I was feeling a little bit conflicted. After doing everything I did to Anderson I feel a sense accomplishment and a sense of sadness.
Accomplishment because the world is only just a little bit more cleaner.
Sadness because I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did.
As I continue walking though city I find myself having a little jump in my step. "Michael is it alright to feel happy that I killed that guy?"
He stayed silent for a little while. "Think about it like this, every person that he was going to kill is now safe from harm. He was nothing but a curse on humanity. I have to say you're so lucky you didn't see what his soul looked like. It was really disgusting." Michael said in the same cheerful voice he always had.
When Michael finished talking I felt better about killing Anderson. I continued to walk through the city streets, block, after block.
I watched the sun slowly set in the horizon.
I open the door to the morgue and announce that I'm home. Charles came around the corner. "Wow back so soon it's been only a day, don't give up." And he looked at me with pity. Like he thinks I'm giving up already. "Now that you came back we can brainstorm a few ideas to help you." He walks over to me and pats me on the shoulder.
I smile wryly and ask him to follow me into the common room. He agrees and follows me saying that I've done my best. I shake my head in exasperation.
I enter the common room and see Aki and Scarlett sitting around having drinks. They turn their eyes towards me in brief acknowledgment. Then just continue talking to each other.
I have to say my feeling got a little hurt. I walk on over and sit on the couch and truly relax for the first time all day.
"We haven't seen you today, and we're wondering what time you would be back." Scarlett said as I sat down.
I look over at Aki. "I completed my first mission." I said
Everyone looks at me shocked, "Already? But I thought that Michael couldn't help you. Doesn't this seem a little fast?" Aki said with a look of distrust.
I look at all three of them smugly and tell them about my day. I start to when I got back into the city, and went to eat at the restaurant. Only to find that Anderson the man I had to kill was brought to the same table as me. I then told them how I followed him around for a few hours and how he was going to kill a homeless man.
I told them I knocked him out and brought him back to a abandoned house then went to get supplies. Nervously I told them how I made Anderson suffer before I killed him.
After I finish telling my story everyone was quiet…
Then Scarlett started to laugh. I watch her with a confused look on my face wondering if shes finally gone crazy. She snaps her head towards me. "I can't believe you let him off that easy." I switch to a shocked expression. "I mean, you did break his legs sure but you should have gone for the arms too. And his fingers after cutting them off, you should have made that narcissistic prick eat them truly teach him a lesson.."
Charles tries to calm her down, and I smile wryly. Of course they wouldn't bat an eye at what I did. Feeling better about my friendships I pour myself a drink as well.
"Thanks Scarlett for the advice I'll keep it mind next time. So let's toast to a job well done." I finish saying.
I then watch Aki look up at the sky. "Yeah I'm surprised to. No I don't think Michael gave Jake any hints. Stop worrying Gabriel and enjoy the party. Well I guess you have to find something to drink then!" Aki kept talking like that for a while.
I also look up toward the sky. "So Michael where's my congratulations I think I did a amazing job for my first time ever being an a apostle."
I hear Michael contemplate about it. "Weeellll since you asked nicely I guess I could… So Jake you did a fantastic job. I'm glad you became my apostle." I start to tear up a little thinking that he wouldn't be so nice about it.
"Thank Michael that means a lot to m-" he then continued on.
"Of course since you're my apostle it was the only possible way it was going to ended. I guess like maybe one percent of my gloriousness rubbed off on you."
I continue to look up at the sky and start to scowl. Of course he couldn't keep his mouth shut. I sigh, feeling a little more exhausted than I should be.
I watch all my friends continue to drink and have fun and I decided to join them.
I picked up my drink. "Let's get this party started!"