I woke up on the couch wondering what just happened… Then it all came back to me. My eyes started watering and Aki spoke up before I started to cry. "Don't start crying I'll feel uncomfortable for playing such a joke on you."
I paused and looked at her. "A joke? R-really, you promise." I said with a quivering voice.
Aki looked at me. "Yeah a joke I promise you we won't call ourselves whatever Charles said. We already technically have a name, Apostles of Archangels. So stop crying please I'm starting to feel a little bad."
I relax all the muscles in my body at once and sigh in relief thanking God not Michael for granting my wish.
Michael started to talk into my head about thanking him instead, but I look towards the sky and mutter. "#Michael4ever." Michael stopped talking immediately, I scoff and look back at Aki.
"Okay I'm ready to get to work so how do we start?"
"Actually we won't be working together for this as much as you thought." Aki said
"What do you mean I really did think that we were working together on this." I said
"Yes and we are I'm taking out three of them and you are taking out the other three. So in a sense we are working together. But from now on we will be doing things apart from each other. It's still technically probation for you, and the power I got from Gabriel doesn't really let me have other people around." Aki said.
I tilt my head then lean back in my chair. "I understand Aki I want to try and do this alone. Also I'll always have Michael with me so I guess I don't mind as much." I sighed then got up from the couch. "Ok I guess I'll be going then. I want to get ready and say hello to my mom and brother before I do this. You know emotional support."
I walked out of the morgue leaving Charles, Scarlett, and Aki behind. Walking towards the train station I start to think about the information Michael has giving me about my new target.
He's living alone and he has no living family. He has been doing this for years ever since he was a teenager. I slowly go through each thing he has done in his life that disrespected human life.
Michael started to say that I shouldn't have to go though all of the bad shit that this man has done. But I disagreed it's precisely because I now know this things that I could give him everything he deserves and more.
I enter the train station and sit down. The trains starts moving faster and faster going past the city, to the towns, and then to open plains. I watch it all go by enjoying the Sun on my face as it slowly starts to descend past the horizon.
After a couple of hours the trains stops and I get up. I leave the train station and start heading towards the town that doesn't age.
I walk up to a house that has never changed in any parts of my memory. I knock on the door and hear a hello. My mom opens the door and looks at me.
"It's been forever since your last visit I thought you were never going to come back." My mom said as soon as she opened the door.
I smile slightly. "Come on mom I've been gone a little more than a week that hardly counts as forever."
"To a mother every second is forever."
I hug her then ask to come in. She hugs me back then let's me in. "Also you came at the perfect time your brother James and sister Crystal are here so we can finally have a family dinner."
I smile exited to see my brother and sister. I walk past the hallway and enter the living room to see a handsome tall man with sharp looks.
And a shorter women with raven black hair in a ponytail, with soft features except for her sharp eyes that look like mine.
"It's great to see you both, I haven't really got the chance to see you in a while since we were all busy. But I was glad we were able to keep in touch." I said with the best smile I could manage.
Crystal walked up to me and kicked me in my shins. I bent over and grab my knee and glared at me sister. She then also dropped down and gives me a hug. Then sat down back on the couch.
I looked at James and we both smile bitterly at her. Then he grabbed me in a bear hug which didn't do much with my body.
I hugged him back. "Man I really am happy to be home."