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10.63% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 5: Reminiscing

Kapitel 5: Reminiscing

Winterfell, The North

Aryan was sitting in his solar at Winterfell looking over the reports of projects going through the North. The changes he had implemented in the North through his uncle had transformed the North into a powerful Kingdom. He also felt content because now he had a family to belong to, that too an extended one. They had received word that his uncle Benjen and Dacey were blessed with twins a boy Torhen and a girl Lyarra. He felt happy for them.

He reflected on his own life till now. Aryan Stark was born as the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne, but had never met his father. His mother used to love him very much. Even at that small age he had sufficient magic as well as the memories of his previous life to aid him. When he was able to walk he used to sneak into the library of Starfall and learnt more about the world. He found that this world was called Planetos. It had three major continents Westeros, Essos and Sothyros. Also the seasons in this world lasted for years. Then he learnt about the history of the world, of the great houses of Westeros and important events till now. He had also began to retrain his mind magic skills and basic wandless magic.

One day he found his mother crying and soon came to know that his father and grandfather hand been killed by the Mad King. Then the rebellion happened and an year after his uncle came to Starfall along with his cousin the Prince Aegon Targaryen carrying the body of his uncle the legendary Arthur Dayne. The next day his mother jumped to death. He was shocked and regretted not looking into her mind. Because if he had known she would do this he would have suppressed her sadness and given her more mental strength. He promised himself then and there that he would not let any of his family members die from now on, even at the cost of their freewill. He found it ironic that in both his lives he never had a chance to live with his parents and he cursed the fates for that

His maternal Uncle Lord Alric Dayne had never liked him and often used to refer to him as Stark spawn. So he left with his Uncle Eddard as he had nothing left at Starfall. From what he had read, the North was the largest Kingdom but its population was less and was not also as rich as the other kingdoms and now he would be the new Lord Paramount of North. Then from his uncle's mind he gleamed that he would like the Moat as his seat. The Moat was very strategic for the defence of North. Aryan also knew that rebuilding Moat to its former Glory would take a huge fortune.

When he was introduced to the King, he took advantage of the Kings drunken state and gave him a mental command to give Eddard the money needed to repair the Moat as a reward. Onee look into the Kings mind Aryan knew that Robert was a fool and would never be a good king. But he loved Eddard as a brother. He also recognised Tywin Lannister as a possible threat to his plans. What Tywin did to Aegon, Rhanys and Elia was cruel and disgusting, but he was removing any future contenders for the throne. Aryan supposed he could have used some other methods or a more gentle death.

He felt a great respect towards his uncle when he decided to sacrifice his honour to protect Aegon. On the way through the war-torn Riverlands when he saw Harrenhal he immediately felt the curses on the castle. He decided to look into the place some other time. At the Riverrun he saw that his Aunt Catelyn was a beautiful woman indeed but immediately disliked Hoster Tully. The man was a mild version of Lucius Malfoy of his world. Aryan read from his mind that he was furious at Aryan for taking away his chance of having his blood rule the North. He was also thinking about eliminating Aryan. Aryan scoffed at that thought. He suppressed Hoster's idea of killing him. Even his uncle seemed to share his dislike and they quickly left for Winterfell

On the way they halted at a castle called the Twins when he met Walder Frey. He was astonished that the man bore and eerie resemblance to Argus Filch. The man was an opportunistic swine. From there they reached the Moat. When his uncle showed them the Moat Aryan realized that the structure was once a great formidable castle which has fallen into despair.

From the moment than had entered the North he felt a change in air. His magic felt more powerful and now came more easily to him, a research for later he thought. When they reach Winterfell he met his younger Uncle Benjen. He was ready to go to the Wall due to grief. But with a few mental commands he seemed to change his decision and started helping in administration. Eddard Stark was a honourable man but Aryan knew that in this world too much honour could get you killed. So his uncle could not be given free reign to rule over the North as the regent.

Aryan wanted North to be powerful enough by the time he came of age and became the official Lord Stark. He also thought a four year boy acting like an adult would attract unwanted attention. So he started using his uncle Eddard to implement his ideas in North, by giving mental suggestions. Over the years he made himself look intelligent in front of his uncle and others. He also made sure that is uncle gave him credit for the changes in front of the other lords.

His uncle used to take him across the North to meet other lords as well as to show the North. He committed important places to his memory so that he can apparate there in the future. While visiting the lords he used to look into their minds to ascertain their loyalty. Except Roose Bolton he found that all other Lords were loyal to the Starks though there was some resentments from the Ryswells. Aryan had known that respect was a better tool for loyalty than fear unlike Tywin Lannister. While the Bolton's were the second most important house after the Starks, Roose Bolton like his ancestors was highly desirous of the position of the Lord Paramount of North. He was just waiting for a chance to take them down. Aryan decided that he would eliminate Roose Bolton at the first chance he had.

Death fulfilled its promise of gifts in the form of a large cache of gold and the earthquake at the Neck both of which were essential in the upliftment of North. The North slowly prospered. He could not do much for the military at a young age. So he decided to rebuild the Northern navy. The Manderly's would help in the Eastern side. He would have a Stark fleet at the Western side slowly, with a base at the Stony Shore which he would give to his uncle Benjen. He had to question the sanity of 'Brandon the Burner' for burning the Northern fleet at his father's death.

When they had went to Bravos for negotiating with the Iron Bank for the loan to build the Northern Canal he had generously used his mind magic to make the deal in their favour. He had a surprise at Bravos. At night while he was sleeping he woke when he felt the disruption of his perimeter charms. He found a man standing beside his bed. Aryan disabled the man.

But the man calmly said, "A man has come to the master."

Aryan looked into the man's mind but found only darkness, surprised Aryan asked, " Who are you?"

The man said," A man and other men like him are followers of the Many Faced God. A man has come to serve his master."

"So you are the faceless man. Are you here to kill me?" Aryan asked.

" A servant serves the master. The Many Faced God commands to serve you master." the man replied.

With a dawning realization Aryan concluded in his mind 'So the Many Faced God must be Death just like the Stranger. That means I can have the faceless men under my command. Thank you Death'. He smiled at the possibilities. He asked, " So how will you serve me?"

The man replied, "The master's wish is my command."

Aryan asked, " Do you have enough men to set up a spy network for me in Westeros and Essos?"

The assasin replied, "The man can do so in time master."

So Aryan said, " Then you will come to me at Winterfell. I will give you a suitable position there. What should I call you?"

The man said, " The man is called Jaqen H'ghar master."

Aryan said, " I rather doubt that. And stop calling me master. You may go."

With an infuriating smile the man said, "Of course master," and disappeared.

When they had returned to Winterfell Jaqen came to him with two other accomplices a male and a female. He doubted their identities as well as gender. He appointed Jaqen as the assistant to the steward of Winterfell Vayon Poole to take up his position as he would be going to Moat with his uncle. He appointed the female assassin in the kitchen and the third one as a jewel maker in Wintertown when he claimed to be one. He had already placed basic intent based wards to prevent any assassination against the Starks in Winterfell but it was tricky to use the wards against any spies. The faceless man would take care of them.

They had captured some spies within the castle and Wintertown. Two servants in the castle were each of Tywin Lannister and Olena Tyrell. In Wintertown there was a brothel with the whores as spies belonging to a Petyr Baelish. But finally the most interesting of all were homeless children who knew to read and write, throughout the Wintertown who belonged to the spider Varys. Instead of outright killing them he manipulate their minds only report useless mundane things. Ite will deal with their masters later. His own spy network was coming along slowly.

While studying his own at Winterfell he also introduced some basic maths and science facts he had known in his world like the Pythagoras theorem, basic geometric formulas etc. Master Luwin was highly impressed and sent these findings to Citadel and soon they received a delegation from the Citadel to meet him led by Archmaster Marwin. He still remembered the meeting...


"My Lord this is Archmaster Marwin from the Citadel. He has come to meet you impressed by your finding," introduced Master Luwin.

Aryan greeted Marwin.

"Please excuse us Luwin. I would like to interact with Lord Stark privately," Marwin said dismissing Luwin.

Looking at Aryan Marwin said," My Lord I am deeply honored to finally meet you."

Aryan felt a small amount of magic to the level of a squib coming from Marwin. He said, " It is strange that an Archmaster comes comes from the Citadel to meet a lord and from what you told you were waiting to meet me for quite some time. I don't understand."

Marwin placed a long object in front of him and handed it over to Aryan. Its tip immediately lighted up in red flames. Aryan looked surprised to see magic for first time after coming into this world.

"This is Valerian candles." Marwin explained. " It can be only lighted with magic which you did now."

Aryan asked him, " How did you know that I could do this?"

Marwin explained, " I am the Master of arcane arts at the Citadel. They call me Marwin the Mage. I was always fascinated by magic in the world. I'm trying to prove it but could not do so. Then twelve years ago these candles lighted themselves for some time and I knew that magic has returned to the world. From then I was trying to find the source. Using wine mixed with essence of nightshade I had vision of you. From then on I was keeping track of you. The changes you brought in North finally convinced me that you are the source I was searching for. When Luwin sent those reports regarding your findings I took the opportunity and I volunteered myself to visit you here."

Aryan asked Marvin, "You still did not tell me what you want to do after meeting me?"

Marwin whispered, " To learn magic from you of course."

Aryan started thinking having a master that too an Archmaster as his confident could help him in the future especially in research as the masters were the treasure house of knowledge of this world. And a Master who believed in magic was too good an opportunity to pass off. Master Luwin even though had a Valerian chain link never believed in magic.

So reaching a decision Aryan said, "Very well understand this, I cannot teach you magic because you must be born with magic. It cannot be given."

Marvin looked deflated at that and was ready to argue but Aryan interrupted him," But I can feel a very small amount of magic in you. So I can teach you something that won't require much magic.I can teach you potion making, runes for enchanting and warding. What do you say."

After careful consideration Marwin agreed. Aryan bound the Master with secrecy and loyalty oaths to which he happily agreed to for learn magic.

Aryan asked Marwin, " So when can you come back to Winterfell after taking necessary materials from the Citadel and finishing any formalities there."

Marwin replied, " I had a feeling that I would never be returning back to the Citadel. So I had brought all major and important books here along with me. My trusted acolytes could help us."

The books Marwin referred were almost two shiploads.

Then on the recommendation of Aryan Marvel agree to become the official master of Winterfell. Master Luwin was delegated to Moat Cailin.

(Flashback ends)

They had already began their search for a channel for Aryan to perform powerful magics.

Winterfell had now changed. It has become larger and was totally renovated with more glass gardens. The Wintertown was slowly becoming the industrial hub of North with increased weapon and armor production as well as Vodka production. Also with the diamond jewellery making with the jewel makers they had brought from Bravos has slowly made the Starks very rich. He had applied the earth magic he learned around the farms near Winterfell and had plans to apply throughout the North. They now had very high yield. He was proud to say Winterfell was now self-sufficient in terms of food. Aryan had plans to use the money saved into military later on, as the population in North has increased, now they could increase their levy forces.

Also now he had to convince uncle Eddard to let Jon remain at Winterfell. He remembered the conversation he had with Lady Calelyn.


Just a few days ago Lady Catelyn had come to see him, "My lord I have request for you."

Aryan looked at her surprised because interaction between them other than that for the public appearance sake was rare or better to say nonexistent how, "What can I do for you Lady Catelyn, he asked?"

She appeared to be struggling with her words but finally said, '' I know there is no love between us my lord but please heed my request. We would be moving out soon to Moat Cailin. But Ned will take the bastard, I mean Jon snow also with him. I would beg you to please keep him away from my family."

While he did not love Catelyn, he liked her a lot. Thinking about her request Aryan said, "Regardless of what you think of me Lady Catelyn I do not hate or dislike you. Frankly after my mother's death I did not want to give that position to anyone else. You gave uncle Eddard four beautiful children and a fifth one soon. You also keep him happy. And most of all, you are now a Stark. For all that you will have always have my respect and gratitude. But may I ask you, why should a child be punished for the sins of his father?"

She finally broke down crying before him saying, "I know it is unfair. Perhaps it is because of my upbringing that I fear Jon will upsurp my children. I love Ned with all my heart. I cannot have him in front of me under my roof because he reminds me of Neds dishonour towards me. So please keep him away from us."

Aryan said, "Robb and Jon are thick as brothers. You fear that Jon will upsurp your children. Don't you think by hating and belittling Jon your are creating an enmity between them, and increasing the chances of realizing your fears. If you had given Jon even the smallest amount of affection he would have been grateful to you and always remain loyal to Robb."

She did not say anything.

" Very well my lady. I will agree to your request. Jon will stay with me at Winterfell." Aryan told her.

"What should I tell Ned then?" she asked.

" Leave that to me. I will deal with him." Aryan assured her and she left.

(Flashback ends)

Thinking about the incident he was happy that they had cleared the air between them.

He was jolted out of his thoughts by a knocking at his door.

"May I come in nephew," came his uncle's voice.

"Please come in uncle," he replied his uncle came with a letter in his hands whose contents Aryan already guessed. Lady Catelyn and Robb also followed him.

"So Moat Cailin has been completed?" he asked.

"How did you know that?" his uncle asked surprised.

With a mysterious smile he replied," An educated guess, I suppose. So are you moving out soon uncle."

"Yes I was thinking to go there within a moon, so I came to ask your leave to take my place an the Lord of Moat Cailin to guard the North" his uncle replied.

From below the table Aryan took a rolled up parchment and gave it to his uncle who bent in front him along with Robb.

Aryan declared," In that case I, Aryan Stark the Lord of Winterfell hereby appoint Eddard Stark as the Lord of Moat Cailin and the Shield of North. He and and his descendants will hold and rule the Moat Cailin as his seat of power. Do you swear to uphold your loyalty to the Starks of Winterfell?"

"I do, my Lord,'' his uncle and Robb both replied.

" Then rise Eddard Stark, Lord of Moat Cailin." finished Aryan in a pompous voice with a smile.

His uncle stood back and thanked him. Aryan brushed it off and asked him," So uncle what are going to call yourselves?"

With a puzzled look his uncle asked," What do you mean nephew?"

Aryan said," What I mean Uncle is that, the previous cadet branches of Starks had names like the Karstarks or the Greystarks. I hope you are not going to call yourself the Moatstarks, because it sounds stupid."

His uncle with a embarrassed look replied," Actually I didn't even think of that."

'Of course you didn't.' Aryan thought and then he said to him," No worries Uncle. You can call yourselves the Starks of Moat Cailin and it sounds better too."

His uncle smiled at him and said, "As you wish my lord."

Looking at Robb and Catlyn, Aryan asked them, "Please excuse Uncle Eddard and me. I wish to speak with him privately.

Robb immediately left the solar and reluctant Catelyn followed him. As soon as they went out Aryan activated the privacy charms in the room with a flick of his hands unnoticed by Eddard.

"What are you going yo do about Jon, Uncle?" Aryan asked.

His uncle said, "I am taking Jon with me."

"Don't you think it would be better if Jon remained here. You know how Aunt Catetyn treats him or better loathes him." Aryan asked.

"Regardless he is my son and he will remain with me," Eddard tried to assert.

"Hmm, then why don't you ever speak of his mother. Don't you think Jon deserves to know about her." he pressed on.

His uncle's tone changed and said, "She is a nobody and I don't think it concerns you nephew.

"Or is it because Jon is your nephew and his mother is Lyanna Stark," suddenly Aryan asked.

Eyes widening and with a sputtering voice Eddard asked, "What? But how did you know?"

With the same mysterious smile Aryan replied, "It was a hunch Uncle but you just confirmed it. But then it means his father must be Rhaegar Targaryen isn't it."

His uncle looked at him stunned for sometime and finally slumped into nearby chair and took a glass of Vodka which Aryan offered. After sometime he said to Aryan, "You were always a bright child. Besides us only my friends Howland Reed and William Dustin knows of this truth. And then he proceeded to tell him the story of the rebellion starting from kidnapping of Lyanna, Brandon's and Rickard's death till Lyanna's death giving birth to Aegon.

Aryan listened attentively and promised him, "Don't worry Uncle. Jon has the Stark blood running within him. He'll be safe at Winterfell. No harm will come to him and he will leave a better life here. So Reluctantly Eddard agreed to Aryan and it was decided that Jon would stay back at Winterfell.

Then Aryan asked another question which was in his mind for quite some time, "Who told father that Aunt Lyanna was kidnapped?"

His uncle looked puzzled and asked, "What do you mean nephew?"

Aryan said, "From what we know Aunt Lyanna went willingly with the Prince. Then who told father that Aunt Lyanna was kidnapped. It seems somebody used the Starks to start a war."

His uncle thought about it and said, "You know I never thought about that. Now you say it I think somebody must have used Brandon to get him killed knowing that he was very impulsive. Come to think of it Brandon was at Riverrun when he first heard the news. Do you think the Tully's had a hand in this?"

"It may be Hoster Tully or it may be someone else. Enemies of House Stark are still out there Uncle, we can only trust ourselves. But don't worry about them. I will deal with them in time. Why don't you begin your preparations," saying this Aryan dismissed his Uncle.

He leaned back in his chair and said so himself," So the games have already started. Whoever you are, you messed with the wrong family. I will find you sooner or later."

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