"What the? No, it's not possible " piccolo said in shock.
"What happened?" pilaf asked.
"Cymbal is dead. I can not believe that anyone is capable of killing my demons" piccolo said.
"Killing one of my children is showing disrespect to me. I will kill whoever is responsible for his death." piccolo curses.
"First I must contact Tamborine first, " piccolo said.
At that time.
"Ha," Tamborine one of piccolo's offspring was fighting a martial artist that previously entered and competed in the Tournament.
Gilan the monster. The one who gave goku a significant amount of trouble before getting eliminated by him.
Tamborine kicked Gilan in the face causing him to smash into a rock.
"You are strong," Gilan said.
"And you are not" Tambourine replied.
"I am a great martial artist who competed in the Budokai. I won't lose to a green skin freak like you" Gilan said.
"I know. That's why you must die," he said as he impaled Gilan's stomach with his hands which are as hard as a blade.
"One down. Now for the seventh," he said as he licked the blood on his hand.
"Hmmm. Yamcha is it" he said as he looked at the list.
"Tamborine. It's piccolo" suddenly he heard a noise in his head.
"Yes, father. I am here," he replied.
"Cymbal has been killed." piccolo said.
"Some human has done this. I want you to check his last location and eliminate whoever is there." piccolo said.
"Yes, father. I will kill him." Tamborine said as he flew into the sky to find his brother's killer.
At that time goku was meeting another strange person.
"Oh man he tastes so good," a fat samurai-like guy with a katana said.
His name was Yajirobe.
"But I am still hungry." he continued.
"But you might be in danger though," goku said.
"I don't care I will just eat whatever that comes to me," he said.
"They are after the thing around your neck. You should just give it to me" goku said as he pointed to the one-star dragon ball that Yajirobe was wearing on his neck.
"Then I won't get more food" he replied.
"You know you really sound like my dead friend kurullin," Goku said.
"I don't sound like anyone! But if I do that guy must be good looking" he said
"He is short and has no nose" Goku replied.
"He is a monster too" Yajirobe yelled.
"Hey. What's that?" Yajirobe asked as he saw something flying in the air.
"Huh?" goku was shocked.
"My next meal," Yajirobe said as he saw Tamborine.
"You are the one that killed Kurullin," goku said as he saw the demon.
"I will kill you,"goku said.
"Fine, you can have this one. But I get to eat him." Yajirobe said.