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| ARC I | Chapter 1: Entry to Another World

 Yawning and staring out the window, a youth watched the ocean and gazed at the beautiful blue sky. And reflected on the window was a young man named Alum Miller. He was currently in a seminar, but… to him, it was too dull, as he felt like he had nothing to learn. 

 (Leisurely watching the sky like this isn't bad once in a while.) he thought as he rested on his palm. (Watching the sun melt the snow…it's mundane, yet pleasant…) 

 At this point. It had become a routine not to pay any attention to class. It was a bad habit to have, to say the least. 

 However, his mundane train of thought did not last that long. A friend of his approached, greeting him with a simple "Supp!" as he then asked, "Want to grab a bite?" 

 Since Alum wasn't paying attention, he naturally missed what Noel had said. "Hm?" he uttered, slowly turning his head to face his friend. "Sorry, did you say something?" Alum inquired, "I wasn't paying any attention."

 Noel's shoulders slumped a little, letting out a small 'Sigh…' before reiterating his words, "Geez! Do you want to grab a bite? I asked…" 

 "Mmm," Alum replied with a nod. 

 Noel's lips curved up into a smile, but he still let out another sigh. 

 "Alrighty then, the nearby restaurant or the cafeteria?" 

 "...Does it matter? I'll go to whichever one you prefer," Alum nonchalantly replied, giving him a small shrug. 

 …With a deadpan look on his face, Noel seemed a little fed up…

(Well…he really doesn't have a preference…) Noel thought.

 "Dude… whatever, the cafeteria it is!" he energetically said while grinning. 


 Seeing his cheerful friend, Alum unconsciously smiled, albeit it was faint. 

 (Although he seemed fed up with me…really…)

 Alum thought that Noel was a great friend. Honestly, he was too good for someone like him. He honestly doesn't know anyone who disliked this cheerful, intelligent person. Not to mention, Noel had great looks and was very popular with both males and females. It really made him think.

 (Is there actually anyone who dislikes this guy?) 

 Although he thought that, he didn't personally know many people to begin with. And while Alum was spacing out, Noel called his name, "Hey, Alum, are you listening?" 

 "...Hm? Oh, right, let's go then." 

 As he got up to relocate to the cafeteria, he looked at the side profile of his friend.

 (What a stubborn guy…) Alum thought. 

 In their first year, for whatever reason, Noel had been pretty pushy. And Alum had no idea why he'd want to befriend him in the first place. 

 Noticing Alum's glance, Noel said, "Though…sweets aren't considered lunch, y'know?" 

 To which Alum sulked, asking, "What are you, my mother?" while tilting his head. 

 Noel chuckled, "Ha~ha~ha~! Your second mom, that is!" 


 Alum pondered briefly and responded, "...If anyone is considered my second mom, it'd be Emy." 

 "Hmm," Noel hummed, "I guess… but you don't call her that, do you?" Noel asked, grinning from ear to ear. 

 "...I suppose I don't." 




 After their silly exchange, they arrived at the cafeteria, had their lunch, returned to class and waited for the professor. 

 Alum went straight to the seat closest to the window, sat down and stared out the window. 

 "...You really ought to pay attention once in a while, you know?" Noel sat beside him and scolded him a little. 

 "It's Emy's class; it doesn't really matter since she'll let me off…" 

 At this point, this had become a daily discussion, and Noel got a headache trying to convince him each time, "...Just, wow…." he said. "Just because she's your guardian doesn't mean she'll always let you off the hook!" 

 Alum chuckled, and a smug look surfaced on his face. "She's done that all this time, though?" he nonchalantly replied while raising his shoulders. 

 His reply irked Noel. "Argh…! I know, but! Someday she—" and before he could finish his sentence, a girl had lightly tapped his head with her textbook. 

 "Noel, you're being kind of loud. The seminar is about to start," the girl said while glaring at him with inflated cheeks. 

 "...My bad…" Noel apologised as he shrunk in size and calmed down. 

 The one who nagged Noel about being loud was none other than Miu—Noel's childhood friend. 

 One could argue that Alum wasn't the most social person, well…and not very friendly at that, but he could still somewhat converse naturally with this girl—it basically meant they spoke some. It comes as a surprise as to why someone as popular as her would bother to speak to him. After all, she's more popular than Noel, now that he thought about it... 

—Not to mention her good looks. She has pure white hair and soft ruby-coloured eyes. All in all, she's a pretty girl.

 Noel…well, he's a pretty boy with silver-coloured eyes and is platinum blond. Both childhood friends are physically very attractive and very popular among their peers. 

—In contrast, Alum isn't that popular. He's asocial, and one could say he is just as popular as them—that is on the other end of the spectrum. 

 As Miu was scolding Noel, she noticed Alum's gaze. Turning a little rosy, she'd timidly fidget. "I-if you stare so much, I'll blush… you know?" 

 Halting in his train of thought, he shrugged it off, "Hm? My bad? But it's pretty easy to tell when you do, huh?" 


 Miu didn't say anything, but her face reddened even more. 

 "Ouch, blunt as always," Noel commented. 

 On occasions like this, the two childhood friends would bring Alum into the conversation, and depending on his level of interest, he'd engage in it or…just completely ignore them as he listlessly stared out the window. 




 After class, people would gather to speak to the two childhood friends. Close by was Emely, packing her stuff. It was the last lecture, and she didn't have anything more to do for the day. So… She was about to head over to where Alum was. She'd wanted to leave together now that she was available. And maybe be able to cook something for them. After all, it had been a while. 

 But as she was making her way toward the young man staring out the window, some commotion erupted as students stood by the door, making a ruckus. Instead of heading to where Alum was, she had no choice but to see what the fuss was about. 

 "What is going on?" Emely asked. 

 The students looked at her; their expressions were uneasy, and they were agitated. "Oh…Professor…the door won't budge…" one of the students replied. The students seemed very sleepy, but she didn't think too deeply about it since it was getting late after all. 

 "...It won't budge?" Emely further inquired while stepping forth and began pulling on the door herself. "How strange…" she uttered. "Is the power off?" 

 Emely turned her attention to the lights on the ceiling, but…suddenly, she felt weak, 'Urgh…' she groaned. She was starting to lose control of her own body, which resulted in her collapsing. The students watched in horror and started to panic and hit the door as they tried to get out. 

 And noticing the situation had changed. Alum saw Emely on the floor. He rushed over as fast as he could. He pushed the other students to the side and checked on her.

 (I can't tell what's wrong with her—pulse normal, breathing's fine. She's a little warmer…a little sweat—Syncope? I can't think of anything else since she doesn't have any health complications…)

 He looked around and noticed that everyone looked a little dazed—staring into nothing as they soon collapsed onto the floor as well. 

 (…What's going on? A gas leakage? Scentless…?) 

 He hurriedly held his breath—

 (Well…what did I expect?)

 Suddenly, he felt a shock throughout his body, excruciating pain that made him feel suffocated, as his chest was about to burst open. His vision became blurry. And he became incredibly nauseous. He felt like vomiting, and it was as if he was heavily intoxicated. He felt an immense headache—one unlike any other he'd ever had.

 (Shit…it's worse than what they did…)

 Cold sweat ran down his face, dripping onto the floor as if his senses were enhanced. He could clearly hear the drops hitting the floor. He looked out the window, and despite his blurry vision, he saw a bright void of nothingness and abstract things flashed before his eyes. Alum couldn't comprehend what he saw.

 And then, he, too, collapsed like everyone else. 




  When he came to, he was in a dark void, drifting in the dark. He couldn't even hear his own thoughts—it was strange.

 (For how…long has it been like this?

 (Am I even alive)

 (…But…it's so peaceful…maybe it isn't so bad after all…?) 

 It was a gentle darkness; he didn't know for how long it lasted, but that was okay.

 But in that endless dark abyss. Alum suddenly heard a voice.

 (Strange…it's unfamiliar yet familiar…?) 

—Until, suddenly, the world that was enveloped in darkness began to shake, and cracks of like began to piece through. Again, this time, he heard a voice calling out to him—it was Noel, unlike that other voice he had just heard.

 With a dull headache, Alum slowly opened his eyes. He saw a Noel that was a bit too close, holding onto his shoulders, shaking him. "...Noel, please stop shaking me," He softly requested while forcing his eyelids open. 

 "Ah…sorry about that," Noel nervously replied. He seemed a bit skittish for whatever reason. "You didn't wake up, so…it had me worried, you know?" 

 Alum looked at him and slightly tilted his head. "Okay?" alum confusedly said.

 Alum sat up and realised a soft ticklish feeling on his palm and noticed— "grass?" he pondered. 

 Looking around, he got a better understanding of the situation—or not. He was greeted by a beautiful, vast blue sky, unlike the previously orange one. 

 (It's in the middle of the day?)

 His eyes darted around, searching for Emely. Eventually, he spotted her comforting some students who seemed traumatised for whatever reason. 


 Alum let out a small sigh, uttering, 'She's fine…' in relief.

 Well, it was rather painful. So… It was understandable if they ended up like that. But then again…

 Did they all experience the same thing? Or was he just unlucky and was the one to hold onto his consciousness the longest? Well, he was also the last one to wake up.

 They were no longer in the lecture hall, and his classmates were depressed-looking and were each curled up into a ball—looking like they'd experienced some severe trauma—in a sense, perhaps? 

 Alum then glanced at his friend, who looked composed—or, well… Sort of? After all, he could tell that Noel felt anxious despite his stern and determined expression. 

 "Did you get a grasp on the situation a little better?" Noel inquired. 

 He thought that if Alum saw the situation with his own eyes, it would be easier to tell him what was to come. Besides, Noel knew that Alum was fast on the uptake, and it would've taken longer to explain to him than having him observe for a few seconds.

 "...Did we get kidnapped?" Alum asked while slightly tilting his head.

 (Well, close enough, but that's not it…) Noel thought.

 "About that… You may not be so far off. But I highly doubt the situation is anywhere as simple as that. And… this may be hard to digest, but… we're in another world—this isn't our world." 

 "That so?" Alum indifferently replied.

 He didn't seem to take Noel's answer seriously at all and began to drift into his own mind again. 

—But Noel wasn't going to let that happen, and before Alum could do so, Noel tried to convince him again. "...No, like. Seriously…"

 In response, Alum glared into his eyes.


 Alum's eyes were cold and lifeless, and it gave Noel the chills, more so than their current situation.

 "Listen, I have no time for jokes." 

 Noel shook his head. "I'm not joking!" he pestered. "Look…I'm being serious here," Noel firmly stood his ground and pointed into the sky. "Do you see that dim star over there? It's pretty gigantic, but then…what about that one? The main one, which is the sun this planet orbits." 

 Alum briefly looked up and saw a much dimmer celestial body, which was smaller in comparison to the sun but big enough to be seen in bright daylight. Still, he had his doubts.

 "Who knows? It may as well be Venus?" 

 "Visible around this time of year? Besides…their size isn't even comparable…you do realise that, do you?" 

 ".....I suppose…" 

 Alum looked around a little more after Noel pointed that out and noticed more oddities. In the distance, the vegetation seemed unfamiliar and the air…cold and fresh? Well…it may be because they lived in a relatively large city. But even so… 

 "And there's this too," Noel added. 

 The confused Alum looked at the tablet thing that looked like some augmented reality projection. 


 | Noel Karlson | 

 Race: Human 

 Skills: Sword Slash, Short Dash, Burst Slash

 Passive skills: The Presence Of Mind, Touched By Fire, Embraced By The Wind 

 Unique skills: Storm'elt Sword, Scorching Tempest

 Attributes: Fire, Wind, Light 

 Somehow, there was a strange familiarity. As for the text, he was able to comprehend the writing despite it clearly being in another language he was remotely familiar with.

 Intrigued, Alum asked, "What does it do?" 

 "No clue, to be honest," Noel replied. He let out a soft sigh, saying, "Displaying information? Well, That's it, I think, at least from what was tested, that's all it does." 

 Alum replied with a 'hmm.' He then pondered over how to phrase it, "Right, isn't it properly…a skill thing whatever they're called?" 

 "…That's my first thought too… However, it doesn't seem very functional outside of displaying these skills and attributes…" 

 "What do you mean? Doesn't it serve its purpose?" Alum further questioned. 

 "Well…it's a little game-like? But at the same time, not? I don't know how to describe it… But it's halved-baked, and there is no sense of progression—somehow it's more like an ID?" 

 "Mmm… Well, you understand stuff like that better than me, so… I'll take your word for it," Alum replied. 

 Noel noticed that Alum's interest started to fade, so he asked, "How about yours? Just think about it, and it will appear. Everyone got one, so…no excuses!" 

 Alum thought about it a little and tried to find an excuse not to. "I'm better off not knowing… It's assumably terrible." 

 "...Y'know, you're not 'that' unlucky…" 

 "But I'm scared." 

 With a deadpan look on his face, Noel stared at his friend, "Really? Not convincing at all. Considering that indifferent look and flat tone of yours…" 

 "...On the contrary, you seem to be… over…powered?" Alum replied, seeming somewhat unsure of the terminology. 

 "Man, just show me…" 


 Alum was a little reluctant, but something appeared as he thought about it. 

 | Alum Miller |

 Race: Human 

 Skills: Mana Burst

 Passive skills: The Presence Of Mind, Speed Cast

 Unique skills: Process Conversion Refine

 Attributes: Water, Lightning 

 "Well…would you look at that? It's not that bad. And you even look like a potent mage from these skills." 

 "...How should I know? I'm not a video gamer? Okay?"

 (Buddy, I'm sure even a granny would know what a gamer was… But, yeah…) Noel heaved a sigh. "I know…. The way you phrased it just sounded so wrong…"

 "…Hmph," Alum scoffed. 

 Recently, Noel has attempted to get Alum to play some video games. The results? Mild success… He showed some interest but never bothered with it if Noel wasn't around. 

 (…Anyhow, I'm glad he accepted the situation rather quickly…he was out longer than anyone else and is quite stubborn at that…)

 Having had a small banter with Alum made his nerves ease just a little, but his expression darkened again after their conversation came to a halt.

 The situation looked rather grim. Noel took a deep breath. "Anyhow, I'll go ask Professor Emely to see if there's anything I can help with." 

 Alum faintly nodded. And as Noel began to head over to Emely, he came to a halt as if he'd forgotten something. Noel turned around, seeming a little hesitant. "I'm not saying that you should get along with everyone… But… I'd really appreciate you cooperating with the others…" 

 Alum nodded and firmly said, "Sure." 

 But despite saying that, he continued to watch the situation a little more. The students appeared worse than previously observed, and their mental state was rapidly declining. Many were shaken. But there were some who supported them—like Noel, for example. 

 (Hmm, no food nor water…) Alum thought as he looked up into the sky. (A new world, huh?)

 Feeling a little sore and stale, Alum stretched a little, and from his observation, everything was a mess. However, he wanted to head over to Emely to check up on her. She seemed to be doing well. Besides that, she was smoothening others along with Miu.

 Although the two of them must've been as shaken as the others, they still managed to keep their composure and help those in need.

 (I suppose I'll just fetch some food and water. Though…what's even edible? Is the water drinkable?)

 From what he could tell, there was a river not too far away, and it was estimated to be a twenty-minute roundtrip. And so, as he was about to leave without saying a word—he was stopped by Emely, who had rushed over.

 "Wh-where are you going!?" She asked in a shaky voice.

 Despite seeming calm—at least more than the others. She panicked as soon as Alum was about to do something. She knew that he wasn't a kid anymore and that she'd regretted in the past for letting him do whatever he wanted. Sure, he was always fine, but it worried her still.


 Alum didn't know what to say to her. But he knew he had to reassure or comfort her somehow, seeing how she was teary-eyed while quivering. In the end, he didn't take action, not because he wasn't going to, but because she'd tightly hug him.

 "...I just considered going to the river, getting some water and food. It's not too far—" 

 "No!" Emely cried. "I… I was so worried, you know!?" she sobbed while looking into his eyes. "I…I'm truly, 'hic' glad you're okay…! That's why… Please, don't go anywhere…" 

 (She was so calm earlier, but she's now crying uncontrollably.)

 Alum hugged her and started to pat her back, which resulted in more tears running down her face.

 "...Mmm, I'm glad you're alright as well… I saw you help the others…I didn't want to get in the way, so…I didn't approach you," Alum gently said.

 When everyone saw Emely break down, they all came to realise how heavily they'd been leaning on her. They're grown-ups as well now, so they knew that they'd have to rely on themselves. Seeing someone who's as strong as Emely in that state made them snap out of it. They all looked around, and with a determined look, they got up on their feet. 

 A little while later, after Emely had calmed down, she fell asleep. Miu and some other students approached him.

 "Alum…earlier, you were planning to get some water and food, right?" Miu hesitantly asked. 

 "I was," he replied. 

 "...Can I come along? I'm able to tell if something is edible…so… I think I can be of use," Miu claimed. 

 "...yeah? That'd be helpful. But what about them?" Alum inquired, staring at the people beside her. 

 "The more hands, the better?" Miu replied with a soft smile. 

 Alum reluctantly nodded. 

 They then proceeded to gather everyone's backpacks and water bottles. As for those who stay behind, well…they would figure something out.

 As they then headed to the river, they decided to split up once they arrived. Everyone would gather things that looked safe to consume and show them to Miu. 

 Ultimately, they found a lot of vegetation, and Alum even managed to catch a sizable fish by ruthlessly throwing sharp rocks into the water. Once they came back, they were pleasantly surprised to find a sizable campfire.

 Later in their evening, the mood had improved significantly, as they were all gathered around the campfire, chatting and even performing some magic with their newly found powers. 

 Most of them had come to terms with their new harsh reality. They tried hard to distract themselves so that they'd forget about things while having fun celebrating the food and water. 

 Alum just watched the commotion and stared into the embers and dancing flames.

 (Hmm, so Noel was the one that made this fire…)

 He glanced at the others and their small magic show. Apparently, people were testing their powers when he was away. Noel had devised an idea, and this was the result of that.

 (Quite the distraction indeed.) 

 They all knew that they had some supernatural powers, and they ended up testing a bunch of stuff and got a little creative. As a result, they ended up with a decent little camp and some tools—albeit primitive, it was better than not having any.

 Emely, who was seated beside him, leaned on his shoulder. "...You have an amazing friend… Don't you?" she said. Her tone was calmer, and her gentleness returned. "He's so cheerful and a good leader at that." 

 "...I suppose," Alum replied. 

 Emely got off and peered into his eyes. "Geez! Your responses never change at all!" she playfully said as she nudged his arm with a small push. Her expression then turned more serious. '...Hey, Al….' Emely quietly mumbled. 

 Giving her his attention, he replied with a simple, "Yes?" 

 "Do you…" Yet… She seemed hesitant. Until she finally stated what was on her mind. "Do you think we can make it back home?" 

 Alum gave her question some thought and looked at the starry sky. Seeing nebulas, planetary disks and…much more. The sky here was very different, but at the same time, it was not.

 "That's one difficult question to answer," he casually replied. He stretched a little. "There are many things we've yet to comprehend, at least fully. This situation is… Bizarre, to say the least." Letting out a sigh, he continued, "Currently, we don't even know how we got here. If we did, then what?"


 She was expecting this sort of answer, but it didn't mean she'd want to hear those words. She knew he was pretty awful at comforting others, but in the end, she couldn't help but agree. 

 "You're right…"

 Although she already knew all this, having it so bluntly put made her somewhat comfortable, and a faint smile surfaced on her face.

 (Wherever we are, this never changes.)

 Alum continued by saying, "We have reality-altering capabilities now. We're also on an extraterrestrial body, as far as I'm concerned…it's very strange…huh?" Alum queried while tilting his head ever so slightly. "Is it the same universe as ours? In that case, does it imply that depending on what part, the laws of physics differ? Hmm…that doesn't make it so 'universal,' does it?" 

 "..." Emely quietly listened to him speak and…his attempt at a joke. "Hehehe~" she giggled. But…moisture started to build in the corner of her eyes again, and with a grim, defeated look. She buried her face in her hands. 

 "...You needn't think too deeply about it, Emy," Alum said with a soft smile while he patted her back. "You're doing great, guiding your students through this unknown situation, don't you think so, Professor Emely?" 

 She looked up when she heard him call her 'Professor.' "G-Geez! You…you've grown to be so cheeky!" she cried while pinching Alum's cheeks, finally letting her tears escape. 

 Alum awkwardly embraced her as he tried to comfort her the best way he could…he wasn't that good at it.

 (But…the gesture alone was enough…) Emely thought as she firmly embraced him. 




 The following day…however, wasn't as calm and peaceful as the previous day. And when Alum woke up, it wasn't because he had a good rest. Rather… It was due to dreadful cries and chaos caused by mass panic. Which ruined his natural healthy sleep schedule…

 (…What's the commotion?) he thought.

 When he finally opened his eyes, he realised he was in Noel's arms.

 (What the…)

 He looked around a little to get more context and saw girls desperately holding onto Emely. Their eyes briefly met, and he could see the dreadful terror in them.

 He'd already noticed when he looked around. It was understandable why everyone was acting the way they were as he peered into the snake-like eyes of the creature. With a massive body and majestic wings, it, too, stared deeply into his eyes. 


 For a moment, he gasped, and his instincts were telling him to run away as fast as possible. And the situation itself screams, 'bad news.' So, it was only natural that people would panic in instances like this.

 But as he calmed down and closely observed, the creature didn't move at all. It didn't seem like it had any intention of attacking, either. The others noticed, too, and Noel began to calm everyone down alongside Miu and Emely.

 With a severe look, Noel stared at the dragon, thinking, (It could attack any time soon…) But then, he noticed that there was another one in the sky. (…we're already surrounded by them. What's one more going to do…?) 

 The situation was looking even more grim than before, not only because there was another one of them, but there was also something riding the beast. The dragon slowly descended, and the figure was more visible.

 Then, as it got closer to the ground, the figure jumped off, and before they crashed into the ground, a strong gust of wind caught them, and they softly landed without a hitch. 


 The fully armoured figure slowly walked toward them. Each step made them anxious, and each second felt like an eternity. Out of desperation, most of the students had materialised some sort of weapon in their hand. No one even questioned where it came from—this wasn't the time for that, after all. 

 In Noel's hands was an enormous sword radiating a crimson glow. It made a sharp, rhythmic, high-frequency noise, with many having a weapon in hand and ready to fight. The armoured figure stopped and slowly removed her helmet.

 What surfaced was a beautiful-looking girl. She had a somewhat indifferent expression, but the air around her was calm. She had soft emerald-coloured eyes and long ash-brown hair. Despite her soft-looking eyes, they were cold but bore no hostility. 

 'What the...' Noel uttered in surprise.

 "You are to lower your weapons; thus, I shan't draw mine."

 The girl spoke clearly and concisely; her tone carried a certain sense of assertiveness to it, but her voice itself was soft and pleasant. 

 While everyone felt a bit sceptical, not uttering a single word. But Noel stated, "If so, prove it," with a somewhat cold tone.

 "The dragons did you no harm, right? They have been watching over you, so monsters wouldn't close in to harm you until my unit arrives. Does that prove that I am at least not here to harm you?"


 With that being said, they couldn't deny her statement, and Noel was the first one to reluctantly retract his weapon. He knew that putting up a fight was a bad idea. Thus, the sword vanished into thin air. Eventually, the others followed his lead, doing the same. 

 The girl seemed satisfied but couldn't relax just yet. She glanced to the side; the thing that'd been bothering her since she was in the air—and that was a massive surge of mana radiating from a certain individual among the wanderers. 

 Despite having lowered their weapons, one remained ready to attack, as he didn't carry a weapon in the first place. Despite that, she couldn't ignore the high concentration of mana, which was making not only the people around him tense. Even the dragon made a fuss over the highly suffocating mana. 

 "You ought to lower your mana! Or I will take it as a threat!" she strongly declared. 


 Alum stared at the girl. His eyes were ruthlessly cold, and Noel knew what sort of person Alum was, but he had never seen his eyes this cold—it was way worse than their first encounter. 

 Alum didn't exactly listen to the girl, but he briefly glanced to the side. He noticed Noel's gaze, and their eyes met. It was only then he came back to his senses, turning back to his expressionless, mellow self.

 (Seriously…this guy…) Noel sighed in relief. (Oh, well. That's just how he is, I guess…) 

 "I apologise for my rude behaviour," Alum apologised to the girl. "It appeared to be completely instinctual…" he later added. 

 "...No, that's fine. Instincts are difficult to control, especially in situations where one feels threatened. Thus, it was only reasonable…" the girl remarked. 

 The girl then thought about something and realised her own blunder. She cleared her throat.

 "Deepest apologies… I haven't introduced myself. My name is Chely Ilis. I am the Hero of the Lesich Empire," she declared. "It is a pleasure to meet you all. Wanderers from another world."


What to know about coming into this series is that it can get dark at times. So don't tell me I didn't warn you, also, the tags.

Another note is that this is a rewrite; don't expect the chapters to be consistent. But the first chapter of the novel WILL always be my current writing style. 

Also, this is my first work ever, so I try to polish it to the best of my abilities. Though old chapters are… Not the worst, but not at all like the rewrite. 

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