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47.05% Another Form of Power / Chapter 8: Job Offer

Kapitel 8: Job Offer

There is a certain thrill with overkill. As a villain, it is bad practice but I often forget how young those of the League truly are. With everything that has happened, and the threat of Quirk Nullification bullets being aimed specifically at us, it was good that they got to have some fun. It let off some steam.

I could see the way everyone was relaxed when they returned from the raid. Tomura was even in a good mood. I saw why when the Noumu High End returned. That Noumu is really a crowning achievement. It's loyal not just because it was ordered to be but because it wants to be. It was carrying something when it emerged from my warp gate, something it set down carefully on the bar.

It was some sort of safe. Tomura opened it with his usual finesse by disintegrating the door. Quirk Nullification bullets were inside.

I'm told it is almost the entire stock but no one saw Overhaul. They were being stored in a government building. Apparently UA wasn't considered safe enough, which makes sense. It is a school. It has good security and the actions of the League have ensured that security there is tight and robust but it is still a school. You do not store things that Villain's might be after in a school. The government building made sense.

Tomura is happy we have them. The best course would be to destroy them but he wants to keep them. I understand. They are a resource but they are a dangerous resource. We don't have a sniper at present, though apparently Tomura has a plan for that. He hasn't said anything but I know the look he gave me. I'm not going to like it.

At the moment, if he plans to use them, the question must be who to use them on.

Hawks, who still apparently wishes to join us? Best Jeanist, Edgeshot? Any of the heroes in the ranks… or someone else? Maybe a newer hero, Lemillion? He's making a name for himself and is rather like All Might. Someone in training? Though Imoku has given assurances via Toga that he's already taken care of some of the more dangerous possibilities.

Tomura demanded a further explanation and will accompany Toga next week. Apparently he hasn't been watching the news.


There were times when Kazue Matsushita thought that she would be remembered for destroying hero society. Then she told herself to be reasonable. She had done one interview with one villain to expose one supposed hero. It was the same as the exposes she did on politicians and the public deserved to know the truth about the people serving them. It wasn't her fault that things had spiraled out of control.

And she was doing her best to help regain any control. She was interviewing the new heroes and today she had quite an old hero… comparatively speaking. The number one Hero Hawks. Hopefully he'd be able to put some perspective on things.

"And we are back in three, two-" The last number was silent and Kazue plastered a smile on her face as the cameras refocused.

Hawks did the same, ruffling his feathers artistically. It was a good shot.

"Today I'm speaking with someone who needs no introduction!" Kazue said happily, gesturing towards the Pro-Hero. "The Number One Pro-Hero in Japan, Hawks!"

He stretched out one wing as he gave a sunny smile.

"So," Kazue said, "your rise to the number one spot has been pretty quick!" It was a nice open statement.

He grinned at her. "It has, and in some ways, I feel a bit cheated."

"Cheated?" She inquired.

"Yes! I always admired Endeavor when I was a child. The Hero Endeavor, not anything else," Hawks clarified quickly raising one finger to forestall objections. "I liked the way he never gave up on being Number One."

"A tough position," Kazue agreed.

"And it's only now that we're really talking about it. Everyone else was just happy All Might was there. They left a lot of things to him. No one was trying to take his place… Except Endeavor. I admired that. I admired the drive, the dedication, the will to do better. It's that which I think makes a Hero."

"An interesting take," Kazue said. "At the moment though the public isn't too happy with the Hero Public Safety Bureau."

Hawks shook his head. There was a soft smile on his features. "I don't know why. Everyone is focusing on the failures, instead of seeing the success. Instead of saying that fifty-percent of those enrolled failed, why don't we say that fifty-percent passed. Interestingly, the assessment has shut up all those people saying that Endeavor's youngest son was just going to follow in his big brother's footsteps. It must have been a big step for Shouto to release that information but I admit it's been effective.

"In general, the assessments have been a good thing, though I do think they are administered early… but since there is the opportunity to be re-assessed, I think it can be dealt with."

"You think it's administered too early?"

"Of course! Are you the same person now, as you were when you where fourteen, or fifteen, or sixteen?" Again Hawks shook his head, ruffling his feathers. "The answer is no. So I think what we are seeing is the assessment picking up those who just aren't quite ready to be Heroes, which given that they are in training, I think that's fair!" He grinned again.

Kazue nodded her agreement. That was a reasonable assessment and she was sure that others would see it that way.

"Besides, this is another way of getting different people into heroics."

"You don't like the schools?"

"Not at all, though, as you know I didn't go to UA. I have nothing against UA, their results speak for themselves but I think the system could be a little more open. Currently it's so closed, and if it was open, then the public could see in a bit more, they can trust more, and the assessments are one way of doing that."

"But how will they open the system and allow different people into heroics?" Kazue asked, sounding genuinely confused.

"Because, with the assessments came a rule change," Hawks said expansively, waving his wings. "If you pass the assessment and can get a traineeship at a registered Hero Agency then you can be a hero too."

"Wow, really?" Kazue's eyes widened. She hadn't seen that part of the rules.

"Really. And it's a good thing. Though I think people do need to be aware of what they are getting into if they go that route. It means that someone who wasn't ready to be a hero when they were younger can apply later and still do it. I think that will make the system a lot more robust, though I don't think there's any trainee registered Agencies yet. I'm sure there will be."

"That is a big change!" Kazue agreed.

"It will be but the Agencies have to embrace it, so we will see. I think in a few years, it will be normal."

"Ah, so people shouldn't start applying just yet."

"Not yet. Until then though, I'm still aiming for a world where heroes can enjoy a bit of boredom," he said happily.

Kazue chuckled. That particular statement was becoming very much associated with the Number One hero but in a good way. It meant that there wouldn't be villains, though she quickly sobered. "You aren't concerned about the calls that say that most villains are actually common criminals, and that we don't need Heroes to deal with them?"

Hawks shook his head. "It is true, and we overlook the great work the police are doing," he said. "But saying that all villains are just petty thieves or common criminals is generalising far too much. It forgets that there are still those out there who are truly worthy of the title villain. The League still exists and we know they are still working towards some sort of goal."

That was true. The news had been full of reports that the League had been seen stealing something highly classified from a Government Building. Everyone was being tight lipped on exactly what had been stolen.

"They are indee-" Kazue stopped at the beeping that was coming from Hawks. She couldn't glare but they had asked him to make sure his phone was off for the interview!

"That's not-" The hero pulled out a small device. It was too small to be a phone but he stared at it intently. "There's been a call for all Heroes in the area," Hawks announced with a smile. "Time for work," he added, flapping his wings and quickly disappearing into the dark that was the rest of the studio.

Kazue looked at the spot he had been sitting. "Well," she smiled at the camera, "that was the Hero Hawks! And you can see, a Hero's work is never done!"


I took Tomura to the weekly meeting with Toga. We waited in the lounge of the apartment for Toga before Izuku arrived. Toga came in her usual disguise of Imoku's mother. She gave Tomura a nod, knowing he'd be here, and then started making several phone calls.

I had forgotten how much Izuku could eat. Toga seemed to be quite used to it. She ordered extra for us. It was nice not to cook.

Though we weren't there for dinner. Izuku had news for us. Good news, for once. He knew where Overhaul was.

Tomura wasn't that interested until Izuku reminded him that even if the man lacked the means at the moment, he knew how to make Quirk Destroying bullets. There was no reason he couldn't try with a different quick… Something like the Pro-Hero Eraser Head's quirk for example might be able to be mutated into a bullet form.

Izuku also reminded Tomura that it was Overhaul who'd given the Quirk Destroying bullet's to the government, and now they knew it was possible. It was now a military thing.

It's not that I believed Tomura had forgotten about Overhaul, I believe he just hasn't assigned him an appropriate threat ranking. Imoku had a suggestion for how to deal with the problem. Hit him with one of his own anti-quirk bullets.

Tomura liked it. The notion appealed to his twisted sense of humor, though Izuku was quick to encourage Tomura to kill Overhaul after removing his quirk. Quirk removal, after all, does not remove knowledge. I can see the beauty of using his weapons against him. There is a certain amount of irony there. It would be justice. Though killing him seems a waste after removing his quirk, we are unlikely to get the chance to kill him if he has his quirk.

Tomura asked about some of the up and coming Heroes, Lemillion especially. Izuku didn't know anything much about that one. The boy had graduated from UA, with a quirk mutation appearing in his last year, granting him incredible strength. He was working for Nighteye Agency, which was only notable as it was run by the only sidekick All Might ever had.

That information was enough to garner Tomura's interest. Any link to All Might was enough to get his interest. While the League could take out All Might now, there was little point. The world wouldn't fear a group who had to attack a man who's quirk was gone. We would be seen as weak. Tomura didn't like that, but he accepted it.

But Sir Nighteye, and all the heroes of his agency, those were fair game. We could take them out, and Tomura had been looking for something to do recently.

Though Imoku hadn't asked for Tomura to be there, just to tell him about Overhaul, or to give what little information he had about other Heroes. His information gathering within the government had been going well. More importantly he was maintaining his position easily. I checked the polls after our visit. For an Independent representative, Imoku was very popular. He had the highest approval rating of any of the Representatives. Sensei had indeed chosen well.

Imoku told us there was some sort of big operation within the Hero Public Safety Bureau. It wasn't unusual for there to be a big operation. What made this one special is that it was to deal with us. The League.

Tomura was happy about that. Apparently we are big enough that even the Government is against us, not just their Heroic agents. Imoku warned us to be careful. He didn't know what the operation involved and he wasn't even meant to know it existed but that's never stopped a villain. He would tell us more if he could. Even with his happiness, Tomura agreed to be careful.

After all, if the League fell to just this, then history would just remember us as another bunch of villains, not those who changed the world.

We weren't going to fail.


"Ragdoll… Or would you prefer if I call you Tomoko?" The question was soft.

"Tomoko," came the answer. It sounded dejected. "I'm sorry, Representative Kakurete," an apology followed. "I just don't know why you asked to meet with me."

"Please, call me Imoku. Representative Kakurete makes me feel old!" The statement was accompanied by a laugh.

"I still don't know why you asked to meet with me."

Imoku nodded. "I'll be honest, it's because of what happened to you."

"Humph! So you want to meet the freak?" She hissed, but there was no passion to it. Her voice was tired.

"No, why would I think that?" Imoku challenged.

"I'm quirkless."

"Yes," he agreed, nodding. "That doesn't change who you are though, does it?" Imoko questioned. He crossed his hands in front of him. "I'm sure when you became a hero, you envisaged many outcomes. A realistic hero will consider the good outcomes and the bad. Death is obviously one of the bad outcomes. Incapacitation somehow, another but I doubt any Hero would ever have thought about losing their quirk, especially a hero who saved so many people."

She glared at him. It was half hearted as best. "So you did come to look at the freak."

"No, I came to offer you a job," Imoku countered.

The glare took on a confused aspect.

"I came to offer all the Wild Wild Pussycats a job," Imoku added.

"You're lying."

Imoku gave her a hard look. He had allowed a certain amount of casualness in their discussion but there was a limit. He was an elected Representative of the People, that meant he was due some respect.

"I'm sorry, Representative," Tomoko apologised.

"I understand it is unexpected," Imoku waved away the apology graciously. "I'm sure that you are aware that as a group the Pussycats ranking has dropped." That was putting it mildly. The fall in their ranking was comparable to Endeavor's. They had gone from rank 32 to 411. "It was too be expected, and I'm sure your team mates will be able to regain their standing." He told her.

"But I won't."

"But you won't," Imoku agreed. It might be cruel but it was reality. Ragdoll's quirk was gone and Sensei wasn't going to give it back any time soon. "That's why I want to offer you all an alternative, or just to you if the others want to continue."

Tomoko was silent for a few moments. Imoku could tell she was thinking. She sighed heavily. "What is it?" She was obviously expecting it to be some sort of work to help him.

"Even without your quirk you can help people," Imoku told her. "You can save people," he added for good measure. He had a soft smile. It covered the snarl he wanted to express from the similar memory he had of words like this. He wondered if All Might even remembered them?

"I can't do anything! I can't feel them anymore," she objected.

"So you are saying your quirk is the only way you can do your job?" Imoku stated. "I must have a problem in my office then," he continued, "since the only office staff I employ are quirkless. I hate to think of the state of my paperwork if quirks are the only way to get things done!" He mocked.

"It's not the same! I can't feel them anymore," Tomoko repeated. Her eyes flashed. "If I can't feel them, I can't tell the others were they are."

Imoku snorted. "That is true, but you can still save people without a quirk."

"How?" She demanded, disbelief liberally coating her voice.

"By joining the rescue services as a dispatch officer," Imoku told her. "You have skills beyond your quirk and defining yourself only by what your quirk allowed you to do is limiting. I know you can move beyond this. I know you can do better and I want to give you that chance."

"Rescue services?" Tomoko seemed confused.

"The people you've worked alongside in large disasters," Imoku reminded her. Heroes were so quick to forget. Sometimes disasters were so large that Heroes couldn't get everyone. Then Rescue Services did the work. And even more generally, it wasn't like the Police were just waiting for a Hero to arrest someone for them. Heroes forgot there was a whole support structure that did the grunt work that kept them looking good.

"They need dispatchers, and I suspect, with your ability to keep track of things, you'd be one of their best."

"But I can't keep track of things!" Tomoko objected.

"Of course you can," Imoku said. "Your quirk helped but-" he tapped his head, "- you also have to have been smart enough to keep up. So you can do it without your quirk. Maybe it won't be as easy but you can do it. You can still save people."

Her yellow eyes looked at him. Imoku kept his expression encouraging. She blinked at him and he heard her breath exhale. "Just me?"

Imoku understood. "All the Wild Wild Pussycats if you, and they want," he repeated what he had said earlier. It would be a better statement if they all came but if he could even get one, then that would also work.

"I'll ask," Tomoko told him.

Imoku smiled. He had her.


It's been relatively quiet lately. That is a bad thing. People get slack. People have been slack, which is why once again we are now stuck in a single room. The League's core numbers haven't gone up recently but we have gained more associates. Those who form part of the Action Squad have those they order on behalf of the League.

That means that at least we all fit into the room. It's just one of many retreat points we have. Tomura learned enough to set them up in advance. Once we figure out what happened, and know the extent of any compromise, we will move to one of our back up locations.

But it brings back unpleasant memories. And we lost the Noumu in our escape. It is the reason we managed to escape but it is still a loss.

Tomura is raging. He's doing it silently, but the main thing to figure out is what to do next, and of course, who betrayed us.

I suspect it was no one. I suspect it was simple comfort, that too many of us were seen coming and going from the bar. As I said, quiet leads to complacency. I suppose I should be thankful that it means no one betrayed us.

And the one thing I can say for sure is that we managed to take the anti-quirk bullet's with us. If that was the point of the raid, then we still have them. That is our victory, even with the loss of the Noumu.

I expect any plan to take out Overhaul will be superseded now. We have to strike back, we have to do something to show that the League is still there. It is our obligation and our right as the League. It is expected and I know Tomura is planning it.

He has come a long way, just the way Sensei wanted.

They've both come a long way.


"It's an ambush!" Mirio screamed into his comm, even as he phased. "It's the League," he managed to get out before the device fell off him. He recognised the black warp gate several had emerged from. He sank into the ground as several shots impacted where he had been.

Fire, Mirio recognised. That meant Dabi was there and it probably meant the little girl who had needed help was Himiko Toga. Miro controlled himself and went forward, estimating where the 'girl' might be. All the League had been implicated in many jobs.

Kurogiri was their transport but Himiko was their spy. If he could take out any of the League then it would a good thing.

"We are on our way!" The voice came from his comm, shockingly loud to make sure he heard. There would be no other information given, since the agency knew his comm would no longer be hist. But that gave the Villain's notice that they had a time limit.

Mirio burst from the ground. He'd timed it right and was rewarded with the wide eyes of Himiko. He swung one arm, letting his quirk fade. She saw it and reacted but she was too slow and Mirio's fist hit her temple. Himiko collapsed into a heap.

This was meant to be a routine patrol! That's why he, a side kick, was out on his own. Sir Nighteye knew he could be trusted from his internship. He phased again as another ball of fire lanced through his position. And was that gas?

That changed the priorities. Before he fell back into the ground Mirio looked around. He could see members of the League everywhere, including one covered in hands. Tomura Shigaraki was here! But he couldn't see the Mustard.

Not every Hero had memorised who was in the League and their abilities, but Mirio had a stake in that. With All Might being his mentor, and… More than that. With him carrying on the legacy of One for All, he felt obligated to destroy the organisation One for All had made. All Might had taken out the leader, Mirio now had to take out the rest.

Still phased, he powered up One for All, readying a punch and then he pushed up, emerging from the ground. He smiled as he realised he was on target behind Muscular. He hit the large Villain as hard as he could. Usually he would have held back, or tried with his own strength but he knew how strong this villain was. The man staggered and tried to hit him but Mirio was already gone. One for All was still new to him. He had the strength but he was working on integrating it into his fighting style. It was hard work but it would be worth it. That's why he was with Sir Nighteye's agency still. The man knew All Might and knew how to help.

He heard the call 'Gas Masks', and assumed the League would be donning them. The call though gave him a better location for Mustard and he moved towards it. Practice meant he could hold his breath while phased, but he still needed to breath when he came up and that meant he couldn't have the area covered by gas. He leaped up in front of where he estimated the villain to be, already swinging.

Except… It wasn't Mustard. Mirio felt his eyes widen even as he swung. The other villain obviously knew what he was thinking because he grinned, right before he collapsed. But the damage was done. Mirio took a breath. It was bad. He could taste the gas but he gritted his teeth. It wouldn't be enough to stop him. He grunted with effort as he swung around, not phasing and using the time to properly assess the situation.

The agency would be here soon. He just had to hold on for a it more. Miro saw Dabi. The villain was on the ground and smirking at him. At least Mirio thought it was a smirk. With the facial burns it was hard to tell. Mustard was actually near Toga, putting a mask on her face. Muscular was glaring at him and looking down at him from a balcony was Tomura. Behind him was Kurogiri

It was most of the League. At least, the ones who were powerful. Before he had to take another breath, Mirio phased again. Just in time.

He caught sight of a small warp gate right in front of him and he felt something pass through him before he sank into the ground. He knew where Mustard was now, and even if he couldn't take out that villain he could get one of the masks.

Mirio re-emerged where he knew Mustard would be. The other villain apparently knew that's what he'd do because Mustard tried to put up a defense. It didn't work and he dropped. Mirio was happy about that and grabbed at a mask. He'd have to figure out what went through him later, for now he needed that mask.

The air he breathed through it wasn't fresh. It was hot and tepid but it was clean. That was good!

He glared at the League. They still seemed confident. There was no reason for them not to be but Mirio couldn't help a smile when he heard the noise of the agency arriving.

"More pests," Tomura growled, and Mirio saw the gun in his hands. That explained what had passed through him. They'd tried to shoot him, though this was a new thing for the League. Tomura didn't usually use a weapon. The hand covered villain glared at the newly arrived Heroes.

Mirio stood still as several warp gates opened over those who were unconscious. They passed over their forms before disappearing. Darn it. They really had to take out Kurogiri!

Thankfully the others recognised that. The agency had trained together for years. They knew how to work together. Instead of gas masks, Mirio was amused to see that they all had bubbles over their heads, no doubt giving them fresh air to breath.

What surprised him though was that Sir Nighteye was there. With his quirk he didn't always enter combat, then Mirio knew he was being stupid. The League was here. The same League that had taken out the Eight Precepts of Death and the same League that was terrorising Japan.

Somehow, Mirio could see the smirk adorning Tomura's face, even with the obscuring hands. The man held up something. Mirio didn't know what it was but from the way Sir Nighteye stiffened he did. Wait… obscuring hands… not an obscuring gas mask. There was no gas up there…

He hauled the tepid air into his lungs and phased. The mask clattered to the ground but Mirio didn't hear that, instead he was moving to the building Tomura was in. There was only Kurogiri and the League's leader there. Kurogiri had a fatal weakness. Even the first years… they were now second years had worked that out. And so long as Tomura didn't touch him with all five fingers, then he was just a regular man.

This would be the end of the League.

Mirio leapt from the ground. By his reckoning, he'd be slightly behind the two villains when he emerged. It wouldn't be easy, but it would be doable.

There was a flash of white and a loud noise. The villains didn't wear white! Then as Mirio materialised, something crashed into him. It was Sir! There was red against his back.


Mirio recognised Shigaraki's voice. "That was the last bullet," he said.

"Get back," Sir Nighteye said, pushing himself free of Mirio's hold.

"What, Sir?"

"Get back," came the order again. It didn't help that Mirio could see the red stain getting bigger. His eyes fixed on it. He could barely see anything else. He couldn't hear anything either. There was a rushing in his ears that was odd given everything else.

"Let's go Kurogiri," Shigaraki said.

"No!" Mirio cried as he realised what had happened. Sir had…

Kurogiri said nothing and Mirio could only watch as the warp gate opened and the two villain's disappeared.

Sir Nighteye stumbled forward. Mirio caught him. "Sir!" He cried. He couldn't do anything as the man fell. "No, please, Sir!"

"I'll be fine," Sir Nighteye said. Mirio didn't believe him, not with the stain that large. He could now hear the others rushing to their position. "You have to watch for the hidden, Mirio," Sir Nighteye said. "You have to watch for the hidden one."

"No Sir!"

The other's burst on to the balcony and Mirio allowed himself to be pushed away as Centipeder started first aid.

God, what had he done?

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