As i came down the stairs my father and mother were waiting infront of the door of our house.
DAD: Son. As i knew of your choice to start your journey with an Eevee i picked as a gift for you a suitable Move. Here is an unbreakable TM of the Return move for your Pokemon. I hope that it will help you move forward in your journey. Also take care. I root for your success and safe journey son.
MOM: As for my gift i prepared 3 kg of the best Pokemon food that can increase the growth of a young Pokemon. I hope it will make your training easier. Also here are some starting funds for your journey, i saved with your dad for you. Take care and eat well. If i see you getting thin, i will, for sure come with you.
WES: Thanks mom, dad. I will put your gifts at use and make sure that i will make you proud of me. Also mom don't worry to much. I will make sure to take care both of my self and my Pokémon.
Then we said our goodbyes with my mother hugging to me full of tiers. She was always worried about my well being. As for my father? He had a huge smile full of pride in him. Then i left home to star my journey to the top of the Pokemon world as i had done before in my world, in this one.
As i left Pallet Town i realised both my Eevee's to see our starting point. Pallet Town shining in the rays of the morning sun. Then we left for Route 1.
As i reached the begining of Route 1, i opened my system to see the Pokemon that can appear on this Route.
Route 1
Pidgey: Very common LV 1-7
Rattata: Very vommon LV 1-7
" I see nothing special here. Then i guess i will use my Eevee's to train them for a bit".
Then i started my first ever battle with my starter Eevee with its opponent being a LV 4 Pidgey.
WES: Eevee use Growl
Then Eevee screamed at the Pidgey lowering it's attack stat. The Pidgey then tried to tackle but Eevee dodged it's attack with ease then i ordered it to counter attack it using the tackle Move sending Pidgey flying in the air.
WES: Eevee finish it with Stored Power.
Then my Eevee unleashed a pulse of psychic energy knocking out the enemy wild Pidgey.
Then i hugged Eevee congratulating her for the good fight training on LV 3-4 wild Pokémon till she became a bit tired. After this grind she reached
LV 7. Of course after every fight i allowed Eevee some rest to continue the training for a bit more. Then it was time to fight using the male one.
WES: Eevee time to beat this Rattata.
I encouraged the male Eevee to fight this LV 2 Rattata. But when it saw the female one on my arms his eyes burned more than the flames on an Infernapes head. Full of passion to impress the female one.
Eevee use Curse.
Then Eevee glowed in an eerie light as it dodged a Tackle attack. Then i ordered it to use Curse again as it received Rattata's attack.
WES: Eevee use Wish. Then Tackle this Rattata with all your strength.
Then a star from heaven fell and Rattata hit Eevee again. Eevee countered like a ferocious beast tackling Rattata and smashing it into a tree. Right after that a light from heaven hit Eevee and healed all it's injures.
WES: Eevee use Tackle again to finish it.
Then Eevee roared and smashed himself into Rattata again making it fly. Then the LV 2 Rattata fell in the ground with a loud thud rising smoke in pure defeat. Of course thank to the Curse and Wish move Eevee managed to defeat this opponent with ease, even though it was one level higher, gaining a level in the process itself.
After we had a lot of rest and i started training the male Eevee. Of course the brakes were longer and the opposing wild pokemon weaker than the ones the female Eevee battled since the male one was a bit weaker than the female one.
This kind of training continued for a total of 2 harsh days which ended at the evening of the final and third day, after we reached Viridian City. Both Eevee's after a total of 3 hard days of battles, became way stronger than before.
1: Eevee: female LV10 Ability: Adaptability Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden-Power-Fire (Baby).
2: Eevee: male LV8 Ability: Run Away
Item: Everstone
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack.
The increase of their power was quite obvious. Of course i didn't teach the female one the Fairy type Move Baby-Doll Eyes since i don't want her to evolve into a Sylveon. Of course i won't teach it to the male one since i already have a more suitable choice to evolve it. Then i rushed at the Pokemon Center to do a check up, for both my Eevee's and call back home to share my news with my Parents and professor Oak. Of course i also wanted to hear news about my 3 childhood friends. Yes even learn news of my stupid, smelling later rival. This new information can become useful when i fight him in the future.
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