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20% Pioneer System: Game of Thrones / Chapter 1: [Welcome Host to the Pioneer System!]
Pioneer System: Game of Thrones Pioneer System: Game of Thrones original

Pioneer System: Game of Thrones

Autor: PhantomMedjay

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: [Welcome Host to the Pioneer System!]

"*Sigh* While I wish to curse you for bringing me here again, to this accursed place in all of Existence, I'm not entirely surprised."

An exhausted Soul of pure white light floated alone in the middle of eternal chaos that bound Space, Time, Creation, and Eternity together with the Abyss.

Moments after the Soul spoke out into the vast darkness of the void, a greater form of golden light that expanded beyond the size of a galaxy presented itself.

In front of the small Soul of pure white light, the golden orb of light could easily swallow the Soul and continue its lone trek through the void without anyone noticing.

Though it stopped and addressed the pure light of the Soul as if it were an old friend who'd come over to visit for some tea or drinks.

"Child… *Sigh* you should be pleased I am still willing to come out and bother to face you after your twenty millionth life through Incarnation…"

The pure golden light grander than a galaxy burst alive in a vast spectrum of colours as it spoke without destroying or harming the miniscule ball of pure white light of the Soul standing stoically against the immoveable force.

"*Sigh* Look… we've had this back-and-forth tango for who knows how many years through eternity, and at this point, I'm exhausted, ten billion times over.

We both know this is inhuman torture for no apparent reason…

Even if I considered you did it for your own sick entertainment, my personal conclusion on the matter says you wouldn't leave me suffering continuous rebirths throughout eternal lifetimes without thinking of the potential consequences." Replied the Soul, while devoid of emotion in its voice that transmitted to the Golden Galaxy.

It figured the best way to showcase logic was to portray sound and calm behaviour, especially in the face of greater strength.

In this case, the Golden Galaxy held immense power over the Soul, through a great number of abilities connected to its existence.

Stumped by the Soul's insistence, the Golden Galaxy chose to relent and do as the Soul wished, for now, otherwise it could consider the Eternal Throne beyond its solid grasp and control.

"… Child… *Sigh* we've brought a great deal of harm to you, and we will continue to do so in the future sadly as it's outside of our realm of control, since we cannot fight Fate and Destiny's path for us without some cost, unless we wish to succumb to our own mortal desires.

Therefore, we've determined your next life will be a peaceful one, but moments of great change will bring about immense challenges for you to face…

For once, the world will offer you a chance to cause the drive forward in development of the world's society, and strike a mark on history, while possibly freeing yourself from the curse bound to the core of your Spirit form." Said the Golden Galaxy, its voice booming out into the vast starry darkness of space.

"You say 'freedom', but it wouldn't be the first time I've been drawn in by false promises, only to be kicked aside like a rat after you've witnessed your meaning of 'delight' and 'enjoyment'." Aggressively replied, the pure white beaming Soul, floating in front of the Golden Galaxy.

"We can only try our best each time you come before us to lessen the effects of the curse…

We do hope to break you free of servitude, but your faithful service has been important as this moment now will be the ultimate and final test.

At the same time, you'll be able to grant us answers to many questions that have plagued us for eternity…

While being able to bring the world to new heights, your name and those of your bloodline will be remembered forever, as your life experience cannot be matched by any Mortal being capable of reincarnation.

Even Gods fail to match the knowledge you possess… and defiantly own.

Therefore, we require a great deal from you once more, Child… more than we should be asking of you in the first place…"

"Then don't…" Argued back the White Soul.

"Leave me alone and let me rest." Continued the pained White Soul, "Otherwise fulfil my requests to help make my life a little more peaceful before I'm forced to undertake whatever crap you've pushed onto my shoulders."

The Golden Galaxy heavily sighed, with its voice carrying throughout space, time, and existence.

"What do you want…?"

"You know what I want.

Give me back my Helmet you stole millions of lifetimes ago…" crisply stated the White Soul, ensuring it finally had the opportunity to act freely in the new life… well as much as it could hope for.

"Very well, this time I will ensure you have everything to deal with the mounting problems of the rogue universe.

Good luck my Child…

I hope you find some peace while fighting to those you'll come to love and care for."

"Still haven't stopped with the manipulative shit… *Sigh* Very well, oh mighty one." The White Soul said sarcastically.

"You will also gift me my smithing abilities I nurtured during my time on Terina." The White Soul stated, much to the displeasure of the Golden Galaxy, but it couldn't disagree in this case.

"It shall be done; however, the growth of your skills will be subjected to your own input and training to make it reappear."

Continuing on after a small break, the Golden Galaxy said, "With that gift out of the way, I must warn you, Child, the world will be a familiar place you've learnt about in the Origin Lifetime, but unlike what you saw then, this time round, your appearance will strengthen the natural affairs of the worlds progress across the thread of fate…

Just keep an eye on those affairs and use it for your own purposes to gain power and authority, otherwise the lifetimes you experienced will have been all for nothing.

Goodluck… Prime Creator...

Genesis awaits your call."

The Soul was completely restricted from asking any questions about its supposed title of 'Prime Creator', yet the Golden Galaxy wasn't willing to reveal anything right now.

Rather it wanted to wait and see the White Soul's progress through the very fabric of the endless spaces of the void.




[System Initialising…]








[System Installed!]

[Extra Gifts & System Functions added by <%$#@> are being synchronised and activated!]

[Welcome Host to the Pioneer System!]

[System has been created for the Host to develop the Prime World of Planetos into a strong, articulate, and transformative force of nature to combat hidden dangers, locked monsters, and sealed entities hidden away from mankind's sight!]

[Host will be born into a Great Noble House of the North in servitude of House Stark and the Kingdom of Winter well before the Wall came into existence]

[House Vitniryx, an ancient Great House lineage formerly removed from Planetos has reappeared to support Host's progression within the vast world!]

[Having been rewritten into existence, House Vitniryx has begun to change the fate and destiny of Planetos in numerous ways, through which the Host is entangled with the threads of Fate and Destiny, disturbing their chosen path for the world…]

[As a descendant of the First Men and greater elements beyond the confines of this Universe, Host's unique form and abilities won't immediately be accessible from birth due to constraints imposed on the powers of Creation]

[The World of Planetos will also be increased in size, populous, and difficulty due to Host's involvement and the activation of another Great House, formerly considered extinct]

[Host is warned to not consider the world based off previous knowledge gained through entertainment media forms during Origin Lifetime!]

[Please make use of knowledge, wisdom, skills, and abilities from previous lifetimes and Universes Host has lived through, all in the hopes to improve the quality of life across Planetos!]


[<%$#@> has gifted Host an enhanced body constitution to deal with the insurmountable number of warfare's!]

[<%$#@> has gifted Host 1 million System Credits in advance and open access to the System Store in the System Interface!]

[Due to the unique situation of Planetos and the introduction of the Host, <%$#@> has issued an Eternal Dimensional Realm to bind itself to Host's soul]

[The Eternal Dimensional Realm is the same Hidden Realm Host had access to in a previous lifetime, before it was sealed away by <%$#@>]

[Adjustments and improvements will be made to the Eternal Dimensional Realm to help Host's progress after arriving on Planetos]

[Items previously bound to the Host's old Eternal Dimensional Realm will be invested into the new Hidden Realm! (Discoveries dependent on Host's ability)]

[A World Tree will be included in the Eternal Dimensional Realm, which will also activate a Guardian Spirit who'll control and manage the Hidden World in the absence of the Host ability to do so]

[In due time, Host can ask the Guardian Spirit to embed the roots of the World Tree on Planetos, though Host is cautioned to not take such a step until a time where the reaction of the world is manageable]

[Mythical Races, Creatures, and Supernatural Entities lurk across Planetos, both for the benefit and disadvantage of the Host and populous]

[Race Gene Code can be bought from the System Store, along with a Summoning Square, which will facilitate the spawning of various beings into the Eternal Dimensional Realm, before they can enter Planetos]

[Media, Culture, Customs, Creatures, Animals, Minerals, Metals, Chemicals, Seeds, Production Methods, and more of Host's Origin Homeworld, Earth, will be downloaded into the database of the Eternal Dimensional Realm!]

[System & <%$#@> hope Host will bring the world of Planetos into a new Dawn of the Golden Age of Development]

[Inventory Access has been granted through the System Interface!]

[Helmet of Fate, Order, & Chaos gifted to Host! (Will be sent to Inventory)]

[Helmet of Fate, Order, & Chaos will only be accessible once it believes Host can wield its power for the betterment of mankind]

[Host has received Mystery Beast Egg! (Will be sent to Inventory)]

[Mystery Beast will grow alongside the Host's personal development]

[Custom Shadow Clone Management Ability has been granted!]

[Custom Shadow Clone Management Ability will be conditioned to operate in accordance with Host's personal strength and discoveries]

[Please use the newly granted ability to hasten Host's strength and development within the Eternal Dimensional Realm and Planetos to increase the speed of progress forward for mankind]

[System Function – Recruitment – has upgraded based on Exceeded Danger parameter reports of the enhanced Planetos! (Includes Non-Human beings)]

[System Function – Dungeon Spawning – has upgraded based on Exceeded Danger parameter reports of Planetos (Includes those found across the Eternal Dimensional Realm during exploration!)]




[Title: - ]

[Name: Lucian Augustus Vitniryx]

[Age: - ]

[Race: Augmented Trans-Human/?¿?]

[Origin HomeWorld: Earth (#$% Universe)]

[Level: 0]

[Experience: 0/1,000]

[System Credits: 1,000,000]

[Magic Power: 100/10]

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[Constitution: 4 (Average Adult: 20)]

[Strength: 2 (Average Adult: 20)]

[Magic Affinity: 7 (Average Adult: 2)]

[Endurance: 3 (Average Adult: 15]

[Agility: 2 (Average Adult: 16)]

[Dexterity: 2 (Average Adult: 15)]

[Stamina: 3 (Average Adult: 18)]

[Intelligence: 18 (Average Adult: 12)]

[Wisdom: ??? (Average Adult: 18)]

[Accuracy: 3 (Average Adult: 17)]

[Free Stat Points: 0]


[Goodluck Host & may you bring justice & peace to Planetos!]



֍ Year 277 AC ֍



"My love…

Our child is nearly here, please keep hold over your strength and push!" shouted a young man, gripping hands with the woman he dearly loved above all else.

Seated beside the love of his life, the two were leaning up against a grand tree in a forest clearing, with a wispy fog surrounding them in the distance.

They were alone and without anyone nearby, as the young woman with fiery hair much like a blazing hearth screamed through the deep breaths, while experiencing a rather tough birthing of her child.

Squeezing the young man's hand with all her might, the young lady cried out through the painful birthing process, all the time her husband made sure to wipe the sweat away from her heavily strained face.

They didn't need to wait long before the screaming cries of a babe reached their ears, echoing throughout the forest clearing and deep fog surrounding their position.



Hear that my love!?!

It's the mighty roar of our first born, dear!

Our little Lucian has finally been born!

The child born of the First Men… from both the North and beyond the Wall…" Said the joyous and tearful Alexios Titus Vitniryx, the current Lord of Panthera, the Shadow's Claw of the North.

Clutching his newborn son, Alexios moved closer to his wife's side, with her breathing becoming more haggard with each passing second.

In the small chest Alexios brought from his keep, a large fur stitched blanket was draped over the Lady of House Vitniryx, who'd come to hold her son close to her chest.

House Vitniryx sigil emblazed itself across the grand blanket that wrapped around the three individuals who were leaning against the enormous Heart Tree, a Weirwood Tree with a carved face into the trunk.

If Alexios turned to look over at the trunk of the vast tree which stretched high into the sky and spread across the earth, he would have noticed the heavy red tears falling down the distraught carved face.

It appeared as if it wanted to roar aloud to the world at the injustice it witnessed before its very being in the Godswood.

A child of its earth was about to die after giving birth to her son and it couldn't do anything more than cry deep red tears of anguish.

Though in turn this formed a blessing for the newborn child who would rather wish for his mother's love and warmth than the so-called powers of a god's gift out of pity.

Regardless of the fate imposed on Alexios and his Lady, the two became unaware of the passing time with their eyes solely on their newborn son, while covered in the Midnight Purple colours of House Vitniryx.

"Promise me… Alexios…" cried the Lady of House Vitniryx, as her breathing hardened with each passing moment.

In between the tears slowly falling down his face, Alexios moved closer to his wife, only to barely whisper a reply as he choked on his grief.

"Please stay my love…"

Yilma, the Lady of House Vitniryx turned to face Alexios, completely aware the grief and sorrow written across her face would break her husband even further, but she had no choice.

"Alexios… you know better than I, that time has come to join the North together…

To make it whole once more…

I truly wish I could be around to see our child… our son, change the world for the better, but now it'll be up to you to watch over him." Said Yilma, only to take a second to stop and catch her breath before continuing.

"Our boy, Alexios… shall be the bridge between the current North on this side of the Wall, and those beyond it, far away in the freezing meadows and mountains of endless winter.

Lucian Augustus Vitniryx … the child who'll regain the honour of the Freefolk and Shadows Claw… long lost due to those coarse cunts who call themselves Blood of the Dragon!" roared Yilma, as if she spat fire from her own mouth at the threads of fate.

She'd come to know of the deep dark history of House Vitniryx, as her marriage with Alexios revealed the hidden truths of Westeros, much to her displeasure.

Having been born as a daughter of the freefolk beyond the Wall, Yilma eventually came to find herself residing on the Shadows Claw, a great number of Islands controlled and held by House Vitniryx since before the Wall came into existence.

Ever since she came to her new homeland, Yilma discovered the awe-inspiring history of House Vitniryx and her Vassal Lords who'd been bound to their ancestral land as punishment by the Targaryen Kings.

They'd arrived in the lands known today as the Northern Realm with those known as the First Men and took root in the lands of the Children of the Forest, Direwolves, Shadowcats, Shadow Panthers, Giants, and much more.

Back then, House Vitniryx was known as a clan, though it quickly changed and adapted, turning themselves into a noble House with immense influence and power over their ancestral lands and the North itself.

Yilma could never forget what her own mother used to say of House Vitniryx, with reverence and respect for the Shadows of the North.

'My Child, House Vitniryx is the only northern nobility to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Starks of Winterfell from the day First Men arrived in Last Lands, known today as Westeros.

Freefolk, smallfolk and all alike give great respect and honour to House Vitniryx for their dedication to those not born of lordly blood.

From the very beginning, they worked to improve the lives of all who called the North their home, and in time, became a pillar of strength each noble House of the North and Clan appreciated and trusted wholly.

Sadly, when one hears of another's prosperity, they steal it for themselves, if possible.

Though, as the supposed heralds of the Old Gods and blood of the Stranger, they will rise once more from their dearest place… the embrace of the Shadows.'

Yilma's mother told the tale to not only reinforce the cruel tribes Beyond the Wall, in the True North, still feared and revered a noble House, when others were called nothing less than kneeling scum.

Yet the tale stuck with Yilma, not just to understand her mother's teachings about the power of fear, but of the respect given to House Vitniryx, especially by the freefolk, notoriously known to hate all Beyond the Wall to the south.

Though once she arrived south herself, the reason for House Vitniryx's reverence by those not only of lordly blood, came through smallfolk and minor nobles found to have assisted those far less fortunate than themselves.


House Vitniryx didn't have a simple history, especially with the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror, but it worsened just before the beginning of the Dance of the Dragons, as members of House Vitniryx found themselves in the middle of the conflict.

From the Stepstones, when House Vitniryx assisted Prince Daemon Targaryen in his war for a kingdom of his own, the Shadows of the North quickly found themselves at the forefront of desirable allies for either side of the civil war.

A devastating strike on House Vitniryx came through a young son of House Vitniryx, squiring for Prince Daemon Targaryen, alongside a dear Uncle who counselled the Rogue Prince on matters of importance, both personal and those dealt by a Prince of the Realm.

The two members of House Vitniryx served the Prince in his earlier days, when the infamous Golden Cloaks of Kingslanding came into formation by the powers of the Prince.

Eldren Salvus Vitniryx and his dear Uncle, Saryn Demain Vitniryx never returned home after joining the Rogue Prince and serving at his side, leaving with the man to eventually claim the Stepstones.

Afterwards, on their return to Kingslanding, neither were admonished by King Viserys Targaryen for their behaviour, at first…

Hand of the King, Otto Hightower persuaded King Viserys to enact punishment on the 'Barbarians of the North', for steeping outside of their authority to protect and serve at the Prince's side.

Otto, in all his time as Hand of the King, refused to accept the presence of House Vitniryx in the Court of the Kings and Queens, serving as their 'Loyal' Shadows ever since the King of Winter, Torrhen Stark knelt alongside the Shadow King, Cyrus Atticus Vitniryx.

In truth, House Vitniryx felt great disrespect at the task handed to their House once Torrhen Stark knelt beside his Shadow King, who never once felt animosity towards House Stark for it, or Torrhen for that matter.

Rather, they stated it as the work of the Old Gods and kept their trust in the Blood of First Men and Shadow Lords of the North who enacted the pact with the proclaimed Valyrian King to serve at the behest of the Iron Throne.

Aegon, for one reason or another, realised he required a Kingsguard for the protection of his beloved sister-wives, but any children he would have in the future and beyond.

While House Vitniryx could easily take on the responsibility of training a force loyal to the crown, Aegon instead chose the now Shadow Lords of the North to serve as his personal spies, assassins, and guards, leaving the Kingsguard to act publicly, while the Shadows acted silently.

Sadly, Otto Hightower believed from the time he entered Kingslanding and its Royal Court under King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, that the intentions of House Vitniryx weren't pure or respectable in comparison to his own House.

Thus, he started to belittle their standing and those loyal to House Vintiryx in the Royal Court, knowing full well the House needed to be removed from the side of the Targaryen's for his own House to take their place.

Through 'wise' council, he convinced King Viserys to take some sort of action against House Vitniryx for two members of their House serving beside Prince Daemon Targaryen instead of the throne first.


Long before Aegon the Conqueror, House Vitniryx, through marriages, alliances, and sworn oaths, became closely tied with House Reed, and established a new House who became Lord of Moat Cailin.

House Heroyx manned the Moat of Caitlin and built her into a formidable, impenetrable, and fearful line of defence for the North, though Aegon and his dragons saw fit to try burning several of her towers, but not without cost.

The armed and trained militia of House Heroyx harmed the dragons through the ballista's, scorpions, and other siege weapons, to force back the dragons.

It came at a cost of northern lives, when the dragon fire burnt many men serving House Heroyx, and others called to fight the Targaryen's.

Once Torrhen Stark knelt to Aegon the Conqueror, the new King of Westeros promised a great deal to the North for the unnecessary loss of life at the Moat, but those plans were long lost after House Vitniryx was called upon to serve the crown.

Quickly becoming favoured by House Targaryen, they were present beside every King and Queen of Westeros, providing wise council and support, which Otto Hightower sought for his own House.

Though he remained blissfully unaware how the Targaryen's constantly dishonoured the trust and strength of House Vitniryx through their rule, save but a few decent rulers, even when the 'Shadows' of the Dragons kept them safe and free from rebellion, and death.

So, as the wheel of fate spun, through the ambitions of one man vying heavily for his bloodline to sit upon the Iron Throne, Otto Hightower strove to remove the largest obstacle to 'peace'.

Sadly, the 'wise' council provided by Otto to King Viserys I Targaryen would become one of his greatest failings as a ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Even on his deathbed, King Viserys would curse aloud at his circle of councillors who'd cowered to Otto's power and influence to harm a loyal and powerful vassal.

But it was too late as the act cemented a civil war in the future for House Targaryen through the machinations of a second son from Hightower.

First came the ruling of House Heroyx paying higher tax for several years from crops and goods travelling through the Moat, including the heir being sent to Kingslanding for 'fosterage', when in fact, he became a hostage.

On top of that, the wealth created from the port at Moat Cailin, led to severe taxation of certain goods produced and sold by the north in Essos and across Westeros.

King Viserys didn't wish to further antagonise the honourable Shadows who'd served his House by acting against their kin of House Heroyx.

Sadly, his own thoughts weren't known to his dear daughter, Rhaenyra Targaryen, and eventual wife, Alicent Hightower.

Both girls were dear friends with the heir of House Heroyx, who came to the capital to learn from his cousins of House Vitniryx and possibly join the exclusive Shadowguard, loyal to the sanctity of the Iron Throne.

He was tasked with knowing the future ladies that would require his eventual protection, though the heir quickly became a confidant for both Princess Rhaenyra and Lady Alicent, who found his presence and straight forward thoughts rather meaningful.

Eventually, both girls found themselves hoping for something more with the young heir, leading to an unfortunate series of events that slightly rocked the Red Keep and Kingslanding when news of certain happenings caught onto the whispering winds.

It was believed the young heir of House Heroyx had taken the maidenhead of both girls, though the truth was far from it.

In fact, Otto Hightower saw how close his daughter became with the heir of House Heroyx and decided to spread a certain tale, which was caught onto by members of House Vitniryx who chose to alter the rumour.

They included the daughter of Otto Hightower and created a storm in the Royal Court, which saw King Viserys banish the heir of House Heroyx from Westeros and the removal of the Moat Cailin's Lordly seat from House Heroyx.

This one action nearly caused House Vitniryx to rebel on the spot, but such thoughts and plans were never exacted, but merely thought of in the moment, since King Visery's realised the folly of his own sudden actions out of spite and anger.

Moat Cailin wasn't given to another House, through wise counselling from an elder member of the Shadowguard whose loyalties laid with House Vitniryx.

The Moat, and the lands around it were left to House Stark for management and ruling for now, who were also tasked with finding another keep and land for House Heroyx to manage as their fief.

House Starks were ordered to find a worthy House of the south, from the Neck down, to take over the lordship of Moat Cailin, which angered all of the north, who felt nothing but hate for the House of Dragons.

Thankfully, House Stark never found someone from the south worthy or honourable enough to take on such a duty, especially after the removal of House Heroyx from their ancestral home of the Moat Cailin.

Lord Stark rather focused his attention on moving House Heroyx to the western shores of the Northern Realm, towards Sea Dragon Point and began the construction of a port harbour and keep, that would turn into a city known across Westeros as Wolfsport.

Surprisingly it matched with the actions of their heir, who created the sellswords company called Wolf-pack, which saw an increase of northern men and women sailing across to Essos in the hopes of aiding the Exiled Heir of the Moat.


After the banishment of the Heir of the Moat and House Heroyx losing their ancestral lands, King Viserys organised a wedding between himself and Alicent Hightower because he felt indebted to his Hand for informing him of his daughter's maidenhead being taken by a 'Savage of the North'.

While the Shadows of King Viserys remained quiet about the constant insults of recent to the north and their kin, they aided the King in marrying his daughter to Laenor Velaryon nonetheless.

It was meant to silence the rumours spurning in the Royal Court, however it worsened through a rather furious Prince Daemon Targaryen, who felt angered by the actions of the Hand of the King, who continued to overstep his authority.

Though the actions of his elder brother led to Daemon arguing and fighting with Eldren Salvus Vitniryx and his Uncle, Saryn Demain Vitniryx, causing the Rogue Prince to remove them from his direct council.

For a time, it seemed like all was well for the members of House Targaryen, and all rumours of the Heir of House Heroyx were long gone to rest, but the North Remembers.

The war between the two sides of House Targaryen eventually led to members of House Vitniryx, House Heroyx, and various spare sons to join the efforts of war across Westeros, leaving devastation in their warpath.

Aiding Cregan Stark, those of the Riverland and others willing to side with the Blacks, House Vitniryx and her ally's rained terror upon their enemies across the south of the neck, leaving the Greens supporting Alicent feared and worried for the future.

Sadly, it was all for nought when King Aegon II Targaryen refused to pardon those who fought under the banner of House Vitniryx for his half-sister.

The Sea Snake, through his council as a member of House Velaryon and a member of the Small Council to support King Viserys, came to respect House Vitniryx and their kin, Heroyx, a great deal because of their trading capabilities and willpower to ignore the insults of Targaryen Kings throughout the decades.

He tried to council King Aegon II Targaryen from harming House Vitniryx, much like Otto had with House Heroyx, but the King chose to ignore Corlys council and chose to instead banish House Vitniryx from Westeros.

This included her vassals, meaning they were to forever remain in their lands off the Bay of Ice and Sunset Sea.

King Aegon II clearly stated none from House Vitniryx and their Vassals could ever set foot on the lands governed by his House without express permission from the ruling King after his passing.

House Heroyx, however, was allowed to return to the Moat, because unlike other Houses of the North, they fought on the side of the Greens, publically...

The King and other members of his council never became privy to the true actions of House Heroyx for the North, where they acted in the interests of the north in darkness, striking terror to both sides of the civil war.

But their actions in broader light were enough to fool King Aegon II Targaryen, and his council to see their ancestral home being returned.

With permission from House Stark, Lord Heroyx made his younger brother the Lord of Wolfsport and their keep, the Wolfhold of Sea Dragon Point, whereas he returned to the Moat, taking back their ancestral home.

Lord Heroyx, along with many others, believed House Vitniryx would eventually be recalled from their 'banishment', but even after King Aegon II Targaryen's death, the following Kings of House Targaryen refused to pardon House Vitniryx.

Through manipulation of the highest degree, Kings, Queens, Lords, and Ladies eventually were led to forget the other Great House of the North that once served the King of Winter and the House of Dragons loyally.

Very few knew they existed anymore and those few aware had no idea of the power and influence House Vitniryx carried well before Dragons arrived in Westeros to claim as their own and to this day.


From time to time, men and women of House Vitniryx and its vassals would ask their trusted smallfolk aids and servants of their Household to tour around Westeros in their stead.

Though they would travel under a false name and identity, unless they wished to die at the hands of the reigning King at the time.

Only a few dared to take the risk of leaving their homeland for Westeros, but only when ordered as the people stood by their Lord Paramount and the terms of exile by the King, hoping to return at the side of their Lord to the mainland.

They all wished to see their Lord being the first one to truly return back to the North, as it was the true homeland for all First Men.

While Westeros slowly forgot House Vitniryx over the years, a few Houses still remembered them for their actions before the arrival of the Targaryen's and even while they ruled over the Seven Kingdoms.

Many Houses were indebted to the Shadows from the north for saving their kin or lineage from extinction at times, and even providing a hand to grow stronger when at their weakest.

Yet none would dare to risk their life and that of their loved ones to aid the pardon of House Vitniryx.

The only House who tried were the Winter Kings of the North, the Starks of Winterfell, though the Targaryen's chose to rather forget the brilliant strategists and warcraft Shadowguard 'Knights' born of House Vitniryx and her Vassal Lords.

With unknown aid from the Maesters, actions and credits of House Vitniryx slowly became that of House Targaryen or other loyal Houses to the Dragons, such as House Strong, but due to the end of their Lineage, they could not dispel those tales.

Instead, southern society came to believe only one Great House remained in the North, and those very same people across the Isle of the Shadows Claw accepted their banishment and focused on cultivating a peaceful life away from the bustle of Westeros.

Though none dared to dull their blades as the populous waited for the day they could return to Westeros and leave a mark behind to remind the Lords and Ladies of the Seven Kingdoms that the Shadow of the North was just as deadly as the Wolf.


The Shadow of the North called the Isle of the Shadows Claw their home, as the region span out into large and small islands far off from the Stony Shore of the North, which appeared much like a panther's paw with five claws.

Comprised of one major island, known as the Palm, and five smaller ones, who were known as the Claw Islands, had been under the control of House Vitniryx for as long as the Starks sat in Winterfell.

The whole Isle of the Shadows Claw was roughly four to five times larger than Bear Island, but coarse and rushing sea water made the region a difficult area for any foreign ship to survive without the proper guidance through the harsh waters into beautiful and majestic clearings.

This also added to the infamy of the Isle, which became known to many as the 'End of the World' since very few could trek those waters and return safely without crashing onto the smaller islands scattered around the larger ones.

They acted as natural defence for the Claw and Palm Islands, ensuring the Ironborn wouldn't be able to sink their hands into the innocents of the Shadows Claw.

Secondly, it protected the seas leading Beyond the Wall, through the Bay of Ice, which pirates often tried to navigate for slaves, but it was difficult to manoeuvre through with the navy of the Shadows Claw patrolling the sea.

Most of the populous across the Isle lived on the Palm Island, living largely around the shoreline, which also held the giant ancestral home of House Vitniryx and a trading post between the Claw Islands and Essos.

Past Kings and Lords of House Vitniryx hoped to increase the number of people spread across the Isle of the Shadows Claw, though none could entice people from Westeros and Essos to make the move to the cold and unforgiving Northern Realm unless they were freed slaves or desperate.

Alexios and his predecessors understood it was difficult for most people to make the move to a harsh and daring north, yet at the same time, they thanked the Old Gods for the autonomy afforded to them, which allowed the Shadows Claw to developed far differently than the rest of Westeros.

There were no Maesters employed to serve the Noble Lords of the Shadows Claw, but rather men and women could gain the prestigious title of Lehirai, who were similar to the grey robed men of Oldtown, yet vastly different at the same time.

Those who wished to become a Lehirai had to become a resident of the Palm Island, and studied at the Theca, an institution of education not only for Lords, and Ladies, but also for the Smallfolk to learn and better themselves.

The Theca, a grand building that could rival the Citadel in Oldtown, became the home of knowledge pooled from across the Isle of the Shadows Claw and beyond, educating its students on a great deal of subjects, through which further studies became prevalent.

An institution managed by House Vitniryx, and its vassals, helped improve the lives of the masses, yet Alexios knew no Lehirai could save his wife from her death sentence after noticing the blood loss, soaked heavily into the blanket with the sigil of his House and responsibility.

For a moment, Alexios felt the sheer desire to have a Lehirai close by to save Yilma, but his dear wife chose not to involve any other in the birth of her child.

When initialled told of her supposed plan, Alexios refused immediately, but his dear wife was rather sneaky and thought out an escape from the keep being timed with her water breaking.

She proposed a ride to the Godswood outside of the Town-city of Port Panthera, dragging along Alexios, who didn't think much of it until Yilma's water broke once they approached the Hearts Tree.

Unable to ride back alone, and leave his wife behind, Alexios tried his best to aid his wife in the birth of their child, but his knowledge regarding healing and childbirth was far from perfect.

In the moment, Alexios cursed his younger self for not investing more time in his studies while at the Theca, but he suspected there was much more to his wife's insistence for their child's birth without a Lehirai.

Regardless of all that, Alexios could only watch as the energy and light withered away from Yilma in his arms, with their son cooing in her arms.


"Promise me… Alexios… no matter what, you'll love our son, even if you find someone else, my dear…

You cannot wallow forever my love… our son will need you, as will those loyal to House Vitniryx in the coming years…

Our son is the key to everything; I can sense it my love… and he will need you.

Our son will become the heir of Panthera and the Hero of Creation we so desire to recreate the Golden Age…

Without him, nobody will survive the coming dawn that'll see Heroes and Villains alike rise…

Fighting side by side… Lucian will lead our people against not only nobles and lords, but mankind's greatest threat…" stated Yilma with firmness as she dripped Lucian with the last of her strength, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Aye," whispered Alexios, as the tears became unbearable to hold back any longer.

"I promise, Yilma…

I'll love him and care for our son so that he can fulfil his duty.

The one who will finally help us regain our honour long gone in the eyes of the Seven Kingdoms."

Smiling upon her husband one last time, Yilma kissed Alexios, only to part with her eyes on the last thing she cherished above all else, her son.

"Mother loves you, Lucian… so very much, my son…

Please forgive me… my son…

Mother is truly sorry, my child… my baby… boy." and with that, Yilma drew her last breath, leaving behind a broken man and child who both lost a piece of themselves that evening in the Godswood.

Alexios roared aloud, cursing the Gods for taking away the love of his life, while the infant Lucian felt the absence of the motherly warmth that kept him whole.

Yet as the two dealt with their loss, the Gods brought upon them its grace, even if the father and son felt slightly by their actions.

Through the fog that surrounded the Hearts Tree, several large beasts made their presence known to the Lord and Heir of the Shadows Claw.

Direwolves, Shadowcats, and other beasts long thought dead or lost beyond the Wall were now staring deeply at Alexios and his infant son, Lucian.

Alexios sensed none of the beasts meant him harm, especially in the alter of the Godswood, with each of the beasts slowly coming to a halt before the body of Yilma.

For a second, Alexios dreaded the beasts were here to take away the warm body of his beloved Yilma, but the actions of the beasts said otherwise.

They parted to create some room for another beast to enter the Godswood through the fog, who happened to roar an earthshattering growl that even made some of the smaller beast's squirm.

The adult Direwolves and Shadowcats maintained their imposing nature, while the young found it hard to stand tall before the monstrous beast that made its presence known well before walking through the fog.

Alexios couldn't believe his eyes when he witnessed the arrival of Shadow Panthers, beasts that adorned his House sigil and even fought beside past Shadow Kings of the Isle.

They were considered a myth that even the fabled Nagga of the Iron Islands couldn't match up to, yet it stood proudly and defiantly before Alexios, staring straight into his eyes.

The Shadow Panther, a beast which could exceed the size of a horse, growled at Alexios, drilling its deep dark eyes into the Lord of the Shadows Claw.

Staring back at the beast, Alexios felt himself drowning in the aura of the magnificent creature and its blackened fur that even made the darkness of the night blush.

Alexios didn't know how long he was long in the eyes of the beast, yet his attention drew away from the creature when it turned to face Lucian, who began to feel restless in the firm arms of his father.

For a mere second, Alexios worried for his son's life, yet his mind prevailed as his heart and soul reenforced the trust it conveyed to the magnificent Shadow Panther standing before him.

Moving his arms forward, Alexios closely watched as his son's cries slowly vanished and his eyes opened, full of curiosity at the world and more importantly, the Shadow Panther.

Alexios straight away felt an ache in his heart after noticing the pearly steel blue eyes of Lucian, which matched Yilma's own, though the small fluff of hair was as dark as fur of the Shadow Panther's.

As it happened, the Shadow Panther noticed the startling features of the human babe and let out a small growl once it turned to face the fog momentarily.

Alexios said nothing nor did he move from Yilma's side, with his heart and mind having experienced plenty of surprises and shocks for one evening yet seeing a Shadow Panther cub make its way through the fog and to the side of the larger panther made the Lord ache.

He sensed the deep seeded pain within the larger Shadow Panther, which matched his own after losing Yilma to the threads of fate.

"Aye… you're not alone…" said Alexios, drawing the adult Shadow Panther's attention as well as the little kitten's, who stumbled about, trying to get its own bearings.

"All born to House Vitniryx are taught one important rule… that stays with us from our birth to our death…" staring into Lucian's steely ice blue eyes, Alexios continued pouring his heart out through his words, capturing the full attention of his son and beasts surrounding them.

Especially the fatherly Shadow Panther…

"When a Stark is born, the Old Gods bless the birth of a Direwolf to grow, live and fight beside the Lords of Winter, yet… when a Vitniry is born…," Alexios turned to stare directly into the Shadow Panther's beastly eyes of the darkness night.

"The Old Gods pray to their own Gods that the Shadows of the North find their other half, since a Shadow must have someone guarding its own from the darkness of the world… for if they are not found, the wrath of the Shadow will be unlike any other."

Alexios had lost his gentle voice and began to roar as loudly as the Shadow Panther with each word that escaped his mouth.

Never breaking eye contact with the Shadow Panther, Alexios and the fatherly beast weren't able to catch the young panther cub racing over to Lucian and gently biting his arm above the elbow.

Lucian didn't whimper or cry his heart out as the panther kitten's bite left behind a scar, rather peered deeply into young beast's eyes as it broke away from the heir of Panthera.


"WAACCRRRRRAA!!" once the young panther cried out aloud, the fatherly Shadow Panther and Alexios finally noticed the bloodied mark on Lucian, which left both figures pleasantly surprised.

Further yet the younger Direwolves and Shadowcats roared along with the young Shadow Panther cub, leaving only the older beasts to watch on in amusement.

Never more in his life did Alexios want to weep aloud at the cruelty of the Gods for taking Yilma away before she could witness their son binding himself with a Shadow Panther, just as the Shadow Kings had long ago.

Noticing the elder human's pain and grief, the fatherly Shadow Panther moved forward and nudged its head gently into Alexios chest.

Whining quietly, Alexios felt the pain of the Shadow Panther's having lost its own half to the grace of death.

Without thinking about the action's, he was taking, Alexios carefully placed Lucian beside his mother and removed part of his clothing to bare his right shoulder and chest to the Shadow Panther.

This small gesture, even if Alexios's body subconsciously moved on his own, reignited the violet and icy flame lost in the darkness of the Shadow Panther's eyes, as it strode forward and positioned itself above the kneeling Alexios.

Roaring into the heavenly night sky, the Shadow Panther faster than lightning itself, sunk its jaw into Alexios's fleshly body momentarily before it returned back to its former position with a slightly bloodied jaw, dripping with Shadow Lord's blood.

Besides a small whisp of pain, Alexios felt nothing but a fierce rush of warmth spreading across his body, only for it to turn into a rushing volcano as it reached his heart and mind.

It was during this time that Alexios began to understand the trial his forefathers experienced as Shadow Kings who served the North and its people, safeguarding them from all dangers before the arrival of the fabled Dragons of Valyria.


The whole experience didn't last too long, but throughout it, Alexios saw all the beasts closely watched his trial until he survived the ordeal.

After which, all the beasts, including the young, roared aloud with all their strength, shaking the earth from their might, as some beasts clawed at the ground to mark the joyous occasion they witnessed.

The only beasts who didn't roar were the two Shadow Panthers as they intently stared at the two humans they'd bitten and left their mark of their bite behind on.

It lasted for a short while, up until Lucian babbled something incoherent yet loud enough for all the beasts to immediately quietened up.

As if accepting whatever was said, the young Shadow Panther cub roared and squeaked in delight, while its father peered deeply at Alexios, as if awaiting for his acknowledgement.

"Grimm… that shall be your name…"

Satisfied, the Shadow Panther let out a definitive roar, shaking the very earth alone by its own strength, and currents of the sky approved in return, booming in respect to the beast of mythology.

This event terrified many Smallfolk across Palm Island, and Shadows Claw, who heard the roars of a beast from the furthest parts of the Isle, while Trueborn Nobles and those aware of the legends surrounding House Vitniryx began to hardened their minds as the possibility of ages past returning.

A new dawn awoke for the House of their Lord and the Isle of the Shadows Claw.


Once Grimm finally settled, the Direwolves and Shadowcats returned to the fog, disappearing from Alexios's sight, leaving the two Shadow Panther's behind, who prodded her heads into the sons of House Vitniryx, before turning to leave as well.

At no point did Alexios choose to stop the two beasts, because he felt it wasn't time for the Shadow Panthers to reveal themselves to the world, when House Vitniryx remained bound to its ancestral homeland.

"Come my son… my love… let us return home…

We shall return here… when the Gods deem us ready to return from our exile." Spoke Alexios, holding back the grief he felt at seeing the fainting rosy cheeks of Yilma.

Wrapping her body with the blanket Yilma stitched together, Alexios removed her cloak she hoped to one day pass onto their son.

Looking deeply at the sigil of House Vitniryx, Alexios saw how it differed from his own, as Yilma added a field of Icy Blue and Snowy White to represent the Wall and Deep North.

Front and centre remained the Shadow Panther of House Vitniryx, yet there were differences from the original design House Vitniryx presented before its vassals and subjects.

Rather than a side profile of the Shadow Panther's body, Yilma stitched the frontal expression of a fierce, and roaring Shadow Panther.

Alexios couldn't help but pause for a moment in astonishment after noticing the eyes of the Shadow Panther matched that of the young Panther cub which bit Lucian.

Its eyes contained the same steely blue and midnight violet flames within its eyes, which happened to match with Lucian's own eyes after the bite from the young cub.

With a sad smile, Alexios murmured to himself, "It seems you always were a step… if not hundreds ahead of me, my love… my Yilma…"

No other word escaped Alexios mouth nor did Lucian utter anything as the father and son pair left the Godswood and made their way back to horse hitched a short distance away.

Leaving the area behind, nobody knew what went through the minds of the father and son pair, but the two knew their future wouldn't be simple or quiet, which soon became evident for all to witness.



Alexios Titus Vitniryx, the current Lord of Castle Panthera and Lord over the Isle, hadn't left Shadows Claw other than for Essos since his birth, just like his own father, and his father before him.

Though the current Lord of Panthera didn't believe it would be long before his House and her subjects returned to Westeros based on the unique birth of his son, Lucian, and the death of his beloved wife.

Through his son's birth, Alexios met with the legendary Shadow Panthers of old, and even went through an ancient rite all Shadow Kings experienced.

While his beloved wife saw the signs of unrest deep within Westeros before King Aerys II Targaryen made his march towards Duskendale, the Lord of Panthera kicked started long preparations for a rather deadly war.

Alexios had long admitted his dear wife Yilma was unparalleled when it came to strategy and prediction-based theories from small pieces of news strewn together from a mixture of rumours and thorough investigation.

One of the last strategic pieces they had discussed with one another was surprising news from Kingslanding pertaining to the King's ride for Duskendale.

Many believed the King had gone to negotiate with House Darklyn about their refusal to pay taxes to the Iron Throne, yet Yilma discovered it all to be a ploy created in part with loyalists of Prince Rhaegar who wished to see the Bard Prince as King to bring some normality to the Kingdom.

While Aerys wasn't a thorn in the sides of the Lords across Westeros, he was certainly growing more unstable in their minds, and it was wiser for the Prince to take the seat of the Iron Throne.

Yilma knew this play for a shift in power wouldn't work out as many wished for it to, and thus she established her own plan to interfere in the south of Westeros, even if she'd never left the North, Yilma believed she knew a great deal about the South and its politics through studied knowledge.

Having spent a great deal of time scouring through tomes and books from the Theca, and the personal library of House Vitniryx, Yilma became versed on a great number of subjects and ploys organised by past Lords and Ladies of Westeros and even Essos.

Using this pool of written knowledge and information gained through various channels and means, Yilma pieced together a rough idea of how the Defiance of Duskendale would go down in history.

Alexios always wondered if his wife could see into the future and this belief reenforced itself after her death when news eventually reached him of the siege organised by Tywin Lannister to free King Aerys II Targaryen.

His arrival in the town-city around Castle Panthera drew the attention of all its residents, from the Knights and Guards patrolling the region to the Smallfolk who all noticed their Lord returning with their Lady in his arms and an infant child carefully bound to the Lord's steed.

Dead silence filled the air, as people silently mourned the death of their Lady, while kneeling before the heir that was born, who would never experience the love of his mother nor her embrace.

Some Knights moved to their Lord's side, not daring to interrupt the mourning Lord, and others raced ahead to relay the news to those waiting back at the Castle Panthera.

Amongst the smallfolk, the walk through the Port town-city would become known as the Grief of the Lonely Scions, though many in the future would come to believe it was the day that sharpened the Lord of the Shadows Claw to another height.

He wasn't the only one affected by the death of Lady Yilma, since Alexios's younger brother, Felix Ignatius Vitniryx, cherished his dear Goodsister and never had any prejudice against her for status as a freefolk from beyond the Wall.

To see her motionless in his brother's arms broke Felix's heart, but his mind remained steady and unbroken, more so that he now needed to fulfil his Goodsister's tasks and plans without her guidance.

"Brother… come.

There is much you need to know… and see.

My trip… as my Goodsister and Lady of House Vitniryx asked of me… has been accomplished." Choking through his words, Felix finally got his message across to Alexios, all the while he kneeled before his distraught and grief-stricken Lord.

"Aye… please send for the Lehirai to attend to the heir of House Vitniryx, Lucian Augustus Yilmanus Vitniryx, and the Lady Yilma… my dearly beloved who has left for her next great journey by the graces of the Old Gods."

Alexios's voice, while calm and quiet, reached the ears and hearts of everyone in the courtyard of the Castle Panthera, as if their Lord was roaring right in their minds.

Felix sent a handful of Knights to help relieve their Lord of Yilma's body while others went to secure Lucian from the steed.

It didn't take long for the castle to come back to life once more, yet this time there was something distinctly different than before, as everyone sensed the joy and happiness had left Panthera and the Isle of the Shadows Claw that evening.

Yet in Alexios solar, two brothers discussed the future of their House and the plans set in place by Lady Yilma to serve not only their House but rather to the benefit of the smallfolk and vassals who diligently stood beside and valiantly served the Shadows Claws hidden in the North.



֍ 6 months later ֍



'*Sigh* Never thought I'd be sent to the world of Game of Thrones, especially before the Rebellion of the Usurper, yet here I am…

All I can do is focus on menial matters to improve my own bodily strength and fucking improve the horrible living standard of this godforsaken world!

Thank God nobody knows a war is coming… ahaha*Sigh*…

At least I have time to still organise some sort of response to deal with the incoming chaos.

Fuck my life.' Lucian cursed in his mind as he thought back to the last six months of his life on Planetos as part of nobility that came into existence within the world due to his very being.

Though to ease the shock and awe, the System somehow helped reduce the mental strain on Lucian's mind to improve the livelihood of the masses once more in a new life.

From the beginning of his time in the new world, Lucian felt both a massive headache and relief at the System's capabilities, as the great power at his fingertips meant the world could see a new dawn unlike any other.

Sadly, there must always be equilibrium, which made Lucian wonder how Planetos would mind his introduction of certain aspects outside of its culture, customs, and borders.

Looking back over the first six months of his life, Lucian remembered he wasn't a fussy child, rather his knowledge pertaining to his previous lifetimes and tempered maturity helped maintain his behaviour as a rather calm and disciplined child.

Though there were times when Lucian made a fuss, it just rarely occurred during the times his nannies would dress or feed him.

Most of the day would be spent with the nannies unless Alexios came to retrieve Lucian, or his Uncle Felix came by to spend some quality time together.

Yet it was far from enough to occupy all the time Lucian had in a day, which left the Heir of Panthera and the Isle of the Shadows Claw to utilise the System Interface.


During his first month after birth into the new life of existence, Lucian found himself squirming constantly from being confined to his personal chambers of Castle Panthera.

For his own wellbeing and safety, Alexios wasn't ready for his son to leave the safety of the castle keep.

Unable to do anything to counter his father's ruling as an infant, Lucian started to focus on developing his bodily strength through simple movements his frail and infant body could manage to pass time in the dreadfully long days.

It wasn't much but enough to aid his growth and improve mental fortitude without spending unnecessary System Credits within the System Store for an artificial step of improvement over one strengthened through manual force and practise.

As the days moved on, Lucian slowly started to crawl around his cot and move without requiring support for his head, much to the shock and awe of the nannies, nursemaids, his uncle, and especially his father.

They couldn't understand how the infant heir had the strength to move so freely since their body shouldn't have development to its current point, granting Lucian a certain level of control over his body.

The Lehirai Masters inspected their tomes and books for answers, while the person in question laughed to himself at the truth of the matter.

It laid in front of his eyes at a simple thought, the System.

Aiding Lucian's growing body, his unique physique and race constitution meant the infant heir was far deadlier and capable than even the best of humanity.

From his mother's womb, Lucian's whole body, down to his organs, muscles, bones and much more, were heavily augmented to turn him into a specimen of not only mankind, but a race of unknown origin presently.

Yet the extent of the augmentations hadn't activated and largely remained dormant, but still active enough to help Lucian's growth.

The System also provided him with meaningless Quests and Tasks, such as moving a certain distance within a day or performing a certain exercise a specific number of times, which the System paid in Credits for the System Store.

It also provided Experience Points, but not enough to give Lucian a large edge to gain several System Level Ups before his first birthday.

Instead, the System Credits gained through the largely meaningless Quests and Tasks aided Lucian's summoning of various individuals during his first fortnight living as the Heir of Panthera, and the Isle of the Shadows Claw.

Aware of his title and position of power, Lucian chose to focus on improving his homeland before worrying about Westeros, Essos and beyond in the unchartered parts of the world.

Testing to see how the System Store summoned people directly into Planetos, Lucian decided to purchase a basic group of tradespeople, which consisted of several tailors, blacksmiths, carpentry, tanners, and masonry craftsmen.

Spending no more than 10,000 System Credits, the System Store purchase rather pained Lucian because of the price, but the value of such a sale had greater potential in the long term.





[System advises Host, the purchase of Basic Craftsmen – Group for 10,000 System Credits will arrive in Planetos on modified Cog ships, with equipment and tools of their respective tradecrafts]

[Knowledge, Skills, and Traits of the Basic Craftsmen Group isn't solely based on a period of Human History of Earth or Planetos but an amalgamation from the three Worlds! (Third world is currently unknown according to preliminary enquires)]

[Host is advised to strip down the ships and recycle materials gain from scrapping ships for other means]

[The ships are only formed by the System to deliver the Basic Craftsmen – Group, their families and equipment to the Palm Island of the Shadows Claw]




When the first Cog ship arrived in the Port of Panthera, a number of people were alerted and worried about seeing a ship with bare sails coming into the dock.

Lucian wasn't aware of it just yet, but the Isle of the Shadows Claw had a natural form of protection around the entire Claw, with a dense fog surrounding the whole region at sea.

It had been like this for eons, meaning only those native to Isle of the Shadows Claw were able to navigate the region without crashing into the smaller islands littered across the larger islands as natural fortification.

Not just that, the rough waters would lead many people to crash into the sea if they tried their hand at traversing through the fog without aid from those native to the Isle.

Sometimes the roaming navy of the Shadows Claw would find survivors from shipwrecks, but it was rare as nobody dared to enter the Sea of Deadmen.

Named because none ever returned from venturing into the fog, those of House Vitniryx and her allies rather laughed at the tall tales proliferated by pirates, slavers, and raiders alike.

Yet, the patrolling Guards of House Vitniryx and the workers at the dock of Panthera couldn't help but feel utterly surprised to see a Cog ship far larger than norm somehow survive the natural defences of the Isle without any harm.

Once the ship docked, a small number of men and women came off the Cog ship, carrying wooden chests in vast numbers, equipment and tools of all sorts and shapes, along with family members from bustling young to aged wisemen and women.

Ranging close to several hundred people or so, the Guards led a portion of the large group from the port through the town to see the Lord.

A messenger was sent ahead of time to notify the Lord at Castle Panthera of the new arrivals at the port.

Lucian, blissfully remained unaware of what his single purchase from the System Store had caused.

He, in the meantime, waited for news of the craftsmen's arrival, continuing to examine the System Interface until he found an item lost from the forefront of his current memory.

The Helmet of Fate, Order & Chaos was locked within the System Inventory for the time being, restricted by the System to be unavailable for usage, yet nothing stated the item explicitly needed to remain within the System Inventory.

Lucian thought it wise to circumvent the System's open loophole and shifted the helmet to the Eternal Dimensional Realm.




[Analysing… Please wait patiently for the Eternal Dimensional Realm to inspect the foreign item]




[Analysis Completed!]

[Helmet of Fate, Order & Chaos has been analysed and its elements inspected for abnormalities, physical or mental damage effects and corruption capabilities harmful to Host before being added to the database of the Eternal Dimensional Realm!]

[System Restrictions have been initiated on the item - Helmet of Fate, Order & Chaos – based on the analysis report finding the item capable of tilting the powers, laws, and order of Planetos, destroying the world]

[Operational Functions of the Eternal Dimensional Realm will adhere to the System Restrictions and gift the Guardian Spirit access and authority over item's usage]

[Host be warned! Incorporation of Helmet of Fate, Order & Chaos has affected constitution and capabilities of Guardian Spirit in unrecordable ways]



'My, my, my… who knew you'd be this generous, Young Lucian.'

The magical and pearly voice rung through Lucian's mind, much to his surprise and annoyance when he recognised his own actions brought upon the voice in his head.

"I'm not the generous sort when something precious to me is taken away without my consent… especially when I'm the one to create it with my own two hands.

Even part of my old strength and will is indued into the helmet… now, moving on from my past, if I'm not wrong, you must be the Guardian Spirit of the Eternal Dimensional Realm, am I right?"

Lucian's voice remained cool and calm, yet his heart raced a thousand miles, fearing the strength and capabilities of the Helmet of Fate, Order & Chaos disappeared to aid the Spirit's development instead of being in his grasp.

Sadly, he wasn't equipped to do anything about the situation other than accept the path set in course by his actions.

'Indeed child… I am the Guardian Spirit of the Hidden World bound to your soul… and don't worry, the Helmet is still as powerful as you hope it to be.

I've just found myself lucky enough to bask in its glory, wisdom, power and elements.'

The laughing and joyous nature of the Guardian Spirit's voice irked Lucian somewhat, but he sensed the Spirit was rather happy and a loving being who meant no harm.

A little tense since he'd heard the Guardian Spirit speaking aloud, Lucian relaxed in its presence even if their conversation existed through a mental link of sorts.

Wanting to know why the Spirit spoke to him out of the blue, Lucian chose to control the conversation between the two for now.

"So, the Helmet rests with you for now?"

'Indeed, Young Lucian…'

"I see… and are you able to wield the helmet to its fullest extent?"

'Unfortunately, no.

You see, Young Lucian, the Helmet is bound to your soul, as is the Eternal Dimensional Realm, drastically increasing my affinity with the object, while restricting most of the sudden abilities I've found myself capable of performing… to an extent of course.' Theriena charmingly replied.

Taking a second to note everything said, mentally, Lucian replied, "If that's the case, how can you assist me, when I'm unable to enter the Eternal Dimensional Realm for the time being?

After all, I don't want to waste time and resources in my control, when I'm sure they can aid other plans to seize control over parts of the world and its political landscape to ensure my changes to Planetos aren't disturbed or reverted."

Lucian honestly didn't want to waste time, especially after he'd read through the System Notifications explaining the vast untouched and limitless resources available in the Eternal Dimensional Realm.

In another lifetime, Lucian controlled a soul-bound Eternal Dimensional Realm, much like his current one.

It was a huge world capable of a great deal, such as housing resources, people, and even crops harvested in the lands.

During those times, Lucian largely stored his private forces and research facilities in the Hidden World to escape the notice of those prying to spy on his family and actions.

Unfortunately, the Hidden World was forfeited to the Gods, an event Lucian never accepted or approved of, even when he received access to another Eternal Dimensional Realm, the bitterness of what was lost hadn't passed or lessened one bit.

However, the current Hidden World Lucian found his soul bound to, contained a World Tree, an object Lucian never found during his travels across many lifetimes to plant within the past iteration of the Eternal Dimensional Realm.

But it was a simple version of World Tree, rather far more important than any other that could be found in the wild as it was a gift from the Gods who'd sent Lucian to Planetos.

A World Tree wasn't a simple plant, rather it controlled the natural elements of the world and even managed density and purity of magical energy within the atmosphere.

For one to be gifted by the Gods, and planted straight into the Eternal Dimensional Realm, the possibilities of potential from the World Tree far extended past anything Lucian could think of.

In fact, he knew the Guardian Spirit was connected with the World Tree and could potentially utilise the strengths of the plant to hasten the development of the Eternal Dimensional Realm.

In turn, any plans or ideas for Westeros and Essos as a whole would become far easier to enact.

But before all that, Lucian needed to understand if the World Tree and Guardian Spirit could come to his aid immediately.

Through their soul connection, the Guardian Spirit understood Lucian's thoughts and spoke up, having some sense as to what would be asked of her.

'While I'm not against aiding you, Young Lucian, I am quite unable to help until you've given me something I sorely desire…'

A little confused and worried, Lucian carefully questioned the Guardian Spirit for its condition to help.

"… Well, who would have thought that even Guardian Spirit's aren't free from requesting something for themselves.

So, what do you wish for, Young Spirit?" smirked Lucian at getting his little dig in for being called 'Young Lucian'.

Though Lucian sensed the humour exuded by the Spirit at his comment, as it sincerely made its request.

'I wish for a name,… from my Master Lucian…'

If the Guardian Spirit could visually appear before Lucian, there was no doubt it would be kneeling while making the request.

Lucian on the other hand felt the sincerity and compassion of the Guardian Spirit's desire for a name to call its own.

Not wanting to refuse the being connected to his soul, Lucian decided to fulfil the Guardian Spirit's request with a strong name that might form its own legend one day.

"Theriena… your name shall be Theriena."



PhantomMedjay PhantomMedjay

Tell me what you think otherwise I won't proceed with the story.

need constructive feedback.

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Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

Stapelfreischaltung von Kapiteln







Schreiben Sie eine Rezension Lese-Status: C1
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  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

Die Gesamtpunktzahl 0.0

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Stimmen Sie mit Powerstein ab
Rank NR.-- Macht-Rangliste
Stone -- Power-Stein
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