[Fearmongering just sent you 1 Power Stones to your book System for Dummies]
[Fearmongering just sent you 1 Power Stones to your book System for Dummies]
[Fearmongering just sent you 1 Power Stones to your book System for Dummies]
Hey there, Creator… I could not help but notice all the powerstones you keep on sending to me. While the gesture was really appreciated, there was no other use to them. If only there was more to than them…
Though you know, that they were just small stones with the word "power" written on them with a red marker, right? Seriously, what could I possibly do with these stones?
Before anyone would even think about it. No, I would not do THAT. I would not throw the stones at the buck-naked male MC parade. This kind of fan service should not be encouraged.
Besides, why were only the male Mcs objectified? In front of fanservice everyone needed to be equal. This parade seemed a bit one-sided in regards to its participants.
So, uh, Big Guy, you being all-powerful, you could certainly bring back balance to the force. It should be easy as pie to just snap your fingers and give me, eh I mean give the readers what they want.
Yes, give the readers some gifts as well. Reading your story has to be rewarding for them. The best present any self-respecting person could get was an equal lack of clothing for both sexes─truly a progressive stance for a truly modern author.
How could you say no to something which would make your story really popular? Remember only a happy Reader was a good reader. So. give me, I mean us what we wanted.
I was a fool for getting my hopes up; this creator simply wanted to watch the world burn. Watching these Buff Mcs suddenly sit down and start knitting was not the kind of change I wanted to have.
Look, breaking gender stereotypes was truly magical. But, ya know they were still not wearing any clothes. Even if they were making cute socks and other clothes… this did not feel right at all.
"Mind your words; or else you will be cancelled by the social media mob," said the author in a very snarky voice. Was he that much of a sadist; was he enjoying the sight of my suffering here?
The answer to that question was obviously yes since a "[Yes, I do]" appeared in front of my eyes.
Though that raised a big question, should one be more concerned with the weird stuff I was seeing now or with weird stuff the author would come up with in the future?
In reply to the question, I did not want to be answered another drastic change took place. All the big, buff, oily guys decided to discuss the meaning of life while drinking tea. Yes, the clothing was still nowhere to be found.
Was this really all that my story truly was? Puns, chaos and naked men? A dude called Author was an author and wanted to win a competition with a system story. 10/10 backstory, very original; much wow.
[User Daoist4YzR2u has left another review. Rating 5/5 stars]
As if even the universe was laughing at my nightmare, another review had come in. Sure, there was a chance that the person would recognize just how much of a dumpsterfire this story was.
But hope was a cruel hoe and readers were under the influence of many illegal substances. DRUGS, LOTS OF DRUGS must have caused the readers to enjoy whatever the author was producing.
Else a review praising the Mc as " the chaddiest cheddar that you could imagine" would not make any sense whatsoever. To me, it felt like the readers were reading a different story….
Oh, I get it the dude was mocking me.
"He already conquered and impregnated every girl in the book and he is so sigma kappa lambda male" Screw you too buddy, just because I am a virgin that did not mean that I had no feelings. These words cut like a knife into my single-for-life flesh.
Did I have nothing more to offer other than entertaining people, with every insane idea this crazy creator of mine throws at me?
And all I get in return are stones with the word power on them. A very fair trade─at least, according to the Big Guy, who happened to happily ignore the rights of novel characters.
Okay, there might not be any written rights for novel characters; but the dude was clearly breaking them. This was a crime against fictional beings, therefore he deserved nothing more than a heartfelt punch in the dick.
In the dick? Yes, give him the good ol' dick twist. Someone had to show the "Real Author" that there are consequences to his actions.
However, just like the "real" story, it would take a very long time till it would come.
Look, Creator, it seemed like we started off on the wrong foot here. I was really not your enemy, I simply want to write a cheap story and get 10k dollars in cash. That was it.
In my story there never had been a mile long parade of naked MCs flopping around wildly. There was no need for finding spies in a high school. Getting my body possessed by a demon trapped inside of a mop, had also not been necessary.
You just made it so needlessly complicated. Would it not be better for anyone involved if you do not have to think much about complicated stuff like plot or character design?
We do not need all that fancy, time-consuming stuff. How about we simply make a fresh start and forget about whatever this Highschool was supposed to represent. Any new idea could hardly be much worse than this one.
Silence; that was the only answer. I tried my best, I really did. Apparently, that was not enough to appease this heartless Creator.
There was no "good" story for me… only pain, death, despair and nude men knitting fancy mittens were left. Could this get any worse? This was more than a question; the Creator took that as a challenge.
And the answer was as everyone might have guessed, "absolutely, thanks for asking."
Author, the author here, you might be wondering how exactly I had shovelled my grave… and this was the answer…
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