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62.5% The King of Heroes (MHA) / Chapter 5: 05

Kapitel 5: 05

"as amusing as your scuffle is mongrels, I have had enough of this façade"

All Todoroki and Shoji saw was a wave of unrelenting flames in front of them as the all the ice around them vaporized and a torrent sent the two flying through the corridor,

Shoji was already out with slight burns on his skin,

Todoroki struggled to pull himself up as his consciousness was fading rapidly the only thing that saved him from the same fate as Shoji was his natural resistance to heat due to his left side but that didn't save him from the force of the air that collided against them like a truck.

A metallic clank ahead of him reminded him that the battle was still ongoing, though when he looked up all he saw was a red cape.

"I believe it would be best to end the exercise here"

Allmight stood between the two opponents announcing the end of the exercise as soft thud behind his indicated that young todoroki had finally given out and had fallen unconscious, which then brought his attention to the golden haired boy in front.

Blood red eyes met sky blue as Allmight once again took note of the flaming red sword in his hand disappearing, a weapon that in a single swing created enough heat to rival many trained fire quirk users and most importantly the condescending attitude, though unlike young Bakugo's hidden vulnerability that brings out his words in the worst way, Urk have the attitude due the complete confidence of besting anyone something that he saw in many in his career yet only few with enough strength to back it. 

"excellent performance young Urk, both young Todoroki and Shoji can no longer continue hence Team I IS THE WINNER!" 

Allmight declared proudly only to see the only person who could hear him was already leaving going towards the monitor room as he sweat dropped, this was going to be very difficult he thought as he saw small robots carried both Todoroki and Shoji towards the infirmary while discussing plans for an uprising. 

In the monitor room, students stood in ghastly silence including Hagakure who had return after been capture just in time to see the same sword she swung around, decimate both Todoroki and Shoji is a single swing.

"how are we suppose to beat that?" Kaminari asked with a shiver. The downright brutal combat of the first match and the relenting unstoppable attacks of the second match has put the bar a little too high for his pay grade, not when he would be out cold after using his most powerful attack once.

"the best chance we have is to take them by surprise like Hagakure did" Yaoyorozu said while hagakure blushed at the sudden indirect praise. 

"geez, couldn't they chill out a bit" Ashido said while many nodded in agreement.

Bakugo stared at the screen which showed the battle, though many would call it a one sided slaughter. Half n half had a quirk that could save him from the becoming a pincushion but was completely outclassed in sheer power by goldie. 

Metallic clanking followed by heavy footsteps outside the door brought the room in complete silence.

The door opened to reveal Urk as he stepped inside with his usual face, as if the battle never happened, and stood at his earlier spot. 

Shortly after Allmight entered who ensured the students that both Todoroki and Souji were not Critically injured and would be up and running in a few hours. 

"now then young heroes who can tell me the mvp of this match" Allmight asked with the same gusto and smile as it was at the beginning of the period.

Seeing the many raised hands, he randomly picked one. 

"yes, Young asui"

"it should be Urk right?, kero" the green haired short statured girl said, a little uncertain of her answer since the last match she thought the mvp would either be uraraka or midoriya yet she was proven wrong.

"Not quite, young asui." 

Her face fell ever so slightly at being wrong again. While everyone else including Allmight glanced at the boy in question to see his reaction. Considering the display and his earlier attitude pointed that the boy would probably react violently. Yet he stood at the corner eyes closed, without a care of the world.

"Ahem…would anyone else like to try?" Allmight mentally slapped himself to not get nervous in front of his students, he was really not cut out for this but it was his own stubbornness that made him keep his quirk without a successor and now he was on the ropes and his successor with barely a week with his quirk was trying to perform his best not to disappoint him, so much so that he was currently in infirmary.

His teacher would probably kick his ass several ways to Sunday if he heard of this.

Allmight continued yet this time he only saw one hand raised,

"Yes young Yaoyorozu"

"the MVP of the match should be Shoji" Yaoyorozu proclaimed with full confidence 

"Correct young Yaoyorozu, while all four of them performed admirably they all failed to follow on the one key element of the trial. And that is TEAMWORK" Allmight beamed his signature smile at the students who were nodding with thoughtful expression.

"AND, while the battle may sound glorious it is best avoid it when you can and focus on completing your objective. So do not get discouraged by the pervious battles children, I want to see you all go PLUS ULTRA"

" "Hai, sensei!" " 

The loud response confirmed that he had managed to lit a fire in them. And if the previous two bouts were any example, this batch of student will truly be something else when they grow up.

The day continued as every student tired their best to win their trial. From using their quirks to sneak around and set traps to even a downright full frontal assault with an insistence on the fact that it was the manly thing to do.

For midoriya the day was quite similar to yesterday as most of it was already gone and he spend that by sleeping and healing is mostly self inflicted injuries.

While walking down the hallway he heard noise coming from his class,

Taking a look outside the window he confirmed that the sun was at the horizon, hence afternoon and he had not read the time wrong in the infirmary yet considering the volume of whispers he was hearing at this distance meant that the students were still here, but the battle trials would have left many students exhausted so they would have gone home and they didn't even have classes left maybe they stayed behind to...

"d-deku" Midoriya was brought out of his mumbling by, once again, an impressed Uraraka, impressed by the number of words that came out of his mouth in a span of a few seconds.

"S-Sorry I-I was mumbling again" Midoriya apologized while fighting back the feeling of déjà vu.

"don't worry it's cute" 

The innocent comment from the young budding heroine was enough to shut down Midoriya's brain and send it to reboot. Meanwhile leaving Uraraka confused as to why the boy had seemingly shutted down in front of her.

"move aside, mongrel"

That forced restarted the boy as he along with a startled Uraraka moved towards the windows and watched the golden hair boy leave without giving them a glance.

'what's his deal?' Uraraka thought from just their interaction with iida on the first day she concluded that both Bakugo and Urk were just assholes.

"umm.." a weak noise more close to whimper brought her attention to the meek boy, though things he pulled in the trials told her another story.

"I-I thought e-everyone would have already left" 

"oh the trials went for really long, aside from that are you ok?" Uraraka asked eyeing the cast on his arm.

"hm?...y-yes. Recovery girl said it will be completely healed by night time" Midoriya waved his arm around a bit to prove his point.

"if you say so" Uraraka said a little unsure about that considering she saw how bad his condition was after the battle trial.

After that they both walked back to class where Midoriya got to know that bakugo had already left, so he too ran for the entrance of UA hoping to make it before ash blonde leave.

The next day arrived with as much buzz around it as the other days, with every student excited to see what other challenges UA had in store for them,

"choose a class president" Aizawa declared as soon as the homeroom bell rung.

'So Normal!' Everyone thought in sync.

And the same people then proceed to loudly proclaim why they were the best pick for the president. 

"we should follow the proper way of choosing a representative, I propose an election" Iida stood up and exclaimed as loudly as he cold so that he could be heard in the mayhem that the class had dissolved into.

"but we barely know each other, everyone would only vote for themselves" Ashido raised her point as few students nodded while Kaminari and Mineta discussed who amongst them will carry on their sacred mission. Meanwhile Gilgamesh watched with amusement. 

"will that be alright sir" Iida screamed to Aizawa,

"choose however you wish" Aizawa glared at the class as they all quiet down.

Iida then turned up and started distributing the name slips and the students started writing their votes down.

'Mineta, I entrust this to you' Kaminari sent the cryptic message through eye contact as mineta gave a nod and a thumb's up.

Both the boys had bonded quite well, after they both commented on Yaoyorozu's assets at the same time yesterday 

Form the corner of his eye Gilgamesh watched the two interact as he once again activated Sha Naqba Imuru and saw the highest vote begin 3 votes as an amused grin donned on his face. He needed to check something and some amusement too to improve his mood, otherwise he would rip out the eyes of bi-colored mongrel who had been glaring at him since the start of the day.

He will let the mongrel live for now, after he is done with this place though time will tell what is left of the filth who dares to challenge him. 

"both Midoriya and Mineta got 3 votes"

"you got to be kidding me, who voted for fucking deku!?" Bakugo screamed bloody murder while Uraraka whistled away from him. 

"...Mineta? who voted for Mineta?"

While the class dissolved into chaos over the chosen leaders of their class both Midoriya and Mineta stood confused wondering who actually voted for them.

Aizawa stood up from his sleeping bag and saw the scores, raising a slight eyebrow at the odd pair he none the less moved on,

"have you selected?"

The class not knowing both the boys very well, dumbly nodded in response.

"Alright, as class president…" Mineta spoke up with confidence that shocked a few students considering the other boy was looking like he had been through hell and back with a shuttering and shaking.

"…all the girls have to show 30cm of thighs!" at this moment even Aizawa sighed as he internally argued just expelling the whole batch regardless of the fact they weren't 0 in potential.

"petition to remove Mineta" Iida put forth his thought and Mineta was removed for the seat of power as soon as he was selected and Yaoyorozu who had the third highest vote count of two.

"so the president will be Midoriya and vice-president will be Yaoyorozu, came to the teachers lounge after lunch to take the class curriculum and circulars" Aizawa said as he left the class.

Shoji looked on in silence as the class dissolved in murmurs as both Mineta and Kaminari demanded justice and were thoroughly ignored. 

Shaking his head shoji turned to his right to see the golden haired boy take out a golden colored glass from one of his golden portals and started drinking something. Having seen his vote shoji got curious and lifted a hand towards Gilgamesh, the hand transformed into a mouth.

"why did you vote for Mineta"

Gilgamesh lazily glanced at the teen next to him,

"and what makes you think I will indulge your curiosity, mongrel" 

"no reason just curious" Shoji replied thinking of his rude attitude just another one of the oddity that most of his classmates seems to have, then again he is often told that his minimalistic style of living is a little too minimalistic. 

Gilgamesh took another sip of from his glass and then put it inside his golden portal,

"Merely a test to see how the mongrel would do, needless to say he failed quite miserably."

Shoji had a feeling he would not get anymore then the answer he received but he still started to speak when he was suddenly interrupted by the lunch bell and saw Gilgamesh leave.

"hey Shoji wanna join us for lunch" Kirishima called him out as he took one last look at the departing golden haired teen who seems to be going somewhere else instead of the cafeteria.

Todoroki stood in the middle of the cafeteria with a plate on which a bowl of cold soba was proudly kept. Being in UA high also came with the benefit of having one the best chefs in the country and a renowned hero as the cafeteria cook so that the students wouldn't have tto worry about an empty stomach during their training.

Though currently todoroki's interest lied more with another issue then his cold soba, and that was saying something.

"are you looking for someone?" Todoroki blinked and turned around to find a girl from his class, Yaoyorozu if he was correct, asked him as there were a few more student behind her.

"…No" Todoroki replied after a slight thought, there was no need to involve other in his quest.

"then came eat with us" A pink haired and skinned girl appeared out of nowhere and declared her request, well it sounded more like a demand.

"…no thank you I wil…"

"oh look! It's Midoriya's gang let's go"

Before Todoroki could refuse he found himself setting next to the green haired teen and the red haired teen, who seemed to like the word 'manly'. Everyone around him seemed to have something to talk about and were busy discussing about their lives outside of the school.

Iida seemed to hail from a hero family, maybe…

No, he had seen Ingenium and seeing the look on Iida's face he could tell that he was an admirable hero unlike his old man.

Shking his thoughts out of his head Todoroki put his focus back to the cold soba, can't have his old man reuin the taste of his lunch.

"So Todoroki…" he lifted his head to find a girl with earphone jacks for earlobes call him out,

"… were you looking for Urk?" the girl named jiro asked. Shocking Todoroki, how did she knew,

Jiro looking at the surprised face replied,

"you were glaring at him for the entire class, it is pretty obvious"

Todoroki blinked as he looked around to see his classmates smile awkwardly, as the slightest hint of blush formed on his face. Further ignoring the slight snickering from the pink haired girl he went back to focusing on his cold soba, good thing it was the cold variant of the dish otherwise normal soba would have gotten cold and didn't taste nearly as good.

Todoroki mentally commented on another one of the feature of the wonderful dish and proceeded to throw the manner his old taught him out the window and slurp the thing down his throat, other seemed to be engrossed in their conversation or didn't seem to mind the heterochromatic teen eating habits. 

"SECURITY LEVEL 3 HAS BEEN BREACHED" Todoroki was once again disrupted from his soda.

Meanwhile on the roof of UA, a golden haired teen watched the press rush in as soon as the gates were disintegrated and the one who did it covered himself with his hoodie and went inside the building.

"Tomorrow is it?" Gilgamesh said to himself as he looked the blue haired man enter the school building as stealthy as he could.

"now then which side should I play with" Gilgamesh mused to himself as he started walking back to the classroom. 


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