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27.12% Reborn As The Villain / Chapter 82: Volume 3 Prologue(1): A Maiden's Love

Kapitel 82: Volume 3 Prologue(1): A Maiden's Love

Chapter 72


A truth unknown to even a player such as himself had been discovered rather unintentionally. Arnold seeks to find out the reason behind her death flag but trouble brews at the academy once he heard about the dungeon which he wanted to enter. Will his decision that resulted from this save or destroy lives?


Nine years ago, the storm of a civil war had long passed, leaving only the sorrow and grief for loved ones.

Destruction was everywhere. The shattered glass of buildings were like the broken down souls of the families affected by the war.

People roamed the streets aimlessly and dogs fell down as they succumbed to starvation.

A lone girl walked down the street. The girl was wearing a pan on her head with little holes drilled in it to make her able to see through.

She was wearing a long blanket to cover against the cold of the air. It was something she snatched from someone's washing line. There were also two gloves on her hands which were way too big for a child. All of this was to block out the cold.

Winter was especially cold during the time when the civil war took place, which only worsened the conditions of nobles affected by it.

The clouds were black as if the world was ending. It actually seemed that way to many a few days before the war was stopped by arrival of the Crown Prince, Julius Everiet Wilhelm Eulia.  

"…Water… Food… Mommy…" The girl muttered sobbingly as she trudged onto the busy street of the district.

The civil war orchestrated by the Imperial Faction only caused destruction to certain parts of the empire's cities. Even with the opposition of the Crown Faction(the crown prince's faction), there was still destruction.

Many of the commoner districts—slums included—were spared because they held no value and the people who lived there weren't a threat.

Young Elizabeth could remember the chaos that ensued in her father's mansion when the city's emergency siren went off. It was a signal that alerted the people of war.

It rang during a level 5 National Threat.

The girl wasn't able to reunite with her mother since the day the war started. It lasted nearly three months. She had managed to survive using the knowledge her mother taught her.

Even if she was young, Elizabeth was able to survive all on her own. She knew where to get food and what places allowed people to take shelter in their stores.

Elizabeth had asked her mother before why she knew all of this. Her mother replied:

"I, too had to live like this when I was young. Remember everything I've taught you, little Liz. And when you find a person who is kind to you despite the issues you face… make sure to cherish that person."

"Yes, mamma!"

She was so happy when she was with her mother. That was because her mother didn't judge her for how she looked.

That woman who brought nothing but joy in Elizabeth's life was now gone.

"He's entering that shop just like yesterday." Elizabeth could see a young boy with dark blue hair strode proudly out of his carriage.

A maid who seemed no less than 16 years old followed behind him. By the looks of his carriage and the clothes he wore, Elizabeth concluded that the boy was of high standing.

The boy headed inside a cake shop or café(?) that was across the street where Elizabeth would always stand to beg. She chose to beg in a rich neighbourhood because there was a lesser chance that there would be people who would rob her.

Elizabeth's mouth would drool when she saw the steaming, hot buns the boy would buy from the shop. He would sometimes throw the bag away with a few buns left over.

 Of course, this caused the other beggars to fight over who would get the bag. Elizabeth had managed to snatch it one time while they were busy fighting.

The texture of the bread was glorious. The sweet jam inside made her tongue tingle in satisfaction. Just to savour the flavour she would chew it until it was mush.

'Ahh… I want more…'

Next day.

The boy was there again. Elizabeth decided to approach the boy this time. His maid stood between them when she saw Elizabeth.

"Let her through, Victoria."

"…As you wish."

The maid stepped out of the way.

"Wait, you are a girl, right? I can't tell with that pot on your head," he pointed at the rusted pot on her head which had a hat on it to make her look cute since the pot itself was ugly.

"Y…Yes. I am…"

"I see. Then what are you doing here?" The boy casually ate the hot bun in his hands.

Elizabeth's mouth watered. Her hands subconsciously opened and closed.  

"I…." She lowered her head, "I…"

"Spit it out. You are already wasting my time." The boy got fed up and spoke harshly.

"M-May I please have one bun...?"

The onlookers gasped.

Elizabeth kept her head bowed and her hands cupped.

After a few moments of silence, the boy sighed.

"Very well. I have too many to eat on my own anyway."

"Young master, but!"

"Quiet, Victoria. It seems I need to bring someone else along wherever I go next time." 

"…I apologize…" The maid named Victoria bowed her head and backed away.

"Humph," the boy put two in Elizabeth's hands instead of one.


"This should last for the entire day if you ration it. Also, these aren't buns, they're croissants," the boy gestured towards his maid, "Let's go."

"Yes… young master…"

'He… really is a noble…' Elizabeth looked down at the buns in her two hands, 'So they're the fancy delicacies I've heard about from the household chefs…'

Elizabeth had never really eaten anything like it before so she had no idea what it was. Since it looked like bread, she guessed that it was bread. Her day-to-day meals she got in her father's mansion would consist of stale bread and cold soup, the kind of food you would give to prisoners.

Her stomach rumbled when she smelled the delicious aroma. She hurriedly dug in.


Elizabeth would stand by the same store, awaiting the boy every day. It seemed that he liked the shop so much that he would buy pastries and those croissants every second day.

Elizabeth figured this out when she stood outside the store every day. He would come one day but wouldn't come the next day.

The two hadn't even told each other their names yet even though they had spent time together.

They would sometimes silently sit side-by-side and eat their pastries.

But the boy asked something unexpected one day:

"Why do you wear that pot every time?"

It was a question she was too scared to answer. How could she tell him? The only reason she was wearing it was to hide what was hiding under that pot.

A hideous face which had made countless children run away crying and made adults chase her away.

It was a burden. Elizabeth didn't know why she was born with such a severe skin condition.

What sin did she commit that gave her such a burden?

Elizabeth was glad that the boy didn't ask her to take off the pot. She had finally gotten a friend in so long so she didn't want to lose him too.

The boy didn't pursue the questioning when he saw that she was hesitant.

"So you're all alone? But how did you get to this city? It's so far away from the Imperial Capital." The boy said this to her one day.

"I-I can't go back. They wouldn't want me either…"

"But why?"

She fidgeted with the bun in her hands, "…I can't go back because I'm not wanted by them. My mommy passed away so I came to look for help from someone here."

"That's how you ended up here?"

The boy was confused by Elizabeth's passion to search for her mother but he didn't say that it was a fruitless search. Many people disappeared during the civil war. It wasn't just soldiers but families as well.

It was useless to search for them because they were either trafficked or killed and buried somewhere.

"Then where is your father?"

"…He is still alive."

"I see. Let's go then," the boy took Elizabeth's hands.

"E-Eh? Where?"

"To your family. I'll ask my mother or father to arrange a carriage for me to go to your father's house. We're staying in a villa nearby," he pulled her hand.

His hand was bigger and stronger than hers. It was even covered in scars even though he was merely a child.

"But that isn't…"

Necessary. She wanted to say that. But was that really true? Was she not on the verge of starvation just a few weeks ago? Had the boy not given her food then she would've died.

"P-please help me… sir."

He smiled, "Don't call me sir. Call me Arnold. The great Arnold von Berkley."

A few years passed by.

Elizabeth was 12 years old by then. She hadn't seen the boy again after he helped her get back home. She knew his name at least.

He was the son of a mighty duke.

Elizabeth wanted to go visit him but it was too far to travel. His residence was in the duchy that laid outside the empire's capital. There was no way any of her family members would loan her a carriage and some knights to escort her.

Thus she could only wander around aimlessly, never could she see the boy again.

But miraculously a chance came up.

Elizabeth heard that the imperial princess Olivia was throwing a big party to celebrate her 12th birthday. She already knew that the boy was the princess' fiancé so it was obvious that he would be there.

Elizabeth couldn't buy herself a dress so she borrowed one of her mother's old dresses and redesigned it. It was the bloodiest red dress that she had ever laid her eyes upon. It didn't look that great but it made her appearance look more formal.

Elizabeth had never asked her father for anything in her life before. It was because she was scared of her father. She had grown up hearing from others how hated she was by them and how she was a disgrace of the Caervil family.

She asked her father to get her into the party. Her father—mistaking her going as wanting to find a potential marriage partner—agreed.

Although she got permission, there was another glaring problem Elizabeth faced.

It was a problem which clouded her for years.

She had to go to that party without the bandage or anything else that could cover her face. She would only wear it outside when she went to bed so that her blankets aren't stained with her skin. The odour was awful so walking to a party with it was bound to attract attention.

"Eww! What kind of monster is that?"

"Get it out of here!"

Elizabeth was shoved around by the noble girls when she entered the party hall. They laughed and mocked her, calling her "skeleton face".

Elizabeth was already used to all this so she didn't necessarily care. That's why she stood in a corner.

A group of girls approached her while the party was ongoing. They were very nice which surprised even Elizabeth.

"Eeh? You can't go into the sun without a big hat and an umbrella?" one of the girls innocently asked.

"Y-yes. Mommy said that I'll get burned and that it will hurt."

"Oh? Can we see?"


"Can we see how it looks if you burn in the sun?" one of them asked with a wide smirk on her face.

"W-wait, what?"

Elizabeth couldn't even remember what happened after that. She was probably knocked by something in the head because she felt a stinging pain after she woke up.

But it wasn't just her head that was burning. No, her entire body was in excruciating pain.

The girls had tied Elizabeth onto one of the backs of the horses. Her entire chest was bare and sizzling from the heat of the sun. Even a bit of sunlight could damage her skin.

Elizabeth felt like she was being stabbed with hot needles.

Blisters formed on her skin like clay that was being cooked over a fire.

One popped which made yellow stuff and blood spew onto her dress.

The dress she made to look pretty for "him" was ruined.

'It hurts.'

'It hurts so much.'

'Why do I have to experience this?'

'I only wanted to see him… and ask him for a dance.'

Was that too much to ask?

"What the hell is a monster like you doing at an imperial birthday party!?" one of the girls threw her glass of juice onto Elizabeth's face.

The pain lessened somewhat by the cold splash of liquid but that didn't last long.  

Elizabeth could only silently lament her naivety as she heard the girls laugh at her.

But one of the girls suddenly screamed. When Elizabeth looked, she could see that one of the girls' arm was bent in the wrong direction. Her bone was even tearing through her skin.

Yes, someone had broken it.

"A bunch of noble girls with such pretty faces bullying someone like her… I can't think of anything else more ugly than that," It was a familiar voice, "If I hear that even one of you had harmed Elizabeth Caervil again then I'll deal with you personally."

Arnold von Berkley had arrived to save her. He was like a knight in shining armour.

The girls scurried away in tears while saying that he'd pay but he only ignored them. What could the daughters of Barons and Knighthood families do to a heir of a ducal family?

"Are you okay?"

Elizabeth couldn't even react to his question.

Why didn't he call her ugly? Why did he look at her with such gentle eyes?

She had believed that Arnold—the one she fell in love with—would be absolutely disgusted if he saw her true face. Elizabeth was overcome with emotions that she couldn't help but cry.

"W-Why did you save me… I'm not even worth saving… I'm ugly and I will probably die without even experiencing love…"

The last part wasn't needed but she said it for some reason.

"Should I even have a reason for saving you?" Arnold lifted up her chin and gazed into her eyes, "You may see yourself as someone ugly. But you know what? Those girls were the ugliest."

Elizabeth's eyes widened.

"You should seriously stand up for yourself. This behaviour of crying and running away isn't something a strong woman should be doing. If they mock you, ignore them. After all, It isn't about what's outside but rather what's in here," he pointed at her heart, "I'd take you as a bride any day if I were given a choice over who I would pick between you or any of those girls."


What was once an innocent crush had turn into something of desire and one-sided love.

Elizabeth's heart raced even faster than it did in the past.

Arnold held Elizabeth's hand and took her to a hill that was behind the mansion. It was a hill that was overlooking the entire empire.

The sun was setting which cast an orange hue over the horizon.

There was nothing in the world more beautiful than that to Elizabeth at that moment. 

"It seems I don't have a partner," Arnold gazed into Elizabeth's eyes and smiled, "Would you be so kind so as to dance with me?"


The soft music of the party played as the two of them held each other's hands.

Elizabeth and Arnold danced together until the party was over.


Five years later—Present.

Monday, 17th of the Cuurl (fifth) month.

News of James Caervil's death spread like wildfire. His relatives and the branch families mourned for his death.

But no one wanted to seek revenge because he was in the wrong after all. The evidence of him bribing the officials of the Imperial Court, his connections to the underworld and the illegal money laundering businesses he had been involved in, had been leaked everywhere.

One man stood at the center of it all. He singlehandedly wiped out an entire noble circle and exposed their criminal acts in the process.

It was a man Elizabeth knew and the one who she fell in love with many years ago…

There was a small hut directly next to the wall which stood at the very end of the huge property that belonged to the Caervil family. Even the ten or so gardeners, who also lived on the property, didn't live in such a small shack with no light sources besides the open window. The area around the shack smelled like horse dung and rotting fertilizer.

A young woman could be seen through the small window of the shack.

Elizabeth Arya Ryse Caervil was a simple girl. Because she had no duties, being the daughter of a maid who became the mistress of a nobleman, she had all the time in the world to indulge in various entertainment and chores.

She liked to sew and cosplay. Her favorite thing to do was dress-up after all.

It was rare but sometimes people would buy the dresses she sold to the various stores of the Empire.

That made her happy.

Lately, she had been trying to create her own brand. Of course, this was far different from selling her dresses to tailors for profit. It wasn't in her name. The measly money she received wasn't even that much in comparison to those who had their own brands.

However, if she could start her own brand then she'll be recognized for her own talents.

There were people out there who loved her designs. That was what kept her going. Even if she sold her brand anonymously, people still bought it. And even if the people she sold her clothes to didn't give her credit, she was happy.


A sound came from her stomach. It was a gurgling sound. Surprised by the noise, she jerked up which caused the lamp—which was the only thing brightening up the small and damp room when night-time came—to almost fall.

"So… hungry…"

Elizabeth looked out of her window, towards the cackling nobles with their big bellies, munching on the food prepared by her family.

The funeral—which Elizabeth wasn't allowed the go to—had just ended so the entire family came to the Caervil residence to connect with each other and bond.

Elizabeth wasn't part of this, though. 

She was only related to her late father by blood. Her mother was supposedly dead and she was declared missing since no body was found. The others were just strangers to her.

Though, Elizabeth knew that her mother didn't really die due to what happened in the past but was disposed of by someone in the family. She was still unsure who it was.

After losing her mother, Elizabeth had no one to rely on in this world. Even the ones who treated her kindly wouldn't really help her when she was in need.

Because of this, Elizabeth had to mature at a very young age. She did odd jobs here and there to buy school books for herself so she could study when she had free time. Of course, self-study had its limits so she had been saving up for a home tutor.

Well, when they found out that she was a bastard they would immediately reject her offers. She couldn't do anything over the matter. 

Elizabeth went towards the sink and tapped water in a glass. Before putting the glass on her lips, she saw the reflection in the water.

With only her eyes and mouth visible, Elizabeth touched the bandage around her entire head.

'Maybe I should wash this because it's beginning to smell…'

She unwrapped the bandage. A rancid odour filled the room when her skin—charred from an unknown skin disease—appeared.

Elizabeth had no idea why she was born this way. She could never go out into the sun because her skin would burn and turn flaky before falling off. It also hurt whenever she tried to peel her skin so that more could regenerate.

She was hideous.

Her locks of pitch black hair fell onto her back and shoulders. Her beautiful black hair was the only thing she remembered her mother by. In fact, her mother was known around their lands for her beautiful and silky black hair.

Despite being of commoner birth, her mother had powerful genes that made her both smart and gave her gorgeous facial features.

Though Elizabeth couldn't compare to her mother, she was still proud of being her daughter.

That wonderful mother was now gone and it left an empty hole in Elizabeth's heart. She wasn't sad anymore since it had been years since then but the death of her mother left a different scar on her.

Feelings of isolation had crept up on her all these years. She felt alone and scared.

But Elizabeth knew that she couldn't rely on her family because everyone hated her. No, her father had neutral feelings towards her at least.

Elizabeth wanted to eat something so badly that she wanted to cry, 'Give me a plate at least…'

She hadn't eaten a proper meal in a few days by now. Of course, Elizabeth knew why no maids had brought any meals for her.

'Someone is intentionally throwing out my food and not bringing it to me.'

Since James was her biological father, he was required to at least provide for his daughter even if she was hated. The noble court had implemented this rule so that nobles wouldn't outright abandon their bastard children and give them a home to live and food to eat at least.

But this didn't mean those bastard children would receive the same luxuries as the legitimate children.

"Come, little mice, little mice. Where are you?" Elizabeth weaved black mana with her fingertips.

The black mana thread went under the bed. A little squeak—followed by two others after a while—could be heard from under the bed. 

"There you guys are." Elizabeth smiled when she saw three little mice stand in front of her.

The mice were rotting corpses which she could somehow control using her necromancer abilities(that's what she calls it at least).

She could control and speak with the dead for some reason.

'This power would've been useful to find out who killed my mother…'

She had a skill called [Soul Communication] which can allow the user to speak with the soul of a person(dead or alive). There was a condition to using this power, however.

There had to be a corpse or at least an object(like ash jars) to extract the soul.

But Elizabeth had no idea where her mother's body was so her chances of finding out who killed her was slim.

But she was still hopeful.

"Bring some food to me, okay? Make sure not to be spotted by anyone," Elizabeth gave them a piece of cloth to wrap the food in.

The mice nodded their little heads and ran out of the shack.

Elizabeth sat back on her chair where she always designed her clothes.

She could see something out of the corner of her eye.

It was a blood-red dress with fancy rose petals along its waistline, hanging on the closet door.

Elizabeth couldn't remember the reason why she made the dress but one thing was for sure…

It was related to someone who made a big impact in her life…

Arnold von Berkley, the eldest son of the Berkley family.

Elizabeth should hate that man because he killed her father. Yet mysteriously she didn't. Mostly because she was never that fond of her father.

He was also the reason her mother died. Why couldn't he provide the same protection to her that he gave to the first wife? Was it because her mother was a mistress, someone without power, or was it because she was a disgrace?

Elizabeth knew that thinking about it was meaningless.

"They'll… probably kick me out with little money and only the clothes on my back."

Her father was gone so there was no reason why she had to remain here any longer. If Elizabeth were to be honest, she wanted to leave only after becoming successful.

Her talent for designing was discovered by her mother when she was very young. She was able to come up with many ideas of dresses or any other female clothing. Of course, Elizabeth didn't think too much of it as anything other than a hobby.

But that changed after a few years.

She began approaching big clothing manufacturers and tailors which gained little success. They would turn her away but tell her to give her designs to them for money.

These people had stolen her ideas and claimed it as their own. But Elizabeth couldn't be angry because she was the one who accepted the money.

She needed to survive after all.

She was currently working on her own brand and wouldn't sell it to just anyone.

Elizabeth looked towards a certain piece of paper on her workbench.

·        Letter of Recommendation to the Imperial Academy, Ardark.

"Sender is… Adrianna von Berkley…" She kept glancing at the surname.

She knew that it was Arnold's mother and she was overjoyed at being given a letter of recommendation from a professor.

There were many facilities in the academy compared to the past—perhaps she could even join the Design Section.

'But it's already the final term… I won't fit in… Should I wait until next year?' Elizabeth suddenly realised something.

Arnold was also in the academy. Didn't that mean that she would be able to reunite with him again?

She came to a resolution. She thought that she was stupid to not have considered it from the very beginning.

'I'll go… I'll join the academy and finally reunite with my first love… Ah, I can't wait.'  

She thought merrily as she gazed at the blood-red dress hanging on her closet.

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