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65.3% DC: Atlantean Alchemist / Chapter 32: Chapter 32: The consequences of a Time Boom part 2

Kapitel 32: Chapter 32: The consequences of a Time Boom part 2

[Third Person's Point of View]

Returning back to the former sidekick, Roy had found Doctor Roquette before she completed the Fog machine that the Shadow was forcing her to make. Naturally, at that time they had put their best operatives, Lady Shiva and Deathstroke, to guard the doctor until the weapon they desired was completed.

Sandra Wu-San, better known as the master assassin Lady Shiva, was already one of the most dangerous killers in the world before she was an adult. Through the intense years of training under the Shadow, she became the world's greatest martial artist which only heightened her abilities as an assassin.

Slade Wilson, known by his codename, Deathstroke, is an elite mercenary, commonly considered the world's greatest and deadliest assassin. As a soldier, he volunteered for the Enhanced Soldier Initiative, an experimental procedure that activated a dormant metagene, which evolved his brain.

This greatly enhanced Slade's mental capacity, causing his mind to operate at peak efficiency, nine times beyond that of a normal man. Deathstroke's evolved mind also allows him to access his brain functions on a cellular level, granting him enhanced physical attributes.

Red Arrow stood a negative three hundred percent chance to rescue the doctor. The only advantage had at that time was that he had discovered who was guarding the doctor before they discovered him.

Now the logical course of action was to simply leave as fast and quietly as possible to inform the league and have them deal with it as this was way above his pay grade. Sadly Red Arrow decided to be bold as he thought that saving Doctor Roquette would secure a position in the Justice League.

To Red Arrow's credit, he managed to reach Doctor Roquette's location before he was defeated, and upon his defeat, the operatives informed those in charge to decide the fate of Red Arrow. This caused a debate on what to do as those in charge did not want the attention of the Justice League since it would disturb their plans.

Vandal Savage, the often de facto leader of this group of supervillains, saw this troubling situation as an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Their group of supervillains called the Light needed a better way to monitor the Justice League and if possible control it.

Now in their hands was the opportunity to plant a mole in the Justice League. Vandal proposed a solution to the rest, to turn the lemon that fell in their hands into Lemonade. The other members of the Light agreed to this solution though they needed to ensure that the mole was obedient to them.

Performing full mind control on Red Arrow through the help of a telepath could be detected by Martian Manhunter and the same could be said with magic by Zatara. The ideal course of action would have been to clone him but their technology was not there yet, it was close but it still needed time that they did not have for Red Arrow's case.

This is where Nezha, the newest member of the Light, came into play. With water from the Lazarus Pit given by Ra's al Ghul, and through magic Nezha was able to clone Red Arrow by using the right arm they had taken from the young hero.

Now some may be confused as to how that was possible, the Lazarus Pit is a supernatural phenomenon of restorative pools, capable of instantly healing injuries, resurrecting the dead, and even granting immortality to those who bathe in it.

Nezha knows the properties of the Lazarus Pit better than even Ra's al Ghul, who has remained alive for centuries thanks to it since the elixir that had brought him back to life was later refined to create several Lazarus Pits.

With the help of one of their telepaths, the Light was able to download all of Red Arrow's memories and knowledge into his clone along with a few subconscious directives that the clone would aim towards or be susceptible to. They also managed Red Arrow's personal life so that his disappearance would not be noticed while the clone was not ready.

Once Doctor Roquette was done with her work, they modified her memories as well as the clone's memories to fit the tale they wanted the Justice League to believe. This would allow the clone to blend into his original place with none of them being aware of it.

Their plan was for the clone to save the doctor while leaving the machine with the Shadow before dumping the responsibilities onto the League thus gaining credit if they succeeded in protecting the doctor while avoiding any liability in case of failure.

Still, having lived for so long taught Vandal Savage and Ra's al Ghul a few things such as making the best out of even the worst outcome. In case the machine was destroyed and did not accomplish its objective, they implanted a code phrase in Doctor Roquette which would influence her into recreating the machine with potential changes that they would demand or make decisions that would benefit them.

They put a code phrase instead of completely changing her personality because it would be less noticeable to the Justice League. Incidentally, one of the Light researchers had been asking for nanotechnology as of late.

This made the Light use the code phrase on the doctor after the League had lessen their survielance over her to work with that aforementioned researcher. This was how Doctor Roquette quit STAR Labs and went to work for LexCorp after the latter made a generous offer. She started working with Ivo without even realizing it.

Ironically, Red Arrow did in fact manage to save Doctor Roquette's life at the cost of potentially his since the initial plan of the Light was to eliminate her if she refused to join them or if she had outlived her usefulness.

As for the now left-handed Red Arrow, he was given to Cadmus as a subject of experimentation where he would be used as a D.N.A. supply for their cloning experiments. His mind was left in a near vegetative state, with just enough consciousness to breathe, eat, drink, and expel waste but not enough to have the will to escape.

[AN: If you think about it, at the time of the Cadmus incident the cloning technology was not properly working which is why the Ultimen could not live long so as a standpoint, Speedy could not have been a clone since the cloning technology at the time he is supposed to have been clone in the canon YJ, which is around three years before that point, would not be advanced enough.

So instead of having a plot hole, I decided to make it so that Speedy got cooky in his attempt to prove himself to be a League member while also showing the fact that the Light is not dumb. They would guard Doctor Roquette with their best-trained personnel until the machine was completed.]


Under the depths of the seas, someone can be seen swimming towards the glaciers of Antarctica. That someone is none other than Acnologia who brings his right arm forward as he continues to swim at a high speed towards the ice.

His surroundings are dark but thanks to his Atlantean physiology, Acnologia is able to see around him as clear as day. Just as he is about to hit the glaciers, part of it temporarily melts to give way to Acnologia before instantly freezing into ice again. 

Acnologia notices frozen bodies as he moves through the temporarily melted ice. He pays no mind to them outside of a quick glance. After a short while, he no longer needs to melt the ice in front of him as it has already been melted through global warming.


As the melted ice behind him froze again, Acnologia noticed that a tentacle was swung towards him. He noticed that the end of the tentacle attached to its body seems to still be encased in ice. he finds it interesting before his attention is brought somewhere else.

He does not move as the tentacle is closing in on him, still looking at what just caught his attention but before the tentacle reached Acnologia, it twisted on itself as its green blood started shredding it from the inside.

This anatomic distortion was the reason why Acnologia did not bother moving, with his aqua-kinesis and blood magic no sea creature posed a real danger to him unless he was caught off guard.

Now onto what caught Acnologia's attention, it was none other than a trident laying in two halves. Acnologia smiled as he swam towards the two halves, grabbed both of them, and combined them. This, however, stirred the spirit of the still-trapped Kordax who tried to entice Acnologia to free him by proclaiming himself as Atlan.

Acnologia listened to Kordax's fake story about him being Atlan, having been trapped by a terrible foe who caused Atlantis to sink and played along. Kordax had sensed that Acnologia possessed the blood of Atlan, Royal blood, within him and thus could free him that was why he decided to lie.

[AN: Spoiler for Aquaman 2;

A thing I noticed is that the whole blood of Atlan means that you just need to be related to him in any genetic way since if it actually needed the blood of Atlan then Aquaman's blood would not have been enough to free Kordax.]

Having been trapped for so long, he normally would have no possibility to learn what happened to Atlantis but due to every single map leading to the true Lost Trident of Atlan having been disposed of, many Atlanteans ended up coming here on their quest to find the Lost Trident of Atlan.

Although he was trapped, Kordax could still learn whatever happened or was said within his ruined Kingdom. This is how he came to learn about Atlantis' demise as well as create the lie that he was Atlan so that he could be freed if given the opportunity.

Acnologia played along because the trident was guiding him to what he had came for. Same as before, he proceeded to temporarily melt the ice that was on his way toward the throne room of Necrus where Kordax's body resided.

Acnologia proceeded to reach the throne room, turned the surrounding ice into water before moving it outside creating an air bubble the size of the throne room then created light above him with magic and placed his blood on the pedestal which freed Kordax.

"Yes!... Yes! I am finally freed! You have my gratitude ignorant chil-"

Kordax said as he got up from his throne that had been his prison for centuries. Kordax had planned to kill Acnologia swiftly and painlessly as gratitude for freeing him but he stopped midway through his sentence as the entire throne room was surrounded by a demonic-looking shadow, which originated from beneath Acnologia's feet.

Kordax saw the shadow form several tentacles, tendrils, and jaws before giant eyes as well as mouthes started appearing on different parts of the shadow that covered the entire throne room. All eyes, which were spread around the throne room thanks to the shadow, looked at Kordax.


"It is you who have my gratitude..."

"Ignorant prey!"

Several mouths coming from the shadow spoke at the same times while the eyes looked at Kordax with glee and amusement. The last thing Kordax's monsterized body saw was the shadow devouring his trident before all of them rushed at him and devoured him as he screamed.

"Guess he didn't recognize me after all."

Acnologia said as he watched his shadow devouring Kordax as well as capturing his soul with the help of Alchemy just like he had done with the latter's trident. He was doing this because the Trident's ability to turn people into monster, it could be useful to him in the future.

Once that was done, Acnologia was planning on heading toward the hidden sea when all of the sudden he found himself on an unfamiliar beach. Dinausor could be seen flying into the sky and as he was going to ask a rhetorical question to himself, he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite Atlantean, whatcha doing in this neck of the sea?"

Acnologia turns to see Death with sunglasses sitting on a beach chair sipping some margarita. She finished her margarita before standing up and walking towards Acnologia then spoke.

"You might want to sit."


Acnologia asked while Death looked at her wrist which had a watch on it.

"Because you're about to receive your memories from this altered timeline and it can be quite the mind fuck... literally."

She answered while taking out her phone and getting ready to film whatever she wanted to film.

"I'll pass- ARGH!"

Acnologia said before he was hit with a huge migraine and fell to the ground while Death filmed him.

"Yeah, I knew you were going to say that, just thought I would be nice and offer a sit anyway. Good thing, I brought you here, where it is safe, before that happened."

Death said as Acnologia spasmed on the ground as he gained the memories of the alteration caused by the time boom. While looking at Acnologia, Death sighed as she thought.

'If Desire was here, he'd probably do a rick and morty bit and annoy you while he is at it. Good thing I asked Dream to cash in that favor he owes me. Now that I think about it, it all comes full circle.'


Another changed that happened on Earth due to the Time Boom was the rise of the fallen Falcone Family. When Batman first came to Gotham, one of the first enemies he took down was the Falcone Family.

He drove them out of Gotham but recently they have returned with Carmine Falcone still as the head of the crime family. Sources said that they had an unusual backer that dwelled on the mystic side but that had yet to be confirmed by anyone outside of the family.

Things had been looking great for the Falcone yet recently Carmine had just fallen ill after almost dying a couple of dozen times. Inside their manor which they had managed to retake, Carmine could be seen lying on his death bed surrounded by his only remaining relatives, his daughter and brother, as well as underlings.


Sofia Falcone said in tears before she continued.

"*Sniff* I don't want to say goodbye…"

'Well, that's quite selfish, Sofia…. I'm dying….'

Carmine thought but did not voice it out loud. He could only cough a bit before his brother Richard spoke.

"It truly is a tragedy! I cannot believe someone would poison our afternoon brandy! What bittersweet fortune that I was somehow spared!"

Carmine nodded before speaking.

"Yes, it truly is a blessing that you are well my brother, Richard Traitoro Falcone. But as I die… the authority of our Family falls to… my precious daughter."


Sofia said in shock and confusion.

"Yes, with great hono-... Roll that back?"

Richard said with enthusiasm before he stammered at the end before asking a question.

"Sofia… you must stand taller than us all now and lead the men and women of the Falcone family.

At a loss for words, Richards took some time before he managed to find some that somewhat fit the situation.

"Wha- That's uhhh…. That's GREAT! YAAAY!"

"If you should ever find yourself in peril, know that deep in a forgotten underground dungeon, there is one man you can count on."

Carmine said before Sofia rebuked him.

"But don't have a dungeon."

Carmine did not elaborate on what he was talking about and continued on with his goodbye.

"Goodbye, my little treasure… and- *Carmine vomits up blood*"

Carmine had one final thought before he died.

'That was my favorite pillow…'

"Father! No!"

Sofia cried as she hugged her father while breaking in tears. Richard on the other hand looked pissed. Two days later, Sofia was in the ventilation shafts of the manor, above a conference room where she could see and hear Richard speaking to his men.

"Sorry sir, no sign of her."

One of his men said which caused Richard to yell.

"So did you actually search for her… or did you all go to the fucking Sunglasses Hut!?"

"We did both."

Another one of his men explains which caused Richard to be even more pissed before he screamed.

"To hell with this!"

'…why can't we do both?'

The man thought as his boss was angry at his explanation. Richard pulled out a gun and spoke.

"If you want your family murdered, I guess you do it yourself…."

He then added as he cocked his gun.


'I knew he did it.'

The first men to speak thought.

Sofia crawled away in the ventilation shafts trying to find a safe place.

"By the way, would you like this extra pair of Oakleys?"

The first man to speak asked Richard while offering him some sunglasses to which Richard responded with angry yells.

"We are in Gotham and it's 9 fucking PM!"

Sofia managed to escape the Manor but as she reached the entrance of one of the numerous secret passages that would lead out of Gotham she heard her uncle's angry voice.


She turned to see her uncle followed by a dozen of his men. Richard spoke in a calm and caring manner this time.

"There you are, my precious little niece. I was afraid you'd left before your succession ceremony, I wanted to give you your parting gifts! There are eleven! In fact, twelve…"

Richard pulled out a gun and pointed it at her before he added.

"...Including the one in the chamber!"

Sofia was enraged as she screamed at her uncle.

"You killed my father!"

Richard shook his head before he looked at her and then spoke.

"No, no... the poison killed your father. I murdered your father."



Richard shot Sofia in the head and her body fell on the ground as she bled out and died. He shot her a couple more times just to be sure, six in the heart, three in the lungs, and two more in the head. He was taking no chances. He then received a call which he answered right away.

"Is it done?"

A cryptic voice came from his phone thought Richard did not mind and answered the question.

"It is, I am now the head of the Falcone Family and I await your orders but is there a less stronger stuff that I had my brother and his men drink to dumb them down? Cuz at this point, they are barely functional."

The voice at the other end of the phone laughed before speaking.

"Hahaha! Have no worries, that was just to facilitate assassination thought Carmine appeared to have been quite lucky in our previous attempts, we have something else in mind that will not only solve this problem but also boost the Falcone Family back to its glory days and much more."

Richard smiled as he heard this. The voice at the other end of the phone ended the phone call with a simple sentence.

"Now, I would like to officially welcome the Falcone Family into the Church of Blood."


[AN: Some mature language are going to be used as well as profanities, if you don't like that you can skip it.]

In front of a government building, a bus could be seen driving up to the front gates before it stopped and two man left the bus. The guards at the front gates see the two men walking towards them and one of them speak to the duo.

"Oi! You two, the grounds are currently closed!"

This causes one of the two men to speak.

"Aw man that totally sucks, and we came all the way out here with these exchange students from another state on a field trip!"

He has dark skin, amber eyes, and dark hair. He wears a dark blue high-collared jacket and dark blue pants, both of which had white trim. He also wears white gloves and a dark blue cap with a white-and-gold eye design on the front.

He has multiple gold piercings: some in each ear, his nose, his eyebrow, his cheek, and two on his lower lip. This causes one of the guards to ask a question.

"Where from?"

At his question, the skinned man with a lot of piercing snaps his fingers as guns pointed at the guards are revealed from the windows of the bus.



Now some may wonder why anyone would attack a random government building. The answer to that question is that allegedly, Amanda Waller was currently in there. This was due to the Time Boom which had her move up the ladder earlier on and now she had already formed Task Force X.

In a dark room full of high-ranking men and women of the military as well as Congress, Amanda Waller could be seen sitting among them. She pressed a button and spoke.

"Communications come in! We need a full report-"

She was interrupted by the sobbing of an officer on the other end of the line.

"Read the fuckin paper."

The same dark-skinned man from earlier said.

"H-h-hey there... Amand..."

The officer said and from his tone, everyone could deduce that he was crying.


The man with a lot of piercings said while slapping the crying officer.

"Hey there... you... fat, Dodoria looking ass... whore..."

The crying officer stuttered as he spoke.

"That's more like it. Now keep goin."

The man with a lot of piercings added before the crying officer resumed.

"Me... and my big brother, Luke, are killing... all of your men... and turning them into ghouls... So... I-I... h-hope... you've made peace... with yourself... 'cuz when... I find you... I'm gonna- ...O-oh God!"

The man with a lot of piercings could be heard cocking his gun before he spoke.

"Keep reading, or I SHOOT THE OTHER TESTICLE!"

With no choice, the sobbing officer continued.

"Cuz when I find you I'm gonna fuck every hole you've gooot...! And then I'm gonna just keep makin' more holes to fu-uck... until there's nothing left but your riddled corpse full of blood... and seme-hen... Oh God, this is horrible...!"

The man with a lot of piercings pushed him to continue.

"You ain't finished yet!"

In the room, Waller and the rest could hear the officer sobbing as he continued.

"So prepare your dried-up pussy... for my hu-huge vampire co-ho-hock...! Now pardon me, while I blow this faggot ginger's brains out- OH GOD NO--!!"


They heard the man with a lot of piercings speak one last time before he hung up.

"Ha ha ha ha! Oh! His fuckin face, man! Aha, fuck! Ha ha ha ha! Oh no, that shit is priceless! By the way, I'm Jan but by the end of this you going to be calling me Daddy." 

Surrounded by ghouls, Jan can be seen walking down the hallway as he sings to himself.

"I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck! I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck! Now if I give a shit, I might just give a fuck! But I don't give a shit, so I don't give a-"

Suddenly a handful of Jan's ghouls are killed by either gunshots or explosive batarangs.

"The fuck was that?"

Jan yells before he sees a bruised Batman and another man with damaged body armor, famous for injuring Superman, Bloodpsort. Now the reason why Bloodsport was here was because he was part of Task Force X otherwise known as Suicide Squad while Batman was here because one of his leads which involved a member of the Light, Lex Luther, brought him here.

Initially, they were fighting each other but when Jan and Luke attacked the buildings, Bloodsports was given new orders and Batman determined that the new enemy was a bigger threat which led to this current situation. Jan upon seeing both of them snapped his fingers and the ghouls brought the shields that were on their backs and came forward to protect Jan who then spoke in a cocky tone.

"Well, ain't you just the textbook fucking definition of classy! But guess what leather lovers, those small ammo or Batarangs won't do shit for dick against armor this thick! What's that, Dark Knights?

How thick is it? Well half as thick as my dick! So thick enough that you'd need a fucking anti-tank rifle to pierce it, and I don't even see a piece on your get no bitches ass!"

Batman simply looked at Bloodsport who gave him a nod before tearing up a piece of his armor and then putting it on his gun. This lengthened his gun and Bloodsport proceeded to shoot at the ghouls.


The shot broke through the shield and turned the ghouls into donuts. Upon seeing this, Jan had one thought.

'Oh fuck, that's an anti-tank rifle.'

As Bloodsport aimed a second round at Jan who yelled his thoughts before being shot in the stomach. As this was happening, Batman threw special Batarangs that flew with a curve, hitting the ghouls in the head before exploding.



Jan was the only one left alive though he was laying on the ground, contained by some wired that were attached to Batarangs stuck on the ground beside him, in a pool of his own blood. 

"Who sent you?"

Batman demanded which Jan answered sarcastically.

"Your mom after I blew her bac- Argh!"

Batman proceeded to punch jan a couple of time, breaking his nose before Jan was in the mood to talk.

"Alright, alright. What you do, is you go down to the local pharmacy, ask for something called Viagra, and it'll help you GO FUCK YOURSELF!"

Jan proceeded to break free from the restraints and jumped away. Batman and Bloodsports saw people coming behind Jan and soon realize that they were the people that worked here or more precisely used to work here. As if to confirm their thoughts, Jan spoke.

"And now for the upcoming company picnic. Unfortunately, all your douchebag coworkers are bringing is their own rotten flesh, still better than potato salad if you ask me. Now if you don't mind, I'MA GO EAT THAT WALLER BITCH!"

He jumped over both of them and ran towards the room they were guarding. Bloodsport threw wires from his armor that were coated with electricity. It attached itself to Jan's arm as Bloodsport spoke.

"I've got your arm!"

Jan retorted with an insane laugh as his arm was torn off due to him still running towards the door.


Batman noted that Jan's previous gut injury had healed as he stopped Bloodsport from chasing after Jan. Jan opened the room's door expecting to see Amanda Waller terrified but all he saw was a room full of explosives with a countdown that reached '0:01'.

'Cleaver whor-'

Those were Jan's last thoughts before the explosion occurred.


After the explosion subsided, Bloodsport and Batman rushed to see if Jan had survived. They came upon a Jan who had no legs or arms and his body was almost charted. Bloodsport would have thought that Jan was dead if the latter had not spoken while coughing.

"*Cough* Well, at least I'm gonna die with a raging boner."

Batman came in front of him and glared before demanding an answer.

"Who sent you!"

This caused Jan to laugh.

"I don't know what's fucking funnier: the fact that you think your virgin killing ass intimidates me, or that you think my boss would let me live if ya did."

Jan suddenly burst into flames which caused him to scream as he spoke.


[AN: End of profanities.]

Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, Waller and the other high-ranking members of the military and Congress were watching this feed. They had also seen how the rest of the Suicide Squad, a covert paramilitary team comprised of incarcerated supervillains, had taken down the other attacker.

This unexpected attack had proven the usefulness of the Suicide Squad to those who were still on the fence because the suicide squad was at its core an obsolete team that could go where the U.S military could not legally go, do their assigned tasks, and be discarded without no relation to the U.S.

Amanda Waller then used this chance to gain more backing for her project. She was currently hunting down an individual who had beaten The Enchantress, one of the most powerful members of the Suicide Squad, and was still at large.

With what she had seen thus far, that individual possessed a lot of power and abilities that could be helpful in the kind of missions that the Suicide Squad would be assigned, and best of all, that individual had very little social life that could be connected to the U.S.

That individual was none other than a girl named Rachel Roth who was currently on the run from the Church of Blood. Waller thought of using the failed attack on her life to manipulate the congress to her advantage without realizing that the failed attack on her life had not failed but succeeded because the goal had never been her demise. Just like she want intending on manipulating the congress, someone else intended on manipulating her.


Returning back to the certain boy managed to ask certain questions to the Life Spirit while under the influence of an Endless at the right time to be caught on camera, this information was quickly suppressed by the Light through Lex Luther resulting in very few people hearing about the Anti-Life Equation.

Among those people were, of course, the Light who decided to change their plans on the Assassination of Acnologia much to Orm's displeasure though that displeasure faded after Vandal Savage had a talk with him in private and told Orm about his plans for Acnologia.

This was noticed by Nezha who was patiently waiting for an opportunity to stab them in the back just like they were waiting for the opportunity to double-cross him. Still, some people managed to obtain the uncensored footage containing the mention of the Anti-Life Equation. One of them was none other than Batman while the other was a being that possessed a regular human.

Unknown to most, Earth had just truly entered the radar of another powerful being. This was because that being's goal had been mentioned on Earth. A conqueror who always observed the planets that he planned to conquer which was all of them.

A clue about his most sought-after prize was mentioned in one of those planets and his direct underling that was sent to that planet relayed the clue. Through contact with Intergang, Earth became known to him but now... Earth earned the curiosity of Darkseid.


Shoutout to Team Four Star Hellsing, they make the best/funniest dialogues.

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