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44.62% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 104: Chapter 104

Kapitel 104: Chapter 104

In Olympus the Greek Gods sat on their thrones arguing with each other as they had been for the last few days, Zeus continues to blame Poseidon's son for stealing his Lightning Bolt and continues to rage about the supposed betrayal of his brother.

Of course, Poseidon is angry that Zeus would target his son argued and defended his son non-stop but Zeus being his usual stubborn self refused to listen and continued to blame Percy "I want your son to bring my Lightning Bolt back to me Poseidon or there will be war!".

Poseidon frowned "Percy did not steal your symbol of authority, he didn't even know about us or about our world until now!".

Zeus frowned and stood up "He will bring me my Lightning Bolt or he will di-".

But a dark voice echoed through the halls of Olympus cutting off Zeus from his ranting "You won't be able to do anything to Percy Jackson brother, trust me I tried".

In a puff of darkness that gathered from the very shadows of the halls of Olympus, stepped out Hades who grinned at Zeus who gaped at him for having interrupted him.

Poseidon stood up and pointed at Hades with his trident "What do you mean you tried Hades! What did you do to my son!".

Hades just continued to grin "Settle down brother, I couldn't do anything to your son because we have a very big visitor in the camp, if you all would have stopped bickering amongst each other for a few seconds you would have noticed something by now".

The gods all tensed up as soon as they heard Hades' words, someone had stopped Hades from doing something with his mere presence and that made alarms go off in all the Greek God's minds.

All the gods immediately sent their senses towards the camp only to be slapped away rather aggressively by a violent surge of energy engulfing the entire camp.

All the Greek Gods grunted in pain as they were violently pushed back, a few were thrown off their feet and sent falling down to the ground while only Zeus, Hera and Poseidon were able to stay standing if only barely.

Zeus grunted in pain and stayed standing, he looked up and glared in anger as he looked around finally noticing that Dionysus wasn't among them "Where is Dionysus!? What is going on in the camp!?".

Hades maliciously grinned enjoying the anger and insulted demeanor shown on Zeus's face "Dionysus is in the camp and can't really leave, he's terrified to do anything that might result in some sort of insult to our visitor".

Zeus scowled in anger towards his brother, while Hera shakily stood up still trembling from the aggressive retaliation of whoever was in the camp "Who is in the camp now Hades? Who is preventing even us the Gods of Olympus from looking into the camp?".

Hades suddenly burst out laughing, it was a deep and horrid bellowing laugh that sent shivers down everyone's spines "Dear sister... Zeus's tantrum has drawn the attention of the Shinto Gods and they themselves brought it to the one being we never should have provoked".

Zeus's eyes widen in shock knowing who Hades was referring to, Ares grinned like a lunatic while the rest of the Gods of Olympus gasped catching on to what Hades was talking about.

Hades suddenly engulfed his body in shadows "Harry Potter is here and he isn't happy! Hahaha! he'll come here soon Zeus! So I hope you're ready because he doesn't seem to be in the mood to play around! The Master of Death my lord is here!".

Every God in Olympus shook as they heard one of the most well-known titles belonging to Harry Potter was called out by Hades, even Zeus shook in fear.

For all his power and domains, Death was something that even the King of Olympus couldn't ever face or even stand in equal standing.


Meanwhile Hestia was busy running around and letting all the minor gods and such know about Harry's plans to move to Kyoto to join the children and become part of the Yokai Faction.

Her brothers and sisters were too busy bickering to even notice her absence and thus she was left alone as she did what Harry asked her to do, she even went and let her mother Rhea know of what was going on.

Rhea being the Titaness of Fertility, Motherhood and Protection had been very elated about Harry's plans for all her family and was very excited to move to Kyoto as well.

Like all other supernatural beings, she had heard of the power and advances of Neo Kyoto and the Yokai Faction.

She was very impressed and curious about everything she had heard and through her domains, she could feel how each and every member of the Yokai Faction strove to gain the power to protect their faction.

Each and every member of that faction along with their allies and friends would rise up to protect their home and loved ones, she sure didn't envy or pitied the fool who would dare provoke them for they shall receive no mercy from the main protector of Neo Kyoto and Japan as a whole.

This was why she was so disappointed in her son Zeus and her grandson Ares, only a fool would go and poke a dragon on the nose.

So Rhea knew that once Harry Potter's patience ran out they would cease to exist, she knew full well of the ruthlessness he used when dealing with those that had annoyed him.

Everyone in fact knew of the fallen angel massacre, the destruction of the Tepes vampire clan, and the many devils he killed during his time in Kyoto were events well-known throughout the factions.

So she had accepted the fact that they were living on borrowed time and had just sat inside her home waiting for the end but her beloved daughter Hestia had come with great news.

The only one of her children who visit her had come with words from Harry Potter himself, words that brought hope to her heart.

Hope that some of her family will be able to finally know peace and that her grandchildren will be able to finally live a good and safe life without all the death and unhappiness that engulfed their entire existence.

So after Hestia told her of Harry's plans and left to tell the other minor gods and everyone else, Rhea immediately began packing with help of her lions, she'd always wanted to visit Japan and now she'll get to live there with her grandchildren.

What else could the Titaness ask for?


Harry and Eri had been patiently waiting for Juniper to snap out of it but it has been a good five minutes and Harry had things to do so he pointed a finger toward the wood nymph and hit her with a very weak blast of cold water.

Juniper sputtered and flailed her arms around, Harry stopped dousing her with water when he noticed her flailing around "Oh! You snapped out of it good!".

Juniper deadpanned at Harry as the water dripped from all over her body, Eri found it funny so she began to giggle which just made the poor nymph blush green in embarrassment.

Eri stopped giggling and then waved her hand at Juniper drying her completely something the wood nymph was very grateful for, she then sighed "Sorry about that my lord... I was just very caught off guard when you revealed that you're a sage, besides the Yokai there hasn't been anyone else who had been able to connect with nature in many, many centuries".

Harry nodded and hummed "I see... this branch of senjutsu was thought to me from another world so it works differently than the branch the Yokai use, this branch can be thought in fact besides me there is one other practitioner of senjutsu".

Juniper awed at the fact that there was another sage somewhere in the universe and was very happy "I see... this does feel far more potent that the kind of senjutsu the Yokai use, it feels rather nice~".

Harry smiled at Juniper while Eri giggled "Well then Juniper, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?".

Juniper shook her head to get her mind off the very warm and pleasant way Harry's Senjutsu felt and began to explain what she wanted to request of him "Ah! Well... I and the other wood Nymph would like to also go with the demigods, in fact, the satyrs and the other kind of nymphs would also love to go with them and join the Yokai Faction!".

Harry raised an eyebrow in surprise Oh? Why would Greek spirits and elementals want to join the Yokai Faction?".

Juniper fidgeted a bit but then nodded to herself "As you can see we don't exactly look very human and even with the mist it's very hard for us to mingle with the mundane world... in Kyoto, there's no need of fear that, there everyone is accepted and the Yokai gets to mingle with humans and experience modern life".

Harry nodded in understanding "Ah I see, all of you have been stuck here in this camp for a long while huh?".

Juniper nodded "Yeah... it is the only safe place for beings like us, the demigods at least get a chance to go back to society but us? No, we have been stuck here for a very long time... we also have dreams and hopes but the Greek Gods don't care about what a bunch of nymphs want".

Harry frowned and looked down "I see... well I don't mind if you want to move to Kyoto, I'm sure everyone will accept all of you there and I'll even create a pocket home dimension for all of you to live comfortably in too".

Juniper's eyes widen in surprise but then a big bright smile appeared on her face "Really? You would let us live among the Yokai just like that?".

Harry smiled and nodded "Of course, I know we have quite the scary and ruthless reputation but the Yokai Faction has a habit of making allies with anybody who wants to be our friends, it's the reason we have a lot of different races living among us".

Eri brightly smiled "Yeah! There are all kinds of people living in Kyoto! Dragons, vampires, yokai, and humans! It's always very lively and fun in Kyoto~ I love it!".

Juniper smiled toward Eri and nodded "I see.. thank you, my lord! We really appreciate it!".

Harry nodded "Just call me Harry, now why don't you take Eri with you and show her all the trees that belong to the wood nymphs and tag them so we can transport them to Kyoto safely".

Juniper excitedly nodded and Eri took her hand again and together with the Nyaromon took off skipping to tag all the trees that he was going to need to move.

Harry chuckled as he watched his daughter and her new friend Juniper skip away, meanwhile, he quickly took out his smartphone and texted Yasaka to let her know who else was coming to join the Yokai Faction.


A little bit later and after Harry had finished texting Yasaka, Luke came back running while holding a backpack.

The son of Hermes stopped in front of Harry and handed him the backpack "Here you go Harry! I also grabbed something else that we took".

Harry raised an eyebrow and opened the backpack "What the hell? What is this ugly helmet?".

Luke snorted finding the way Harry just called Hades' symbol of power funny "That's Hades' Helm of Darkness, Ares stole that so I could steal the Lightning Bolt".

Harry frowned "Ares? Don't tell me that fool is involved in all of this too?".

Luke nodded "Yeah, it's a little foggy in my memory but I seem to recall him giving me the Helm and telling me how to go to Olympus to take the Lightning Bolt...".

Harry nodded "It wasn't you Luke, whatever was inside of you was manipulating you, it took advantage of your pain and anger so don't blame yourself too much luckily we noticed before it could influence you to do something worse right?".

Luke nodded and looked down "Also, there's a favor I wanted to ask of you Harry...".

Harry put the backpack over his shoulder and nodded at Luke "What is it, Luke?".

Luke looked up and stared into Harry's eyes "My mother... she went insane when she tried to become the vessel for the oracle and couldn't handle it, could you please help her?".

Harry tilted his head but quickly nodded "Alright, can you bring her here? We will take her to Neo Kyoto and have the Healing Temples take a look at her, we will have her healthy in no time okay?".

Luke nodded and smiled "Hmm she lives pretty far, I'm going to need to get a car or something to get to her quickly".

Harry chuckle and took out a bracelet from his inventory "Here use this, this bracelet can open a portal to wherever you have seen before, it can only be used a couple of times but it is a very useful escape item".

Luke took the bracelet and stared at it in awe "Amazing! This is such a useful item! Are you sure I can use it? It must be priceless".

Harry grinned and shrugged "Not really, this is one of the many items available in Neo Kyoto to everyone, it is pretty popular among the guild's members, and it's cheap to buy, many use it as a quick exit for when they go adventuring in the Natural Dungeon we have in Neo Kyoto or as a cheap transportation method".

Luke was mesmerized by everything he just heard from Harry, to think such a wonderful magical artifact is nothing but an everyday and cheap tool that anyone in Yokai Faction can buy it was amazing to Luke.

Harry, of course, grinned as he watched the awed-filled expression on Luke's face "If you think that's impressive then you're going to go nuts once you see all the cool stuff you can get in Neo Kyoto, now go get your mother while I go talk to the Greek Gods.

Luke nodded and immediately ran off towards the Hermes house to use the bracelet and go get his mom, Harry smiled as he watch Luke run off.

He was glad that his heart had gotten rid of some of the darkness that was eating at it, it would take time but Harry was sure that Luke will be able to move on and live a good and peaceful life.

With that last thought going through his mind Harry waved his hand and opened a Dark Corridor straight into Olympus, when he sent Hades to forewarn Zeus of his visit he had also followed his energy signature so he could find out exactly where the Gods had moved Olympus.

So with a grin, Harry walked through the Dark Corridor ready to deal with the Greek Gods, once he stepped through the Dark Corridor closed behind him.


The Olympians Gods were still stunned by the news they just got from Hades, the fact that Harry Potter was in the United States and within Camp Half-Blood was a big shock to all of them.

Even worse so because no one had noticed that something was going on in the camp because they have been too busy arguing with each other.

The only one who seemed to be happy about all of this was Ares who was happily grinning at the fact that someone he wanted to fight was here and that had him feeling all sort of giddy, if he's able to kill Harry Potter war would be declared just had him feeling excited.

Suddenly a black pillar of darkness burst out from the ground right beside Hades who was now grinning in anticipation.

Soon Harry stepped out of the pillar of darkness and looked around, he then looked up towards the Greek Gods and frown as he watched them gape at him.

For the gods they were pretty surprised by Harry's sudden arrival, sure Hades had told them he was coming but they didn't expect him to arrive so soon, Ares, however, began to laugh causing everyone to turn their heads towards him and stare at him like he was crazy.

Even his father was looking at him as if he lost his mind but Ares ignore all of that and stood up, he then walked up to Harry and grinned at him as he noticed how he tower over him.

Harry for his part just raised an eyebrow at looked up at Ares, the God of War then pointed his finger at Harry and laughed "Hahaha this is the guy who has everyone so scared?! Look at him he's so tiny!".

The gods gasp, and some even shook their heads in disbelief at how Ares just spoke to Harry even Hades stared at Ares with wide eyes full of surprise not believing this fool just said that to Harry and right in front of his face too.

Harry however frowned and glared up at Ares "I'm just going to say this once... back off and go sit down on your throne or I will kill you where you stand".

Hera stood up in a panic "Ares! Go back to your throne right now!".

But Ares ignored his mother and just grinned while his eyes glowed like flames as he stared down at Harry "Oh? You kill a God? and risk war? I don't think you have the balls little lizard!".

Hermes whisper a small 'holy shit' while everyone else couldn't believe what Ares had just said to Harry, Athena huffed and shook her head "Well looks like this fool is going to die...".

Harry sighed and tiredly rubbed his eyes "... You remind me of my cousin Dudley, he was a bully and a complete and total idiot as well... I hate bullies...".

At that moment Harry looked up to Ares and took on his dragon Form, his massive body not only towered the giant size of the gods but also Olympus as well.

As he took on his dragon from Harry's body destroyed the ceiling of Olympus and spread his wings letting out a massive roar for everyone to hear.

Hades who was beside Harry immediately jumped to the side to dodge Harry's massive dragon form while Ares was pushed out of the way.

The rest of the Gods panicked as they watched the massive gold and silver Dragon roar towards the heavens, Ares who had landed on top of the small stairs leading to the thrones of the gods tried to get up.

But Harry stomped his massive claw on top of his lower body crushing it, Ares let out a wail of pain but Harry was already very tired of everything that had to do with the Greek Gods.

Ares was just the drop that spill the cup, so Harry leaned his head towards Ares and growled at him "Listen you little shit! I hate you, in fact, I hate this entire goddamn pantheon!".

The gods even Hades flinched at the pure vitriol in Harry's voice while Ares was now staring at Harry with wide eyes full of fear, Harry just went on "You think I'm afraid of going to war with a bunch of lazy and arrogant gods!? The Yokai Faction kills and fight monsters way beyond your level before breakfast! You think we're afraid?".

Harry then began to grind his claw on top of Ares's lower body and everyone began to wince as they heard his bone snap and crack as Ares began to scream in pain and desperately punch Harry's claw to try to get him off him.

But Harry just kept grinding his claw on top of Ares "It's you who should be afraid you arrogant fool... both of my daughters and niece could destroy this pantheon in minutes! and you think we're afraid of you!".

Harry lifted his claw just to quickly stomp it down on Ares's lower body again which made him cream in pain again and curse out, Harry the turned back into his human form and summoned Oblivion into his hand.

His dark keyblade appeared in a flash of darkness in his hand as Harry walked up to the sobbing form of Ares "How pathetic... you're a god and yet your crying because I crushed your bones... your sons and daughters have gone through worse and you don't see them crying...".

But Ares was in too much pain to even hear Harry and just lay on the stairs sobbing and gasping for air, to him this is the worse pain he has ever felt and that's because of Harry's god-killing perk and his ability to ignore resistances and defenses made Ares feel the full scope of the pain.

It reminded him of his missing arm that was blown off by the wards of Kyoto, Harry's attacks hurt as much as that ward as a matter of fact both felt the same way to him and that made him realize something very important.

His arms hadn't regenerated since being blown off by the wards of Kyoto and since Harry's attacks feel the same way as the barrier that means that his lower body isn't going to regenerate or heal either.

Harry noticed the realization in Ares's eyes and grin "Oh? It seems like you figured something out huh? I can guess what it is so let me help you a bit by explaining".

Harry then stomped on Ares's chest which made him grunt in pain, he then looked up to all the gods who were watching him do so in stunned silence "The wards of Kyoto were created by me and they have god-killing properties because I used my own energy to empower them".

The gods gasp at the bombshell of revelation Harry just dropped, while Harry just smiled "That's right I have god-killing abilities so that means any of you gods killed by me are gone forever, it's a gift given to me by Death and one I have no doubts on using on fools like you".

The Olympian Gods trembled and even Zeus did so as well, the fact that Harry can permanently kill a god and that power was given to him by Death was a terrifying revelation one that had very dire applications.

Athena nervously spoke up "B-but if you kill so many gods it would bring chaos to the world...y-you wouldn't do that right? It would be very irresponsible and evil...".

Harry however just scoffed "How deluded are you? Do you really believe existence, the world, and humanity need you? Such arrogance... all of you aren't unique nor as special as you think, there are all kinds of pantheons in this world with other gods with the same domains as yours".

Athena's eyes widen and she sat down on her throne trying to cope with what Harry just pointed out, Harry shrugged and didn't care so he just continued speaking "That's right all of you are disposable, only those like myself or the other Dragon Gods that have conceptual control of a domain might actually cause some ill effects towards the world if we were to die, not like it would ever happen though".

Athena then got another realization that made her turn towards Zeus, her father, and glare "That means... you lied to us.. you told us that if we stayed with our children and human family we would become humans and the world would collapse..".

Zeus frowned but didn't say anything which to the other gods meant that Athena was right, Harry however didn't care about that and pointed Oblivion directly into Ares' face while everyone was too busy glaring at Zeus.

Ares couldn't even say anything as Harry blasted a pitch-black orb of darkness toward his face, the last thing Ares saw before his death was the glare of a Dragon God before he knew no more.

Everyone felt the surge of energy and immediately turned toward Harry only to be able to watch as the Dragon God blasted Ares's head with a blast of darkness that consume and completely destroyed his head.

Ares's body then exploded in wisps of golden light signaling his permanent death and the Olympian Gods could only watch in disbelief at the fact that one of them had really died.

Harry huffed and then took off the backpack hanging from his shoulder and opened it, he then took out the Helm of Darkness and threw it at Hades "Make sure you don't lose that again would you?".

Hades caught it and smiled "Oh! I had completely forgotten about my Helm, I was so distracted with everything that happened at the camp that it slipped my mind... thank you for finding it and giving it back".

Harry nodded "Sure, apparently Ares stole it and gave it to a demigod named Luke who used it to steal Zeus's Lightning Bolt".

Zeus who was trying to console Hera who was crying over their son's death heard all of that and immediately snapped "A son of Hermes dares steal my symbol of authority! I shal-".

Harry immediately caught Zeus's mid-rant "You're not going to do anything asshole".

Zeus being interrupted could only stare at Harry in disbelief, while Harry continued "Might as well tell you all now... I have claimed all the demigods as my own, as of now they're no longer just demigods but dragonoids as well and thus they're now members of the Dragon Faction led by me and Ophis Ouroboros the Dragon God of Infinity".

This news snapped the gods out of their stunned and shocked silence caused by Ares's death and began to complain and rant to him about he doesn't have the right, that they're their children and that he couldn't do this.

But all of their complaints just served to piss off Harry more than he already is until he snapped "Silence!".

With a massive flare of his full power, he brought down the entire Greek Pantheon to their knees and gasped for air "I swear! It's like I'm dealing with children! I've been a teacher for a long time but I have never dealt with such spoiled and arrogant children in my life! Even some of the really bad kids weren't as bad as all of you and that says a lot!".

The Greek Gods were all gasping for air except Hades who even though could feel the pressure, it wasn't bringing him to his knees, Harry then let off his power and spoke "None of you deserve the gift and happiness that is having a child! None of you deserve to be parents with how you've treated your children! Your own blood!".

The Olympian Gods all looked up from the ground towards Harry and stared at him as he continued to speak "... All of you should be ashamed to even call yourselves mothers or fathers!... Killing your own kin... abandoning them and even not claiming them as if they were not important enough to you to recognize them as your children!".

Some of the gods looked down and felt horrible, everything Harry just said is true and they knew it, Harry shook his head "It is already done, the demigods are now my children and as such I'll make sure they have a happy and fulfilling life, I'll protect them even from you!".

Zeus frowned and glared at Harry "You can't do this! You don't have the right to take away the children of Olympus!".

Harry scowled and walked up to Zeus who by far was the one whose actions had pissed him off the most, as soon as Harry got close to Zeus he kicked him up like a soccer ball by kicking his head.

Zeus's head lurched back and he was lifted off the ground by Harry's kick where Harry caught his head and lifted it to his where he harshly headbutted Zeus in his forehead and glared directly into his eyes.

Gold blood dripped out of Zeus's forehead as Harry held his head and then growled, "As a father and teacher I have every fucking right to take these kids from all of you, and you're not going to do anything about it not unless you want to die!".

But Zeus seemed still defiant towards Harry "You won't get away with this! Those children belong to us and are a big part of our military might! I won't let you take them away!".

Harry snarled and then threw Zeus towards his throne where the King of Olympus crashed back first against it, Zeus grunted from the impact while Harry reached into the backpack and pulled out Zeus's Lightning Bolt.

The Dragon God disappeared in a blur and reappeared in front of Zeus who couldn't even react while Harry jabbed the Lightning Bolt straight into Zeus's shoulder and through his throne behind him.

To the shock and amazement of the other gods, the Lightning Bolt began to let out white and black arcs of electricity as Zeus scream in pain as Harry used his very own symbol of authority against him.

Athena trembled and shook in both shock and fear "He... he took control of the Lightning Bolt... he usurped father's authority and used his own godly weapon against him... how just how is he doing this?! No other being can usurp the power of a god!".

The Olympian Gods were now truly and completely terrified, Harry Potter can usurp their power, their authority the very thing that makes them who they are and that terrified all of them.

Hades however just shook his head {Foolish brother... you knew exactly how dangerous Harry Potter is and you still dared to provoke him? Just how far have you fallen in your arrogance?}.

Harry watched as Zeus squirmed as he was pinned down to his throne by his own Lightning Bolt "You of all people have no right to rant at me, Zeus! You have has no qualms about killing your nieces and nephews! You who just sat on this throne as his daughter died only for you to turn her into a tree!".

Zeus grunted in pain and glared at Harry in anger and hate as he felt his own godly weapon cause massive damage to his body.

Harry just twisted and pushed the Lightning Bolt deeper into Zeus's shoulder causing the golden-colored blood of the King of Olympus to splatter all over the floor and throne.

Zeus screamed and snarled in pain while Harry continue to glare at him "Even now you're still defiant... very well then I'll make sure you nor any other God of Olympus makes the same mistakes again".

Harry let go of the Lightning Bolt and walked away from Zeus leaving him pinned on his throne while he turned towards the other gods "From now on no Greek God will be able to have children unless they join the Yokai Faction!".

Harry raised his hand which began to glow red with the conceptual power of reality, Harry then snapped his fingers making the Greek God unable to ever procreate again "None of you deserve your children nor the ability to have any...".

Harry then turned towards Artemis and glared at her which made her flinch "You have killed quite a few make Demigods... I want you to deliver all the Demigods you took into your hunting party to Kyoto, you have exactly one month... if you don't then I'll hunt you down and rip you apart piece by piece...".

Artemis tremble and nodded, she knew that she couldn't argue with Harry especially now that he was very angry, so she'll do what he asked for and perhaps try to speak with him when she brings the demigods under her charge then.

Harry then turned towards the rest of the Gods "I wasn't going to do this but I quite like Hestia so for her I'll give some of you a chance...".

The Olympian Gods looked at Harry and gave him their full attention not wanting to further piss him off "If any of you actually care about your children and want to try to get to know them, then leave the Greek Faction and joined the Yokai Faction".

Some of the Greek Gods widen their eyes in surprise at the opportunity given to them by Harry while he went on "I can't promise you the kids will accept you or forgive you but you will have a chance to earn the right to be called father or mother by them again but that's up to them and you".

A few Olympian Gods smiled and nodded to Harry, the Dragon God sighed "If you're going to join then do so in a month to give the kids some time to adapt and for the Yokai Faction to prepare everything until then behave and do not make me come here again, next time I won't stop to talk or anything like that... I'll kill you all, do I make myself clear?".

The Olympian Gods nodded, Harry then turned towards Zeus and glared "and you... since you're not going to use it anymore you won't mind me getting rid of it".

Harry pointed his pointed finger towards Zeus's groin and fired a multitude of death beams at it which caused Zeus to scream in horror and pain, being pinned down by his own weapon prevented him from being able to even dodge or block Harry's barrage of ki-based attacks.

Harry soon finished destroying Zeus's genitals and scoff at how pathetic the King of Olympus looked sobbing and crying, he shook his head and turned around "You deserve this and much more for everything you've done... but I don't have the time to deal with you, I have a lot of people to move to Kyoto and a match in a few days to prepare for".

Harry then walked away from Zeus and towards where Hades is standing "Come on Hades, you're helping as well".

Hades nodded and Harry waved a hand creating a Dark Corridor, Harry nodded to Hades and he immediately walked through with a satisfied grin on his face, Harry turned towards the Olympian Gods and spoke one more time to them "Remember, behave and do not force me to come here again".

With that said, Harry walked through the Dark Corridor which then dissipated right after.

The Greek Gods sighed in relief now that he was gone, Hermes shook his head "Ugh... I'm going to have to change my undergarments, I seriously shat myself a couple of times".

A few gods nodded in agreement to Hermes's sentiments, Athena frowned and turned to look at her father who was still sobbing and pinned to his throne "I think a lot of us have a lot to think about, I suggest we all go to our territories to do so...".

Everyone nodded and quickly left to go to their territories while Hera walked up to her Husband and sadly frowned "... We really do deserve worst than what we got... oh Zeus..".

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