In the middle of the mountains.
Tien Shinhan and chaiotzu were training.
Suddenly he heard a gun noise as launch shot her machine gun in the air to alert him.
"Hey, it's time to eat. Come quick, Tien Shinhan. I've prepared top-quality cooking for you." she said.
As Tien and chaiotzu went into his house he saw blonde hair launch waiting for him with a feast.
"Tien it's incredible, " chaiotzu said.
"Why are there so many?" Tien asked Launch.
"Well, I hired these guys to make the finest dishes and I also provided them with first-rate ingredients," she said.
"Must have cost a lot of money?" chaiotzu said.
"Don't worry I just finished a pretty good job. And by the was Tenshinhen how long are you planning to do this" she asked as she handed him a plate.
"Until he beats son goku," Chaiotzu said.
"You don't have to anymore since things are pretty peaceful now. There is no point in becoming stronger. And you are pretty strong already." she said.
"I am not strong. When I met him I realized that the world is a pretty large place. And not just him I am sure that there are pretty strong people out there too. First I have to beat son goku first". Then I can start aiming higher." He said.
Launch didn't like Tien's answer.
"Hey, why don't you and I team up. Then we can rob banks to have enough gold fill this house and to eat such delicious foods as we want," she said.
"Wait you are not eating." She said as she watches Tien who didn't move at all and stared at her.
"Tien let's eat." chaiotzu said as he started eating.
"Chaiotzu let's train," he said as he dropped the plate and left.
"What a hard-headed bastard?" she said.
"Tien can even break rocks with his head," chaiotzu said.
"That is not what I mean," she said as she pulled out her machine gun and started to shoot at chaiotzu who have to run outside.
At that time White was on his way to the place where Tien was staying.
"I can't believe it. It would be faster for me to just fly around the earth" He said.
"Hey. We don't get to spend much quality time together." bulma said.
"But still this Scouter of yours is pretty useful. Are you going to make another one just in case this is destroyed?" he asked.
"You know what that is not a bad idea," she replied.
"But I can't still believe that Son Kun died," she said as she shed a tear.
"You don't have to worry. We know that he will be back soon," he reassured her.