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98.59% the great king with a quest system and chat group [English] / Chapter 69: reunion, where is silvi... 'silvi resist, I will save you'.

Kapitel 69: reunion, where is silvi... 'silvi resist, I will save you'.

'(sigh) we can finally get out of that place at least to a place with more space' - I sighed as I saw what was in front of me.

The place we came from is up high, so it gives us a little view of what's in this place.

The first would be a huge forest with different types of plants, trees and others. In the distance you can see a big lava river and a volcano, I'm getting an idea of ​​what I can do while I stay here after finding the girls... I'm not going to leave directly after finding the girls, already I'm tired of seeing only walls and the good thing is that I'm not claustrophobic or anything like that.

Total that is what I can see in front of me, on the right side I can see a dark area almost as if the light will not reach there... I do not want to go there.

And well... that's what I can see from where I am... but, I can say that this place is very big it must be almost the size of the snowy area... possibly much less... but , Okay.

'Andrius, can you feel alba?' - Tsubasa asked while he was on my back, now orobashi and I were coming down from this place... kanna and tsubasa are lying on my back... strange thing.

'Mmmm, let me see' - I said as I began to concentrate to see if I could feel the connection between me and Alba, I managed very quickly, implying that I was relatively close but not close enough to communicate telepathically with her... well, it's good to know i'm close.

'We're close to her... but, I still can't communicate with her so we're far away' - I said as we were coming down the mountain to enter the vast forest.

'Orobashi...tell me are you going with us or are you going directly to the place where the spirit of nature is?' - Tsubasa asked while he was on my back.


'(Sigh)... for now, I'll go with you guys, since I don't know where the spirit of nature is' - Orobashi said while sighing.

'Oh... that's good, with that I can continue explaining how to create shock waves with your magical aura' - said tsubasa happy to continue teaching orobashi.


'Yes...' - Orobashi was happy that Tsubasa kept teaching him.

And so began Tsubasa's long explanation to be able to use her magical aura.

[20 minutes later]

About 20 minutes had passed since we arrived here and it shows that something is happening since we have not met any monsters, not even from afar we have seen one... it may be worse than I thought.

Suddenly I feel orobashi tense up and start looking forward seriously.


'in the distance, I just felt the magical energy of a mid-range monster, but it disappeared very quickly and now I'm just feeling a lot of magical energy concentrated in an area of almost mid-range monsters that are surrounding some weak low-rank monsters' -said orobashi as he started to look to the sides.


'Tsk… I can't feel any trace of the mid-range monster'-orobashi said annoyed as he kept trying to feel the magical energy of mid-range monsters.

'...Andrius, can you try to feel the connection between you and Alba?... I have a bad feeling'- Tsubasa asked me worried... I won't deny that his bad feeling scared me a little.

'... let me see' - quickly after answering I tried to feel the connection and... we are relatively close... and.

'It's better to hurry... the girls are possibly in trouble... kanna returns to your true form and it will be faster to go through the air' - I said as I told kanna what she should do.

Kanna nodded as she returned to her true form and Tsubasa jumped on her back.

'I'll go with her, try to get there running'-he said as Kanna began to flap her wings and began to rise into the air.

'...' - I stared for a moment as Kanna and Tsubasa left me behind... and they are supposed to know that I can make myself smaller... that it was hard for them to wait for me to do it and for me to they will carry


'It's better to hurry, if they are your companions they must be in danger with almost mid-range monsters fighting them'- said orobashi as he began to crawl very fast towards the direction in which the girls are.

'...' - I speechless, I started running at full speed towards the place... I hope they are okay.

[AW and B team POV]

'We are surrounded...' - said wutong as he saw the 20 treants made of roots looking at them waiting for who makes the first move.

The treant were totally made of roots put together to create a humanoid being, four limbs, over 3 meters tall, they are thinner than the guardian from last time so they must be faster but they look tough. (I'm the best at describing an appearance. :v)

[Photo of the treants]

'...' - Buck was holding his dagger tightly as he watched as he began to attack.

"Wutong, buck ... we have to endure the help is on the way" - Alba said while trying to help reduce the tension they had for being surrounded.

'That... Andrius, Tsubasa and Kanna are coming... that's good' - he was glad and relieved a little wutong but he didn't stop looking at the treant.

'I don't think we can last long... BEWARE' - Buck tried to speak but a mana beam fired by one of the treant made him scream as he jumped away from the impact site.


'Well... if they arrive soon I can attack with force' - said wutong as he began to charge his preferred attack... creating two balls of compressed light and shooting them in different directions, one to the left and the other to the right with precision ...the little practice when they crossed the lava river with the platforms helped a bit on this.

"Wutong, even though they're coming, we should try to save energy just in case..." - Alba tried to scold wutong...but, an attack from one of the treant made her stop talking since she had to dodge it.


Compressed wutong beams of light, almost reaching their two targets, the two treant stomped forward with their right feet causing roots to grow and create a wall the size of themselves in front of them protecting them from wutong's attack.

'Really...' - wutong couldn't help but complain that his strongest attack was stopped by them, his attacks only made the root walls that protected the beings start to burn... but, he couldn't keep throwing the attack would otherwise run out of mana much sooner.

'Take this... ARGH' - said buck as he tried to cut one of the treant... without much success since he ended up being kicked by the being before he could react.

"BUCK...TSK" - Alba who saw what happened to her tried to go help but she almost ended up getting hit with one of the mana beams.

'...they are playing with us' - wutong I can't help but comment seeing how the treant was just playing with them.

"..." - Alba tried to see what she could do to do something... but, every time she tried to attack, one of them attacked her first.

'...' - Buck is still going through the pain in his stomach that he can't think straight.

'ALBA BE CAREFUL...' - while they were seeing what wutong to do, he saw how one of the treant tried to catch alba off guard.

"WHA..." - Alba was surprised and tried to turn around as she walked away from her but before she could do that... she heard a roar.


In that, Kanna's silhouette was seen from the sky as she began to create a concentrated lightning breath, and then very quickly shoot it towards the treant that she was trying to grab at dawn.

The treant, seeing that, tried to protect himself with a wall made of roots... but before he could complete it the compressed lightning breath had arrived and pierced the wall, hitting his head and going through it before ending up hitting the ground creating an explosion that destroyed the treant.


"..." - Alba was thrown back by the explosion but she was not hurt, only small pieces of earth and roots fell on her.

'ufff...we were almost late' - they heard Kanna breathe a sigh of relief as she began to descend.

The root treant began to settle around them with a serious air around them, very different from the previous one that was disordered.

'If they're late... but, just as well they're here' - wutong I can't help but say it before starting to approach kanna trying to hide from the treant and a dragon of a few 7 meters gives him security.

'we came as soon as andrius told us they were in trouble' - tsubasa replied as he looked at the treants a little nostalgically remembering his days in the downtown area... but, that's a story for another time... now they're in trouble .

"Andrius?" Alba asked as she tried to see him.

'Oh... he, he's on his way... he decided to come running to let me and kanna get there quickly...' - tsubasa said as he professionally lied... since in the rush he had forgotten that andrius could shrink.

'Yes .. what he said' - kanna agreed to what tsubasa said while he tried not to see alba.

'Ahh... the meeting is very nice and everything, but I don't think this is the time for that' - buck, cutting the moment, brought them back to reality seeing how one of the treant begins to create a ray of mana from his mouth.

'...' - wutong acted fast and created a light barrier to block the attack... he barely made it.

'Well... let's finish them off while Andrius and Orobashi arrive' - Tsubasa said as he began to create 5 balls of spiritual fire and launched them towards the treants, 3 of which managed to create a wall of roots but the other 2 only managed to block it with their hands that it started to burn... they had to cut it.


Kanna roared as he started running towards a group of 4 treants intending to destroy them with his body surrounded in electricity to increase his speed.

And so... the fight started, alba and wutong decided to fight together. Alba stops the movements of one of the treant by freezing its feet while wutong creates a sword of light and shoots it towards the treant trying to hit it in the head... but, the treant quickly covers himself with his hands stopping the sword and destroying it instantly only with some burns.

'...' - wutong stared at that for a moment without words while alba took advantage and cut the treant's head with an ice sword.

'What happens with my attacks...' - complained a little wutong while he saw the injustice of the difference between attacks.

"... your attacks must be much stronger for them to work if you want to kill him like that..." - Alba said to try to explain the difference between the swords, but before he could explain it he had to dodge an attack from one of the swords. treants.

'Don't get distracted in the middle of the fight girls…' - said buck as he lopped off the unsuspecting treant's head in one swift and precise motion.

"'excuse me'" - they apologized while he saw what was happening on the side of tsubasa and kanna... the difference between them.

Kanna had already killed 5 treant while he was still fighting 2. They were cut and burned, from kanna's attacks, he had no more victims because he was avoiding the treant's mana beam attacks.


Kanna roared as she opened her mouth and a breath of fire shot out towards the two treants, burning it and knocking them out of the fight.

Without further ado, she went looking for more victims, meanwhile Tsubasa was burning the treants with her blue flames, she barely had 3 treants out of action but the other two who were trying to catch her were not very well, one without an arm and throwing smoke all over his body from the burns because of the fire, another was barely moving while a lot of smoke came out of his body.

Finishing off the most damaging one, Tsubasa turned his attention to the second remaining treant, running fast towards him while trying to climb on his head, taking advantage of the fact that he had lowered his hand trying to attack her, he created a spiritual fireball and launched it at the treant's head burning it and leaving them out of the fight.

'...' - Tsubasa stared at kanna, alba, wutong and the weasel who were finishing off the last two while there were 3 on the ground, one without a head, another with a piece of ice stuck in his chest and with burns on his chest. his head, another mangled by kanna's claws as smoke billowed out of his body.

'It was... faster than I thought' - said wutong as she looked around the battlefield... she thought it would take much longer to finish them off.

"It was to be expected, our affinities wouldn't be able to take down such a large group of enemies so quickly, but Tsubasa and Kanna with their fire and lightning affinities have an advantage against the treant since they are made of wood, plus we couldn't fight well while we tried not to run out of mana in the middle of the fight" - Alba half explained why... she knows that, even though their affinities can kill them it would cost them since they can't make a strong attack because they have to be aware of their mana reserves .

'True... if they had fought with strong attacks they would have ended up without mana in the long run... but, now the question I've been asking myself since I arrived... where is silvi' - Tsubasa nodded to what Alba said and then asked Seriously... he had realized that she hadn't been around since they arrived, but since they were surrounded by enemies they had to postpone the question.

'...' - wutong froze a little scared by tsubasa's question.

'She...' - before Alba could respond, they suddenly felt the arrival of two monsters.

'HUFF... I'm here... HUFF HUFF' - andrius spoke as he tried to catch his breath.


'Is everything okay?... any hint of the spirit of nature?' - orobashi asked as he tried to search for a trace of the nature spirit but the battle left a lot of disaster in the place making it difficult for him to track her down.

"ANDRIUSSSSSSS!!" - Alba couldn't resist flying quickly towards Andrius while she gave him a hug and enjoyed the soft fur that he misses so much... making him lose himself in her world.

'Yes yes, I missed you too'-as if knowing alba's thoughts, andrius answered while he rubbed his head towards the side where alba was.

They all stared at the reunion... but, before she could say anything, andrius asked.

'by the way... where is silvi...' - asked andrius... worried since until now since she arrived she has not sensed silvi with her magical senses... the more than 17 meter range of they couldn't find her.

"Yes... andrius, silvi, silvi was kidnapped" - Alba quickly reacted as she walked away from andrius and told him.

[Andrius POV]

'WHAT...' - I was surprised by what Alba said that I almost let go of my magical aura... then she talked about it.

'Like they kidnapped silvi... who and where did they go' - I said while trying to see if it was a lie, to then say with a voice that he would tell me what I asked.

'She was a spirit, the spirit of nature kidnapped her, but we don't know why, I think they went that way...'-this time wutong answered me while he pointed to the place where he thought she was taken. they carried.

'...' - without speaking I went towards the place and using my enhanced senses I tried to feel the scent of silvi... well, I found it.

'they went there, we better hurry, we don't know what the spirit of nature can do to silvi' - I said while dawn, wutong climbed on my back.

'I'll go with kanna through the air to see if we can find them...'-tsubasa said as he jumped towards kanna's back, kanna nodded and began to flap her wings and then begin to fly.

'let's go...' - without saying much more I started to run towards the direction in which I could feel Silvi's scent.


Orobashi started following me from behind without saying anything.

'I hope Silvi is fine...' - I thought as I ran a little slow since I'm in the woods a wrong step and I could fall off a cliff... that's why it had taken me a while before, between running fast and trying to avoid houses, it took me longer.

[silvi's point of view]

'Mmmm~' - I was waking up but I tried to move my body and I couldn't, I opened my eyes and saw that some roots were tangled in my body making it impossible for me to move.

'...' - in that I remembered what had happened to me.

The spirit of nature kidnapped me and took me to this place very quickly, after arriving I felt a strange smell before I started to feel tired and fell asleep.

"Oh... but, how fast you woke up, I was hoping it would take a little longer to wake up... oh well, I'll just have to do this while you're awake" - I heard the voice of the spirit on one side of the place where he was, speaking in his horrible fake voice.

'Where are we, what do you want to do with me...' - I asked trying to get some information, it's not like I can do much more, I'm stuck.

"Fufufufu... I don't have to answer you... but, since it's been a while since I've talked to someone, I'll satisfy your little curiosity" - the spirit of nature laughed and began to speak with her horrible feigned voice as she thought if answer or not.

'...' - I stared at her while I waited for her to start talking.

"Well... we are in my little home, now I am finishing the preparations to be able to revive my master..." - she said as she began to make a circle with blood on the ground.

'Master?...' - she asked confused.

"Fufufufu yes... my master, not long ago he gave me the mission to revive him, since he was unjustly betrayed because he became stronger than the great golden king and they tried to kill him, but fortunately before he died he managed to do this, a necklace that has a small part of his soul that will help me revive him... but, I couldn't do it before since he was still weak and I had to make that stupid deal with those monsters and now that I could do it, I needed the most important... magical energy of a monster with an affinity to a spiritual element... fufufuf who would have thought that they would arrive at the best time" - she began to speak, she placed her hand on her cheek and began to speak with different expressions from a dreamy , furious, disappointed, to end with a hopeful and happy while laughing and looking at me as if I was an object ... it bothers me so much.

"Fufufufufu... but, you should stop doing that, you won't be able to free yourself from the roots, we also have to start so... try not to die... yes fufufu" - he laughed as he started to get closer and placed his hand on me full of blood on my cheek with a funny look on my face... I was trying to scrape the roots with my nails to see if I could free myself but they are too hard... in that I felt something horrible... the roots started to shine and my mana reserves were starting to run low.

While I was in discomfort I think I felt something weird from the spirit of nature as he touched my cheek with his hand, but I can't tell what it is since I can't concentrate with these roots absorbing my mana.

"Fufufufu... well, while you roots absorb your mana, I'll go see the invaders... I can't let them get close while the process of reviving my master is almost finished... but, don't worry you will not be alone I will leave this... a clone that will be in charge of watching over this" - after I started to feel weak because the roots were absorbing my mana, he started to speak as he walked forward... so that Before leaving the ground, one of her clones came out.

"FUFUFUFU... bye little one" - she said goodbye to her while she was lost in the forest.

'Andrius...come soon' - I thought every night I endured the uncomfortable feeling that my mana was being absorbed by the roots.

[Andrius POV]

I was running through the forest until I reach a place with no trees…can't help but have a bad feeling here.

I stopped running and started walking as orobashi followed beside me, I can hear kanna coming down.

'What's going on?' - Tsubasa asked as he jumped to the ground from Kanna's back.

'I have a bad feeling here' - I said as I tried to use my enhanced senses to see if I can find anything... but, so far nothing.

'...' - orobashi was silent suddenly stopped moving as he stared straight ahead.

"Fufufufu but look who we have here, it seems that your companions have already arrived, but they are a little late, I already started and I don't know if your companion will survive" - ​​the spirit of nature came out of the ground while laughing and speaking like a noble lady. .. but, I didn't care about that, what I cared about was what he said.

'WHAT DID YOU SAY, WHERE IS SILVI?' - she yelled while I unconsciously used [intimidate] and my bloodlust was present because of how annoyed I was listening to her.

"Fufufu as I said they are a little late silvi as you called her, now she should be running out of mana so she should die soon... but, sometimes sacrifices are needed, her death will be remembered after my master is resurrected" - he said as he spoke as if what he was doing hurt him.


'Spirit of nature, what happened to you? Why are you doing this and who is this master of yours that you speak of?' - Orobashi began to ask questions as he advanced... if it wasn't for the fact that it would be dangerous, he would have already begun to ask questions. run to look for silvi... but, the spirit of nature is a mid-range monster I can't be careless.

"What are you talking about, I was always like that, only since I met my master I had to make some sacrifices, if I revive him he will be able to save this place from imminent destruction and well my master... it's a secret, they will have to wait to meet him" - she spoke with a false expression of pain, and then changed to a playful one... seriously, if she wasn't stronger than me, I would have already killed her.


'I see, spirit of nature, then as I see that you cannot be saved I will have to kill you by order of the great king... please do not resist' - Orobashi spoke while small balls of water began to appear around him They took the form of very thin needles.


'Now... die' - he said so that the needles of water shot out at high speed towards the spirit of nature and he really thought that he would kill her with that attack since it was very fast... but, suddenly a hand made of roots came out of the ground blocking orobashi's attack.

"Fufufufu you think that I will let myself be killed so easily, since I am about to complete the mission that my teacher gave me... you will have to do better than that, now that the talks are over... MY LITTLE ONES GO OUT AND ATTACK" - the nature spirit laughed as the hand sank back into the earth and began to speak before giving a scream that caused the birds to fly away...followed by sounds of trees moving.

"Now... please entertain me" - he said as a bunch of different treant appeared from the trees.

'...' - we stared as we were surrounded by treant of different sizes and heights, from what I can half see some are as strong as wutong and others are almost passing mid-range... seriously I don't have time for them .

'This will be a tough fight... but, we have to finish them off fast to save silvi' - I said while Alba, Wutong, Tsubasa, Kanna and the weasel nodded. Orobashi simply fell silent as he watched the treant.

'Silvi hold on, I'll save you' - I thought as I watched the treant start heading towards us.

MiguelCreative MiguelCreative

I plan to do another fanfic, if another, for now my other novels will remain inactive and I will focus on this one.

I had planned to do it with the same system theme and travel through the multiverse, but I still have to watch the anime and manga to start it.

I don't know how well it will fit me, but I already know what the initial powers that the protagonist will have and in which anime world he will start.

But that will be for the distant future, so for now I will focus on this novel.

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