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1.59% Battle Across The Omniverse / Chapter 2: First Years Of Life

Kapitel 2: First Years Of Life

MC POV - Saint Seiya Universe - Italy - 17\12\1971

I suddenly woke up feeling a strange pressure constricting all around me, trying to slowly push me up? 'What is happening? What is this thing all around me that is constricting and pushing me at the same time? the last thing I remember is Void sending way, I am about to be born and I'm conscious during the experience... Fuck!!'.

Meanwhile, the pressure and pushing force grew stronger and so did the pains but soon I was able the see the light at the end of the tunnel, and next two big hands gently took a hold of my head, and gently guided me out, and before the iconic slap came, I started to cry to let them know that I'm alive and breathing "Uhaaaa!Uhaaa!", then I heard a nurse voice that said "Congratulazioni signora, è un bambino (Congratulation Madam, It's a boy!)".

And then, the doctor cut my umbilical cord and checked my health and while this was happening I thought 'What the hell was that language, it felt like Italian, but shouldn't Shaina's family be Greek? Well, not that I know both of them, so I have to learn 3 more languages at least, Italian, Greek, and Japanese, what a pain...'.

After some time the doctor end his check-up and gave me to what I think is the nurse who washed me and then says "Ecco, vostro figlio! Come lo volete chiamare? (Here, is your child! What is his name?)" and gave me to my mother, as soon I felt the new set of arms holding me and the warm and secure feeling that it gave me, I opened my eyes and saw the blurry figure of a female looking at me, then I heard "Il mio bel bambino, ti chimerò Jayr, come tuo nonno (My beautiful boy, your name will be Jayr, like your grandpa)".

Jayr POV - Italy - 1972

A year passed since my birth and the only things I could do was, eat, shit, play with my sister Shaina, and sleep, the first weeks were literally hell as all my eyes saw was blurry figures, and I had almost no control over my body and its needs, but I was able to slowly gain control of my body and also learned Italian and Geek, much faster than what I thought possible, it only took 5 months of constantly hearing it to learn it, and from what I learned from hearing my parents talking is that mom is greek while dad is italian and that I got a mix of my mother and father's looks, I have my father's dark blue hair and my mother's green eyes, while Shaina is the carbon copy of mother, but only in the looks department as she is really naughty, while mom is gentle and calm.

Another thing that I did was check on my Soulbound Territory, but I have to admit it was kind of lackluster, right now is 1km^2 of bare fertile earth with a clear sky that mirrors the one in my world and sunlight coming from out of nowhere as there is no sun in the sky, I think it is made this way so that it can sustain life here, and of course, out of my 1km^2 there is a boundary made of multicolored mist, another point of interest is a stone ring of 6,7m in diameter with some strange symbols engraved on it in the middle of the Terrain, with some kind of dial next to it 'No fucking way... why there is a Stargate here?'

(Image Here - Stargate)

And right at that moment I received a message directly in my mind, and quickly recognize the voice and I know it comes from Culture "Hey bro, hope you like the design this was my idea and I'm proud of it...Now, this is the Unigate, the object you and the other competitor will use to travel to other Universes, on the Dial you can choose the Universe you want to go to and the timeline, but be careful if another competitor did go there before you, the timeline will be fixed on his chosen one because before a competitor goes to a Universe the time in the others is stopped at its creation, until a competitor enter in it, Have Fun! And remember any hole is a go... Oh, I forgot... When it is time for the random transport you will be forcefully teleported here be careful! Ciao!" and after checking on the Unigate I got out the Soulbound Terrain.

Back to the present, I'm now, once again at the hospital, as mom and dad had a little too much fun and now my little sister is about to be born, and right now I'm in the arm of my paternal grandma Maria, while Shaina is walking back and forth in the aisle, while grandpa Carlo is following behind her, while we are waiting I listen to grandma talking with her sisters while the other family members are coming one after another 'Truly a big family, I have so many aunts, uncles, and cousins that it is a miracle that I'm able to remember them all, but there are a few that are quite hard to forget'

I remember the time I meet with my paternal uncles and aunt soon after I learned Italian, for the first time I learned about my surname, and let me tell you when I heard it, plus the meeting with my uncles and aunt, I needed a change of diapers, you see my father's name is Eduardo Pucci, and he is an English teacher and his the youngest son, at this point there is nothing wrong with it, but his older brother, my uncle name is Enrico, Enrico Pucci and he is a catholic priest, uncle's twin is named Domenico Pucci, and he is a weather reporter, while my aunt is the youngest one and her name is Perla Pucci, if it wasn't for the fact that they all more or less resemble father, I'd thought that I was reborn in the wrong Universe.

After a few hours, my father Eduardo came out with a baby in his arms and says "It's a girl, we named her Geist" then Shaina run toward our father to take a better look at her while dad lowers himself to make us see better, she took after dad, a small tuff dark blue hair and blue eyes, looking around with a curious gaze.

Jayr POV - Italy - 1973

Another year passed and mom started telling us the tales of the Saints, warriors of the Goddess Athena who protects the world peace, using a mythical power called cosmo and that donned armor called Cloth who protect them from harm and amplify their powers, when Shaina asked if they really existed, Mom answered that it really existed and that her father was once a Saint but once he knew that her mother was pregnant, choose to abandon the claim to the Cloth and serve Athena as an instructor at the Sanctuary, then Shaina asked "Mom can I become a Saint too?" and mom thought about it for a long time before saying "Becoming a Saint is a hard task and huge responsibility, if you choose this path, then you can't go back, but if you really want to become a Saint of Athena, I won't oppose you, but you have to wait until you are 5 year old to start the training".

After that Shaina gave a kiss to mom and I took the chance to ask "Mom do we have to learn something before becoming Saint?", and mom replied "Well the Sanctuary is in Greece so you have to at least know Greek and I can teach you that, then the rest you can learn it at the Sanctuary as there is one of the largest Library in the world and is always updated" and Geist then asked "Who ish Atshena?" and mom "Athena is the goddess of Wisdom, Battle Tactics, War, Strategy, Courage, Inspiration, Civilization, Philosophy, Justice, and many others, and that is also seen in her Saints as they are the protector of justice, and often some of the most knowledgeable people of the world"

Then mom said "Now story time is over go to sleep see you tomorrow my sweet child" then she tucked our bed and gave us a kiss, while she took Geist into her room as she was still too young to sleep alone, then Shaina turns to me with her big green eyes shining and says "I'll be a Saint too, and protect the world from the bad guys and become the strongest ever!" and to that, I reply "I'll become a Saint too and not only protect the world but Shaina too, and if Geist also wants to become a Saint, I'll also protect her too!" then Shaina hugged me and said "Nighty Nighty, Jayr" and I replied with "Nighty Nighty, sis".

And then I went to sleep, but in the middle of the night I'm awoken by an incredible feeling of power that felt like a warm hug, making me feel protected, but as soon as it appeared, that feeling was gone and all returned normal so fast that I almost thought it was an illusion, 'What was that?... Wait!! Now that I think about it, it should be almost the time that Athena reincarnated, this also means that the Pope Shion a young man of just 248 years old is about to be killed by the 14 years old Saga the Gemini Gold Saint and soon after Aiolos the Sagittarius Gold Saint will die too, and all kinds of shit will happen, from Poseidon soul possessing a 3 years old child, and Pandora freeing the gods Hypnos and Thanatos, and giving Hades soul as a pendant to the newborn Shun'

Then I recall what I know of the main characters 'And with him, all the mythical six are all born, Seiya who fight the first and last enemies, always, and like to run up some stairs or climb up cliff barehanded after falling from said cliff headfirst at least 3 times... Shiryu the exhibistionist\masochist, that can't wait to take off his armor with an indestructible shield to fight enemies stronger than him while losing and gaining sight back and forth... Hyoga, that guy has always a tragic story to tell while he fights someone, like how he lost his mother, his teacher, his best friend, his goldfish... Shun, who while being one of the strongest Saints, is too kind, and he gets almost always is ass kicked because he doesn't want to hurt his opponents, while constantly asking for his brother Ikki's help... And last but not least, Jesus-Ikki, with the fantastic tactic of killing his enemy with a kamikaze attack, and then resurrecting like nothing happened when his brother calls for help... All led by the most kidnapped Goddess in the Omniverse history... What a team'.

Shaina POV - Italy - 1975

It's is finally time, I'm finally 5 and now can start the training to become a Saint, right now me, mom, dad, Jayr, Geist, grandma, and grandpa are all in the car moving towards the airport where I and Mom will go to Athens in Greece and meet up with grandpa Jayr, and then he will lead us into the Sanctuary where I'll finally start my training to become a Saint.

Sure I'll miss mom, dad, and my siblings, especially Jayr, I can't get along with Geist very well but Jayr is always there to stop and help us make peace, and he is also the one that always supports me and helps me when I need, I always feel that he treat me like a little sister, but it isn't so bad at least he always helps me with my homework, he is also very protective toward me and the family, there was a bully at school that picked on Geist, I didn't want to interfere as I felt that she had to handle it herself, but Jayr soon started attacking the bully and made him cry, then he cheered up Geist.

As I was lost in thought, we finally reached the airport, and it was time to say goodbye first I said goodbye to grandpa and grandma then I hugged dad as he told me "If it is too hard you can always come back I'll still be proud of you" then Geist said "I'll miss you a little so send some letter from time to time" and finally was Jayr time as he hugged me he said, "Bye sis, don't miss me too much after all you'll see me in a year, and remember to kick their ass!".

Then I and mom took the plane and as it was raising up in the air, I gave one last look at the airport that was growing smaller and smaller.

Jayr POV - Greece - 1976

I just got out of the plane with mom, we finally reached Athens the closest city to the Sanctuary, thankfully my family is very supportive of us becoming Saints, after all for them it is almost like becoming a priest, a vocation.

And they aren't totally wrong about it, after all, becoming a Saint of Athena means that you choose to lose some freedom to protect the world from the forces of evil and fight for justice, at least when Athena is among us and the Pope isn't a psycho with a split personality.

Well, not all the family, Uncle Enrico, wanted us to become, Angels of God, and I was shocked by the fact that they existed and tempted, but in the end, the fact that to keep my status, I had to keep in check every kind of sins, and I would 'fall' if I didn't, made me reject his proposal, and let's ignore the fact that God in this world is very real but not much active and that Jesus F Christ is still alive and the leader of the Angels of God... And so after counting the prime numbers to calm down, another thing that reminds me of his more famous homonym, he accepted our decision, as the Saints of Athena, saved the world many times, and worked together with the Angels on many occasions.

Geist was a little sad that I was going away and declared that next year she will come too, as she got really attached to me, and that is because I spoiled her a little too much, but how can a human say no to those cute big blue puppy eyes.

Now back to the present, mom is holding my hand, and leading me toward the airport exit, and soon I hear a loud voice shouting mom's name "Agapi! Here! Here!" and I saw a 2.1m tall muscular man that looked no older than 35 with pale green long hairs and green eyes, tan complexion, and a scar that runs across the bridge of his nose, and without his right arm, waving his left hand, then I hear mom says "Dad! You are here!? I thought that you would come to the hotel tomorrow to take Jayr with you"

'...The Fuck!! He is grandpa? But mom told me that he is 75 this year, can the Cosmo really enhance the human lifespan so much? Well the previous Pope, Shion was 248 when he died and before he was killed he was very much still alive, while Dohko the purple cousin of Yoda is 251 now and is still alive and kicking, and when he burns his Cosmo to the max he also turns back to his yeah Cosmo is good'.

Then we moved closer to grandpa Jayr and mom did the introduction "Jayr this is my dad and your grandfather Jayr, I named you after him, and dad this is my middle son Jayr, and as I have written before he too, like Shaina, choose to become a Saint like you".

And so I greeted him "Nice to meet you grandpa!" and with a big smile Grandpa Jayr replies "Nice to meet you too kid, sorry that I couldn't come and meet you before but my duties as an instructor of the Sancturay hold me here", then he picked me up and raised me on his shoulder then he said to mom "I came early to spend some time with you, after all since you married Eduardo, we have barely seen each other, but I'm happy that your children have chosen to become Saints, at least I won't feel lonely any more"

Then as he took our suitcases and led us to the taxi "By the way as I told you in the letters, Shaina really does have great potential, she has already started to feel her Cosmo, and sometimes she is even able to briefly burn it, but she sure does take after me, like in my youth, she is tough, aggressive and passionate, the ones who messed with her all regret it!"

Then the rest of the day passed with grandpa spending time with mom and me talking just about anything, from funny stories, to some of his past battles exploit, and what shocked me was when he said that he was the one to kill Hitler and to fake the suicide while, the other Saints neutralized the German army, but what was even crazier was that Hitler was one of Lucifer's Fallen Angels (same as Saint but different name), Yes THAT Lucifer, and wielder of the Canis Glory (same as Cloth, but instead of the constellation, it is animals) he was also the one who took Grandpa's arm.

The next day I said goodbye to mom and went with grandpa towards the Sanctuary using one of the many hidden entrances in Athens, that led to an underground tunnel whose exit is right in front of the Sanctuary.

While we were walking in the tunnel grandpa started explaining the Sanctuary to me "The Sanctuary is located on the outskirts of Athens, and as you have seen possesses secret entrances in certain parts of the city. Although some ruins of the sanctuary are opened to the public, most of it is located within a dangerous mountain range, which cannot be crossed by average humans"

Then he starts explaining how is organized "The absolute commander of the sanctuary is the reincarnation of Athena, however, such incarnations only appear on Earth every two centuries or so, therefore, a human representative, known as Pope, is chosen among the saints to lead them between the eras. Under the Pope, there are the 12 Gold Saints, who act as generals to Athena's army, leading the soldiers and lower-ranked saints into battle. Some Silver Saints are given command over units of their own rank, Bronze Saints or soldiers, but they must prove to be good leaders."

"The main objective of the sanctuary's existence is to protect humanity and the world from divine forces that want to destroy or conquer it. Athena's love for mankind inspired the birth of the Saints and the making of their Cloths during the holy wars against Ares. The Sanctuary usually intervenes in affairs that threaten the peace and/or lives of a great number of people like the second world war I talked about yesterday"

Then we finally reached the end of the tunnel and what I saw was the Sanctuary in all its old beauty, built all over the mountain range, and once again I hear grandpa's voice as he pointed his finger at one place and explained "That is the Fire Clock, it is the most prominent structure of the sanctuary, along with Athena's Colossus, on the clock blue flames can be lit and when one of the flames extinguish it means that an hour passed, but the flames are only lit to mark or time important battles or events do not ask me why, it could be a tradition, a lucky charm, or even only for pathos."

And I saw that the Fire Clock is a colossal clock tower with four sides so that it can be seen from anywhere in the sanctuary, then he points at the deepest part of the Sanctuary, consisting of twelve temples built upon a mountain representing each of the twelve Zodiacs and explains "That is the Gold Zodiac! Inside each of the temples, a Gold Saint resides. They align themselves over high peaks, ridges, and slopes of the mountain, from the first sign to the last; namely, the temples of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. However, through wars and the passage of time, many Temples have fallen into decay, despite repairs."

Then he pointed a the colossal statue of Athena and said "The Athena's Colossus is a colossal statue overlooking the Sanctuary from the topmost part, accessible only through the Pope's Chamber. At first glance, the Colossus itself does not seem to have any significance but for decoration and symbolizing Athena. However, it holds many secrets that only a few alive now know of".

(Image Here - Sanctuary)

Then he pointed at the village at the foot of the mountain range "That is the Plaka Village, where the civilians, guards, and soldiers with their families lives, usually the trainee, and Saints go there to relax from time to time"(Yes I used the name of Athens's historical center, it seems to fit the world's lore)

Then he lead me to an isolated house on one of the mountains right in the middle of the Sanctuary "This is my home here, you and Shaina will live here, but she isn't here now, she is training with the others females warriors... Ah! Now that I remember, it is a law here that when a woman decides to become a saint, she renounces her gender and covers her feminine face with a mask. Traditionally, it is considered a terrible humiliation for a female saint to be seen without her mask, and if a man sees her face, her only two options are to kill or to love whoever did so".

But then I ask "But it shouldn't be a problem for me to see her face, after all, she is my sister and she already loves me or does the law only means romantic love?", and grandpa thought about it and replied, "What you said is right the law never specified what kind of love, so for both you and your sister is safe, but refrain to do so in the open as some other could see your sister face".

Then he said "Today you are free to explore the Sanctuary the only prohibited zone is the Gold Zodiac and the female training zone, but tomorrow we will start your training early in the morning are we clear?". and I reply with "Yes, grandpa but what can I expect from it?".

Grandpa looked at me and said, "First, I will be training your physical fitness from 6 am to 7 am, then breakfast and after that, you will have combat training from 8 am to 10 am, then from 10 am to 12 am you will learn about Cosmo and try to awaken yours, after that lunch and from 13 pm to 16 pm you will have general studies where you will learn Greek, Math, Science, and many others basic disciplines, after that you are free to do what you want".

"I thought it would be more spartan..." I said but grandpa with an evil grin says "Let's see if you will tell me that again tomorrow, now go, this will be your last worry-free days in a while!".

And so I started looking around the Sanctuary memorizing the various location while having a destination in mind 'Now where is it the Library? to make full use of my advantage that place will be the most important, after all, I figured out some of the things my blessing did, first it makes the acquisition of knowledge must faster then normal and also retain that knowledge forever, but it also makes me teach things better, in fact, I got these hints from the definition of culture in the vocabulary Treccani at home and verified it by helping my sisters'.

And after asking for indications from a random guard, I was finally able to reach the Library and once inside the first book that caught my eyes is the one named, "Alethe Historia Kosmos (True History of the World)" so I took it and then looked for a quiet place in the Library to read it, it is pretty easy as there aren't many people here, so I sit in a corner and started reading the book,

It starts telling from all the way back with The Big Bang 15 Billion years from the present, then it talked about the first Holy War between Athena and Poisedon where he wanted more land, but Athena won and sealed Poisendon, then after that it described the building of the Sanctuary, then a few thousand years ago Athena and Poisedon once again fought, and once again Athena won and resealed Poseidon.

Then Zeus did some shit and the mysterious Mu Continent was destroyed and the skill to make and repair Cloth was left only to a few Muvians that survived, then another war this time Athena and Ares, 58 Saints, vs 4 armies of Berserker, and a landslide victory for Athena, and next is the first war with Hades, where he was almost wounded by a Pegasus Saint, and so he put his real body in Elysium to avoid to damage his divine body, while his soul possessed someone else, then the more know times.

In 476 AD, the Fall of Rome, the Saints secretly helped the Fall of the Roman Empire as Mars some kind of alien god with his warriors, the Martian, was trying to take control of this world, once again Athena to the rescue and Mars sealed.

1274 - 1281, the Defeat of "Genko", the Saints secretly defeated the Mongol Empire from invading Japan, behind them, there was Daichi Tengri the red god of war who wanted to expand his dominion.

1743, the Previous Holy War with Hades, Hades soul this time possessed a young boy in Italy, who for some coincidence was a friend of the reincarnation of Athena of that time, and another kid that later became the Pegasus Saint, this time the war was brutal and even if Athena side won, the Sanctuary lost most of its Saint, the only Gold Saint that survived are Libra Dohko and the newly elected Pope Aries Shion.

In 1812, Napoleon's Defeat, the Saints secretly helped the collapse of the Napoleonic Rule, strangely no deity was apparently involved here, but he had to be stopped as he was causing too much conflict and death, in the end, they found out that Napoleon was equipped with some armor similar to the Saints Cloth, and that he called himself the Pig Fallen Angel.

1914 to 1918, First World War, the Pope Shion once again choose to secretly help and end this war, and in this conflict, they found out that a hand was secretly moving the strings once again, as many leaders of the Central Powers were in fact Fallen Angels.

1939 to 1945, Second World War, Lucifer finally revealed himself as the mastermind behind these outrageous wars, he ordered his Canis Fallen Angel Adolf to control his homeland and start a big war, but it was stopped by the joint effort 25 Exorcist plus 10 Angels of God and of 40 Saints led by the former Tauros Gold Saint Jayr and the Archangel Jesus 'Holy tits of Athena!! Grandpa was the Taurus Gold Saint! And Christ!! He fought together with Jesus Christ!!! The Saints are practically present in every major world happening!'.

Then I noticed the time and that it was starting to turn dark and choose to go back to grandpa's house while on the way home I was thinking about my plans for the future 'First and most important, in the library I have to find every medical book possible, maybe here I will find something I didn't learn before, I still want to be a doctor to save as many lives as possible, and I have to learn as many languages as I can after that learn as much as possible from the library as you never know when you'll need some kind of obscure knowledge or skill for the challenges of the others competitor, and especially considering the fact that my Blessing seems to work on knowledge, but I can't neglect my body so other then the training in the morning I will do some extra training but without exaggerating, at least not before my medical knowledge of this world human limits is up for it'.

When I finally reached Grandpa's home, as soon as I opened the door a green bullet came hugged me and threw both of us to the ground then I saw the masked face of my sister Shaina "Jayr you are finally here, you do not know how much I miss, how are you?" and patting her head, even if she is taller and older then me, I said "I'm fine, sis, and I'm happy to finally meet you again, I missed you too, but we better get up and go inside, I want to see your face again"

And she replies "But I cannot show a man my face if not I have to kill him..." but I interrupt and says "...or love him, but you are my sister and you already love me, so that isn't a problem, Grandpa said the same, but he also said that we can do so only when we are sure that no one else can see you" and Shaina excited "Really!? then let's go inside, you do not know how stuffy this thing feels sometimes"

Once inside I saw grandpa and with a false pout I said "Grandpa you are mean why you didn't tell me that you were a Gold Saint", and Shaina shocked exclaims "Eh? Really?" and Grandpa curious ask "And where did you learn of this, right now the only one that knows this are very few, my successor Aldebaran, the Libra Gold Saint Old Master Dohko, the Pope Shion, and the scribe and librarians, my old friend Basker after all many years passed since I was an active Saint, Hell I stopped being one after my fight with Hitler, in fact, I was the only gold Saint that survived the war, if we do not count Master Dohko, and retired soon after"

And I was confused so I asks "Eh? But it is written in the book of the Library, "Alethe Historia Kosmos" how is possible that no other one knows?" and he replies "Simple very few Saints go to the library and even less read a book about history since that is taught in class, but you in your free time went to the library of all the places?" and Shaina replies in my place "Grandpa! Jayr was always a bookworm, he also helped me and Geist a lot with our school homework, so it is normal".

And after saying that, Shaina changed the subject and asked "Grandpa how strong are the Gold Saint?" Grandpa Jayr looked at us and then says "Very strong, they can destroy a planet if they least the older ones, the Pope two years ago had the baffling decision of granting the Gold Saint Title and Cloth to a bunch of 7 years old kids, And while their Guardian Constellation has already acknowledged them and they indeed have the talent and capacity for it, it was way too soon for them to don the Cloth and Title, before them, the youngest one was the Pisces Gold Saint, who got the title at the young age of 9, while the next ones got it at the age of 10, and before them, the strongest Gold Saint of this generation were Aiolos, Saga, and Kanon who got it at 12 and at that time it was already an exception, in fact usually one gets the title of Gold Saint at 18, but those three were so talented that the Gold Cloth didn't acknowledge anyone else... But then Kanon was put into the Cape Sunion Prison, while Aiolos betrayed the Sanctuary, and soon after, Saga disappeared somewhere... So I can understand the Pope's decision to some extent!".

Then he put the dinner on the table and said "Well let's stop talking about this and let's eat, tomorrow will be a big day for you as your training as a Saint will finally start".

Odyin Odyin

Have Fun and a Nice Day Cya!

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