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45% HP: Life in Hogwarts ( SI OC) / Chapter 9: Chapter 8: Halloween

Kapitel 9: Chapter 8: Halloween

AN: Not two chapters but one enormous chapter.


On October 1st, I was sitting at the library reading up about Accio charm. I have been coming to library as often as I can, reading various books about spells and theories, so I can have an excuse if someone found out that I could do many spells before they are even taught. I bet even Hermione practices the spells before they are taught in class. In books, in first Levitation charm class, she preached Ron about the charm, like she already had experience with the spell. When Ron asked her to do the spell if she knows so much, she was certain she could do it, and did it in first try. My guess is she had studied about it and it was natural to try it a few times before it was taught in class.

Back to the Summoning charm, I was very curious how does the spell know what object to summon in case the object is not present in front of eyes and the user doesn't know how the object looks like in his mind. Because two objects can have the same name.

I was thinking about the case, when Hermione summoned the book about horcruxes in her dorm room at the end of her sixth year, without knowing what it's proper name was or how it looked like physically.

From what I have read till now, if the object is present in front of the user, it can work with just pointing the wand at the object and saying "Accio", the user's intent and the direction point of wand can do the rest. With practice you don't even need to point the wand at the specific direction. It can work with only intent.

If the object is not present in front of sight then intent and imagining the object in the head and if possible its location, then saying its name and the magic will search it in around an area which is determined by complex arithmancy formula that depends on the amount of magic used and then summon it.

It is even more complex when the user doesn't know the name of the object, its location or even what it looks like. Whatever the name user gives the object, if that name has ever been described for that object, then magic can summon it. It works sort of on the same principle as Owl magic how they can find anyone with just a name. When Hermione summoned "Horcrux book", a bunch of books came in through her window from Dumbledore's office that had been possibly described by these words.

I bet Dumbledore removed the restrictions on them, so they can be summoned sometime before he died. Otherwise anyone could have summoned them by some other name that could have described them like "Book on Dark Arts", etc.

I went to ROR to start practicing Accio, it was the hardest spell I have tried till now. I was doing everything right but, the pillow I was summoning didn't budge. I think I know the reason behind this.

After doing various magics for a month, I came up with a hypothesis that as the spells get more complex, it gets harder to do it right on the first try. I think the user's magic takes time to get used to the spell. As McGonagall said in her first class, transfiguration of match to needle will become easier once we get the "hang of it", I think by this she meant the same thing. I can now turn match stick to needle in a single step but it takes a few seconds to complete the transformation. It feels a lot easier now, I don't have to imagine the process so vividly now because my magic is getting used to it. My aim is to do it instantly without thinking about it, like McGonagall showed us.

The more you practice the more your magic get used to the spell. So, I began practicing the spell. One more hypothesis is that wands also work in the same way. Once the user's magic and the wand get used to a spell after doing it repeatedly, by combining, that makes point casting possible. Of course as the users magic developed with age and experience they can also do point casting with any other wand but user's own wand will still give the best results.

Proof of all these Hypothesis is, I can now perform Expelliarmus, Depulso, Alohomora, Colloportus, Reparo and Levitation charm without any wand motion, after practicing them so much.

I should be able to master Accio by the end of the month. Even though it's a fourth year spell, I am smart than a fourth year, just my magic is less developed than a fourth because the more you do magic the more it develops. Also magic development is different from the magical capacity of your body. I think I have more magic than even a seventh year student. I do magic all evening, everyday and rarely feel magical exhaustion. A seventh year would faint after performing magic for four to five hours continuously.

According to magical theory, Wizards acquire magic in two ways, the generate their own magic as well as absorb magic from nature and surrounding. Both magic combines to form a wizard's Magical capacity. Wizard's body needs time to regenerate and absorb magic and it can't be done if you are continuously doing it. That's why Hogwarts is so good for young witches and wizards, the magic here is so rich and there's so much of it. It helps in development of their magic and increases their capacity. Of course magic released from performing it is recycled back into the nature and there is a lot of lot magic happening at Hogwarts, that's how it keeps its richness. It's a never ending recycling. Forbidden Forest is also a part of this cycle as there are a lot of powerful magical creature. That's why they have eradicated a dangerous forest so close to children.

Days passed and no interesting event happened at Hogwarts except that Harry Potter made a big new again when it was confirmed that he will play the youngest seeker in about a years.

I have improve a lot in Occlumency. I can now act normally while keeping the back of my mind completely clear. That means if someone performs passive legilimency on me, they will only read the thoughts of what I'm doing or talking about at the time. I will have no secondary thoughts at the back of my head. Usually there are multiple thoughts in your head, it's hard not to think about a particular thing if you shouldn't. All this is only a temporary measure, it won't fool any real attempt from legilimens like Dumbledore if he tries to go deeper even with passive legilimency he will catch the lie. Next step will be to strengthen the mind and build a simple barrier around it. So, I can detect any legilimency attack and try to prevent it. This will allow me to have separate thoughts aside from surface thoughts inside the barrier. It will be a normal barrier that can stop direct legilimency attacks. The strength of the barrier will of course depend on me. It won't be able to stop full power attacks from Dumbledore or Voldemort, but something is better than nothing. I plan to accomplish this by the end of the year.

The next step after this will be to make a mind palace with elaborate fortress around it that can has the capacity to withstand any attacks. The final and the most difficult step is plant false memories around the fortress that can even fool most accomplished of legilimens, so that they stop the attack before they even reach the fortress thinking that they have already succeeded. One must be highly talented in Occlumency to complete the final step. Most who practice Occlumency stop after building a mind palace. Very few people can make good enough false memories that can fool legilimens. Snape is one of them.


Halloween finally came, today was the day of the first major event and the beginning of golden trio.

The day started with Double charms with Gryffindor and the events happened exactly as the book described. Hermione preached to Ron about the Levitation charm and then performed it flawlessly which made Ron angry and jealous (by the way I also did it a minute after Hermione).

After the Ron and Harry walking just ahead of Hermione while talking and Hermione heard Ron, it's not like he tries to lower his voice or anything. I saw tears forming in Hermione's eyes.

'Should I say something to her?', I thought, we aren't acquaintances yet but we regularly see each other in library.

"Don't worry about it Granger, he's just jealous", I said to her in a low voice. But walked away fast bumping into them on the way. I decided not to pursue her because it is an important part in forming of their friendship.

In potions class afterwards, we were tasked to make the Wiggenweld Potion, it was a minor healing potion that also replenishes stamina. Professor Snape partnered me with Justin Finch Fletchley, I don't know exactly why, but it was gonna be a headache because he was the worst at potions in both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw combined, which Professor Snape never forgets to remind him. He was Neville Longbottom of our class.

(AN: Wiggenweld potion is the only other first year Potion I could find on the internet, other than Potion to cure boils.)

I monitored him continuously throughout the process, so that he doesn't mess something up. Last step of the potion was crucial. It was to stir in a particular manner while very slowly pouring in the salamander blood until the potion turns green. I decided I will stir while Justin poured the blood slowly.

"Be careful now Fletchley, pour it very slowly while I stir", I instructed him.

It was going fine until Professor Snape decided to come to our table to stand and observe us. I could see Justin getting a little nervous as his hand trembled a little. He looked up to see Snape's eyes glaring at him. This little distraction proved to be fatal as he tipped the vessel of blood a little too much.

"No, No, No..", I shouted to him, but it was already too late, he emptied a lot salamander blood simultaneously into the cauldron. I immediately stepped a few feet back from the Cauldron as I didn't know what was gonna happen. Professor also took a step back. At first nothing happened in the Cauldron, but then the yellowish liquid began to boil furiously and then started overflowing the cauldron onto the floor.

"Well, well, well," said Professor in a calm voice but his tone was suggesting that he was furious. "Even partnering up with Haven couldn't do you any good, Fletchley", hissed Professor Snape.

Well, now I know why he partnered me with Justin, he just indirectly said he considers me one of the best. I will take that compliment.

"Five points from Hufflepuff and a detention to you Fletchley, be sure to clean this up before you leave", said Snape walking away. I was also expecting a scolding but Snape didn't say anything to me. I guess he doesn't consider me responsible at all for this accident. That's awfully fair of him, for me at least. If it was Harry instead of me, he would have put entire the entire blame on Harry and then given him a week's worth of detention.

The potion that was overflowing was now all over Justin's shoes. He looked down and hurriedly tried to step back but instead slipped and fell down.

I genuinely felt bad for the guy. He just got nervous, he was doing fine before that. I don't think it's Snape's fault either. It's not like he wanted to make Justin nervous, or may be he did, just to test him under pressure.

I went to Justin and offered him a hand to stand up. I also helped him clean up the mess. I noticed that the liquid was incredibly slippery to the point I couldn't keep my thumb and index finger still, while joined together with the liquid between them. They were slipping off each other.

That gave me an idea.

After the classes were over, it was time for celebrations for Halloween. At dinner, I couldn't find Hermione at Gryffindor table, that means she will be in danger when the troll comes. I still haven't fully decided what should I do, should I do something or leave the trio alone. There are benefits and risks to both.

As I was thinking, Professor Quirell came running with the news of the troll in the dungeon and then fainted. There was instant panic among the students, until Dumbledore calmed them down. We were ordered to follow prefect to our house dorms.

This decision never made sense to me. It would have been better to keep the students in the Great hall to keep any eye on them and go to find troll. I don't think there's any conspiracy here just an oversight on JK Rowling's part.

Anyway we followed our prefects out of the great and I saw Harry and Ron discussing something and looking worried. They began to quietly sneak away to warn Hermione.

'What should I do? I may regret it if I follow them, but I will definitely regret if I don't witness the event,' I thought began to follow them quietly.

(AN- Please understand that this is one of those snap decisions that MC took. Put yourself in MC's shoes, would you not follow them because of slight danger.)

I followed them as stealthily as I could. We almost came across Snape who was going towards third floor corridor to stop Quirell. As we got near the girls bathroom a horrible stench entered my nose. It was like a Porta Potty's septic tank had burst open.

I finally saw the twelve feet tall ugly troll with a large club in its hand enter the girls bathroom. Harry and Ron quickly went to the door and locked it. But as they were turned, we heard a shriek from the toilet. They realized that they mistakenly locked Hermione in with the door, Harry fumbled with the keys and hurriedly opened it again.

(AN: This is written in books, movie watchers.)

I went behind them and saw Hermione cowering against the wall while troll was smashing its way to her. Harry and Ron who still hadn't noticed me standing behind them began to distract the troll. Ron distracted it while Harry tried to get Hermione to run, but she was frozen in fear.

Harry seeing this decided to take a jump on its back, took out his wand and plunged it in troll's nose. In panic and pain it began to flail its club wildly while was hanging from its neck.

I had seen enough and decided to help. I've read up on trolls, they have a thick skull. I don't know how Ron managed to knock it out by just dropping a club on its head. Maybe he hit a weak point or a nerve or something. Anyways it was incredibly lucky, just like Golden trio always are. I on the other hand may not be so lucky so I can't just drop the club on its head.

I sort of have another plan on my mind. I went past Ron wand ready in hand who was fumbling in his pocket for his wand. I aimed my wand at the club in troll's hand as it's skin resist magic and casted with full power, "Expelliarmus"

I saw troll's wrist bend unnaturally as the club got wrenched from its grasp and went like a missile and struck the top of the opposite wall. The troll began to howl even more in pain and confusion.

I took this chance and pointed my wand at the cowering Hermione and casted, " Accio robes"

Since it's harder to summon a person because their magic may interfere with the Summoning, best way is to summon their clothes.

Hermione flew to me, but I caught her and got knocked back a few steps. Harry seeing that Hermione was safe jumped from the back of troll and quickly ran to us. He always had very good presence of mind unlike Ron who was staring at everything that's happening with his mouth open and his wand midway up from his pocket.

By this time, the troll' eyes finally fell on me. It gave a howl and started to come towards us. This time I took out two vials of potion and threw in trolls path. The mixture of water leaking from the broken basins and the yellowish liquid in the vials proved to be effective as the troll slipped and fell face onto the floor with a thud and laid there groaning and howling. This was the same liquid of today's potion disaster. I saved some of it just in case like this.

We could have run now and be safe before the troll gets up, but I always like to finish the jobs I started.

I didn't waste a single as I cast the Levitation charm on the troll's club and hovered it few feet behind the troll. I looked at Hermione who was still in my arms sobbing and said, " Snap out of it Granger, I need your help, there's no time to explain, but keep this club levitating for me right there. Stop cowering, you are safe for now, You are a Gryffindor for God's sake."

She looked at me and gathered herself up. She took out her and casted the Levitation charm without a word. And I began to proceed to the next step of my plan.

Harry couldn't hold himself back anymore, "What are you doing?, we should run now."

"Yeah, just hang on a minute, I'm trying to turn a matchstick into a needle here", I said pointing my wand at the club.

This time it was Hermione who couldn't help herself and blurted out, " but it's a huge club!"

"Should be the same concept, now please let me concentrate," I snapped back at her.

This transfiguration was really hard because of the irregular contours of the club, it was not cylinder like a match. So I decided to improvise and instead of making a big spear like needle, I started to turn the thinner grip side more and pointier as well turning it into metal. But the troll began to regain composure faster than I expected. I couldn't make the end pointier enough. But I quickly abandoned the transfiguration and regained the control of Levitation charm and aligned my wand and the now modified club such that when the troll begins to get up his head will be right in between the trajectory of my wand the pointed end of club.

"Keep its position still for me, like this Granger", I said to her.

"What are you planning?", she asked in a panicky voice.

But Harry understood my thoughts and exclaimed, "No way!", he saw me summon Hermione before.

Just as troll started to get up I yelled, "Accio club", just at the right time with full magic power. The club came towards me like a torpedo missile, but the troll's head was between us. It smacked into the back of troll's head with so much force that it smacked the head back into the ground. The distance was too short and the club was too fast to swerve as objects usually swerve to dodge the obstacles in the path to reach the user when summoned.

This was a risky move as if my aim had been incorrect the club would have impaled me but I was prepared to dodge and stop the spell immediately, if it didn't hit. Perhaps safer and easier method would be using Depulso by making the club hover in front of the troll. By experiment I found out that the force released from the wand by Depulso works sort of like air, so the principles of aerodynamics apply to it. Due to uneven shape of the club, the force of the spell could dissipate in different directions after colliding with it or even the aim could go wrong if it collide at an angle to the surface of the club. Simple physics really, kind of same logic as fast cars are made sleek to dissipate air drag from it.

Anyway I couldn't believe that the club didn't penetrate the skull of troll and after bouncing of the skull its rapidly hurtling towards me. So I quickly canceled the spell and instead casted, " Wingardium Leviosa"

The club stopped and hovered in mid air when I heard a groan from the troll. I sighed, 'Still not going down huh'.

"Hey Weasley, bring it home will you", I said to him as I hovered the club in front of him.

"W-what?", he said breaking out of stupor.

"Smack it hard one last time", I iterated every word to him slowly.

I gave this task to him because one, he has the most physical strength among us four and two, he did nothing else because I think I stole his thunder.

He finally grabbed hold of the club, grunted at its weight and brought it down hard on troll's head. This time it was finally knocked. Maybe Ron really has a unique or some weird magical ability knock out trolls.

'And that kids, is how you defeat a troll', I thought.

"Good Riddance", said Ron.

"Is it — dead?", Hermione asked in a worried voice.

"I don't think so," said Harry, I think it's just been knocked out."

"What do we do now?", asked Harry as he retrieved his booger covered wand. "ugh troll booger"

" One of us should go bring the Professors", said Hermione, who had now calmed down a little.

"No need, they are already here", I noticed Professors McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick and Quirell running towards us from the corridor, obviously they came after hearing all the commotion and racket they have been making.

(AN: I added Flitwick in this scene, because gotta have the representative from MC's house)

Quirell took one look at the troll, let out a faint whimper, and sat quickly down on a toilet, clutching his heart.

Snape bent over the troll. Professor McGonagall was looking at us with a white face. She looked really angry. I hope this little bit of fun I had won't backfire too much. Professor Flitwick was looking at me poker faced, I couldn't tell if he was angry or happy.

" What on earth were you all thinking of?" said Professor McGonagall, with cold fury in her voice. "You're lucky you weren't killed. Why aren't you all in your respective dormitory?", Snape looked up from the troll and gave us all a piercing look. ' Okay time for Occlumency, I can do this', I blanked my mind of stray thoughts and only thought of the incident and not my planning. I only looked at Snape's eyes for a second before looking down, as if guilty. I hope he didn't get much from it, I just had the picture of Ron smacking the troll with the club in my mind.

Hermione's small voice broke the silence.

"Please, Professor McGonagall — they were looking for me."

"Miss Granger!"

Hermione had managed to compose herself.

"I went looking for the troll because I — I thought I could deal with it on my own — you know, because I've read all about them."

Ron gaped at her. Hermione Granger, telling a downright lie to a teacher?

"If they hadn't found me, I'd be dead now-"

"That's a lie, Professor", I cut her off.

" I heard Weasley and Potter talking about warning Granger about the troll because she didn't attend the feast, so I followed them. I think she didn't attend the feast because she was upset that Weasley called her a Nightmare after she lectured him about the correct way to perform Levitation charm, I heard it all.", I tattled like a good 11 year Ravenclaw.

'Man, I sound like her stalker', I thought while looking down.

Professor McGonagall looked Scandalized.

" What I would like to know is how four first years managed to defeat a fully grown twelve feet tall Mountain Troll", Professor Snape finally spoke for the first time.

"Well,….", Hermione began to narrate everything that happened after the troll entered the bathroom.

Professor McGonagall's eyes bulged slightly when she heard that Harry jumped on troll's back and stuffed his wand up its nose.

Hermione continued, " Then Callum Haven came and did a Disarming spell on the club," all professor got their eyes on me, but I just kept looked down.

But what they heard next surprised them the most, "W-what?!" exclaimed professor Flitwick, " Mr. Haven you successfully performed a summoning charm?, but that's an extremely difficult fourth year spell, and a very powerful Disarming charm too".

"I saw a senior do it and thought it was very useful, so, I went to library to study it and then practiced it in an empty classroom, it was really hard to master. As for the Disarming charm, I'm quite interested in dueling, so I learned it from a dueling book from library", I said while thinking of the exact same memories as I said. I did go to an empty classroom to practice spells, to create memories just in emergencies like this. I don't know if Snape or Voldemort is using passive legilimency or not but I'm not keeping much eye contact with any of the teachers.

Hermione continued with her recall.

"Then he threw some potion vials at the floor that made the troll slip and fell face first-"

"What vials?", Snape asked sharply.

"They contained the ruined Wiggenweld Potion from this morning professor", I continued when he gave me a look of one raised eyebrow. "The potion was very slippery professor, so I kept some because I found it interesting. I forgot to put them in the bag", I said while looking down. I made it sound like I may or may not have the intention of using it for pranks.

When Professor McGonagall heard and saw the partially transfigured club, she looked almost impressed but suppressed it, realizing she was in the middle of a scolding.

Finally, Hermione finished recounting everything.

The looked as if they didn't know what to say. Finally, Quirell said," T-t-that's q-quite a st-trategy you c-came up wit-th, e-h, Mr. H-haven."

"In a short time too", added Professor Flitwick.

"Thank you Professor, wisdom is my greatest strength after all", I said smiling at him.

"Enough, they disobeyed teacher's orders. They should be punished not praised for their foolishness", snapped Professor McGonagall.

"I agree with you Professor McGonagall, Potter and his friend should be punished for their foolish actions, if it wasn't for Haven's presence of mind, things could have been much worse", Professor Snape chimed in, of course only seeing Harry's fault.

" Five points from everyone except Ms. Granger, yes you too Mr. Haven, if you had caught them both sneaking away, you should have come to a teacher or a prefect, not follow them. And detention to Mr. Weasley. Come to my office after class tomorrow, we shall have a chat about how to treat your peers" said Professor McGonagall.

She continued after a pause, " Ten points to all four of you for showing bravery and coming to rescue for a friend and successfully working together to defeat the troll", she smiled a little.

"And Twenty additional points to Mr. Haven for successfully performing summoning charm and coming up with a strategy worthy of being a Ravenclaw, I would have given more points for performing summoning charm as a first year, if the circumstances had been different", added Professor Flitwick looking proud.

"Now, return to your Dorms immediately," said Professor McGonagall and we hurried out of there.

"Thanks, to all three of you" said Hermione as we reached the stairs that go to Ravenclaw House.

"Don't mention it, I had quite the fun defeating the troll", all three looked at me like I'm a weirdo or something.

"You know you should apologize to her, despite what you did she tried to save your ass in front of Professors", I said to Ron.

"And she would have if someone didn't tattle", he snarked at me.

But then he turned to Hermione and said, " I'm sorry, I hurt you", while looking at the ceiling.

"It's okay, you came to save me, so we are even", replied Hermione with a smile.

Harry looked at me and asked, " If you were following us, why didn't you help sooner?"

"Well, I've heard so much about you, I thought you will defeat it. I wanted to see, what magic Harry Potter will use to handle the troll, but when I saw you jump and stick your wand up troll's nose. I knew I had a misunderstanding. No offense to you of course, it was mistake on my part" I deliberately took a jibe at him, may be he will get motivated to live up to his own name and study and practice hard.

I said this and took off on the stairs to Ravenclaw dorms, leaving a stunned Harry behind.

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