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23.71% Start of an Uzumaki Clan - Multiverse / Chapter 21: Here I come cannonnnn!

Kapitel 21: Here I come cannonnnn!

[ A/N: I won't be able to change super fast, but I will add something to make him change his view of people.

1. Do you want the MC to go further Villian path or another where he doesn't hurt innocents and will only hurt them if it's the last option? I am willing to compromise, so the more viewers I get more I improve my writing from their feedback, so I am willing to change my MC personality a little bit. I won't be able to make drastic changes, but I can 'add' something to make him change his views. MC doesn't have a cliche dark past or anything. He is genuinely a bad person. So it might take a while to change him.

2. How to kill Hiruzen? I wouldn't say I liked how Hiruzen died a hero in the Chunin exams. I already decided he won't be sealed in the Shinigami stomach since I need to use his soul for myself but give me some ideas on killing him without everyone finding out. MC is a child for everyone, so he won't have enough political power until after the Chunin exams, so no exposing the secrets/documents he found. If he did expose Hiruzen, he wouldn't get many benefits since Danzo and the Civilian counsel hate him. I already have some ideas, but could you give me something?

For People who think Izumi is dead, so she won't be in the harem. Don't worry if she has enough votes, and I will put her in the harem; no, it will not be like bringing her from the dead then saying 'join my harem.' Like other girls, she will have her own dialogues and separate story.

Please be patient with my fanfic since I am improving every time I write, and I might forget some things and mix up with fanfic knowledge rather than cannon knowledge.

To be honest, I didn't watch Naruto completely. I gave up in the middle since I didn't like how stupid Naruto was and how Sakura was 'beating' him in Anime. I watched until Sasuke defected.

I have also changed my writing on where quotations should be placed and some other things. If you get frustrated, go eat a pizza since it's my favorite ( ◑‿◑)ɔ┏🍟--🍔┑٩(^◡^ ) ]

Chapter 21:

After talking with Konon, Killua [Lightning Style: Body Flicker] away. He ran until he couldn't sense White Jutsu following him. He had a chance to kill White Jutsu now since he is alone was flowing him, but if he suddenly disappeared, Obito would be guarded against me, and he was probably told the incident happened with Hidan. So Killua made a plan to Kill White Zetsu as Naruto. Then Naruto doesn't have to worried White Zetsu gaining more information about him. It will also remove any suspension between the connection between Naruto and me in the future if something goes wrong. Let's see [Kamui].

Killua arrived at his dimension, [Shadow Clone Jutsu], then left the dimension, leaving a clone, who started writing on a paper.

< Naruto >

While Killua joined Atasuki as a spy, Naruto was training Hinata.

Naruto yelled: "AGAIN."

Hinata rushed to Naruto and started [ Eight Trigrams: Sixteen Palms]

"…Sixteen Palms…Twenty-five palms…Thirty-Two.....Sixty-four palms…One Hundred and Twenty palms… One Hundred and Twenty-Eight palms. [ Eight Trigrams: One Hundred Twenty-EightPalms]"

Naruto blocked everything with his and stopped.

Naruto smiled and said: "Good, you are improving and finally can do [Eight Trigrams: One Hundred Twenty-Eight palms]. What is your progress on [ Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven] ?"

Hinata, wiping her sweat with a towel, said: "I am already proficient in it since you said after mastering, you will teach me how to make a wall with elemental Chakra."

Naruto was proud of her efforts and said: "Good! But you are still weak. After mastering, I will teach you how you use elemental Chakra rather than a dome made up of Chakra and continue practicing Rasengan. Today I will teach you [Eight Trigrams Vacuum Wall Plam] and [Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher]. Since you have already learned [Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm] ."

Hinata said: "Okay Naru-Kun, I am already at 2nd stage in Rasengan training. By the Chunin exam, I should be done."

Mikoto came and said: "Finished with the practice? Come inside. I have already prepared the food."

Naruto and Hinata nodded both left a shadow clone to practice further and went inside to eat after washing their legs and hands. Then, everyone sat down and started eating while Mikoto's shadow clone served everyone.

Hinata said: "Yumm… Food is delicious."

Mikoto smiled and said: "SO? Hows are the process of the new technique you are working on?"

Hinata said: "With Naruto-kun giving me ideas. So I drew a rough sketch on how it should be and named it [ Protecting Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Pamls]."

Naruto thought: 'Oh, she has already started working on her unique technique.'

Naruto said: "Good Hinata, You should work hard but remember taking breaks since it's essential to relax your mind. How's your Medical Jutsu doing?"

Hinata beamed and said: "I am excelling in Medical Jutsu due to my Byakugan and Chakra Control. I learned Mystic Palm, Chakra Scalpel, Chakra Transfer Jutsu, and finally working on Chakra Strength combing with my [Eight Trigram Thirty-Two Palms] turning into [Enhanced Eight Trigram Thirty-Two Palms]. So whenever I hit something, a small bubble of Chakra will appear and cause bones to break. Though I am still far away."

As they were eating lunch, they started talking about random things. Hinata left after saying bye, and Naruto helped Mikoto by cleaning the dishes. After saying goodbye to Mikoto, Naruto [Kumui] arrived at his office/lab in the dimensional house.

Naruto already figured out how to bring Kushina back with a body, but it could only be done with Yin-Yang Creation of All Things or with a Rinnegan, or he still hasn't found a way. Of course, he could use his power to deny, but the cooldown is ten years.

After walking to his desk, he found an envelope written by Killua. He opened it and started reading it.

Naruto was thinking: 'Good, everything went according to the plan. I have killed many to earn a reputation. However, coming from the earth with different morals, the things I have done are not ideal. Perhaps I am a psychopath, but now I have someone I adore. What would happen if something like that happened to' *Shaking my head* getting rid of the useless thoughts.

'Let's see..hmm... So good, he has already gained a dedicated follower and his weapon. Kisame and Samehada are valuable minions. I need to get Itachi to hold Samehada somehow or hold my chains. I will concern about that later. I have had a crush on Konon when I am on earth, and Killua seems to be having fun. Good, I can expose Obito after Nagato is dead and get her to my side, or something might occur which can change her mind earlier.'

[A/N: Don't worry, no self-NTR. Killua will not touch Konan at all. Will she be in the harem? I don't know. If she gets enough votes/comments on her name, then yes. I just added her name]

After reading the letter, he burned it and left his dimension using [Kamui]

After reaching back to his house, he was about to relax, but he sensed Kurenai-sensei coming toward his house.

Naruto thought: 'Just I was about to relax' *Exhales*

Kurenai saw Naruto outside his house, so she came near him and said: "So this is your house, Naruto?"

Naruto said: "Yes, sensei, this is your first time coming here, isn't it? Come inside so we can talk"

Naruto came inside the house and said: "Mikoto, we have guests!"

Naruto and Kurenai sat down.

Kurenai looked around and said: "It's a nice place; it's peaceful and quiet. So you live by yourself or your roommate called Mikoto?"

Naruto replied: "I used to live alone, and Mikoto moved in with me. It's nice to have her here. She brightens up this gloomy place. And I have a lion named Nori who usually goes hunting during this time."

When Naruto finished what he said, Mikoto came in with tea and handed it to Kurenai.

Mikoto said: "Hello Kurenai-san, My name is Mikoto. ~Naruto, you didn't tell me a guest was coming. I could have prepared something for your sensei."

When Naruto said Mikoto brightened the house, Kurenai thought it would be a small kid but didn't expect a mature woman. ( *Ahem* A MILF)

After gathering her thought, Kurenai said: "No, don't worry. I didn't tell Naruto I was coming. Instead, yesterday he asked me for my notes on my Genjutsu. I was free today, so I decided to come to his house. Sorry for imposing."

Mikoto talked to Kurenai for some time while Naruto was reading her notes.

Mikoto decided to leave them alone and said: "Okay, I will do something in the garden. Please let me know if you or Naruto need anything."

Naruto nodded. After Mikoto left, he turned to Kurenai and looked her in the eye.

Kurenai was taken back why Naruto was looking at her, so she said:

"Umm… Naruto, do you want something."

Naruto, who was looking at turned seriously and said: "Kurenai-sensei, I hope you don't mind what I am about to say."

Kurenai was interested and nervous about what Naruto would say and thought: 'Is Naruto proposing to me or something? I had never seen this serious.'

Kurenai nodded and hoped he wouldn't say something awkward.

Naruto said: "Kurenai-san, you have a good talent in Genjutsu, and you train your students diligently, and I am happy to be your student, but YOU.ARE.WEAK. I am sorry if I offended you, but your Genjutsus will be your weakness if you face someone with special Dojutsu connected to Illusion or a Kage level person."

Kurenai knew about her weakness but was still embarrassed about getting told by one of her own students. She then nodded when she noticed Naruto was still looking at her like he wanted to continue.

Naruto then continued, "An Elite Chunin with a strong Taijutsu foundation can easily beat you if you don't use your Genjutsu. Even your chakra volume is barely Jonin level. So I hope you let me help you by training you in return. You will help me in my Genjutsu."

Naruto doesn't need her help in Genjutsu. There is only one person who can go head to head with him. She is a child from the Kuruma clan. Her name is Yakumo Kurama, and she has awakened Kuruma Clan's Kekkei Genkai, which gives her a terrifying talent in Genjutsu. It is so strong that if she is trained even a little bit, she can harm your body and kill you with a Genjutsu.

Naruto, after hearing it, investigated and found Kureani's father was previously from the Kuruma clan, which gave Kurenai the potential to awaken the clan's Kekkei Genkai. Naruto only needed some of the particular Chakra-like on Yakumo. I can even gain favor by helping her be normal. I can just suck all that excess Yin Chakra she is releasing and train as a future subordinate.

Naruto was jealous of her bloodline since Naruto's main power is Genjutsu; it's just that he never used it. He doesn't have the Kuruma clan's blood, so even with her Chakra, he won't be able to awaken or have her ability, but it increases his Yin. Naruto doesn't need the Kuruma clan's blood since Kuruma Kyubi flesh, passive Mangekyo Sharingan, and increased Yin Chakra with her unique clan's Chakra. So he can reach that level to be able to harm using Genjutsu soon.

But to need to get to that point, I need the help of Kurenai since they haven't asked Kureani for a teacher yet to help Yakumo. So I can also get close to Kurenai, and once she is trusted, I can even awaken her Kekkei Genkai, which is hidden.

[A/N: This was not true in the cannon, but I made it for my convience]

Back Kurenai, who was deeply affected by Naruto, turned to Naruto and said, " Okay, Naruto, please help me train."

Naruto smiled and said: "I know it's embarrassing learning from a kid, But being embarrassed is better than getting hurt or killed by being weak."

Naruto had already prepared everything for her since he planned to have a conversation with her soon, but he was caught up with Killua's stuff and Hinata's training.

Naruto gave her a scroll and told her to follow this schedule.

Kurenai read and smiled happily and jokily said: " Hai Naruto-sensei."

Which caused Naruto to *chuckle* and say: "I don't care what you call me, but when I am trying you, I will call you Kureani-san."

Kurenai told him, " Call me Kurenai when we are alone. You helped me a lot Naruto. I was always self-conscious about my strength. Thank you for helping me even if you don't need to."

Naruto thought: 'I definitely need you' and said, " Okay, I will call you Kurenai when we are alone."

Naruto and Kurenai were talking to each other when suddenly Naruto sensed Anbu coming toward them.

Naruto thought: 'Oh, it's Yugao or Neko-chan. I called her when I was a kid, and it looks like she is carrying Hokage's letter.'

After a few minutes, an Anbu came in.

Naruto looked at her face and said: " Oh, it's Neko-chan. It's been a while. You stopped visiting me; why?"

Kurenai recognized one of her best friends, Yugao, with that mask and unique purple hair. So she *chucked* at Naruto's nickname.

Yugao was embarrassed when Naruto called her by her old nickname and was more embarrassed when she heard Kurenai chuckle. She knew she would get teased by Anko and her when she gets home, which caused her almost to groan but stop if it wasn't for her Anbu training.

Neko turned to Naruto and said: " I am sorry, Naruto-kun, I am pretty busy nowadays. However, I promise to meet you soon. Here Hokage-sama told me to give it to Kureani-san."

Neko left after giving the letter. Naruto urged Kureani to open it.

Kurenai recognized the Hokage stamp and opened it. After reading the content, she turned serious, turned to Naruto, and said: " Naruto Hokage called summoned us, and it's important. So get ready. I will let Hinata and Shino know."

Naruto already guessed. He dressed up and left with [ Wind style: Body Flicker] to the Hokage's office.

Naruto reaches first inside the office.

Hokage saw Naruto arrive and said: " Hello Naruto, Please wait for your team, and I will brief you. But, before that, how was your training?"

Naruto and Hiruzen talked like grandson and grandfather while waiting for Team 8.

Hinata came second and joined the conversation whenever she could.

After a few minutes, Kurenai and Shino arrived together.

Kurenai bowed to Hokage and said: "Excuse me, Hokage-sama, we have arrived."

Hokage stopped his discussion with Naruto, gave Kureani a scroll, and said: " I called you for Team 7 reinforcement. Their C-Rank turned B-rank and possible A-rank. I am only letting you go since you are the only team with already experienced multiple C-ranks, and Naruto has done a couple of B-rank; out of all the teams, you have more experience. Read the mission details and get ready to leave immediately."

Kurenai read the scroll, which summarised Kakashi's mission. How Team 7 encountered two Chunin and a missing-nin one of The Seven Swordsmen Zabuza; The Demon of the Mist. Kakashi injured him, and Zabuza ran away. Kakashi and Hokage Cannon Fodder 1 are currently injured. However, there is a possibility that Zabuza will come back with reinforcements.

Kurenai nodded, turned to her team, and said: "Meet me in 20mins at the gate."

Team 8 nodded and left.

Naruto arrived at his house and told Mikoto that he was leaving out of the village for an emergency mission. He doesn't need to pack anything since he has everything either in his sealed scroll or in [Inventory]

< At the Gate >

Everyone gathered, waiting for Kureani's speech.

Kurenai looked at her team and said: " Team 8, this is your first B-Rank mission. I know Naruto has done many solos approved by Hokage-sama. So Naruto will be the team captain. I will observe how you do from behind."

Kurenai was not worried since she knew Naruto was strong enough to take care of this mission alone.

Naruto is excited since he has never used his Golden Kusarigama before. He is excited to try them out on Zabuza. He knew this was the start of Naruto cannon.

Everyone started their journey.

[A/N: Don't forget to vote on Haku in the Harem poll if you want her in the Harem. The next chapter might be the deadline which is mostly tomorrow.]

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