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33.13% I'm Gohan! / Chapter 54: Chapter 54: Win?

Kapitel 54: Chapter 54: Win?

Piccolo exhaled as the process concluded. He looked down at his hands, noticing the golden hue on his skin, and that wasn't the most amazing thing.

He felt highly powerful, as if his entire being had been renewed the instant his hidden potential was fully released.

'These are the true powers that I can achieve? Impressive' Piccolo thought with a satisfied smile at how well it turned out.

King Cold ignored the earthlings and Nappa, and began to walk towards the Namekian, who looked slightly different in physique from him.

"Something has changed in you, but despite that you won't be able to beat me" Cold spoke with a smile and Piccolo looked at him very seriously.


Piccolo expelled the aura from him and King Cold shot out until he crashed into some rocks.

"Th-that's Piccolo?! How did he get such great power?" Tien was shocked but pleased as Piccolo became stronger than Cold.

"A few moments ago I felt Kami-sama's Ki around here... maybe they have joined as Guru said" Krillin replied looking at them smiling.

They immediately remembered the words of the old Namekian, that if Piccolo and Kami became one being again, they would be incredibly powerful.

"That's great! But then... the dragon balls ceased to exist?" Yamcha intervened showing his great doubt and Krillin shrugged.

Nappa listened to that conversation without understanding too much. He was puzzled by how strong the earthlings had become in just a month and a half.

Cold stood up slowly, brushing the dust off his body, and looked at Piccolo, not understanding how he could have affected him without touching him.

'I see, it seems that he increased his powers…this will be interesting' Cold smiled excitedly as he clenched his fists, "Namekian!"

Piccolo raised his head upon hearing him. "So you're still alive, I thought it would be enough with that attack"

"Don't be so arrogant, I've barely used half of my power. But I see I'll have to use 100% against you" declared King Cold smiling.

Everyone was alarmed at that statement, they were living a damn nightmare! But apparently Piccolo wasn't too bothered.

"HAAA!" Cold exclaimed releasing an enormous amount of power and suddenly the muscles of his body increased his size to no avail.

The entire surrounding region trembled like a massive earthquake. The Z Fighters recoiled in fear from that great power.

"Does that monster have any limits?" Tien asked as Chiaotzu clung to his leg unwillingly to let go, "It sure is frightening!"

"But Piccolo looks very calm...we shouldn't worry!" Yamcha indicated with some optimism looking at the Namekian.

Cold walked towards Piccolo calmly, expelling massive amounts of Ki through his muscular body, he was fearsome!

"You are the first to observe the patriarch of the frost demons in all his splendor, feel proud" King Cold commented with a smile.

However, Piccolo looked him up and down without flinching. "Is that... your full power?"

There was a hint of mockery in his voice, something Cold noticed. Feeling annoyed he flew towards Piccolo and delivered a powerful punch to his abdomen.

"Indeed, it is all my power" Cold asserted confidently. His smile faded when Piccolo got up as if nothing happened despite that blow.

"Well, what a disappointment"


Piccolo hit back with a punch to Cold's face followed by a powerful knee and an elbow to the head.

Cold fell to the ground spitting blood but Piccolo didn't stop; he grabbed his tail and started circling Cold's body around.

After a few seconds he threw him into the sky but surprisingly the king recovered and flew towards him surrounded by a bright pinkish aura.


The Namekian rose with a golden aura and both extended their fists until they collided, producing a shock wave in the sky.

And then, the two began a close combat where fists, kicks and knees collided with each other creating thunder around.

"It's a battle from another dimension, it already seems as if the planet is about to explode" Tien said looking quite stupefied.

Nappa clenched his fists unable to continue the fight, how did that Namekian get so much power in just a month? It was something unheard of!

King Cold began to despair because none of his blows were being effective against the Namekian, was he weaker than him?

"I'm fed up!" Cold tried to land a blow to Piccolo's cheek, who easily jerked his head to the side in a dodge.


With impressive speed his fist slammed into Cold's abdomen and clasping his hands together he gave him an ax blow to the head.

The demon was shot towards the ground and impacted creating a huge crater on the spot. Piccolo smiled landing very calmly.

"Incredible Piccolo! Keep it up!" Krillin exclaimed cheering the Namekian and Chiaotzu jumped excited at how everything was going.

Cold started to get up feeling pain in his body. "H-how is it p-possible? With my 100% you shouldn't even be a match for me insect!"

"You have great power but you don't seem to know how to use it" declared Piccolo crossing his arms.

"W-what do you mean?" Cold asked stunned.

"It's no use having so much Ki if you can't hit your opponent, with those muscles you move much more slowly than before"

"And besides, maintaining your 100% state is wearing you out. In a few minutes you'll be exhausted... so I won the battle" Piccolo sentenced.

Those words shocked Cold, since he was right. He was getting exhausted by every moment of time that continued to pass.

But he couldn't give up that easily, he was the head of the most powerful family in the universe! He couldn't fall against a Namekian, no, never that!

"NEVER!" he yelled, launching a Ki blast at point-blank range leaving Piccolo with no chance of evading it. A curtain of smoke covered him then.

As that smoke cleared, Piccolo looked in surprise at the large ball of energy hovering above King Cold's demon finger.

"I will destroy this planet and you in turn! The cold demons will live forever!" Cold declared before launching that huge Supernova.

"Take cover guys!" Yamcha yelled and everyone went to the safest place around, "That demon wants to destroy this planet!"

Piccolo extended his arms and with his full power stopped Cold's Supernova, but that didn't prevent the attack from pushing him to the surface.

"You won't be able to stop my attack! If you dodge it, this planet will explode!" Cold exclaimed crossing his arms confidently, "H-how?!"

To his horror, the sphere began to rise thanks to Piccolo's gigantic power. "I will never allow it! DIE!" he yelled releasing more Ki.

The energy Piccolo expelled fueled King Cold's attack on himself and this time he tried to stop it, but it was too much power.

That Supernova dragged him through the atmosphere furrowing outer space and crossing millions of kilometers the attack led him to the sun.

"I-it can't be... DAMN IT!" Cold yelled as he began to be consumed by the heat of the sun and then there was a huge explosion.


Everyone closed their eyes as there was a flash of energy in the sky. And after a few seconds, normality returned to the planet.

"What the hell happened? Is that scoundrel Cold dead?" Nappa asked rubbing his eyes as the previous glare from her blinded him.

"That's right big man, Piccolo has beaten Frieza's father" Yamcha replied with a smile and looked at the namekian with a trace of admiration.

"Well done Piccolo!" Krillin gave him a thumbs up happily and Piccolo turned around, before returning the thumbs up with a slight smile on his features.

'I'm waiting for you Gohan, hurry up!' Piccolo thought before lying on the ground tired, it had been a difficult battle. But today he had won.


"Are you feeling better?"

Goku asked his son looking at him with a smile as the little boy woke up.

"Yeah Dad, how are Uncle Raditz and Vegeta?"

"They're fine, I gave them a bit of my energy... although that's why I can hardly stand up" Goku said smiling and Raditz approached.

"I congratulate you dwarf, you fought very well and in the end you avenged the honor of the saiyans" Raditz patted the boy's head, who smiled happily.

Vegeta gave a small smile and turned away, the proud warrior in the background thanking him for beating Frieza.

Gohan turned his head noticing the big hole that his Spirit Bomb had created in the sea of ​​the planet Namek, although it was worth it.

It was almost impossible for the tyrant to have survived, his Spirit Bomb was much more powerful than his father's in the anime.

And if Frieza was still alive... No! Better not imagine it. They were all weakened, and there was no Krillin to reach Super Saiyan.

"I have to ask you, how did you do the Spirit Bomb while fighting us?" Raditz asked curiously about it.

"I created a clone and gave him half of my power so he could go fight while I gathered energy elsewhere" answered the minor with a smile.

"Half of your power? Wow, that means you're very powerful son, I'll have to train to reach you soon" Goku uttered happily.

Vegeta frowned at the talk, as he was the weakest of the group right now, even Raditz himself became stronger!

"By the way Uncle Raditz... can you control the transformation you showed earlier?" Gohan asked intrigued, 'It would be great if he could'

"I don't think so at the moment. Maybe with some training I can get it" Raditz said looking at his hand and turned to Vegeta.

"What do you want bug?!"

"What's your plan now that we've beaten Frieza?" Raditz asked crossing his arms and Vegeta grumbled, "I'll stay on Earth."

The Saiyans had been serving Frieza's army for a long time, but now everything was different. They had achieved their freedom!

Raditz was going to stay on Earth since after all his brother and his nephew lived there. And besides, it was a good planet to live on.

"That's none of your business, don't think that because you have that power you're my equal" Vegeta declared scolding him, "I'm still your prince!"

"We are five Saiyans. Your principality ended when Frieza destroyed our planet" Raditz sighed tiredly, "Besides, you are weaker than me"

Gohan was amazed at the cheap shot Raditz had given Vegeta, although his uncle was right, as Vegeta was the weakest of them all.

"What did you say insolent?!" Vegeta demanded lunging at him but Goku got in between the two before they could fight.

"Come on guys, let there be peace" Goku said in a pacifist tone and looked at Vegeta, "Although I hope you train to continue our battle"

"I say the same... if I trained with you in the gravity machine it's so we could fight later on Earth" Gohan asserted.

Vegeta smiled closing his eyes calmly. "I will be the most powerful in the universe, and when I finish with you, you will not be so arrogant"

"Look who's talking about arrogance" Goku said with his hands on his waist and everyone laughed out loud at the ironic comment Vegeta made.

After so much fighting, so much fighting, and so much attacking, they needed to relieve themselves somehow. They had been desperate hours for everyone.

"We must go back to Earth, I've had enough with this planet" Raditz said sighing tiredly and Goku nodded.

"I wonder if our friends were able to finish off the Ginyu forces" Gohan uttered leaving everyone present perplexed.

"How about the Ginyu forces?!" Raditz asked.

"While we were fighting Frieza told that he had sent his special forces to Earth" replied the boy. Goku looked at him upset.

"What?! That's too bad Gohan, everyone must be in danger!" Goku exclaimed with concern but Gohan calmly shook his head.

"Don't worry dad, I asked Namek's Guru to unlock his hidden powers just like he did with me and Vegeta" added little Son.

"So you had to go to a Namekian to get stronger, hey prince?" Raditz asked mockingly and Vegeta grumbled.

"Uh? Well, that calms me down haha" Goku scratched the back of his neck smiling, for a moment he thought the worst for his friends. Lucky it didn't.

"And even all of them fought Frieza's father, and thanks to Piccolo they were able to beat that monster. You all did great"

Goku was surprised at King Kai's words. "Wait, Frieza had a dad? That means he has a mom too ahh!"

Raditz wanted to hit his forehead at what his brother said, but he too was surprised. "Did you say Piccolo? That Namekian?"

"Yes, he obtained unimaginable powers. Even he became stronger than all of you" replied the Kaio leaving them quite stunned.

"Damn, I never thought that Piccolo would be so powerful. I'll have to train a lot to surpass him!" Goku stated excitedly.

"To think that a year ago he barely had 400 units" commented Raditz sarcastically and noticed that his nephew was thoughtful.

Vegeta clenched his fists in great annoyance, now there were four insects that surpassed his powers! But that did not matter, he was going to overcome them.

'King Cold? If he was supposed to show up when Trunks arrives on Earth... was he defeated by Piccolo? What the hell happened?' Gohan thought.

The canon story had taken unexpected branches, indirectly caused by him. He didn't think the butterfly effect was so huge.

He was also very curious about Piccolo's power, stronger than them? King Kai knew that he and his father could execute the Kaio-ken...

So… did this mean that Piccolo surpassed the power of him even with the Kaio-ken times ten? He couldn't let him get the better of him!

"Dad, let's go back to Earth," Gohan chimed in, eager to get back, "On my ship or yours?"

"In any son, right now I'm just thinking about the food that Chi-Chi is going to prepare for us" Goku said feeling excited.

Gohan nodded happily and helped his father up, but suddenly lightning pierced through Goku's left chest, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Dad! DAD! Tell me something please!" the little boy yelled shaking his father's body but he didn't respond. Then, he felt an immense Ki.

Raditz gaped at his brother's body and suddenly sensed a huge Ki behind them... Frieza was still alive!

He breathed exhausted on a hill. The muscles of his body were swollen to the limit, he had unleashed his power to the fullest!

"This is impossible!" Vegeta yelled in terror.

"If I hadn't released my 100%… I'd be dead right now" Frieza said and looked annoyed at Gohan, "You'll pay me you stupid monkey! This time you will die!"

As the boy cried for the death of his father, a death beam came out of Frieza's finger ready to finish him off once and for all.


Raditz pushed Gohan away and took that deadly attack instead. The left side of his chest was pierced by Frieza mercilessly.

"Uncle Raditz!" Gohan yelled as he saw the Saiyan fall to the ground, "W-why? Why did you do it?!"

"D-dwarf... it was you who gave me this life, i-it would be unfair for me to n-not return the f-favor" Raditz released a large mouthful of blood.

The boy's tears fell like a waterfall landing on Raditz's face, who made one last effort and stroked Gohan's hair.

"Y-you trusted me when n-no one e-else did... Ugh, d-don't cry, a warrior d-doesn't lower his head at a-any m-moment l...little"

"T-the b-best thing that happened to me in this l-life... is being your uncle. Thanks for everything... Gohan"

Raditz's eyes lost all trace of life in them and Gohan squeezed his eyes shut trying to hold back the tears from his soul.

"A piece of garbage got in the way. Tsk, better yet, that's how I finish off the two that are left" Frieza said with a creepy smile and raised his hand.

"Get out of here Vegeta!" Gohan exclaimed and the prince's body began to tremble with fear for the first time, he was extremely terrified.

"Do you think I'm going to let them get away? All Saiyans will die!" Frieza replied starting to laugh and Vegeta recoiled when he heard him.

Gohan tearfully looked at the lifeless body of his father and Raditz. They had died because of him, everything had ended this way because of him!

His heart filled with rage and a blood thirst like never before. All that helplessness from earlier began to build up inside of him.

He felt hate.

He felt fury.

He felt anger.

"I-I…I…" Gohan's body trembled as lightning began to form around him. Frieza looked at him in bewilderment.

The lightning around Gohan's aura moved to the sky causing the roar of thousands of thunders in Namek sky.

The tears of pain in the boy's eyes turned into tears of blood that cried out for revenge for his father and his uncle...

Cried out for Frieza's blood.

He wouldn't rest until he was done with it.

He wouldn't rest until he saw Frieza's dead body.

"I... I WILL KILL YOU FRIEZA!" Gohan yelled with blank eyes and his hair stood on end taking on a very bright yellow color.

His aura also turned yellow and not only that. His eyes went from being black to being turquoise blue that looked with great anger at Frieza.

Vegeta widened his eyes in surprise at the amount of energy Gohan was expelling. Frieza backed away in fear.

His greatest fear came true...

Gohan turned into a Super Saiyan!

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Well, Gohan has transformed into a Super Saiyan. As I said, everything would have its development, I don't want to do things without reason.

Raditz dead and Goku dead, will Gohan be able to fulfill his revenge? Will he defeat Frieza?

Piccolo has defeated Cold, it was a fight that I liked to write... in the next chapter this saga ends, if we reach 525 power stones I will update!

Thanks for reading!

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