

"Can I ask for a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Could you gather any information relaying the Blood Carnival Guild?"


Goodman responded with a slight dilemma. He had already told him not to provoke the dark guilds but seeing that he was still asking for Intel about them could only mean that he wasn't listening to his words. He wanted to refute but he had no power to do so and he couldn't stand the look on Kaya's deep dark pupils that stare directly at his soul. Old man Michael who was listening couldn't help but smile seeing as how much Kaya had done in such a small amount of time. He could only expect much from his only blood relative as he gave him the black card.

"What's this grandpa?"

Kaya asked as he inspect the black card in his hand. There were golden engravings on the rectangular card and a dragon logo in the upper right corner with the words that said "Dragon Princess" and some bar codes in the back.

"That's your credit card, I've deposited a few million dollars in it and the money you earned from selling those items in the market."

"What? I thought we were going bankrupt? I sold those items thinking they would be of use to the company's funds but why are you giving me so much money?"

"Just because we are going bankrupt doesn't mean we don't have any money. I've already answered the problem with our funds since my old friend's company has already invested a huge amount of funds in our company and there's also a mysterious investor who just invested a hundred million dollars recently."

"That must be Roman! It seems he kept his side of the bargain."


Kaya smiled after seeing the development. He knew Roman was an upright person but he still had some doubts since the guy's company was an enemy of his grandpa. Although he didn't know what company it was, seeing that the was able to cough up a hundred million dollars like it was a spare change only meant that it was a very huge company.

(Note: A hundred million dollars might be a huge sum if you think about it but since this was the future, inflation decreased the value of the standard dollar. A dollar today is equal to 500 dollars in the future. Crazy right? It was all due to a senile old man who mumbles his words and could hardly stand up from a bike. Nah, I'm just joking around. Or am I?)

"Is this Roman a player you met in the game?"

"Yeah, he's an independent player who helped me trade weapons and give valuable information."

"I see, since he's an independent player, it's fine but try to avoid guild players. We don't want you joining a guild since it might stunt your growth and if you do, make sure that the guild is first-rate or higher since your value is comparable to a guild leader of a first-rate guild. Oh yeah, if you meet guild members from God's Witness, try to befriend them, especially the 4th princess, Katrina "Dragon Princess"."

"Dragon Princess? Does this Katrina own this black card?"

"Well, somewhat. That black card in your hand is an exclusive credit card of the SuperFluid corporation that gives you SVIP benefits allowing you to spend anything with a 20% discount. You can use that anywhere that pays with credit cards and that is not all, if you use that for any business that has connections with the corporation, you can get exclusive benefits. You'll understand once you've tried to use it."

Goodman carefully explained to Kaya what he could use the card for and Kaya listened. After everything was completed, Kaya left and wore a baggy jacket with pants and rode a company car as the driver who was tasked with bringing Kaya wherever he wanted toured him around the city.

Kaya was amazed as he stared at the huge buildings that tower over them. He also watch the people minding their business as he still couldn't get the hang of seeing so many people in one place, although he had seen more people than that in Haven of God, that was only a game and couldn't be compared to reality.

"Where do you wish to go, young master?"

The driver asked.

"Can you bring me to a place where it's bustled with people and is very spacious?"

"We can go to Plaza Independencia. It's a great place to stroll around and you can meet a lot of people there."

"Okay then, let's go to Plaza Independencia."

A few minutes later, they arrived at the Plaza. Just like the driver described, the Plaza was filled with people and unlike the ones he had seen on the street, he was seeing a majority of groups huddled together in different uniforms.

"Who are those guys?"

"Oh, they're the students of the University of San Diego. It's a school prided on its martial prowess and has been represented in many fighting tournaments internationally. Their top student fought in the Night Wing circle before and won at 2nd place, I think those guys are their classmates. They usually spend their free time in this plaza and since it's just the opening of classes, I think they're just enjoying their youth. Try and talk to them, they're your peers."

The driver suggested and Kaya obliged. He also wanted to meet with people his age since what he usually met were older guys. He got out of the car and wore a face mask since his respiratory was still not used to the air in an urban area. He strode towards the two students who sat on the grass as they talk to each other.

"'s nice to meet you guys my age."

When Kaya tried to talk to them. His awkward words made them quickly shift their gaze at Kaya in bewilderment and ridicule.

"Who the fuck talks like that? Are you a creep?"

"He's a creep, look at what he's wearing, a cheap jacket and baggy pants, he's even wearing a face mask. That just gives off creep energy. The pandemic has already ended and he's still wearing face masks, what a weirdo."

The students ridiculed Kaya for his appearance and he was rather taken aback. The real females he had met were either bitches or psychopaths and this girl was in the bitch category. Only those artificial females were nice to him and now that he had met a real woman, he had thought his perception may have been different but it seems all girls are the same. A beautiful face cannot hide an ugly heart for long. Who you are inside will eventually show up on the outside.

"Hey creep, get the hell out of here if you don't want me to beat the shit out of you."

A rather bulky and brawn student stood up and cracked his knuckles. His appearance reminded Kaya of Keith but their actions were polar opposites. While Keith was composed and kind, this man was just brash and arrogant. His movements alone proved that he was simply trying to show off to this busty girl. He tried to look big to Kaya but since Kaya was broader and taller than him, he could only make his chest look big to make him look wide. Seeing that, things weren't going as Kaya had expected, he decided to back away hoping not to start a commotion.

"I apologize if I disturbed you, I'll be leaving now."

"That's, right, run away to your mommy you pussy."

The brash student said as he tried to provoke Kaya who walked away. He grinned knowing that he had the upper hand and was able to flaunt the busty girl but the girl didn't even bat an eye on him as she fiddled wit her phone.

'Fucking bitch. I just saved your ass and you can't even look at me. Just you wait, I'll be sure to bring you home and motorboat that huge boobs of yours as I fuck you raw doggystyle.'

The brash student grinned in thought as he stared at the cleavage that revealed the big bosoms of the female student. Soon, another student arrive and this student was frail, short, that looked very timid. In his hands was a platter of drinks and food.

"Here's the food! Ahck!"

The timid student stumbled on his foot and accidentally threw the platter of food in his hands causing it to fall over the busty female student. She was covered with food and stains from the drinks. Her face immediately flush in anger as she averted her gaze at the timid student whose expression quickly darkened.

"I'm sorry!"


The busty student held the timid kid by the collar and started slapping his face left and right.

"You just messed up my uniform and embarrassed me in front of these people and you think apologizing is enough!?"

"Please! I didn't mean it! I'll pay for a new uniform just stop hitting me!"

The timid student pleaded as he couldn't hope to defend himself from the slaps since it was entirely his fault. The onlookers simply clicked their tongues as they know the kid had screwed up big time and wouldn't even stand up for him since they thought that he deserved the beating.

"Pay me!? Don't make me laugh, you can't even pay for your mother's medical fee and you dare think that you could repay me with your filthy money!? I hope your mother dies of cancer!"

The busty girl screamed. With such a low blow, the onlookers should've tried to escalate the situation but no, they simply let those words pass from ear to ear since females these days had more power than men. They were afraid that feminists might target them and ruin their lives just like how the feminists managed to ruin the lives of the likes of Andrew Bate and Jordan Peters who were advocates of masculinity and the weak and broken males.

'You dare speak to my mother like that!'

The timid kid inwardly cursed as his hands curled into a fist. He pushed the busty girl away and seeing that the timid kid tried to retaliate, the brash guy immediately held the timid kid and sucker-punch him in the stomach.


The timid kid groaned in pain as his body curled due to the aching sensation. The brash man held him by the back of his shirt and made him hang up the ground. He gasped for air as the suffocation from the collar made it hard to breathe.

"You pushed me? You dared to push me!?"

The busty girl angrily said. She stood up and crumpled dirt and grass into the ground and shoved it at the timid kid's mouth. The timid kid didn't want to eat the patch of dirt but the brash man forcibly opened his mouth the girl placed the dirt inside and then threw a wobbly uppercut that shut off the kid's jaw and blood started dropping from his mouth as the impact had caused his teeth to break and gums to bleed.


The timid kid pleaded in apology as tears fell in his eyes. He could barely speak as the broken mouth and dirt in his mouth made it hard to release any words. The onlookers could only sympathize as they recorded the scene with their phones laughing at the timid kid.

"If you are sorry, eat the food in the ground with your mouth."

The busty girl said with a grin and the brash man let go of the kid as he dropped down on the ground hardly moving. He tried to move as he stared at the French fries on the ground. Barely crouching, the busty girl was getting annoyed at his slow movement.

"I said eat the fucking food!"

She threw a kick with her sandal that striked towards the timid kid's face and as soon as the edge of her feet reached an inch to his face, a hand grabbed hold of her legs stopping her from kicking the timid kid's face.

"That's enough."

The man who spoke those words was revealed to be the creep that tried to talk to them.

"You fucking creep! Didn't I tell you to fuck off!?"

The brash man threw a punch right at Kaya but Kaya simply dodged it by the breadth of a hair and countered it with a jab right at the elbow dislocating his arm as he screamed in pain.


The brash man screamed in the ground seeing the bone in his elbow shoot out in the wrong direction. The busty girl who saw this immediately tried to back away but Kaya didn't let go of her legs as he threw her away with zero effort as she tumbled on the ground ass first.


The female angrily said as she tried to throw a sloppy punch toward Kaya but it was stopped midway when another figure appeared to block it.

"Jenny, stop it. People are watching."

The mysterious man smiled at Jenny. When Jenny saw who the man was, she immediately let go of her fist and stared at her surroundings seeing the crowds of people gathered who were recording the scene with their phones.

"But it's his fault! Look at the mess he did with my clothes! I look like a hobo!"

"C'mon, you don't look that bad. You're still beautiful anyways so who cares?"

The man said as he cleaned the remnants of food in her hair. She immediately blushed as she twirled her hair strands.

"If you say so, Jason. But it's still his fault and that guy is a weirdo! Look at what he did with Brandon, his arm had been dislocated!"

The girl spoke as he pointed at the brash guy who still groaned on the ground from the pain. Jason saw the state of Brandon and simply stared at him pathetically as he nudged Kaya's shoulder.

"Hey friend, it seems like you've done quite a number with my colleague here. We can't just let this slide right? You have to pay for his injuries."

Jason kindly spoke. Kaya held the unconscious timid kid in his arms as he shifted his gaze at Jason who acted like a goody-two-shoes when he could already tell that the nature of this man was vile and hypocritical.


When Jason stared at the cold gaze of Kaya, he shuddered in fear as goosebumps overwhelm his body. He tried to defend the gaze by releasing his aura but Kaya in response released a fragment of his own.

'What pressure! Who the hell is this man!?'

Jason inwardly screamed. He could barely hold his ground from Kaya who simply stared at him. He tried not to flinch from the aura by showing a poker face of a kind expression but his trembling body was telling a different story.

"I'll be taking him to the hospital."

Kaya coldly spoke as he left with the unconscious timid kid in his arms. When he walked away, the busty female student tried to chase after him but Jason stopped her.

"Why are you stopping me?"

"Let's go."

"Why? Will we just let him go just like that?"

"I said, let's go!.."

When Jason's tone changed, the busty woman could only swallow her nervous saliva and abide. She had never seen Jason this serious before and rather than being serious, his face showed a hint of fear as sweat poured onto his body.

'To think that creep could scare Jason like this. Who was he?'

(Bitch, you just saw the guy fucking dislocate your classmate's arm, and a man getting scared shitless shocked you the most?)

Including the dislocated brash student who force himself to walk away, they left the scene quietly before things could escalate horribly. On the other hand, Kaya brought the unconscious student to the nearby hospital to treat his wounds as he had been beaten up pretty badly.

Lerex Lerex

I just came back after organizing my thoughts from a 2-day break and I tell you it was a good decision to relax. I feel enlightened and hope to release positive vibes towards my lovely readers who await for the next chapter. I made sure to make the chapter long so you guys can enjoy it and feel the satisfactory of waiting.

So now, let's talk about bullying and why it's bad.

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