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The First Evolution and B*nging a Beast Woman(R18)*Edited*

(Author's Note- Caution there is some R18 content in this chapter so who those don't want it can skip half of the latter part of the chapter.)

Rudeus Pov

A few hours have passed since I left my house and right now I am above in the forest flying towards the Citadel of Roa, the place where Eris and her family live. I want to evolve but first I need to find a safe place to stay.

10 minutes later

I can see Roa below me, a middle ages type of city, currently, it is still night so there is a lower number of people on the roads right now. I quickly descended into a secluded corner slowly without making noise. I quickly covered my face with a mask that I made with Great Sage's help while I rested in the forest 1 hour ago. I started walking the road and used Mana Sense to search for an Inn.

I quickly found out an Inn nearby 70 meters ahead, as for money? I used Telekinesis to rob*ahem*collect money from the houses that are nearby, and before taking some money I made sure they are sleeping. Some Bronze, Silver, and Gold coins slowly floated towards me as I sneakily used telekinesis to move them into my pocket while making sure there is nobody nearby seeing this with my Mana Sense.

I got about 7 Asura Gold coins, 26 Silver Coins, and 66 Bronze coins. As for the people from whom I steal, I can only give them my condolences for their poor security. I walked towards the Inn and saw the Sign Board 'Ruby Inns' (Author's Note- My naming sense sucks, so please bear with awkward names). I walked inside as the door was already open. I saw that there is a Beastwoman sleeping on the counter. She had Brown Ears with Brown Tail, had Breasts around her B-cup, and an average a*s. While she was only above average, seeing a Beastwoman for the first time did arouse me, In my previous life before being admitted to Hospital I had s*x with a random girl every 15 or 16 days once, while it is not that impressive but getting a Sexy woman on my Salary was not that easy.

Well, I also didn't have s*x for the last 4 months so I will see if a brothel is nearby for a one-night stand.

(Author's Note- He will have one-night stands only with unimportant characters and all main Waifus will be permanent, He will also Ntr a lot of guys hehe, but as your Great Author I will never let him get Ntr'd so praise me you mongrels!)

I walked toward the counter and said," Hello Miss". she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, she slowly stood up and said," Hello Sir how can I help you?".

Rudeus: I want to book a room in Inn, for 2 days and 2 nights.

Counter Lady: Yes Sir, it will cost you 20 Bronze coins if you book a room for a single person and 5 extra bronze coins if 2 meals daily are included.

I told Great Sage mentally,' Great Sage is she telling the true price of the Rent?', Great Sage Replied,' Report! It is detected she is telling the truth.

I gave Great Sage a mental thump up as I shifted my gaze back to her as I took my hand into my pocket and took out 25 Bronze coins.

Rudeus: A Room for a single person, for two days and two nights with meals included.

Counter Lady: Okay Sir, here is the key to your room No.23, Have a nice stay, Sir.

I nodded at her and took the key from the counter going to my room.

5 minutes later

I have checked the room and it has a bed, window and a desk. Pretty small but what can I expect from a normal Inn? I comfortably sat on the bed and asked Great Sage,' Great Sage how much time it will take for Evolution?'.

Great Sage: Report! It is estimated that evolution will take 2 hours.

Rudeus: Very well start my Evolution.

Great Sage: Master's Order has been received!

Great Sage: Requesting Voice of the World for the Evolution!

Voice of the Evolution: Request Granted.

Great Sage: Using the Unique skill Evolver to evolve Master.

Soon my eyes got heavy as my consciousness faded.

{Evolving the Species Mutated Human to Mutated High Human...Successful!}

{All Physical Stats have been greatly improved}

{Trying to Acquire Resistances}

{Pain Resistance has been acquired!}

{Attempting to evolve Pain Resistance by using the Unique Skill Evolver...Successful!}

{Pain Nullification has been acquired!}

{Minor Physical Attack Resistance has been acquired!}

{Minor Cold Resistance has been acquired!}

{Minor Heat Resistance has been acquired!}

{Fusing Cold& Heat Resistances...Successful!}

{Minor Thermal Resistance has been acquired!}

{Attempting to evolve Minor Thermal Resistance by using Unique skill Evolver...Successful!}

{Thermal Resistance has been acquired!}

{Minor Abnormal Condition Resistance has been acquired!}

{Trying to improve all the skills by using Unique Skill Evolver...Successful!}

{All the skills have improved by 10%}

{Trying to acquire new skills...Error!Error!Error!}

{Searching for a solution...Successful!}

{Limiting the acquisition of skills to common skills & Extra SKills!}

{Skills Thought Communication, Higher Strength, Strengthen Body, Keen Smell, Thermal Sense, and Super Stamina Regeneration have been acquired!}

{Extra Skills Magic Aura, Super Regeneration & Spatial Movement has been acquired!}

{Trying to evolve Extra Skill Mana Sense by Using Unique Skill Evolver...Successful!}

{Extra Skill Magic Sense has been acquired!}

{Evolution has been completed!}

After 2 hours

I woke up and can feel that I have become stronger many times compared to previously.

Rudeus: Great Sage what were the Benefits I got from the evolution?

Great Sage: Report! Master's Physical Strength has been increased by 10 times, and Mana's Capacity to 500000 times. As for other benefits, Master's all Skills have been strengthened by 10% and Master has acquired new skills!

Rudeus: Can you show me my Status?

Great Sage: Okay Master!


Name- Rudeus Greyrat.

Age- 4 months old

Species- Mutated High Human

Titles- An otherworlder, The One Who Reincarnated by The VOICE OF THE WORLD, The One who Dominates, Skill Collector, The One Who breaks his limits.

Crest- None.

Protection- None.

Origin Skills-N/A

Ultimate Skills-N/A

Unique Skills:

1)Great Sage-


Thought Acceleration: Raises thought-processing speed by a thousand times.

Analytical Appraisal: The ability to analyze and appraise a target.

Parallel Processing: The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena. Detached thoughts are also under the effects of Thought Acceleration.

Chant Annulment: When using magic, the chant is no longer necessary.

All of Creation: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon in this world. Depending on the things the user understands and the information the user knows about, additional information can be inferred. In other words, the user needs to see it (the phenomenon) at least once.

Analysis: The absorbed target is studied and analyzed. Craftable items can then be produced. If the required materials are present, duplicates can be produced. In the case of successful skill or magic analysis, the same technique can be acquired.

Auto Battle Mode: By permitting Great Sage, the user can let it control his body temporarily.

Mind Realm- A virtual Realm where theoretical tests can be run practically with 80% Accuracy. Users can also use Mind Realm for other stuff. Can be Accelerated 1000 times.

Sage's Link: The user and Great Sage's mind are connected by this Skill, anything that the User will learn will be automatically learned by the Great Sage and Vice-versa. The learning speed and content will be 80% of the vice-versa

2)Evolver- Provided Sufficient data, mana/Magicule users can evolve any skill and even let the skill break its set limit.



Dominating Aura: The user can release an Aura that can make the target scared, submissive, or faint, depending on how it is used. The effect can be temporary or permanent depending on the user's wish.

Fighting Domination: Once the host defeats an enemy, the enemy's respect for the user will permanently increase.

Sex*al Domination: After having Sex*al intercourse with the user the female's submission to the host and loyalty will increase. The effect depends on the target's strength and the user's wish.

Subordinate Domination: The user's subordinates will have increased loyalty and submission.

Dominance: Increases the user's Mana/magicule by 25% permanently.

Telepathy: The user can communicate mentally with his subordinates and his women no matter the distance if there is a sufficient amount of mana/magicule.

Food Chain: The user can freely copy the prototypes of the Skills of any subordinates, while also enabling the user to grant subordinates any Skills they are compatible with. Furthermore, the user's Magicule/Mana levels also grow whenever the subordinates show any significant growth.

Soul Link: The user can know the location of his women and subordinates.

4) Limitless Mana Capacity- The user won't have any limit to his mana pool and can increase infinitely.

Extra Skills:

Ultra Regeneration: The user can Regenerate from any wound extremely fast. Severed limbs can also be regenerated at the cost of Mana.

Spatial Movement: This allows the user the ability to freely connect two spaces provided they have been there before.

Magic Aura: This allows the user to imbue magical properties into their Aura to combine Arts and Magic.

Mana Body Clone: The user can create a body clone or clones of his at the cost of the Mana. The Body Clone will possess all the skills of the user till Extra Skills and the strength of the skills will be 20% of the Original. Users\ can also connect the mind of clones through Mind Link.

Breathless: The user doesn't need to breathe and can survive with mana, solar energy, Qi, or Ki.

Adaption: Let's user's body adapt to the surrounding environment. This skill can help the user gain, several resistances and reduce some skills' harmful side effects.

Age Manipulation: Let the user manipulate his age freely, Using this skill it is possible to turn into a toddler, adult, and old at the cost of Mana/Magicule. Provides Infinite Lifespan.

Faith manipulation: Let's user manipulate the beliefs of the target. Makes the user stronger the more people have faith in the user.

Mana Capacity Increaser: By training the user can Increase his mana Capacity rapidly.

Magic Sense:-The User Can Sense 360 degrees around 10m to 10km using mana.

-Allows the user to observe the interactions between Mana and the matter around them to create a mental image of their surroundings.

Magic booster: Every Magic used by the user would be 1000% stronger compared to the average level.

Telekinesis: The user can move any object whether living or not without having any physical contact at the cost of the appropriate amount of Mana.


Super Stamina Regeneration: The user can Regenerate his stamina rapidly.

Thermal Sense: Let the user sense heat and cold Radiating off from living and non-living beings.

Keen Smell: Enhances the user's sense of smell greatly.

Strengthen Body: Enhances all of the body's physical aspects.

Higher Strength: The user can Strengthen his body temporarily at the cost of Mana up to 16 times using this skill.

Thought Communication: A stronger version of Telepathy that allows the user to directly share their thoughts and experiences with the target(s). Its effective range is about 1 km.

Digestion: The user can Digest his food completely for Energy/Mana, it doesn't work on substances greater than the Skill's Rank.

Mana Absorption- The user can absorb Mana from the Atmosphere passively.

Mana Discharge- The user Discharges twice the Mana absorbed per second, passively when this skill is Activated.


Minor Abnormal Condition Resistance: Tolerance-type skill that reduces the effects of things such as poison, paralysis, petrification, etc under a certain threshold.

Physical Attack Resistance: Tolerance-type Skill that grants resistance to any type of physical attack.

Thermal Resistance: Tolerance-type Skill that grants resistance to fire, ice, heat, and cold types of attacks. Nullifies all Thermal Attacks below the user's level.

Pain Nullification: Tolerance-type Skill that grants immunity to physical pain sensation.

Magic Attack Resistance- The user has Resistance to any attack that is caused by magic. Nullifies all the magical Damage that is lower than the User's rank and gets less damage from higher Magic than the User's rank.

Mind Attack Resistance- The user is immune to any mind attacks that are caused by entities weaker than the User and is resistant to mind attacks stronger than the User.


All disease immunity: Provides Immunity to all types of disease even those who are cursed type. Provides partial Resistance to the curses.

After seeing the status I was a bit shocked after all the improvement was a bit too much not that I dislike it but still thinking about Tensura level which is only lower than some worlds like HP Craft, Marvel, DC, MilitiaVerse, and DragonBall may be higher than it. It is still one of the highest worlds ever higher Moon Type Multiverse or Fate Verse.

Rudeus: Great Sage how many times I can still evolve?

Great Sage: Report! Although there isn't any limit to the evolution that is possible Evolver is just a Unique Skill so it can only evolve the user 2 more times. The next Evolution is Enlightened One and after that Saint is the limit. Once the master has evolved into Saint, the Master won't need to breathe or eat, as long as there is Mana Master will get all the Necessary Nourishment.

Rudeus: How much Mana next Evolution will Take?

Great Sage: Report! Next Evolution will take Master 2.5 million times Mana.

Rudeus: Ok, it will take some time for Mana Capacity to reach there anyway.

I stood up, walked out of the room, and went to the Counter.

Counter Lady: Yes Sir how can I help you?

Rudeus: Hmm when will I get the food?

Counter Lady: Sir you will get the food in the afternoon and the evening.

Rudeus: Ok, Thankyou for answering my question.

Counter Lady: It is just my duty Sir.

After talking at the counter lady once again I walked out of the Inn, seeing the bustling streets and vendors selling the food items. I decided to buy a Sword and some new clothes.

Rudeus,' That Counter lady while just being above average is still hot, hmm I will see if I can have s*x with her at the price of some gold coins and if not I will go to a brothel'. After all, I am in a fantasy world, and don't f*ck some beauties and b*ng women of all species? It would be an insult to all Men of Culture and Otakus!

(Author's Note: R18 Chapter with Ghislaine is still a bit far away so I have decided to give you some One Night Stand R18 scenes in advance Fufufu, As a Man of the Culture of course!)

After deciding how to spend my day I decided to search for a weapon shop.

On the way, I sneakily stole money from several people by using Magic Sense with spatial Motion. Haha if other Mages have known that I am using a Space type of Magic(Skill) for a petty robbery they would have trampled me to death.

I soon saw a weapons shop named 'Rubh and Tars Brother's Weapon Shop', I entered the shop to see all types of weapons that are in the showcase or hanging on the walls.

A dwarf arrived at me and asked," What do want ya, Sir?".

Rudeus: I want a sword suitable for all three Sword Styles. My Budget is Around 5 Gold Coins.

Dwarf: Okay Sir! Follow me.

I followed him while I said mentally to Great Sage,' Great Sage learn all the enchantments if there are any.

Great Sage: Okay Master.

The dwarf then went towards a normal-looking sword of 67cm in length( Author's Note: Tell me If I am wrong in the length, and what should be the length).

Dwarf: This one will cost you 2 Gold coins! It is made up of Iron suitable for up to Advanced Swordsman!

(Author's Note- Please someone can tell me about metals and alloys found in Mushoko Tensei?)

I looked at others for a bit and after asking Great Sage which will be the most suitable for me I brought one that cost me 3 Gold Coins.

Dwarf: Thank you Sir for the purchase!

I also brought three High-Quality robes for 3 Gold coins later on and used Great Sage to enchant them with Size-Adjustment, Auto-Repair(Great Sage's Self Made Enchantment), and Auto-Cleaning. I also enchanted my sword with Size-Adjustment, Auto-Repair, Auto-Cleaning, and Strengthen Steel(Great Sage's Self-Made Enchantment).

I explored the Roa all day and found some news about Ghislaine in Adventurers Guild that she is currently on some expedition with Blue Steel Party, and signed myself as an Adventurer becoming the F-Rank Officially and doing some tasks earning 25 Bronze coins which are pitifully low for me. Thankfully after my stealing spree, I got 12 Gold coins so now I have 14 Asura gold coins 55 silver coins, and 123 Bronze coins.

After that, I returned Inn for my Dinner, I already had my lunch at 1 P.M, and after resting a bit during the night I thought I will ask the Beastwoman for s*x.

I walked down the stairs seeing that the place is empty with a tired Beastwoman sitting on the counter. Gates are closed with the plate full written on the door outside. I walked toward her and she then looked at me and asked.

Counter Lady: Do you need anything, Sir?

I smirked and said," Can I borrow you for a Night?".

(Author's Note: While it might seem cringe to you guys and stupid, it is ordinary in Mushoko Tensei world, Nobles f*ck maid of age 12 to 14 like some s*x toys and many High Nobles R*pe anyone they like and I already told you about that Mc will be a degenerate so, expect him to be straight forward, also please note that it is my first ever R18 chapter so after reading the chapter please give me suggestions on how to improve it)

Counter Lady: Eh? Sir, what do you mean?

I walked near her and held her chin and said," I mean what will be the price if I want to f*ck you?". I thought Mentally,' Great Sage activate Dominance Aura', Great Sage Replied,' Okay Master'.

Counter Lady: Sir errm I am married so.

Dominance Aura started affecting her as she felt the urge to accept my request.

Rudeus: 50 Silver coins.

Counter Lady: Uh? Umm sir?

Rudeus: 1 gold coin for having s*x with you for a night.

She started thinking about whether to accept my request or not after all 1 Gold coin is enough for a Commoner family of four to survive for 6 to 8 months and even 1 year if used properly.

Rudeus: 2 Gold coins.

I said as I increased my Dominance aura.

Counter Lady: Okay sir, but I hope you don't tell about it to anyone.

Rudeus: Don't worry I won't tell about it to anyone.

Counter lady: Okay sir, now if you follow me to a secluded room.

She stood up and started walking while I followed her.

Soon we reached a room near the stairs reaching the basement. On top of it was written, Private Room.

We walked inside and she closed the door tightly and then she looked at me nervously.

I took 2 Gold coins from my pouch and handed them to her while saying," Take off your dress".

She took the gold coins and kept them in a box and nodded and slowly started undressing while I took off my clothes as My Dragon got freed and soared up.

My c*ck is 8 inches long and 2.5 inches in Diameter.

(Author's Note- Please tell me if I did wrong with the size of the Main Character's c*ck)

She looked at my Dragon and muttered," It's too big, bigger than my Husband's".

I looked at her and increased my Dominance Aura as I ordered her," Suck my d*ck".

She nodded and kneeled below me and took my D*ck by hands slowly caressing it.

I looked at her and asked," Before we start can I know your name?".

Maria: My name is Maria.

Rudeus: Okay Maria now you can continue.

3rd Pov

Maria looked at the Big Dragon standing proud high and gulped in anticipation,' If this thing penetrates me down then', she thought as she started getting h*rny. Her p*ssy started getting wet with her liquids.

She then kissed the tip of the D*ck and licked it, a strong manly smell entered her nose making her h*rnier. Her pussy started dripping some liquids.

She used her tongue to lubricate the D*ck and then took 1/3rd of it in her mouth and started giving Rudeus a bl*wjob.


Soon the voice of Rudeus's Rod hitting Maria's mouth filled up the room.

Maria started to get h*rnier as a lot of Love juices dripped from her pussy.

(Author's Note- It's the effect of Dominance Aura)

Rudeus let out a moan,"Ahh! Ummm"

He then looked at the l*wd scene of Maria s*cking on his d*ck. he rubbed her hair like she is his pet and Maria felt her head pat, her tail started swinging describing her happiness.

Rudeus then took her head by hand and inserted his di*k deeper into her mouth deepthroating her.

Maria let out gaggled sounds as she felt deepthroated, she wanted to resist at first but her resistance suddenly vanished as she started enjoying the feeling of Rudes's d*ck hitting the deepest part of her throat.

Maria:" Gaagg Ughh umm!"

Rudeus took her mouth out so she can breathe. Maria breathed air into her lungs before Rudeus hands quickly inserted her head into his d*ck.

Rudeus continued deepthroating her for ten minutes before he yelled," I am going to release it! Drink it all!".

Rudeus released a load of c*m in Maria's mouth as she tried to swallow it all, but failed, some of his c*m leaked from her nose. Her eyes moved upwards as she made an extremely lewd face.

After Rudeus c*mmed inside her mouth, he released her mouth as Maria after coming out of his grasp coughed a bit and gasped for Air.

Rudeus looked at her and smirked," How was it, Maria?".

Maria: Sir you sure are Rude and almost choked me.

Rudeus: So you don't like it?

Maria: Liked it? No, I loved it! My Husband's small d*ck can't compare to yours!

Rudeus laughed for a bit and said," This is now just the beginning". He then took Maria by arms and carried her like a princess and then slowly laid her on the bed.

He then used both of his hands to hold her Melons and squeeze them and mold them into shapes he liked.

Maria: umm! Ah!

Rudeus pinched her nipples as Maria moaned," Yes!... More! Pinch them harder! S*ck them!

Rudeus started s*cking one of her nipples with his mouth while pinching the other with his hand.

Maria: Yes! ~Just like that! ~Pinch them!~Ah~ More!

Rudeus started s*cking her hard while pinching and squeezing her boobs.

This continued for 10 minutes before Maria orgasmed.

Maria: Ah~uhhaha~.

Rudeus: Now should we go to the main course?

Maria nodded at Rudeus and said," ~Please be gentle with me I never had a d*ck as big as yours before~".

Rudeus: Well you won't say that after I drill you crazy.

Maria understood it was futile and prepared herself for the pain and pleasure.

Rudeus looked at her p*ssy and rubbed it with his fingers playing with her clitoris making Maria moan.

After that, he positioned his Dragon into her entrance as he rubbed his tip with her entrance and then pushed it one go. His d*ck reached the deepest part of her womb.

Maria:~ Ah!!~.

Rudeus started moving his hips slowly and moaned too, slowly he started fastening the movement of his hips.

Maria at first felt pain but soon she started feeling intense pleasure as she moaned loudly and started moving her hips with his in synchronization.

Maria: Yes!~ Harrrder!~ More! Deeper!~

Maria slowly gave her body into lust as she moaned more loudly.

Maria: F*ck me~ Harder!~.

Rudeus moaned and said: You are my b*tch! For tonight You are my wh*re!

Maria:~Ah!~haahaaah~ Yes! I am your b*tch~ Fuck this b*tch of yours~!.

Rudeus started moving his hips faster making Maria moan louder as she started losing her sanity and could only let out her moans.

After a few minutes, he said," I am coming!".

He released his load in her womb and slowly took out his d*ck from her p*ssy only to see his c*m dripping from her p*ssy.

Maria came back to sanity and then found his load inside her womb and said," ~Don't worry Sir today is my Safe day~ You can make a mess of my insides as much you want~".

Rudeus: Then I will take up your offer.

He said and then started drilling her p*ssy once more.

They f*cked for 4 hours in the doggy style, missionary position, and cow position.

After that in the early morning, both of them woke up.

Maria snuggled in Rudeus's arms as her tail continuously waggled. She then looked at him and said," Sir last night was one of the best experiences I ever had, but can I still don't know your name, sir?".

Rudeus: Arthur, My name is Arthur.

(Author's Note: Only nobles and people related to Nobles have last names in Mushoko Tensei)

Maria:~Arthur then if you want you can f*ck me next time too~ At a lower price course ~.

Arthur: I will take up your offer but what about your husband?

Maria: Hmph! His small d*ck can't satisfy me as yours can, and he is an idiot for leaving me alone most of the time for adventuring.

Arthur: Haha, Of course, we will have more s*x next time but for now you should clean up this place.

Maria:~Yes sir~ but before that, I want to snuggle with you for a bit more~.

Arthur: Okay.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the chapter, my dear readers, This is my first R18 chapter so I may have done many mistakes and I want you guys to point them out and help me with it also should I take Maria in his Harem? And if she comes into his harem then I will make her more beautiful on the pretext of the Evolution that she will experience after being named by him)

Please vote on whether to take her into the harem or not:

Yes(She will become more beautiful), vote here:

No(She will be nothing more than an s*x friend), Vote here:

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