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60.06% Winds of Change (DxD) / Chapter 155: Chapter 17 - Part 2 - To those Irreplaceable People I met - An Outer God's Graduation

Kapitel 155: Chapter 17 - Part 2 - To those Irreplaceable People I met - An Outer God's Graduation

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

The same night, after we came back home…I couldn't sleep. Time slowly drew to a close and I felt a lot of emotions, but the most prominent ones were a bit of anxiety and a lot of excitement. A few hours had passed since we came home and nearly everyone in the household was asleep. However, I felt two sisters awake at the top of my home, so I made my way there.

Once I arrived on the rooftop, I found Natsume and Kanami there. I'm 99% sure they noticed me, but didn't turn around to look at me, so I quickly joined them. When I got there, I put a hand on their heads and they leaned against me.

"Today was fun, right?" I asked the two sisters.

"Yep, we caught a lot of fish. We released some of them though. Ah! I think the stupid cat and Kalawarna sneaked off somewhere on the island to do the dirty," said Natsume as she sniggered.

"Like you're one to talk, you sneaked away with Aaron a few days—"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Stop! Stop! Stop! I get it, I'm sorry!" Natsume half-shouted and covered her sister's mouth.

After that little comedic bit by those two, we fell silent again. I know that Kanami died during Lapis' attack and that Natsume saw it. I asked the two about it before but they said that they got over it. However, you can't really just 'get over' something like that so easily. Maybe they're putting up a front or are really trying not to think about it so…

"Hey Natsume, Kanami," I called out their names. Both sisters stopped looking at the night sky and looked at me…hold up, this is God damn déjà vu. When I was considering whether to do this or not, my eye twitched.

"Aaron? Is something wrong? Your eye is twitching a lot…," said Natsume. She pinched my cheek, worried about me.

"Will you two marry me?" I blurted out. Both sisters froze as they stared at me dumbfounded by my sudden proposal.

"W-w-w-w—huh?! W-wait, Aaron! Aren't we meant to date first?! W-why are you jumping past so many bases?!" Kanami asked in a panic.

"You suck at this, Aaron. But…not like I care, I'm not that girly after all. So I accept—Natsume Minagawa will marry you!" said Natsume as she hugged me, the smile on her face stretched from ear-to-ear.

Kanami stood there, even more stunned by the situation. However, Natsume turned back to her sister and grinned. "I guess I became immortal, lost my V-card and got engaged before you did, Sis," she said smugly to Kanami.

Kanami's eyes twitched rapidly, but to our surprise, she started to…cry?! Tears fell from her eyes and she said blurted out, "I…I wanted to even the playing field…! I'm just confused now…ugh…I don't care anymore, I accept…Aaron…!"

She then stood on her tip-toes and kissed me. I smiled and kissed her back, but I could feel that Natsume was a bit jealous because of this. Once we separated, Kanami looked at Natsume smugly while still teary-eyed.

"Heh. My tears worked…though they were real," she said and wiped them away.

"You…vixen! Damn you…you…you virgin!" Natsume shouted and grabbed a hold of Kanami's cheeks before pinching and stretching them.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" shouted Kanami as she also grabbed a hold of her younger sister's cheeks and pulled on them. Both sisters were crying and pulling on each other's cheeks.

'W-what is the world…? How did this end up like this…?!' I thought and stared at both sisters in bewilderment. I sighed and chopped both their heads. "Enough, jeez you two, what's with this reaction?" I asked.

"She started it!" they said in unison.

"Let's just go to sleep…"

Áine's Soliloquy

Danu and Cana have moved in with Aaron. It had been twenty days since he came back here and he had a few avatars come here to help, and it fast-forwarded the reconstruction of our realm. During that time, we met up with the rest of the groups that were part of the Gaelic Alliance.

Apparently, the two vampire groups didn't suffer too much damage as they had moved away to their own safety spot. However, there were still some casualties and some didn't come back after Aaron resurrected everyone.

…It felt fantastic beating the living shit out of that bastard. All three of them had tormented me all those years ago…and I finally got to do it back to them. It was also some revenge for my baby…I should go visit him soon. But…

When I thought about my awkward as hell confession to him, I always feel my face heat up. Ugh, why did I act like that? I'm the older one here. Well, his soul is older than any of ours, but that's beside the point.

"But…I'm finally in a relationship again, huh?" I asked myself. I looked at my hand and it started shaking. No, I shouldn't think like this. I've seen him and spent a lot of time with him, he's not like them…he's the one person I decided to put that trust in again.

He saved—no…that isn't right. Aaron would say that he saved me. He would probably phrase it as 'I gave you a helping hand, you helped yourself', or something like that. He likes helping people directly and indirectly, but I haven't heard him say that he saved anyone. More like—

"Action speaks louder than words," said a masculine voice. I turned around and saw Nuada. It was night right now and I was sitting in a somewhat secluded spot. "Good evening, Áine. I take it that you're happy about the relationship you're in?"

He came over and sat beside me, not directly but a few centimeters away.

"Were you following me?" I asked.

"No. I usually go for a walk at this time of night and this is my usual route. I just happened to overhear you. You're right about Jin though. He didn't save you—he did however, stop you from doing something stupid."

Nuada crossed his arms and looked up at the sky. I followed suit and we looked at the evening stars that they made hundreds of years ago.

"After that, and with his positive reputation among the alliance, he got you the opportunity of a lifetime—to be able to repent and change yourself. All he did was give you an opportunity to better yourself, forgive yourself and move forward with your life."

Nuada then laughed and added, "If I was a female, and if someone did that for me, I would be very grateful—whether romance will bloom from it is another thing. I do not know what happened between you two when you were invited to his home, but I presume that's where it all started. Áine…Jin is a good man, and I sincerely hope you, Cana and Danu will be happy with him."

"I never thought in my life that you of all people—or gods, would give me life and romantic advice, Nuada. But…thanks," I told him. "But I'm not some woman that's head-over-heels for him! I doubt I ever will be! But yeah, you're right, he's done a lot of good and he's definitely different from them. He's been honest about his goals from the start."

"That, he has. Anyway, I will continue my walk and good night, Áine." He waved to me before leaving.

Right…I should get to know him more and get closer to him…we are in a relationship now. My past has been permanently sealed and dealt with, I can finally…

I took my phone out and texted him. This is modern dating, right? Texting and all that internet lingo…

The next morning came. Aaron and I texted a few times over the evening. Evidently, the Gremory, Sitri and Bael devils were going to be promoted to high-class devils today, and I was invited along with many of his friends.

Of course, I was going to accept, but…

"Here you go, and the receipt." I handed over the item and receipt over to my client. Even after regaining my powers, I wanted to continue my job. In a way I'm just a delivery…girl? I also take odd jobs here and there. I love it so I see no problem with it.

"Thank you, Lady Áine. I've been meaning to ask…are the rumors true?" the lady asked.

"Rumors? What rumors?" I asked. I wasn't aware of any rumors in our realm, even when I have this job as strange as that sounds. Maybe I don't pay attention that much anymore, or maybe I'm really that busy.

"You're not aware of them? …W-well, it's about you being in a relationship with the Middleman. We also heard that Mother Danu and Lady Cana were also in a relationship with him."

"…Ahh…that, well, we are. I don't think they really care about rumors spreading since they're true," I replied. Those two would probably not mind if I confirmed these strange rumors. The woman in front of me gasped and then giggled.

"We heard rumors that he was also in a relationship with a goddess from another pantheon, but I never thought it would be real," she said.

Hmm? Why would they think that? All of us are aware of the things he's done. Honestly, it's strange that he hasn't just said yes to anything that has a vagina and moves. Though…I do know why, but…

"May I ask why?" I was genuinely curious so I asked the woman.

"While we are part of the supernatural, having that many women, it would be difficult to support them, right? With all the things they would want to do, hobbies, jobs, and other essentials for living…it would cost a lot of money, correct?" she asked.

Ah, I see. Yes, those kinds of questions are valid. There are some that want harems in the supernatural. However, not many can support or sustain them since they do need a lot of money, and depending on the number of women you wish to have.

"Well, he is the Middleman, so he gets paid for his services, and he's also the Oppai Dragon and that is a very popular show with a lot of merchandise that sells all around the world, I think he'll be fine," I told her. I won't say anything about him being able to summon money at will since that's not a good idea.

"I-I guess you're right; I sometimes fail to remember that since most men and sometimes women that have said that they want a harem have failed in acquiring it. Ah, I'm sorry for taking up your time, Lady Áine. Thank you again, and thank you for answering my questions," she said and bowed before leaving.

I moved away from the spot we met and went back to the 'town square'. It had been upgraded and was substantially larger now, and the fountain was also larger which made the people left happy. Because Aaron's avatars had engraved the names of the ones that died into it. They would forever be remembered.

However, once I arrived, I heard the ever-so familiar sound of a harp being played. I then saw Cana. Sometimes, people say that love can change someone, I used to believe the same thing, but at some point, I stopped, but now…I also started to believe again.

That's because when I look at Danu and Cana—especially Cana right now, she looked like a different woman. She did not put on any make-up, or mascara, nothing of that sort. She did not put on new jewelry nor did she dress differently. It was more like a feeling, the way she carried herself, the atmosphere around her and…the smile she showed people.

The one she had before was of happiness, but of a different kind. The one she showed was that of a woman in love. It was strange, too strange, and at the start I was very put off by it. I almost questioned if she was really Cana Cludhmor, the woman I've known most of my life. But mom—or Danu was the one who told me why she was like that.

I did kind of notice it when Danu was around Aaron, but maybe I just decided to ignore it, or…for some other reason. Whatever it was, and whatever this is, Cana was shining very brightly. She also plans on performing today, along with the goddess Saraswati, the one from the Hindu Pantheon.

I'm sure it will be wonderful since Aaron plans on broadcasting it all over the world—both in the supernatural and human world. They want to sooth the hearts of everyone and bring them joy through music after that disaster twenty-ish days ago.

I joined the crowd that was enthralled by her music and listened to it. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and saw Danu.

"This is the best I've heard her play, it's even better than she played with Ingvild and Shigune," she said and watched Cana like a loving mother.

"Yeah, it sounds great," I replied. We watched and listened for the next few minutes until she was done. She then thanked everyone for listening with a bright smile that captured the men's hearts! Does love really have this kind of effect?!

Once the crowd left, we walked over to Cana.

"That was wonderful, Cana. I look forward to your performance later on the day," said Danu.

"Mmm. Saraswati and I will also get help from Ingvild and Shigune, so it'll be even more amazing! We've met up several times already and we're definitely ready for this. Also…" Cana looked in the direction of where Nessa used to live. "I want to dedicate this to Nessa, her family and everyone that lost their lives in our realm and all across the world."

"That sounds wonderful, Cana. She would be very happy to hear that. We only have a few hours left, so how about you rest up?" said Danu. Cana agreed and we went over to a nearby restaurant.

I glanced back at Nessa's home. They should be here, not dead. I hate them and I'm horrified that I even worked together with a small group. Thinking about it makes me feel ashamed. Hopefully I can keep on repenting and one day I can be forgiven.

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

The next day, a day before the promotion ceremony for all of them I was outside of Kuoh Academy, and since it was the weekend, no one was here, but since we were part of the supernatural, we could come and go as we pleased. I was waiting here for a certain person.

"Oh! So this is the high school division! It's much larger than the elementary one!" said a fervent voice. I looked over and found Kunou there with Ophis by her side.

Kunou will be joining the elementary division next year. She came to visit today so she could see the buildings today. She had seen them before, but not in detail nor had she been inside, so she took the time today to see them for herself. Well, Ophis was also accompanying her.

"Hey, Kunou, Ophis. Let's get started, shall we?" I asked them and they agreed.

So we walked into the school. I began to show them around each floor and explained to them what each classroom was used for. The others were standard since the teachers were the ones that came to you, unlike in Ireland's secondary school (the one I attended) where the students had to move between classes.

"So this is your classroom?" Kunou asked. "And this is your desk?" she asked again and sat on the chair. Ophis joined her and sat on the table.

"Yep, in anime, this is where the protagonists sit, right?" I said with a grin. Kunou looked at the seat, then looked around her and agreed.

"Oooh! It is. Does that mean you're the protagonist of your classroom?" she asked excitedly. "I should find the same in my classroom starting next year…"

"Sometimes the teacher assigns seats, so you have to wait and see, Kunou," I told her and she deflated. "But as far as I know for the high school division, we weren't assigned any, so we got to pick."

This got her excitement back up and we started touring the school more. I showed her the clubs and the fields that we had.

"Hmm. We only have two, the track and field and the swimming pool. The high school division and the middle school division have more, don't they? I'll assume that the college one was even more!" she exclaimed.

"More!" Ophis repeated and pumped her fist.

"You'll also be moving to my home starting this summer, right, Kunou?" I asked her as we moved to another field.

"Mmm! Mother will also sometimes come by, but she can't move yet. She wants to make Urakyoto be the best before we move. However, since we have a door that connects to our home over there, it should be fine. Even Sharon-nee told her that, but she still worries," said Kunou.

"Well, Sharon is right, I can just assign more shadow soldiers there, and…" I trailed off and looked around us.

I can just change a few things once I evolve…I saw that screen again while out here and that I was 1% away from evolving. I had zero idea on how to achieve that, but I took it in stride since I remembered Akeno's words from months ago. —Admit to something, whatever that was…that's probably the last trigger for the 1%. I had no idea what I need to admit, but…I'll let fate take the wheel on that.

We continued our tour but it eventually ended and we ended back at the front gate. But another person soon joined us.

"Oh, Sona, you're here too?" I asked as she approached us.

"Sona-dono, it's been a while!" Kunou greeted and bowed to her.

"Son-son…hello," greeted Ophis.

Sona smiled at us. "Hello, Aaron, Kunou-hime and Ophis-san. How were the divisions? Were they to your liking?"

"Indeed! This is a wonderful school; I can't wait to enjoy my years here!" Kunou said excitedly. Her tail and ears accidentally came out. She noticed and hid them again while blushing.

Sona smiled and stood beside me. She looked up at the building with a nostalgic look and said, "I remember that day very well. The first time I came here…it was Rias who brought me here."

I remember Rias telling me something about it during our stay in my dimension. She apparently forcefully brought Sona here when there weren't too many people around.

"I'm sure Rias wanted to show me this place since she would be attending it very soon back then. I am her childhood friend after all. I can still remember the happy face she had when she showed me around," said Sona.

"Did you enroll here due to Rias' suggestion?" I asked. The other two with us had begun listening in to our conversation.

Sona shook her head. "Rias didn't suggest for me to enroll here. However, I was quite enchanted by this place when she showed me around back then. It was already decided that I would go to high school in the Underworld. However, after being shown around here…I had a change of heart and decided to come to this academy instead."

Sona smiled and added, "The shocked face my sister showed me when I told her I wanted to attend high school in the human world was priceless. It was definitely worth telling her that since I can still remember it even now, fufu."

Sona softly laughed again and then looked down at the ground. The expression on her face made her seem lonely and sad.

"…A lot of things have happened here in the past three years. Especially when I became a third-year student, many events and countless surprises happened all throughout the year," she said and glanced at me.

I wonder what kind of lives they had in the first two years in Kuoh? If I had been reincarnated earlier, I definitely would have shared those times with them.

…I had asked both sisters about what had happened, but like the Minagawa sisters, they brushed it off. Serafall acted like usual, but I could tell she was bothered by it, and Sona saw her older sister die in front of her. They probably just didn't want me to worry about it…

Well, I prevented the gods from going into the isolation barrier by killing 666, so those events won't need to happen anymore. And this time, in this universe, Sona can have her sister see her graduate. Though I'm bothered that they had to suffer for a little bit.

As I was about to say something to her, another person showed up.

"Ah, President. So you were here?" It was Saji, it seems like he came to find her.

"Saji, did something happen?" she asked worriedly.

"No. But it looks like the matter from before can be dealt with now. Tsubaki-senpai asked me to find you," he replied.

Sona nodded, fixed her glasses and composed herself. The fragile and sad expression she had was now absent, and she was back to her usual self.

"I see. I already had my fill here, let's return then since we also need to prepare for all your promotions that's happening tomorrow. Thank you for listening to me, Aaron, and we'll see you at the promotion tomorrow, yes?"

"Yep, I wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied. Sona then left after that.

Saji walked over to me and sighed deeply. "I've been looking forward to this for so long, but to think it would happen in just less than a year! I'm so nervous…! I'm going to be a high-class devil…!"

I patted his back. "You deserve it after all the hard work that you went through this year. Keep it up, Saji."

"Thank you! Though…I heard a lot of big shots are going to be there, right? That makes me even more nervous!" he added and shook his head.

"You've already asked Sona to trade Ruruko, right? Is she going to be your [Queen] for your peerage?" I asked.

"Yes! Ruruko will be my [Queen] since I'll be a [King] soon! I don't have candidates yet for my other pieces, but I have high hopes to have a peerage full of women!" he said with a lecherous expression.

"Is that so? Good luck with that then, man."

Saji's face became serious and he said, "I along with Ruruko will play for President Sona during the tournament, so that won't change. We will definitely make it to the top, Aaron-senpai! And then we'll get to face you and your team!"

He took a deep breath and added, "You're still my aim, and while I know I can't ever measure up to your power, I'll still keep aiming for it. Please, and if we fight, please fight me seriously as the Red Dragon Emperor. I want to be acknowledged by you and everyone else."

I was surprised by this, and I wanted to say I already did acknowledge his strength and resolve, but Saji wouldn't accept that answer right now. I don't know if we'll get to fight, but…

"Sure thing, Saji. Do your best to reach me then, I'll be waiting," I told him and put my fist up. He bumped it with his and I told him my promise to Vali as well.

"Heh, I have to fight him too eventually…bring it one! I'm more fired up than ever!! I'll surpass the Morning Star too!" declared Saji loudly.

Saji and the Sitri peerage also probably wants some kind of revenge match against the Gremory peerage because of their lost during the youth games. Otherwise, they'll need to prepare to fight Aurelia's team which is also full of powerhouses.

Not too long after Saji left to join his peerage and after he did, Kunou started nodding her head happily. "So many passionate people are drawn to you, Aaron! I will also do my best!" she said and we finally left the school to go back to my home.

Akeno Himejima's Soliloquy

The day finally came, today we of the Gremory peerage will have our High-class promotion ceremony. The Sitri and the Bael peerages will have theirs after us. It was decided like that from a draw, so no one could bias to who went first.

My family, the rest of the Occult Research Club, Rias' parents, Suzaku-nee-sama, Aaron, the rest of his lovers and many others we met this year will be attending the ceremony.

Currently, we were in the Gremory home, and my mom was speechless at how large it was. Now that I think about it, she hasn't been down here yet, has she?

I was in a different room with Rias since I'll be the one going first as the [Queen] of her peerage, after mine, Yumi, then Shirone, Gasper, Asia and finally Xenovia. In that order we'll be promoted.

I already knew how this would go. However, it didn't hurt to prepare and practice, so with the help of Rias and everyone else, we did this over and over again before today. Even more so today, since I woke up earlier and practiced. I didn't want to embarrass myself to my [King], so I took it seriously.

"One of the Satan's will read the certificate that will be given to you. You already know the answer and we have practiced it a lot. Next, I will put a crown on your head. This is the ritual where someone in a peerage is acknowledged as a [King]."

"And finally, you will be brought to the stone where you will register yourself as a [King]. You can touch the stone after the Satan's words. The ritual is pretty simple, right? Once all of that is done, it's pretty much over," explained Rias. She had done this many times before.

"Ufufu…even if you say that, there will be many people there today, the pressure might get to me~" I told her.

"Then, do you want some encouragement?" asked a voice.

We turned to it and saw Aaron. He was already dressed up in formal wear, a black suit. I myself was already dressed up too. The same with Rias as she wore a crimson dress.

There will be a lot of people there, as well as the media, so dressing up for the occasion was essential. Everyone, including the guests are going to be wearing something formal.

"Yes please~" I replied, but Rias grabbed my arm stopping me.

"…I think you already encouraged her enough last night and earlier in the morning," she said and gave us tired looks.

"Hmm. She did scream louder than usual. You were doing that on purpose, weren't you?" asked Aaron. I simply winked at him and stuck my tongue out.

He came over to us and stroked my head and then cupped my cheek. For some reason, I felt really nervous now. It feels like I'm getting married and the groom just walked in on the bride! I felt my stomach churn. However, it quickly left as I experienced a soothing sensation on my cheek.

"You'll be fine, Akeno. All of us will be there for you—and those four will be playing after the promotions," he told me. He then kissed my forehead before he left. But soon after…

"Rias-sama, Himejima-sama, it's time," said the attendant. It's finally time…!

We got on a train from the Gremory's home. This train would take us to the current capital of the Underworld, Lilith. While this happened, we were under strict watch and guarded quite heavily. The place we were heading to was going to be packed with many people after all.

Even while on the train, there were many reports and they began taking pictures of us and began asking questions.

"Himejima Akeno-san, please tell us how you're feeling right now!!" one of them shouted.

"Even after you become a [King], will you be participating in the World Rating Game Tournament as an independent team, or will you still be part of Rias-sama's team?! The Gremory's rivalry with the Bael and Sitri peerage is also quite—"

More and more flashes of cameras as well as more people asking us questions. We were told beforehand not to answer any of them, but to just grin and bear with it.

This journey was going to be exhausting…however, once we reached a certain stop, they were all escorted out by other devils. It seems like Sirzechs-sama was looking out for us which we were thankful for.

Zeoticus-sama, Chysis-sama and Venelana-sama came with us. Runeas-sama said that she would be there too, but would have to disguise herself to not stand out.

We passed by another stop and Ravel-chan points outside of the train.

"That stadium is going to be used as one of the arenas for the upcoming World Tournament from what I heard," she told us.

The stadium was huge, it was way bigger than the Tokyo Dome, though it makes sense since Rating Games are very destructive, so a field of that size is necessary.

"Many Pantheons and Factions will have their own arenas too, right? Jin-senpai did go around helping them build it and also repair their realms, which was one of the reasons he had been busy nearly all of last month," said Yumi.

"Mmm. He didn't mention it since he wanted it to be a surprise. However, he also built multiple rooms that would house the VIPs of each mythology and faction," Rias replied.

If Aaron didn't do that, then many of the mythologies would be unable to help with providing with the arenas, forcing others to pick up the slack, and he didn't want that to happen. He also built teleporting circles on each, so it would make moving around to them easier for the tourists.

Ravel-chan added, "Rating Games originated from the Underworld, hence the reason why it was decided that the majority of the matches for the first World Tournament would be held here, but there will still be many held in different mythologies."

Zeoticus nodded and said, "Even so, most of the previous organizing committee of the game that were part of our world isn't taking part in this world tournament. The ones organizing the tournament are part of Ajuka-dono's team, as well as Jin himself along with his subordinates."

"Is it correct to assume that this was due to the heating scandal that was revealed?" I asked.

Zeoticus-sama nodded at my question and raised his finger. "That is definitely part of it, but there's also another reason. It appears that many pantheons and factions have shown interest in making the Rating Games as their own form of entertainment. There's also the fact that each staff of each faction will be taught the procedure of the Rating Games."

I see. So that's what Aaron meant, he told us that the Rating Games may not be a devil's only entertainment in the future and it may be worldwide. We thought he was talking about the Rating Game World Tournament, but I guess it was about this.

"Once the Rating Games attain worldwide relevance, so much so that it becomes possible to transfer and exchange pieces between teams of all pantheons, then the games will become even more hyped up," added Zeoticus-sama.

"So the Rating Games won't be just for the devils in the future, huh?" Shirone said without a thought.

Angels, youkais, and other species from all over the world can experience the Rating Games. They can conduct games in their own homeland which will make it even more popular if this World Tournament becomes a regular event. I want to see it; I think many others want too as well.

"…Diehauser Belial-sama would have been thrilled if he were to know about this," Rias said while looking out of a window.

As a result of what she said, everyone became quiet. Emperor Belial committed a crime while being forced into a complicated situation. People say that he loved the Rating Games more than anyone, that he craved for someone who would defeat him.

Perhaps he would have found someone who could defeat him as the World Tournament became a reality. However, he was confined inside a cell, for the Champion to be absent when such a revolutionary thing started to happen, it's quite tragic thing to think about.

Rias wanted to defeat him. It was one of her dreams after all.

After that, Rias' parents and my parents began talking about this and that. We heard them mention selling something about [Oppai Dragon Milk], whatever that meant. I was unsure if Aaron had given them the okay to sell such a thing…h-hopefully they're not based on us…but it wouldn't be beyond them to do such a thing.

We finally arrived at the station on Satan's territory. We then got into several limousines to head to the ceremony hall. We also saw the Sitri and Bael peerages, there were numerous security cars surround us. I wonder how much money and people were used for our promotions? It felt strange…but I did suspect Aaron had a hand in it all.

We arrived at the ceremonial hall rather quickly. We went inside the building and prepared for the ceremony. The one in charge of me took me into a room. I had already worn something appropriate, but it seemed I had to get changed into something else. It seemed custom-made for the ritual. I wonder if everyone else had to wear something similar?

Make-up was put on me and they did other things to help me prepare. After that was done, I was told to wait in the room. Immediately after that, Rias, who was in her ritual dress came into the room.

"Fufu, you look wonderful, Rias~" I told her and she smiled at me. "Aaron will definitely like the ponytail," I added. She blushed at that.

"I wasn't exactly trying to appeal to him right now, it's just how this was made…do I look weird?" she asked.

"No, like I said, you look great. It's definitely Toole-approved." We both laughed at my comment and we spoke for a few minutes…until it was finally time.

Rias and I head to the entrance of the ceremonial hall. I stood behind Rias, and I have to follow behind her once the entrance opens.

There were guards standing on the sides of the double door. Around us were soldiers working as security and other staff. However, I could feel that shadow soldiers were all in their shadows. He really was a worry-wart.

Finally, it began. The drums began to play, the double doors opened quietly while the music played. It wasn't the one that Cana and Saraswati wanted to play, maybe they're doing it later?

In front of me was a spacious room. Many higher-ups were in formal dresses and suits. The ceremonial hall was decorated very lavishly. As Rias walked forward, I followed after her and they began to give me a round of applause.

I take a quick glance around me. The other members of our peerage were also there since they wanted to see this too. This included the Sitri, Bael, my parents, Suzaku-nee-sama and everyone else was also there. Even Vali and his team were here. They stood near the corner behind a pillar, they also dressed up for the occasion.

I felt many emotions swell up inside of me. As we drew closer to the altar, certain memories flashed in my mind.

'—Akeno Himejima will be a future piece for you. We will take her back to Gremory territory. I shall need to explain this to your father once we get back.'

Those were the words Heinrich told me and Rias many years ago. They definitely changed my life.

'—Akeno! I told you not to call me that, just call me Rias, you're my best friend after all.'

Yes, my best friend and [King]. You and your family helped me when I needed it the most. I will never forget the debt I owe the Gremory family.

'—Yes ma'am! I'm originally from Ireland. I moved here after my parents both died in an accident, so I just wanted to move someplace else, and here I am. Oh, I'm Jin Skyward, by the way, 17 years old!'

Then I met him…the man that changed my—no, everyone's lives.

'—No. I'm living so I can seek my revenge. The Holy Sword of Excalibur, destroying that is the reason why I'm alive!'

Kiba—no, Yum-chan, you've also changed a lot, you know?

'—Do you think a world without God is wrong? Do you think a world without God would decay? I am sorry to say, but that isn't the case. You and I are both living quite well, like this, right? The world moves even without God!'

Azazel was correct, even without the God of the Bible, the world kept moving forward. Many changes occurred by we all survived without him. Everyone right here, right now was proof.

'—It means that there are those who will find pain in what you call peace.'

Aaron said that Vali told him that once, but…peace is always the best, we can all live a life like this, and even the World Tournament came out of it, didn't it, Vali?

'—Everyone, let's make this the best school in this country. No, I'll definitely make it into one. So, I'd like everyone to please take care of me.'

Xenovia, Rias and I look forward to seeing the new Kuoh Academy under your presidency. We know it'll be a lot of fun, even a little chaotic.

'—Well, you already heard about my plans. Might as well, right? Akeno Himejima…will you marry me?'

When I heard that plan and then those words a few seconds later, that was definitely the happiest day of my life. Not only have you revived my mother…you also helped mend the relationship between me and my dad.

These emotions felt overwhelming and it threatened to make me cry. All those memories…there were many more, but if I kept thinking about them, then the tears would undoubtedly fall.

Just one year…in this one year, not including the ones we spent in his dimension, it was a year filled with so many events. A year like this, we will never experience something like this again, for as long as we live.

The ones who waited for us at the altar were…both Ajuka Beelzebub-sama and Sirzechs Lucifer-sama. Both of them wore very lavish clothing.

"I have watched you and Rias grow, Akeno. From here on out, you will become an official High-class devil," said Sirzechs-sama. Then began the ritual.

I sat on a chair beside the altar with Rias, and we followed the procedure of the ceremony. I also saw the other members of our peerage leave since it would be their turn after this, but everyone else stayed.

Suddenly, the music stopped, and…a wonderful melody of a harp began. After that another instrument joined, along with a piano and a beautiful singer's voice. We've heard of it many times. It was Ingvild.

I this is where they would play this, huh? Aaron suddenly put his hand up and this wonderful song and melody could be heard throughout the Underworld, and I assumed the human world and the rest of the supernatural world.

To the ones that weren't aware of this happening, they were surprised, but many were moved by what they heard. Some even shed some tears. The piece that those four managed to create in such a short time…was truly wonderful.

The song and melody lasted for a few minutes, and once it was done, the ritual entered its final phase. Rias and I stood in front of the altar and the next thing that would happen was for the certificate to be delivered.

Satan Sirzechs Lucifer takes the certificate and starts to read from it.

"For these reasons, I hereby proclaim you, the servant of Rias Gremory, Himejima Akeno, as a High-class devil."

I got on my knee and received the certificate. "It will be my honor," I replied in a formal manner.

I could have responded in various ways, or made it very long-winded. However, when Aaron stayed for one of my practices, he said why not just make it plain and simple while getting my point across. So we chose this response in the end.

I got up once and showed my certificate in front of the crowd so they could have a clear look at it. After that, there was a sudden round of applause and there were many camera flashes.

I then handed the certificate to the person that helped me. Next was the ritual where Rias, who is my master, puts a crown on my head. Rias and I stood in front of the altar.

We then faced each other. I got on my knee, and she then received the crown from the person in charge. She then put the crown on my head. It seemed to be a real crown since it put some weight on my head. Another round of applause followed after that.

For the last part, Satan Beelzebub-sama appeared next to the altar again and raised his hand. Then a stone monument that shone in a black color fell from above us. It then floated in the air.

So…this was the monument that's used for registering a High-class devil. I've only heard rumors of it, but from touching this, the requirement for a High-class devil, and [King] would be complete.

"Now, the newly crowned [King], Himejima Akeno, stand in front of the monument," said Ajuka Beelzebub-sama and then urged me to do so.

I took a step forward while enveloping my right hand with my aura and then touched the monument. I felt my heart beat loudly for a second…I see, so this monument was made of those crystals that the Evil Pieces were made from.

The monument then shone brightly; it was an amalgamation of colors. Crimson, white, black, and yellow. Then my handprint was shown for a brief second before it returned to normal. With that, the registration was finished.

Satan Ajuka Beelzebub-sama walked over to me with a small box. When I opened it, I found fifteen Evil Pieces inside, but we were all shocked when we took a closer look at them.

"Now that's…unexpected," said Ajuka-sama as he looked amused and surprised.

"What do you mean?" Sirzechs asked and then took a look. He then laughed and said, "Fufu, as expected, someone trained by Jin would show this much potential."

"M-may I ask what the commotion is about?" a higher-up devil asked.

Ajuka-sama and Sirzechs-sama looked at one another, then at Rias, and then at me. They gave me permission, so I turned to face the crowd and showed them what was inside the box. This made them all gasp.

Out of the fifteen Evil Pieces, the [Queen], one [Rook], one [Knight], one [Bishop], and all eight [Pawns] were mutation pieces. Twelve of my Evil Pieces were mutation pieces, only the other three were not.

Was it because of my current power and rank? It must be, otherwise this wouldn't have happened. It's said that one out of ten devils will possess a mutation piece, the fact that I had twelve was something unheard of. I looked at Rias and the thought hit us. Yumi, Shirone, Gasper, Asia and Xenovia will probably have the same thing happen to them…so will the Sitri and Bael peerages.

Many may try to ask Aaron to train them in the future is such results made them have more mutation pieces.

After this short debacle, a short word of congratulations from the guests happened, they read them from a list from the host of the ceremony.

Once it was all over, we left the stage while another round of applause happened. I quickly headed over to the changing room and relaxed for a bit after drinking some tea.

"Congratulations again, Akeno," said Rias. She was the first person to say that after the ceremony. I believe Yumi was next after me, so it was still on going.

"Yeah, congrats, Akeno," said Aaron who appeared behind me.

"Eh? I thought…oh, you used an avatar, didn't you?" asked Rias as she came over to us.

"Thank you…" I replied as I got up and hugged Aaron. I didn't know what got over me but I started to quietly sob into his chest. All those feelings finally overwhelmed me. I was so happy and relieved.

"Why are you thanking me for? I didn't do anything," he said and hugged me back. "Now then, let's go back and watch the rest. Let's support everyone else."

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

A few hours had passed since then and the last person of Sairaorg's peerage was promoted to High-class. Everyone was celebrating outside as food and drinks were served. We did take a small break in the middle since there were a lot of devils being promoted, but that was just a 30-minute break.

As expected, everyone that I trained with obtained multiple mutation pieces. While not all of them received the same amount as Akeno, they did indeed get a lot. The only one to match Akeno was Kuisha at twelve mutation pieces. The rest got around eight to ten which is still a lot, and the media who were here freaked out about it.

During Akeno's ceremony, Shuri, Baraqiel, Suzaku, Kaito Himejima, Kasumi Himejima (Suzaku's parents), and Atsutarou were proud and crying for her. Baraqiel took a lot of photos, but had the flash off.

Everyone else's ceremonies played out without much commotion…well, Saji's was a bit funny. The guy's emotion got the better of him and he cried throughout all of it, and straight after he began screaming in his changing room and was very embarrassed about it.

I was in a different room with Lavinia and Suzaku. This was the room given to us before the ceremonies started, so we came here to get our things. Normally we would just store them in our rings, but the staff insisted, so we went along with it.

Suddenly Rias and the rest of her peerage came into the room. Yumi lunged at me and I caught her.

"Reward?" she asked and rapidly blinked her eyes at me. I feel like she's slowly adopting Akeno's mannerisms from when we started dating.

I sighed and kissed her forehead again. She's fine with this deal and began to squeal in delight. Yumi received nine mutation pieces. Her [Queen], two [Knights], two [Rooks], two [Bishops], and two [Pawns]. The rest were normal pieces.

As we began to talk, Ajuka came in with…Shiva and Mahabali. Everyone turned to them and I greeted them.

"Oh, hey Ajuka, Shiva and Mahabali. How can I help you?" I asked and walked over to them and shook their hands.

"I just escorted them here, Jin. I will take my leave first," said Ajuka before he patted my shoulder and left.

"It's been some time, Jin. I take it you're well?" asked Shiva as he and Mahabali stepped further into the room. The rest were shocked to see these two here.

"Yeah, more or less. I'm going to guess that you're not just here for pleasantries?" I asked.

Shiva smiled and spread his arms open. "You're there, aren't you, Jin? Or very close to it—the peace that you seek. After that spectacular show you provided for us—when you killed the woman called Lapis, what else is left to do?" he asked.

"All that's left is…" I paused. Evolution, graduation and— "To take down the Khaos Order and anything else out there in the Omniverse, but after a certain event in the future, it should be easier for me to do," I told him.

"Not just peace in our universe, but peace across the multiverse, huh? You sure are thinking of big plans, Jin. As I told you before, I will still support you through and through, so make sure you confide in me when you need to."

Shiva then looked at Mahabali. "I will be participating in the World Tournament along with my own team. Lord Shiva is part of the staff, so he cannot take part, but we will participate in his place. We will participate as Team Asura, a team full of divine beings."

He then looked at Rias and the rest. "Rias Gremory, I look forward to playing against your team and many others. This is just a formal announcement from me. Ah, oh, and please be aware of Sakra, as he himself will be participating in the tournament. His team is called Team Vajra."

Mahabali turned away and began to walk out of the room. "If given the chance, I also wish to fight against your team, Jin…until then," he said and walked out of the room.

"Haha, he was quite serious about that, wasn't he? Anyway, I have some other news for you, Jin. It's about the name of the World Rating Game Tournament," said Shiva.

"Oh? You guys finally decided on a name?" I replied and he grinned.

"Yes we did. The name of the World Rating Game Tournament is…" the silence in the room was palpable, Shiva reveled in it. "Is the A—"

"Azazel Cup?" I asked him.

"Nope, Azazel lost. It's the Avezza Cup. Those two were tied, so they decided to play a game of rock-paper-scissors and he lost. You should have seen the face of Azazel!" exclaimed the God of Destruction before he began laughing.

Avezza Cup, huh? Who would have guessed? But the fact that he lost in the stupidest way does sound funny…I'll tease him about it later. I then felt Shiva's hand on my shoulder.

"Show me this peace you desire—one that's not just in our universe, but beyond. I, along with many others wish to see this," he told her seriously. "Oh, and I'll also attend your graduation ceremony, that's soon, right? I'll forward to your restaurant too, Jin!" Shiva said with a smile. He tapped my shoulder one more time before leaving and wishing us well.

"Let's go join everyone else," I told everyone around me. We still had an after-party to enjoy.

Time passed, and…on the day of our graduation, I, along with a few others woke up early. I put on my school uniform. I had done this many times in this year alone. The fact that today will be the last felt a bit…strange, sad even.

A few others waited for me outside since I was the last to go. The rest of the household, minus Grayfia, Raiko and Inaie were still asleep. I spoke with them briefly before I stepped out of my home. Once outside I was greeted by the sight of Rias, Akeno, Ingvild, Kiyome, Sona and Tsubaki.

"Shall we get going?" I asked them.

They agreed with both Rias and Akeno hugging my arm as we walked towards the academy. This sort of thing will still happen since we're going to the college division, but not as frequently since I'll focus on my restaurant and job as the Middleman after we graduate.

Once we arrived at the front gate, we opened it and went into the school. For the next few minutes, to an hour, we walked around and all of them told Ingvild and I the stories and funny little things that happened during their time here. We also added our own stories that happened during our last year too.

It was both a happy and sad time for us. Never in my life would I have cared this much about school; I definitely hated my time in my old life's school. Well, not all of it, but just after Aoife died. We finally ended up in the Student Council room and we began to clean it for some reason. Tsubaki and Sona started, and we just ended up joining in.

Once that was done, we made our way out. Our next stop was the Tennis club that Kiyome was the captain of. She stepped down and gave it to someone else. We also cleaned the clubroom and Kiyome got a bit emotional as she hugged the racket she had used for the last three years.

Finally, we ended up in the Occult Research Clubroom. Akeno went to make some tea like usual. Rias sat at her desk and the rest of us on the chairs and sofas. We didn't say anything until Akeno joined us and poured us some tea.

"At the start, it was just the two of us, wasn't it, Rias?" Akeno started and asked her [King].

"Yes it was. We struggled to keep this club from shutting down especially when we didn't have enough members. Even Sona and Tsubaki came here frequently at the start," said Rias.

Akeno giggled. "Yumi used to come here before us when we were in our second year and cleaned the place from top to bottom. It was nearly every day until we told her to stop. Jeez, even now, it seems she still does it. Even President Asia had to stop her."

We began to speak about nothing of importance, and time passed by like that, as another hour passed…

"…These three years, time sure does fly by, didn't it, Rias?" asked Akeno.

Rias nodded. "For a devil's life, three years is just an instant. But…"

"They were really fun," Sona, Tsubaki, Rias and Sona said in unison. Ingvild, Kiyome and I watched on. We felt a bit out of place, but were supported of them.

The door suddenly burst open and the rest of the—no, the new Occult Research Club members stumbled in. They seemed flustered and looked a bit panicked.

"Ah geez! Xenovia, we told you not to push! We wanted to surprise them!" Irina complained as she got up.

"Shut up, you were the one pushing me! No, wait, Yumi pushed me!" replied Xenovia.

They began to bicker back and forth until I clapped my hands, drawing their attention. Even Rose was with them.

"Since we're all here, how about we do one last club activity together before we graduate? Even talking is fine," I said to them.

Everyone shouted a 'yes' and we began one final club activity. It was fun and sad; we shared many laughs with Sona and Tsubaki. Eventually the current and past Student council also joined us making it an even bigger event.

The ceremony was approaching, everyone was busy preparing or were just waiting for it. As I walked around the school one last time, and out of the window, I spotted Rias talking to someone. I smiled and jumped out the window surprising everyone. Some of the girls even screamed, drawing the attention to me.

Both of them looked at me and Rias sighed. "What in the world are you doing…?" she asked.

"Fuhahaha! Enjoying your time before graduating is perfect, Jin!" Sairaorg proclaimed. The one Rias was talking to was him, he made it. I also felt many of my friends and comrades here, it's going to be damn overcrowded…

We fist bump as I arrived by them. "Jin. I will also participate in the upcoming World Rating Game Tournament. We were already aware of it because of you, but…I will do my best to reach you too. When that comes, I want a rematch for that exhibition match we had," he told me.

"Heh, is that so? Then do your best, Great Lion King. I'll be waiting." We grinned at each other before Rias lightly berated me for causing a ruckus on our last day of school here. Sairaorg tried to defend it but was also scolded, so…we ran away like children. Rias chased after us. It was fine—enjoying ourselves like this, even Rias started smiling part way through.

Lavinia Reni's Soliloquy

It was time. The applause of everyone around us indicated the arrival of the graduates as they entered the gymnasium. I became curious and looked at where the guardians were sitting at.

I saw many faces there, but Rias' parents, Akeno's parents and several others were there. Rias' dad had a camera with him, along with Sirzechs Lucifer, they had been very eager about this ceremony.

Baraqiel was...already crying, and the ceremony hadn't even started yet. Shuri also looked quite emotional. Today, their biological daughter and Jin will graduate. Next year it will be Asia, so we'll be coming back here again.

Baraqiel was recording this on his phone, as was Shuri. Akeno glanced around and saw both her parents, then she saw her dad. Her face immediately turned red and then she put her head on Jin's back, out of embarrassment. Jin looked over at Baraqiel and chuckled to himself.

I didn't know anything about Japanese graduation ceremonies…well, I don't know much about normal schools, so I was also excited about this.

Finally, the ceremony began with the Japanese National Anthem, then the school anthem and it ended with everyone getting their certificates. Baraqiel didn't stop crying the entire time, even Sirzechs and Rias' father started crying. Venelana looked proudly at her daughter and wiped a tear away.

Xenovia, who was the current student council president, came up to the stage to represent the current students and gave a farewell speech to all of them. Once she was done—

[The formal reply from the graduate will be made by their chosen representative, Souna Shitori-san.]

"Yes," replied Sona as she got up and stood in front of the microphone.

[In March, when the breeze of spring arrives, we will venture out of this school.]

The Former President of the school, who stood on the stage started her part with a greeting, then she gave her thanks to all those who were involved in the ceremony.

She then spoke about her memories of the school, from her first year up to her third year. Any events that left a strong impression on her, she spoke about them.

[We experienced many different meetings in the past three years, as well as separations. The experiences we had, the people we met in this place, they will definitely become an irreplaceable memory for us, and also to those we separated from…]

Sona stopped as a single tear fell from her eye. Serafall Leviathan, her older sister, was also crying, but Gabriel, who she considered her rival, comforted her and cried into her shoulder.

[To move forward in life, we must believe that we will meeting those cherished people in the future, even after we are separated. When we meet again, I hope that all of us are in a happy place in life and showed growth and maturity.]

Yes, we have to move forward in life. We can't be hung up by the things that happened in the past. Sona was probably trying to instill this short lesson that she learned in the remaining students here. Just like how I did, and many others…including…

[From the third-year representative, Souna Shitori.]

Sona bowed her head after her speech, and she received a round of applause. And like that...the graduation ceremony proceeded without any problems, and finally, everyone saw off the graduates.

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

The ceremony finally finished. There were many smiling, some who shed tears, many hugging each other, some taking pictures with each other and many others. Everyone was feeling very emotional right now. Even the ones with me, Sona, Tsubaki, Kiyome, Ingvild, Rias and Akeno.

We all carried cylindrical tubes that contained our certificates in them as we walked towards the gate. Out there, our friends, family, comrades, and anyone else that came here to attend our graduation were all waiting.

"Before we say anything else…Yumi, Gasper and Shirone, these three want to say something to Rias," said Lavinia as she gently pushed them toward her. Rias stood there smiling and waiting for them to say something.

"C-congratulations on your graduation!" Yumi said stiffly. Shirone and Gasper repeated what Yumi said.

"Yes, thank you, Yumi, Gasper, Shirone," replied Rias.

"S-since you've already graduated from Kuoh Academy high school division…and retired from being the club president, we…"

Rias chuckled. "Jeez, Yumi, Gasper, Shirone. What is it? It's quite strange seeing all three of you act like this. You need to tell me what you want clearly, you know—"

"—Rias-nee-san," Yumi abruptly cut her off, stunning Rias.

"R-Rias-nee-sama," said Shirone while blushing.

"R-Rias-o-onee-chan…~" Gasper said and blushed harder than the other two. Rias, who was the center of attention froze when she heard that.

"They thought it would be better to call you something else after you graduated. They didn't want to keep calling you 'President' even after all of us graduated, you know?" I told her.

Natsume laughed. "They went around to nearly all of us asking about our opinion on it, and in the end, they decided with that."

Suddenly Rias began to cry and covered her face with it. All three of them panicked and began back peddling, then they started apologizing.

She shook her head and said, "No…I'm happy that you called me that. It's a great present from all of you…please call me it again."

"Eh?" those three said in unison, a bit surprised by it. They looked at one another and repeated it. Rias kept on asking them to say it over and over again, making their faces even redder. They weren't fully used to it yet, so they're still embarrassed by it.

"You guys too! Congrats!" Kanami shouted, and the rest of them began congratulating us on our graduation.

Ingvild, Kiyome, Sona and Tsubaki were grabbed by various people and they began hugging them. They also began crying at that point. They had been holding it all in after all.


Various voices called out to me, no…everyone in my soul did. 'Hmm? What's up?' I replied.

[Congratulations, Aaron. Good work on coming this far. You started from nothing, and now…you have all of this. You showed both of us a new side to being a Dragon Emperor. We'll have more years to come after this, so let's get along from now on as well.]

Ddraig rarely calls me by my name, so this was a surprise.

{Exactly, truthfully, I had my doubts about you at the beginning, but seeing your journey until now…I'm really proud of you. You've grown a lot as a person, Aaron.}

'I agree with them. I've been watching you since you reincarnated. You had a lot of bumps on the road, and you still have a long way to go. However, you've done a fine job in getting here, Aaron. So hold your head up high, Dual Dragon Emperor, Aaron Toole,' said Rudra.

Cúntóir: Answer: …Congratulations, Aaron.

Elsha, Belzard, Amaris and Garrett also congratulated me, and I felt pretty emotional now too. Just then, various memories flashed in my mind. From the time I arrived in this world, to the various things I did, the people I met, and the things I experienced. They filled me with indescribable warmth.

Then, a single memory played out in my mind.

'Hey, Jin?'


'Do you like this world?'

At the time, I gave it no thought. At the time, I gave her a half-assed response. At the time, I truly didn't mean my answer to her. At that time, Penemue was speaking from her heart. As if she was looking for an answer that would give it meaning.

'Because I really, really love this world, even with all its faults and flaws…but I know nothing can stay unchanged. Fun times…happy times…they can't possibly remain the same. Our times together…they'll all slowly fade away.'

'Even still, I love it, I love this world, I love everyone in it—even when I fell, I wanted to help people—help the humans…is that such a sin?'

I looked around me again. Everyone was crying, hugging and laughing. This was both a sad and happy occasion, then my eyes met with Penemue. She smiled at me and came over to me.

"Jeez, what are you standing there in a daze for?" she asked and poked my arm. "Everyone is having fun and enjoying their time. Go join them."

I felt something bubbling inside of me, and then a dam broke. Again, her question repeated in my mind.

'Do you like this world?'

I gritted my teeth, and held back my tears.

Of course, I love this world. I fucking love it. If Azathoth hadn't reincarnated me here, if I wasn't given this random chance, would I be the person I am today? I doubt it. I fucked up, I messed up, but I grew from them. I'm not perfect, and I doubt I'll ever will be, but…

I still have a lot of growing to do, but…I'm thankful for all the opportunities. The world can be a cruel and shit place, but…with the right people by your side, they can make a world of a different, right?

...Is this what you fucking meant, Azathoth?! I admit it! I love it, I love everything and everyone! I love this world; I love my life! I wouldn't have it any other way! Even with all the shit I had to go through…I'd do it all over again!



Cúntóir: Answer: Evolution commencing in XXX Hours.

Cúntóir: Answer: Preparing body, and teleportation sequence to the domain of Azathoth.

[That's…in a few hours, midnight, right?] Ddraig asked.

{Sounds like it. So Aaron still has a few hours left.}

"Aaron…? W-why are you crying?" Penemue asked worriedly. I wasn't even aware that I had started to cry…fuck it, why even bother stopping it?

"Let me…cry just for a little bit longer," I replied to Penemue as I hugged her. "I…also have an answer to your question from back then."

"Back then…? Oh, do you mean in the Greek realm?" she asked and I nodded. "…What is it?"

"I love this world so damn much, and I love everyone here…"

"…I see, I'm glad you do," replied Penemue as her embrace on me tightened.

"Hmm? Why's Aniki crying? Did someone fart?" asked Vali. "Ow! Why'd you hit me?!"

"Vaa-kun! That's just inappropriate," said Lavinia. After that…everyone joined me as we slowly walked back to my home. We told stories of our time together, we laughed, smiled, and cried. Even my friends Higuro and Kikijo with their girlfriends joined us in our celebration.

At the same time, I also felt peace like no other. Tonight, I evolve and also meet Azathoth face to face. I wonder what we'll talk about?

"I have to go," I told five people as I stood at the top of my home. It was two minutes away from Midnight and I was going to meet her. The ones with me were the four 'Fated Ones' and Rose.

"…Please come back to us as soon as you can," said Suzaku.

Lavinia was also crying since she assumed I was going to die. I myself didn't know how this would all play out so I couldn't provide her with any reassuring words.

"Like she said, come back soon. There are still a lot of things to do," said Velgrynd.

"Be safe, Aaron…" Danu said and held my hand.

"We'll be waiting," said Rose. She looked like she wanted to say more, but stopped herself.

"…Yeah, see you soon." As soon as I finished saying that, I felt myself being removed from this place. All five of them had troubled expressions on their faces as I faded away.

I gasped and stood up, looking around me. I was in some kind of forest…I…what was…where was I supposed to go again…? I felt around myself and I was back in Kuoh.

"What the hell…? Whatever, let's just go back home to everyone…" I mumbled to myself. I quickly flash-stepped back to my home, all the while feeling something off.

Once I arrived, I was shocked. "What the hell…? Why is…" Why is my home back to how it looked like when I first came to this world? It looked exactly like Hyoudou Residence.

Going inside…confirmed it for me. Did I go back in time or something…?

"Huh?" I looked down and saw Lavinia's body with a hole through it. Above me was Kokabiel and Azrael laughing and grinning at me. This is…I gritted my teeth and healed her. I didn't want to see this again. What kind of sick joke is this?

My life, over the year, replayed. I met my friends again, formed those same bonds and friendships with them and I went through that emotional turmoil again. However, after a certain event—my fight with Sairaorg, something new happened.

[Would you like to restart the world?]


A yellow window popped up in front of me. I had tried to contact Cúntóir the entire time, but I couldn't. But I could speak to everyone else normally—I could also correct many of the mistakes I had done in this world. Except for those first two, but everything else…I made it 'better'.

My time in this world kept on repeating without me pressing accept or decline. It was on a loop. And with each loop…I could create the perfect world I desired, the utopia. Finding the Khaos Brigade's previous base, killing the enemies and doing it all by myself…but even when I did this—it felt unfulfilling. My 'friends' and 'comrades' never grew, nor did my 'lovers'.

Eventually…I lost count of how many times I repeated. I arrived at the highest point of Mount Everest and sighed.

"Why don't you stop this now, Azathoth? I know it's an illusion…but I have to ask why?" I shouted into the sky. Suddenly, everything around me vanished. A small ripple occurred beneath me.

When I looked down, I saw…black water? Above me was also just infinite darkness. Then, hundreds of millions of yellow screens appeared all around me asking if I'd like to restart the world.

Then, a figure stepped out of the darkness. She looked the same as the last time I saw her. She had a guilty look on her face and she looked at me with tired eyes.

"Azathoth, The Blind Idiot God, Lord of All, Sleeping Chaos and Supreme Lord and Creator of All Things. Why did you put me through that?" I asked.

<<If you wanted to, you could live in that world for all of eternity.>>

"Pass. Are you trying to tell me to be trapped by an illusion you created?" I asked.

She shook her head. <<No. I did not create that world. You are responsible for its creation.>>

"…What? I created it?" I asked, now even more surprised.

<<It's a world created by combining your desire to correct your mistakes up until now, and together with our powers. However, since I am the original creator of all, and the one responsible for giving you it…>> she walked past me, "in other words, this is my territory.>>

Her appearance changed as she walked past me, and she became…Sirzechs. <<The never-ending illusion of happiness. Eternal stasis.>>

Her voice also sounded like Sirzechs which was pretty surprising.

<<…Cúntóir told you a lie, and a truth. It's true that you stumbled across my domain by accident. However, the candidates I chose—I have been keeping an eye on them for a long time. They had various personality traits that caught my interest.>>

Azathoth then changed into Saji. <<However, I eventually came across you. You were normal, the most normal out of all the candidate I kept an eye on. But…perhaps you can call it a 'hunch' or 'gut feeling'. But I watched you even more near the end of your life.>>

She changed into Venelana, came back over and touched my cheek. <<I never planned on pursuing you if you died of natural causes. As a result, I chose the other candidates after you passed away. But it seemed 'fate' had something different planned and you floated into my domain. I had many candidates, you know? 87 Quintillion years…is a long time, Aaron Toole.>>

She suddenly vanished and appeared a great distance away…however the appearance she chose made me stop. She then walked back to me, and quickly arrived beside me again.

<<…After watching you for so long, the path you took from the others was interesting. At the start, it looked the same, so I held a lot of hope for you, but at the same time…I had run out of many qualified candidates, so when you kept going and struggling, I decided to put all of my faith in you, as well as my remaining life force.>>

The appearance she had taken was of Aoife. She suddenly hugged me and put her head on my shoulder. <<The accident with Rudra…it was truly an accident, yet I let it remain because my own gut feeling told me that it would be beneficial for you. You would agree with me, wouldn't you?>> she asked.

<<…I don't have much time, so I will show you, my past. Aaron Toole. I will say this again: stop, do not try to bring me back to life. Nor should you try to bring Aoife back to life, it will only cost you your lifespan, as it took away mine after I temporarily brought her back.>>


What played in my mind was…Azathoth's point of view. All of her thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The loneliness she felt, the happiness she felt, the disappointment she felt, and all other emotions. At the time…she didn't know that she felt any of them, to her…she merely watched everything she created become 'alive'.

Before Azathoth there was simply nothing. Not even that word existed, nor a single concept, law, or anything else. However, once she 'came to be', everything else started to exist. By her power, everything began to exist and come to life.

Azathoth had no expectations for her offspring. She simply wanted to see how they navigated the omniverse. However, not too long after, a hierarchy was created, and it was obvious that her offspring stood above everything else she made in the omniverse.

They were referred to as the 'Outer Gods'. They were beings beyond the normal comprehension, beings that could wipe out the omniverse if they wanted to. The outer gods became the embodiment of chaos and destruction. Everywhere they went, everything universe, timeline and planet they interacted with—they generally met only one end, and that was complete destruction.

However, in the end, she came to a conclusion. She didn't like the path that they had taken, and she wasn't some kind of hero, or savior. The amount of destruction they had caused was too much, and she had to correct it all. It didn't do anything to her power…but this was on repeat for decillions of years.

Destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair, destroy, repair.

It was on repeat, over and over again. She became fed up with it, so…she began to scheme and with each scheme—with each plan, her children slowly fell asleep. However, the damage had been done. Each time her offspring created destruction, a newly created creature was spawned from it. It was either a new outer god, or something else.

The False King Ghidorah and the Death King Desghidorah, they were one of the few that were created because of the endless chaos and destruction that the outer gods created. As more and more of the outer gods fell asleep, some became aware of 'something' happening.

Nyarlathotep, Magnum Tenebrosum and Magnum Innominandum caught on quickly, and they began to hide from Azathoth and slow down their 'direct' chaos and destruction. In turn, they managed to hide from her for a long time. But the first to go was…Magnum Innominandum, after that, Magnum Tenebrosum, and finally the last one was Nyarlathotep.

However, because of the things she's been doing, and the trouble she caused…she was just locked up because of her involvement of me.

That's why, when she started looking for new 'candidates', in other words, a new species she wanted to create, something beyond an outer god, something…stronger than her, she wanted something different. The opposite of destruction, chaos, despair, agony…something else.

She didn't know at the time since she had been busy dealing with her offspring's chaos. However, once it all calmed down, she finally began choosing candidates. But she was quickly disappointed by many of her chosen ones that became corrupted and exhibited the same personalities as her children.

One way or another, her new candidates would become corrupted by the power. They wanted more, they had to have more, they needed more—so they began to become tyrannical, or just outright psychotic. Azathoth became disappointed again, but she kept on searching, hoping to find something new.

Eventually, she thought she had found one. She had sent this human to the world of…Fairy Tail! He was the cliché 'hero' trope. He wanted to help everyone he met. He saved Ultear and other people along the way, and then they joined the Guild of Fairy Tail.

He joined in their adventures and kept saving people, but in the end…he had left a wake of destruction. He didn't care about consequences, as long as it adhered to his so-called 'justice' and acts of 'heroism', nothing else mattered. It was all superficial. The number of people that died or were killed because of his actions outnumbered the number he saved.

That was when Azathoth understood that having someone with a good heart wasn't enough—they needed to have more, not something fake or superficial, someone…who could grow, so she began the search for that. People who weren't 'complete' or people that had defects, she began choosing them.

In the hopes of…finding someone who could grow from the person they were and become what she was looking for. She acknowledged that it was not right, in a way, everyone was just a puppet for her. That was when I came into the picture, well…after that, it was obvious what happened. I guess she found what she was looking for?

After finding this out, I was both thankful and angry. But…my anger was over shadowed by my gratefulness towards her. If I wasn't put through all of that, I wouldn't be the person I am today, right? Those guys…the previous chosen candidates had tougher lives than me, if compared to my life, it was…nothing, I had it easy to put it simply.

But in order for her to create something new, she had to...

<<I have to sacrifice my own life, if combined by your powers, and mine—perhaps a miracle will happen, and a new species—a species beyond outer gods could be born,>> she said. She had teleported away again and stood away from me.

She looked at me as she changed into…Lavinia Reni. <<I was flawed, I am flawed and I will always be flawed. I cannot erase the previous sins my children created, but I can prevent new ones from happening if I go down this path.>>

<<Aaron Toole. You have gone beyond my expectations of my chosen candidates; you have also grown as a person that you can be proud of. If you wish to blame anyone for…anything, then please blame me. I will accept all the hate you have.>>

<<I will leave this omniverse…to you, and I will cease to exist. I again repeat, do not bring—>>

"I refuse," I replied flatly. She stared at me in shock. "Amidst all of this, I was a random one that wasn't even meant to be chosen, I had nothing, I was normal and was forced into this…if you think I'll just let you die and not have a punishment…you've got another thing coming."

I walked over to her and touched her cheek, undoing her appearance of Lavinia. "I'm going to force you to rule with me once I evolve. I'm going to be a god damn slave driver towards you. Since I'm the next ruler, the next king, then I hereby order you to come back to life and suffer together with me."

I closed my eyes and stepped back. I opened them again and looked at her with a smile. "The me of now was created because of both of my past and present struggles. I am the evidence of it and this present reality and you will be my reward for all the pain I had gone through."

Azathoth stared at me for what felt like forever. She eventually closed her eyes and let out a sigh. <<…I will provide you with one more offer, Aaron Toole,>> she said and walked past me.

<<You can stay in this domain and enjoy the eternal dreams you've created for yourself. You could choose to finally rest and I can find another candidate…if not, your other choice is to be sent back to reality once more. You will have to face future adversaries that—>>

"You already know my answer!" I shouted at her. She turned around and smiled at me.

"<<This place does not offer a home for me,>>" we said in unison.

"It's a false world, it's full of lies. No one grows in it, no one struggles, no one dreams and no one lives. After I have been through all of that, staying in a place like this isn't enough for me anymore. Outside…I have friends, family and loved ones waiting for me. That's why…I have to go; I have to leave and be with them. I can't stay here."

Azathoth changed back to her original form, and she showed me a genuine smile—the scene around us changed to a beautiful sky, the ground beneath us had become pure green grass, and several mountains were in the distance. It was bright, it was full of life. Azathoth closed her eyes and she turned around.

"This won't be the last time we see each other, Azathoth. I promised you before, and I'll promise you again. I'll save you—and the first things I will do with my new powers and selfishness is to bring you and someone else back…I'm sorry, I can't let her go. She can berate me and scold me and even hate me for it, but I'm bringing you and her back to me."

<<…Foolish to the very end…but…I like that about you, Aaron Toole…just like the future both Nyarlathotep and I saw…Aoife and I will wait for you then…>>

<<…Show me then…show me the world you wish to create, Aaron…Toole…>>

Her voice faded, everything became muddied, something felt off. I didn't have control of my body. Did I fall? The light around me faded, the grass did too, everything stopped existing. I couldn't even feel my own body anymore. Was this…the evolution I had been desperately chasing after?

Lavinia…Suzaku…Velgrynd…Danu…everyone…wait for me, because I'll be back soon. I'll come back better than ever; I promise you all that…

That day, for the second or third time in my life.

I died.

[Deletion of the current system, the 'Nurturing System' of Aaron Toole has been submitted.]

[The 'System' will now be deleted.]

[Any power limits on the 'player' will now be removed.]

[With no more limitations of power, the 'player' will now have access to everything.]

[The Outer God, 'Azathoth' has now begun to fade away from existence.]

[Aaron Toole has entered his evolutionary period. Estimated time of completion…5 minutes.]

[Would you like to delete the 'System'?]



[Yes has been selected. Now beginning the transfer of memories. Aaron Toole will now regain all of his memories…]

Fictitiouz Fictitiouz

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