Vernon had just finished the meeting at late noon. He lifted his sleeve to check the time and then texted Shailene for the second treatment.
To: Shailene Walsh
Yo, are you free tonight? I want us to meet because I hadn't told you anything last night.
I'll pay, don't worry.
He got a reply five minutes later;
From: Shailene Walsh
I just finished a session with my main client, that widow I talked about last night.
You can come to my apartment anytime after dusk. I'll be waiting.
And I don't need your money, for fuck sake!
Vernon sighed. Of course, he had to offer money. Because other than that, he had nothing in his arsenal to compensate for all the hassle Shailene had to go through to help him.
Vernon always thought that his worth was determined by the amount of money he could get. So when a woman said she didn't need his money, he got visibly confused and flustered.
Please check out CEO's Billion Dollar BabyMomma!