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42.85% A day in the life of HxH / Chapter 3: [Chapter 3] Phase 2 ends and Netero arrives

Kapitel 3: [Chapter 3] Phase 2 ends and Netero arrives

"Then, the Exams Second Phase " Buhara slaps his belly which makes a "BOOM!" then yells "BEGINS NOW!"

Everyone immediately starts running to the gate behind them, as everyone reaches the outside they all run in random directions looking for any pig.

"Any pig… will do…"? Menchi asks.

"You have a real mean streak." Menchi says.

"Choosing the ingredients was my job" Buhara replies

"Only one species of pig lives in the Visca Forest,

Correct?" Menchi asks Buhara

"Hehe I hope they don't get themselves killed."

Buhara cheekily says.

Back to the forest, everyone's looking around for a pig "hey little piggy's" "where are the pigs" multiple people ask.

Traka's walking with the Leorio,Kurapika,Gon and killua.

"Catch a pig and cook it. This is way easier then the first Phase" Leorio says.

"I hope it will be that simple" killua adds on

"Wooo!" Gon yells sliding down the hill infront of them killua starts sliding down as well "yahoo!" And the rest follow, just not Traka as he walks down.

'Ain't no way I'm sliding down that hill, you see how steep that thing is!' Traka says in his head.

"There they are" Gon says.

"Huh" killua asks confused.

"Pigs!" Someone says.

The group looks at a group massive pigs chewing on big bones.

"Hey, they're chewing on bones." Leorio says.

"Don't tell me… they're carnivores?" Kurapika exclaims.

"RAHhH" a massive pig roars and all the pigs start chasing the group.

The group including Traka starts running away toward the group of other examines.

A loud stomping noise is heard by the other examines they all look over.

"Huh?" Someone asks.

"What's that?" Another adds on.

They see leorio, Kurapika, killua, Gon and Traka sprinting away from a bunch of massive pigs, they see that and start running away from the pigs too "aHHH!" They are scream but they aren't fast enough and some get hit and are sent flying by the pigs.

"THoSE PIgS ARe CrAZY!" Leorio yells while running.

"The Great Stamp, the world's most ferocious pig

They use their large, sturdy snouts to send their enemies flying, if your too slow, you'll end up as their dinner." Buhara explains to Menchi.

"Take that!" Someone says as they throw a massive rock at a pig but the rock breaks on impact with the pigs nose "what?!" The man says in shock.

Somewhere else someone throws a Shuriken at the pig just for it to deflect off the pigs nose "what?" He says, the pig goes to run into him but he jumps away.

Gon yells "haaaaaaaa" and he hits the pig with his fishing rod, it bounces off its nose but gon lands on the ground after doing a backflip off its nose, he lands infront of a tree just for the pig to run at him, he dodged last second and the pig ran straight into the tree but the pig recovers and turns around to look at Gon, Gon gets into a combat stance ready for the pig but then some apples fall from the tree due to the impact from the pig and land on the pigs forehead and the pig becomes motionless groaning .

"Just maybe.." Gon says as he realises something he jumps up in the air above the pig and hits it on its forehead with his fishing rod "ahhHhhH" the pig yells as it falls on the ground dead.

"Huh, so they're weak spot is their forehead" killua says looking over at Gon and the pig.

"De the pigs probably evolved large tough snouts to protect their forehead." Kurapika says.

[50 meters away]

Trakas in a tree while a pig is ramming into the tree so hard that the tree falls down and hits its forehead making it die in impact, Traka falls off the tree, the tree did all the work for him.

"Lucky" Traka says excited and he somehow picks up the pig and brings it back to the gate slowly.

Back to where Gon and the rest are everyone realises the trick to killing them and starts getting their own pig and bringing it back to the gate.

Everyone starts running to the gate with massive pigs above their heads.

"Mmmm" Buhara says drooling

"Oh. My. They caught a lot" Menchi says.

Everyone comes through the gate gets a cooking area and starts up a fire and starts cooking the pig whole.

"Hmm, this years applicants are very talented.

However, the difficult part is yet to come." Satotz says still on the tree.

'Why is everyone cooking this thing whole don't they know you can't eat everything in a pig like atleast fillet it, well not like I care time to cook this thing whole as well' Traka says in his mind.

[30 minutes later]

"Boom" someone puts they're plate with a burnt whole pig on it infront of Menchi and Buhara.

"Alright eat the pig and pass me!" The man says.

"Ok, it's evaluation time!" Menchi says

"Taste testing!" Menchi says as Buhara starts munching on the pig.

"Mha hmm taste good pass!" Buhara says

"It's overcooked failed, the rough texture ruins the flavour of the meat." Menchi says

"What? you haven't even tasted it!" The man says.

"It's as plain as day!" Menchi yells back.

"Darn it…" the man says as he walks away another comes and puts his pig infront of them.

"Ok… dig in!" He says confident.

But Menchi says no Buhara says yes.

"Huh why!" The man asks.

"Too dry on the outside undercooked inside, your fire was too hot" Menchi replies.

This continues for awhile while Menchi thinks

'they all do the same thing, all they're doing is roasting the whole pig, like it's all they know how to do, no one's made any effort!'.

"No one's passed yet" leorio says.

"And Menchi hasn't taken a single bite…"kurapika adds.

"Hey! Isn't there anyone out there who can satisfy me?" Menchi whines.

"That's it! This phase of the exam is a cooking test, so they're judging us on originality and powers of observation" kurapika predicts.

"I see…" leorio says as he puts a flag in his pig and puts it infront of Menchi and Buhara.

"How do you like my cooking?" Leorio says smugly.

Menchi hits it up in the air "IS THiS SUPPOSED TO BE A KIdDy MEaL!?!?!" Menchi yells.

"Mines next!" Gon says as he puts his infront of the two, it has flowers all over it.

"This is basically the same thing!" Menchi says as she throws it.

"This is mine, please judge my creation" kurapika asks.

"Finally something that resembles an actual dish…". Menchi takes her fork and takes a bite "YUcK!" She screams.

"Huh?" Kurapika says confused.

"Appearance is important, but only if I taste good.

Your no better then the flag one!" Menchi says then holds out a sign with a Red Cross on it.

"Haha, too bad!" Leorio says to kurapika.

"No better then the flag one…huh?" Kurapika says.

"Hahaha I ate my fill, I'm stuffed!" Buhara says as he slabs his tummy with a sea of pig bones behind him.

"Yeah,I'm stuffed,too.therefore, no one passes.

We're done here!" Menchi says.


"What the hell!".

People start complaining.

"As expected, she's lapsed back into her bad habits." Satotz says as he rings his phone.

" whit what the hell so I went through all this crap for nothing, wait why am I even here anyway?"

Traka says confused.

People start getting aggressive and angry and start yelling at Menchi

"In the end you've still failed" she says to them all.

"Stop screwing around! We risked our life for pork, so we risked our life's to—-"

"I said prepare pork in a manner we both found delicious… no one made anything remotely delicious so—-" Menchi got cut off

"Actually I haven't brought mine up yet, I've been preparing it, since you never said a time limit" Traka said.

'what am I doing, well whatever I wanna shut her up'. Traka thought.

"Hmm show us then if it's bad and you cut me off for nothing I will kill you!"

"I spent awhile making this so it will be atleast decently good" Traka comes up the front with a cut of pork and some bacon and puts it infront of Menchi and Buhara.

"Hmm it seems seasoned, it seems at least one person went through the draws under the cookers"

Menchi said then lifted her fork and got a bit of pork and bacon on it then… "munch!" Menchi chewed into it.

"Hmm this is pretty good, passed!" Menchi says

"Lemmie try! Munch! Ooo it is good, pass!" Buhara adds on.


Everyone starts going crazy mad.

"Because he managed to make something decent, unlike some people who don't know what seasoning is".

"What did you say!!".

As people weee about to fight her, a man falls from the sky landing on the ground "BOoM" dust goes everywhere, a old man's walks out as the dust clears.

"Wh-who's that old man?" Someone asks.

"The head of the exam commission. And his in charge of the hunter exam… chairman Netero"

Menchi says.

"Well I work behind the scenes. I only take action when there's and issue like now. So, ms. Menchi…"

Netero says.

"Yes" Menchi replies.

"Did you find they lacked the will to challenge the unknown, and is that why you failed them after your test?" Netero asked.

"No, I lost my cool when one of the candidates insulted gourmet hunters. And I made the test harder then nesessary." Menchi says.

"In other words, you're aware that your test was unacceptable." Netero asks.

"Yes, when cooking is involved I lose control. I've failed as a examiner. I will resign, please redo the second phase!" Menchi asks.

"Hmm but it would be hard to find another examiner on such short notice." Netero says.

"I apologise…" Menchi says.

"Very well. What do you think about this?

I'd like you to continue serving as a examiner. But you must also participate in the new test you propose." Netero proposes.

"Is that acceptable?" Netero says.

"All right! Then the new challenge will be… on boiled eggs!" Menchi yells in excitement.

"Boiled eggs?" People ask.

"Chairman, can you take us to split mountain in your airship?" Menchi ask's.

Everyone looks up and realises there's a airship in the sky.

"Split mountain? I see what your doing. This might be very good…" Netero replies.

'Is everyone ignoring the fact that this man jumped all the way down from that airship? Like how did he even manage that!' Traka thought.

[1 hour later]

Everyone arrives at split mountain, they land the airship and everyone hops off next to the cliff.

"Now, everyone… look down the cliff." Menchi says.

"W-what is this?" Someone says.

"A Spider Eagle's web." Menchi replies.

"They build webs down there?" Gon ask's.

As a flow of wind his everyone's faces slightly pushing some people back.

"Look below the web." Menchi say's.

"Those are…" Gon says.

"Those are Spider Eagle eggs" Menchi says

"Spider Eagle's build their webs in deep ravines,

To protect their eggs from predators. This makes their eggs one of the most difficult ingredients to obtain. The eggs are also known as "dream eggs."

Netero explains.

"W-wait a minute… You're not saying we…" someone says

"I sure am" Menchi says

"What?" Someone says.

Menchi jumps into the ravine and grabs one of the Spider Eagles webs, then as she feels a little blow of wind she jumps down grabs one egg and falls.

"Hey… She jumped down!" Someone says.

"Is she trying to kill herself?" Leorio asks.

"No, you're wrong." Kurapika says.

A huge gust of wind blows from the ravine so strong that it lifts her back to the top floating in air.

"Wow, that looks fun" killua say's.

"This ravine has updrafts that help newly hatched chicks fly to to the web." Netero explains.

Menchi lands on the ground holding her newly obtained Spider Eagle egg.

"There. Now you just need to boil the egg" Menchi says.

"You must be joking, no sane person would jump down there..:" someone says.

"I've been waiting for something like this! There!" Gon says as he jumps down, leorio, kurapika and killua joining shortly after.

"Ok count me in!" Someone else says as they jump as well, shorty people start jumping one after the other.

"Wait! I haven't finished explaining everything!" Menchi says but everyone already jumped down.

Everyone was holding onto a big web.

"Catch you later!" Someone says as they fall of the web catching a egg then falling.

"Should we go too?" Leorio asks.

"Don't let go yet." Gon says.

"Why not?" Leorio asks.

"There's no wind, there Isn't always a updraft." Gon replies.

"Aghhhh!" The person who jumped fell into the ravine.

"When's the next updraft?" Leorio asked.

"Just wait." Gon replies.

"Reeeeep!" The web starts to rip off the wall.

"What's going on?" Leorio asks panicking.

"The web won't hold us all!" Kurapika says.

"Not yet, Gon?" Killua asks Gon.

"Dawn it, I can't wait for a updraft!" Someone says as they let go of the web and fall to they're death, others let go too panicking.

"It's gunna snap!" Leorio yells.

"Now!" Gon yells.

Everyone let's go and gets a egg while falling, "wooosh!" Gon and everyone else gets back with the eggs.

"What about the rest of you? I guess your giving up." Menchi says to the people behind her that were to scared to do it.

"It take courage to concede, too." Netero adds.

"Umm pardon but I don't have to do this since I passed the other exam correct?" Traka asked hopping he didn't have to do that.

"I guess so" Menchi replies forgetting he passed the other exam.

'so he passed eh' Netero thought.

[10 minutes later]

All the eggs collected were in a pot boiling.

"Munch." "Munch." "Munch."

"This is really good! Much better then the eggs you buy im a store…" Someone says.

"Yeah!" Leorio says while munching down on the egg.

"I can see why they're called "dream eggs."

Kurapika says.

"Hey, mister! Why don't you take a bite?" Gon offers the man who didint jump.

He take the egg and haves a bite.

"Munch munch… It's delicious…" the man says

"The joy of discovering something that tastes delicious… I hope you got a little taste of it, we're risking our lives for that joy" Menchi says as she points at herself.

" I was completely outclassed this year. I'll be back next year!" The man says as he bows.

The applicants have learned that, whether your a Black List Hunter or a Gourmet Hunter, calling yourself a Hunter requires an enormous amount of determination.

[Only 43 applicants remain]

"Man when are they getting in the shop I've been waiting for ages" Traka said half asleep in his room on the airship, but he couldn't hold it any longer and fell asleep.


——————-this was a long chapter compared to normal :)———————-


Jackson_Mitchell Jackson_Mitchell

Longer chapter :) and tryed to include the whole second phase ark, and not rush it ;).

Also went through it after writing it and edited what I could see looked wrong.

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