Vegeta was so exhausted that he couldn't even use his ki to float in the air as he dropped to the ground.
He then tried to grab some remote-like device that he was carrying under his armour as kurullin walked toward him.
"His ship? He is trying to escape."Kurullin said as he walked towards Vegeta to go for a death blow.
But then he was stopped by Tien.
"No. I don't think this is what goku would have wanted " he said.
"But he is the one that is responsible for killing chaiotzu and Yamcha. You should be the one rushing toward him to kill him," kurullin replied to Tien.
"No. I have been down that path before. It's not worth it to throw yourself in the darkness for the likes of him" Tien said as he didn't want kurullin to kill someone because of revenge like his old master tried to.
"It's all right kurullin." goku said.
"I want to fight him one on one the next time we meet." goku said.
"..." White didn't say anything. He knew that someone like Vegeta who is a threat to the entire universe should not be spared but he also knows that he would be lying to himself if he didn't have the same feeling as goku.
Their upbringing is different and their values are far from each other but at the end of the day, they are still the same person.
"I am sorry kurullin," goku said as he put his hand on the back of kurullin.
"Spirit bomb. Tell me how to use it" white said to goku as he asked for something from someone other than kami for the first time.
Vegeta was able to get into his space pot as he departed from the earth without saying a word but in his mind, he was cursing as this was the first time he was forced to retreat.
Then not soon after an airship arrived near the place where our heroes are.
With the people who wanted to hear the sound of victory.
"Gohan my baby" a woman with black hair come out of the ship as he runs towards gohan who was injured.
"Hey mom." he greeted her.
She was chichi mother of gohan and more importantly Goku's wife.
"Oh no my baby is hurt," she said as she looked at Gohan's injuries.
"Mom I am fine." gohan replied.
"You okay goku." bulma and master roshi then check on goku to see how he is doing.
Goku was tired and somewhat injured from tanking great ape Vegeta but he was not in bad condition compared to the previous fights that he was in.
Bulma then looked at white who didn't say anything to her but gave her a nod. Telling her that everything was over not knowing that things are far from over.
I think I buffed Vegeta too much.
Well time to make him look bad in the Frieza saga.