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99.58% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 237: Chapter 237

Kapitel 237: Chapter 237

(A few weeks later)

Things calmed down a bit after Harry's friends arrived in his world, they all met the Potter Family and got to know them well, Bulma, Chi Chi, Videl and 18 got along with all of Harry's girlfriends.

Chi Chi enjoyed spending time drinking tea and talking with Yasaka, Rei, Jean, and Jessica, they often talked about fashion, technology, and even politics, things that most of the guys weren't really interested in.

Yasaka being the leader of the Yokai Faction and Jessica coming from a noble house made Chi Chi feel comfortable with them, especially because Chi Chi herself is a princess, with Rei, well both were mothers and about the same age, so they had a lot in common.

Jean's calm and sweet demeanor made her well-liked with not only Chi Chi, but the others as well, but since she enjoyed chilling and having a good conversation, she hung out with Chi Chi a lot.

Bulma got along well with the smart girls in Harry's harem, the femme nerds as Bulma named them, these were Hermione and Le Fay.

These three would spend a lot of time talking about technology, science, and magical theory, which was something Bulma was fascinated by and had been trying to understand on her own, to her magic and spell creation seemed like programming a computer program.

Videl got along very well with the lively members of Harry's harem, Fu, Milim, Kunou, and Ereshkigal, with them Videl found young ladies in love and fierce warriors just like herself, even she got back into martial arts and sparred with her new friends very often.

18 got along well with Valerie, Gabriel, Serafall, Susan, and surprisingly Luna, with Valerie, she found a fun and interesting friend to hang out with, a gunslinger vampire just seemed like the coolest thing to her.

Gabriel and Serafall were just funny and cool to 18 and she enjoyed watching them quarrel, Susan was just very sweet, like a big sister, something 18 secretly wished for, she loved her brother, but damn it, she always wanted a big sister too!.

Luna was a surprise, at first, the Dark Keyblade Master was very interested in the fact that 18 is an android and spent quite a while following her around, not that 18 minded though.

She found it amusing, eventually, 18 approached Luna and decided to have a conversation with her, she found out that Luna is a very sweet and kind girl who is just naturally curious about everything and everybody, sort of like a cat, and 18 liked that.

So the two become good friends and hung out a lot, Ophis was the outlier in all of this, but that was because she kept being dragged around by Bra and Pan, who were just very excited at the fact that they were in a new world full of amazing things and wanted Ophis to play with them all the time.

Marron, of course, followed them around as well, though she often grabbed Eri, Lily, and Sherry whenever she met up with them, to act as dressing dolls, Eri and Lily didn't mind, but Sherry was always embarrassed to be trying new clothes, though she was happy to have found a new friend.

Bulma also met the boys and got along well with them, she quite liked the shenanigans that Sirius and Remus would always cause, how flirty and fun Tony was, how Urahara seemed to be always trolling everyone, and how diligent and nervous Izzy was.

She felt quite at home with these guys, since they had the intellectual level to keep up with her, thus she had been working with the boys with everything they were working with for a while now and on the space station that Harry received from Death as well, overall, she was having the time of her life right now.

The males of the group enjoyed Neo Kyoto to their fullest, especially Goku, Vegeta, Broly, and Piccolo, they spent quite a bit of their time challenging everyone they could to a fight.

Given that the citizens of Neo Kyoto are on a level higher than them, these fights gave them the challenge they had always wanted, there was no worry for damages or death, they could fight all they wanted and with whoever they chose to.

It was the best for them, and even though they only won a few times, the challenge and the hard battles were helping them grow stronger, even Broly had trouble fighting anyone in Neo Kyoto and if he ever lost control, he would get jumped by everyone around and beaten down until he passed out.

This helped him learn how to control his power little by little, which was something he was very happy about, though there were some issues at times, for example, Harry forgot to warn everyone about Kenpachi.

Too late did he remember and by the time he did, the crazy bastard had already attacked Broly of all people, unfortunately for Kenpachi, he was nowhere ready to be able to face someone of Broly's power level.

The end result? Harry had to look all over the city for all of Kenpachi's body parts and that wasn't easy, since Broly had smashed him all over the place, thankfully his demi-God children decided to help Harry.

It all turned into some sort of gory horror puzzle and search game, where everyone had to look for the dismembered body parts and organs, then put Kenpachi back together so Harry could bring him back to life.

It was fun, though Kenpachi didn't learn his lesson and challenged Broly again right after being brought back to life, Harry quickly beat the living shit out of him and throw him into a portal back to his world.

What a moron, he gets killed and the idiot wants to fight who had killed him not that long ago again, Harry had gotten really annoyed with him that day.

Besides that, Goku and the others also enjoy going into the Natural Dungeon, the fact that the dungeon modifies the monsters and bosses it spawns to be the same power level as whoever is inside the floor meant that Goku and friends could fight enemies at their own level and get a good fight.

This made everyone grow stronger, even those like Krillin, Tien, and Yamacha were growing even more powerful as they continued to battle in the dungeon, they were really happy to be able to breakthrough what seemed to be their limits after so long of feeling being left behind by the Saiyans and Namekian.

Trunks and Goten got along with all of Harry's demi-god children, especially because most of them were about their age, you can now find them training or hanging out in the camp with them.

Gohan also enjoyed the Natural Dungeon but besides that, he loved the many new things one can learn about in Neo Kyoto, from new alien races and technology to magical beasts and monsters.

As a scholar, Gohan was very excited to learn about everything new he could find, the fact that he found friends in people like Neville was also something Gohan enjoyed, after all, he was never able to find friends with a similar mindset as his, especially because his younger years were filled with battle after battle.

Others like Buu, Mr. Satan, and Dende, along with Cheelai and Lemo, found interesting things to do in Neo Kyoto, Buu liked the food and enjoyed tasting the cuisine of many cultures and races, surprisingly, he got along well with the Rachni known as Queenie, the Rachni Queen.

Dende would often speak and hang out with one of the many deities who live in Neo Kyoto, he got to learn a lot from them, but he really liked spending time with Hestia, who also enjoyed having Dende around, it was adorable seeing them speak and learn about each others culture.

Cheelie and Lemo joined the Thieves Guild and began to learn the craft Neo Kyoto style! Now they do jobs for Yasaka and gather information along with stealing things for the Yokai Faction.

Mr. Satan took to touring other worlds, especially the more peaceful ones, like the Mushroom Kingdom, where he had become somewhat of a hero for saving Toads from monsters, Harry did not know how to feel about this, to be honest.

But because Mr. Satan was going around other worlds, someone found out about the fact that Goku and his friends are in Neo Kyoto and that someone decided to go visit Harry today.

Today, Harry was going through a list of metals and materials that the Boys and Bulma have requested to continue their research, along with some other things they need Mei and Kairi were with him today and at the moment they were resting their heads on his lap as Harry sat on the couch of his living room.

Harry suddenly frowned as he read the list, something Kairi noticed, "Harry? What's wrong?".

Harry looked down towards Kairi and smiled at her, "Nothing serious, we just need more magical metals... far more than we can get from the Dungeon in time".

Kairi nodded and sat up, "It's true that metals, especially the magical ones are really rare in the Natural Dungeon... can we find more somewhere else?".

Mei sat up as well and then decided to give her opinion on the situation, "How about going to other worlds for metals and materials?".

Harry smiled at both DigiDestined happy that they were helping and then explained, "We're already getting metals from other worlds, though, in some of those worlds there are no magical metals, regular metals are good enough too, the thing is, magical metals are rare anywhere you look.

In some other cases, our allies are already using them, Rimuru is using his supply of magisteel to equip everyone in Tempest with good weapons, in their world that's a necessity.

In Thordain, Hiro and Lily's world, magical metals are very rare and most are used by old king Throde for his experiments with the alchemy pot, he does send us any extra he has with Lily so we're good on that front.

In Bulma's world, there's katchin, a very strong metal, but rare as well, though Bulma's company mines it in large quantities, we can't take too much from them, they need it for their products after all, Bulma is looking for another mine for us.

The Mushroom Kingdom and Hyrule have some interesting materials, but we are still studying some of them and we don't want to risk using them for what we need just yet since we don't know the effects these materials could have with our mana.

We have plenty of Digi Chrome of all kinds and the fact that we can program the Metal to do all kinds of things is a plus, but to process it, we need a lot of time and work, honestly, we have to find some other way to get vast amounts of metals and materials for all our projects".

Both girls nodded understanding the problem, Kairi suddenly raised another idea, "How about this world? Doesn't it have any sort of magical metal we can use? How about materials?".

Harry nodded letting Kairi know that some materials and metals can be used in this world, however, Harry then explained why they don't seek them, "Most sources of materials, magical or not, belong to other factions.

If we were to ask for some, then the bastards would jump at the chance to demand all kinds of things for those materials, we don't want to deal with that, so we're staying away from asking other factions for aid of any kind".

Both DigiDestined frowned and nodded understanding the situation with Harry's world and the supernatural factions that live in it, Kairi, Mei, and the rest of the DigiDestined had heard of how much Harry dislikes the other factions in his world.

About how greedy and horrible they can be as well as what they had done to the humans in Harry's world, so they understood why Harry didn't want to deal with them, but that still left them with the original problem to deal with.

Mei then spoke up with another idea, "Then, how about you go look for another world to get materials from? I'm sure there's one where this sort of things are abundant".

Harry crossed his arms and hummed for a few seconds until he smiled at Mei and nodded, "That should work, I had already been looking for a world full of the things we need and can use, thanks Mei, you're the be-".

Harry didn't get to finish his sentence, for the door to his living room was slammed open, and in, came rushing none other than Rimuru at high speed, the demonlord slime immediately called out to Harry when he saw him, "Harry! You bastard!".

Harry's eyes widened when Rimuru suddenly shot forward towards him with a loud bang as his body broke the sound barrier, out of reflex alone, he suddenly backhanded Rimuru, smacking the poor blue slime so hard, that his body splattered all over the place.

Kairi and Mei winced and covered their faces as Slime flew everywhere, though they were also very worried for Rimuru, his body exploded on impact and that would scare anyone who would happen to see it let alone become worried for Rimuru.

Harry sweatdropped as he looked around and saw pieces of Rimuru all over the living room, "Shit... what a mess, I hit him too hard".

Rimuru's face suddenly appeared on a piece of Slime by Harry's feet and glared at him, "Asshole! Is that the only thing you can say after splattering me all over the place!?".

Harry looked towards his feet and stared into Rimuru's eyes in silence until the dragon god shrugged at him and then said, "Sorry?".

Rimuru glared at Harry and shakily raised what little slime he had in the piece of himself that was right in front of Harry's feet and angrily shook it at him, which only got Harry to grin at Rimuru and, for Mei and Kairi to sweatdrop.

A few minutes later after Kairi and Mei helped Rimuru gather the pieces of his slime splattered all over the living room, Harry decided to ask why he was so angry and hyper right now.

Rimuru, now standing in his slime form on top of the coffee table in front of Harry, pointed a little slime limb towards the amused dragon god and began to explain his problem, "You brought Goku and the rest of the Z Warriors and didn't tell me!? I thought we were best friends you bastard!".

Harry chuckled and shook his head, he sometimes forgets how much of an otaku Rimuru can be, but it sure is funny to see him act this way, he looks like he was utterly insulted, "You know how busy we are right? So it's only natural I would forget to tell you.

Actually, I'm surprised Milim didn't go to Tempest to brag to you and Veldora about having met and fought both Goku and Vegeta".

Rimuru literally shook like a piece of jello and began to growl in jealousy and annoyance, "How do you think I found out? Not only did I see Mr. Satan buying food in a stall in Tempest! but Milim came for a visit and smugly told me how she fought Goku and Vegeta and even learned some of his techniques!

Do you how jealous I am that Milim pulled off a Kamehameha?! First Veldora and now Milim too!? Why!? I want to learn all of those cool techniques too damn it!?".

Rimuru being the melodramatic slime that he is, put his two little arm-like limbs on the coffee table and cried waterfall tears as he continued to rant about how unfair Harry was for not telling him about the fact that Z Warriors, their family, and friends were in Neo Kyoto.

In all honesty, Harry just forgot to let Rimuru know, he knew that he was a fan of Goku and the others but he had been so busy since he got back, that he hadn't had the chance to hang out with his friends and family as much as he wanted.

There was just too much to do at the moment and many things to take care of, so in the end he did feel a bit guilty about not giving Rimuru the chance to meet Goku, Vegeta, and the others.

Mei felt bad for the poor slime and quickly walked over, picked him up, and then held Rimuru in her arms, as the demonlord just continued to cry waterfall tears, "There, there mister Rimuru".

Harry's eye twitched in annoyance when Rimuru began to sob now, he was pretty sure he was enjoying Mei hugging him and was now playing it hard, what a bastard! "Rimuru, I'm sorry about not letting you know about my friends coming over, but I have been very busy lately".

Rimuru stopped his dramatics and immediately looked over to Harry, "Ah, that's right, you're still looking into that space station and collecting materials for everyone's projects right?".

Harry nodded, "That's right, Bulma has been doing wonders on the space station research but we are having some difficulties collecting metals and other materials".

Rimuru nodded understanding the situation, while Mei began to squish him into different shapes while giggling, Kairi soon joined her and began to poke the slime while smiling, it seemed like they both were having fun with Rimuru's slime body.

Rimuru then hummed and after a few seconds he said, "If you want I can up the amount of Magisteel and mana crystals we deliver to Neo Kyoto".

Harry smiled at his friend but shook his head, "Thanks man, but I can't accept that, I know those materials are a big source of income in your world, I don't want to hurt Tempest's economy in any way".

Rimuru chuckled and shook his head, "You're so stubborn Harry! You won't even let me tell you anything about the space station either! I know what it is and where it comes from you know?".

Harry sighed and then smiled at his friend, "I know you do, that you have knowledge of what the space station is, but like I told you before, we can't rely on information from any prime world.

That kind of information might be lacking or might be even different from what you know, we don't know what timeline or dimension the space station was taken from after all, especially because Death has access to the multiverse.

It's better to research the thing and find out everything we can on our own, if we find something and we need another perspective I'll ask you for what you know, cool?".

Rimuru nodded understanding Harry's opinion about prime world knowledge, after all, what he knows comes from media and entertainment, and as Hary said, that knowledge might not be accurate or might be lacking details that they might need, so in the end, Rimuru understood what he was trying to tell him.

Harry then went on, "Anyways, was complaining all you came here for?".

Rimuru clicked his tongue in annoyance at Harry dismissing his complaints like this, "Tch!".

Harry glared at Rimuru and then pointed a finger at him, "Son of a bitch! You did not just click your tongue at me! Not even my children dare to do that!".

Rimuru turned his body away from Harry, and snuggled his face onto Mei's chest, which surprised her a bit, "Heh?".

Harry widened his eyes and suddenly pulled something out of his inventory, Kairi and Mei widened their eyes as Harry began to let out a dark and evil energy from his body, "Heh! Looks like you've forgotten who you're talking to Rimuru!".

Rimuru tensed up and quickly turned around, only to panic when he saw that Harry was now holding a big vase filled with demonic sea salt, "Wait, wait, wait! Let's talk about this Harry! How about I apologize, and then we- eep!".

Rimuru was cut off when Harry suddenly reached over to him and was forced to jump away to avoid being caught, Mei looked at everything happening with a surprised look on her face, while Kairi widened her eyes and followed Rimuru as he jumped over them.

Meanwhile, Rimuru smirked thinking he had dodged Harry, but unlucky for him, Harry had more than one way to catch a slimy little creature like Rimuru, a blue portal opened up below him, right where he was about to land and then, a splash of demonic sea salt slapped him right on the face.

Rimuru sputtered at the sudden slap from the demonic sea salt and then began to cry out in pain, "Ahhh! It burns!".

Rimuru then smacked onto the floor and began to melt in the floor, "I'm melting! I'm melting! fuck I'm melting again! Blarhhh".

Rimuru slowly became a puddle and right before he completely melted, he lifted a little limb and gave everyone a thumbs up before finally becoming fully liquid, Harry watched that and sweatdropped, "... Did he have to reference that movie? I swear...".

Mei was giggling none stopped now, she knew she shouldn't be because Rimuru looked like he was in some real pain, but the whole scene looked very funny to her, plus Rimuru's antics were just hilarious.

Kairi awkwardly laughed while looking at Mei, "You have a very macabre sense of humor Mei, we just watch someone melt...".

After a bit and while Rimuru continued to be a drama queen, Kairi scooped him up in a bottle and began to carry him around, or rather she took him, back to Tempest, he was in no condition to meet Goku or Vegeta while he was in liquid form.

Mei went with them, but once in a while she would giggle, having found the whole thing very amusing, Harry on the other hand, had things to do or rather, places to investigate.

Mei might have suggested that he go to other worlds in search of materials to use, sure, he could create any materials they might need with his divine powers, but at this moment, everyone was still trying different things and experimenting.

There was no reason to waste energy or time in creating materials that might not even be used, so Harry opted to just wait until everyone found the materials they would need, he could later create a mine that could spawn those materials or something.

But, despite that, he still needed to find more materials to use, so he has been checking the multiverse for a few weeks now in search of a world with materials they might need.

He already found a few worlds that might have what they needed but he's waiting to find a few more just in case, after all, they might just find something new too and that something new might be useful as well.

However, as Harry was checking the multiverse, his office's door opened again and Luna stepped inside, the Dark Keyblade Master quickly made her way to Harry and sat on his lap as he was looking into the multiverse with his eyes closed.

Harry smiled having sensed her and immediately hugged her as she happily sat on her lap, "What's up Luna?".

Luna smiled and leaned back on Harry's chest, she then looked up and kissed him under the chin, "Oh, nothing too serious really, it's just that someone seems to have found a back door to that place.

The heartless I left inside of that place to keep an eye on it has been getting restless and it seems like someone has been trying to pry open this backdoor".

Harry opened his eyes and then looked down at Luna's gray-silver eyes, "Huh? That place has a backdoor?...".

Luna nodded, "Apparently, then again it's not like we explored the place, it was rather empty and full of light and darkness, in retrospect though, we should have a look around.

There's a lot of power in that place and if anyone found out about it, they would definitely be trying to get in there, I think that's what we're dealing with here".

Harry nodded agreeing with Luna about this, "I see... we really should have sealed the place up, though given that it has become my domain I never really thought anyone would be able to get to it, makes me wonder how they did it".

Luna smiled and then jumped off Harry's lap, "Well! There's only one way to find out!".

Harry chuckled and nodded in agreement, "So we're having a bit of an adventure huh? Sounds like fun and I needed a small distraction anyways, it's been nothing but work and business lately".

Luna nodded and watched as Harry stood up, stretched, and then cracked his neck, the dragon god then spoke up, "All alright, you know where the guy who is trying to get into that place is? If so why don't you take us there?".

Luna nodded and then waved a hand, a Dark Corridor instantly sprouted from the ground soon after, "There, let's go Harry~".

Harry nodded and watched as Luna skipped into the Dark Corridor she just created, the dragon god then followed after her a second later, and the Dark Corridor dissipated right after, leaving Harry's office empty and quiet.


In a black void within the borders of worlds, a Dark Corridor materialized high above the void Luna soon skipped out of the Dark Corridor with a smile on her face, however, that smile soon turned into a confused frown as she looked down, "Huh?".

Harry soon stepped out of the Dark Corridor and as the dark construct dissipated, Harry noticed that something had caught Luna's attention, curious about what could have distracted Luna this much he decided to take a look as well.

So Harry looked down to see, only to raise an eyebrow at what was happening, "... Is that a duck wearing a wizard hat?".

Luna nodded seemingly curious at the sight, "There's some kind of dog wielding a shield too, he looks rather silly really".

Harry noticed the dog as well, he stared at both beings quite perplexed at their shape and form, "They seem humanoid... perhaps some kind of Yokai?".

Luna shook her head, "I don't think so, I can sense some mana for the duck, but not the dog guy, plus they don't feel like Yokai... there's also the guy they're fighting against".

Harry nodded, he had noticed the being these two beings were fighting, but chose to ignore him because of how ridiculous the guy looked, "Right... so why is that oversized human attached to a ship of some kind? I've seen a lot of crazy things but this? This is just silly.

What's the point of such a form? You wouldn't really be able to hit anyone if they attacked you from underneath and the sides! what kind of idiot thinks such a form is a good idea?".

Luna giggled as Harry ranted about the guy's giant ship form, she had to agree with Harry though, such a form made no sense plus it looked ridiculous, though watching Harry rant about it was really funny.

Suddenly, Luna noticed a third person fighting against the ship guy, a boy, but the gender of the third person fighting wasn't important, what he was holding was, "Harry! That boy! Look at what he's holding!".

Harry stopped ranting and looked down, only to gape a bit when he saw that the boy was holding a Keyblade, a Kingdom Key to be exact, "Heh? Another Keyblade Wielder?... Well, this just became far more interesting.

Though... why is he wearing such oversized shoes? He looks like a clown with those on! Those shoes can't be good for moving around! What's is going on with these people!?".

Luna snorted as Harry ranted once again, leave it to Harry to not be that impressed that they found another Keyblade Wielder but rather get annoyed at the quirky things that the boy was doing, like wearing clown shoes in a fight.

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