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68.04% Start of an Uzumaki Clan - Multiverse / Chapter 64: Enlightened Bellatrix - 64

Kapitel 64: Enlightened Bellatrix - 64


A/N: I have been receiving so many dumb comments of people saying that MC is enslaving everyone, or I rushed at the end, and how death randomly appeared.

First, MC is a fuc'king villain, understand that. I feel like people forget that MC is a villain. LEAVE if you don't like MC doing selfish, cruel and greedy things.

MC is not enslaving everyone. The only people he used the golden strands were Kurama, Kisame, Itachi, Jubi(Ten-Tails), Nori (Lion summon), and an accident on Kushina, which he soon removed the Gold Strands.

Shikamaru was never made an enslaved person. He fuc'king works for Asura/Naruto. Asura only used Kotoamatsukami to make Shikamaru not think about Death/Mara.

About the Harem part, currently, he has two fiancés; Tsunade, Hinata and one girlfriend; Kurenai. I didn't rush anything. I feel like people are making their own assumptions and posting hate comments.

Regarding character development in Naruto World, Shinobi World is not finished, Asura/Naruto will go to finish after Harry Potter World. The characters will develop, it's not even Boruto time in Shinobi World, it's a few months past the Fourth Shinobi War. Let me give you a hint, there is a final villain in Naruto World, and he is powerful. No, it's not an OC or anything. If you have watched Boruto, he or she, I don't know, was mentioned once.

Well, I wanted it to be a surprise, but you ruined it.

I wanted to surprise you about Death and miserably failed. I understand that, but I feel like people made a too big deal out of it. Naruto made a mistake and broke space and time without knowing and received the consequences. I don't know how to explain more in detail.

About my grammar and spelling, I am sorry I am not even a college student yet… I am going to college this August, so my grammar might be poor. For spelling, I type really fast, so sometimes I type the letter first or accidentally hit another key next to it. I do not have a proofreader or an editor. I am currently studying for my entrance exam on July 17 while also ensuring that I upload consistently, so please go easy on me.

No, I am not talking about SAT; that sh'it is easy. I am talking about a big university college entrance test in India, so it's going to be pretty hard.




┏ Bellatrix POV ┓

The Goblin usually announces important news to the Wizarding world. Such as Lordship of Hogwarts Four Founder, or new Lordship for Most Ancient Houses, unless he/she doesn't want to be announced.

I couldn't answer, no matter how much I tried to remember, I never saw the Dark Lord wearing his Lordship ring.

The answer could be that he didn't want to reveal his Lordship, but every inner circle death eater knows that the Dark Lord always proudly states that he is Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin.

He started his campaign based on that statement.

'No!' I thought.

I should stop questioning the Dark Lord's ways. I am the most loyal and trusted Death Eater, and I would never betray the Dark Lord. I already planned to marry Dark Lord in the future.

It doesn't matter that he lied. All that matters is that he is a pureblood and fights for pureblood rights.

"Let me make it easier… How do you know he is a pureblood… and what have you achieved in your campaign? How many pureblooded families were killed?" He asked me another question.

'No… No, he would never!' I thought.

The Dark Lord would never lie. Why would he even need to lie? He is the most powerful Dark Wizard and doesn't need to lie.

But what if? What if he wasn't a pureblood? What were we doing all this time? Has the Dark Lord ever even cared about purebloods?

In the beginning, we have killed many Light Wizards and Dumbledore supporters, but as time went on, the Dark Lord became more and more twisted. All we are now is a terrorist organization that kills and pillages.

Most of the Death Eaters are not even interested in Blood Supremacy. All they wanted was to kill, steal and ra'pe. I mean, it's hypocritical of me to say this, but why? Why are we even killing, unnecessarily and trying to cause chaos?

I understand that our organization needs funding, but we have enough, yet Death Eaters still like to steal. We could just use politics to take over Wizarding World.

"Okay, what is the proof that muggles are stealing your magic… I am not saying that muggles are greater. I am purely questioning you about the benefit of having pure magical blood running through your veins." He said.

'Huh?' I thought.

'Why can't I think of any reason?'

I was going to say that more and more squibs were being born in pureblood families, but I felt that if I said that, he would crumble my world.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Final question. If you answer me this, I won't ask anymore." He mocked her.

The more questions he asked, the more I questioned my Dark Lord. I was scared to hear the last question, which might cause me to break down, but I wanted to listen to what he had to say.

┏ Asura/Naruto POV ┓

"Why does the Dark Lord, who is fighting for pureblood supremacy, have magic creature blood in his veins… I want you to really think about it. His animal features, the rituals to make himself powerful and finally… his obsession towards immortality which has no connection to blood supremacy." I asked her.

'That's it. I broke her.' I thought, looking at Bella, tears coming from her eyes. Currently, she is going through an existential crisis, her first time in life questioning her Lord.

"I will take my leave… I want you to really think about what I have asked and do not leave the room, and there are many traps which can kill you. You are free to read any books that are here." I said after I apparate near Diagon Alley.

I know it's forbidden to teleport to Diagon Alley, and many shops have runes which blocks Apparition.

To use Apparition, you require a high-level mental skill. It basically consists of three things; Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. Your body could be sliced into two if you failed an Apparition. Weirdly, it neither uses space nor time at all.

It feels like you are being forced through a very tight rubber tube, and finally, you need a license to use Apparition.

I teleported near the alley and started making my way toward Gringotts, Britain's largest and only bank, and it is run by Goblins.

'I have left some documents and articles about Tom Marvolo Riddle and Voldemort. She should be able to see it since they are right in front of my desk.' I thought.

It's always good to leave people in despair since they like to question everything and make answers themselves, which might further their misery.

Gringotts Wizarding Bank was the only wizarding bank in Britain. In addition to storing money and valuables for wizards and witches, they can exchange muggle money for wizarding money, which are galleon, sickles, and knuts.

While walking, this time, I didn't receive any suspicious or weird eyes other than occasional whistles or cat calls from women.

When I reached the Gringotts, I was surprised at its large size. I mean, I saw memories of Sirius Black and some dark wizards I have killed, but seeing in person is different.

It is massive inside, and many Goblins were seen walking around with a trolley or working on their desk by the side of the pathway.

Walking straight, I arrived at a Goblin who was signing a lot of papers

"Ahem…" I cleaned my throat to gain his attention.

The Goblin was holding a quill, a writing tool made from a moulted flight feather of a large bird. He kept his quill aside and looked at me.

When his eyes shone with a twinkle, he widened and gasped loudly, which gained the attention of the goblins near me, and soon there were sounds of loud gulps and gasps in the entire bank. All the goblins were staring at the red-haired man with astonishment and fear in their eyes.

Raising my eyebrow, I asked, "I would like to receive an inheritance test and naming ritual for myself. As soon as… possible… please." I said.

Nodding his head, the Goblin said "M-my name is Rickshawk… p-please follow me w-wizard… Sir."

Do not think Goblins are cowardly. It is just that they have never seen a wizard who has so much magic surrounding them.

It seems he was able to see my magical power somehow or know how strong I am. I am sure he doesn't know my full capabilities, but from the looks of it, he somewhat knows what I can be capable of.

After taking me to a room, I stood in the middle of a room, waiting for Rickshawk to speak.

Seeing my silence, Rickshawk said "Wizard… You can do the naming ceremony yourself, and we just need the name after you are done to make official documents. It's better to do the inheritance ritual after the naming ritual, since mother magic might recognize you and grant her blessing."

Nodding my head, I raised my hand and said, "I, Naruto Uzumaki, Monarch of Shinobi, and the Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato, take the name of Asura Uzumaki… so mote it!."

I know the wizarding people like to exaggerate and make it longer, but I like to keep it simple and short.

"Very well, my chosen one~" sang around the room.

Suddenly Rickshawk widened his eyes, never in his life to hear, see Mother Magic respond, and even call someone 'chosen one'.

Rickshaw suddenly felt his goblin instincts scream, getting on his knees.

"I-I Rickshawk swears on my magic and life, what I have heard would never leave the room in any given form, unless I receive permission from Asura Uzumaki in any given form…so mote it!." he made a vow to save his life and never speak of it again.

While still on his knees, Rickshawk said "It would be an honour to represent you as a private accountant, Lord Asura Uzumaki!"

While he is scared, Goblins are known to be cunning and greedy. He realized my potential and wanted to receive a lot of commission whenever I made money.

I nodded my head and said, "Will you make an unbreakable vow never to betray me and work with honesty?"

Rickshawk was kind of offended, since their motto is 'Strength through loyalty', but he didn't show his displeasure or take it personally.

After Rickshawk said yes, he asked permission to take my blood. After receiving my approval, he brought a dagger and pinched me.

As the blood made contact with the paper, I used {Blood Control} to let the blood evaporate on the blade.

The Goblin were surprised to see me perform blood magic, which the Wizarding Ministry Of Magic banned. But it is not his business to question, and Goblins are known to hate wizards, especially their government.

When he saw the results on the paper, his grin turned vicious.

Seeing his fierce grin, I might have thought that Rickshawk might backstab, but after reading Goblin culture, I realized that they make that grin when they win or are happy.

Seeing them, a random thought appeared in my mind, 'The goblins have a suspicious resemblance to house-elves.'

"Here, Lord!" Rickshawk gave me the report.


Name: Asura Uzumaki

Age: unknown

Date of Birth: unknown

Mother: unknown

Father: unknown

Guardian: unknown

Talents: unknown

Blessing: unknown


Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. Lordship ~ Eligible.

Most Ancient House of Peverell. Lordship ~ Eligible.

Most Ancient House of Wyllt. Lordship ~ Right of Trial.


"Lord, you are eligible for the Most Ancient Noble House of Black and have votes on Wizengamot. However, all the members of Peverell House are known to be extinct. We notified any known member of Peverell, but no one responded. Hence, the Ministry of Magic removed them as a Noble House, leaving Ancient.

Myrddin Wyllt creates the Last House, and wizards call him Merlin. It says that you need to pass a trial to get Lordship." Rickshaw said.

Soon Rickshawk gave me the Black Lordship ring and said "The ring for Peverell is missing, no matter how many times we call it back since we have a summoning rune placed on it."

I was surprised that I was eligible to get Lordship for Merlin's house. Either Mother Magic gave me this, or unknowingly, I was qualified for Merlin's lordship trials.

And Probably Mara gave me Peverell as a clue or a hint. Since I know that the original three Peverell brothers had the Deathly Hallows. I just need to trace where they are married to and find if any of those families have any family heirlooms.

Wearing my Black Ring, I was suddenly hit with tons of information about its properties and how much money was in the vault.

Black Family has around 200k galleons.

Soon, Rickshawk brought out papers for the Black House and Peverell House.

"So the ministry took this much money?" I questioned seeing 100k galleons gone to the Ministry as 'compensation' for Sirius Black crimes.

100k is a lot, the Malfoy only has 500k, and they are known to be the wealthiest family in Britain.

"Yes, my Lord, the ministry even tried to take the artefacts and books of the Black Family, but sadly for them, Narcissa Black fought them off," Rickshawk said.

I looked over Peverell House, which only has around 50k Galleons, and saw that most of the money went to Goblin tax to keep the vault open.

Rickshawk showed a sheepish smile. Goblins could have handed the vault to the Ministry, but they kept it to take money slowly and take everything when there was no money left to pay taxes.

I asked "Take me to their vault, leave Wyllt House in the end."

When I was passing by, I saw many dragons guarding the vaults, and my eyes shone excitedly, seeing such mythical creatures.

You can see clearly that I am obsessed with Dragons.

I asked Rickshawk "Where do you buy dragons?"

"Lord! The Ministry banned seeing or buying dragons. So we rent them out from the Ministry with a special license. Wizar-*ahem*… Ministry are so stupid they never said that we can't keep that were already there, so we breed them and keep them here." Rickshawk said.

Soon I came to the first vault, The Back Vault. There are mountains of gold coins, books, artefacts, and finally, books.

The second was The Peverell Vault. Unlike Black Vault, I needed to let the door scan me before opening. Again, there was only a tiny amount of money, books, and artefacts.

Out of the two vaults, there are only three artefacts that attracted me, A ring which can tell when a potion is mixed into edible things. A necklace which protects the user's mind from Legilimency, manipulating the mind. And finally, a stopwatch that can show you any spells and runes placed around a certain distance around you.

All the remaining artefacts are either useless or broken.

Finally, coming towards the Wyllt Vault, there was neither a dragon nor a rune that scanned me like the Peverell's Vault.

While I was walking, I noticed Rickshawk was behind me and looked a little nervous.

"Rickshawk, do you have something to say?" I questioned.

"(^_^;)… I am sorry, my Lord. Goblin rules can't speak!" Rickshawk replied.

When I walked closer, a statue of the Dragon head opened its eyes and turned towards me.

"You may pass," It said in a deep voice.

"*Exhales*… ( ^o^)💨" Rickshawk relaxed by exhaling his breath

"If you failed, the dragon head statue would have transformed into a dragon either ripping you to shreds, breathing fire, or eating you alive. Goblin rules state that I can not reveal if any vault has a test you need to pass." Rickshawk said while apologizing.

I nodded my head and went inside. When I went inside, the doors closed behind me, and a projection of a handsome man holding a staff appeared in front of me.

"Do not bother talking since I am merely a projection… So you should be the prophesied one who puts an end to the gods. If you do not know, Mother Magic gave me a prophecy that a man with red hair and golden eyes would come and put an end to those old coots… I only hope that it is true and that those gods failed to devour magic. I am leaving you with everything I have collected and the Excalibur with you. The Excalibur is the only way to kill those gods since it was enchanted with God-Slaying properties with the help of Elves, Druids, and finally myself… I am also leaving the offspring of my companion incubated here. Farewell, the chosen one~" Merlin said as he disappeared.

I looked over at a sword in a beautiful golden scabbard and an egg next to it. While Merlin doesn't have galleons, there were stacks of pure gold bars.

I went closer and inspected the sword. It was magnificent.

[Image: Here]

When I held it in my hand, I felt my magic power go through the roof. I placed the sword on my waist and continued to look at the egg.

I crouched down, placed my hand on the top of the egg, and read what was written underneath.

It's said to draw a symbol using my blood while pumping as much magic as I could pump into the egg until it hatches.

I took off my hand and placed the egg in {Kamui}. Letting it hatch here is not safe, so I will hatch it when I return home.

I walked to the exit, and the door automatically opened and I saw Rickshawk trying to wait impatiently.

"Rickshaw, thank you for helping me today. Here… send all the account papers to this address, and I will let you know if I need anything in the future." I said after giving him some galleon as a tip, which put a smile on his face.

I went back and summoned some clones to transfer all the books and things to my dimension mansion.

I used {Kamui} and teleported to Black and Peverell Vault to take all the important stuff to Kamui.

Finishing my work, I placed a seal underneath me, in a given radius, spacial disturbances will be hidden. I then teleported to a special vault. Ever since I stepped into this place, I have sensed something vile and dark.

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