The whole court room erupted in chaos at the sight. Kiran ran and swung his fist at Lord Mccurdy knocking him out immediately. Aurora backhanded my mother and called on the guards to chain her and take her to the dungeon. In the midst of all these chaos, I could feel myself growing weak. I was already breaking out in cold sweat and I was shivering. Ivan noticed it and started barking out orders.
"I...I...Ivan_" I called through chattering teeth, "I...I...don't feel so g..good."
"I know baby, I know, fuck!" Ivan growled touching my face, "WHERE THE HELL IS MADEA?" Ivan yelled looking around the court room as if Madea, the Pack's healer and priestess will appear from thin air.
From my peripheral vision I could see Dahlia approaching me. I scurried backwards into Ivan's chest alerting him of another evil that neared me. Ivan raised his head up and growled softly at his mother.
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