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88.88% Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse. / Chapter 55: Chapter XLI: Songs of Innocence

Kapitel 55: Chapter XLI: Songs of Innocence

 Yozora's P.O.V

Before Michael's appearance…

Opening my eyes, I saw the other me, Winged Kuriboh, and Gramps still in their position as if nothing had happened. To my luck, it seems that the stupid fanfiction troupes stopped with Michael.

Slowly I stood up from the position that I was previously in, I cast [Structural Analysis] on myself to search for any change that could happen in my body and besides the mild fatigue of the process, there was not much of a problem.

Feeling the connection with [Innovate Clear], I started to create a pathway towards my [Inner World] but this time instead of trying to just send my consciousness I am sending my whole it. Visualization is one of the most important aspects in most "Power Systems" in the omniverse and this especially applies to [Sacred Gears]. 

So, when I imagine "A travel between worlds" the clearest image in my mind was the [Corridors of Darkness]. Sure, there is also [Garganta] and the green portals of the Portal Gun, but since I was already doing something similar with [Death Energy], it was the easiest option. 

Besides, I can always change the "visual effect" depending on the situation and the "image" I want to give, as for now that is my Luxu persona "trademark".

Tendrils of darkness started to form behind me until it became a portal with sufficient space to let me pass through it. 

"Quick pass me the bracelet, we have a "Bellwood's Inheritance Dungeon" situation, check on this side for being reaction regarding being inside of my soul," I explained briefly to the other me since I had little to no time before the link broke.

The other me dismissed Winged Kuriboh [Oversoul] and threw the bracelet at me. "Mahito situation." The other me corrected. 

"Whatever." I said not trying to correct him as both of them are correct and technically in both we are the "bad guy". 

"Be careful, Little Yozora," Gramps said knowing that whatever was happening I had to do it alone. 

I nodded my head at Gramps before walking to the [Corridor of Darkness] to go to my [Inner World].

Walking into my very soul is a novel experience, sure I have already "been" here but being "physically" here is another thing, I wonder if this is how people feel when they deploy their [Reality Marble] for the first time. 

The closest feeling, I could think of, was when my [Magic Circuits] started to change from a metaphysical state to one more "solid" before they were similar to a phantom limb

Having too little time to experiment with [Innovate Clear] I will first use its ability to terraform the scenario a little bit to hide the city of Uruk. Apart from being a constant pain to my sight, I would rather not give any clues that could contradict any of the statements I am about to make. 

Currently, I am nowhere near the city, well the concept of distance is relative inside my soul but by estimates, I am around 1000 km away from it, a farther distance than it would be from London to Pekin. There is this phenomenon that no matter how "far" I am from Uruk, I can always see it. Maybe something related to how intertwined Gilgamesh and my existence are.

Soon the landscape started to change as I felt a little bit of a "curtain" was created in between our territories and since except for the "important stars" that follow me wherever I go inside, most of the place looks the same for the sight of the many, so it would be more than enough for now.

[Innovate Clear] does not give me [True Omnipotence] or [Reality Warping] otherwise I would have destroyed Gilgamesh's stupid face in this very instant instead of scaring the shit out of Michael. And while I am "more free" on what I can do here than other users would be capable of, there are still things I can't currently do. 

So to begin with the preparation I drank an [Aging Potion] just enough to make me look 10 years older and after drinking the last necessary drop of it(banana flavored btw) I started to feel how my body was changing. First, my bones started to stretch as well as my muscles fibbers, the little baby face that I had on my face started to disappear as my facial bones started to morph. 

As soon as the process ended, I started to move around and stretch my body at the new change. "I am glad that Little Daniel has experienced this kind of change. "My voice was deeper than before saying these words. I usually do not change it since I find it to be a hassle to be in this induced state. And even if Daniel was not as small as it was depicted at the beginning of the Manhwa it was still a considerable difference of height compared with his second body. 

Inspecting myself I noticed that I am exactly 1.84 meters tall, 2 centimeters taller than the last time I used one of these potions, it seems that many of the changes that I have been through changed this fact, hopefully, my height won't increase that much again. 

Watching my reflection in a mirror that I created with the help of [Innovate Clear], now my resemblance with Noctis and Yozora from my memories is a lot more visible, of course, I am more handsome than both of them. 

A/N: At the start of Final Fantasy XV even if he kinda looks like a teenager, he is 20 years old, so I am going to assume that Yozora from Kingdom Hearts 3/ Verum Rex is about the same age. 

Touching my face I started to change my appearance with [Displacement Magecraft], even if I mostly use it for [Space Manipulation] the base concept of it is to change/replace something with another so changing my appearance is not much of a problem and with the experience that I got from my [Yokai Transformation] it has become easier. Even if it seems redundant to take the potion while I can change my height and appearance with just [Displacement Magecraft] it is less damaging to my body.

Although I did not what the original Lucifer looked like before coming to this world, thanks to one of the older Devils as well as Chazaqiel and Luriel's memories, I got to know it. So, I made my hair grow below my shoulders and turned it to a white-silvery color as my eyes gained a yellowish tonality. My facial features turned more European-like instead of my Asian ones. 

And for the final touch a voice modifying spell to make my voice exactly like his. "Hello detective~," I said with my best British accent, honed by years of living in Britain "Wait wrong Lucifer." Honestly, I could not help myself on this one. 

"Well then, let's begin," I said enabling the connection with the [Heaven System] so Michael could enter my [Inner World]. 

Truthfully my intention with Michael is not to try to kill him, not at all. 

For starters he is stronger than me, I am not ashamed to admit this. Quite obvious if you think about it; he is a being that has been alive almost since the beginning of the creation of his pantheon, one of the first creations of the Biblical God. And even if this is "just" a "Middle Tier" World, it is a world that is on the upper echelons of that category. 

And to begin with, I am not in the [Prime DXD World]. I know that since the beginning and Kazuma said that it was only a little bit different from the one in canon.

But what is "canon"?? 

Kazuma said that from time to time, humans have these "connections" to other realities which they use as base for their work. What does assure me that they are connected to the [Prime World]? Sure, there are endless amounts of universes so as far as I know the Ishibumi-Sensei from my original world could have been right in almost everything since in that version maybe the change was so minimal that it did not affect it. 

But did he write everything or maybe just the parts that he liked? Or maybe he did not know how to interpret with words what he was "seeing". What about the editors? Maybe he asked Ishibumi to change things or evade certain things since certain parts were not to the liking of the targeted audience. 

The god that oversees this world is something to take into consideration. He changed the characteristic ability of the Original Lucifer of this world from just [Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light] to the previous one and [Flames of Purgatory] something that Rezevim did not inherit, most likely by the influence of Fuga in this particular case.

In the novel, it was implied that the Extra Clans were not created by Lucifer and Lilith, but existed at the same time as him this takes into consideration that Mephistopheles was active since the beginning, but he alongside Lilith created the whole 72 Clans as well the rest of the devils, making it seem as if they were the first beings of the Devil Faction and maybe the other 3 Satans were either transformed into devils as they are depicted in other biblical verses or other religions. It is also possible that were just strong devils that existed since the beginning of Judeo-Christian Cosmology,

//A.N: This is my interpretation based on the Novels, to be more specific to Volume 24 almost at the end of the volume. *Spoiler Warning* Hades found Lilith's body in Rizevim's research facility and Apophis gave him [The Book of Lucifer] and started to make experiments to create Super Devils. There he talks about the little detailed information about the other Satans and Mephistopheles. So that is my view of the start of the Devils in the DXD canon.//

But from the information that I gathered from the Devils and Fallen Angels; in this world the OG Lucifer was indeed an Angel who rebelled against The Biblical God as it was described in The Bible. But instead of falling, he went away from Heaven and somehow the next time he appeared was as The Devil. None of them know how he achieved this.

There is also the existence of Chazaqiel and Lucier, those Fallen Angels were not even mentioned in the novels, or any other source related to DXD. Chazaqiel was described in the Book of Enoch as "God's Cloud" and maybe in this version he did survive the Great War or was killed in between the Post-War and canon. But if either of them was alive in canon they would have at least been mentioned as before the Power Scale went to the sewer, Ultimate Class was something big. 

And from their memories, I also could appreciate that the previous conception of Power Levels in this world was not that accurate as some of them are Stronger than I thought.

The second point is that I do not have any personal grudge against Michael. If I somehow kill him, it will not benefit me at all. It will just make things worse for me in the future. From my perspective, in the novels, he doesn't seem to be an unlikable guy, but I do think that he is a wimp and needs to grow some nerve, especially because of how passive he acts with the Church. 

As for the final point, even if this is partially for Shit and Giggles. He has a role to play in my plans and for that, I do need him alive and in his five senses, I could take control of him but I decided against it since I do not want to risk him falling, as it would make his part of my plan pointless. I need first to inspect other Angels for that. Besides I do not think that I would be able to control him or wound him of fatality thanks to the [Heaven System] and that he will partially be here, I would have to damage his soul directly for that. 

But all of my thoughts halted as a blinding light appeared in front of me and behind that light, I could see an anthropological silhouette the light started to fade as I quickly disguised myself with the place. 

The first that I saw was 12 golden wings as he was showing me his back. He looked around with curiosity and wariness as he was in an unknown place, but for a moment he seemed to be mesmerized at the sight of the "important stars". 

After a few moments passed I decided that I had built up enough suspense. "You know, I am getting quite tired of blondies coming here as it was a public space." I dismissed the camouflage to allow Michael to see me.

Michael turned around with haste after hearing "my" voice, just to get a bad surprise. "You… it is not possible." Michael's eyes widened at the surprise of seeing my face, to be precise the face of his former brother that should be dead. "Lucifer…"

"Haven't heard that name in a long while." To be precise 30 minutes, a little time for some activities but an eternity if you are listening to Professor Binns's lesson.

"What? Did you really think that killing me would be enough to make me die?" I shook my head with a mocking tone as a certain Demon King. "Foolishness."

"There are many impossible things in this world, Michael," I said condescendingly. "Me being here is not one of those." 

"I saw your dead body alongside our father's" While on the outside he looked calm, his hands betrayed his real emotions. 

"Yeah, I remember dying…but here I am." Not a recommended experience if I may say. 

I see Michael clenching his hand at my nonchalant attitude, but there is something else…but soon enough he calmed himself. "Brother...I do not know if it is Father's will or some kind of Miracle, but I cannot stand that the first sign of you being alive is desecrating one of Father's creations." Even if his expression remained unfazed, I hint of anger could be felt at his words. 

"Michael, Michael, I assure you that me being here is no coincidence and much less a Miracle." After all, this world was selected for a reason. "And certainly, it is not because of Yahweh's will." 

Michael's eyes widened at the implications of my words…but I feel that there is something else besides that, however, I will not give him time to think about it.

"Don't you find it funny? Brought together by the same tree that started it all?" After saying that, I took a bite from the apple. "Such an unsavory fruit." I let the conjured apple fall just to disappear as soon as it was about to touch the ground. 

"You are not Lucifer, who are you really?" Michael said with a serious expression on his face, being a lot less stressed than he previously was. 

"Huh? What are you talking about?'' Honestly, I thought that he would not be stupid enough to believe everything I said, otherwise, I would believe that all the people in this world have brain damage.

"You look like him," Michael said, looking at me from head to toe. 

"Your expressions and way of speaking are the same." I cannot confirm it, but I think that a hint of disgust was there. 

"You even have the same disdainful look on your eyes as if everyone is beneath you." Ouch do not look at people like that ... Do I? "Not to mention your sick thirst for power." 

"But you are not him!" Michael said with a definitive tone. "But there are 3 things that exposed you."

"Thinking calmly, he would never use something made by father no matter what." 

"The second is that I cannot sense an iota of power coming from you, he was never discreet about his power." 

"And the last one…he never called God by another name but Father in my precedence even after falling from grace." 

Well, he did not disappoint me he is not that much of an idiot, at least in this case. To begin with, it would be impossible for me to perfectly impersonate the Original Lucifer, as I quite lack a lot of information about him…but that does not mean that my charade ends here. 

"Bravo Michael." I clapped my hands sarcastically. "Honestly, you exceeded my expectations but please do not blame me for having low expectations from the Biblical Faction, after all in my recent encounters were nothing but self-entitled idiots." 

'[Memory Partition] + [Thought Acceleration] + [Reinforcement] + [Ken]' I silently cast to begin the battle but since he is one of the "heavy hitters" from his Pantheon I should do a little bit more as I do not want to show some of my cards.

"To think that you used both your heart." My hands waved over exaggerating my surprise, but this was just a misdirection of my real intentions. 

While moving my hands, I used my thumb to press on the acupuncture point where my heart is located. '[Na Bongchim Ryu: Mugotong(No Pain)]; I will not feel pain for the next hour.'

"And your brain." I pressed my acupuncture point located in my temple. '[Na Bongchim Ryu: Jeahbongchim (Limit Removal) x6]

"But sadly for you, you are only half-right." I materialized a [Phantasmal Sword] on my right hand. '[Shu]+[Reinforcement]'

Third Person P.O.V

Slowly walking in Michael's direction, Yozora's gaze never faltered.

The tension in the air was increasing constantly with the sound of splashing and rippling created by Yozora's every step.

Finally, just 50 meters away from Michael, Yozora snickered.

*Bzzz* The sound barrier broke as he used [Sonido] disappearing from his previous spot to get behind Michael. Moving forward his sword stabbed him in the spine. Michael quickly reacted, creating a [Light Construct] to defend against Yozora's sword, blocking his attack. 

The clash between swords created sparks of light with the friction. Michael's sword even if was just a construct held strong with his centuries of experience as well as the power of being one of the first creations of God.

Although both of them were in a stalemate, their faces had different expressions. Yozora grinned madly at the confrontation while Michael's face remained calm as ever. Yozora held the grip of his sword before continuing in a rampage of slashes. Michael's proficiency in the art of the sword was displayed by his skillfulness as he parried each of Yozora's slashes.

Though the sword was not Yozora's preferred choice of weapon. He dedicated a fair share of his time training with it, as it would be moronic to waste any available choice for someone with his particular skill set. Having at his disposal the history of countless swords and the techniques employed by their previous users as well the addition of the ability of Daniel Park to copy other techniques, while maybe not perfect from the differences of physical strength or other factors, it still makes a deadly combination.

Increasing the pace, Yozora's movements became faster and deadlier with Michael keeping the same pace as him. Michael, while not in his real body was unable to display his full might, was still pretty capable as the current leader of Heaven's Faction. Swiftly he delivered a kick on Yozora's guts which he blocked but was still sent back some meters away by the strength behind the kick. 

Deciding to take the offensive this time, Michael changed his stance as he blurred in a surprising display of speed getting close to him. But even at that display of speed, Michael was able to block Yozora's slash remaining in a stalemate.

"This fight is meaningless." Michael calmly said. "Neither of us will gain anything from this." 

"Au contraire." Yozora ominously said. "You are about to find out that this will be beneficial for ALL of us." 

Michael's eyes widened at his words as multiple white and red "dragons" roared to life as all of them engaged to launch bursts of energy directly at him. Kicking Yozora to make the distance between them he raised his unused hand, Michael created a shield made out of [Holy Energy]. 


The two forces collided with each other creating a small explosion. The explosion created a thin fog of [Magic Energy]. There were minor cracks on the shield, but for the most part Michael, while unfazed, his eyes had a glint of surprise on them. 

"Impressive, you just got hands-on [Innovate Clear] and somehow you managed to create some dragons, even if they are not that strong," Michael commented as he cast hundreds of [Light Spears] against the dragons. 

The [Light Spears] traveled at a surprising speed and even if Michael made them with little effort, they still had a considerable amount of strength. But before they could land with the "dragons" a small figure appeared in between creating a great barrier protecting the dragons behind it. 

"Kurrii!" Winged Kuriboh appeared crossing both of his little arms proclaiming his intentions, 

{You shall not pass my barrier intruder!] Winged Kuriboh exclaimed even if he was sure that Michael did not have the means to understand him.

Michael could not hide the surprise on his face looking at the strange creature in front of his eyes. "Strange, you should not be able to create a creature like that," Michael said with some hidden meaning behind his words. 

Yozora snorted at Michael's comment. "You do not have an idea of what I am capable of." Extending his left hand upon the starry sky, [Magic Energy] started to cluster together in Yozora's hand. Clenching it, his spell actualized as the bracelet on his hand started to brighten on an ominous black light. "[Oversoul]" 

Ether, the fifth imaginary element started to manifest in Yozora's surroundings and started to take the shape of two dragons. A western dragon with

"ROAR" Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red Demon Dragon let a feral roar, letting the enemy in front of them, their displeasure of him being here. 

"I think that we fanfare lasted well enough, we should step up our pace." 

And for the first time, Michael's expression changed. While he previously had a calm and peaceful expression on his face changed. A frown was visible on his face and his mouth formed a scowl. "So you are with those hateful people that meddle with the dead and interrupt the cycle of reincarnation." 

Yozora raised an eyebrow in interest at the sudden change of Michael's expression but wasted no time in materializing hundreds of [Phantasmal Weapons] and sending them directly at Michael who of course did not remain still as he extended his wing and flew up to the air and created an equal number of [Magic Circles] sending a plethora of [Light Spears].

"So that's how you look like Lucifer! Was it possession? Seancé? Spirit Channeling? Soul Integration?" Michael said with an uncharacteristic hatefulness not displayed by his "cannon" counterpart, not even to devils.

'The hell is he talking about? As I learned in my Potterverse it is impossible to know everything about a verse with just the books, something that brings so much loath to Michael's face would not be something so little that the author would not mention even once. So, it is either that said foes were no longer in the "canon" timeline or they were some kind of future enemies or is something specific to this world, not to mention that some of those sound uncannily similar.'

"*Tsk* *tsk* Michael, Michael, always rushing to a conclusion when it comes to something related to "father"." Even while taunting Michael, Yozora was still keeping control of the battlefield with his partners and creatures created by [Innovate Clear] taking the majority of Michael's attention. 

Winged Kuriboh adeptly commanded the created "dragons" to serve as a distraction for his partners while giving support, so they do not receive any harm upon their scales. The white and red dragons flew around Michael's position to serve as decoys, while individually they were not strong, they served the purpose of making the leader of the Angels go in a certain direction. 

Blue-Eyes, who prefers long-ranged attacks over physical ones, shouted beams of [Light Energy], while she was one of the strongest dragons of light in her world, she was considerably…depowered by their current situation. The current Yozora is not able to fully manifest her power, the same with the other Spirit-Partners, since they are abiding by different rules in different worlds. 

/A:N: Like Pokemon and Digimon, Duel Monster Spirits are OP Lore-wise and have feats to back it up in both Manga and Anime. If Yozora was able to use their full power it would be like GG Ophis GG Great Red. I mean I think that Yubel is one of the prime examples of this.// 

Red Demon, who was a close fighter, was at a slight disadvantage for obvious reasons, but not something that he was not adept with. For the beginning of his existence, he has always fought against foes stronger than him or at a disadvantageous position, alongside his former partners the Signer Dragons. 

While Winged Kuriboh was doing his best to protect everyone to the best of his capabilities, the barrier that he used had to be put down so they could properly attack. And while exchanging blows with the leader of Angels from time to time they received some wounds around their bodies. 

Since their current bodies were not made out of flesh but Ether, they did not feel that much pain, but regardless of that they were able to give some wound to the leader of Angels. Michael's capacity to handle multiple opponents even if only two was the moment where "heavy" hitters had to be admired. Something that should be expected from someone who had seen almost every battlefield since the dawn of the creation of his cosmology. 

However, Michael could not shake off the feeling of uneasiness since for a while, the one who was impersonating Lucifer had done nothing other than watch the situation. The obvious answer would be that he is just waiting to strike him down. 

But to his perspective everything that is transgressing in this place was meaningless. Even if somehow, he was defeated in this place, the worst that could happen to him is some damage to his real body. But suddenly he felt something wrong…the connection between him and his real body was getting…thinner.

"Impossible," Michael muttered as he quickly flew towards Yozora, ignoring the advances of the other creatures. Only cast some shields to protect the vital areas. As insane as the current situation was happening, it never crossed his mind that the person in front of him would be capable of going against the [Heaven System]. 

The simplest solution would be to kill himself so he could promptly return to his real body. But that would be going against God's teachings, something impossible for Michael, even if he would not truly be his death; the mere thought of committing such an act was dangerous for an Angel, let alone doing it. And for the smug smile on the adversary, he also knows that. 

'Even if he is just an imposter, this is something that Lucifer would do…' Michael thought to himself as he went full speed to put Yozora down.

But as soon as he got in the nearby area he felt something was wrong…the temperature around them was rising to an incredible degree. At first, Michael attributed this to [Innovate Clear] ability to change the "The Fake World Settings." but something inside his head was screaming at him, a foreboding feeling reminiscent of some centuries ago. But not only that, he was losing momentum and had difficulties moving, as his light spear met some invincible barriers. 

[ [Multi-Cast]:[Protego Duo] x5 + [Arresto Momentum] + [Vicissim Momentum] ] Yozora used this particular set of Wizardcraft so he could gain a few seconds to finally reach the Climax of the whole charade.

"You know Michael, while I was on the other side a particular piece of information reached my ears. That before his demise Father sealed his last will on that detestable spear given to humans." A scowl formed on Yozora's face as the temperature of the whole area started to rise. "A clever idea on his part, I must admit. But did you know that humans have a particular saying that perfectly fits in this situation? 'The apple doesn't fall far from the three' "

Michael, who already had a foreboding feeling, could not help to feel his heart drop, at the implication of what the person in front of him was trying to give. 

"So here I bring the question." A malicious smile on Yozora's face "What makes you think that dear old father was the only one who had a last will?" 

Behind Yozora 12 wings were displayed. 6 of them were silver-colored ones like was displayed in his fight with Chazaqiel, however, the other 6 wings were made of fire nearly invisible to the regular eye. But for Michael, it was not. It was nothing but the embodiment of one of his worst nightmares. 

"Lu…cifer." For Michael, muttering this name once again after convincing himself that the person in front of him was a mere interloper, was one of the most difficult actions that he had done in recent years. 

Yoxora did not try to correct Michael as he raised his hand in the air and soon after he pulled his hand down. "Fall," Yozora commanded. 

The air of the area became dry with Yozora's command and the temperature of the place rose to an unbelievable degree. Michael by pure reflex let out his Holy Aura to protect as well as cast a shield around him. 

Ripples started to be seen in the water as if something was falling in, nothing was visible at the simple sight. The only indication that something was dropping is the ephemeral moment when there were small waves on the surface of the water. But the place with each passing moment started to get hotter and hotter without any apparent reason, 

Michael was being protected by these shields and with his aura was safe from this infernal heat, however, his shields started to crack…no it would be more accurate that they started to melt and benign consumed by the invisible force in several parts of which Michael had to pour more energy so his defense does not crumble. 

"[Beelzebub: The Achromatic Catharsis Flame of Purgatory]" As its name states, Beelzebub is a colorless flame capable of producing an incredible amount of heat that makes it invisible to the naked eye and casts a downpour in the surroundings consuming everything on its ways as it represent the sin of Gluttony. 

Taking advantage of Michael's surprise, both Blue-Eyes and Red Demon charged their signature moves and directed towards Michael's defenses creating even more pressure on Michael but at the same time it made him snap out of his stupor. 

He condensed a greater amount of [Holy Energy] around him and let it out to the surrounding area in a form reminiscent of an explosion which started to expand as it irradiated an almost blinding light. Even if [Beelzebub] is a former Angel and nature was conceptually engraved on the flames, it is still a flame from" hell" and while it can be more resistant towards [Holy Element] than most of the other [Purgatory Flames], against Michael full powered [Holy Element] it was a fight hard to win, with Yozora's current display of strength over it. 

Within some seconds the light started to withdraw with Michael coming out of it in an outburst of speed directly towards Yozora with a sharper [Light Construct] pointing directly to Yozora's throat. 

On another hand, Yozora stood there with a small smile on his face. When the [Light Construct] was mere centimeters from his neck a powerful barrier stood between Yozora and Michael. At the distance Winged Kuriboh stood in the air, staring down at Michael. 

"It seems that even I have a Guardian Angel on my side." Yozora said with a lot of amusement before his expression quickly turned into a frown."*Tsk* It seems that the time is over." Yozora said with fake vexation at the state of Michael's body. 

His body started to look translucent as well and his [Light Construct] started to crumble. This event of course was no coincidence, it was all according to Yozora's plan. 

The link that connected [Innovate Clear] and the [Heaven System] and by extension, Michael was being controlled by him. It does not mean that Yozora could use that link at the moment to interfere with the System, but he had enough authority to block the connection as well as kick out the "guest" who entered via this connection. 

Michael felt frustrated at the current situation but there was nothing that he could do. "So I was right and wrong at the same time, who are you?" 

"You already know the answer." Yozora vaguely answered. "But what you should be asking is what I am going to do from now on." 

"What are your plans?" Michael frowned at the implications of Yozora's words.

"Let's just say that soon… you will be able to see something interesting." Again Yozora gave vague answers. While usually and currently he is portraying himself as a Third-Rate Villain, just giving glimpses of what he should do

"Are you not going to return to the Devil Faction?" In Michael's mind that would be the worst possible outcome since even if he was not the Lucifer that he knows, someone like him may have a chance of uniting the Devil Faction, and if he is not as civil as the Anti-Satan faction, things will not go well for any of the Judeo-Christian Faction. 

Yozora shakes his head at Michael's words. "Michael, Michael, Michael, always thinking on the little box and not seeing the bigger picture, always waiting for someone else to answer your doubts instead of using that little brain of yours." Yozora did not try to hide the condescending tone. "So, for old good times sake, allow me to give you some advice." 'Well before we started to fight'

Yozora planted his gaze directly at Michael, discarding his previous frivolous persona. "There is no point in being afraid of the inevitable." 

After stating something obvious from his perspective, Yozora finally stopped the connection with the [Heavens System] making Michael return to heaven without having the chance to reply. 

Yozora P.O.V

After Michael's "departure," I undid the [Partial Yokai Transformation] as well as the changes that I did to look like the OG Lucifer, only remaining in my "adult" version since I had some injuries that I needed to heal before returning to my normal self. 

3 broken ribs, several lacerations around my body and burns from [Light] injuries, multiple muscle strains, mostly my fault after abusing my body with [Sonido], [Na Bongchim Ryu: Mugotong(No Pain)] and [Na Bongchim Ryu: Jeahbongchim(Limit Removal) x6] as well as some minor bone cracks and slightly strained [Magic Circuits]….So just another Thursday. 

"It could have been worse." I said as I gulped a "Health Potion" made by the essence of the Philosopher's Stone, as well as the passive effect of my enchanted earring and engraving a basic Rune Array to enhance my natural healing factor. "I still have some time before the pain kicks back." 

"Kuriiii!" Winged Kuriboh flew directly towards the top of Yozora's head and started to use his healing techniques on him. I patted my little partner's head as he had done extraordinary work defending everyone, especially at the end stopping Michael's attack. It seems that in the end, he used the same application of reversing the coordinates of Michael [Light Construct]. 

"Rooar" Blue-Eyes and Red-Demon landed near us with Blue-Eyes extending her head towards me, making me understand that she also wanted to be pat. 

"You also worked hard, girl." I learned a couple of days ago the fact that Blue-Eyes is indeed a she. I patted on her scales that for your everyday Joey would be too rough and would hurt the skin just by touching, but if anything I am more like Kaiba. "Rooar" She let a small cry go making me understand that she was enjoying it. 

"Roar!" Red Demon communicated his thoughts about the fight. 

"Don't ya think that I forgot about you bro," I said extending my right fist which he reciprocated by bumping his fist with mine, having our shonen anime moment. 

{Grrrr] Another of my partners groaned in displeasure at not being able to participate in this battle. 

{I know that you are annoyed that you did not have a chance to show your might here, but given your situation, it would make trouble for the plan. But fear not, soon you will have your chance against other foes in the near future.} In the Potterverse he did not want to participate in any altercation as they were too easy for him but it seems that fighting Michael was of his interest. 

But since I wanted him to correlate me with the OG Lucifer I abstained from using some of my cards this time as well as still having some hidden cards for future confrontations. The only reason I asked my partner to step up in this was because I wanted him to believe that somehow I had the [Sephiroth Graal] or at least some access to it but I admit that this was my time to be surprised. 

{Grrr} My partner was not an unreasonable one, but he ached for a good duel…pun intended.

"Well let's go with Gramps and the other me before I run out of time and start to feel pain." Considering how much I overextended myself to have physical prowess similar to Michael's it would be rather painful and I will need to rest for several hours to a day after this. 

Ending the [Over Soul] I opened a "portal" I stepped out of my [Inner World]. Being once again in the temporary base, I glanced around the room and nothing seemed to happen. It was either that my [Bounded Fields] were strong enough to not give any strong signals or that Michael was the only one capable of sensing what happened as he was bound with the [Heavens System]. 

"So ... was the wimp Archangel strong?" The other me asked something that I would…after all, he is me. 

"Yup, besides the fact that he was pretty limited in that temporal vessel, he was holding back for the majority of the time until he got pissed off…or the equivalent that an Angel can do without falling, when I summoned Blue-Eyes and Red Demon, mind you that it was because they are Spirits, not Dragons." Even with [Clairvoyance (Beast)] there was not anything too clear about it, more like an associated hate because they were his father's enemy not that he personally hated them, but it seems that he was more capable of hiding most of it from my sight. 

"So, your theory was right, Little Yozora." Gramps who was leaning on the wall said. "Not surprised that they failed to inform you that this world is a "Crossover" as you like to call them. Or maybe things got more screwed, and they didn't notice, after all from Kazuma-san's description the god from this world was pretty bored and did not care much about it." 

Meanwhile with the gods and Zelretch. 

"am sowy" Muttered a pump of meat that once was called Antanas. 

"Aqua! Stop" You are going to kill him!" Kazuma said from afar, not really trying to get close to the Raging goddess. 

"Just three more punches," Aqua said, landing another punch in the god's face. 

Celes-chan on another hand was shaking her head at her overprotective friend. "I have to re-calculate the rewards for the inconveniences." 

"I do not regret using one of my favors to come here," Fuga said while munching some popcorn.

"Not helping," Kazuma grunted. 

"Never said that I was," Fuga said with a shit-eating grin on his face. 

On the other side of the room, Zelretch was amused an the interaction between gods, however he couldn't understand why she was reacting like that, after all, from what he had seen from the man in question, while he would rant about that he would use it to his advantage, like what happened in Fuga's world, but more important than that…

Zelretch got his hands together and closed his eyes.'If she is that overprotective with Yozora, I pray for their future children, having a mother who is as overprotective as her and a madman like Yozora who will entice them to do crazy stuff.'

Of course, he knows that this will happen in the distant future with their line of work, but regardless it is never too soon for wishing luck to someone. "Hey, there are still some areas in his face that do not have brushes." 


Again with Yozora.

"Most likely, but I can not completely fault them for this since they are in the beginning stages, they are paying for the inconveniences. I just hope that this will not be a common occurrence." While it is also convenient for me since I can gather more knowledge from different sources in one trip, in a mercenary job it is a common occurrence that you may receive either incomplete information or faulty one, things that come with the job.

"Well at least we have a clue that it comes to spirit manipulation or necromancy, we have some leverage as we know plenty of "sources", while it would be awesome that this was a "Bleach Crossover" since we wanted to weaponize our soul and learn some other things related with souls as there are not many sources in the Potterverse, it is not likely, I am more inclined to believe that it is from something like Sousei No Onmyouji, Shaman King, Jujutsu Kaisen or Aqua forbids someone with a faction related to the Nasuverse." The other me commented as we shivered at the thought. 

Unknowingly to me, the brief mention of her name made her stop beating the living shit out of the lazy good. 

Gramps walked beside us. "It would be wise to visit Japan soon since many of the important events that will occur in the future are related to the country. Although I will recommend you to rest first for a couple of days before departing as I assume that you used that acupuncture technique of yours." 

"Yeah, I wanted to hide some of my cards against Michael, including my [Primordial Runes] and [Fae Magic]." While I do not care about causing problems for said Factions, I still want to be under the radar of the most prominent factions as I am still looking for some [Sacred Gears], after that…well everything is a free game. 

"Agree, we were lucky that the Fae from our Potterverse were mischievous at worst instead of the amoral ones that are depicted in many books." The other me commented as they were the group outside the outer god that we were "concerned" the most. "Well I'll be going back, I want to see what we are up to." The other me said before disappearing in motes of blue light. 

The strain on my mind was not that big after recollecting the memories as the other me did not last much time, but he did take notes the whole time I was inside our soul. Without further ado, I opened a portal to the main base as I had less than half an hour before the pain started to appear. 

Stepping on the base on the equivalent of the "control" room, I looked at the [Boundary Fields] I did not notice any disturbance or interference], so it was safe to say that no one tried to intrude here. 

While there is the possibility of someone sneaking here, I set up some mundane stuff in that case. While it would not serve as a defense against someone capable of overcoming my [Boundary Fields]. It would give me the signal that someone was here and after all the " magical traps" to get here they would not expect something so trivia or maybe they would just overlook it, sometimes the "supernatural" made people forget about the mundane. 

Both Gramps and I sat down at a little table in the room as I took 2 cups of tea as well as a pot of tea, made up of some herbs with calming effects that Oberon gave to me on one of my trips to Avalon. 

Sipping on the tea, I feel the comforting effects having an effect on my body. "So everything went according to plan with [Innovate Clear] but Michael did not buy that I was Lucifer." 

"Well, that is to be expected. Not only was he his brother but he was the same person that killed The Biblical God. Of course, he would be able to discern someone who is just pretending to be him. Though I assume that you achieved something similar." 

"Yup, basically he assumes that I am The Second Coming Of Lucifer, Lucifer 2.0, or whatever term he wants to use. So now I am on the kill list of The Heaven faction…..way earlier than I thought." Not that I am complaining, it is all according to plan after all.

Gramps nodded at my answer. "So it is for the same reason that you are helping Tenochtitlan and asking for some nonsensical payment for our services and sending your clones to hide those cards in several parts of the world. Good, for a moment I thought that you were doing it for shit and giggles." Gramps knows the big plan for this world.

"I mean don't get me wrong, if I had more time here I would do it for that reason alone." I shamelessly admitted. "But since it is not the case, I would rather do other things than just bickering with those imbeciles." Honestly, even if I loathe [Evil Pieces] with all my soul, I dislike Angels more than the devils. 

Again Gramps rolled his eyes at my words. "Not surprised anymore. But being serious, how strong was the leader of heaven?" 

"It's hard to estimate his full power since he was limited at the moment, but he was not weakling that much I can say, his combat awareness was indisputable as even with the advantage of numbers he was still not at a disadvantage, a honed soldier with lots of experience in the battlefield, so if we met him in his real body things would be a little more complicated." 

"As expected of someone who was the right hand of the Biblical God and the current leader of the Heaven Faction, even if he is not as powerful as some of the existences that I am familiar with, I am glad that one of our future opponents is not a disappointment as you described." Gramps even if he stated that is a lot calmer than in his younger days, still yearns for battle but would not irrationally go against any others just to have a good fight and he prefers battles against foes who are skilled instead of just being strong. "But I am more interested in fighting this world than Crom Cruach when we return in 500 years." 

"Mmmm now that I think about it, I do not have anyone that I want to face in this world, I do have my list of people that I want to punch/slap but no one in particular has my attention in this aspect." Kinda sad since I do have a list of people I want to face in other worlds, like Garou, Sasaki Kojiro, Mori Jin, The Jade Emperor, Netero, Simbad, Black☆Star, Sel Jihou, IlHan Yu, Kang Shin, Sanada Yukimura, among others. "Thought that might be the case if we only talk about melee fighting." Even if one could argue that Sairong Bael could be on the list, he is more on my Bro and Recruitment list than fighting. 

"Well since this world is not exactly like the one you know of, there would be someone that might get your interest, as it happened with Professor Kim, even if his physical prowess is behind us, I'll admit that I am quite interested in having a friendly spar with him," Gramps said as while in this world our view, in general, is people that are potential threats and people that will face for the sake of our objectives, it is not like we can't enjoy the world in other ways. 

"I guess you are right," I said while taking another sip of my tea. 

"But enough of thinking about the future, tell me how the integration with [Innovate Clear] went. I am curious since you changed the first objective at the last minute before coming to this world, honestly, you kept changing primary objectives in the last couple of months and it was hard to follow to just go for the one that you were more initially inclined to." Gramps expressed his curiosity as well as his exasperation. 

"I will not defend myself in this since I did indeed change my opinion several times before coming here. But as I said before, besides the fact that [Innovate Clear] will work as a foundation for me to integrate more [Sacred Gears] in the future, it is also the one whom I believe I have more compatibility with, not to mention that I just completed the Matrix for [Domain Expansion] before coming here, so it would be the best one to exploit this particular technique as for a substitute of a [Reality Marble] it would be a fitting substitute as we know I do not like to encase myself with just one option." 

"As for the integration itself, I was surprised that I was able to make it to the same degree as [Armiger] so it has conceptually become a part of myself, though I will not say that I can control it with the same proficiency, that will take a little bit of time. The only downside that I can think of, is that I still have some connection with the [Heaven System] but I can block that without a problem, so it is impossible that Michael will be able to go inside of my soul." And I do not want that, even if he can be a good "practice partner" it would be annoying that he randomly appears when I am doing important stuff. "As for the capabilities that I gained, I would like to give you a demonstration but that has to wait since I will be experiencing a lot of pain in 3,2,1…"

My heartbeat started to rise and in an instant jolts of pain started to attack my whole body. My muscles started to contract and expand at a rapid pace and the pain felt as if thousands of hot needles were being stabbed in my muscles. My bones were feeling the pressure of my muscles making the ones that were still broken pierce my flesh increasing the pain. All of this happened in a matter of seconds making me feel the pain even more. As my mind felt a little bit floozy, I could keep conscious. 

"I am fine, *cough*" I coughed a little bit of blood since my broken rib pierced my left lung. Quickly I took another "Health Potion" from my [Pocket Dimension] and drank it steadfastly. Feeling it having an effect, I channeled a little bit of [Magic Energy] to the [Ring of Lucii] and my earrings to heal myself. "I am glad that my body is not entirely human anymore." 

In the God of Highschool, using both Limiter Removal and No Pain was practically suicide for humans, there is not that much of a difference since the limits on the body as well as pain, are for a good reason. But since technically I am not human anymore the rebound was not mortal, but oh by Aqua, it hurts a lot. 

"And you said that using the [Cruciatus Curse] was a stupid idea." I joked about making gramps a little bit less concerned and I did this since it was an "easy way" to strengthen both my will and tolerance to pain. 

Gramps shook his head at my nonchalant attitude. "If you can joke it means that you are either going to die in the next 5 seconds or you are fine," Gramps said, looking at his invisible watch. "Congratulations, you are just a moron, on a side note I said that it was reckless but yes it was stupid but not pointless." 

Well granted if Harry told me that he wanted to do the same while I would not stop him, I would be concerned. "Touché, but as I was saying before the literal nerve attack, I want to show you the abilities that I gained but since I am in this state, it would be dumber than using tin buttons in cold weather to overextend my body any further." I will not be fussing about fighting or other activities that require my immediate attention, but since it has to do with my soul I would rather not do it before resting a little bit.

"Well there is no hurry since it is not like you will lose your powers, and before you say anything you have an ability that literally makes you incapable of that, so it is not a red flag." Gramps retorted when I was raising my finger which I put down. 

"I taught you well…maybe too well." The Dao of Flags is strong on gramps. "Anyways, I should sleep a little to recover a little bit faster." Even if it is early in the night, I feel too tired to care. 

Day 25

The last couple of days had been quite bland since I decided to rest and not do anything that could strain my body. Mainly either studying some Magic Theory or analyzing the memories of Chazaqiel with the help of his clones as well as interrogating the Devils and Fallen Angels for more information about this world to fill the gaps that I already have and cross-referencing with my meta-knowledge. 

The Devils did not have any idea of which "people messing with the dead" was Michael referring to as they only know the feud between their faction and Hades, concerning any important individuals who wield any power related to "Death" or "Spirits" as their faction has many people that do not like them. As for the Fallen Angels, the low-tiered ones were on the same boat as they are apparently second or third generations so they do not have much knowledge about the old times, as for Luriel he does not know the specifics as that problem was only held by God, Michael and some other Archangels. The only thing that he knows is that those enemies were very old and had not made any movement after the Great War or at least not on a big scale, the only thing he knows is that they used the power of Spirit-like beings to empower themselves. As for verifying the Chazaqiel memories, it would take some time as I cannot just "search" as if it were a "search engine". 

So finally recovered, I decided to take gramps to the inside of my soul to demonstrate my newly acquired abilities thanks to [Innovate Clear]. Opening a [Dark Corridor] in front of us we stepped in so we could enter my soul. 

Gramps glanced at the landscape of my soul steering at the perpetual starry sky ."So that is the reason for those images in the [Dream Cycle]." Even if he does not need to sleep thanks to his [Servant] physiology, he likes to sleep to pass the time after I had reached a certain degree of power in the Potterverse. 

I raised my eyebrow at his remark. "You saw my soul?" I asked quite curiously since we always talk about what we see in each other lives, a rule that we settled from the beginning.

"It was just a glimpse." Gramps shrugged his shoulders. "I thought that it was just a memory of one of those times when you escaped for some time alone, but looking at the silver star it makes sense now, although there are some others that were not in the [Dream Cycle]," Gramps said pointing at the obvious ones.

"I see, well some of the stars here represent my skills, abilities, or powers ." I pointed at the group of 24 stars in the direction where usually the Ophiuchus constellation would be. "Those represent my [Primordial Runes], it is based on one of David Mathinsen's books, where he describes the origin of some myths." I briefly explained.

I pointed in another direction, where a group of 7 stars with different colors were shining, with some of them changing color from time to time. "Those represent my [Purgatory Flames], although one of them does not have color it is reflecting the colors of the ones near it." 

"The blue binary stars in that way, represent my skill [Body Double]" It is not as big as the other ones but 

"The yellow ominous one represents [Clairvoyance¨(Beast)]" And when I say ominous, I meant it, it has this feeling as if it was staring back at you. 

"That big one over there represents my [Magic Circuits Manipulation] and the "little ones" represent my [Magic Circuits]" All of them were connected by the big one as there were several of them forming something reminiscent of a web. 

"Finally the silver one right over me represents [Armiger] and the violet star "near" [Armiger] represents [Innovate Clear], I think that it was attracted to [Armiger] since both have concepts about creation." Even if [Magic Circuits Manipulation] also enters the category of creation, maybe it is because of the type of creation. 

"I see, so not all your skills have a "star" to represent them?" Gramps asked curiously. 

"Nope, neither [Magic Resistance] nor [Multi-Cast] have one, and I am not quite sure of the reason for this." Even if it is my "domain", I still have things to learn about my soul, of course with the integration of [Innovate Clear] now I can do some cosmetic changes, however, the stars are more than just simple decorations. "Also I found it quite curious that my [Displacement Magecraft] has not become a star yet, but looking at some of the nascent stars in the sky, it should not take much time, but enough of the chit chat, let me show you what I am capable of now." With a whistle called upon the previous dragons that I made in my fight with Michael.

And in no time a dozen red and white dragons appeared in the air, answering my call. They cautiously descended near my location and stood there waiting for orders. "These are my first creations, while I would not call myself an expert on dragons, besides human anatomy these are the creatures that I can understand the most thanks to my partners." 

Honestly, my interest in dragons from the Potterverse was at minimum besides their uses for potions and equipment since most of them in the European continent just had brute strength and could breathe fire. And after I expanded my horizons to other countries I was busy with other things. However, having a deep connection with Blue-Eyes and Red-Demon allowed me to understand them more than many other races that I am familiar with. 

"Impressive," Gramps commented as he inspected the dragons. "Everything of them seems real, the way that their scales feel, their breathing patterns, how their eyes follow me, I can hear their heartbeat, but something feels off, even with all these characteristics they feel…lifeless," Gramps commented after inspecting them. "They do not have a soul nor are they alive." 

"You are correct, [Innovate Clear] creates nearly perfect imitations of living beings, but that's it they are not living beings, when they die they will dissipate in magic particles or stay as dead bodies depending on my intentions, also there are the fact that they cannot reproduce nor have the need of eating or sleep. But they are a lot smarter than just mindless animals, since I created them for more oriented battle they are not fit for delicate things. However, if I created humans and bestowed knowledge they could talk, use magecraft/magic, and process knowledge of their own, they would not have feelings."

"Everything seems good, however, I feel a bit coming," Gramps said after digesting the information. 

"Besides what I said that everything created here can't leave this place by normal circumstances, different from [Annihilation Maker] it can only create beings that already exist or a mix of them, for example while I can create beings like Dragons, Dwarfs, Dryads, Angels or Humans, it is not capable of creating beings like Pokemon, Curses, Yoma, Hollows, among others and it is pretty limited on what is alive, so something like a Dementor would not be plausible as it is not alive on the strict sense of the word." While I can create Yokais and other similar beings since in this world most of them are made out of flesh, anything whose body is made out of spiritual essence is about the question, something weird since Dragons are essentially Magic Energy Masses given shape, but since they have flesh they enter on [Innovate Clear] description of alive. 

"I see, so even if you know or have the basic idea of how they are created you would not be able to do it with [Innovate Clear]." 

"Exactly so I cannot become a Pokemon Trainer or a Digidestined for now…" I mean even if it sounds childish when you have the gates of the omniverse practically at your hands some childhood dreams are meant to resurge, I mean who wouldn't take the chance if they could? "But there is a fantastical thing created by humans called a loophole." I concentrate on materializing my new creation.

In front of us a quadruped animal appeared, the special thing about it is that he is considered the universal best boy and best buddy. One of the few beings in the omniverse that would love you unconditionally regardless of your circumstances and will make it impossible to make your day happy, in some cultures he will not abandon you even after death…A doggo. 

"*Ruff!*" The dog "happily" barked at us while his tail started to wag. 

"A dog?" Gramps asked a little bit confused but still kneeled to pet the dog. 

"Yes, but what makes this particular kind of dog special?" The breed of this dog has divided opinion among the Internet Community in my original world. Many hate them and many more love them. Personally, while I am more of a bird person, I like them but partially because I am a fan of the Men In Black movies. 

"Besides the obvious of having a blazer, I do not feel anything different but it looks different from the one I had as a child, his muzzles and neck are shorter than I remember," Gramps answered not understanding the question but knowing that I was not talking about that.

"This pug is the one commonly known in the 21st Century, but we are in the 16th century which means…." 

"That this particular kind of dog has yet to exist in this world." Gramps completed my sentence. "So you either took extra steps using the "selective breeding" and "evolution" concepts to have this kind of dog or it is because you are also connected to another "earth "" Gramps concluded. 

I smiled at his answer. "The latter statement was the right one in this scenario, it seems that [Innovate Clear] is also connected to the worlds that I am or at least I had been, so I can make creatures from the world of the Potterverse." Even if both worlds are influenced by what my world knows as "mythology" both have creatures that are not the same, like is the case with Acromantulas, Diricawl which is actually a Dodo for the muggles, Runespoor, Hidebehind, Crumple-Horned Snorkack, Thestrals among others that are not present in this world. "Though I need more data to see if it is just the Potterverse and this world that are linked since it could also be related to being the Master of Death, after all, Death knows every living being as sooner or later, they will be in her realm." 

"And consumption-wise, how do you feel? Even if your [Magic Energy] regeneration makes you have a nigh-infinite amount of it, it would not be wise to strain your [Magic Circuits]." Gramps asked since he knows the risks of damaging my circuits even if I can heal them with time different from normal magus. 

"There are several factors regarding that, while I must admit that it is pretty friendly to us regarding the creation of "living beings" since he took into consideration the most likely scenario that the person who got it is not knowledgeable about the anatomy of them but the less you know about the being created the energy consumption increases considerably as well as the time, also the stronger the being created the more consumption it is used, Frank, for example, it is just a normal dog so the consumption was almost indistinguishable as for the Dragons it was around a fifth of my maximum output, but with practice, I can create beings in equal strength and with less consumption." 

Nodding at my answer Gramps continued his questions. "What about objects?" 

A grin appeared at his question as I closed my eyes to make the mental image of what was about to create. 

"Karada wa…" Blue ethereal flames formed around my hands and slowly started to materialize. 

"You have to be kidding me." The exasperation in Gramps' voice was obvious and I think that he slapped his face. 

The object started to get more solid as it was about to come into creation. "Tsurugi de dekiteiru." After finishing, a pair of twin swords were in my hands, both of them with the Ying-Yang symbol. The difference between each was that one of them was of a pristine white color and the other one was black with some red patterns similar to the ones of a turtle shell. 

"Gan Jian and Mo Ye or Kanshou and Bakuya depending on who asks," I said looking at Gramps who seemed to recognize them even before I said their names. 

"They are fake," Gramps said quickly after looking at them in detail. 

"Well yeah, I have never seen the real deal besides the ones shown in the entertainment media, but they have the same effect that the ones I know mainly increase the [Magic Resistance] while holding both of them and have a "magnetic" effect of being attracted to each other, and honestly I personally find it more easy to create object with [Innovate Clear]." Well, that was meant to happen as I got quite the experience with [Armiger] and that for a long time since I learned to use [Structural Analysis]. I gained the habit of using it at least once and using it in any object that I could touch, no matter how mundane it was, so I have a fair share of knowledge about how many things are made and how they work.

"A little redundant if you want to just copy the EMIYA brat, but has potential for any other things that do not enter in the concept of "weapon" of [Armiger], while you are here, but I assume that is not all that you can do." 

"Yup, I can do many things here but as for the moment nothing too absurd like many of my [Noble Phantasm] but with time it should be possible as for the other things, besides technological things I can do pretty much anything, for the later I will need some research since I am a little rusty on that department." I mean it was never my main source of research in the past and Magecraft and Magic have taken most of my time in this life. " But now let's get to the main event!" 

Stretching my hand in the direction in between [Armiger] and [Innovate Clear] as a new "star" began to form. When I said that [Innovate Clear] was in the same state that [Armiger] I was not exaggerating at all, I could perfectly understand everything that encompassed it well as its capabilities and limitations. This time instead of a meager amount of [Magic Energy], the consumption was many times too extreme, if it was a discardable pocket dimension or just a mere copy of the outside it would not be that much, but since this "little star" that I am creating a very specific function, the cost of creating it increased a lot, if it was not for my research of [Boundary Fields] I could not have fathom how much it would cost me. 

I let out a sigh after finishing my first creation of this kind, surely I could do it slowly and with time but honestly, I was a little bit excited about finally creating this, after all for someone like me the place I just created is priceless. "You know Gramps, with all these plans my evil plan *cough* *cough* I mean, with all my plans to get stronger and cement my foothold in this world. My thirst for knowledge and books has not decreased, not at all." I understand that with my limited time in this world, I have to sort out my priorities for the long run, after all, I can not learn things if I am dead, but that does not mean that I cannot give a little push-up in my recess. 

"And as much as I dislike Cultivation Setups because of the Young Masters, I must admit that they do have some useful stuff and this one in particular, Oh Boy Hermione will burst into jealousy when she discovers it." I chuckled at the idea, but being honest while the girl is very competitive, she is not someone to get jealous, at worst she will ask 1001 questions about how everything works and how to make something similar, and maybe if everything goes well in this year around here, it may be possible to give her something like this in the future. 

Many could say: "Oh YoU aRe BeInG sO sTuPiD gIvInG pOwErS." "wHy ArE yOu ShOwInG yOuR cArDs So EaSiLy, StOoBiD!." I would double-flip the bird to those morons who have an even worse manipulation problem than me. 

I concede that giving powers to any random person is a stupid idea. She or any of my friends are random people. Their world will face a crisis that they will not be capable of confronting by regular means with their Magic System as it is now. At the very best I have 49 years before that happens and that is if Oberon was killed in the vision at the very start, at worst I have 4 years to prepare. 

I am not Omnipotent or Omniscient, so I will not be able to ensure that they will not die, and even if I am capable of reviving them if I gain the [Sephiroth Graal] or other means, that will leave a scar on them…I know that from firsthand, they are not fucking Shonnen Protagonist who will just take it easy. 

So what kind of friend would I be, if I could give them means to protect themselves and become victorious in the fight or at the very least survive until I can be there to save them? And not do it, just because of something so stupid. 

Shaking off the negative thoughts I decided to continue with the demonstration. "Okay let's move on." As I clapped my hands as we moved to the newly created place inside my [Inner World]. The scenario in front of us suddenly changed as we were not surrounded by the endless starry sky, but instead, we were inside a building. 

A dim light is present on the whole place giving it a bewitching aura. Beautiful wood furniture adorned the place though there was only one kind of furniture in this place, bookshelves. Thousands of thousands of bookshelves are arranged in different ways, from the conventional rows to some of them floating around. 

"A library?" Gramps looked curiously at the "world" that I had created inside my soul. "But why are there no books?" 

"I think that a demonstration will be better for this," I said as I took a book that I had not read yet and my [Gale-Force Reading Glasses] as well as using [Memory Partition] and [Thought Acceleration] to read the book at an accelerated rate as in a matter of seconds I had read the full book a replica appeared in the closest shelve. "Pick the book, Gramps." 

Gramps did as I said and started to read the newly created book which he recognized since he was the one to recommend it to me a couple of days before coming here."I will assume that it is not as simple as just creating a copy of a book that you read." 

"As for the moment any written text that I read will be recorded and stored here and the best part is that since it is directly connected with me I will perfectly remember anything stored here so I can also just store a book here and I will get all the knowledge inside the book." I said giving a "v" sign. While I do have a good memory, I do not have eidetic memory so with this I can "cheat" in a way. "I based this place in The Heavenly Doa Library or Library of Heaven's Path which obviously is waaaay many times better than what I can pull out for the moment, but you can call this the 0.01 Beta but still in Kazuma's terms this would be…"

Meanwhile in the Heavenly Realm *cough* Somewhere in the DXD Universe.

"Hax!! I call hax!!!" Kazuma was ranting about Yozora's new "star". "You know how much that cost in the Store and he just created something as if he was just picking cabbages! Please nerf." While Kazuma could buy something similar or the real deal with his savings, he could not help but complain at the injustice of life. 

"How are we seeing this?" Antanas who now looks like a berated piñata asked confused. "Wasn't his soul supposed to be something nearing the realm of bullshit?" 

"Stop whining Kazuma," Celes-chan said with her usual stoic tone. "While I understand your feelings, even the original one is flawed so do not complain about minute things, also it would be an infringement of the contract terms to make any attempt to make him either weaker or restrict his abilities without his explicit consent, not to mention that even if she is Life Goddess you will wish for death if you touch his "Lovey Dovey." " 


Kazuma turned around to see Aqua giving him a smile that was not a smile at all, almost saying. 'Your funeral' if he dared to do something making Kazuma sweat cold. Even if she knew that Kazuma was joking for the most part, she needed to set an example if necessary, so no other gods had any funny idea. 

"And to answer Antanas' question, it is magic," Celes-chan answered without blinking. 

"Are you not gonna explain how?" Antanas asked with a little frown on his face. 

"Even if I take the hassle to explain the complexity of the way we are seeing everything, it will be just a waste of time since your pea-sized brain would not understand it." Celes-chan would rather spend her time working on the system rather than trying to make a pointless endeavor. 


"What a fine investment I have made." Fuga was grinning looking at everyone's reaction. From his point of view, he was earning the double of entertainment for the price of one.

Again with Yozora. 

"...Haxs." Even if it is just the base for the future, it will surely save me a lot of time. "But for my end goal, I will need time, resources, and ironically more knowledge." While [Innovate Clear] is quite "User Friendly" I cannot bullshit my way just by thinking "Create a world with almighty swords." While it is rather easy to create "stars" that are either temporary places or copies of already existing places, "stars" like this take time and/or knowledge. "The Room of Requirements which could be said to be a watered down version of [Innovate Clear] gave me valuable data that I am using to create this place as well as the pain in the ass that was training Occlumency as well as using its connection over the concept of "The Tree of The Knowledge", but creating something Battle-Efficient will take me more time." Even with the Spell-Matrix of [Domain Expansion], some arrangements have to be made to recreate them with the help of [Innovate Clear] to create something similar. 

"With all of this, I am surprised that you are not jumping around creating new things or just straight up closing yourself on research." 

I raised one of my eyebrows. "Don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to do that. Honestly, all the experiments that I could do here in a controlled environment and not to mention the innovations in my [Bounded Fields]." I meant that pun. "But there are more crucial things to do in the meantime, I will still practice with [Innovate Clear], but we have little time on our hands even if I use the [Time-Dilatation Bounded Field], I still need to go outside this place so I cannot be here 24/7." 

Technically I could stay here until the System was fixed and go back to my home. I could just ignore the benefits of this world and wait until I gather enough points to get better things or rewards from future missions and now do things of my own. Researching some things I was lagging, going here and there to steal or copy some books. Taking advantage of being in the past, Francesco da Milano is still alive so maybe watching a live performance, or just simply lazing around…


There are opportunities on this very instant that even though the risks are great if I fuck up things, the benefits are even greater. I am willing to do many things but becoming complacent is not one of those things to not take the chances in front of me. 

Advancement is always faster while facing adversities.

This is my chance to take another step towards my goal.

To establish my foothold in this world

To become whole again and…

I saw Gramps and recalled all the things that he had done for me over these years and how little I had returned to him. I will use this chance to finally be able to return a modicum of the kindness that he has bestowed upon me.

"We have to move forward for the sake of the final cause." I will not tolerate anyone in my way. "So we are going to…" 

"Japan," Gramps said without surprise which earned a deadpan expression from me. "What? I already proposed the idea after your debacle with Michael and according to the plan it is for the best to go before engaging against the devils." 

"Anyway…to be accurate we are going to Tokyo, or Edo as it is currently known." 

"To be honest, I thought that you would head to Kyoto."

"I did, but there are several reasons to go over there to start. The first one is that Nurarihyon is the leader of the East Yokai Faction which is located there and it is summer, so even if the Hyakko Yako(Night Parade of One Hundred Demons) I will either encounter troublesome Yokai or some Shinto idiots could potentially earn me the goodwill of the Shinto Gods depending on how far things escalate." I mean even if that does not occur I will earn valuable data or I could just set up the conditions so a major problem occurs. 

"Hunt the reckless and the idiots… the usual, got it." Gramps was not surprised since this was our usual Modus Operandi in the Potterverse. 

"The second reason is that for the moment it is quite insignificant in the great scheme of things since we are a couple of years earlier since we are a couple of years before the battle of Takanawahara, so it is a good place to taste the waters." 

"The third one is that I do not want to deal with the Five Principal Clans, I had enough of Young Masters in the Potterverse and since part of my plans involves the Devils….well I rather save some energy." Even if it seems a shallow reason, it has a reason since I do not want to kill any important figure of those clans as they are backed by the Shinto gods and I want something from them, but in the future…well, I will not care at all. 

"The fourth one is that different from the Kyoto Yokai Faction, there is no major incident in the future, sure they were also attacked by the Hero Faction, but all the heavy hitters were in Kyoto, so maybe I could earn some goodwill from them, depending on how I play my cards." 

"And the most important one is that there is a [Longinus] that I must acquire as well as current [Non-Longinus]." Even if I just acquired [Innovate Clear] that is not a reason to not acquire the rest of the pieces necessary for what I want, the sooner I have them the faster I can advance towards it.

From my pocket, I took [Fair Play] and from there I took a set of 13 books. All of them had covers made of black letters with no title, and all of them looked the same with the only difference of having gold-colored numbers on the bottom of the spine of the book. 

Even if I have not read these books I know what is inside of them. Honestly, they are the reason I was worried about what kind of thing Kazuma would ask me, but the benefits outweigh the risks. 

For Kazuma's sake, I had to be very careful with handling these books. Even if he perfectly knew the consequences of giving me something outside the [System] I am not a dick to just throw him at the metaphorical bus, I know for a fact that Fuga wouldn't care as long as he could be entertained, but the same cannot be said about the higher-ups that could be watching at any moment.

I placed books inside of the closest shelves and instantly I started to gain the knowledge inside of them. The sudden influx of information was not as severe as when I maintained my clones active for long periods as this place worked as an interphase. 

Years and years of research, when at the gasp of my hand. 

These books have the culmination of the research of one of my favorite antagonists of all time. 

The very same who fooled his so-called subordinates, giving them a purpose to fill the emptiness where their hearts once were and become whole again.

This was none other than Xemnas, the main antagonist of Kingdom Hearts II.

And the goal?

Create Kingdom Hearts. 


Hello niece and nephew, it's Uncle Author and I am back!!!

Jizz man, it has been quite a hectic month and I had the worst creative block since the beginning of this FF. So that is one of the main reasons why it did take so long. But hey at least it is 14K words long hahaha

But being serious I think that because I want to write about so many things I get overwhelmed with what I want to do and I want to make them at the best of my capabilities and a little more so that in the end I am in front of the computer for like 2 hours straight trying to write/making research and I do not write anything. 

Once I read from another Fanfic writer that he writes multiple fanfics to solve this problem and also to not get tired/burned of writing one and drop it. Obviously after more than a year of dedicating myself to writing this fanfic, I will not drop it since I have a special attachment to this fic and all of the readers.

So, I decided to write something new, for the moment it is just a draft. But it will be a more focused DXD fanfic with a main power system that I have not read in a while. A little heads up, it is related to Essence of Meta CYOA and no, it is not based on Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel, if anything it is more similar to A Deal With A Devil from the Author Crossedge aka The GOAT. So stay tuned for further notice. 

Well returning with this fic, what did you guys/gals think about this chapter? I think that I did a pretty good job with Innovate Clear if I have to say hahaha. Btw a little foreshadowing, the use of William Blake's poems while he synchronized with Innovate Clear, was not only for the sake of sounding cool(chunni) 

So next chapter Yozora will go to Japan and will create mayhem in a version of his home country, so be ready for the next chapter. 

So, with anything else to say, thank you for reading this chapter. 

If you like this ff so far, please make a review on the main page, this will help me a lot so more people get interested in reading it. 

Also, leave a comment with your thoughts on this chapter and maybe drop a stone or two(My precious) hahaha. 

See you again in the next chapter!

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