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45.33% Beyond The Camera: Book 1 / Chapter 34: Chapter 34

Kapitel 34: Chapter 34

Complete 2nd Album Song List At The Bottom Of This Chapter.


-Sasuke's POV-

Drinking was only making me more angry, so I slowed down as the night continued. Everything was annoying. Sasori left a little bit after two, so Sakura was complaining about him to anyone who'd listen, Hinata and Kiba were hanging out with my brother like it was a normal everyday thing, Ino and Deidara were making out just because they were arguing on who was better at it and not because they actually like one another, and Tenten and Neji broke into our spare bedroom to…well I'm sure you can figure it out.

By the time Ami asked if we could go to bed, it was past four in the morning and I was almost sobered up. My date was still drunk, but she wasn't stumbling around or needing help so it wasn't an issue.

I don't hate her as much as I have the past women, at least yet. Maybe it's too soon to tell because today's the first day we've hung out. Either way, at least she didn't try to act possessive or put her nose where it doesn't belong. She doesn't seem to expect me to ask her to be my girlfriend and for that I'm relieved because it's not going to happen.

Once we made it to my room, she wordlessly motioned for the bathroom to let me know she was going in there and I ignored her as I kicked my shoes off. That is, until she let out a surprised sound and came back out of the bathroom with a hand to her chest, "Should I just use the one downstairs?"

I gave her a confused look and she motioned into the room with an irritated frown. With a sigh, I came to see what she was referring to only to be shocked to the bone when I saw Hinata passed out on the floor. Her hair was splayed about like she'd fallen, but the fact that the toilet seat lid was up meant she probably just felt sick and fell asleep there.

For a moment, I wasn't sure what to do, but had to figure it out quickly or else Ami would likely begin to wonder what my problem was. So I walked past both of them to open the door that led to Hinata's room, intent on waking her boyfriend and having him come get her, but was surprised yet again when I found no one in there.

As I turned to look down at her unconscious face again, I couldn't help but worry. Not only was Kiba gone, but it's incredibly rare for her to drink so much that she feels sick. I've never even seen her get nauseous before. Sure, she's a lightweight, but up until now she's always managed to successfully balance her alcohol intake so she doesn't overdo it.

Left with no other choice, I knelt down beside her and gingerly shook her shoulder, "Hinata." I didn't bother whispering because my intention was to wake her, but she didn't even stir. My concern only got worse. She's a light sleeper, second only to Gaara.

I carefully got a good grip under her side and hoisted her upright. If anything, I can just take her back into her room and make sure she sleeps on her side so if she does throw up, she doesn't choke to death. The movement woke her up, though. Her head lulled to the side as she groaned before she corrected it with a frown.

That's when I noticed her makeup was smeared down her cheeks. Proving my suspicion correct, I watched her face as her eyes opened and she seemed to realize where she was and then she began crying.

My arm shot in front of her when she wobbled forward and she didn't bother stopping herself from leaning against me. God, she's drunk as hell. As if having the thought caused it to happen, Hinata suddenly started trembling and frantically reached for the toilet with her face paling.

I panicked with her, but helped her and quickly pulled her long hair out of her face only for her to not throw up. Instead, her eyes glazed over as though she was asleep with them open and she just sat there and continued crying.

"She'll be fine. What girl hasn't spent a night passed out on a bathroom floor?"

I looked over at Ami with a glare. Here I thought she knew when to keep her mouth shut. The model's eyes narrowed in suspicion before she glanced at the drunk girl in my arms and then back at my face. Before she could make the accusation, I cut her off, "If you're just gonna stare then you can leave."

Ami seemed surprised, then offended, and then she huffed before shutting the door with one last glare in my direction. I even heard it lock. That bitch locked me out of my own damn bedroom.

I was pulled from my disbelief by Hinata reaching back with one hand and I grasped onto it with the one not holding her hair. She squeezed it tightly and for some reason it made me feel bad for her. Every one of her limbs was trembling and there was a depressing aura in the air. Something must've happened after she and Kiba came up here.

A dangerous thought crossed my mind and my eyes narrowed as I quickly looked over her appearance in search of any marks, letting out a sigh of relief when I didn't find anything. Kiba may get on my last damn nerve, but I know he's not the type to do something like that.

Even I could see he treats her extremely well, much better than anyone else might've in his situation. If I asked her out without knowing so much about her, I would've dumped her quickly because of her inexperience and lack of courage to gain any. I'm an asshole, but at least I'm honest with myself about it.

"I'm a truly awful person." Hinata's words were so slurred that it took me a moment to comprehend what she said. Her eyes were closed and her brow was furrowed. She seemed to be trying to calm herself down.

"What are you talking about?"

My curiosity got the better of me. It's rare for her to verbally degrade herself. We all know she does it internally because she really sucks at masking her emotions, but she's never once said something like that out loud.

Her body gave a small jolt as though my voice had startled her, "What?"

I looked over her appearance again. She's in no state to be talking, but I asked anyway, "You said you're an awful person. Why?"

I watched her neck move as she swallowed nervously and waited for her response, but she didn't give one. After another moment or two, her eyes opened and she reached up to wipe at them before freezing with a stunned expression. What the hell is wrong with her? She's acting so weird, even for her. Suddenly, she shot to her feet.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't-!" I lunged up to catch her in time so she wouldn't fall to the floor.

Rather than come to her senses, she began frantically pulling on the sleeves of her clothing. Her breathing was so quick it sounded like she was having a panic attack. "What are you doing? Stop it!" I tried to grab at least one of her hands to prevent her from hurting herself, but she fought me.

My teeth grit. She's so fucking annoying. She's gonna owe me big time for this.

Pearl-colored eyes locked onto her chest, suddenly, and I knew in an instant what she was about to do. The moment her hand touched the zipper, I maneuvered us so she was against the counter. I pressed against her so she wouldn't fall and I could grab both of her wrists. She stared up at me with wide eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I lowered my voice just in case Ami was eavesdropping, "You can't. I'm still a guy, Hinata."

She's trashed, but she knew exactly what I was saying. I can't just leave her alone when she's like this because she'll end up hurting herself or doing something stupid, but I can't let things get out of hand. If she suddenly undressed, I don't know what I'd do. Actually, quite honestly, I'd probably be able to remedy the situation easily and get her dressed in something else so long as she doesn't try to fight me, but good God would it be awkward in the morning.

The dazed look in her eye swiftly morphed into rage and her hands formed into fists. I gave her a bewildered look as she weakly tried to tear her wrists free, "I know you are! That's the fucking problem!"

Hinata's face got bright red and then she fainted. My mouth fell open in shock when her head hit my chest. For a very long moment, I just stood there. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

…Who am I trying to kid? I know exactly what it means.

Unlike her, I'm not new to these types of things. There have been times over the past few weeks where I'd catch her looking at me and wonder if maybe she was going through the same thing I am, trying to stop herself from having urges for someone she's not supposed to get sexually involved with, but she always looked away and directed her attention on her boyfriend so I thought I was mistaken. She does feel the same way, I think, and it's probably why she's been more distant lately.

Up until she began dating Kiba, we hung out for at least a little bit almost every day. Then, all of a sudden, Hinata doesn't act as physically casual with not just me, but Gaara and even sometimes Sakura as well.

As someone who's obviously been starved of both verbal and physical affection most of her life, it was important to all of us that she'd gotten comfortable enough to remain calm if and when those types of situations arose. Now she's gone back to shying away when someone gets too close.

I thought it was just wishful thinking that she was sharing in my struggle to control my desires. If she returned my attracted-feelings, maybe it wouldn't be the end of the world to admit to myself that I want to fuck her senseless. I was so sure I was wrong, though. As I carefully adjusted her so I could pick her up, though, I was in some sort of daze. My mind spun like crazy. All I can picture, for some reason, is the sultry look on her face that night I'd accidentally walked in on her Kiba. Can it really be true that she wants to stare at me like that, against her better judgment or not?

If I found this out the night of the Masquerade ball, I would've been ecstatic, but right now I'm just a bit torn. It's flattering to learn that someone so sexually reserved has trouble controlling herself around me, but it's obvious she very much doesn't want to see me like that. In fact, she seems pissed about it. So now, instead of keeping a tight leash on myself because it might hurt her, I'll have to do so in an attempt to not make her do something she'll end up hating herself for.

I laid her down on her bed and covered her up before taking a look at her face and leaving to get a makeup wipe, coming back to lean over and clean the black streaks off of her cheeks. Hinata was so out of it that she didn't even stir when the likely cold cloth met her skin.

Her lips parted slightly in sleep and I froze, eyes torn to them. They look so soft. What would it be like to kiss her, I wonder?

Hinata's not like these other women. When she looks at me, there isn't the slightest bit of a guard up in her eyes, on her face. All of her actions also reflect that genuinity. The concept's so foreign to me that it sometimes catches me off guard and I have to quickly mask my surprise. What's it like to kiss someone who isn't doing it just to please you, but because they can't help themselves?

If she wasn't a virgin and somehow allowed me to do all the inappropriate things I want to her body, would her eyes remain as expressive? Not once in my life have I fucked someone I've cared about. Never. There has to be a difference in what it's like.

God, I want to know…

I froze when I realized I'd leaned much closer to her face and quickly removed myself from her bed with a glare. The knowledge that she sees me as a man and not just a friend is dangerous. I almost wish I could go back to ten minutes ago when I didn't know it.

-Hinata's POV-

Well before I opened my eyes in the morning, a sharp pain was pulsing through my skull. My very first hangover has finally arrived. The familiar hollow, dull feeling that follows crying myself to sleep was prominent and it almost took me off guard. It's been such a long time since I've felt anything like it.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a tall glass of water on my nightstand and groggily sat up to drink almost the entire thing. Tears re-wetted my eyes immediately as though hydrating had rejuvenated my emotions. The memories of what happened last night in the bathroom suddenly returned and I sat up a little straighter as I placed the glass back onto the table.

Humiliation. That's the word that best describes what I'm feeling.

Not only did Kiba dump me last night, but I made a drunken fool of myself in front of Sasuke and his date. A sick, hot feeling rose to my face as the tears flowed over and I angrily wiped at them. I'm the last person that should be crying right now.

"You good?"

My blurry vision focused and I finally realized Sasuke was sitting with his back to my bed where I could see his profile as he stared at the bathroom door rather than look in my direction. The room was silent for a long moment as I tried to overcome my shock.

When I did, the shame of all that happened overwhelmed me and I slowly struggled out of bed so I could stumble over to my closet. If I say a word to him right now, I know I'm going to break down again so the best plan of action is to create some distance until I've had some time to gather my thoughts and calm down. His eyes were burning a hole into my back as I grabbed the first items of clothing my hands could grasp onto and escaped into the bathroom just in time for my composure to crack.

My hand gripped against my chest as I fought to keep my sobs quiet enough that he wouldn't hear them. Acting on autopilot, I turned the shower on and turned to look at my disheveled reflection as the water warmed. The moment I laid eyes on the stupid fucking bodysuit, I felt sick and frantically unzipped it to begin tearing it off, which proved to be just as difficult as putting it on.

A louder sob choked through my throat as I desperately gave up and ripped the fabric with all my might before throwing the god forsaken thing into the trash can with a hard glare. If I never touch a piece of leather again in my life, I'll be fine with it.

Then, as if nothing happened at all, I turned and climbed into the shower before trying with all my might to scrub away the awful memories from last night from my hair and skin. The tears stopped at some point, to my relief.

After brushing my hair and teeth, I shrugged on the sweater and leggings I'd grabbed before taking a deep breath and entering my bedroom. To my surprise, Sasuke was sleeping in my bed. I can tell he wasn't faking, too, because his face was relaxed and unguarded. My throat tightened as my body threatened to start crying all over again and I tore my eyes from his appearance to grab my phone and head downstairs.

The screen flashed the time as I neared the staircase and I realized it was just before nine in the morning. After spending the night so nauseous, I was sure I'd sleep in much later trying to recuperate. The body's natural clock is strong even at times when you wish it wasn't. That being said, most if not all of the people who might've crashed here last night are likely gone by now.

Anticipating a day's worth of cleaning to be done, I frowned as I descended the stairs. Imagine my surprise when I reached the ground floor to see Sakura and Gaara were finishing up gathering garbage bags and the rest of the house appeared as perfect as the day we moved in. The Halloween decorations were already taken down as well.

When she heard my footsteps, Sakura turned to give me a bright smile, only for it to sink when she saw how puffy and red my eyes are, "Oh no! What happened?" Gaara wordlessly took the bag from her hands so she could rush over to put her cold palms on either side of my warm face, "Did you and Kiba get in a fight or something?"

I nodded, trying and somehow succeeding to hold back my tears even though my chin quivered. She pulled me into a firm hug with an empathetic pout as she tried to cheer me up with affection, "Aw, I'm sorry. Let's go pick up some coffee and you can tell me about it." We wordlessly got our shoes and jackets before heading out to her car.

Sakura told me before we even debuted that her dream car is a cherry red Toyota Prius. The moment money began coming in, she purchased it and came home happy as can be. As of yet, only she and Sasuke have vehicles. The Uchiha man has some sort of expensive looking sports car. It's dark blue with two doors and he already had it before signing with Evolution Entertainment, but that's about the extent of my knowledge.

Gaara would have to have another person's name on the title of any car he purchased right now because he doesn't turn eighteen until next year, so he's opted to wait. I personally just hitch a ride with one of the others or borrow one of the agency's many rentals.

The drive to the cafe was silent as we listened to the radio softly. Naturally, all of us know one another's preferences when it comes to food and drinks, especially coffee, so Sakura didn't hesitate in the slightest when she pulled up to the window and they asked what she wanted to order.

She always gets a caramel latte with extra caramel, Sasuke always gets a regular americano, and I usually get an iced macchiato. Gaara used to drink coffee until around the time Sakura and I voiced our concern with it affecting his ability to sleep, so now he orders either decaffeinated hot tea or some sort of fruity iced drink. Since it's colder outside, she ordered my drink hot and tea for our redheaded friend. When her stomach rumbled loudly, she gave me a sheepish grin and ordered four blueberry muffins to add on before pulling forward.

After retrieving everything, we were soon back on the highway and on our way home. "So what happened? Gaara said Kankuro saw him leave last night." I frowned. I'd completely forgotten that the other Subaku siblings were there last night. Either I somehow missed them or was too drunk to recall the encounter.

Sakura didn't notice me glancing at her because she was too focused on the road.

She knows there's some sort of tension between me and Sasuke, there's no way she doesn't, just like I know she's been smitten with Gaara since day one. All of us know it: Sasuke, Tenten, Ino. The only one who seems oblivious is the redhead himself. I don't know how, either, because she even got a boyfriend to distract herself from her crush, but Sasori looks like he could be Gaara's older brother. Despite all of this, it's kind of gone as an unspoken rule not to bring up the topic of having inappropriate feelings for the men of Prestige. Hopefully now that I'm about to break that rule, things don't get awkward.

My fingers fumbled in my lap and I struggled to find the right words, "W-Well, Kiba dumped me."

The pink-haired woman looked over at me with shock-filled eyes before focusing them on the road again. Her voice didn't betray her disbelief, though, "What? You guys seemed so cute and happy last night!"

I nodded, a soft sigh passing my lips, "H-He said he can tell I-I…" She glanced at me again, confused. Tears threatened to well up in my eyes like earlier and I narrowed down my explanation to just one word in an attempt to keep my composure, "Sasuke."

Sakura's mouth clamped shut, her jaw flexing as she undoubtedly clenched her teeth. It's not an easy topic to talk about for either of us. Eventually she nodded, "I'm sorry, Hinata. I know how much you like Kiba. Is it for sure over?"

I took a deep breath and looked up to continue battling my emotional tears, "He didn't say the exact words, but how would he want to stay together when I couldn't even deny his accusation? I-If he did, I think I'd break things off myself. It's just not fair to him."

Sakura sighed, her mood seeming to match mine at this point, "Well, the only advice I can give you is to keep being honest and hope for the best."

I gave her a grateful smile before realizing she had an incredibly torn expression on her face, "Are you alright?"

She glanced at me with a knowing look before her entire face fell into a look of complete stress and paranoia, "Am I crazy to suspect Sasori's cheating on me?"

My spine straightened and I gave her a bewildered look. "What! With who?"

Her expression became hopeful, "It's crazy, right? He wouldn't do that to me, would he?"

I waved a dismissive hand, shaking my head, "That's not what I'm-...What makes you think he's cheating?"

Sakura's face fell once more, but she shrugged in what appeared to be her best attempt at seeming nonchalant, "It's not one big thing, but a lot of small ones." I patiently waited for her to elaborate and she pouted when she realized. "Neither of us have any proof, and don't tell Gaara I told you, but he said he heard Hidan say something about Sasori wanting to get back with his ex to someone on the phone the night of the dorm party."

By the tone of her voice, there was more she wanted to add to that statement, but instead she moved on to the other reasons she suspected the drummer of being disloyal, "And, that same night, he came over with one cologne on and then came back later with a completely different one."

My mouth fell open in shock, "He wouldn't be that careless, would he? You guys were still brand new then!"

She nodded with a hint of anger touching her brow, "I thought so too, at first, but then I remembered the girl we saw Gaara making out with at Masquerade and how he swears it wasn't him."

The thoughts in my head whirled chaotically as I recalled seeing the back of our bandmate's head as he danced and kissed the pretty brunette girl. She frowned at my understanding expression. Like I was saying earlier, Gaara and Sasori look incredibly similar, and that's from the front. If you're looking at them side by side from behind, it'd be nearly impossible to tell who is who.

Sasori wouldn't be so brazen about cheating on Sakura like that, would he? There were hundreds of people and photographers around, not to mention Sakura herself.

"He knew you'd be there that night. He wouldn't do something that risky, would he?"

The car pulled into the garage of the house and she turned it off as the electric door shut behind it. "I know Gaara's not a liar, but I still don't know what to believe anymore. Hidan could've been saying stuff like that because he knew Gaara was listening and wanted to stir up some drama, but he would've caved about the girl by now, right?"

I shook my head as I followed her through the side door of the large garage and down the walkway of the yard toward the front door, "I don't know. Maybe you should talk to Gaara and tell him your thoughts and ask him again. If he's been lying, he'll definitely tell you then." She didn't respond before opening the door and then we were inside the warmer house.

The redhead who we've been talking about appeared to have finished cleaning up and taking the trash out to the bins by the road. He was sitting on the sofa with a decorative pillow in the lap of his crossed legs as he watched television. Sakura handed him his tea with a small grin, patting the top of his head with her free hand and scrunching her nose at the cute pout he offered in response. When she walked away to put the drink carrier on the kitchen island, I handed over the box of muffins and he perked right back up.

Gaara's our resident sweet-tooth. At first, I thought it'd be me because my love for cinnamon rolls is unparalleled, but boy was I wrong. The young man can eat an ungodly amount of sugar without getting a stomach ache or gaining weight. It makes me jealous.

Both of us jumped when Sakura suddenly cursed in a panicked hiss, "Oh shit! I forgot about Ami! Do you think she's still here?"

I suddenly remembered the Uchiha man stole my bed while I showered earlier, something he's only ever done a few times because he has an insanely nice and expensive mattress in his own room that is to die for. He doesn't sleep somewhere else unless he has no other choice, meaning Ami was likely in his room and for some reason he didn't want to be.

Then, I recalled him trying to help me last night while I was completely trashed and began to worry they'd gotten into a fight or something because of me.

As if thinking of Sasuke magically summoned him, the dark-haired man came downstairs in his pajamas with an incredibly unhappy glare on his tired face. His eyes were dark and heavy as though he didn't get enough sleep. Guilt clawed at my chest when he reached the ground level and looked up. The floor was suddenly very interesting and I had no choice but to avert my eyes to it.

Sakura's voice was incredibly quiet as she whispered in a guilty voice, "Is Ami still here?"


Even I was a bit shocked by his irritated tone and looked up to see his eyes lock onto the cup of coffee on the counter before his expression perked up. The pink-haired woman handed it to him with a laugh and he patted her cheek casually, "We might just keep you around after all."

She rolled her eyes, turning to grab her own drink off the counter, "I'd get a muffin now, if I were you. Gaara's gonna eat them all."

The man in question blushed and pushed the pastry carton a bit away from him when Sasuke turned to shoot him an intimidating glare. I smiled at their antics. The two act like brothers.

"You can have mine, Gaara," I offered as I sat on one of the stools at the kitchen island. He gave me a confused look, knowing I like sweet things too. My face warmed and I shook my head, "I drank too much. It'll just make me sick." He gave me a smile before snatching it out of the box before Sasuke could rip the box away.

All of our phones suddenly vibrated at the same time which meant one thing: Tenten was awake. I pulled mine out and read the lengthy message she'd sent in the group chat, "Good morning, my beautiful babies! Last night was fun, but now it's time to get back to work! Kakashi wants to hear at least one song from each of you by the end of the week. See you on Friday! XXOO"

My heart sank down into the pit of my stomach with dread. I've helped literally all three of the others with their songwriting, hoping it'd inspire me to come up with something of my own, but I don't have a single verse complete, much less an entire song. There are a few ideas for lines scribbled messily in my notebook, but none of it was fitting together yet.

A groan vibrated my chest as I got to my feet and rushed downstairs to our music studio, ignoring the others' amused reactions to my panic. As soon as I sat down at my keyboard, I flipped open my notebook and scoured the lyrics littering the first few pages.

My mind was completely blank. I don't know what I'm going to do. There are a few big topics I can focus on, like my career's journey, my feelings about Kiba, or even how awful my childhood had been.

Half an hour later, balled up pieces of paper surrounded my instrument and I was nearly in tears as I stared down at a blank page in my notebook. The pencil in my hand flicked against the paper anxiously. The door to the basement suddenly opened and all three of the others came down, likely to see if I needed help.

"Hey, Hina. How's it going so far?" Sakura spoke in a soft voice as though she could tell how thin my self-patience was getting.

I shook my head, blinking back my frustrated tears with an embarrassed blush, "I-I'm alright, no worries!"

Gaara sat on the couch and offered a small smile when he saw me glance at him, "You're trying to write a ballad, right?" They must've overheard me struggling over the past few weeks to come up with a melody.

Sasuke suddenly reached down and picked up one of the balled up notebook pages and I shot out of my seat to try and take it, "D-Don't!"

He held it up out of my reach with a glare, "What's the big deal? You saw all of our notes." Tears welled up in my eyes again as I tried again and he moved his arm even more out of reach.

Sakura's hand grabbed onto my outreached one and she pulled me to face her with a firm look, "I know exactly what your problem is, Hinata." I reached up to wipe at the salty liquid running slowly down my cheeks. "You're trying to plan every little piece of it out, but that's not how it works. You have to loosen up and just let it happen."

Sasuke scoffed, tossing the paper in his hand at me, "A control freak telling someone to go with the flow. Ironic."

I caught the paper with a glare, but then something in what he said clicked and I shooed all three of them, "Get out, I think I have it." Gaara got up and pulled the other two along with him up the steps, ignoring their loud protests. I'll have to thank him later.

Over the next five days, if I wasn't sleeping, I was in the basement slaving over the song I'd finally begun to create.

Gaara, who I've been teaching how to play piano in my limited spare time, offered to help me with its composition, but I politely refused. No matter how much I love and trust my bandmates, songwriting is something I just can't seem to let anyone see or hear until it's completely finished.

The redhead is a musical prodigy. Songs popped out of him with ease, he can sight read music without being given a pitch to match, and the quick rate he picks up new instruments is unbelievable. I've been teaching him for less than three months and he's already better than I was after two years of training myself. Still, I couldn't let him help because the song I was writing was too personal. It all had to come from me, just me.

By the time Friday came around, my eyes were heavy with exhaustion and I was mentally fried. Regardless, my song was completely finished and ready to be presented to the CEO.

To my relief, we didn't have to perform the songs in front of everyone. In fact, Kakashi specifically requested for each of us to present them with the others out in the hall in an attempt to not embarrass us if there's something he doesn't like.

Sakura wrote a song with the intention of either two or all of us to sing and she named it "Give A Little". It was a charming mix between the r&b, alternative, and latin genres. Sasuke wrote a song called "Why", meant to be a duet with just him and Gaara, that surprised every single one of us to the core because it's a ballad, the last thing anyone expected him to come up with. Gaara presented not one, not two, but three completely finished songs, making the rest of us look like slackers. All joking aside, though, his natural talent is so impressive.

Finally, it was my turn. When I stepped into the studio room, Kakashi and Tenten were there, which I expected. What I didn't expect was for Naruto to be sitting at the control board with another producer that I recognized as the guy with a ponytail who'd been in the hallway with the Uzumaki man when Sakura and Sasuke got into an argument with him.

"You know Naruto, but this is Shikamaru Nara. He's one of our newer producers. Prestige will be working with these two for this album." I blinked as Kakashi's explanation sank in. So I have to sing in front of…Naruto?!

My face heated substantially as I crossed the room to shake Shikamaru's hand, "Nice to meet you." He nodded with a bored expression.

Tenten snickered, "That's just how he looks, Hinata, don't let it faze you."

"Yeah, you've got this, Hina!" Naruto piped up enthusiastically.

Shikamaru spoke before I could respond to either of them, "May I have your accompaniment?"

The grip I had on the folder in my hands tightened, "A-Actually, I wanted to play it live if that's alright. I brought a flash drive if not." His eyes widened slightly, but he gestured for me to go ahead and enter the booth.

It took a few minutes to adjust the keyboard and headphones and then it was time to show how hard I've worked. A familiar beep came through the speakers to signal I could begin whenever I'm ready. A deep, slow breath filled my stomach and I released it along with the tension in my body. Feeling much calmer, I placed my fingers on the keys and began playing.

Early in the morning I still get a little bit nervous

Fighting my anxiety constantly, I try to control it

Even when I know it's been forever I can still feel the spin

Hurts when I remember and I never wanna feel it again

I came to the pre-chorus and closed my eyes, playing from memory rather than by reading the sheet music. The only reason I was able to finish this assignment was because my bandmates were there to help me and I hope this song would be enough to show them how much appreciation I have for them.

Don't know if you get it 'cause I can't express how thankful I am

That you were always with me when it hurts, I know that you'd understand

The chorus began and it had a lot of sustained notes. It would've been easy to write in higher-pitched, more impressive notes, and I have the ability to perform them, but I feel like it would ruin the entire point of the song itself.

I don't wanna lose control

Nothing I can do anymore

Trying every day when I hold my breath

Spinning out in space pressing on my chest

I don't wanna lose control

The rest of the song went fairly well, considering, and I picked up after myself and left the booth when I was given the signal to. My fingers trembled slightly as I stood in front of the only four people to ever hear my very first self-written song.

Kakashi gave me his charming smile and lay a hand affectionately on my head, "You did a great job, Hinata. We're very proud of you."

Tenten pulled me into a tight hug, burying her face in my hair as she dramatically whined, "It's even better than I thought it'd be!"

Before I realized what was happening, tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Naruto stood up in a panic, "What's wrong?"

Tenten and Kakashi reassured him, the former pulling my head into her shoulder as she laughed light-heartedly, "She's just happy, is all."

I wanted to berate them for being amused by my inability to restrain my emotions, but the fact that both of them know me well enough to realize why I was crying without asking just made me feel happier and I returned Tenten's hug with an embarrassed blush.

"I have a question."

We all turned to Shikamaru, who was holding one headphone to his ear as he likely listened to the playback of my singing. I wiped at my tears and waited. His brown eyes moved to meet mine and I held my breath, preparing myself not to take it personally if there was something he didn't like about it. "I know you want to perform this with just piano, but I think you should let us mess around with it a bit and see if there's anything you like. What do you say?"

My lips tugged slightly as I tried to hide the relieved smile trying to force itself into view, "T-That's fine, thank you."

Slow Dance-Ava Max/AJ Mitchell


Control-Zoe Wees

Losing Me-Gabrielle Aplin/JP Cooper

Man On The Moon-Benjamin Ingrosso/Alan Walker

Give A little-Ash/Naila

Why-Shawn Mendes/Leon Bridges

Losing Temper-Linda Antonia/B-YAN/XavTheArtist

Fallin' (Adrenaline)-Why Don't We

Like I'm Gonna Lose You-Meghan Trainor/John Legend

Almost Is Never Enough-Nathan Sykes/Ariana Grande

Don't Deserve This-Nea/Sandro Cavassa/Animal Elektric

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