"You are not allowed to lay a hand on the attendant, Addie." Lady Keila emphasized for the hundredth time just before she took her leave.
Adrienne bit her lip to hold back the sobs that were stuck in her throat.
"I do not understand sister, I do not understand why you have to be so concerned about this...why you have to lecture me over this..." Adrienne said in a voice barely above a whisper.
Lady Keila heaved a quiet sigh as she sat at Adrienne's side once more.
"I did not wish to speak of this as we are not to share what is deliberated on the dragon council, yet it seems I must say it for you to understand." Lady Keila said, another heavy sigh escaping her.
"We are sisters, would there be anything you cannot share with me?" Adrienne asked,
Privilege Chapter Purchase...
Pretty please?
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