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10.6% Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character? / Chapter 7: Is it wrong to do some studying?

Kapitel 7: Is it wrong to do some studying?

When I woke up, I was alone. The scent of lingering flowers was nearby, something sweet... but also sharp. Almost like cinnamon, but not quite.

I blinked and then realized that I must have collapsed last night and Hestia tucked me into bed.

"Hah... How embarrassing..."

Why did Bell have to be so weak? I never collapsed before in my life, and now I had to deal with this almost anemic body...

I sighed again and then pushed myself off the mattress.

The side of the bed was still warm, so Hestia must have just left.

A look outside confirmed that, since the sun was still low in the horizon, casting everything in golden hues.

I stretched and then walked over to the table to grab my bag.

It seemed like Hestia had finished up the papers too, so I grabbed those as well and then got ready for the day.

A brief splash of water to my face, some toothbrushing away, and then I was headed to the Guild.

"Let's see... It's probably not a good idea to head back right away..."

My body was fine now, probably a result of the status update. But it was still too risky. After all, I wasn't sure of what to expect. And while I managed to get out of that mess the first time, I had a feeling the Dungeon might try something worse since I did.

So a few days off to let it cool its head. Probably best.

Anyway... Since that was the case, it was time to start working on my physique. And get groceries. And... come to think of it, did this place have any casinos? It was probably a bad idea to try and cheat at them, but if there were card games, since I had enhanced memory and visualization now, I could probably win pretty easily.

Roulette might be good too...

Though, if things got hairy, I was still too weak, so maybe it wasn't such a good idea-

"Ah!" A female voice echoed from behind me. "Excuse me, Sir! Sir!"

"Hm?" I blinked and then turned around.

A young woman stood there. She was... I guess you could call her beautiful, but in the adorable and cute way rather than smoking hot. Her hair was a wavy silver and her eyes were the same color. From her outfit, a light green dress with an apron over it, she seemed to be either a waitress or a cook.

And she was also holding a magic stone.

She straightened and then gave me a bright smile. "I'm glad you stopped! Here! I think you dropped this!"

I froze and then quickly checked my bag. One, two... Nope. The six magic stones left over were still there, along with my drop items and the tax papers.

I turned back to the young woman... No, I guess since she looked around the same age as me, it would be better to call her a girl?

Anyway, I turned back to her and said, "Thank you for the sentiment, but I haven't lost any of my magic stones."

"O-Oh." The girl blinked and then frowned. "Well... You can have it anyway!"

"Huh?" I blinked and then quickly shook my head. "No. I'm fine. I appreciate it, but it's not my policy to take what's not mine."

The girl smiled and held it out again. "It's fine! From your outfit... You're just starting out as an adventurer, right? This should help a lot with your funds!"

"It would, but I'm fine. Besides, you were the one who found it, so you should keep it."

From her outfit, she was definitely working a service job, probably as a waitress. And I knew from personal experience that they didn't make much money... and dealt with a lot. Something probably worse in a world like this.

The girl frowned. "But-"

"No buts. And if it makes you feel better... Well, let's just say you returned it to me and I gave it to you in exchange for your kind words and sweet smile."

"E-Eh?!" The girl blushed. "T-That's...!"

I waved and started walking away. "Nice meeting you, Miss. Have a great day."

"W-Wait! Sir!" The girl called out after me and started to follow. But before she made it very far, a booming female voice called out.

"Syr! What do you think you're doing, slacking off like this?"

"A-Ah! Sorry, Mama Mia! I'm coming!"

I kept walking. As I did, I felt that girl's gaze on my back. And when I did...

'I wasn't mistaken.'

...I was sure. That was the same one that I felt earlier before I met Hestia. A little different, softer and less obsessive, but the same in nature.

"...Yeah. Definitely too much trouble." I muttered to myself and then kept walking.

I didn't know why, but I wasn't about to mess with a goddess disguising herself as a mortal until I was much more prepared and had the resources to back myself up.


"So how much do you think I can get for this stuff?"

Eina adjusted her glasses and then looked up at me, her eyes wide.

We were back in her private office, my drops and magic stones laid out on her desk.

Six magic stones, four kobold tails, and nine goblin ears.

That was my total loadout. The result of making it through that disaster on my first day.

Eina blinked again and said, "You got all of this, Bell?"

I nodded. "That's right."

"...From the monsters you killed? You didn't just pick these up on the way back?"

I frowned.

Seeing that, Eina shook her head. "My apologies, Bell. It's just..." She looked back at the pile and said, "I'm surprised. You said you fought a dozen monsters right? No, that you fought a goblin and then were ambushed... I take it then that you fought nine goblins and four kobolds?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"...You have incredible luck." Eina shook her head. "It's not *that* rare for a goblin ear to drop, so it's not too surprising for you to have so many. But for one to drop from each goblin you killed... And then those kobold tails." Eina frowned and said, "They aren't uncommon on deeper floors when the kobolds are more powerful, but they should only be about one in twenty on the first floor."

"...Huh." I blinked and stared at the items on Eina's desk.

Maybe my gacha luck was useful for something after all? Or maybe the monsters I fought were more powerful than most, thus ensuring the drops? Like a random encounter in some roguelikes where it was a trap room with powerful monsters that had guaranteed drops?

Or maybe it was one of my skills? Quantum magic, maybe?

I didn't know, but I wasn't about to reject it.

Eina smiled. "Either way, this should help you a lot. Totaling everything together... A thousand valis per magic stone, five hundred per goblin ear, a thousand per tail... It should come to a total of fourteen thousand valis. More than enough to pay back your loan for the knife and to buy proper armor."

14000 valis, huh? When added to the 6000 I got yesterday, that was 20k right there. Deducting the 3500 for that overpriced knife the guild 'loaned' me... I still had 16.5k. PLENTY for groceries and everything else.

I smiled back at Eina. "That's great!"

"Should I go exchange this for you then?"

I nodded. "If you don't mind."

"I'll be right back then." Eina carefully picked up the drop items and walked off.

As she did, I mulled over what to do next.

16.5k valis... Materials for a single meal was about 50. From what I could remember of Bell's memories, an expensive meal at a bar was about 300 valis... Ah, my math was off earlier. It looked like it was around one to ten for valis and USD. 30 bucks for a pricy meal, 5 for a basic one sounded about right. 350 for a knife though...

I drew my knife and glared at it. "...You'd better be made of some damned good steel, you bastard."

Back on Earth, that much money could buy me a whole damned kitchen set of stainless steel. Probably more!

...Though come to think of it, my knife didn't have any knicks or dings despite me stabbing through bone, cutting through tough kobold flesh, and gouging through fat. Not only that, but it didn't have any signs of rust...

Alright, maybe it was worth it.

The door opened again and Eina walked in with a small bag. "Here you are, Bell. I already deducted the loan from the total, so there's ten thousand and five hundred valis exactly." She paused and said, "Should I count it out for you?"

I grabbed the bag and smiled. "It's fine. I don't believe that someone as intelligent and beautiful as you would lie to me."

"E-Eh?" Eina blushed. "B-Bell! That's too far!"

I blinked. "What did I say?"

"You..." She glared at me and then frowned. "...Is it subconscious?"


Eina sighed. "Nothing... Now, did you have any other questions for me while we're here?" She paused and then said, "And you had better not be planning on heading back into the Dungeon, Mister. Not after yesterday."

"Geez, both you and Tia are so cautious... But don't worry. I don't plan to. As for questions... Hm." I rubbed my chin and said, "Do you have anything on magic?"

Eina blinked. "Magic?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Magic. You're an elf, so you should know a bit about it, right?"

Eina frowned. "I do. But Bell. You should know that it's rare for humans to learn magic even after obtaining a Falna. Thinking about something you don't even have yet is only going to be a distraction."

"But I do have it?"

Eina blinked. "Come again? You have what?"


Eina blinked again. "You? Magic?"

"...You know what? I think it's probably best if you just saw my status. Here." I turned around and started taking off my shirt.

"W-Wait! Bell- No, Mister Kranel! You shouldn't just-!"

"Calm down, Eina. It's better to verify it with your own eyes, isn't it? Besides, I'm just as embarrassed about this as you are..."

Damned twiggy body. I'll get some muscles soon!

Eina blushed, but then coughed. Seeing that I was keeping calm, she managed to maintain her composure.

But then...

"...What the hell is this?"

"Huh?" I blinked and turned back. "What, is something wrong?"

"No. But... I've never heard of a level one having developmental abilities. Let alone unknown ones like these... Or magic. Especially a magic like this... And then this skill, no your stats, too!" Eina stared at me with a strange look in her eyes. "Bell... Are you really a level one?"

I put my shirt back on and nodded. "I am."

"Then what did you do before becoming an adventurer?" Her eyes lit up and said, "If the Guild can get a record of how this happens, then-!"

"Sorry to disappoint Eina, but I wasn't anything special." I sighed and said, "All I did before coming here was live out in a remote village with my grandpa tending to sheep." I frowned and said, "I couldn't even fight properly. Still can't, even with the Falna."

"Ah." Eina blinked and then nodded. "I suppose that would explain the large boost in your basic abilities... But that doesn't explain everything else." She frowned and said, "Did Lady Hestia know anything about it?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you about. Tia- I mean, Lady Hestia didn't know either and I'd prefer knowing if I had any useful trump cards up my sleeve in case something crazy like yesterday happened again, you know?"

"...Hm." Eina frowned. "I don't know anything either... None of the books I've read have had something like 'Compilation' or 'Energy Manipulation' as developmental abilities. Your skill seems to be a rare one as well... and then there's your magic." She placed her hand on her chin and said, "Quantum... I've heard that some gods use that term to measure an amount of energy. So maybe that has something to do with your developmental abilities? Compiling an amount of energy to use?"

I nodded. "That's what I thought."

"...But it doesn't explain why it's 'Instant Cast.'" She paused and said, "Have you tried saying its name as a chant?"

"...Oh yeah. That's a good idea. Quantum-"

Eina's eyes widened. "Wait, Bell! You shouldn't-!"


Eina flinched, covering her head with her arms.

I flinched as well, realizing how stupid I just was... But nothing happened.

After a few minutes, Eina carefully lowered her arms. And then she glared at me. "Mister Kranel! What in the world were you thinking?!"

I coughed. "Um... I wasn't?"

"CLEARLY!" She groaned and started massaging her head. "If that had been an attack spell..."

I started to sweat. "Yeah... That would have been bad."

Eina sighed. "You are nothing but trouble. Honestly... Though I suppose it's better that it's me handling you than someone else." She frowned and said, "It's clear that you need thorough and proper instruction."

"Well, yeah. That's why I asked for a book on magic."

Eina sighed and sat back down at her desk. "There is no such thing. At the least, not one that I can acquire for you without spending a hefty sum."

"...How much we talking?"

"Thirty thousand for a basic primer. Even then, I don't think it would be of much help considering your magic is apparently congenital..."

I sighed. "Should have figured..."

Seemed like I would have to do some experimenting after all.

Eina let out a wry smile and said, "I have to say though. You are definitely the most interesting person I've met in my years working at the Guild, Bell."

"Gee, glad to entertain."

Eina laughed and then put on a serious face. "Setting that aside... You should be careful. It's fine showing me your status since I'm your advisor and legally bound by our work contract-"


Eina blinked. "Pardon?"

I stared at her and said, "Legally bound? Contract?"

Eina slowly nodded. "That's right... Did we not go over this?"

"...We definitely didn't."

Eina coughed. "O-Oh. Pardon me. I... suppose I may have gotten too excited in our last meeting..."

I laughed. "It's fine. I was too the first time I managed to get it working. But anyway, Orario has laws, huh...?"

Eina nodded. "Of course! The Guild is the one who enforces and writes them as well... Though I suppose that doesn't stop the more powerful families from ignoring them every now and then. Still, for the average adventurer, it's a good idea to have at least a basic understanding of them."

"Could I get a copy then?"

Eina blinked. "A copy? Of what, the laws?"

I nodded. "Of course." I frowned and said, "Tia and I can't afford to make any mistakes, so it's better to avoid them if we can... Oh yeah." I dug out the tax forms from my bag and handed them to Eina. "These are the tax forms by the way."

She took them and nodded. "That's true. Though... Are you sure? There's quite a lot. Even with your reading speed-"

"We'll leave that for me to decide, Miss Tulle."

"...Don't say I didn't warn you."

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