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65.75% My Hero Academia : The Symbol of Power / Chapter 46: Chapter : 44 Hate

Kapitel 46: Chapter : 44 Hate

[Mountain zone]

(3rd POV)

"Hoooly shiit!!" Denki yelled with panic thick in his tone, while ducking under a powerful swing from a villain.

He fell on his ass, the villain towered before him. But suddenly, a staff hit the villain on the head, immediately putting the villain out of commission.

*thud* "Pull yourself together!!" Momo screamed at the cowering boy. A villain rushed at her with a downward swing of a metal pipe and she blocked it with her staff.

"You don't understand, my life just flashed before me!!" was his reply.

The villain and Momo locked each other's attack, that was until Momo kicked the villain right at his balls.

The villain shrieked in pain before the end of her staff knocked out the villain.

"Can't you electricute them?"

"No, I cannot control my electricity after I discharge them, I will hurt you with them. I can only cover myself with it at best."

"Then why are you sitting here like a bitch, At least be a human stunt gun." Jirou suddenly appeared behind Denki and grabbed him by his shirt and throws him towards the villains.

Fortunately, in a weird stroke of luck, Denki electricute a villain by touching him.

Realizing that he can knocked out a villain just by touching them, Denki somehow grew some courage and joined the battle "Worry not ladies, I will save you!!"

The fight continued but there was so much they could do, the villains overwhelmed them and surrounded them.

"What should we do?!" Jirou asked Momo in panic. The situation did not look so bright for them.

"Just a few more seconds" Momo replied with sweat flowing down her face, her breathing uneven, her eyes tired.

"You will pay for this you whore!!" A vilain with a broken nose yelled, enraged.

"I will unalive you!!!" one villain yelled again. The villains slowly approach them, hyping themselves up.

"I'm done!!" Momo pulled Jirou close to her. She bent down and a thick insulation sheet came out from her back.

Her costume broke because of it but she paid it no heed at the moment. "Now Denki!!!" she covered herself and Jirou under the sheet.

"I've always wanted to do this." Denki showed a smirk birthed by arrogance, it was nothing compared to Bakugo's but it was impressive nonetheless.

"Pika..." He gathered all the electrical power in his body. And in the next moment, he discharged it. "Chu!!!"

Yellow electric current flowed out of his body, it crackled with glee at finally being freed. It razed the ground and inflict unimaginable pain to everyone unfortunate enough to come in contact with it.

Bright yellow colour was all that could be seen around the area for a moment but it eventually died down.

The smoke settled, showing only one person standing.

"tHAts WHaT yOu GEt." Denki's face was the epitome of stupidity at this moment, it was foolishness incarnate, Idiocy at its peak.

He was brain dead because of overusing his quirk. "WewurBsj" he fell on the ground.

He had a weird smile on his face while looking at air, maybe he was finding it funny.



Momo slowly removed the sheet from them, taking a peek at the situation outside.

"Momo!! Your clothes!!" Jirou yelled as she saw the broken clothes that no longer serve its purpose of covering Momo.

"Oh this, its fine I can make a new one." Using her arm to cover her plump nipples, she stood up and take in her surrounding.

"Stop right there!!" They heard a scream from behind. They turned back and saw a villain with a gun pointing at Denki.

He was crouching, and he slowly made his way towards the fallen Denki. Momo froze, her mind was racing.

The villain stood up, he was wearing a skull mask and he pointed his other arm towards them, electric currrent crackled in his fingers.

"You brats." He growled, Momo and Jirou was unable to move as not only was he prepared to attack if they move an inch, he also held Denki hostage.

"An electric type quirk. So he was the one blocking the signals." Momo quickly analyzed

"Shut your trap bitch!!"

Momo flinched as the villain brought his gun closer to Denji. Deciding that it was best to do as the villain said, she decided to stop.

"Damn it!! I will kill you if you force me!!" The villain gritted his teeth. The girl was part of the students that he was told to absolutely not kill.

The only reason that he did not kill off the other two was because he fear that the girl may do something reckless if she saw her friends die, and he would be forced to kill her.


"Kill any of them and you will wish I did the same to you." Shigaraki's cold voice sounded out in the building. The mobs of villain nodded their head nervously.

(The end)

He looked at her carefully and made sure that she was one of the people he should not kill.


His eyes lingered on her generous bossom, her arm squished the mounds into a tempting shape in her attempts to cover her dignity.

'If I can't kill her, I can at least enjoy her right?.' he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Take away your arm." He ordered the girl. "What did you say you perv-" Jirou was speaking up for her friend but she shut her mouth when an electric current moved pass her, nearly blowing off her head.

He aim his hands at Momo again and asked again impatiently "Do it."

Momo's eyes was filled with resentment and her glare was poisonous. Her body trembled because of the myraids of emotion in her body.


The mere thought disgust her to no end, But..


In the end, she decided to do as he says and use it as an opportunity. She slowly pulled down her arm.

Her breast revealed itself to the world. A sight that almost made the villain choke on it.

Her breast greeted the world with a small jiggle, enticing and alluring. The villain's breath hitched, his eyes never leaving the two mounds.

Momo hardened her breath, her chest enlarge and flatten with each breath, making the boobs jiggle. Her thin, toned stomach and her rib cage which showed itself through her smooth skin compliment the two mounds perfectly.

It was the perfect mix of slim and fat.

She moved in a hypnotizing manner, making sure she looks as attractive as possible. She saw the villain getting hard and held herself back from sighing in disgust.

"Come closer" The villain commanded. He used his hand to adjust his uncomfortable erection before aiming at Denki again.

Momo nearly gave a smile but she manage to stop herself and show a face of resentment.

She walk towards him, making sure her boobs jiggled in an enticing manner with each step. She made a dagger in her hands while hiding it.

The villain did not notice, his whole attention was on the bouncing sexual mounds. His blood boil and he could not think anything else but how it would feel to cup her breast.

He reached out his hand to get a feel for it when Momo was close enough.



Momo was ready to pounce at any moment, the villain's hand neared her breast but it changed direction and suddenly he grabbed her wrist.

"You think I'm a fool?" saying so, the villain electricute Momo. Her body shook and the dagger in her hand fell on the ground.

"Hehehehehe" The villain then groped her breast roughly, she couldn't move away, her body was paralyzed.

It felt disgusting to her. Her eyes teared up mabe because of the pain from the electric attack or the humilation was a mystery, it also held great hatred in them. But a small glimmer of helplessness can be seen.

"Hoo.." The villain felt his hand sink into the mounds, his hand felt like it was melting.

But he was not able to enjoy for another second, his whole body stopped.

Momo felt it too, danger..Every being given a heartbeat will be able to feel it. Their instinct screamed at them to run away.

They can almost taste the peril in the air. They did not know who or what cause such a phenomenon.



Getting molested, her friends at death's door and with the felling of overwhelming danger, it was a too much for Momo. She closed her eyes shut and her breath stopped.


The air whistled, foretelling the disaster coming towards them.

A calamity was coming towards them. The world itself prayed for the poor victim.

It came in the form of a golden horror with red streaking flash but it skiped Momo and aim at the villain..


It went past Momo, her hair flutter in the wind and she heard violent explosion.

Calamity struck.


Slowly she opened her eyes and saw the back of Bakugo not far away.

She saw an exolosion further away, flames that danced to the sound of devastation. Obliteration given form.

The winds run away from the explosion and the whole world shook and became disfigured.

Bakugo turned around, red glowing eyes meeting her moonless night eyes.

A picture engraved in her mind...


Too quick for him to see but slow enough for him to feel. The villain felt something grip his head. Strong enough to destroy his protective helmet and crush his skull along with all the dirty thoughts it once contained.

Fear also griped his heart, and he feels like he was eaten alive. The fear made him suffocate, air became too heavy for him.


Then the world flung him away, like a woman flinging away an insect with disgust. No concern for his well being, he was thrown away like a broken doll.

His body sliced through the air, the air has never been thicker. Then he crashed..his whole body broken beyond repair.

Pain..Agony embraced him for an infinite instance. Then flames swallowed him like a starving snake.

It was for but a brief instance, but the heat melt his mortal flesh. Burning his cells to the point beyond salvation.The scorching heat burned his entire being.

Then unending force hit him, shredding him into no less than a million pieces. Decimating, his form and butchering him like a pig.


The last thing he saw was hell on earth..and then...void.


[Collapse Zone]

(3rd POV)

"Hey, where do you think you're going. You are my target." Hellspawn weakly whisper. It was suppose to be a yell but he was lacking strength.

He streched his broken hand and try to stop Bakugo. 'He is my chance!!! I need to complete the mission'

"Surrender evil villain" Sato took a fighting stance.

Hellspawn looked at the kid, and at his broken self. No way he was going to win like this.


Unless, if he used 'that'..

But he vow to never use that was not who he is. That thing showed his true self and he hated it.

He was going to give up...but a picture appeared in his mind. A picture of 'what could be.'

'no..No..NO. I can't fail!! Not now, when I am this close' Hellspawn clench his fist.



'I have to do this..there is no other way' He sighed and with great hesitation, he activate his quirk.

"Run kid." was all he could muster out before madess get a hold of him.

His mind was gone. Something monstrous inside him awoke.

His arms healed, his horns grew and became alive with flames. The surrounding temperature went down to a cold degree.


He was absorbing the thermal energy from the surrounding atmosphere itself. His nails grew into claws that ripped the surroundings.

"Stop it!!" Sato rushed in, arms reigned back and launch to stop the evil. The attack was caught by Hellspawn, his claws dug into the skin of his fist and blood spill out.

Sato winced in pain and Hellspawn looked up. His eyes no longer held the sentient consciousness, replaced with the yellow eye of a demon.

"Haa!!" A roar and then he hurl Sato away with absurd strength.

Planting his feet on the ground, he blast towards his victim in the air.


Sato landed after flying for 20 metres. His leg sinking on the ground, he straightened up but he had no time to react as a red blur quickly flash past him.



After the red blur was gone, another crimson followed, his own blood. The side of his stomach lost a chunk of flesh.

"What happened..?"

Blood spurt out like water. A wave of pain followed but ultimately he felt dizzy and tired.

His body was cold, he felt his own blood and it was warm. He felt life slowly slipping away from him.

Death was coming...and it felt hollow and empty.

His ear was ringing, he thought he was gonna die for a moment before someone embrace him, giving him some life.

Shock, gratitude and then a glimmer of hope..

He looked up..





I felt my wrath leaving me as I look at the destruction, leaving me somewhat satisfied. My first kill, which felt weirdly...shallow.

Maybe if I slowly kill him I might feel something. But he died too soon.

I lash out and he is now dead. Doesn't even feel real.


I landed on the ground and gave out a breath, calming my rage as best as I could. I look back and lock eyes with Momo. It proved most difficult to not look down.

Her eyes was a weird mix of emotions that I find trouble deciphering. But it nontheless stunning.

The strewn tears of her eyes that cling on her eyelashes almost made me brust out in anger again.


We stood like that for a while before Jirou came behind Momo and put her jacket on the girl. "Momo!! Are you okay!!"

I also snapped out from the trance and went towards them. "I'm fine, I'm fine. nothing haopened" she said to Jirou.

"I'm so sorry I could not help you." Jirou hugged Momo and apologized. She just gave a smile and looked at me again.

"Thank you Bakugo." She gave me this stunning smile that can make even stars jealous.

"Of course." I reply curtly before moving away, I look at my surroundings, making sure no villain was left.

My eyes caught the fallen Denki but he looks fine so I ignored him.

"Move to safety, I need to help the others." I shot up again, searching for a villain.


I was honestly searching for Tooru in specific, I did not know where she ended up and was quiet worried.

"Where is she Goddamn it."




I heard explosion from my previous location and rush towards it to see what happened.



I saw Sato fallen on the ground, blood spilling from his body. The ground was decorated with its crimson nature.

"What happened!?" I noticed the previous villain I fought not too long ago. His broken horns and arms were healed.

His horns were on flames and they were longer than ever and it curved like the horns of a goat. His claws were also long and sharp and his eyes no longer hold reason or sanity.


I rocket towards the villain and send him flying, he flew away and crashed.

I immediately went to Sato. There was a chunk of his side stomach missing, it looks like it was torn away.

I snaked my arms around him and carried his head. "Bakugo.." he called me weakly. I picked him up and put him down somewhere comfortable.



Looking at his broken form, hate stuck out its ugly head in my heart. Anger, hate and bloodlust overwhelmed me.

"You." I looked upon the Villain, my eyes never holding such anger before. I let the anger and hate consume me, I no longer tried to keep it down.

My power roared inside me, begging me to destroy what was infront if me. And I did not stop it.



I shot out to meet the Villain head on. He charged at me, his eyes glowing and I felt the temperature drop to a chilling degree.

I was no longer in the state to care that my flames just made him stronger.

My fist ignited, my flames yearning to destroy. And I did just that.



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