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80.3% Pokemon : Aura of Darkness / Chapter 158: Youth Cup-2

Kapitel 158: Youth Cup-2

The match between Cynthia from the Sinnoh region and Elsa from the Unova region was announced without delay.

Elsa was known in Unova for being a gym leader and for her fashion shows so she had quite a following even among the league members so cheers she received a lot in comparison to Cynthia who was an unknown trainer.

Elsa was the first one to release her Pokemon which were master rank Zebstrika, Raichu, Electabuzz, Magneton, Elite rank Luxray, and her ace Emolga.

She had a full electric-type team which based on the lineup focused on speed.

Her Pokemon immediately took positions with Raichu, Magneton, and Elmoga at the back while Electabuzz, Luxray, and Zebstrika at the front.

Cynthia didn't wait and released her team too.

It was a terrifying lineup of an intermediate-rank Hippowdon, Master rank Roserade, Milotic, Spiritomb, elite rank Lucario, and a quasi-champion rank Garchomp who immediately shook the stadium with his roar.

The stadium went quiet for a moment but the next second erupted with cheers for Cynthia.

'It will be a slaughter' Aoki thought seeing Cynthia's lineup.

Elsa cursed her luck for getting her as the first opponent.

She still had some confidence as she doesn't realize how big of a danger she is in.

In this event, the pre-planned strategy mattered a lot.

It was impossible to command all six Pokemon was impossible.

Hence, the trainer had to give only general commands for the Pokemon in the field to execute a move or combo.

What made this style of battle interesting was the countless possibilities of battle strategies that could be used.

The most famous strategy was two Pokemon working together, watching for each other's weaknesses, and executing quick movements.

The other was a team of three Pokemon and each of them added something to the other.

Another strategy was diving into the roles of attacking two or three Pokemon while the rest focused on defense or support.

And the last was brute forcing their way through forgetting about strategy.

As soon as the referee announced the start of the match, Hippowdon and Garchomp summoned a sandstorm so large that it covered the entire battlefield lowering the visibility to the very end.

Roserade, Milotic, and Lucario stood in one place boosting their power while Spiritomb sunk into its shadow.

One of the tricks that Elsa generally used was electric terrain which was now completely useless in the sandstorm.

Elsa's speed attack-type battle style was rendered useless now.

This is one of the reasons that made this battle style so interesting.

Your opponent could make you helpless in a few seconds.

Putting aside her helplessness, Elsa gave out a series of commands to her Pokemon and told them to trust their instincts.

Meanwhile, Cynthia didn't give out any commands and let her Pokemon go as planned.

Spiritomb traveled through the shadows and informed the Pokemon who were powering up.

Lucario, Roserade, and Milotic navigated through the Sandstrom to reach the three electric Pokemon at the front and engaged in combat.

All six of them were blinded by the sandstorm so the battle would take some time.

Garchomp stayed at the very end and kept using Dragon Dance.

Hippowdon stayed hidden among the sandstorm and didn't show himself.

That was his only role.

Two minutes passed since the battle started and Elsa already lost one of her Pokemon which was Magneton to Spiritomb's sneak attack from the shadows.

'It's time' Cynthia had a smile on her face.

"Garchomp use Dragon Rush!" as soon as she gave the command, Garchomp became a blur and rushed towards the nearest Pokemon.

His eyes glowed as he calculated his exact angle for maximum impact.



Two continuous explosions rang out as Zebstrica and Electabuss crashed into the stadium wall outside the field and immediately fainted.

Spritomb emerged from the Shadows of Raichu using Hypnosis after which Luracio used Aura Sphere barrage to make him faint too.

Cynthia's other Pokemon got the message and attacked Luxray together making him faint.

Lastly, Emolga went down after a minute as with its speed, it dodged every single attack that came on its way.

But Cynthia's Pokemon worked together to lure Elolga into a trap and defeat it.

It took about five minutes for Cynthia's Pokemon to completely wipe out Elsa's team.

There was a huge shock among the audience and the elite four after watching the match.

Some even rubbed their eyes in disbelief especially the trainers that Professor Juniper brought with her.

The people of the Sinnoh league started cheering for Cynthia as the people from the Unova league went quiet.

One of the trainers of the region hosting the event was already eliminated in the first round. which was a huge embarrassment.

Even the participants had a chill run down their spine seeing Cynthia's Pokemon in action.

Well everyone except Aoki as he somewhat expected that to happen.

" Cynthia Shirona…Granddaughter of professor Carolina.

Why did we not know about her yet?" one of the league's higher-ups asked the people beside her.

From her teamwork and battle power, especially her Garchomp was a menace.

He could tell at a glance she was a champion candidate.

"She had only recently started collecting badges and participating in the league events before which she never participated in any event." a woman said reading from a record.

"After the match, help give her attention and groom her as the next elite four or champion.

Make sure that she doesn't start living in another region."


" I hope you don't take it to heart and we can stay friends in the future, " Cynthia said as she shook Elsa's hand and walked away with a smile leaving speechless Elsa behind.

She stood there for a minute then walked out with her head down.

Iris saw that and ran towards her to cheer her.

There was a break for about twenty minutes before the second round started.

Steven Stone from the Hoenn Region and Siebold from the Kalos region entered the stadium.

Both of them received an almost equal amount of cheers from fans of their respective regions.

The power shown by Cynthia was unexpected but the league members were more invested in Steven due to him being the heir to the Devon Corporation which was Hoenn's largest company.

Steven was the one to release his team filled with some interesting Pokemon which included Claydol, Aggron, Cradily, Elite rank Skarmory, Elite rank Armaldo, and his ace Shiny Metagross.

Siebold didn't wait much and sent out his team which included Starmie, Clawitzer, Politoed, Elite rank Samurott, elite rank Gyarados, and his ace elite rank Blastoise.

Misty and Wallace paid extra attention to this match as both of them specialized in water type.

As soon as the match started Siebold's team started using Raindance while Steven asked his Pokemon to increase their defense as Siebold appeared to be a tricky opponent to deal with.

Unlike the last match, this lasted for about twenty minutes as both of them fought almost on equal terms.

Siebold and Steven had two different strategies.

In the case of Siebold, except for Gyarados, no specific role was assigned to them. Five of them were in perfect synergy and kept switching between attack and defense. Each of his Pokemon got turns with all of Steven's Pokemon.

Finally, his Gyarados were left alone to cause havoc on the field.

Even outside water, an elite-level Gyarados was a terrifying enemy.

In the case of Steven, Metagross, Armaldo, and Aggron at the front, the first two focused on attack and Aggron focused on being a tank.

His Cradily and Claydol stayed at the back giving support

Lastly, his Skarmory broke the formation Siebold's team made.

For the first half of the battle, Siebold dominated Steven's team dealing quite a bit of damage to his Pokemon.

A lot of people could already visualize Siebold winning.

Then something happened that destroyed the flow of Siebold which was the elimination of Blastoise by Metagross breaking apart Siebold's main formation.

Although Samurott took Blastoise's place, it was still not the same.

This is when Steven started to turn the battle in his favor for a few minutes and did some damage to all of Siebold's Pokemon.

Metagross, Skaramory, and Armaldo switched their target to Gyarados while the rest of his team but even without his ace going down Siebold came up with more strategies taking down Steven's Armaldo and Skarmory which made his Starmie and Politoed faint too.

In the next five minutes, Steven's Metagross went down to Gyarados's Fire Blast but Metagross made sure to take Gyarados with him before fainting.

Samurott managed to take down Aggron leaving only two Pokemon on each side.

Cradily and Claydol of Steven against Samurott and Clawitzer of Siebold.

Unfortunately, Samurott could not last long and went down the next minute as it had taken a lot of damage from the start.

The final confrontation was between Claydol and Clawitzer which sent the audience to the edge of their seats.

Finally, after a few minutes of back and forth, Claydol managed to take down Clawitzer with a Solar beam ending the match,

After an amazing and exhausting match, Steven Stone of the Hoen region managed to win this round with only one of his Pokemon remaining.

People of the Hoenn region cheered loudly as the people of Kalos gritted their teeth. Siebold was so close to beating Steven which made it even more regretful for the audience.

The Hoenn region was considered primitive as compared to the modern regions of Unova and Kalos and to lose such a region was a huge insult.

Both of the trainers were back at the participant's area where Steven was in a good mood but Siebold could not even look Aoki in the eyes.

Just a few moments before the match he bragged that he was going to defeat Aoki after dealing with Steven but he got eliminated instead.


The next match was one of the anticipated battles because Professor Gulhildr was fighting in it.

Clair was Champion Lance's cousin and the official gym leader of Blackthorn city of Johto region.

In spite of this, Aoki got more cheers making Clair jealous since he only became famous recently.

She had to prove that just because he was a professor, it didn't mean he was a strong trainer.

"I heard that you are strong from my cousin, let me see if you are worthy of that praise" Clair arrogantly exclaimed bringing out her Pokemon.

'Is she arrogant or stupid' Aoki thought.

Clair's lineup contained Kingdra, Lapras, two Dragonairs, Elite rank Gyarados, and an Elite rank Dragonite.

Her family owned one of the breeding grounds of Dragonites so it was not surprising to see her team.

Clair's team could be considered very threatening if her opponent was someone normal but her opponent was Aoki.

One fully evolved Dragonite and an Elite rank Gyarados were a disaster alongside the two Dragonairs.

"You want to see much strength right, I will give you exactly what you want, " Aoki said releasing his lineup which was made of Charizard, Salamence, Victreebel, Clefable, Royal gene Pidgeot, and finally the Shiny Totem Gyarados.

His team made of insane Pokemon set a wave of chaos among the poeple.

People had never seen such a massive Gyarados, and a Golden Pidgeot.

Even Clair felt threatened by Aoki's Pokemon.

As soon as the match started, Aoki's Gyarados launched himself at Clair's Gyarados by using his tail as a spring.

The Red Gyarados bit Gyarados's and dragged him to the corner of the field. Due to the raw power and size of Red Gyarados, Clair's Gyarados couldn't resist and got dragged.

Lightning cracked in Red Gyarados's teeth as he bit down harder sending lightning through the entire body of Clair's Gyarados paralyzing him.

Red Gyarados wrapped his body around the other and fired a point-range Hyperbeam at Gyarados' head.

If that was not enough, a wave of Dragon Pulse made Clair's Gyarados unable to fight anymore.

Not even a minute and one of Clair's Pokemon was down.

Salamence and Charizard blew out a wave of fire which turned into a Tsunami of fire with the help of Pidgeot that washed over his opponent's entire team.

Lapras, Dragonite, one Dragonair the Kingdra used a Hydrop pump to resist the wave of flames while the other Dragonair started rain dance.

As soon as the wave of flames was canceled, four dragons of Clair were slammed to the ground with Clefable's Gravity as Misty Terrain began to spread out lowering their power.

Dragonite managed to break free of Clefable's gravity but Salamence engaged Dragonite before it could touch Clefable.

The two Dragonairs were not so lucky and received a lot of damage from Moon Blast and Dazzling gleam.

Charizard engaged Lapras and Kingdra but Charizard was dominating the battle.

Clair's command line was completely broken as her Pokemon were in no situation to hear her commands.

Not giving any chance to recover, Salamence used Dragon Pulse on two of their Dragonairs suppressing their attacks.

One thing that Clair overlooked was Aoki's Victreebel at the very back who was continuously buffing his attacks and charging up.

Seeing that Victreebel was ready, Aoki gave a command making Charizard move as a devastating Solar Beam hit Kingdra sending it crashing to the stadium wall and making it lose combat capability.

The next second two consecutive Fire Blasts hit Lapras followed by a Flame Kick to the head taking Lapras down.

Not even two minutes passed and Clair had already lost three of their Pokemon. The pace of the battle was too fast for her to take control of.


A large explosion occurred as Gyarado's and Pidgeot's Hyper Beam hit the two Dragonairs along with Clefable's Blizzard taking them down.

Now the only one left was Dragonite who was fighting Salamence.

All of Aoki's Pokemon started at the Dragonite-like prey that was about to be ripped to shreds.

Seeing that there was no other way, Dragonite used Outrage to at least take down Salamence.

"End it Salamence, use Dragon Rush "

Salamence roared as dense Dragon-type coating around him went wild. Locking into his target, Salamence dived down vertically like a meteor.

The sky turned purple with Dragon-type as Salamence stopped holding back and hit Dragonite with a Dragon rush cutting through Outrage.


Dragonite crashed to the ground forming a crater on the battlefield, in no condition to move anymore.

Salamence roared and landed beside Aoki's all other Pokemon forming a line.

Clair stood there frozen in her spot as her brain could not comprehend what just happened.

It didn't even take four minutes for the battle to finish.

If Cynthia's battle was enough to give them shock, this battle had completely blown away people's minds even the elite four who were watching.

"Agatha…..are you Kanto people made off, " Drasna said as her hand shook.

"I have no answers for that" Agatha had seen Aoki in action in the previous event but didn't know he was capable to this degree.

"He is already strong enough to give the elite four give a run down for their money," Drake said especially looking at Aoki's Charizard and Salamence.

The people of Kanto were going wild with cheers.

In addition to Aoki being a famous Professor, he was a great trainer too.

Who knows he might even become the next champion.

It made them happy to know that Aoki was strong enough to stand against Cynthia who they expected to win.

The participants including Cynthia and Steven froze in their spots while Misty and Sabrina had a smug smiles.

Both of them knew that Aoki was very strong but not to this degree.

As the rules suggested Aoki shook hands with Clair as the match ended.

"Tell Lance that I am coming for his position"

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