By the time Chris returned from the shower, the room was empty. Sky was out. And honestly, Chris was a lot relieved to be alone inside.
He quickly locked the door before going to take off his contact lenses and dropped himself on his bed, laying on his back.
He kept his gaze on the ceiling, thinking about how boring his life suddenly was. I mean, it was Friday night! But here he was, stuck in his room and repeatedly getting pissed off by his roommate.
Was this what they meant by being mature? Resisting the urge to punch someone and spending more time reflecting on life than partying?
"Argh! I'm so bored." He said this in frustration before using the pillow to cover his face.
There was only one person he could talk to, and that was the person he picked up the phone to call.
"I was just about texting you," Wilson said into the phone as soon as he answered the call.
"I'm fucking bored."
"How so? Where is your roomie?"
"Dude's out."
"Then you should go out. Look around your new town and have fun. Come on. You are Christopher Owen!"
"I want to. But I am too lazy to do that. Besides, it would be awkward walking alone."
"What about that girl that went to NA? The one you told me about? Why not go together?"
"I can't just text her now, asking to meet up. That would be so... I don't know."
"You sound so mature." He chortled, and Chris sat up immediately.
"I know, right? I was just thinking the same!"
Wilson laughed in amusement, seeing how Chris was agreeing easily.
"So tell me, how's it been for you and him? Are you sure you can cope?"
"I... think so."
"You're still thinking?"
"I mean, he is hot and stuff, but he's not the kind of guy I see myself being into. He's too much of a narcissist and an asshole."
"Sounds like someone I know. But... you're sure you won't fall in love with him?"
"Eww. Of course not! He's just... appearance-wise, he's the kind of guy I'd be interested in bleeping, but even his attitude is so annoying that looking at him doesn't even give me a hard-on."
Wilson chuckled. "So you've seen him naked?"
"I haven't."
"Nothing at all?"
"Not even his stomach," Chris confessed.
"Jeez! Does that dude ever shower?"
It was Chris's turn to laugh. "I'm sure he does. He smells nice."
"You've got it bad for pretty boy, huh?" Wilson teased.
"Don't be stupid. I won't lie just because I don't like him.
"Do you have his picture?"
"What? I'm supposed to secretly take a photo of him and send it to you? What am I? A stalker? A pervert?"
"You can be a perverted stalker sometimes. You have such a tendency."
"Just like you're an idiot."
"Haha! Do try not to jump him though. You're probably suffering from blue balls by now."
"I won't. He isn't really my type."
A knock on the door distracted Chris, making him look at the door with a raised brow, wondering if Sky was back.
"Gotta get the door." He said that and stood up.
He went to the door just as Wilson was saying something about his boyfriend and opened the door, but the person there wasn't Sky. He was shorter, and looked wilder even though he was just wearing ripped denim pants and a bright green cardigan.
It was Henry who was looking at him with a kind of surprise and confusion, and Chris gave him a questioning look, wondering why he was staring at him like that.
"Sky isn't here," Chris told Henry, who nodded.
"I know. I came to pick up something for him."
"Oh... okay," Chris said and stepped away from the door while Henry entered and closed the door behind him.
Just as Chris sat on his bed, Henry handed him the nylon bag he had in his hand.
Once again, Chris gave him a questioning look before saying, "I'll call you later," to Wilson, and then he ended the call.
"What's that?" He asked Henry without taking it.
"Sky asked me to give it to you."
Chris took the bag hesitantly and looked at what he had been offered.
It was a packed burger with a note attached, which he took out and looked at. It said, "Don't be mad."
For someone as "perfect" as Sky, or at least that is what he claimed to be, Chris was glad to see his handwriting was not that exceptional. It was just normal and plain. But then he furrowed his brow as he wondered why he was being sent this. Who said he was mad? What exactly was Sky apologizing for with this?
"I'm gay."
Chris was startled by Henry's sudden confession and looked at him in confusion, wondering where this was coming from.
It seemed like Henry read his expression wrongly because Henry looked like he wanted to run away and hide.
"Uh... why do I need to know that?" Chris asked quietly.
Henry forced out a smile as he said, "I'm sure you must have noticed the other day. And I'm also sure you do not like me. But I promise you, I don't go about jumping on all guys I meet. Yeah, I check out guys, but it's just the same as guys checking out girls and girls checking out guys. doesn't mean I want to throw myself at you. So if you—"
"I really don't need to know all this." Chris cut him off. "And I find it annoying that you are explaining your sexuality to me. That's very... weird."
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Henry looked a bit lost before he scratched the back of his neck and said, "I... don't know. You just seemed like the type to have trouble with guys like me, and Sky has also asked us to stop coming over since you didn't like it, and it made me quite sad because I kind of feel like I'm the cause, and it's just... I don't know. You also seemed angry when Collins held your briefs, but trust me, that's not what happened. We were just..."
Chris looked at the guy rambling and wanted to tell him it was fine, but Henry just kept going. It seemed as though he had rehearsed what to say and was trying not to miss a line.
"The room was quite filled that day and since Collins is kinda like a neat freak and would rather die than sit on the floor, we asked him to sit on your bed." He started.
"Collins didn't think you'd like it, but Sky said he thought you were a nice guy since you've been talking, and he didn't think you'd make trouble out of it."
"When Collins was still hesitating, Noel pushed him on the bed, and he had his face on your briefs, which he was still in denial of until he raised it in horror. Unfortunately, you entered just as we were laughing at him. So you probably... misunderstood,"
Chris rubbed the back of his neck as he waited for the guy to stop talking, and thankfully, he finally concluded his story.
"I guess I misunderstood then. And you also misunderstood me. I don't have a problem with you. I was only pissed the first day because I was knocking outside for a while. And then the next day, the room was fully crowded. It's not something I'm used to."
"Oh... really?" He looked hopeful.
"Sorry about that. We'll sure stop coming."
"You don't have to."
"Sky already talked to us about it."
"No need for that. You are his friends. I can't tell you all to stop coming."
Henry smiled so widely that Chris had to raise a questioning brow at him.
"I knew you were a lot cooler than you looked," Henry told him happily.
"Is that... a compliment?" Chris asked.
"It is. It so is!" He said with a grin as he went to open Sky's wardrobe.
"You aren't doing anything tonight?" Henry asked with his back to Chris, who had just returned to his bed.
"Why are you asking?" Chris asked suspiciously, hoping he wasn't about to start hitting on him just because he said he was fine with it.
Henry turned around immediately as he said, "You should tag along with me."
Okay, this was getting weirder.
"To where?" Chris asked uninterestedly.
"The pub."
"What pub?"
"That's the name. "The pub". Tonight's the grand opening. Sky's band is performing. I came to get his jacket."
Chris remembered seeing some leaflets about the opening, but he hadn't bothered to read through them. Sky was performing tonight? Why hadn't he mentioned it?
"So what do you say? Instead of being stuck in here on a Friday night, let's go there. I swear, it would be fun."
Chris didn't have to ponder it for long. He also didn't want to be here alone on a Friday night. He hadn't had the chance to do anything fun since he arrived, so maybe he could just go there and have a few drinks.
"Uhm... okay? How am I supposed to dress?"
"You can wear anything. It's cold outside, so keep that in mind."
Chris nodded and went to get a sweatshirt with a zipper at the front and a white turtleneck shirt. He stripped out of the t-shirt he was wearing before he remembered Henry was behind him and turned around to look at the guy. As he had expected, Henry's eyes were fixed on his back, and they slowly went up to meet Chris's eyes before he smiled in embarrassment.
"It's a harmless stare, I promise." He said, raising both hands in a sign of peace.
Chris only smirked before he put on his shirt and went to pick up his specs. When he wore it, he noticed Henry giving him a curious look again.
"Are you going to wear a lens and specs at the same time?" Henry asked.
Chris almost panicked when he heard that question. How did he know he wore contact lenses? But he already took them off.
Wait, he already took them off!
He blinked in confusion, not sure what to do first.
Hesitantly, he took off the specs and laughed awkwardly. "Sometimes, I forget I'm actually wearing it." He spoke sheepishly. "Guess I should keep this." He dropped his specs back on his desk and forced out a smile.
Henry laughed and nodded. "It kind of suits you. Why did you settle for blue? "It's quite... striking."
Chris didn't want to continue this conversation, so he just shrugged and said, "Just because."
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