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40% [DXD] A Primordial’s journey in the Multiverse / Chapter 8: The Primordial Gods

Kapitel 8: The Primordial Gods

"Who are you?" As they both turned around, they could see a young man who looked around 20. Grey colored hair that reached his chin and bright blue eyes. Yahweh himself…

Both Ophis and Bael stayed silent as they analyzed him. He was strong.. but not as strong as them who had been born at the beginning of the universe, naturally they could beat him easily.

But given how he is a primordial he was definitely strong.

The thing that annoyed Bael and Ophis though, was that they could practically feel the smugness and arrogance rolling off him. As if he was the ruler of the universe.

"I'll ask again and you would do well to answer me, WHO ARE YOU?" He shouted the last part and released his aura, not only scaring away the animals but also forcing the stupid looking moneys to their knees, but also harming them both.

But why should he care right? He's god. He made them and he can just make more, they should be on their knees from the start worshipping him.

Bael and Ophis looked at him and then each other before a serious aura began to surround them. They cocked their fists whilst God looked confused. Then, they both shot their fists forward at full speed creating a sonic boom and stopping their fists when they were about to touch and, before they both said "rock, Paper, Scissors,Shoot" and Bael kept his hand in the shape of scissors while Ophis had hers in a fist.

"Tch" Bael scoffed whilst Ophis looked smug. God was just about to question what the fuck were they doing in the face of his greatness, when he saw Ophis flash in front of him and then impact on his cheek before he was sent crashing into a mountain a few miles away. She had backhanded him.

God was in a daze. He has been alive for something like 500 years now and only met a few others who were born along with him… his siblings. He is supposed to be the strongest besides his siblings and yet, it only took one slap to send him flying. A slap to his pride. He was pissed.

Bael and Ophis however paid no mind, instead they were arguing and throwing insults at each other which is quite normal since they have been together for almost 2000 years and have developed some kind of relationship. However while they were insulting each other they finally took notice of the rising aura and looked back at him.

"Heh look what you did lizard, it seems you hurt his pride." Bael wasn't exactly quiet with his words and God heard him loud and clear, he stared at Bael with eyes burning with hatred before turning his attention back to the one responsible for the assault.

All of a sudden Bael's sense picked up 5 other auras speeding towards them and then 5 being arrived soon, standing besides Yahweh like his protectors. Nyx, Brahma, Chaos, Ra, Rainbow serpent.

The rainbow serpent -Ayido-weddo, was a dragon similar to Ophis. She was a western dragon with two horns which are lined with bizarre amber like patches which may be in the shape of Paquet congas, elongated human like fingers with long, sharp nails, cat eyes, velvet like skin hanging from her head, wings, tail, arms, and even her tongue, and exposed ribs, with all bones being as light blue as her very hide. She was the only one in her true form and her eyes radiated kindness but also with the will to protect.

(Look her up on google)

Chaos herself - Chaos is a woman with heterochromia in both her eyes and hair. One side of her hair is silver, while the other half is black. Also, the skin tone of chaos body is pale white. She was staring at Bael in shock, probably because he's really handsome, right?

Ra - The primordial God of the sun - A being with the appearance of a young man around 18, tanned skin and gold eyes and gold hair slicked back. He sports a grin ready for battle.

Brahma - God of creation from the Hindu pantheon and one of the seven Great Gods - a tall handsome man. He has greenish grey hair that is tied in a pony tail, reaching down to his mid back. He has a normal face with well-structured features. He was radiating a calm aura but his eyes were analyzing the two like a hawk.

And last but not least Amatsu - Aka the Primordial Shinto Cosmic Entity of Sin, Malice, and stars. Amatsu-Mikaboshis corporeal incarnation is that of a mature women of unparalleled beauty with a revealing midnight black dress that adorns her Junoesque form. She has long wavy black hair and dark crimson vacant eyes that would occasionally glow ominously. She also wears long black gloves and black boots. There are small holes in the outfit in the area of her well-toned stomach, making her look even more alluring. However, the blank and cold look on her face reminds Bael of his first time meeting Ophis.

Brahma was the first to speak "what is going on here". His voice practically radiated a calming aura, like nothing could affect him, "the black haired bitch on the left slapped me" was Yahweh's reply. They all looked at Ophis for confirmation, causing her to just blank lt stare back. The silence reigned for a few moments and just as everyone was starting to get mad, she finally opened her mouth to speak.

"Cocky prick." All the other gods fell into silence for a few moments whilst God felt a few blood vessels burst. "YOU!!" He was truly pissed and was just about to rush at Ophis once more but Brahma gripped him by the scruff of his collar, holding him in place.

Ayido was the next to speak, her voice came out rough and full of power due to her still being in dragon form, but underneath you could feel she had no intent to fight if she did not need to. "Explain what happened." She demanded, causing Bael to sweep his eyes over her. When ayido saw his eyes she froze.


When she looked at his eyes she felt like she was looking at a demon. A demon that will swallow you up and spit you back out of his ass. His eyes were just that scary along with his terrifying killing intent that only she felt it seems. She quickly recovered her bearings, but was still panting and looked slightly shaken, it only took her a second to re-focus, but it gave her a sense of caution.

Bael found it amusing and decided to tell a little tale.

"Once upon a time, there were two defenseless little children exploring the world and trying to find somewhere to rest, they came across a village and were just about to ask for a safe haven.


He paused for a dramatic flare.

"All of a sudden, a big scary man showed up out of nowhere and started shouting at the little children, demanding for their names and such. Obviously the little kids were terrified since their parents taught them about something called pedophiles and so in act of self defense, one of the kids accidentally slapped him. Soon after the man came back and was about to grab the little kid and 5 more people showed up and surrounded them. Terrifying them… The end!"

As soon as Bael finished his story, Ophis started to clap dramatically whilst the gods just stared slack jawed at the shamelessness of the man. "I don't even see any defenseless children you're clearly lying." God screamed, beyond pissed at how his mighty image collapsed.

"They're over there" Bael lied and soon the 6 people in front of her turned around, looking for the defenseless children but they didn't see anything apart from a few animals still shivering from the amount of pressure the 8 beings emit. They looked around confused for a few seconds before looking at each other. "I don't see any defenseless childre-" Brahma was just about to reply. But when he turned around he was utterly shocked at what he saw.

Two… Little kids stood there looking at him with innocence causing his and the rests mind to go blank.

The one on the left was about 4'8 in height. She had long black hair flowing to her knees that came around to her sides, black eyes and pointy ears. She wore high knee socks, a one piece grey dress that was covered in pink jacket. She looked incredibly naive.

The one on the right was about 4'10 in height. Silver hair tied in a loose pony tail. Big blue eyes and was wearing a pure white robe with black spots. He was the epitome of cuteness.

However, what made the 6 primordials blank was the tears in the children's eyes and their scared faces as they huddled together. All the primordials took a few seconds to get their minds back but they didn't know what to do. For the first time in hundreds of years, they were defeated.

"All right, all right we get it. He was being a prick so you slapped him please can you turn back now." Surprisingly, it was chaos who gave in first, causing God to look over at her in betrayal. Bael however, hadn't had enough fun. "Whatever do you mean?" He asked with a head tilt and his hand on his cheek, his eyes looking confused and blinking with innocence. Chaos nearly had a nose bleed from the act of innocence but managed to reign it in.

"We get it alright, you're just an innocent little boy and he's a big bad wolf" she said before she licked Yahweh in the side, sending him flying. "Please stop now" she said whilst sighing exasperatingly. "Hai onee-Chan" Bael said with a beaming smile, causing a small amount of blood to trickle out of Chaos's nose.

Amatsu had finally had enough of this messing around and asked in her cold emotionless voice "are you going to bother introducing yourself now?" Causing Bael to look at her and reply with 'caution' "M-My mother told me n-not to talk to s-strangers, e-especially not s-scary ladies."

Amatsu was pissed. She had to take deep breaths in order to calm herself even though she didn't need to breath.

"Fine we'll introduce ourselves then, we will go first but let's change places so we can show our true forms. "Sigh" Bael raised his hand and starting jumping in the air "I know a place, I know a place" he was clearly enjoying this, which only caused Amatsu to get more and more annoyed causing her to release a groan. "Lead the way"

Bael then looked at Ophis who nodded before he said "do I have your permission to bring you there?" Causing the gods to look at her in suspicion and caution before nodding slowly. Apart from Yahweh who was in a daze, buried in a mountain.

Very soon the primordial Gods, minus Yahweh, found the space around them warp and when they opened their eyes, they were shocked at what they saw. Stars,planets, flowers and extremely beautiful world that placed all of them in a slight trance. Ophis being no exception. "W-Where is this?" Ra asked.

"This is my own internal world, a world within my soul." Bael replied, he wasn't scared to reveal this for several reasons. Firstly, he had 100% control of his internal world and can just seal them away with just a thought in here. Secondly, both his body and soul are immortal, well not really his body. Thirdly, he is confident is kicking all their asses fairly easily and finally, these people are technically his siblings since all the primordials were said to be related. Ophis was technically Yahweh's sister.

"H-How do you have this?@ Brahma asked, he wanted one of his own, a world of his own. "Born with it" was Bael's reply, shutting down his dream. He couldn't exactly say he wished for it.. right? "I-i see." You could see his shoulders deflate slightly clearing showing His mood. Bael willed a table and 7 chairs into existence and then sat down with Ophis by his side but, the gods didn't move shocked she just created something from nothing.

"You're a creation god?" Ayido questioned prompting Bael to shake his head, "I control everything in here, if I wanted to change i mearly will it." He demonstrated by changing the color of the sky several times before going back to midnight blue. Soon a few of Bael's robots came over and placed glasses of wine, that had aged over the past thousand years, on the table and poured each glass and the gods didn't even reply. Clearly shocked beyond repair at this point.

After they sat down and tried the wine, their eyes widened once more at the flavor before they practically inhaled it. "Slow down, that wine has been brewing for over a thousand years, you wont get anymore." These words caused them to choke on their wine as Bael basically just revealed he was more than twice their age at the least.

"Let's start with the introductions then" Amatsu said, clearly wanting to move on.

"I'm Amatsu, the primordial Cosmic Entity of Sin, Malice, and Stars. This is my true form" as she finished speaking her body disappeared and what replaced it was a cluster of colors constantly changing colors between green, pink, purple, and blue. Its was beautiful… but only to them. Any mortal who laid eyes upon it would go mad from the pure malice and sin radiating from it. She changed back before Ayido went next.

"I'm Ayido - The rainbow Serpent - the primordial Goddess of rainbows, fertility, water, fire, rainbows, wind, and snakes. I am already in my true form since it is the most comfortable for me." She was actually sitting on the floor and it was quite annoying for them to look up and speak to her but they weren't one to judge.

"I'm Ra - the primordial god of the sun, my true form is similar to Amatsu's, but it's a lot brighter and changes between red, orange, white and blue."

Chaos - The primordial god of chaos, I'm the oldest out of all of us. This is my true form." As she finished speaking her body shifted into what looked like a galaxy. Infinite mass compressed into a spiraling galaxy.

Lastly was Brahma. "I am a primordial god of creation. This is my true form." He said but didn't change causing Ophis and Bael to look at h confused. "No, I mean this is already my true form. It's your turn."

Bael and Ophis both looked at one another, wondering who was to go first and they decided to have another match, this time Bael won meaning Ophis has to go first.

"Tch, dumb tiger, Ophis - the dragon god of infinity" she said before transforming into her true form towering over Ayido. All of them shocked at her appearance thats blacker then the abyss itself. Light seemed to warp around her form but, her glowing purple eyes that spun around glowed eerily in the darkness. She now stood at around 90m in length with her wing span being 100m making her bigger than even Bael. Ayido gulped when those purple pupils looked over at her but Ophis clearly looked smug at showing who's the better dragon.

"My turn, I guess. "I'm Bael a White tiger of life." He said before his child form began to grow until in its place, standing majestically, was a beautiful 70m tall Tiger who's fangs dripped down to its neck with its body being 57m long and a tail half as long. With beautiful White fur and black spots with piercing blue eyes.

However suddenly Ophis smacked Bael and sent him flying, but how could he take that lying down? So he got up and roared at her and started pouncing and biting her before charging a breath attack and blasting it destroying half of her body.

Meanwhile the other Gods just sat the the table enjoying whats left of the wine, and completely forgetting about Yahweh.



2719 words


Drop some powerstones. perhaps a bonus chapter today? If im not lazy ;)

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