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100% Hope, What a Fucking Bitch! / Chapter 7: FUN DAY, I GUESS.

Kapitel 7: FUN DAY, I GUESS.


Let's recap shall we?

I was on my way to detention with a sense of peace hearing the people chattering about, it was almost like listening to a relaxing ASMR. When I reached the hall, all of it was destroyed in just a second with me being shoved onto a locker and facing Stacy, who had a pretentious look on her face.

"What do you want?"I ask her in a nonchalant fashion.

Stacy's arrogant face transforms into an angry one at my behavior and she responds with hostility"Do you remember what I informed you on the first day?"

I scrunch my face pretending as if I am thinking and reply"Nope"

She grinds her teeth in irritation and I see veins on her forehead popping." What the fuck did I tell you about acting over-smart?"

"Oh! I don't remember can-


Immediately following, a sting is felt on my cheek, and a short ringing can be heard in my ear. I face her, clenching my hands. As I glance around, I notice that the corridor is empty.

Staring down, I don't do anything or utter another word. If she is bold enough to slap me in public, she must surely have some tricks behind her.

I don't wanna take any chance.

"What happened now? No more smart comebacks?"Stacy taunts me before slapping me again.

Keeping my gaze expressionless, I don't make any effort to move.

"I hate your fucking eyes always looking down on me. Make *slap* some*slap* noise*slap* ,You Bitch"

My face remains expressionless. I feel some pain, but it's nothing that I'm not used to and to tell you the truth, it is extremely fulfilling seeing her so irritated.

I saw some people who strolled by us but didn't even try to help. It was so freaking weird, they came near us with a baffled expression, saw Stacy, and then immediately walked away.

Stacy's face curved into a wicked grin and she spoke out, crossing her arms"I know what might draw some noise out of you"

"You know the Nerdy girl named, Casey" She continues noticing I wasn't going to say a word.

My face glows in anger and I glare at her "Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with us"

Stacy snickers"Oh my, I told you right?" she said and then Casey appears with tears streaking her face, carried between two of her minions.

My eyes turn to Stacy and I threaten"Leave. Her. Alone" before approaching Casey.

She laughs even harder and I am abruptly grabbed by someone. She went up to Casey, staring at me smugly, and punched her in the stomach causing Casey to let out a whimper.

"Stop! Don't hurt her. Tell me what you want?"I scream at Stacy, pulling myself out and hiding Casey behind me.

I shouldn't have made Casey, my friend, I got too fucking caught up in the friendliness here.

Stacy walks toward me, saying triumphantly"You know what I want. Stay away from Lucas and the rest of them"

I gape at her in confusion.

Do you mean to tell me you bullied, slapped me, humiliated me, and brought an innocent person like Casey, hurting her just for this idiotic reason?

I scan the surroundings, noting there are only two other people, and smile.

I miss the way Stacy flinches and whisper to Casey to run away, her eyes widen and she shakes her head."No, she might hurt-

"Just go away...Please"

After looking at me in distress for a moment, Casey listens to me.

"What--Hey!, Catch her"Stacy orders in a panicked tone. One of the two bitches beside her sprinted towards Casey's fleeing figure.

She sure is fast.

I look at Stacy and speak moving closer to her."I mean you call me an attention-seeking whore but aren't you the one so desperate for it."

She scowls at me, raising her hand. "You don't learn--

I grab her wrist, squeezing it hard."Lucas literally yelled, and insulted you, saying that you two will never be together, Not in any lifetime, but who is the one sticking to him later and you call me a slut"


I squeeze even harder before letting go. She stumbles on the locker behind her and I enjoy how she cries in misery."Ahh! It hurts"

Stacy stares at me in bewilderment, stammering. "Y-Y-ou A-A-ren't you a Hum--How?....

I ignore her incoherent rambling and Stacy comes at me, her arm drawing back to punch me. I dodge it, retaliating with a jab to her nose and feeling satisfied hearing the cracking sound." I have a principle 'eye for eye and tooth for a tooth' I was gonna let you do what you wanted but--

Stacy wails."You broke my nose, you fucking bitch!"

"Hmm, get your daddy to pay for it, it looks fake anyway"

Stacy freezes at my comment, her anger is evident in her scowling at me. She charges at me her leg raised. I duck and hit her in the stomach with an uppercut. Her form is almost professional, does she train?

She takes a sharp intake of breath, and moves back, clutching her stomach.

We struggle, I receive a few blows but I can say proudly most of them were from me to Stacy. My body pants with weariness, but it feels so exhilarating.

Been a while since I last fought.

When suddenly a person pulls me back and In response, I backhand the person, swinging around to punch them, only to see Lily leaning on Jax with a hand on her mouth "Oh no, I am so sorr-

I am yanked by my hood, rendering it to choke me, and am thrown to a locker harshly. I slide down groaning. My back along with my head throbbing in pain. That fucking cheater! attacking when someone is distracted.

"What is happening over here?"

I twist sideways to see Mr. Wallace storming towards us, he takes a look at the scene in front. Which is Me on a Locker, A Rat opposite to me, and behind her is Lily on Jax. One thing all of us had in common was we were hurt. He demands in a hard voice."Miss Thompson and Miss Marshall, follow me to my office this instant, and Lily head to the nurse's room "

He does not sound happy.

"Well, duh! you were fighting in school" My inner voice states.

Stacy stares at him shocked, mumbling before we both follow him.

In the principal's office

"This kind of behavior is prohibited in this school," Mr. Wallace expressed in a stern tone.

"I didn't do anything s-she w-was the one who s-started the f-fight I simply defended myself hic-hic" Stacy acts with crocodile tears.

Wow, what a fake little bitch!

"Is this true Miss Thompson?"

"Yes I did fight her which is...umm, wrong but she was the one who initiated it. I too, as she states just defended myself against her"

He sighs and looks between us"Stop with the act Miss Marshall, I have been working in this school for quite a long time. I--The two of you appear guilty so we won't settle this right now"

He stares at me in worry before speaking "I am letting you off with a warning till this matter is settled properly with more proof to see who will be disciplined but if I see you fight, once more, there will be severe consequences to both of you"

I nod while Stacy grinds her teeth in anger but nevertheless agrees.

Then with his usual kind voice, Mr. Wallace instructs us to treat our injuries. Stacy and I leave the office when she looks at me and threatens, "This isn't over yet."

I smile and reply back" Will be waiting for you"

She growls at me before spinning and striding away.

What the hell is she? a rat or dog?

From behind me, I hear someone talking.

"Ann, are you okay?"

Spinning around, the expressions on Lily's and Jax's faces are telling me that they are worried.

I stare at Lily and feel guilt rising at her busted lips with a bluish-black spot along her cheek."I am really sorry Lily, You got hurt because of me, I didn't know--

She cuts me off with her hand"No need. I am okay though you are strong, Ann, I mean--I went up to heaven and came back"

"You mean down to hell and back up" Jax adds correcting her.

"Shut up!"

"What? it's true"

The banter between them causes me to let out a giggle accidentally. Oh my god! What kind of noise just came from me?

They stop and stare at me."D-Did you giggle?"

"Oh shit! It was so-freaking-cute. I should have recorded it, "Lily expresses sounding disappointed.

"Shut up"I grumble at their stupidity. they are gonna tease me to death now.

"But jokes aside are you really fine?"Lily asked in a worried voice.

The concerned look in both of their eyes was genuine, they weren't lying. I flinch back unconsciously and stutter."Y-Yeah, I am Fine"

All of sudden, I am being dragged away."Hey! Lily where are you taking me?"

"You know, to the nurse's room" Lily answers as if it's obvious.


"To treat your wounds, dumbass" Jax replies in a duh tone while Lily rolls her eyes." you know, did you really have to ask?"

"You don't need to I am completely fine, I can just--

Lily responded, "No, you are going to the nurse's room to get treated," while Jax was nodding with her voicing stubbornly, "We are not taking no for an answer".

I must say their teamwork is immaculate.

I give up it's not like I ever get to win against them."Okay"

To my surprise, the nurse treated me with actual medical knowledge and not the common ice or some cheap cream which later caused a person a rash and turned into a skin infection(not me just saying) or the irregular sleeping pills...You don't want to know what happened.

What freaking place did I come to? It's so good to be true that I am feeling anxious at every nice shit happening to me.

Well, except for Stacy, everything was too good to be true.

"She will be just fine in 3 to 4 weeks. Nothing is broken. Put this ointment on daily in the morning and night after showering though I consider it's best if you take a sponge bath for a while and if you have any pain or discomfort I have prescribed you some medicines too, also there can be slight scarring on your back if you want I could give you something but it will be still visible"

"It's alright, I don't care that much about the scar. Thank you for your help"

"It is all my pleasure Luna"

"My name is, umm, Anne not Luna," I said looking at her in confusion.

The nurse taps her foot in nervousness, glancing at Lily and Jax."I apologize for the confusion the person who I treated before you was called Luna"

"Oh! No problem and thank you again for your help"

She bows and we leave although I don't fail to witness the glares given by Lily and Jax to the nurse.

While we were walking back I remembered something."Wait a second, Where is Casey? is she fine?"

Casey slipped my mind due to the mess.

"Yes, don't worry she is okay, there was no serious injury but she was very terrified so we had someone send her back home"

I sigh in relief.

"Wait! How do you know? and... didn't I tell you to go back first? were you still waiting for me when I told you not to?"

They stare sheepishly at me before Jax responds"She saw us, umm, because, yes, we were waiting outside for you and came running towards us, shouting. That's how we knew about Stacy and you"

"We thought, you know, we will prank you when you exit so we didn't bother to go in and find you.....but I regret that now," Lily said unhappily.

"It's okay! I can handle Stacy"I say and pat her back to soothe her.

She smiles back and intervenes her arm with mine while the other one is occupied by Jax.

I let them do their way just this once.

"Let's skip school today, shall we?"Jax asked with enthusiasm.

"Oh my, you couldn't think to ask me that at school or before forcing me into the car and driving" I uttered to him, each word dripping with sarcasm.

These assholes took my chance of weakness and before I could comprehend what was happening? or what the fuck they were doing? I was in the car with Jax in the front giving a thumbs up to a grinning Lily before driving us away.

Their teamwork is too- freaking- immaculate.

"I mean you can't blame us that was probably the first time you willingly let us hold your arm without any dispute and like they say 'when life gives you lemons you make lemonade' "Lily said with a shake of her shoulders, not at all feeling ashamed.

What the hell! that is not what it means.

"So where do you want to go?"Jax asked, interrupting my hands from wrapping around Lily's neck and strangling her to death.

"Don't know"

"There is the amusement park I think it is some 45 or 50 minutes away from here, do you wanna go there?"Lily questioned glancing at my wounds in concern.

I need to blow steam so why not? "It doesn't hurt, so quit looking at me like that and Yes, let's go"

----------------Time skip-----------------

We reach the amusement park and my face lights up in delight witnessing the illuminated scene and large rides."Never been here"I mutter to myself.

I see Lily and Jax give me strange looks. did they hear that but I spoke so quietly?

"What did you mean by that?"

"Have you never been to an amusement park?"

Lily and Jax questioned me at the same time with puzzled and astonished expressions on their faces.


"No-no-What I mean is-- it has been a while since I came to here, "I said in alarm, clenching my hands.

"Oh! That is what you meant...."they stare at each other before Jax yells, putting a hand on Lily and my shoulder."Then dear ladies, let us get this partyy starteddd"

I grumble at him in irritation because due to his heightened excitement there were people peering and chuckling at us though the smile that was forming on my face suggested otherwise.

Lily bought the tickets and we went inside.

I had a freaking blast. It was probably the first time since I moved here that I had so much fun.

We rode so many different kinds of rollercoasters and rides. There were haunted houses with different themes taken from horror movies, like Conjuring then Annabelle then IT. For me, I enjoyed the bumper cars the most. We ate from the stalls, won some games but had to run away in between cause Jax flirted with a girl and...Well, she had a boyfriend who was over 7 feet and muscular, so-effing-muscular, wearing shades for absolutely no reason(it was not even sunny).

Like what was he protecting his eyes from?

The blazing moon rays.

So what I mean to say is he looked as if he could break Jax's bones with his bare hands or could throw him as a meal to his pet lions.

In a short form, scary.

Thankfully, we ran away in time.

"You just had to go and flirt with the only girl here who has a boyfriend resembling a damn WWE fighter. He was even fucking larger than all of them," Lily said to Jax in a mocking tone.

Jax frowns at her comment but doesn't say anything.

Now, we were praying for Jax's safety--kidding--we were waiting for him who quote 'went to take a Whiz' unquote.

Our plan was to go on the Ferris wheel at the end since Lily suggested there will be less of a line.

Jax after what felt like an eternity came back."What the hell took you so long, were you making food in there or had a sudden thought to take a shower in the public...

Jax stares at Lily with glossed eyes and her eyes widen.

What in the world is happening? are they speaking through their eyes?

"What happened? is everything alright?"I ask them.

"Yeah, it's fine, let's go. We still have the Ferris wheel left" Lily said grabbing my arm and walking away with Jax alongside us.

Hmm, suspicious.

Like I said I shall pursue the truth.


Right now, the Ferris wheel is considered more important.

We get in and it begins proceeding up. I look out and my eyes soften with bliss, gazing at such a breathtaking view. My eyes never leaving the window.

"Have you forgotten about us?"

Jax's abrupt words brought me out of my trance.

Oh! they are here, I kind of--I mean...Yeah, I forgot about them.

"My god! you really did forget about us sitting right in front of you" Lily exclaimed in disbelief while Jax stared at me with wide eyes.

I rub my neck, apologetic."Sorry, the view outside drew me in, It's so...I can't even explain. It looks so magical and enchanting"

"You like pretty things don't you?"Jax stated.

I nod still looking outside when the ride unexpectedly stops right in the middle. What the hell?

I glance at Lily and Jax, they seem relaxed so I don't think much of it.

" I your type if you like pretty things?" Lily asked in a mischievous manner.


"What! are you saying I am not pretty"Lily yells with her face in her hands and drops on Jax's shoulder.

She is too dramatic.

"No, you are lovely. simply not my type, "I say shrugging, my eyes still glued outside.

"So who is your type?"

I answer without thinking "Stacy"


"That bitch who bullied you!"

Both of them scream in bewilderment causing me to look away from the window and at them in shock.

"For what reason are you screaming like a fucking banshee"

"maybe cause you told them, the person, who a while ago gave you bruises on your body is your type," my inner voice states.

I roll my eyes" What I--

"Ann, do you, you know, are... masochistic?"Lily asked with a serious face.

"Wait for a--

"Don't worry we won't judge you. Everybody has a different taste, yours is just a little more... acquired" Jax said, patting my head to reassure me.

I gape at them in wariness with an open mouth."You assholes! let me finish before your stupidass assumes something so ridiculous"

They spring back offended and before they could say anything more foolish I continue."Yes, It is true that I consider Stacy to be my type. She merely happened to fall into that category. That's all it is to it, and also it was before she spoke to me. After that, there was nothing but hate."

They take a glimpse at each other before turning and staring at me, their eyes filled with shame.

At the same time, the Ferris wheel begins moving. it seems like luck is on their side today.

We get out, Jax and Lily looking at everything but me. My lips are pressed together so I don't smile but when I take a peek at them, This time, I couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing.

"Shit, you know, she really has to laugh right now"

"Couldn't do it before"

There is also some cursing being thrown at me between them and their own complaints.

Currently, All of us are sitting on a park bench with me still trying to calm myself down.

"Okay, we get it. We should have listened to you. Now I beg of you to stop laughing it's already humiliating as it is and your laughter is not making it any better."Jax pleads while Lily gazes at me with sorry eyes.

My chuckles only get louder before I collapse onto the bench, looking up at the sky and speaking to them.

"...Thank you"


"Not for any reason, just wanted to say thank you."

Although they do not reply back, I am able to see them smiling through my peripheral vision.

My day started out wonderfully, then all of sudden shifted into an action movie of some sort, and well, it did end on a good note...

I suppose.

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