The first streaks of daylight seeped in through the partly open blinds of Neveah's quarters, but lost in her own thoughts, she barely took notice of it.
It was the very quarters that had been assigned to Neveah as an attendant, a place and an identity she had left behind even much earlier than she had left Dragon Keep for the white dunes,
A time that seemed so far in the past already that Neveah was not even certain she could still call the space hers, but it was the only place Neveah felt at ease to be at this moment.
As dawn settled over Dragon Keep, Neveah stood before a mirror, staring at her reflection.
Neveah had been staring aimlessly for the longest time, she was not certain how long had gone by. It could have been a few minutes or hours even, it was hard to tell.
"No one has made use of this place in a long time, not since you left apparently, yet it remains perfectly tidy..." Tara commented from where she sat.
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