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2.47% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Kapitel 2: Chapter 2


A familiar box appears in front of harry and as he reads, a grin begins to form on his face.

Days of grinding and fighting horribly powerful beings have made him an experienced and powerful fighter.

He closes his eyes and chuckles as he reminisces about the peculiar world of Disgaea, one of the many worlds and the last he visited that helped him break all kinds of limits, but most of all the crazy adventures of his friends Mao, Beryl, Sapphire, and Almaz dragged him on.

He opens his eyes and stares at his races.


[-Dragon God]







[-Saiyan God]

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{These were so hard to obtain...either they evolved or were combined with others and became something new, like Harry's Dragovian race for example which evolved into Dragon God.

Most of his titles evolved once Harry gained access to divinity by slaying a god or fighting a powerful enemy considered a boss by the game, or worst case scenario a reward for saving a world from destruction.

The interesting thing about them was that some of them just gave Harry access to the skills of that specific race or allowed him to damage intangible things like the soul.

The Shinigami and Hollow race allowed Harry to use shinigami and hollow techniques but it didn't grant him a Zanpakuto spirit.

It was later that Harry found out the cause for this, it turned out that it was because of his Keyblades.

His weapons were already sentient so they couldn't become Zanpakutos nor give him a Bankai.

Not that Harry needed them to do so, his Keyblades were more than enough but the ability to cause damage to an enemy's soul that he gained from the races instead would be useful to him throughout his journey.

This had also affected his Saiyan race, Harry got zenkais but was unable to become a Super Saiyan nor does he have a monkey's tail, however, once Harry became a Dragon God he gained a Super Saiyan God form and the race itself evolved into Saiyan God}.

He nodded to himself and moved on to his titles.


[-Master of Death]

[-Keyblade Master]

[-A Demonlord's Best Friend]


[-Best Cook]

[-Devil Hunter]

[-Heaven's Savior]

[-Harem King]

[-Demonlord of Rebellion]

[-Dragon Slayer]

[-God Slayer]

[-Master of The Elements]


[-Kage Level Shinobi]


[-Army Killer]

[-Administrator of The Akashic Record]


[-Devourer of Souls]

[-Grand Healer]

[-Turtle School Style Master]

[-Demon Clan Style Master]


[Click to expand]

{Yeah... I'm never showing this to anyone}. He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he sweatdropped at some of the ridiculous titles that he has gained during his long adventure.

{Yeah... I'm never showing this to anyone.} He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he sweatdropped at some of the ridiculous titles that he has gained during his long adventure.

{Surprisingly these were very easy to obtain some changed over time and others appeared by reaching a milestone, for example when my keyblades reached their ultimate forms.

The Keyblade Wielder title evolved to Keyblade Master others like the god slayer and dragon slayer were rewarded to me when I managed to kill a god and dragon of a very high level, others like sage or master of the elements were given to me by the game when I mastered the skills connected to the title}

"Still...some of these are very embarrassing." Harry chuckled awkwardly while scratching the back of his head.

Though he glared at a particular title on his list. "...Horcrux." Harry growled as he remembers the moment he both obtained this title and the next one.



We see Harry meditating as he trains to master senjutsu from the toads along with his orange-wearing friend Naruto.

As Harry meditates he feels a pull from his soul. This of course confuses him so he decides to allow himself to be pulled into his soulscape.

He opens his eyes only to see nothing but a white expanse spreading as far as his eyes can see, he looked around until a sound alerted him that he wasn't alone and quickly jumped back and prepares to attack only to relax when he sees a deformed baby like being moaning and writhing on the floor.

"What?..." Harry stares in disgust at the being and approached it carefully.

Once close he notices the pale skin, the noseless face, and red eyes full of hate and malice, he closed his eyes to get a feel of this being's energy and begins to feel out the creature in front of him only to open his eyes in shock.

"You're a soul! A piece of one!" Harry growled in both anger and disgust" who are you? and how are you inside of my soulscape!?".

The being wheezes and chuckles darkly but doesn't answer, it just lies there as it glares at Harry with his red and hateful eyes.

"... Fine don't answer! but I won't have you in here any longer!".

He glared at the deformed being and placed his hand in front of his face and claws down gathering energy and forming a reptilian-like white mask with two long horns growing out of it towards the back of his head.

Harry growled and then let out a terrifying howl that makes the deformed being widen his eyes in fear and shock as an unearthly pressure begins to push down on the deformed baby harshly.

The being began to panic as Harry approached it and lifted him with one hand, the last thing this small shard of the soul of Voldermort would ever see is Harry opening his fang-filled jaws and a dark void before it ceases to exist.

Once Harry was done devouring the deformed soul shard he lifted his hollow mask off his face and let it rest on top of his head, he closed his eyes as he begins to obtain the memories of the soul shard belonging to the dark lord Voldemort, all of the spells he has mastered, all the rituals he has performed in his sick quest for power, and the identity of all his followers but to him that's not important.

No, what has his full attention is the final moments of James Andrew Potter and Lily Anne Potter, his mother, and father.

He watched as his father fought Voldemort valiantly, how his mother tried to protect him and sacrificed herself for him, her dying scream, and Voldemort's cold and cruel laughter.

Tears fall down his face as he witnessed the final moments of his parents, the love they have for him, the injustice done to his family by Voldemort, the piece of shit who told the dark lord about the prophecy, and the traitorous rat who betrayed his parents.

"...Ahhhhhhhh!" An enormous storm of energy begins to spread around Harry as the information overwhelms him, unleashing his power in a roar of rage.

"I'll make all of you pay! I vow to make each and every one of you pay for what happened to me and my parents!"

(Flashback End)


He closed his eyes and swipes the window to close it; deciding to skip checking his current level and already knowing there was no need to check. He already maxed them out.

Besides he wouldn't have been able to come back to his world unless he became strong enough to destroy anything that gets in his way.

"I should get out of this place..." He took look around the small room and frowned.

"I really hate this room." Harry walked towards the door and punches it destroying it and the wall in front of it, of course, this wakes up the other residents of the house but he doesn't care and continues to head towards the front door.

Vernon and Petunia Dursley awoke in a jolt as a loud crash is heard throughout the house.

"What in the bloody hell was that!" Vernon gets up in a hurry and begins to walk to check what the noise was when a second crash is heard, this time by the front door.

He quickly heads down being followed by both Petunia and Dudley who were also awakened by the loud noise and being curious about it he followed his father downstairs to check.


~Surrey in front of the Dursley home~

Harry reached the front door and punches it destroying it completely and sending wood pieces and shrapnel onto the front yard, he stepped out only to stop and smile brightly as he catches sight of Ereshkigal standing quietly in the middle of the street, the moonlight shining down on her making her golden hair glow and her rube red eyes shine.

She turned towards Harry and smiles softly she stretched her arm and reaches a hand out to him.

Not even thinking about it twice he began to walk towards his goddess and lift his hand to reach for hers, he grabs her hand and holds it tightly while stepping up to her until he was in front of her and gently hugs her.

Ereshkigal hugs him back tightly and whispers "Welcome back Harry".

Harry tightened his hug. "It's good to be back Eris..".

They let go and smile at each other and Ereshkigal can't help but notice how much he has changed.

He seemed older, wiser, and taller not at all the 10 years old he's supposed to be.

{He has changed so much... and he has become so strong, I can feel it} She looks into his eyes and proudly smiles.

"Boy!" Both turn their heads only to see an overweight purpled faced Vernon standing at the front door glaring at his nephew in both rage and surprise when he noticed him hugging some tramp, but what enraged him the most is how different the boy looked, standing there tall and proud with those fancy clothes which he was sure he nor Petunia got for him.

Petunia stared at his nephew and can't help but notice his clothes too.

Fancy black cargo pants and an expensive looking black with emerald tones jacket with one of those hoodies that are popular with the hoodlums, he seems taller, his black hair longer, and she noticed that he's not wearing his glasses anymore allowing those green eyes of his to shine.

Dudley just stared in confusion.

Vernon was about to step toward Harry. "You shouldn't do that uncle..." Harry glared at his so-called family and his eyes begin to glow in the dark of the night causing Vernon to suddenly stop, Petunia and Dudley, to flinch back only for them to widen their eyes in fear when a black silhouette in the shape of an enormous dragon appears behind their nephew and the girl.

The silhouette opened its eyes and all they can see is two deep green reptilian eyes glaring at them, Harry grins at his relatives allowing his fangs to be seen by them as he watches his tormentors begin to shake in fear.

"I'm leaving and never coming back; I hope for your well-being that I never see you again!" Harry spread his enormous dragon wings and lifts Ereshkigal in his arms making her squeak in and blush in surprise, he then flapped his wings hard and takes off into the night sky leaving three shocked and terrified humans.


As Harry flies in the night sky he started to chuckle at the faces of his so-called family.

"So... what's next Eris?"

"We go to Kyoto, Japan, a good friend of mine lives there and she can help us. Last time I visited her she was complaining and crying about how no one takes her faction seriously, and how they always ignore them so I thought why not go there and have you join her faction!" she grins excitedly while Harry deadpans at her.

"Ok? Well as long as they don't expect me to bend a knee, I will join her faction and help them as best as I can".

"Now hold on tight!" A dark corridor formed ahead of them and as they go through it, it quickly vanishes.


~Kyoto, Japan Yasaka's palace~

Yasaka and her young daughter Kunou are both beautiful kitsunes, kyuubis to be exact as the ninetails swaying lazily behind them is proof of their status, they have blonde hair and bright beast-like yellow eyes.

They seem to be relaxing after a tough day of work and study when they perceive an enormous energy signature appear suddenly above them.

Yasaka jumps up in a panic "Kunou! go with the guards!" the young kitsune stands up in a hurry and runs towards the guards who spread around her protectively as Yasaka heads outside to confront whoever or whatever is the owner of such an enormous amount of energy.

Meanwhile, Harry can be seen hovering above the palace looking around the city "wow! It looks like a modern Konoha!"

Ereshkigal giggled as she watches Harry excitedly look around. "Konoha? Was that in a world you visited"

Harry grins at her as he begins to float down.

"Yup! Konoha is the village hidden in the leaves, a shinobi village! There I learned the way of the ninja and many Chakra techniques".

Harry smiled softly "I made some awesome friends there too and they taught me a lot" He softly lands in front of the palace and puts Ereshkigal down gently while his wings go back into his back.

"Ooh~! Ninjas that sounds interesting Harry, you have to show me what you've learned some time" she claps excitedly but then notices Yasaka come out of the palace in a panic.

"Hello! Ya-chan!" she waved happily at her friend.

Yasaka stopped suddenly when she heard her friend's voice. "Ereshkigal? Good Kami woman! You nearly gave me a heart attack!".

Ereshkigal tilts her head in confusion. "Huh? how? I visit you often enough for you to sense it was me arriving".

Yasaka deadpans and sweatdrops at her friend "Of course..." You can practically feel the sarcasm dripping off of her "But how am I supposed to sense you! When you arrive with someone unknown whose energy dwarfs anything I have felt before!" She points at Harry who jumps a bit in surprise at being pointed at.

"Ohhh I see... sorry about that Ya-chan hehehe".

"Don't you hehehe me! " The poor kyuubi kitsune glared at Ereshkigal who waved her hands in front of her in surrender.

"Sigh... well? Who is this young man Ereshkigal and why did you bring him here?".

Ereshkigal looks at Yasaka and her eyes turn serious surprising the kitsune "This is Harry Potter, the Master of Death Ya-chan".

Yasaka's eyes widen in surprise and turned to look at the young man who only waved and smiled at her.

"Can we go in Ya-chan? It's a bit of a long story but it will be worth your time I promise" Yasaka stared into the eyes of her friend and lightly nods " Ok, let's head in, I just know this is going to be big."

The kitsune turned around and began to lead them inside.


~Yasaka's Palace in Yasaka's office~

Ereshkigal spent some time explaining their situation to Yasaka while enjoying some delicious tea.

Kunou decided to join the discussion since Ereshkigal is one of her favorite people.

Kunou listens with her mother as the young goddess tells them the tale of what has been done to Harry and the power she bestowed on him.

Yasaka turned to look sadly at Harry after Ereshkigal finished telling them about his life and the hardships he has faced, being a mother she can't believe someone's family could be so cruel to one of their own.

"I see... and now that Harry is back that means he's become the most powerful being in this world but Ereshkigal, for you to create such an ability must have weakened you severely." She turned towards her friend worry evident in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Harry turned toward his goddess and looks at her with concern showing in his eyes.

Ereshkigal smiled at her friends. "Yes, but I needed to help my master ya-chan so I don't regret doing it".

She turned to look at Harry and she pats his hand gently. "I'm fine, really, it might take me a while to recover but I'm fine, I promise".

Yasaka stared at her for a bit but nodded after some time "Ok I'll trust you to be honest about this Ereshkigal".

The goddess just gave her old friend another smile and nods.

Meanwhile, Kunou slowly approached Harry trying not to draw any attention to her.

Harry however turned towards her and smiled "Yes? Can I help you?".

Kunou jumped a bit in surprise and blushed cutely as Yasaka giggled at her daughter's embarrassment causing Kunou to pout at her mother.

"I-I just wanted to see where you kept your keyblades..." She begins to fidget with her fingers.

"I like the games so I wanted to see them..." She looks down sadly but then she hears a sound and two bright lights flash for a second, she looked up and widen her eyes in awe as she looked at two very recognizable keyblades...

"T-those are, oathkeeper and oblivion!" Her eyes sparkled in excitement as her tails sway happily.

Meanwhile, Yasaka stared intently at the weapons in Harry's hands. {The white one is letting off some very powerful holy light energy! It is far above any holy blade I've known... and the black one... such darkness it's like it wants to devour everything}.

Kunou looked at Harry expectantly. "Can I hold them? Please!".

Harry chuckled and handed her the keyblades.

Kunou holds them and lifts them above her head excitedly "They're so light!".

Yasaka smiled while she watched her daughter happily begin to pose with the keyblades "Is that ok?".

Harry looks at her and smiles "Yeah, I changed them into weaker forms so she won't hurt herself and besides my keyblades don't do anything unless am the one wielding them.

Yasaka widens her eyes in shock. {Those are weaker forms!... I wonder how powerful they really are...}?

She turned to look at Ereshkigal who smiles at her and winked "so Ereshkigal tell me, why come here? what's your plan?".

Ereshkigal nods and looks directly into Yasaka's eyes and the kitsune gulps in anticipation "We want to join the yokai faction Ya-chan."

Yasaka looked utterly surprised "What?, but why? You both could join any faction you wanted, why join the yokai?".

"Well first because you're my friend, secondly Harry needs to get away from Britain and the Wizarding world for a while, and thirdly you mentioned to me that your faction needs more powerhouses, that you're tired of the yokai being pushed around so I decided why not?".

Yasaka looked incredulously at her friend and then turned towards Harry "And you Harry-kun? what's your opinion about all of this?".

Harry looked up in thought "I don't mind joining, you seem like a good leader, and Eris trusts you, so as long as you don't try to force me to do anything I don't want to do, then I'm willing to follow you".

The kitsune leans back and closed her eyes to think about the situation {Sure, we need a deterrent for the other factions, especially the devils and fallen, lately they've been walking around and doing whatever they want on our territory, and quite honestly am tired of that}.

She opens her eyes and looks at her friend. "What about your faction Ereshkigal?".

"The Mesopotamian faction is almost dead, only I and my niece Ishtar remain so I don't mind joining the yokai".

Yasaka stared at both of them and nods.

"Very well, then I welcome you to the yokai faction Harry and Ereshkigal".

Harry and Ereshkigal smile and nod happily when out of nowhere they hear Kunou yell. "Fire!" Oathkeeper then spits out a small fireball hitting the wall and scorching it a bit.

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