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98.13% The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED) / Chapter 315: Powers as Tools, Choices as Heroes #315

Kapitel 315: Powers as Tools, Choices as Heroes #315

Author's note: By all accounts, this is the final chapter of the DC fic. While I might release some chapters and share stories from the time skip, such as how Gryay beat Lex Luthor or Gorilla Grodd, the fates of the people who encountered Grayson, or even short sequels, this marks the end of the main story.

As for my next project... My plan is to take it slow and focus on the One Piece fic for a while. Once the One piece fic gets over the 120 chapter milestone, I will begin a new fic. It will either be a Marvel or a Game of Thrones fic. Probably, no guarentees.

With that said, I wanted to thank everyone who supported this story, and say fuck you to the haters. I hope your ball sacks gets stuck in a zipper or something equally painful.

And with that out of the way, please enjoy the final chapter.


As Grayson made his way toward the Guardians' vaults, his mind raced with anticipation. He knew that within those vaults lay the artifact he sought more than anything.

Navigating through the labyrinthine corridors of the citadel, Grayson encountered numerous security measures and defenses. But his knowledge of technology and cosmic energies allowed him to bypass all obstacles easily. He deactivated force fields, tricked security systems, and neutralized any threats that stood in his way.

Finally, he arrived at the massive, reinforced doors of the vaults. The guardians designed them to withstand conventional intrusion attempts, but Grayson had a broad array of powers to call on, granting him an advantage. With a surge of energy, he shattered the doors, sending shards of reinforced metal flying.

As he entered the vault, Grayson's eyes widened at the sight of the many powerful artifacts that lined the shelves. Each one held immense power, capable of shaping reality or unleashing devastating energies. But his gaze quickly settled on his primary objective—the Miracle Machine.

Encased in a protective chamber, the Miracle Machine pulsed with energy. Its potential was immeasurable, capable of granting unmeasurable powers and abilities to those who could harness its potency. Grayson's heart raced with excitement as he approached the chamber, his eyes gleaming with determination.

As he used his energy, Grayson bypassed the security protocols guarding the Miracle Machine. He carefully inserted his hand into the energy field surrounding the chamber, feeling the hum of power coursing through his veins. Slowly, he established a connection, merging his consciousness with the ancient artifact.

But as the connection strengthened, Grayson began to feel a surge of power rushing through him. It was as if the very fabric of reality trembled at his fingertips. The magnitude of the Miracle Machine's capabilities became apparent. With that revelation came a sense of unease.

However, with his superhuman intelligence, processing power, and the unique ability to manipulate codes, Grayson knew that he could utilize his expertise in coding and encryption to interact with the Miracle Machine in a safer and more controlled manner. He knew turning his thoughts directly into reality using the artifact's power would be too unpredictable and dangerous.

Drawing upon his knowledge of advanced programming languages and encryption algorithms, Grayson devised a plan to convert his thoughts into intricate lines of code. He could manipulate and control the Miracle Machine's operations without directly exposing it to his mind.

Entering a state of deep concentration, Grayson began transforming his thoughts and desires into a complex series of commands, algorithms, and encryption keys. Each line of code represented a specific intention or action that he wished to manifest through the Miracle Machine. He carefully tested and refined the code, ensuring its stability and reliability.

Grayson cautiously approached the protective chamber housing the Miracle Machine. He extended his hand into the energy field surrounding the artifact. But instead of establishing a direct mental connection, he initiated a digital link, connecting his coded thoughts to the machine's control systems.

As the code flowed from his mind and into the Miracle Machine, he felt a faint hum of energy resonating through his fingertips. It was as if his thoughts were being translated into a digital language that the artifact could understand and interpret.

The Miracle Machine, responsive to Grayson's encoded instructions, began to process the input and execute the desired actions within the limits of its almost limitless power. Grayson's understanding of coding allowed him to carefully specify the scope and limitations of each command, preventing unintended consequences or catastrophic events.

Through his coded thoughts, Grayson could reshape elements of reality, but he did so with great caution and meticulous precision. He knew that the tiniest error in his code could have disastrous consequences, altering the fabric of existence in unintended and potentially irreversible ways.

In this way, Grayson mastered manipulating the Miracle Machine without succumbing to its overwhelming power. His ability to translate his thoughts into code allowed him to maintain control, ensuring he would harness the machine's capabilities responsibly.

As impossible phenomena occurred around Grayson with each successful interaction, he grew more confident in his ability to utilize the Miracle Machine's power without jeopardizing the delicate balance of the world.

Grayson's encoded thoughts seamlessly merged with the artifact's power. As the lines of code that represented his intentions flowed into the Miracle Machine, a profound transformation occurred within him.

[You have lost the perk: Dormant Metahuman]

[Dormant Metahuman: you have the Metagene, the source for all Metahumans' powers. However, it lies dormant for now]

[You have gained the perk: Mechaniconvergence (Meta): The ability to assimilate and harness the powers and abilities of machines, integrating their functions and capabilities into one's own being]

Grayson's dormant meta gene that lay dormant since his transmigration had finally awakened. He had awakened it himself, shaping it to match his goals and needs.

With the awakening of his Mechaniconvergence power, Grayson felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. He could now sense the presence of machines and their unique energies with unparalleled precision.

His perception extended beyond mere electromagnetic signals; he could detect the subtle vibrations of psionic fields, the arcane energies of mystical artifacts, and the ethereal essences of spiritual constructs.

As Grayson focused on his newfound abilities, his senses sharpened, allowing him to gain a detailed understanding of the powers he perceived.

He could discern the type and magnitude of energy a machine emitted, gauging its capabilities and limitations. Whether it was a complex quantum generator, an advanced robotics system, or a mystical artifact, Grayson could analyze its essence and harness its power.

His Mechaniconvergence abilities also enabled him to interface directly with machines, merging their functions with his own being. He could assimilate their powers and integrate their functionalities through a symbiotic connection.

The nanoscale manipulators within his suit adapted and assimilated the technological attributes into his body, granting him enhanced capabilities that surpassed his already transcendent physique.

Grayson became a living fusion of man and machine, a technological marvel. He could exhibit superhuman strength by channeling the hydraulic systems of powerful exoskeletons into his organic body.

He gained unparalleled speed and agility by tapping into the propulsion systems of advanced aircraft he installed into his suit. His mental prowess expanded as he assimilated the computational abilities of artificial intelligence and the Mother Box in his possession, granting him unparalleled analytical skills and vast knowledge at his fingertips.

But Grayson's true feat was yet to come. With his Mechaniconvergence abilities honed, he turned his attention back to the Miracle Machine. Utilizing his power, he absorbed the energy and powers of the artifact itself, merging its reality-altering capacities with his own.

[You have gained the power: Codeborne Transcendence]

[Codeborne Transcendence: The power to perceive, manipulate, and harness the fundamental energy underlying all aspects of existence, transcending all limitations]

Now, Grayson possessed the ability to shape reality with a mere thought. He could rewrite the laws of physics, bend space and time, and manifest his desires into tangible existence. The world became his canvas, and his coded thoughts were the brushstrokes that shaped its fabric.

With his newfound powers, Grayson stood as a formidable force, capable of surpassing even the mightiest of beings. Even the likes of Darkseid no longer stood a chance before him.

As Grayson stood there, his body pulsating with the combined energies of the Miracle Machine and his own, a rush of emotions flooded his mind. He couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the magnitude of his journey and the transformation he had undergone.

Memories from his early days in this world resurfaced, of when he woke up in that dark alley in Gotham City, confused and disoriented. He had been weak and vulnerable, questioning the reality of his own existence. It was a time when he struggled with his morality and grappled with the choices he had to make.

He remembered the countless nights he spent honing his skills, training his mind and body to become what he was today. He endured the pain and setbacks, constantly pushing his limits, driven by a deep desire to make a difference and carve his existence into the world, to make it his own.

The journey had been arduous, filled with trials and tribulations, but now, as he stood before the slowly dissipating Miracle Machine, he realized that every hardship he had faced had led him to this moment. All of his efforts, sacrifices, and goals were coming to fruition.

Grayson's heart swelled with a strange mixture of pride, gratitude, and a sense of responsibility. The memories of his past struggles reminded him of the importance of staying true to his values and using his powers for the greater good.

He had experienced firsthand the devastation his power could unleash even without the Miracle Machine, and he long vowed never to repeat those mistakes to himself and to his teacher.

Grayson turned the vault's exit, and With each step he took, he carried the weight of his past experiences, lessons learned, and the responsibility that came with his newfound powers. He was no longer the lost and confused individual he once was.

The young man from Gotham was no longer a mere thief. He was much more now.


As Grayson emerged from the vault, the scene had transformed. The Green Lanterns and Guardians, who had once stood as guardians of the universe, found themselves at Grayson's mercy. The air crackled with tension as the former protectors of peace realized they were facing a force they couldn't comprehend with one glance.

With his newfound powers, Grayson's presence alone disrupted the constructs of the Green Lanterns, causing their energy constructs to flicker and fade.

The once unconquerable force of will behind the green power rings, the power, and the wisdom and knowledge accumulated by the guardians throughout an eternity seemed feeble in Grayson's mere presence.

The Guardians, known for their superior intellect and wisdom, stood in disbelief as their powers left them before their eyes. Grayson's control of the Miracle Machine had granted him authority over the fundamental fabric of reality itself, and he used this power to subdue the Guardians effortlessly.

With a wave of his hand, Grayson suspended the Green Lanterns and Guardians mid-air, immobilizing them. Their attempts to resist were futile. Their expressions filled with shock and resignation, realizing they were facing a being more powerful than they could have imagined.

Grayson's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light as he surveyed the scene before him. He had become something beyond human, a force of nature that defied conventional understanding. He had transcended the boundaries of mortal limitations, harnessing the power of machines and the essence of existence itself.

"Guardians, your reign ends here," Grayson declared, his voice carrying an air of authority and resolve. "You have ruled the universe too long, imposing your will upon others. But now, a new era begins where everyone is powerful.." He calmly added.

"One where no one is weak... One where no one can impose their will on others, not you, not the god themselves, and not even me..." He concluded.

The Guardians, though subdued, did not show fear or panic. Instead, their expressions hardened, revealing a determination Grayson had not anticipated. Their centuries of wisdom and experience have taught them the importance of resilience, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

"Grayson," one of the Guardians spoke, his voice calm and measured. "Your power may be vast, but it does not absolve you of the responsibility that comes with it. The universe requires harmony, not the unchecked whims of an individual..." He stated.

Grayson's expression softened slightly, recognizing the truth in the Guardian's words. But even then, the young man valued freedom over everything else, and as he was now, Grayson had more liberty than anyone in the world. And he wanted nothing more than to share it with everyone.

He paused for a moment, contemplating the Guardian's words. The weight of responsibility and the potential consequences of his actions lingered in his mind. He had the power to shape reality, but he also understood the importance of balance and preserving the freedom of choice.

"I hear your words, Guardian, and I understand the need for harmony," Grayson responded, his tone more contemplative. "But I believe in a universe where everyone is free to shape their own destinies... With my power, I will ensure that everyone will unlock their true potential and become the masters of their own fate."

He gestured, releasing the Guardians from their suspended state, allowing them to regain their footing. The atmosphere in the room shifted as the tension eased, replaced by confusion.

"I don't seek to dominate or impose my will upon others," Grayson continued, his voice resonating with conviction. "Instead, I offer the universe a chance to embrace its infinite possibilities..." He added as he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


As superpowers cascaded upon every individual and the gods of the DC Comics world were banished, the very fabric of the world underwent a profound transformation.

With the sudden influx of extraordinary abilities, society experienced a seismic shift. Ordinary people became capable of unnatural feats, blurring the lines between hero and civilian. The world witnessed an explosion of creativity, innovation, and ambition as individuals harnessed their newfound powers to reshape their lives and those around them.

Governments and institutions had to adapt to this new reality, redefining laws, regulations, and social norms to accommodate the diverse range of superhuman capabilities.

With the advent of superpowers, a significant portion of the population chose a different path. Instead of embracing their newfound abilities and becoming heroes or vigilantes, many individuals opted to maintain their ordinary lives. They shunned their powers, fearing the responsibilities and risks that came with them.

Most people who gained powers did not aspire to fight crime or save the world. They found value in utilizing their abilities in other areas of life, pursuing careers in science, medicine, art, education, and other fields. They saw their powers as tools to enhance their everyday lives rather than as a calling to fight against injustice.

While some might have viewed this choice as a missed opportunity, it demonstrated a diverse range of perspectives and aspirations within humanity. Not everyone desired the extraordinary or sought to wield their powers in acts of heroism. They preferred to contribute to society in their own unique ways, using their abilities to excel in their chosen professions and make positive changes on the world through their expertise.

However, it was not without consequences. The decision of the majority to abstain from using their powers to fight crime or protect the innocent led to a significant increase in criminal activities. Taking advantage of the power vacuum left by the gods and the absence of a unified hero force, villains emerged to wreak havoc and sow chaos in the world.

These newly emerging villains, without any moral compass or desire to uphold justice as they were, caused considerable destruction and loss of life. The absence of a cohesive superhero community to engulf everyone meant that it took time for the world to organize and respond effectively to the threats posed by these individuals.

Society faced a wake-up call as the consequences of inaction became evident. People realized that relying solely on others to protect them was no longer viable. It became clear that each individual had a role to play in maintaining order and safeguarding the well-being of their communities.

Over time, as the realization sank in, more people started to train and master their powers. They recognized the need to step up and take responsibility to ensure the world remained safe and just. Schools and training centers dedicated to teaching individuals how to use their powers effectively and responsibly began to emerge, offering guidance and education on how to face the challenges that came with their newfound abilities.

A new wave of heroes, driven by a sense of duty and a desire to make a difference, rose to counter the growing threat of villains. These individuals, with diverse backgrounds and powers, formed alliances and worked together to protect the innocent and restore order. They became beacons of hope, inspiring others to embrace their abilities and join the fight against evil.

The era of chaos caused by the emerging villains eventually began to subside as the hero community gained strength and cohesion. With united efforts, they confronted the threats head-on, bringing down the most dangerous villains and restoring peace and stability.

The world learned valuable lessons from this era of chaos. It realized that the true power lay not just in possessing extraordinary abilities but also in the willingness to use them responsibly and for the betterment of society.

The concept of heroism expanded to encompass not only those who fought crime but those who used their powers to uplift humanity in various ways as well. After all, as a wise man once said, not all heroes wear capes.

As society adapted to the new normal, a balance emerged between those who embraced heroism and those who pursued different paths. The heroes, driven by a sense of duty and justice, continued to protect the innocent and maintain order. Meanwhile, individuals who chose to excel in their respective fields, using their powers to push the boundaries of human achievement, made significant contributions to science, art, technology, and the betterment of society,

Together, they formed a tapestry of empowered individuals, each contributing in their own ways to a world where the extraordinary became ordinary, where the potential for greatness lay within all.

And With the departure of the gods, all sentient beings were free from their whims and agendas. The world was no longer subject to their interventions, both benevolent and malevolent. Mortals took up the mantle of responsibility, becoming the arbiters of their own destinies.

However, the absence of the gods also left a void. Some mourned the loss of divine guidance and protection, while others embraced the freedom and autonomy that came with it. The absence of godly influence prompted philosophical debates and spiritual exploration as people sought to create new meaning and purpose in a world devoid of divine presence.

Ultimately, the world transformed into a realm where the potential for greatness and heroism resided within every individual. It was a world where the gods no longer reigned, but humanity rose to the challenge, embracing their own divinity and forging a destiny worthy of admiration.

The world was free from the "Plot," as Grayson would describe it.

As for the man himself, he had foreseen that his quest for power would lead to severe consequences. The unchecked distribution of superpowers had brought chaos and destruction. He knew rectifying the situation and restoring balance was his responsibility, so he did.

Using his Codeborne Transcendence powers, Grayson initiated a global broadcast, reaching every corner of the world. With a heartfelt plea, he urged people to come together, and embrace their powers not for selfish gain but to protect thesmelves, if nothing else.

His words resonated with individuals who hesitated to use their powers, reminding them of the potential for good within their grasp. Slowly but surely, a movement began to form, aiming to create a world where superpowers were utilized responsibly, guided by principles of justice and compassion.

Grayson became a symbol of hope and guidance, dedicating himself to the cause of training and mentoring those with powers. He established academies and training centers, bringing together experienced heroes and empowering individuals to teach them how to use their abilities effectively and responsibly.

Through his efforts, he helped create a global network of heroes, each committed to protecting the innocent and maintaining peace. This alliance of super-powered individuals worked hand in hand with law enforcement agencies, sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise to combat the rising tide of villains that threatened the world.

Grayson's journey took on a new purpose as he overcame his paranoid tendencies and found fulfillment in guiding others, teaching them not just how to wield their powers but also instilling in them a sense of duty, empathy, and the importance of upholding justice. He became a mentor, guiding the next generation of heroes to use their powers responsibly and for the greater good.

With time, society adjusted to the presence of superpowers, implementing laws and regulations that ensured the safety and well-being of both super-powered individuals and ordinary citizens. The world became a place where everyone had the opportunity to realize their potential and contribute positively to the world, no matter their abilities.

Grayson's role as a mentor and leader brought him immense satisfaction and happiness. He found joy in seeing the lives he had touched, witnessing individuals grow into heroes in their own right as his teacher once did.

He surrounded himself with a community of allies and friends, united by their shared purpose and unwavering dedication to protecting the world they loved.

As the years passed, Grayson's legacy lived on, with the world thriving under the guidance of a new generation of heroes. He became a symbol of inspiration, a reminder that one person, driven by the desire to make a difference, could shape the world for the better.

Grayson's journey had come full circle. From a lost and confused individual to a beacon of hope, he had found his purpose and brought happiness and peace to countless lives. His story became a legend, told and retold, inspiring many people to come.

On a personal level, amidst this changing world, Grayson was drawn to a small town, far away from the chaos and turmoil that had gripped the world in his limited free time. There, he found solace in the simplicity of everyday life and the genuine connections he formed with the townspeople he helped over the years.

As days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and Grayson fell in love with a woman named Emma, a compassionate and spirited individual who accepted him for who he was, powers and all. She saw beyond his extraordinary abilities and appreciated the person he had become.

Emma, who possessed no superhuman powers due to a freak accident, offered Grayson a sense of normalcy and a reminder of the simple joys in life as he helped her to gain her powers.

Grayson found that being with Emma brought him a sense of peace he had never experienced before. She anchored him to the present, reminding him of the beauty of the world and the importance of living in the moment. In her presence, his internal struggles quieted, and the weight of his past choices seemed to fade away.

As their love deepened, Grayson realized he no longer desired to be a part of the never-ending battles and conflicts that had defined his existence for so long. The constant internal struggle he once faced had diminished, replaced by a newfound contentment and a desire for a simpler, more fulfilling life.

One day, Grayson made a life-altering decision. He approached his students and colleagues at the Vanguard and announced his retirement from the superhero life. He explained his reasons, emphasizing his desire to prioritize personal happiness and the pursuit of a peaceful existence.

With the support of Emma and the understanding of his friends and students, Grayson bid farewell to his old ways, embracing the new chapter of his life with open arms. He left behind the cosmic battles and intergalactic conflicts, dedicating himself to a life of peace.

He had finally attained the peaceful life he longed for.

And as the years passed, Grayson's legend faded into memory, his extraordinary deeds overshadowed by the ever-evolving world. But the impact he had made on the people he touched remained a testament to his existence.

The end.


Whelp, there's nothing left to read, but feel free to sybscribe to my p-word account and give me your money anyway.

-> (pat rē / wicked132)

As for power stones, I'd apreciate it if ya'll directed them toward my other active fic (One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode)

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