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33.33% All Aboard the Bang Bus! (Crossover) / Chapter 4: Horizon Bang Bus

Kapitel 4: Horizon Bang Bus

Aloy had gotten word from Sylens of an unknown temple in the Forbidden West. He had been craven and deceitful so many times in the past, but at the same time, he was never lacking in information. She had been riding a Charger for two days now, urgent to follow any leads that would help her fight the oncoming threat of Nemesis.

It was a little past afternoon on the third day of her journey when she found the building that matched his description. The sky had turned to a faded blue and the sun's glow had started to dim, but it was not quite dusk yet. In the distance she could see the vast unending ocean on the beaches as the waves rolled and crashed on the shores. She had been so distracted by the beauty of it that she almost missed the temple right beside her. And even when she did finally see it, she allowed herself to ignore it for a bit, knowing that with all buried treasures of the old world, there would be trials and tribulations to come.

Instead, she looked at the ocean. Even with the current crises of tribal warfare and the battles ahead, the natural beauty of water still mesmerized her, being so different from the mountainous grasslands she grew up in. The smell of salt filled her nostrils and for a moment, she allowed herself to take it all in.

"You're not here to admire the scenery, you're here to find information, weapons, anything," came the voice of Sylens through her Focus, interrupting her reverie.

"You don't need to remind me," Aloy said. The hologram of Sylens appeared before her with a stern look on his face.

"Good. Then proceed." She just shook her head. Some people never would change. She looked at the building.

Like many of the ruins of the old ones, it was large, with the same kind of gate they all had, from the ruins the Nora tribe called All-Mother to the decrepit building where she first learned about Elisabet Sobeck and Project Zero Dawn, and she couldn't forget Ted Faro's pleasure house in Thebes either. Only a few cracks through the walls, this thing must have been built to last with the frequency of chaotic storms in the area. It was a white steel structure, and at first she thought it was rotting and rusty like any remnant of the very distant past, but she quickly realized it was simply the glare of the setting sun on the surface of the glass and the walls.

She advanced closer to the building. There was some writing at the top of the entrance, gated like all the other ancient ruins she found so far, but it was illegible from years of rot and ruin. Her Focus read, "MUSEUM OF THE BANG BUS."

"Aloy?" Sylens' voice was suddenly distorted.


"Something's happening...I..." His image became distorted too. "I...I can't..." Then it was gone completely.

"Sylens? Sylens!" No response, not even anything jumbled. "I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to get to the bottom of this," Aloy said. If something here was able to jam with his signal, then it was serious. Sylens had assured her earlier that she wouldn't need backup at this place, and now she wished she had ignored that admonition.

She approached the entrance. Her Focus lit up, like it usually did in these ancient ruins. A ray scanned her from head to toe. But instead of a model between her and Elisabet Sobeck showing up, instead she saw herself, completely naked. It wasn't some generic model of her either, like Beta or a younger Sobeck, no it was exactly her, big hair and everything.

"Hot babe detected," said an automated voice. "Hubba-hubba!" Aloy was a bit taken aback. She never heard anyone talk like that but she had a pretty good idea what it meant. The three dimensional model of her dissipated instantly. The once inert gate lit up with electricity before slowly opening up.

The area was wide and open, lit up by a dim white light. There was a great statue of a large vehicle with two slabs behind it like a memorial. The Focus read it as, "ALL HAIL THE LEGENDARY BANG BUS."

"Well that answers none of my questions." Her voice echoed a bit in the large building and she mentally kicked herself for being so foolish in this unknown place. Still she felt oddly safe. So far it seemed nothing like the other ruins and underground bunkers she had been in, storehouses of ancient weapons to be awakened and rogue AI plotting mass destruction. She got closer and looked at the slabs behind the statue. There was faint writing but still, nothing. The Focus slowly read a list of words, "LIST OF BITCHES SLAYED BY THE BANG BUS."

Um, okay... she thought to herself. She saw names that definitely were of the old era. Names like Kim Possible, Lois Griffin, Meg Griffin, Hot Meg Griffin, Clover Ewing, Mandy Luxe, Alex Casoy, Sam Simpson, Beth Smith, Summer Smith, Tricia Lang, Bonald "Bonnie" Swanson, Eliza Maza, Star Butterfly, Moon Butterfly, Jackie Lynn Thomas, Rose Wilson, Morrigan Aensland, Lilith Aensland, Hayley Smith, Francine Smith, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, Roberta Tubbs, Jill Valentine, Wendy Corduroy, Marge Simpson. And then she saw names that sounded like they could have come from her own era. Shego, Hekapoo, Demona, Felicia, She-Hulk, Poison Ivy, Black Cat, Starfire, Blackfire, Raven, Jinx, Kitten, Elektra, Storm, Polaris.

But then again, the colonists from Far Zenith wth their long names had only deigned to give Beta the one word as a name. She didn't know any of these people. These people she was reading about, they could be anyone, from any time.

She did find a console at the base of the statue. So this old ruin might hold some value after all. She placed her hand into it, and the whole building was powered up immediately. She heard the sounds of the lights turning on, and machinery pumping in the distance.

"Welcome hottie," said a thick digitized voice not unlike HADES or MINERVA. She just realized it was the same voice that greeted her at the gate. "It has been a thousand or so years since we've had visitors. I'm sure my assistants will be glad to see you."

"Who are you?" Aloy said.

"I am DIONYSUS, meant to ensure that everyone who steps into this building has a good time and is thoroughly satisfied before they leave."

"Whoa, um...okay," she said, thinking of all kinds of naughty connotations to what it just said.

"What is your name?"

"Aloy of the Nora," she said. "No I should be Aloy, despite the Nora."

"If it is the passenger experience you seek Miss Aloy, then please proceed below to get rammed and loved up like crazy."

"Wait, I need to know if there's a way to fight Nemesis!" No answer. If what that AI just told her was true, this program might be one of the few that was still functional to it's original purpose, despite it being one hell of a perverted purpose. But that still didn't tell her what the passenger experience was supposed to be.

"What is the passenger experience?"

"Head downstairs and you will find my assistants ready and waiting to satisfy you in all endeavors. Do enjoy."

"Do you have anything that can help me fight Nemesis?"

"No, but I do have functions that will make Miss Aloy cum like a bitch in heat."

She sighed. She realized this AI was both blissfully untouched by the corruption as well as completely useless when it came to her situation. But she armed herself in case the AI was being anything but honest.

"What about Sylens? What happened to him? My friend that was with me." She had to catch herself, Sylens could be many things but rarely pleasant, and for that reason alone it felt awkward to call him a friend.

"Query unintelligble. Please repeat." The voice was as stiff and robotic as before, yet what with how animated it had been before, she couldn't help get the feeling it was mocking her. She slowly turned to her right and followed the hallway to the end of the room.

But whatever caution she had was quickly arrested for a few moments as she looked at the walls around her. It was lined with framed photographs of various women having sex with a large muscular man. There were also photos of women getting pounded by another man, bald and skinny, but just as well endowed as the man she was currently with. One photo that caught her eye was of a woman with dark red hair who was clearly not human getting rammed on both ends, blue and winged with a tail even, yet that photo was side by side with another photo of the same woman with a more pale complexion to her and no strange features.

Aloy couldn't figure that last one out, even after everything she had been through. The Focus reading, "HATES HUMAN BEINGS BUT LOVES HUMAN DICKS," wasn't exactly helpful either. But as much as she tried to, she realized she couldn't make sense of it and didn't need to. The old ones had both created the machines and destroyed the world. There was still much of that civilization she didn't understand and might as well never understand.

"She was a fun one," said the voice of DIONYSUS. "A gargoyle that just can't quit humans. And then she kinda became human at the end too!"

"A...a gar-what?"

"Don't worry about it kiddo, just relax and have a good time."

"Right..." she said. She still didn't know what to make of this overseer, or if all this raunchy stuff was a show and it was going to pull the proverbial rug from under her. In that way, he was a lot like Sylens. Even this bluntness reminded her way too much of her wayward companion.

Though that amazement didn't at all help the heat burning through her whole body from seeing these various photographed sex acts. She had to stare in amazement for a bit, confused at what kind of place this building was supposed to be, as well as how turned on she was becoming. A blush crept up her face.

Ignoring it, she kept going forward. She found a set of doors at the end of the hall. There was simply a message. The Focus lit up again, reading, "PASSENGER EXPERIENCE VR ROOM: LOS ANGELES."

This could be good or bad, she thought to herself. This museum seemed like the last place to have anything which could help her on her mission. Then again, it might be a show. She still didn't understand what this DIONYSUS was supposed to be. Which meant it was all the more important to ascertain for herself what was going on here, right now. Anything that could jam Sylens' signal was definitely trouble.

"Wait, DIONYSUS?" she said. "GAIA only had nine subordinate programs and you weren't listed in any of them!"

"I was not programmed to assist GAIA. I was made by Ted Faro, for the explicit purposes of human pleasure."

Of course it's Ted Faro, she thought to herself. There was nothing else to say. She remembered even someone as mercenary as Sylens hated him.

She pushed open the doors. There was a stairway leading underground. She went down, and found another set of doors. Pushing it open, she was in a large empty room easily larger by far than the whole first floor, lit only by soft yellow lights on the ceiling above that illuminated the whole area. She mustn't have been paying too much attention to how far down she went because the ceiling was far higher than she expected. After hearing straight from DIONYSUS on it's stated purpose, all she could think about was Faro's Thebes.

"Hello?" she said. Hello, hello, hello, her voice echoing in the distance, was the only response she got. That echo was way louder than the one she got in the empty lobby upstairs. She swallowed hard.

All around the perimeter of the room, there were naked humanoid shapes. She gave them a cursory look and it looked like they were all women. They all had various body types, various appearances, various hair styles. Their heads were slumped forward slightly, eyes closed. The Focus lit up around them, and it read, "ORGANIC SURFACE, METALLIC INTERIOR. ANDROID CLASS."

A machine? she thought to herself. But that can't be right.

Something that did catch her eye in the distance was that two of them in the back appeared to be male. She walked over to them, and as she did so, their features became clearer. Their heads were slightly slumped over, their eyes closed, like all the other figures here. One was a big muscular man not unlike Erend or Rost, short black hair, and tattoos on his chest, and one of his arms. The other was bald with some slight fuzz on his head and more slight in build, somewhat similar to the Sun-King Avad.

Then she quickly realized it was the two men from upstairs in those photos.

She felt a tingling in her pussy seeing them. She was still hot and bothered after going through that hallway. Though what she was prepared for least of all was that both of their dicks were standing up straight. Just like the others, the Focus classified them as androids.

She reached and touched both of their faces. It felt like flesh alright, and when she pinched their cheeks, the texture in between her fingers squished. She felt their chests too, they both felt human enough. Yet as she started to see it, their skin was a little paler than the average person's, and it was unmarred all over, no blemishes or marks period. No body hair either for that matter. And the tattoos on the big one looked like decals as opposed to an actual ink drawing inscribed in his skin.

A naughty part of her looked down at their dicks, both of them standing right up. She grinned to herself as she wondered what would happen if she touched them there. But before she could do so, both of their heads looked up at her at the same time, right at her and they opened their eyes.

She had to fight the urge to jump back a bit. Whatever amusement she felt went right out the window. Even with her experience as a warrior, her latent fear of this place hit her back hard. Their eyes looked human enough but they had an eerie blue glow not unlike the various machines she had encountered.

The big one smiled. "Well, hello miss! I assume you're here for the passenger experience?"

She paused for a moment, expecting some kind of danger, but none came. "I might be, if I knew what it was," Aloy said, calming down a bit. He seemed friendly enough, and whatever unease she felt was gone when she realized how easy it would be to take down the both of them since they were completely naked.

"Well there's passenger experiences all over the country," said the skinny one. "This one's the LA experience."

"That still doesn't tell me what it is!"

"It means you get to have a good time."

"And I tell you what, we are up for a good time too if you want it," said the big guy. Even with their mechanical glowing eyes, she recognized the look they were giving her. And coupled with their smiles, she knew exactly what they were getting at.

"I guess you don't know anything about Nemesis or HADES?" she said, wanting to change the subject. They looked at each other with blank expressions, then looked back at her and shook their heads. "And DIONYSUS?"

"Oh he just runs all the museums devoted to the Bang Bus," said the skinny guy. "He's the program that's been keeping us alive."

"Alive?" For this long? she thought to herself. She couldn't help but think of Far Zenith and the abomination of Ted Faro again.

"Well not technically. When things went south, we copied our brains to a digital archive that can activate in these robot copies that have been put in each museum. In exchange for that, we're to keep these places tidy when DIONYSUS tells us to, and uh, please whoever comes in here."

"And we are all over the country!" said the big one. "There's Bang Bus Museums in Colorado and Minnesota, there's a museum in Michigan and Maine, there's even one in the deep south! But this is the first one that's been activated in a long while."

"So you're telling me you guys do your job and then you're just...deactivated?" Aloy said. "Like you've been asleep?"

"At least we get to live forever. And seeing hot babes like you make it so worth it!"

"Is that so weird?" said the skinny one.

"Yeah, it's been...thousands of years since your world fell," Aloy said. "Things aren't what they used to be."


"Yeah, had no idea it's been that long," said the big one.

"And I'm surprised this place is still intact," said Aloy. "The Forbidden West is pretty messed up but..."

"The Forbidden West?" said the skinny one.

Aloy nodded. "Yeah, that's the name of the location we're in right now."

"Sounds like a good porno name."

The big guy smiled at his friend before looking back at her. "But for us guys, nothing has changed. We've only got one duty and that is getting some booty!"

"Okay..." Aloy said. She still didn't know what to say to that. She came here looking for ancient knowledge and instead she finds two horny robots. That DIONYSUS was probably still watching them too. "So what is the legendary Bang Bus?"

"The best days of my life," said the big one.

"You got it bro!" said the skinny one. "We'd go all over the country, picking up hot girls here there and everywhere, and then we'd fuck them just the way they liked it!"

Aloy blinked hard. She shouldn't have been surprised given everything that had happened so far, but it was still a shock to hear these two machines be so blatant about it.

"And them?" Aloy said, nodding her head at all the inert women.

"They're androids built to emulate the many ladies that hopped onboard for their journeys of fun and excitement," said DIONYSUS. "I took all the video footage recorded of their real life counterparts, and implanted models of their personalities into these android bodies. The robotic copies of my two male friends here were started off as a business venture by Mr. Faro for lonely women all across the globe as well as for archival purposes of the actual Bang Bus. But Mr. Faro was also very keen on coming here when he was bored for these female models."

Of course he was, Aloy thought to herself. "And I'm guessing he was the only one allowed to touch them?"

"Yes," DIONYSUS said flatly. She wondered if this AI realized how messed up that was. "He would often have rampant orgies with them. Got tit fucked by a copy of Meg Griffin and a version of her from another dimension once. Had Kim Possible and Shego sit on top of him while he fucked and ate them out at the same time. And apparently he had a mommy fetish since he once had Marge Simpson and Francine Smith spank him while he was in a diaper, jacking off and sucking his thumb."

"Okay, way too much information!" Aloy shuddered. She already hated Faro, but she loathed the thought of him having sex at all. She didn't know those names either, save for some faint memories of the memorial upstairs, she was still too distracted by all the naked androids to properly think straight right now. But she still didn't know any of these people, and this conversation was getting real awkward. She needed to change the subject, fast, she didn't want to think about Ted Faro's scuzzy dick inside of these beautiful android women. "I hate to burst your bubbles, but you know that Ted Faro is dead, right?"

Both of the androids looked at her. Their jaws would have dropped if they could. "Dead?" DIONYSUS said, incredulously.

"Yep, dead. Thebes burned down a long time ago. And he wasn't exactly human before that either." She realized it might not have the best idea to say that, but then she heard DIONYSUS laughing in his robotic voice and the two androids high-fived each other.

"That. Is. Awesome!" the skinny one said.

"Oh yeah, he was a bossy little weasel, wasn't he?" said the big one. "Always telling us what to do and threatening he'd shut us down if we got any ideas."

"Fuck Ted Faro!" DIONYSUS said.

"You can say that again," Aloy said.

"Fuck Ted Faro!" said both of the androids.

"It feels good, doesn't it?"

"Fuck! Ted! Faro!" they all said at once.

"I think that'll be my new catchphrase for whenever I'm feeling really good," Aloy said. "Fuck Ted Faro. Just don't actually...fuck Ted Faro."

"Who the fuck would?" said the big guy.

"You got that right," said the skinny guy.

"So you up for the passenger experience, or what?" said DIONYSUS.

"Yeah, yeah," said the skinny guy, looking Aloy up and down. "I really wanna give it to you in...the Forbidden West!"

"Wow..." she said, her voice trailing off. She was used to men being forward with her, but two naked robot men was another matter entirely. World might end soon, she thought to herself. And I still haven't gotten laid once. Despite everything she'd been through, whenever she was with the other tribes, even when she was with the base team, a faint lingering stigma of being an outlander was in her mind despite knowing she should well have moved past that superstitious nonsense. Tilda even she was alive, for whatever she was worth only saw her as a replacement for Elisabet.

And as much as she had feelings for so many of her new friends from Erend to Alva and Beta, she was always worried if it might make things awkward later. These two machines on the other hand, she didn't know them whatsoever, and she didn't judge her one bit.

"You know what?" she said. "I think I can do that."

"Awesome!" both of the guys said and they high-fived each other.

"Activating passenger experience," came the voice of DIONYSUS. "Be sure to have fun with her, boys!" This AI really was like none of the others she encountered earlier.

In an instant, the once empty room was changed from a bland featureless set of walls to a beach setting not unlike the one just outside this building. Gone were all the android women and the dim lights above, now there was a bright sun shining above with clear blue skies. But more than that, there were crowds of people and buildings all around her. She was suddenly aware of how much warmer it had gotten in that instant, and realized why everyone was wearing very little.

"What in the world...?" Aloy said.

"Welcome to Los Angeles, circa 2004" said DIONYSUS. Aloy barely had time to register what that meant, because as she was walking and looking around in pure amazement, one of the people actually bumped into her.

"Might wanna be careful," said the big guy. "Lot of work went into prepping this thing. It's made to look as real as you can possibly get."

"Yeah I see," Aloy said. More cautious now, she kept to herself. It was so weird seeing so many people at once without any of the machines looming on the horizon. She looked up and was surprised to see seagulls in the sky. Not Glinthawks or Stormbirds but actual living creatures. And more than a few people had weird furry four legged creatures with them. These beasts resembled Ravagers but she didn't even know what to call these living versions. The Focus wasn't helpful at all, these things must have been so commonplace back then that Faro's scientists hadn't even bothered to catalogue what they were.

Though her admiration of it all was taken aback when one of them jumped onto her leg and started humping it.

"Get off me!" she said, shaking her leg and pushing it off. The two guys started laughing. She drew her spear, ready to attack it.

"You really shouldn't do that," said the big one. "I said this simulation was designed to be real, but you don't wanna mess with it too much either. You might actually break it. Even if it is a dumb dog humping your leg."

"So you mean if I wanted to invite one or two of these people here to fuck that it would..."

"Definitely don't do that. It'll glitch out and start screaming and...yeah..." He sighed. "Poor DIONYSUS wouldn't know how to handle it."

"Fine, fine, I get it," she said. She pushed the creature away and gave herself some distance before it resumed it's path away from her. Just like a machine. She also noticed all the people were only walking in two directions. Like they were simply making their rounds.

She just noticed the people around her were starting to give her funny looks. And she also just started to realize how different her clothes were compared to everyone else here. Though for all that, she started to realize that nobody here was completely naked like her two would be android paramours. A lot of women were wearing next to nothing at all, and some of the men too just had skimpy little pieces of swimwear on, but nobody quite as full on naked as these two.

"If you're into that, we can go back and invite some of the ladies," said the skinny one, noticing her checking out some of the women.

"No, I'm uh...I'm good," Aloy said. The thought titillated her just a little, she remembered Sobeck had been in that sort of relationship with Tilda, and she had fantasized about Alva and Beta on more than a few occasions even if with all the weird undertones between her and the latter, but she thought it might be more than she could handle.

When she didn't say anything for awhile, the big guy said, "You gonna sit there all day with your tongue hanging out or you wanna get to the real fun?" She looked in his direction and he was right next to a white van. Just like the one she saw in the lobby upstairs. The big guy winked at her, and she remembered all those photos.

She nodded with a grin on her face. The skinny guy opened up the door, and the big guy got in. She followed him, and the skinny guy got in behind her, shutting the door.

Aloy thought it was kinda weird that she was inside a vehicle inside a simulation inside a building. But she quickly got comfortable on the bouncy and cushy back seat. She took off her armor and put her weapons on the car seat floor before lying down, leaving her in just plaint pants and a simple sleeveless shirt, stretching herself out. It reminded her a bit of the Ceo and his antics in the ruins of Thebes, sitting on one of Faro's thrones like he was a king. She really could get used to this treatment.

"You want to start off slow or do it real fast, real hard?" said the big one. Aloy suddenly found herself at a loss on how to answer.

"Um, I, I don't know," she said. It wasn't at all like her, but then again, everything happening all around her was so new.

"Slow," said the skinny guy. "Then mess her up real bad at the end."

"Yeah, I can be down with that," said the big guy. Aloy found herself a little nervous, hearing them talk about her like that. That didn't stop her from staring at the big guy who was by now, standing right over her, his penis completely erect.

Before she could react, he leaned down so that they were face to face. She turned her face away out of a nervous instinct. He didn't mind at all, and gave her slow gentle kisses on her cheek, slowly dragging his lips until he was right at her ear. He started licking the inner rim. He gently but firmly clasped her hand for assurance, and continued licking the inner rim of her ear before he ruthlessly jammed his tongue into the opening, twisting and turning it this way and that.

Aloy almost jumped at that. She was unprepared for how hot and wet it was inside of her. She had started squirming a bit, the jolt of pleasure was completely unexpected and she didn't know how to handle it. Then he started licking the outer rim of her ear, running his tongue up and down the whole span of it. As much as Aloy was liking it, she missed the feeling of his tongue so deeply inside her ear.

He hoped she would feel that way too. Someone inexperienced like her wouldn't know how to react at first, so he'd overload her and then stop exactly when she was starting to get into it. Her hot breaths had become a little more frantic, signaling that his teases were making her want him bad.

And he wanted to make it so much worse. He started blowing on her sensitive earlobe as he shamelessly felt her up. By now she was returning his touches. She didn't have her earlier confidence she had in touching him when she only thought of him as a lifeless statue, but she enjoyed the feeling of his muscles under her hands, his whole naked body exposed to her. The only thing she noticed that was imperfect about this android was that he wasn't breathing as his chest wasn't receding in and out despite him blowing on the skin of her ear.

She found that realization didn't bother her at all. She couldn't be distracted by something so trivial, not when his naked beefy flesh was wholly at her mercy. Her once shy touches had become more rampant, groping and fondling every inch of him. The instant she touched his dick, he smiled.

"You're starting to get used to this, huh?" he said.

"Um...y-yeah..." she said, still more nervous than she liked.

"Then let me get a feel for you."

His large hands reached up her shirt and found her perky tits. He pushed on them with such force, his fingers pinching her nipples and pushing them deep into the areolas. And he had lowered his head down to her navel, and started planting gentle kisses there.

She had started pulling her pants down. It was just sliding down past her hips given the small bit of nervous sweat that had gotten on her thighs, in addition to the wetness of her pussy, and her full ass cheeks had started to slip out from the hem of the pants. That didn't stop him from being left awestruck at the gorgeous sight of her beautiful vagina, her luscious and soft wet pubes a clear sign of her arousal. Pleased with her enthusiasm and the marvelous sight before him, he reached his hands under her bare butt and lowered his head deeper.

She almost jumped when she felt his tongue dive into her snatch. He held tightly onto her firm buttocks, fondling them like a predator as his tongue flicked in and out of her hairy cunt. She had started moaning like crazy at all these new sensations, it was the first time being touched sexually by a guy, but his was definitely the first tongue she had ever felt in her mouth and in her pussy.

While she was being held there to keep her from writhing out of control, the skinny one had gotten next to her head. He reached his hands under her shirt and resumed the titty massage his bro had been giving her earlier. That alone prompted her to squeak. The one eating her out looked up with a smile.

"I think she just had an accident!" he said.

"Better do it again and make sure," said the skinny one, still fondling her tits. Aloy still hadn't stopped moaning as he mashed her hard nipples against his palms and the whole of her breasts using his fingers.

"Can do!" He resumed his clamdiving, making sure to lick her stiffening clit this time. Aloy's moans became more submissive and high pitched as her most sensitive part was completely at his mercy.

The skinny one was still disappointed at how relatively left out he had been. So he knelt down and shoved his tongue in her mouth. His tongue darted in and around there. He was a little more rough eager unlike the big guy who was taking things slow. She had already been moaning in sheer ecstasy from a good fit of cunnilingus, but now that his mouth was locked with hers, all she could do was muffle her cries of pleasure. It wouldn't have been more than a little annoying if her pussy wasn't being eaten out at the same time, she didn't know quite how to kiss him back while her nether regions were being pleased to high heaven, but eventually her mind snapped and she helplessly returned his kisses just as ravenously as he was.

It didn't help either that he felt human too. Despite knowing his body was artificial, his tongue wrapped around hers was made of a synthetic material designed to perfectly imitate the wetness and thickness of an actual human one. As were the rest of his mouth's innards. While they continued kissing, she couldn't help but think in some ways he felt so real that it was almost like he was better than a real tongue, and that allowed her to melt into it so much more.

As he was sucking on her clit, the big guy had worked her pants down so they were hanging by her ankles. His hands were running up and out her smooth muscular legs, loving the feel of them, far more plump than her relatively skinny upper body. He realized from her reactions to his kisses and getting eaten out that, just like Kim Possible before her so long ago, this built goddess of a woman was a virgin.

He stopped and looked up at her. She was helplessly making out with his buddy even without a tongue in her cunt driving her mad with passion. By now her shirt was lifted up, and he got a good eyeful of her hard nipples being pulled and pinched.

"You having fun there?" said the big guy.

The skinny guy broke the kiss to look up at him. "Hell yeah!" he said. "She taste good down there?" The big guy just licked his lips in response. "How many times did she cum?"

"Just once when I was snacking on that pussy. This clit though? Lost count."

"I think I definitely helped out there. Look at how excited she is!" he said, now gently tugging on her stiff nipples.

"And she's so wet too," said the big guy, slowly fingering the pussy that was still recovering from it's climax. Then they both stopped. The one by her pussy started massaging her thick muscular legs as she still needed time to recover from all their amorous touches while the one by her head caressed her collarbone around her tits. The both of them watched her, a hot and soaking mess twitching in pleasure. As opposed to the two of them, who being androids, didn't have a flicker of sweat on them. Finally, she looked up at them.

"Please..." she said weakly.

"Shit, we didn't overdo it did we?" said the skinny guy.

"No!" she said suddenly. There was a small sheen of sweat on her face and and on her breasts by now, and her breaths had become rough. "No, it's..." But she smiled and tenderly cupped his face before she said, "Amazing."

The two guys smiled at each other and fist bumped. Even with their artificial glowing blue eyes, she sensed nothing but warmth from them.

"Nothing quite like a job well done," said the skinny one.

"But there's more fun to be had," said the big guy. "There's something else I want to do with this pussy right now." He propped himself up so that he was right above her. She got a good look of his hard cock.

"Oh wow..." Aloy said. She tenderly grabbed her tits in an unashamed and unconsious fit of arousal, absent mindedly fondling her hard nipples. It was bad enough being so blatantly groped to the point of a sudden and powerful climax by these two robots, but the thought of a big robot penis inside of her too got her excited. She sucked in her breath, considering if she wanted to go through with this, before she looked him right in the eyes and said in a deep voice, "Fuck me." The skinny one chuckled like a hooting sound.

"My pleasure," the big guy said with a smile.

He grabbed her by the hips and rammed his prick right inside of her pussy. He started slow at first, his fat prick was thick enough to fill her up just right and he was long enough that with every thrust, he hit the end of her juicy tunnel. And she was so tight and wet that he knew he was doing it just right.

A small red stream started oozing from her vaginal lips and down her butt, signaling the loss of her maidenhood. Her lover felt it too, even now a thousand years into the future and in a robot body, he was fucking lovely ladies and stealing away such beautiful innocence. He was not disappointed either when she started thrusting against him. Now that he knew she was committed to this, he slowly increased his speed with her. While they were rocking back and forth with each other, she looked up at the skinny guy longingly.

She raised a hand up to his face and stroked his cheek. He almost had to jump back, it was an unexpected tender moment in what was otherwise an unashamed fuckfest. If he could still blush he would have done so, and even then he felt a little nervous looking back at her.

Without even thinking, she grabbed his penis. Just as hard as the other one. His was the first dick she had touched with her hand even as another cock had just fucked away her innocence and still ramming her, so she didn't know how to expect it would feel on her hands. But it was hot to the touch and ramrod stiff.

She would have taken it in her mouth but being fucked so good, she was worried she might mess up her first attempt at a blowjob. So instead she rubbed it on her face a bit before she licked the shaft. It tasted more like skin than she expected, just as humanlike as the rest of him. His pleasure receptors felt it too, he wanted her to take all of him inside of her, but part of his programming that he couldn't fight even if he wanted to, was not to overload the clientele who arrived looking for a good time.

She couldn't ignore the dick still pounding deep inside her snatch. At that point she had stopped jerking her hips due to her inexperience and her lover's strength completely overwhelming her. Aloy could only focus giving the best blowjob she could muster while taking it deep in her twat. It was a great credit to the soft seat under her which cushioned her underside with every thrust from a robo-cock she got in her wet cunt.

She was licking up and down the skinny's guy shaft as best she could. Eventually tired of beating around the bush, she took the whole robot penis into her mouth, hoping it would be enough for him. She used her lips to stimulate the head of his cock that met the shaft, his dick being shaped just like any human's.

But she was unprepared for the dick inside her pussy to ram itself all the way to the end of her canal. At that moment, several strong jets of a thick goo shot themselves all the way inside of her. Aloy quickly opened her mouth, a scream caught in her throat as her cunt climaxed right on top of his dick. He kept thrusting inside of her, and eventually she let out a loud grunt as she finished cumming.

When he finished shooting inside of her, he pulled out. His dick was covered with a mix of her pussy cum and his fluid. His ejaculate wasn't actual semen, but it was made to look and feel like real jizz, and judging by the orgasm he felt on his dick and in her love cries, he knew it more than satisfied her. And even though he was an android designed to fulfill a function, he was also made to feel pleasure from these encounters as much as his lovers.

She took a minute to breathe from all of it, yet again. That didn't stop the skinny one from rubbing his member all over her face. Still in the heat of her orgasm, Aloy eagerly took it inside of her mouth without thinking, now able to solely concentrate on sucking him off. She licked the underside of the shaft while practically inhaling his dick head.

He grabbed the back of her head and shoved the rest of his dick inside her mouth. It quickly woke her up a bit, though she was still quite dazed from her second orgasm, and she knew he wouldn't be taking it out until she made him cum. She licked up and down the shaft in her mouth as best she could while still using her wet lips to suck on the rest of it.

He came just then, shooting his fluid down her throat. She didn't know what she should have expected, it was the first time she had anything resembling semen in her mouth. But Aloy found she liked the taste, and as she took his member out of her mouth, she took a few moments to sample the texture and consistency of the fluid in her mouth. That didn't stop him from shooting several more shots of the synthetic fluid on her face. Built just like a real dick.

He took her thick mane of red hair and, wrapping it around his stained member, began cleaning it off with her locks. She didn't even mind so much, distracted by the goo dripping out her cunt and licking her lips of a cum residue. He let go of her hair, finished, as she too also swallowed the rest of his goo down her throat.

They stood there for awhile watching her. She wiped a bit of sweat off her forehead with her forearm before looking up at the both of them with a smile on her face.

"Is the lady thoroughly satisfied, or does she want more?" said DIONYSUS.

"More," Aloy said breathlessly.

"Let's try this," the big guy said. He tapped her hips, and she took the hint, getting up. He helped her into the doggy style position on all fours, and as she took it, her partners switched positions themselves. The dick that took away her virginity was now right in front of her face, stained with faint remnants of her shattered hymen, and before she knew it, the dick she sucked off was lodged squarely in her cunt, just as tight and wet as before.

The skinny one pushed inside of her pussy, wet with her own pussy juices and the synthetic fluid of his buddy, allowing him to quickly ram deep inside of her with fast and strong thrusts. Unable to focus on a proper blowjob with the pistoning cock inside of her cunt, instead Aloy's mouth took in the artificial nuts of the android in front of her. It was hot and swollen as a real man's ball sack would be in the mouth of such a beauty. To speed on his own orgasm, he started jerking off his dick wet with juices as her mouth suckled on his artificial nuts. All the while she moaned as her pussy was being hammered to her sweet satisfaction.

Way hornier this time, Aloy easily met the thrusts of the man behind her, pushing her butt up against his hips everytime they humped each other. Despite being so skinny, his hands on her hips were just as strong as the grip of his muscular friend, no doubt due to being a machine deep down inside, and he started spanking her round ass, which jiggling everytime he pistoned inside of her. His rapidfire pace created a pleasant friction as he rammed inside of her. Even though he was so fast, her pussy being as lubricated as it was afforded her a lovely wet shield that let her take it all in with no complaints.

And it was so good that she came just then, squeezing hard on the penis inside her vagina. She looked back at him with a naughty smile before she licked up and down the shaft of the penis in front of her face. Both of them were near their own orgasms already, but Aloy's newfound confidence had an effect on them, bringing them much nearer their limits than they expected. The one behind her came first, shooting his robotic fluid inside her pussy while the big guy, unable to take it anymore, took his nuts out her mouth and pointed his penis at her face, shooting several blasts of the fluid all over her expression.

Aloy squinted her eyes. It was dripping all over her face and down her chin, it was thick in her hair, and she had to wipe some of it off with her hand while she licked her lips. When she was finished, she lay on her side with a contented smile on her face. Both of the robots sat down just then too. She was disappointed when they didn't take her again.

"Are you two gonna do anything or...?"

"We can, but we have to recharge," said the skinny one.

"Yup, living forever is great, but these robot bodies have their limits," said the big one.

"Then go recharge," Aloy said.

"Very well then," DIONYSUS said.

"Let's go," the big one said to Aloy. Not understanding but going along with it anyway, she picked up her equipment before the both of them took her hands and led her out the vehicle. She quickly understood once the illusion of LA dissipated, leaving them back inside the empty room. If she had still been inside that van, she would have suffered a nasty fall.

The two robots went to the wall where they were stationed. She hadn't noticed earlier there were two slots in the wall where they had been standing. Both of them put their dicks inside. They tensed up when the slots started sending electric jolts inside their manmade privates.

"How long is this gonna take?" she said.

"Several hours at least," DIONYSUS said. "I take the utmost care of my assistants. I can't afford any accidents where something happens to their instruments."

"Sorry, but that's way too long for me," Aloy said. "But..." She couldn't help but be distracted by all the female androids lying around. "Hey DIONYSUS, can you override that protocol that says only Ted Faro can have fun with them? Because uh..."

The two male androids chuckled to themselves.

"Very well Miss Aloy." At once the female androids all looked up, straight at her.

"Wow," she said. She could barely contain her happiness. "Oh fuck Ted Faro," she said, remembering that goofy catchphrase she made up on the spot, and thinking of so many other things than that scumbag. A giddy smile lit up her face. So many different faces, so many different bodies, so many different personalities to choose from. Now she would get to awaken another part of Elisabet that had been dormant inside her for far too long.

"Activating passenger experience," said DIONYSUS before Aloy was left alone with nothing but a whole lot of naked android women she was eager to get to know better. In that illusion of a bygone world, Aloy and her newfound friends quickly went into the Bang Bus simulacrum, where she learned so many new things that night. The next morning would find her blissfully asleep in the loving arms of so many female companions that she would sadly have to bid farewell far too soon.

Looking over her all tuckered out and satisfied, the AI overseer said, "Was it good for you as well, my friend?"

Deep in the control core, Sylens had watched everything, ever since Aloy first stepped foot inside the museum. He simply nodded to his companion's inquiry with a beady smile on his face. He would keep this video footage to him close like a treasure, perhaps one of the few things he would value more than the knowledge he had acquired in his long journey of wandering alone in all these years.

"Oh yes it was," he said. "I knew if I acted like my signal had been jammed that she'd run right on inside, regardless of the risks of danger." He chuckled. "Truly in Faro's garden of mediocrity, you DIONYSUS are the one crop that is worthwhile." His smile darkened. "And if Aloy ever gets snappy with me again, now I have something I can use as leverage. She wouldn't want anyone else to see something like this, now would she?" He bared his teeth in a triumphant grin. "Fuck Ted Faro, indeed."

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