Around 17:00 o'clock Wes reached the Gym of Vermilion City. All around the huge building, neon lights could be seen. The entrance of the Gym were two huge Doors with a huge yellow bolt of lightning ⚡ on them. Wes entered the Gym and met with the receptionist.
Receptionist: Welcome to the Vermilion City Gym. I'm sorry to inform you, that the Gym Leader is already battling a challenger. Please give me your information so after the battle, i can pass it to the Gym Leader. You can wait on the waiting room or go to the stands to watch the battle.
Wes: Ok i understand.
Then Wes gave his info to the receptionist and went to the stands of the arena.
The area was very spacious and there were see through tubes with visible currents of electricity, passing through them. The borders and centre of the arena were actually like this also. When Wes reached the stands, he was surprised to see who the challenger was.
"Wow i didn't expect to see Daisy fighting. If she takes part in the tournament, this would be a huge advantage on my part."
On the battling ground a Raichu could be seen fighting with a Charmeleon and a Pikachu under a heavy rainstorm. Probably thanks to Rain Dance Move. Wes immediately used his system to see the summary's of the Pokemon battling on the arena.
Charmeleon: male LV 27 Ability: Blaze Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Crowl, Dragon Dance (Baby), Power-Up-Punch (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Dragon Rush (Tutor), Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Rock Tomb (TM), Scary Face.
Pikachu: male LV 26 Ability: Static Item: no
Moves: Tail Whip, Thunder Shock, Electric Terrain (Baby), Endure (Baby), Quick Attack, Thunder Wave (Tutor), Electro Ball, Double Team.
Raichu: male LV 28 Ability: Static Item: Muscle Band.
Moves: Thunder Shock, Tail Whip, Reversal(Baby), Charge (Baby), Growl, Quick Attack, Focus Punch (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Thunder Wave, Helping Hand (Tutor), Double Team, Thunderbolt(Tutor), Thunder(TM), Iron Tail (Tutor).
"I see Surge has a more Physical build Raichu with some good options for ranged combat. Also he has the Rain Dance and Thunder combo. I should prepare for this battle as if almost everyone of his Pokemon, has this combination. Daisy's Pokémon on the other hand in terms of LV are lower than mine. Also her starter is only LV 27 while mine are LV 29 and LV 30. It seems she won't be a problem. But i should be careful for the rest of her team.
Surge: Raichu Reversal.
Then Raichu counterattacked the Pikachu that hit it with an Quick Attack. Pikachu was knocked back quite a bit. After falling on the ground it struggled to get back up. Then as if Pikachu was a puppet that someone was playing and suddenly something cut down its strings. Pikachu has fainted.
Daisy: NO Pikachu.
Surge: Great job Raichu. Hang on there. There is only one left.
Daisy then returned back her fallen Pokémon. Wes saw at the display screen that both trainers had 1 Pokemon left out of four. Raichu also looked very tired.
Daisy: Charmeleon use Rock Tomb.
Surge: Raichu use Thunder.
Raichu Launched a huge pilar of electricity towards the black clouds while huge boulders appeared above it. Then a huge lighting fell from the heavens and hit Charmeleon. On the other hand the boulders fell on Raichu exhausting its strength even more while also lowering its Speed Stat by one stage.
Surge: Raichu Quick Attack.
Daisy: Charmeleon dodge then Dragon Rush.
Raichu dashed towards Charmeleon but Charmeleon with a side step dodged the slowed down Raichu. Then Charmeleon jumped high in the sky and a huge azure aura in the sape of a Chinese Dragon enveloped it completely. Charmeleon smashed towards the Ground targeting the weakened Raichu.
Surge: Raichu use Reversal.
Then Raichu's fist glowed in a red aura. Raichu turned its body towards the direction of Charmeleon and punched hard, but as the Azure Dragon and the red fist clashed, the exhausted Raichu was smashed on the ground immediately fainting. Daisy had won the match.
Wes after the result came out, left the stands for the waiting room. After around ten minutes the receptionist informed Wes that his battle with the Gym Leader will be a 5VS5 Single Battle. Wes after learning the format of the challenge called out his Pokémon.
Wes: Ok every one here's the plan for the battle. Ivysaur you will start on this battle. Depending on the fight with his first Pokemon, you might be switched after that. Charmeleon. You will also not fight in this battle.
After Charmeleon heard this it reaveled a sad look.
Wes: I know Charmeleon but the Gym Leaders Pokemon probably all have Rain Dance. On the next Gym, that uses only Grass Types you and Butterfree have the job, to destroy that Gym Leader.
Charmeleon: Chaaaar.
Charmeleon's mood immediately improve after hearing that it will fight a lot of Pokémon in the next challenge.
Wes: Magnemite you are in charge of his own Magnemite if he has one.
Magnemite: Maaag...Maaag.iiite.
Nidorino you will also fight for sure. Espeon, Umbreon. You are the back up and the fail safe for a sure win. Are we all clear on the Plan.
All of Wes's team roared in affirmation. After waiting for 40 minutes Wes was called out in the arena. Wes reached his corner and opposite to him on the center, was the Gym Leader of Vermilion City, fully clothed in an army outfit.
Surge: I am the Gym Leader of the Vermilion City Gym. Lieutenant Surge. I really like the look on your eyes. It seams you are ready for war. Then lets begin. Voltorb go.
Wes: Ivysaur take the stage.
Then Ivysaur and Voltorb appeared ready for battle. Wes immediately checked the summary of his opponents Pokemon.
Voltorb: male LV 26 Ability: Static Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Charge, Sonic Boom (Baby), Snore (Baby), Eerie Impulse, Spark, Rollout, Rain Dance (TM), Taunt (TM), Screech, Electro Ball, Self-Destruct.
"Self-Destruct!!! Guess i have to play fast and bait him to use Self-Destruct in order to kill it."
Wes: Ok Ivysaur use Razor Leaf.
Surge: Voltorb use Rain Dance.
Ivysaur immediately launched a pair of sharp leafs towards Voltorb. Voltorb started spinning around calling the rain. Then The Razor Leaf found its target resulting in a critical hit.
Wes: Ivysaur use Seed Bomb.
Surge: VOLTORB USE Sonic Boom and go closer.
Ivysaur immediately attacked by throwing huge seeds towards Voltorb while Voltorb rolled closer to Ivysaur and launched a Sonic Boom. Both attacks found their intented target.
Surge: Voltorb use Self-Destruct.
Wes: Protect
Surge decided to use his Self-Destruct Move in advance. That Razor Leaf from Ivysaur hit a lot harder, than it seamed at first. Voltorb immediately started glowing in white light, then with a huge.....
Almost the whole field was enveloped by the explosion, Voltorb had caused.
Surge: WHAAAAAT???????
LT.Surge was shocked. After the smoke cleared, a perfectly fine Ivysaur, except the bruise on its forehead from the previous Sonic Boom could be seen.
Wes: Its the Protect Move.
Surge: Damnit, you pulled one me. You could have stopped my Sonic Boom but instead you chose to wait in case i had the Self-Destruct Move. Ok then Magnemite time for battle.
LT.Surge then returned back to its Pokeball his Voltorb and he called out his Magnemite. Wes seeing the new Pokemon, immediately swapped out his Ivysaur, for his own Magnemite. While also looking its summary.
Magnemite: male LV 26 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Magnet Rise (Baby), Rain Dance (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Endure (Tutor), Light Screen, Thunderbolt (TM), Mirror Shot, Hidden Power-Grass, (Tutor), Thunder (TM).
Surge: Interesting. So you want to have a Magnemite war. Since you want war, i will give you one. Magnemite use Thunder.
Wes: Protect then Metal Sound.
The Gym Magnemite immediately sent a huge pillar of electricity towards the black clouds. Then a huge lighting fell from the heavens and was instantly deflected by a green dome. Then the Magnemite of Wes, used its Metal sound Move, lowering the SPDef of the Magnemite of the Gym Leader by two whole stages.
Surge: It also knows Protect. Magnemite use Light Screen.
Wes: Magnemite use Metal Sound.
A green screen appeared around the Magnemite of LT.Surge. Them Metal Sound lowered its SPDef even more. The rain then started to dissipate.
Surge: Rain Dance then Thunder.
Wes: Protect then Metal Sound.
Then the same exchange took as the beginning took place again.
Wes: Magnemite use Light Screen too.
Surge: Magnemite use Supersonic.
The Magnemite of Wes dodged towards the right the incoming Supersonic attack. Then it created a green screen around it
Surge: Tch. THUNDER!!!!!!.
Wes: Protect then Sonic Boom.
Then the Magnemite of the Gym Leader, launched a lot of electricity, towards the sky, then the lighting fell again and was also diflected again, for the third time from Wes's Magnemite. Then Wes's Magnemite counter attacked with its Sonic Boom Move. Hiting the Gym Magnemite for a solid 20HP damage. Then the rain started dissipating.
Wes: Magnemite use Gravity.
Surge: Magnemite use Mirror Shot.
Magnemite immediately after hearing the order of Wes, enveloped the entire arena into its Gravity field. The Gym Leader s Magnemite on the other hand created many metallic particles that diflected light at eachother. Then it launched its construction towards its opposing Magnemite hiting it in the process. Then the rain stoped completely.
Surge: Magnemite use Thunderbolt again and again.
Wes Magnemite try to dodge.
The Magnemite of Wes tried to dodge, but after the third Thunderbolt it was hit. Then the Light Screen, of the Gym Leaders Magnemite disappeared. Wes seeing this smiles giving a bad feeling to LT.Surge.
Wes: Magnemite use Hidden Power.
Then Magnemite launched towards its enemy some red energy balls.
Surge: Magnemite DODGEEEEEEE!!!!!
LT.Surge gave his order at the top of his lungs, when he realised what the flickering red Hidden Power ment. Thanks to Gravity slowing down the opposing Magnemite, the Hidden Power-Fire found its mark on the -6 SPDef Magnemite fainting it instantly.
Surge: Impressive.You really waited for the best opportunity you could get. Ok then Pikachu time for battle.
LT.Surge returned his fallen Magnemite back to its Pokeball. In the place of its fallen teammate a Pikachu appeared. Wes immediately switched his Magnemite. After seeing the summary of Pikachu.
Pikachu: male LV 26 Ability: Static Item: no
Moves: Thunder Shock, Charm, Charge (Baby), Electric Terrain (Baby), Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Thunder Punch (Tutor), Double Team, Mega Punch (Tutor), Thunderbolt (TM), Thunder (TM).
Wes: Ivysaur take the stage.
Ivysaur was called out to fight again. Wes wanted to keep Ivysaur's Level up to a similar level as his highest members of his team. After all Ivysaur, is a very special exception, to the majority of starter Pokemon. The majority of starter Pokemon reaches its final evolution stage at LV 36. But Ivysaur instead evolves at LV 32. In other words his Charmeleon while its at LV 30, it still needs 6 Levels to evolve. While Ivysaur who is 3 Levels lower than it, actually needs 5 Levels to evolve.
Surge: Ivysaur again. Ok Pikachu use Electric Terrain.
Wes: Ivysaur use Swords Dance.
Pikachu was enveloped by many intertwined electric currents. Then all this electricity, was realised on the ground, creating a field full of static electricity. Ivysaur on the other hand started dancing, increasing its Atk Stat by two stages.
Surge: Pikachu use charge.
Wes: Ivysaur use Swords Dance.
Then Pikachu started to store electricity on its body, While Ivysaur danced and increased its Atk Stat again reaching +4.
"Electric Terrain + Charge. Shiiiiiiiiiit!!! That's his plan. This Pikachu might be even worse to face, than his Raichu."
Surge: Pikachu Thunder.
Wes: Protect then Razor Leaf.
Pikachu then released all the stored electricity on its body towards the sky. The yellow aura surrounding the whole arena, at the location of the Pikachu, also began to be effected by something. Then from the sky a huge lighting, way bigger than the one Raichu had previously used fell towards Ivysaur. As the lighting fell the yellow aura enveloping the whole field rised. The lighting suddenly grew by 100%. Ivysaur was enveloped in a green protective dome. Then the huge Thunder came in contact with the dome. The ground around Ivysaur started breaking apart. But the Protect Move still withstood the assault. Then Ivysaur counter attacked with its Razor Leaf Move resulting in a direct hit.
Pikachu screamed in pain. It almost fainted right there, but its willpower, allowed it to stand up and keep fighting. As for the reason of the amazing Thunder Move, it pulled off, even without having its exclusive Item, is very Simple. Electric Terrain is a Move that creates a special terrain that remains for some time. While the terrain is on, Pokemon can't fall asleep, while all Electric Type Moves get a 50% boost. Charge is a Move that boost the users SPDef Stat by one Stage, while also making the next damaging Electric Type Move deal double damage. So the power of Thunder was doubled and the enchantment of the terrain also doubled.
Wes: Ivysaur use Razor Leaf.
Surge: Double Team then Thunderbolt.
Ivysaur launched its Razor Leaf Move towards Pikachu but Pikachu created some after images and avoided the hit. Then it counter attacked with its Thunderbolt Move. The Electric Terrain increased the Power of Thunderbolt by 50%.
Ivysaur: Ivyyyyyyyyy
Ivysaur screamed in pain. It was starting to get very tired.
Surge: Mega Punch.
Wes: Protect.
Pikachu rashed towards Ivysaur with a shining bright fist. Ivysaur was enveloped by the green dome and after the collision Pikachu was knocked backwards.
Wes: Vine Whip NOW!!!!.
Surge: Double Team then Thunder.
Ivysaur whipped at Pikachu with its vine's. Pikachu created multiple after images to avoid the whips. Ivysaur seeing this scene mastered all its strength. It didn't want to be the first, to be KOed in this battle. The Vine Whip suddenly grew longer and a lot thicker than before. The empowered whip managed to pass through all the fake images and hit the real body of Pikachu. Pikachu flew in the air and with a loud thud it bounced off a wall. Ivysaur was barely able to stay standing. Wes returned Ivysaur back to its Pokeball. It had fought valiantly, even on the face of this powerful Pikachu.
Wes: Nidorino take the stage.
Surge: Raichu time for battle.
Then Nidorino and Raichu appeared with a roar. Wes also took a second look towards Raichu, to make sure he didn't Miss out anything.
Surge: Raichu use Thunder.
Wes: Nidorino Protect. Then Focus Energy.
Raichu launched it Thunder atack on the sky. Then the lighting fell towards Nidorino. Nidorino was immediately enveloped by a green dome deflecting the empowered Thunder Move of Raichu. Then Nidorino started emitting a mysterious aura.
Surge: Raichu use Rain Dance.
Wes: Nidorino use Double Kick.
Raichu started dancing calling the rain. Nidorino tried to kick Raichu but Raichu avoided its attacks. The Electric Terrain then dissipated returning the battling ground to its regular appearance. Of course, if you excluded the newly created rainstorm.
Surge: Raichu use Thunder.
Wes: Sucker Punch.
As Raichu prepared to launched its Thunder Move towards the sky, Nidorino appeared from the shadows and punched Raichu knocking it backwards.
Surge: Quick Attack.
Wes: Horn Attack.
Raichu balanced itself and dashed towards Nidorino. Nidorino also charged towards Raichu. Then both Pokemon clashed with eachother, with no Pokémon gaining an advantage. Well except a very small detail. Raichu got poisoned, by the Poison Point Ability of Nidorino.
Surge: Raichu use Mega Punch.
Wes: Nidorino use Sucker Punch.
Raichu Punched with a bright white fist towards Nidorino, but Nidorino disappeared in the Shadows, sneak attacking Raichu.
"Damnit. Even with focus energy i got no critical hits".
Surge: Raichu Thunderbolt.
Raichu then launched its Thunderbolt Move knocking it back hard.
Wes: Nidorino Bubble Beam.
Nidorino while being knocked back and airborne aimed towards Raichu and launched a ray of bubbles. The rain boosted its power. Raichu took the ray directly with its body. The expected critical hit finally appeared. Raichu couldn't take anymore damage and fainted. LT.Surge returned it, back to its Pokeball.
Surge: Quite amazing. I didn't expect you to push me in a 4VS1situation. Ok then here is my final Pokemon. Jolteon time for war.
LT. Surge had called out his Jolteon. Wes seeing that, Nidorino was in no condition, to continue fighting ,was switched out.
Wes: Espeon take the stage.
Wes decided to end this fight using his Espeon. Its been a while since he had used it, in an important fight. Wes then checked Jolteon's data..
Jolteon: female LV 27 Ability: Volt Absorb
Item: Orran Berry.
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Detect (Baby), Retaliate (Baby), Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Double Kick, Rain Dance (TM), Thunder Fang, Heal Bell (Tutor), Pin Missile, Thunderbolt (TM), Thunder (Tutor).
Jolteon immediately roared at Espeon declaring a challenge to it. Both Espeon and Jolteon were female Pokemon of the same race. Espeon immediately responded in kind.
Surge: Jolteon use Rain Dance.
Wes: Psybeam Espeon.
Jolteon immediately started dancing calling the rain. Espeon on the other hand, launched two rainbow 🌈 coloured rays from its Eyes hiting the Jolteon.
Surge: Jolteon use Thunder.
Wes: Espeon use Protect. Then Psybeam.
Jolteon launched a lighting towards the sky. Then it fell targeting Espeon. Espeon created a mysterious green protective dome and deflected Jolteon's attack. Espeon after deflecting the Thunder Move of Jolteon, immediately launched her own Psybeam Move, towards Jolteon.
Surge: Jolteon Detect.
LT.Surge seeing the result of his attack, immediately told his Pokemon, to use its Detect Move to avoid the hit.
Wes: Espeon Future Sight.
After hearing the order, Espeon's gem on the forehead glint with a mysterious light.
Surge: Jolteon use Pin Missile.
Wes: Detect. Then Swift.
Jolteon after hearing the order of its trainer, suddenly had its spikes stand up. Then a torrent of pin like hairs flew in four different waves. Espeon dodged all the waves with the help of its Detect Move. Then it spined and whipped its tail, launching an array of star shaped energy's towards Jolteon.
Surge: Jolteon dodge. Then Thunder.
Wes: Protect then Psybeam.
Jolteon dodged the star like energy and counter attacked by rising a pilar of electric energy in the sky. The a huge lighting fell from the sky. Espeon deflected the attack and then launched its Psybeam Move.
Surge: Detect Jolteon.
Jolteon then dodged the Psybeam, but before taking a breath the star shaped energy of the Swift Move had followed it after its initial dodging and hit it directly. Jolteon immediately after the hit, ate its Orran Berry to restore 10 HP. Then the rain stoped and the huge black clouds dissipated.
Wes: Espeon Quick Attack.
Surge: Quick Attack then Pin Missile.
Espeon began to sprint towards Jolteon. When it reached striking distance, Espeon dashed toward Jolteon. Jolteon using its own Quick Attack, dodged toward the right. Then it ran towards Espeon and as it also reached its striking distance, its hair suddenly stood up. But before Jolteon could launch its attack, it suddenly felt a lot of danger. In a radius around Jolteon's location, the space appeared to be distorted. The Future Sight, that Espeon placed there as a trap, was activated. Jolteon fell completely at the bait of Espeon and was pressed on the ground by the psychic energy.
Wes: Espeon use Hyper Beam.
Wes seeing Jolteon predicament, immediately ordered the finishing blow. Espeon gathered energy and launched the purple/black Hyper Beam.
Surge: Jolteon Detect.
Surge immediately ordered, his Jolteon to use its Detect Move. He hoped that with the use of the Detect Move, his Pokemon will be able to dodge this ray. As the psychic energy stoped hiting Jolteon. Jolteon stood up and used its Detect Move. The problem was, that by the time it did all that, the Hyper Beam, had already reached it. Jolteon was swept away by the Hyper Beam Move of Espeon and as it fell on the ground, it was apparent that it had lost consciousness. Wes had won the match.
Surge: Return. You did very well.
As LT.Surge returned his Pokemon into its Pokeball and started moving towards Wes. Espeon jumped on its trainers shoulders.
Surge: That was an amazing fight. I knew from the look on your eyes that you, mend business, when i first saw you.
Wes: I had prepared for quite sometime for this fight.
The Gym leader had a very happy expression on his face. Its been quite some time that he faced a youth like Wes. The majority of young trainers, usually prefer brute force. Wes on the other hand, had prepared counter measures for his main combo and he also had a very diverse Movepool for his Pokemon.
Surge: Your performance showed that as well. Now i the Gym Leader of Vermilion City i présent you with the Thunder Badge. Also i give you the prize of 22000 Pokedolars. You can also choose Between the unbrakeable Thunderbolt TM or a....
Wes: I choose the TM.
Before LT.Surge could finish speaking, Wes had already made his choice.
Surge: Ok then. I hope to see you in the league soon. I cant wait to face you with my real team.
LT.Surge had a very happy look on his face. In two years he believed that he could have an amazing match with this young talent again.
Wes: I would like that too.
Surge: I believe you will take place in the Vermilion City Double Tournament?
The Gym Leader of Vermilion City questioned Wes.
Wes: Of course i will.
Then Wes had a very fruitful discussion with LT.Surge about breading and training Electric Type Pokemon.
Then Wes left for the Pokemon Center to restore his team. Then at his room, he called out all his Pokemon to congratulate them for their performance. Then he taught the Thunderbolt TM to every single Pokemon of his team, that was able to learn the Move and began making preparations for the tournament.
Hello everyone Talanjo here. Yes its a miracle. Two chapters in two consecutive days.
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Next is a double Tournament. I have already decided of how it will go so i believe that the next few chapters will come out fast.
Also i want to say a Very Big Thank You to all the 165 readers that have put my work on their as of now. I hope that you like it so far.
See you again on a new chapter.
1: Espeon: female LV 30 Ability: Magic Bounce Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Helping Hand (Tutor), Ally Switch (Tutor), Psych Up, Hyper Beam (Tutor).
2: Umbreon: male LV 30 Ability: Synchronize Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack, Charm (tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Screech, Detect (Tutor), Sucker Punch (Tutor).
3: Nidorino: male. LV 28 Ability: Poison Point Item: no
Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM), Horn Attack, Bubble Beam (Tutor), Helping Hand, Thunderbolt (TM).
4: Ivysaur: male LV 28 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM), Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Power Whip (Tutor), Growth.
5: Butterfree: female LV 28 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Supersonic, Safeguard.
6: Charmeleon: male LV 30 Ability: Solar Power Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor).
7: Staryu: LV 27 Ability: Natural Cure Item: no
Moves: Harden, Tackle, Teleport (Baby), Recover (Baby), Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Icy Wind (Tutor), Psywave, Swift, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Protect (TM), Thunderbolt (TM).
8: Magnemite: LV 28 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Gravity (Baby), Shock Wave (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Light Screen, Magic Coat (Tutor), Sonic Boom, Discharge (Tutor), Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Protect (TM), Hidden Power-Fire (Tutor), Thunderbolt (TM).
1: Voltorb: male LV 26 Ability: Static Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Charge, Sonic Boom (Baby), Snore (Baby), Eerie Impulse, Spark, Rollout, Rain Dance (TM), Taunt (TM), Screech, Electro Ball, Self-Destruct.
2: Magnemite: male LV 26 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Magnet Rise (Baby), Rain Dance (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Endure (Tutor), Light Screen, Thunderbolt (TM), Mirror Shot, Hidden Power-Grass, (Tutor), Thunder (TM).
3: Pikachu: male LV 26 Ability: Static Item: no
Moves: Thunder Shock, Charm, Charge (Baby), Electric Terrain (Baby), Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Thunder Punch (Tutor), Double Team, Mega Punch (Tutor), Thunderbolt (TM), Thunder (TM).
4: Jolteon: female LV 27 Ability: Volt Absorb
Item: Orran Berry.
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Detect (Baby), Retaliate (Baby), Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Double Kick, Rain Dance (TM), Thunder Fang, Heal Bell (Tutor), Pin Missile, Thunderbolt (TM), Thunder (Tutor).
5: Raichu: male LV 28 Ability: Static Item: Muscle Band.
Moves: Thunder Shock, Tail Whip, Reversal(Baby), Charge (Baby), Growl, Quick Attack, Focus Punch (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Thunder Wave, Helping Hand (Tutor), Double Team, Thunderbolt(Tutor), Thunder(TM), Iron Tail (Tutor).
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