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86.66% Pokémon world journey / Chapter 39: Ch 25: Lavender Town

Kapitel 39: Ch 25: Lavender Town

Wes left the Aqua Reaf Hotel with a big smirk on his face. He may have spent around 25000 Pokedolars, but the result, of the past 9 days, was amazing.

"Espeon and Umbreon both gained a LV".

Wes had also, taught them the Moves, from the TMs he got, from the tournament.

"Nidorino gained 2 LVs and learned 4 new Moves, increasing its utility and strength. Venusaur actually gained 3 LVs. He also learned a new Move, when it evolved. Petal Blizzard."

"Butterfree, even though, i trained it the least. It managed to gain 2 LVs and became the highest LV Pokemon, of the whole team. Except the Moves it learned, it finally comprehended the Teleport Move from Staryu. 11 LVs remain for Butterfree, to learn the Quiver Dance Move."

"Charmeleon on the other hand, focused on its usual punching training, finally learned, the Power-Up-Punch Move. Now i could put it on the normal training program. I should also train it more, to increase its LV, since the next Gym Leader uses Grass type Pokemon."

"Staryu thanks to the intense battling it had, every day. Gained 3 LVs and it also learned by LV up the Minimise Move. Umbreon also, managed to teach it the Confuse Ray Move."

"Finally Magneton. Also gained 3 LVs. It also learned its main attacking Steel Type Move, Flash Cannon."

"Now i should move towards Lavender Town, to catch a Gastly or one of its evolutions. I can also stay for some days. To train Espeon and Umbreon in the Tower. After all its full of Ghost and Poison Types. I can also add Charmeleon as an added bonus."

Then Wes went on his way, towards Lavender Town.

After a few hours, Wes could discern a tall tower standing proud, on the horizon. The tower looked quite majestic, from a distance. But, if someone looked at it, from a close distance, he/she would probably feal a chill in their spine.

After half an hour. Wes finally reached Lavender Town.

" Wow!!!!!!! I always thought, that the games, with the creepy music and scary rumors, that even existed my previous world, were making a big controversy, out of a little pixelated town. All of that is nothing, compered to, the real thing."

Wes was completely shocked. The moment he entered Lavender Town, immediately he got the chills. He even started to wonder, how the town people, were able to stay constantly, in such atmosphere.

The town, was very small. With a glance Wes, could discern around 100 houses, of the same purple painting and size. At the center and a bit towards the left, one of the only 3 exceptions, could be seen. A huge building with brown colouring and a purple roof. Right outside the house, a sign with huge red words " Mr.Fuji's Pokemon Care" could be seen. The other two exceptions, were the Poke Mart and the Pokemon Center. Then at the Northeast side of Wes, the Lavender Tower, could be seen.

Wes first paid a visit to Mr.Fuji.

Inside the building, a huge, colorful space, greated Wes. A lot of small Pokemon, were on the loose. Running, chasing, playing, eating and receiving the affection of humans. There were also a very small number of Pokemon, being in groups of two and acting quite intimate, with eachother. On a corner, a lonely Cubone, could be seen.

Cubone: male LV 27 Ability: Rock Head Item: Thick Club

Moves: Growl, Bubble Beam (Baby), Double-Edge (Baby), Tail Whip, Bone Club, Headbutt, Endure (Tutor), Focus Energy, Bonemerang, Rage, Double Kick (Tutor).

" !!!!!!!! Is this Cubone?????"

Fuji: Hello, young man. How can i help you?

Wes: I came, to visit the Pokemon Tower.

Fuji: I understand. I offer you my condolences to your deceased Pokemon.

Mr.Fuji looked very sad, after hearing that, his visitor is here to visit, the Pokemon Tower. After all, most people, visit the tower, to burry, their deceased Pokemon.

Wes: What are you talking about?? My Pokemon are just fine. I only want to pay a visit, so i can catch a Ghost Type Pokemon.

Fuji: Whaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!

Mr.Fuji was completely shocked. The youth Infront of him, looked like a rookie trainer. So he felt really surprised, that such a young trainer, is interested in the dangerous and difficult to rise Ghost type Pokemon.

Fuji: Are you sure, about rising one?

Mr.Fuji had a look, full of concern, for the young trainer.

Wes: Yes. I'm sure.

Fuji: Ok then. Wild Gastly and Haunter appear on the 2nd floor and upwards.

Wes: Thank Mr.Fuji. Also I have a question. Why is this Cubone all alone?

Fuji: Ahhh. This one. A month ago, Team Roket invaded the tower, in search for something. On the way they killed, this Cubone's mother. I've been talking care of it, since that day.

" I knew it. It was that Cubone."

Then Wes left the house of Mr.Fuji and went, straight in the tower. The tower was huge. The walls were colored in a grayish white colour and the roof was totally black. After Wes reached the stairs, that led towards the 2nd floor, he immediately stopped.

Wes: Espeon, Umbreon, Charmeleon. Come out.

Then Espeon, Umbreon and Charmeleon appeared, Infront of Wes.

Wes: Ok everyone. I want you to be careful. Inside there are a lot of Ghost Type Pokemon. There might, also be people, they possessed. We are here to train and catch a Gastly or Haunter. Let the grind begin.

Then Wes along with his Pokemon climbed the tower. The 2nd floor of the Pokemon Tower, was quite fogie. Wes immediately watched, the Pokemon that can be found here with his system.

Pokemon Tower:

Gastly: Are You Blind? LV 1- 24

Haunter: Rare LV 25- 40

Zubat: Rare LV 1-21

Golbat: Rare LV 22- 42

Cubone: Very Rare LV 1- 27

Gengar: Ultra Rare LV 26-45

Marowak: Ultra Rare LV 28- 43

" Ok then. All Gastly, are very low level. So Haunter is the target."

Then Wes, fought with any Ghost Type Pokemon he could find, while searching for an acceptable Haunter. After 20 minutes, the enjoying grinding, was forcibly stoped by a weird mob.


Possessed: BEECO....OOME ONE...E OF UUUS

Possessed: BEE....ECO....OOM...E ONEE...EE OF UUUU....UUS.

Around ten possessed attacked Wes, while screaming, for him to become, one of them.

Wes: Umbreon, Espeon. Beat the crap out of them. Charmeleon, protect me.

And with this arrangement, Wes beat up all the Possessed people on his way. Of course after the possessed got realised from their possession, they thanked Wes. The grind continued for the next two days.

Wes wasn't satisfied with the Haunter's he had found. They either had, very good selection of Moves, but were of low level or they had a very good level, but not a good Moveset. Nothing in between. Wes even passed the chance, to get a shiny Gastly and Haunter.

Wes: Charmeleon Flamethrower.

Then the Flamethrower Move of Charmeleon, defeated a Haunter. Then Wes continued fighting. But suddenly he found a Haunter approaching him. Wes immediately checked its Summary.

Haunter: Male LV 34 Ability: Levitate Item: no

Moves: Hypnosis, Lick, Haze (Baby), Giga Drain (Baby), Mean Look, Curse, Foul Play (Tutor), Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Icy Wind (Tutor), Sucker Punch, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball.

Wes: Umbreon. He is yours.

Umbreon: Umbreeeeeron!!!!!!

Wes: Umbreon use, Shadow Ball.

Umbreon immediately gathered ghostly energy, into a black ball. Then it launched that ball towards the Haunter. Haunter dodged and used its own Shadow Ball to hit Umbreon, for minimal damage. Then Haunter's fists and body, started to e mit a shadowy aura. Wes smiled at that sight.

Wes: Umbreon. Use Payback.

Haunter at the sigh of Umbreon, preparing to use its own Move, Unleased its Sucker Punch Move. Umbreon got hit but then the double powered Payback used by Umbreon, knocked back, dealing

massive amounts of damage.

Wes: Shadow Ball.

Then Umbreon, launched its Shadow Ball Move again, hiting the Haunter, this time. Then Wes threw a Pokeball at the weakened Haunter, capturing it, in the process.

Wes: Great job Umbreon. We got Haunter.

Umbreon: Umbreeeeeeeon!!!!

Umbreon roared in excitement at its success. Then Wes continued the grinding for the past 8 days.

Finally Wes was on Route 7 just outside of Lavender Town. looking back, one final time, at the haunted Town. The results of his training, were quite satisfactory, but Charmeleon, had the best results. At the forth day, Wes also trained, the rest of his team. Now satisfied with his progress, he immediately left Lavender Town in order, to reach his next Gum Challenge at Celadon City.


1: Espeon: female LV 37 Ability: Magic Bounce Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Helping Hand (Tutor), Ally Switch (Tutor), Psych Up, Hyper Beam (Tutor), Morning Sun, Shadow Ball (TM), Return (TM), Sunny Day (TM), Psychic.

2: Umbreon: male LV 37 Ability: Synchronize Item: Leftovers

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack, Charm (tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Screech, Detect (Tutor), Sucker Punch (Tutor), Moonlight, Shadow Ball (TM), Return (TM), Mean Look.

3: Nidorino: male. LV 35 Ability: Poison Point Item: no

Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM), Horn Attack, Bubble Beam (Tutor), Helping Hand, Thunderbolt (TM), Ice Beam (TM), Return (TM), Sunny Day (TM), Hidden Power-Ghost (TM), Toxic Spikes.

4: Venusaur: male LV 35 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM), Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Power Whip (Tutor), Growth, Petal Blizzard, Sunny Day (TM), Return (TM), Hidden Power-Dark (TM).

5: Butterfree: female LV 38 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no

Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Supersonic, Safeguard, Bug Buzz, Sunny Day (TM), Shadow Ball (TM), Hidden Power-Dragon (TM), Teleport (Tutor).

6: Charmeleon: male LV 35 Ability: Solar Power Item: no

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor), Fire Punch (Tutor), Sunny Day (TM), Return (TM), Hidden Power-Ice (TM), Power-Up-Punch (Tutor).

7: Staryu: LV 34 Ability: Natural Cure Item: no

Moves: Harden, Tackle, Teleport (Baby), Recover (Baby), Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Icy Wind (Tutor), Psywave, Swift, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Protect (TM), Thunderbolt (TM), Minimize, Ice Beam (TM), Hidden Power-Rock (TM), Confuse Ray (Tutor).

8: Magneton: LV 34 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: Heat Stone

Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Gravity (Baby), Shock Wave (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Light Screen, Magic Coat (Tutor), Sonic Boom, Discharge (Tutor), Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Protect (TM), Hidden Power-Fire (Tutor), Thunderbolt (TM), Tri Attack, Sunny Day (TM), Flash Cannon, Teleport (Tutor).

9: Haunter: Male LV 35 Ability: Levitate Item: no

Moves: Hypnosis, Lick, Haze (Baby), Giga Drain (Baby), Mean Look, Curse, Foul Play (Tutor), Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Icy Wind (Tutor), Sucker Punch, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball.

Kapitel 40: Ch 26: Touch Me....If You Can?

Wes: Haunter use Hypnosis.

???: Arbok use Coil.

Haunter lunched, hypnotic waves towards the opposing Arbok. Arbok had fallen asleep, before it could use its Coil Move.

Wes: Haunter use Shadow Ball.

Then a few uses, of the Shadow Ball Move, were more than enough, for Haunter, to grasp the win.

The past three days Wes, moved along Route 7. Wes focus of training, were the newly acquired Haunter and the main star of the next Gym Battle, Charmeleon. Charmeleon, needed to be, in its best condition, for the battle against Erika. While on the other hand, Wes needed to get used to, to his newest team member, Haunter.

The night was approaching very fast. Wes had found, a very nice camping spot, to spent the night.

Then he planed out, the order his Pokemon will take, guarding the camp. Haunter was first with Butterfree and Staryu. Next Charmeleon, Ivysaur and Nidorino. Finally Espeon and Umbreon and Magneton will be the last guards for the night.

Late at night the complete quietness of the whole area, was broken, thanks to the loud snores of Wes. Even worse was, were the snores and burbs, Haunter made. Thanks to Wes being a reincarnated person, the dreams and vitality Wes, possessed, were the best food, a Ghost Type Pokemon could ask for. Haunter was so full, to the point of it burping quite a lot.

After a few a hours, Wes woke up. Immediately he noticed, that a particular object, was missing. That object, was his Badge case.

"Were the heck, is it? I'm sure, i put it in the right pocket, of my coat."

???: Mew mew mew mew.

Then Wes heard a Pokemon chuckling. For some weird reason.

"Why does this cry, seams pretty familiar?"

Then Wes turned around, as he saw, one of the most elusive, mythical Pokemon. Mew. He immediately saw its Summary with his system.

Mew: male LV 79 Ability: Synchronize Item: Lum Berry.

Moves: Pound, Reflect Type, Transform, Ally Switch (Baby), Drain Punch (Baby), Heal Bell (Baby), Teleport (Baby), Role Play (Baby), Helping Hand (Baby), Mega Punch, Bounce (Tutor), Defog (Tutor), Dragon Pulse (Tutor), Metronome, Gravity (Tutor), Heat Wave (Tutor), Icy Wind (Tutor), Psychic, Barrier, Dual Chop (Tutor), Sword Dance (Tutor), Earth Power (Tutor), Thunderbolt (Tutor), Ancient Power, Flamethrower (Tutor), Ice Beam (Tutor) Soft-Boiled (Tutor), Me First, Hyper Beam (Tutor), Blizzard (Tutor), Sunny Day (Tutor), Substitute (Tutor), Synthesis (Tutor).

" !!!!!!!! "

Wes, was totally shocked. This was a very high level, Mythical Pokemon. Higher than the previously met LV 72 Zapdos.

Then Mew started floating away.

Wes: No you don't.

Wes immediately summoned, all 9 of his Pokemon. And he chased after Mew. Wes wasn't afraid at all, since he knew from his previous world, that Mew is a very playful Pokemon.

Wes: Espeon, Umbreon, use Quick Attack to catch Mew.

Espeon and Umbreon immediately run towards Mew, but Mew disappeared into complete nothingness. Mew appeared, right behind Magneton and with its psychic energy, it launched Magneton towards Wes. Wes masterfully dodge the Magneton missile.

Butterfree started to use Sleep Powder, but Mew conjured a mystical bell that, obliterated the Sleep Powder. At that moment Charmeleon used his Flamethrower Move, While Nidorino laying in wait. Unleashed its Head Smash Move.

Mew immediately teleported, causing Nidorino to pass through its after image, right into the Flamethrower Move of Charmeleon. The Head Smash Move of Nidorino, cut through the Flamethrower, like a hot knife cuting butter. Charmeleon had to jump like a world class goalkeeper to avoid its fellow teammate. Nidorino passed through 3 trees, destroying them in the process. After all of that, Nidorino was feeling very dizzy and exhausted. Wes returned it back to its Pokeball.

Umbreon then used its Sucker Punch Move to suprise the Mew, since it saw Mew using its tail to strike the Staryu. Bit it was all an act Mew immediately used its Ally Switch Move on Staryu and Umbreon hit it with a Sucker Punch, that resulted in a critical hit, KOing it in the process.

Wes: Dammit.

Mew: Mew mew mew 😅.

As Mew launched at the failed attempts of Wes and his Pokemon, Venusaur finally caught up. It immediately used its Petal Blizzard Move. Mew actually got hit. But the deference, in LV was to big, so the Petal Blizzard, did almost nothing to Mew.

Mew immediately used its psychic energy to launch Venusaur backwards, into a tree. 5 Wild Beedrill attacked immediately, after being startled by Venusaur. Venusaur and Haunter stayed to deal with the Beedrill, while the wild chase continued in the wild and uncharted areas of Route 7.

Six hours passed just like that.

On the chasing party, only the exhausted Wes, Umbreon, Espeon, Charmeleon and Haunter were left. Mew looked like it could continue like this for more than three days and nights. Wes could barely move. Somehow whenever he felt too tired to move he would fill energised again. This continued for the past six hours, but he had enough.

Wes: Everyone move backwards.

Then Wes with his four remaining Pokemon, bailed out of the chase.

Mew: Meeeeew!!!!!!!

Mew was immediately worried, after seeing such a reaction. It still wanted to play more. So it immediately started to chase Wes and his team.

As Mew quickly, closed the distance, Wes gave an order towards Charmeleon.

Wes: Charmeleon use Smokescreen.

Charmeleon immediately covered the whole area in a thick Smokescreen. Mew not being able to see, it immediately used its psychic energy to clear the surroundings. The psychic energy, managed to even toss Charmeleon away. Then as Charmeleon landed on the ground, something strange happened.

Charmeleon: CHAAAAARMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Charmeleon suddenly, was enveloped by a bright white light.

Mew: Meeeeeeeew!!!!!

Even Mew let out, a surprised cry, as it never expected that this young Charmeleon would enter into its next evolution, at that moment.

Charmeleon started, rapidly growing. While from its back, wings started to grow in flash. Then as the evolution finished a huge bipedal dragon made its appearance.

Charizard: CHAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charizard roared towards the sky full of joy. It was now certain, that it made the right choice to seek out a trainer, so it could get stronger. On the other hand Wes immediately used, his system, to chac out the stats of his newly evolved Charizard.

Charizard: male LV 36 Ability: Solar Power Item: no

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor), Fire Punch (Tutor), Sunny Day (TM), Return (TM), Hidden Power-Ice (TM), Power-Up-Punch (Tutor), Wing Attack.

Wes immediately felt delighted. He expected that, he would be able to evolve his Charmeleon during or right after the fight with Erika, the Celadon City Gym Leader. So this result, was a welcomed suprise.

Charizard also learned upon evolution, the Winged Attack Move. Just like Pokemon Fire Red.

Charizard now full of pride, because of its evolution, launched its Flamethrower Move towards Mew. Mew on the other hand, used its Psychic Move, to split the Flamethrower in half. Then Mew teleported right on top of Charizard and it immediately proceeded to one punch the living daylights of it with its Mega Punch Move.

Charizard fainted because of the hit. But as it was falling backwards, at some unknown point of time, Haunter had appeared behind Charizard. As Charizard fell, Haunter launched a Shadow Ball. The Shadow Ball narrowly passed by the nose of the falling Charizard and it directly hit the totally surprised Mew.

Mew was directly hit for the first time. Even when Venusaur released its Petal Blizzard Move. The whole surrounding area was affected. This time a single targeted Move had directly hit its intended target. Mew was now very angry at that Haunter.nIt especially grew even angier because, Haunter laughed at it.

But before Mew could return the fire, Espeon suddenly appeared right above Mew. Mew immediately used it psychic energy to push Espeon away, but suddenly Espeon disappeared and an Umbreon took its place. The airborne Umbreon stepped onto Mew and it immediately used its Quick Attack Move to reach and catch in its fangs, the Badge case.

Wes: You lost Mew.

Wes immediately took a smug look. His final ploy, after so many failures, had found its mark.

Mew: mewwwww.

Mew smiled at the accomplishment of this trainer. It immediately appeared right between Espeon and Umbreon. Mew then touched both of them. Then after 2 minutes, Mew left the exhausted duo and approached Haunter.

Then Mew realised its psychic energy and it immediately started to get its revenge. Haunter was spinning at unimaginable speeds and it sometimes moved like a train in an action park. Mew at some point made Haunter to reach speeds, that excited the 200 Km/h mark. After Mew finished with its revenge, it left.

Unbeknownst to Wes, Mew met Wes by pure chance. It immediately noticed, that Wes was basically isekaied and it wanted to test, if Wes was not a problem. After it was satisfied, it immediately left.

Wes on the other hand, was very happy. Because all of his Pokemon had gained a LV. Mew had also taught Umbreon and Espeon the Celebrate Move. On the other hand, Haunter got nothing. Probably as revenge for the previous strike.

After Mew left, Wes realised that he was very close to Celadon City. With all the chasing that took place, only now, Wes figured out, were he was. He could actually discern, Celadon City from the distance. He probably needed two hours to reach the City, but he and his Pokemon were very tired. So Wes found a clearing and he set camp to rest.

Before sleeping he called out all of his Pokemon. Mew had healed all the injured Pokemon from the chase before leaving. After that Wes and his Pokemon fell asleep. All except two Pokemon to be specific.

Umbreon and Espeon were the first duo to keep the camp safe. But thanks to the chase and the coporation of the two, both Pokemon grew closer as a result. Umbreon got close to Espeon and it started to lovingly lick it. Espeon already liked Umbreon and it returned the gesture. The two Pokemon already liked eachother, but this chase with the mythical Pokemon Mew had finally broken the last hurdle, in their relationship. Espeon and Umbreon, had fully given up themselves, into their love and passion, while as a background, in a small distance, Wes and the fully fed, to the point of bursting Haunter were snoring.

Wes Team:

1: Espeon: female LV 38 Ability: Magic Bounce Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Helping Hand (Tutor), Ally Switch (Tutor), Psych Up, Hyper Beam (Tutor), Morning Sun, Shadow Ball (TM), Return (TM), Sunny Day (TM), Psychic.

2: Umbreon: male LV 38 Ability: Synchronize Item: Leftovers

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack, Charm (tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Screech, Detect (Tutor), Sucker Punch (Tutor), Moonlight, Shadow Ball (TM), Return (TM), Mean Look.

3: Nidorino: male. LV 36 Ability: Poison Point Item: no

Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM), Horn Attack, Bubble Beam (Tutor), Helping Hand, Thunderbolt (TM), Ice Beam (TM), Return (TM), Sunny Day (TM), Hidden Power-Ghost (TM), Toxic Spikes.

4: Venusaur: male LV 36 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM), Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Power Whip (Tutor), Growth, Petal Blizzard, Sunny Day (TM), Return (TM), Hidden Power-Dark (TM).

5: Butterfree: female LV 39 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no

Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Supersonic, Safeguard, Bug Buzz, Sunny Day (TM), Shadow Ball (TM), Hidden Power-Dragon (TM), Teleport (Tutor).

6: Charizard: male LV 36 Ability: Solar Power Item: no

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor), Fire Punch (Tutor), Sunny Day (TM), Return (TM), Hidden Power-Ice (TM), Power-Up-Punch (Tutor), Wing Attack.

7: Staryu: LV 35 Ability: Natural Cure Item: no

Moves: Harden, Tackle, Teleport (Baby), Recover (Baby), Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Icy Wind (Tutor), Psywave, Swift, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Protect (TM), Thunderbolt (TM), Minimize, Ice Beam (TM), Hidden Power-Rock (TM), Confuse Ray (Tutor),.

8: Magneton: LV 35 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: Heat Stone

Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Gravity (Baby), Shock Wave (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Light Screen, Magic Coat (Tutor), Sonic Boom, Discharge (Tutor), Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Protect (TM), Hidden Power-Fire (Tutor), Thunderbolt (TM), Tri Attack, Sunny Day (TM), Flash Cannon, Teleport (Tutor).

9: Haunter: Male LV 36 Ability: Levitate Item: no

Moves: Hypnosis, Lick, Haze (Baby), Giga Drain (Baby), Mean Look, Curse, Foul Play (Tutor), Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Icy Wind (Tutor), Sucker Punch, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball.

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