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100% [Blood Moon] Twilight / Chapter 36: BM:B3 Chapter 5

Kapitel 36: BM:B3 Chapter 5

We all stood in the clearing, just waiting and listening to the tree rustle, listening for the snow crunch. I listened to the different ways the wind pushed on the limbs of the tree for any noise that would not be the wind.

"Less than 1 minute, guys." Alice Said

I looked at Alice and Edythe, and they smiled at me.

'Edythe probably read my mind, and Alice has already seen it.'

I did not know that Victoria had turned this many humans; she must have started her army somewhere else; with these numbers, it would have been too noticeable if she had done it all in the same place.

They slowly started to exit the forest, and around 150 New-Born Vampires exited the forest with Riley; I saw the missing picture that his parents gave to Charlie. He looked at me and smirked, then looked around at our group and growled.

"So, where is the little one." He asked

"Not here; he had other things to deal with than Victoria's petty revenge," I said

"Petty Revenge; you have no idea what he did to her, do you."

"No, I don't, and quite frankly, I don't give a shit. You should know the saying "An eye for an eye," don't you?" I said

He growled and then nodded his head to his army.


(Doing the Fight in no one P.O.V)

As Riley's army started to run toward the Cullens and their Cousins, they got about halfway before their attention was taken away when about 22 giant wolves came jumping out of the forest. The Wolves tore through the New-Borns, who stood shocked they did not know their existence yet.

The New Borns, who were still processing the Wolve entrance, were picked off by bullets coming from the forest. The Imprints, who were braver, were using the rifles Drake had sent over.


(E's P.O.V.)

I tore off a New-Borns head; once I was done, I watched Mom and Dad corner a small New-Born looked about 13 or 14. They turned their head and looked at me; I saw the girl had her hands up, and she looked to be surrendering. I saw the look on my newly adopted parents. I nodded and saw the smile in my new mother's eyes.

(I am making Bree 13, I have a reason, so we continue)

I was chasing a couple of stragglers running toward the Rez; I reached into my pocket and pulled out one of the pistols.

'It's a cheap move, but fuck it.'

I tackled them and took one to the ground, the other falling as well; I aimed my gun at the one I was on, shot him, then turned towards the other one only to be hit into a tree. I got to my feet. Two New-Borns hit my legs from underneath; my legs buckled down, and I kneeled down. I watch Riley come from behind a tree.

"You are a creative bastard; I will give you that." He said, grabbing my pistol.

"What can I say other than I am better than you," I said

"Keep telling yourself that you going to come out, babe."

I turned my head and watched as a female vampire wearing a leg prosthetic and an arm one, also a mask coving half her face.

"Jesus, who the fuck threw you into a blender."

Riley came up to me and hit me in the face, "Watch it."

She came closer to us, "You must be Victoria?" I said

She went to speak but stopped then continued, "Yo..u be Dr..ak. .es"

"Yup, Jesus, we speak English, you know?"

Riley came up and kicked me into a tree. The two others New-Borns grabbed me and pulled me back up. I looked at Victoria, and she slowly took off her mask.

'Jesus Stevie, What The Fuck!'

I was looking at Victoria's face, and it was like someone took sandpaper to her face or a hot knife and cut a massive chunk of her face off, like a clean cut.

"Now, that kid is a damn true monster." He said as he approached me, "But now that we have you, we can take your head and deliver it to Drake as a gift."

I started to laugh, "You think your threats scare me, I am One of the KINGS OF THE VOLTURI, your threats are beneath me, yes, you may kill me, but my mate and the whole Volturi won't rest till you are all nothing but ammo for those weapons." I said, raising my voice

I could tell the threat intimidated the two holding me.

"Well, see," Riley said

He approached me and started to pull on my head.

It felt like he was taking him a bit, I heard him yell, and his voice got farther away. I looked up to see he was laying next to a tree and on the ground; I looked at Victoria and then looked in the direction she was looking at.

I saw Stevie; both his hands were on his cane, his skin as white as snow, 'ehh he just got more whiter,' his left eye was Orange which is a side effect of using his blood supplements; his right was still red from his prosthetic eye. His hair had not changed from its snow-white color. I looked at his legs. I saw one was a normal human/vampire leg the other was his prosthetic, but it looked like a combination between vampire skin and his prosthetic.

Jane stood next to him, half a foot taller than him. Then in a blind second, he had Victoria raised into the air, and he was walking towards us while holding her; Jane used her power on the two holdings to me down; I took the chance and tore those two apart.

I went to Stevie and hugged him, "Ohh man, how I have missed you."


(Drake P.O.V)

I hugged E back, "Hey, man, I missed you too."

We separated, then looked to Victoria, "We can talk more later; we have to deal with this." I said to E


I approached Victoria, picked up Riley from the ground, then brought him next to Victoria, just watching them in the air.

"Well. . . . Well Well, the last time we spoke, I told you to never make your presence known. But you didn't listen, did you."

I stared at the two; they did say anything.

"No, Nothing? Okay, as the Prince of the Volturi and the King standing here to witness. I pass judgment on the two of you. I find both of you guilty of creating a New-Born Army and sentence you two to death."

I started to squeeze my hand, and I watched as their limbs began to be ripped off by my power, I heard Riley scream, and then their heads popped off; I then turned to E.

"Grab the other two, and let us carry these back to the clearing for burning.


We entered the clearing; I saw that they had already started to burn the body; I carried Victoria and Riley's body . . . parts and put them in the fire.

I turned for one second, and Mom hugged me, "Ohh, I missed you, my Son."

I returned her hug, "I missed you too."

Dad walked up to me; he took notice of my legs, "So, did something go wrong or Right."

"I would say both; during the transformations, the left leg accepted the human leg, but the right never did, so they quickly removed it, then attached the prosthetic there, and the venom started to alter the material of the legs. But other than that, I can still run like a normal vampire, but when walking, it's awkward, so I use the cane."

"I am just happy your fine, son," Dad said

"Me too."

I walked around hugging my relatives and my siblings; after I was done, I took notice of another person behind Alice; she was a couple of inches taller than me, with long brown hair, young looking, maybe 13 or 14. I used my telekinesis to pull her to me; she obviously looked scared.

Jane sped next to me, " Y'all forgot one." She said

I interrupted, "No, they didn't; she surrendered."

"How do you know she surrendered?" Mom asked

"Because E is here, and he would be the only one to approve it; even if she did surrender, it was y'alls option to spare her. So my guess is the mom you two asked E to spare her."

E laughed, "Well, they didn't ask, but you know that look mom gives when she is saddened, it's that motherly look she gives, you know?"

I looked at him, "Yes, I know."

I looked back at the girl, "What is your name?"

She shyly answered, "Bree . . . Bree Tanner."

"Well, Bree, it is nice to meet you; quick question did Riley and Victoria explain the rules of this world that I assume you were forced into?"

She shacked her head, "No."

"Well, Bree, in the vampire world, there are rules and even a government to enforce those rules. That group is called the Volturi; they are in Volterra, Italy. They are the closed you will get to a government; they don't have many rules, but they are critical. I am the son of those rulers." I look to E, "E over there is mated to one of the Queens, which makes him a King; that is why you were spared. I know you were forced into this; I can tell. You will not be harmed."

I gently set her down on the ground; she shyly walks back to Alice and Jasper and she hides behind the two. I look at Alice and Jasper, then Bree.

"Ahh, I see," I said

Alice is just smiling while Jasper holds Bree to him.

I turn around to see Father, "You are right, my Figlio, that little girl has a parental bond with Jasper and Alice; I guess with how young she is, it developed quicker because she needed someone to protect her, and we all know Jasper is good with Emotion, so she was drawn to those two."

"Y'all, you are right."

I look back to Bree, "Bree."

She turns to me, "Welcome to the Family." I said with a warm smile.

She gives me a smile back.

We were waiting on the Quileute to get here; some had gone to check on their imprints.

I watched as Bonnie came up with Sam; she stared down at me the creaked a smile.

"How is it even as a vampire? I still see you with that damn cane."

"Wow, Rude much," I said

I hugged her and then said we should all do a victory party.

"I think we are going to need to get supplies," I said

Alice and Mom came up to me, " No, we won't. The other imprints were already setting up, down at the Rez during the fight." Alice said

"Well then, what are we waiting on? Let's go." I said


(Welp, one more chapter in the B3, I am debating on not doing breaking dawn and just doing a complete of just chapter for after B3. What do you all think?


Create a new Enemy for the Volturi and Drakes Family to fight


Just like a normal ending finish (Beau transformation.) (Give rose what she wants)

Most ideas will be in both, but it depends on your thoughts.

I will let this poll go until the 25 of next month.

(If you want to see my face claims for the people I changed, look here)

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