"Perhaps you may have heard of me. I am the demon emperor." Joshua said.
"Yeah, right." The guard laughed. "The demon emperor hasn't been seen in twenty-five years, he has left to his realm to amass an army capable of purging this world of the god's corruption and freeing its citizens."
"First, who the hell told you that nonsense?" Joshua asked. "I don't have a realm of my own, nor do I require an army to achieve what I need to do. I am quite capable of conquering the world on my own."
"The true demon lord would know his teachings." The guard replied.
"I am going to kill that priest." Joshua said.
"Now, now, no need to go all fire and brimstone." Lucy said. "You might hurt the economy we have built up."
"True." Joshua sighed. "How about this, I will just prove I am who I say I am. That will save time and let me catch my train on time."
"Go on." The guard said. "I would love to know how you are planning to prove that you are the demon emperor."
Thanks for reading! If you are stuck in this crazy heatwave, please stay cool and hydrated and take care of yourself. Heat is no joke and should be treated very seriously. Stay safe out there everyone!