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14.28% I'm a Kaiju? / Chapter 5: Act 5

Kapitel 5: Act 5

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Bold - Right Head.

Normal - the Middle head.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Left head

The battle between X and Gestroyah caused an uproar in the world. Many questioned what could cause it until they started blaming it on the titans.

Some suggested nuking them, but Monarch intervened. They began citing that this could make things worse. Next, they revealed the discovered caverns and the paintings.

Of course, no one believed it. Then weird things happened across the world. Uncharted islands started appearing and disappearing. The constant earthquakes, mysterious lights, and storms.

But from Godzilla's appearance, many scientists theorized he was looking for something. So Monarch spent their entire year looking for the cause. A few teams would tail the King of Monsters. Another to search Skull Island that somehow became more dangerous.

For now, they focused on preventing the upcoming war, or at least survive the calamity.

Godzilla POV

Godzilla was angry, more angry than usual. The damn thing won't sit still! Every single time he was close, it would leave, making him chase it to the other side of the world. It was a cycle of the cat and mouse.

At first, it was annoying, but now? He swore he was going to rip it to pieces! He can tell it was taunting him.

Though he noticed the invader never attempted to overrule or establish dominance. Now, this act confused him. Not one creature had ever done this. If a creature with an alpha status grew up, they would constantly challenge him.

But this creature didn't. It was not afraid, so why? Could it be that it does not see him as a threat?

This thought angered him. Even his nemesis had acknowledged his might, but never had he encountered such a prideful wretch.

Thus he swam faster. A vast shadow above the sky loomed over him, but he didn't notice.

Gestroyah POV

"Hey look, the old man doesn't even know where we are!" Odin said, gesturing to Godzilla.

"Gasp! Odin, be considerate, you can't expect a million year old titan to be at his prime." Cody said with a disappointed look.

Ning sighed. Ever since they fought X, they have trained constantly. They learned new moves, aerial maneuvers, and even their limits.

Kong had also trained. He started picking fights to improve his reaction. Heck, the gorilla even started using tactics more than usual.

However, the three heads can agree that they lack actual combat experiences. X just showed how pathetic they were. Cody still suffered nightmares of his demise.

More than that, they all craved action, something interesting to use what they've learned.

Pacific Ocean

Deep below the depths of the ocean, in the darkest corners, lay something large and long. The sea creatures ignored it, of course. However, one can tell that its slumber is about to end.

Yellow eyes snapped open. Within it was burning with rage and resentment. Its body glowed in beautiful colors, and then it roared. It was akin to human rasps and grunts from tigers or lions.

But if a human can hear it and understand it. They will pick up a name.


Manda is now awake and ready to finish the war they started.


Rodan had sensed something that he never thought he would ever expect to feel.

"Manda, so you still linger on this plane. Damn, slithering snake!" The giant flying pterosaur growled. How he wished he can finish his battle with it.

Yet orders were orders. The alpha had commanded him to slumber and slumber, he shall. Should Manda come to his domain, he can claim it was self-defense.

Still, it was impressive that he survived their last battle.


In space, the creature that Monster X summoned was making a beeline to Earth, but even with its unbelievable speed, it will still take them months to get there.

However, their mind was on the creature that had taken their master's interest. How can they not? Their master had never displayed such interest to anyone but his nemesis.

To hear that another creature has earned his respect made them curious. Should this creature display show weakness, then they will kill it as gruesome as possible.

Now then, what should they do? Hm... Is that an asteroid? Sweet free ride!

Skull island

Kong growled in frustration. Another failed attempt. Tossing the broken piece away, and picked up another one.

Now, what was he doing? He was making a weapon. This would be his third failure in making weapons. He didn't come up with this on his own.

During their recovery, Ning had suggested that he should have a weapon. Of course, Kong didn't take it well, but when Odin reminded him of Monster X's durability, he took it seriously.

Right now, he was using the skulls of the race that killed his parents to make 'gloves' as Cody said. Kong had also noticed that the three heads knew more about his kind's past.

Out of curiosity, he asked. Ning claimed he knew little but cited some interesting things. To honor his ancestors, Kong started making one of his own. While he didn't know the alpha, Ning spoke of one of his grandfathers who didn't obey an Alpha. He may have failed in overruling the mighty beast, but his grandfather had carved his existence to his enemy's memory.

The one titan that did not bow and won against his king.

That was the day Kong gained inspiration. Now, knowing the weight of his bloodline, Kong had a goal.

Should the enemy of his kind find him, he vowed to carve his name into it just as his grandfather had.

To remember its defeat.

So here he was, creating a mighty weapon. All failures, but he was learning as he forged his weapon. The bone broke and Kong tossed it away.

Deciding to take a break from this, he went out to patrol. As he kept walking, Kong felt his soul lift. He couldn't remember anything of his parents, but because of Gestroyah, he now felt alive. For that, he could never repay this debt.

Feeling someone nibbling his leg, he looked down and saw Slenra. Cheeky little thing. As she kept nibbling, Kong laughed before poking her nose. He can also see Sparx with her, telling her to stop.

"Hello, children." The great ape said.

"Uncle, are you patrolling today?" Slenra asked, earning a nod.

"Apologies, great one, I tried to stop her." Sparx said. "She insisted on giving you a scare."

"You snitch! We had a deal!"

"A thousand apologies, but I don't enjoy finding myself squashed to non-existence."

"Oh, come on. Uncle will not hurt me beside a good scare doesn't hurt anyone."

"I seem to recall you covered in shit after scaring a great long neck (brachiosaur). You couldn't sleep without my light for three moons."

"Sparx, I told you not to mention that!"

Kong chuckled on seeing the firefly embarrass the T-Rex to no end.

It was a bizarre family. Yet Kong will not have it any other way. This is his new family, and it will damn him to lose this.

"Where's father?" Slenra asked.

"Gestroyah left the end an hour ago."

"Aw~ I wanted to fly with him again." Slenra pouted.

"Didn't you fainted before you even left the island? You even peed yourself."

"Shut up! I don't do well in heights."

"Oh no, the queen can't fly, oh what she will ever do?" Sparx mocked.

The T-Rex roared and tried shutting up her friend, but the firefly was fast. Thus the chase was on, an old game reignited.

Kong shook his head. Kids... how does Gestroyah handle those two?

Slenra POV

Hours of chasing and Slenra would find herself covered in mud, twigs, and other disgusting things. Later, entangled by hundreds of vines, her position was awkward and embarrassing.

"I despise you." Slenra growled. "I will have your head Sparx!"

"That would be effective if you weren't in such a compromising position, my lady."

"Grrr... just get me out of here before I shoot flames everywhere."

The firefly acted quickly. "Much better. Now let's..." Slenra sniffed the air and growled. Following the stench, she growled louder.

It was a bull-like creature, gutted like a fish, but not a single part of him was missing. They did not hunt this prey for food but for sport.

Rage built inside her, her father had told her that killing for no reason only proved that you are weak. Slenra despised weakness.

The barbarians made the prey an example. She hated it with all her heart. Sadly, the scent of the culprit had long since passed.

With a sigh, she left, she'll have to inform her uncle about this when they return. As they head back, Slenra spots someone. It was Jia, but she looked troubled.

Something was chasing her. Out of the grass were three Death Jackals, hot on her tail. Slenra was in shock but quickly chased after them.


Why were they here? The Death Jackals should be on the other side of the island because of Gestroyah claiming their old one.

Something must have caused them to move close to their village. She was going to visit Kong until one jackal spotted her.

Thus, the chase began. She prayed as she ran. Coming close to a cliff, the younger stopped and nearly slipped. Turning around, she saw the three Death Jackals.

All hope seemed lost until she saw Slenra jumping out of the foliage. She roared to the sky, Sparx flying in front of her, checking for any injury.

Slenra P.O.V.

"Leave trespasser, we do not welcome you here." she growled.

"Foolish child, this was our home, our right! Until your father took it from us."

"That was your mistake! You should have chosen more carefully."

"Oh we have, now that you're here."

"Alpha, let's take her back to our den."

"She is ripe! A perfect brood mother."

Slenra made a disgusted look. Like hell, she will bear their eggs. Sparx light lit up dangerously.

"A wonderful idea, but first, let's take out one of her legs. Your father took one of mine so I will take yours as payment."

"In your dreams vermin." Slenra growled. "A dream about becoming a reality deary." The Alpha said.

Jia took her chance and ran to hide behind cover.

The three Jackals rushed, but Sparx quickly released a flash of light, blinding the two. The Alpha rushed with vigor, but Slenra was faster.

She pushes the Jackal down before biting its tail and slamming it to a boulder. One of the Jackal jumped on her back, but Sparx quickly enters its nostrils.

As it tries to get her out, Slenra took her chance and bit its leg. Her Sonar picked up the third Jackal attempting to attack her back. She spins around and slams the Jackal to its brethren.

The alpha recovered and tried to take out her eye, but Jia threw a rock, hitting his blind eye. Slenra turned, using her body to trip him. Not wasting time, she bit into his neck, hard.

Repeatedly smashing him to sharp rocks, sometimes giving it a few shakes. The alpha howled in pain, but against her bite; he was nothing.

Finally tearing his head off, and Slenra threw it to its kin. She reveled in their fear as she walked towards them. Once close to the head, she places one foot down and pressed hard. They heard cracked bones and popped flesh. The last two Jackals stared wearily at her.

"Want some of this?" She bared her fangs at them while growling.

The death jackals ran as fast as they can. Slenra waited until she was sure that she was safe. Sparx landed on her head.

"Are you alright?"

"I have seen the great darkness, my lady." Sparx spoke, her voice shaking in fear.

Slenra could only thank and pity her friend. Jia came and made hand signs. Sparx quickly flickered her light. Jia understood it was a morse code.

Her father had taken his time to teach Sparx and Jia about it so they can communicate. It was a fresh experience but an enjoyable one.

Jia then signed that Jackals were acting strange and said they should check it out. The T-Rex and Firefly exchanged glances.

"Go find Uncle, I'll check it out."

"Don't be reckless my lady."

The firefly then went to find the great ape in haste while Slenra took the human girl and went to the Death Jackals' home.

Along the way, they came across another Iwi tribe hunter; Spear. Unlike most tribesmen, he was bigger and buffer. Jia then 'told' him where they were going.

Spear was against it. But Jia countered his reasons. Unless they go there, the Death Jackals will keep coming. With great reluctance, Spear agreed under the condition to go with them.

Slenra didn't mind as Spear seemed a capable hooman. And thus, they marched to the lion's den. But what they found shocked them.

Hundreds of Death Jackals riddled with bullet holes. Strange contraptions, moving and carrying gigantic boxes. The three then saw what was inside it.

Eggs. Sometimes captured creatures. Spear growled, realizing what these trespassers were doing. Slenra caught him and growled.

It was too dangerous to act in broad daylight. And Slenra wasn't even sure if they can escape these invaders.

And so they waited for the right moment. It was until Kong arrived Slenra used her ability to control lesser Kaiju species to attack the humans. The Death Jackals also took this opportunity to attack.

Kong took care of any aircraft and ships, while Slenra made quick work of the humans. Spear had some help, displaying superhuman strength and speed.

Easily removing a humvee's door and used it as a shield. Jia was busy freeing the captured creatures, she didn't release the dangerous ones.

By the time they finished, most of the humans were dead or running somewhere.

Kong pounded his chest and roared to the sky. "Slenra, are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes uncle, though how do you deal with them?" Slenra said while looking at the guns.

Kong huffed, looking smug. "Practice." He then turned to the ships. He made note that they had a strange marking on the side.

He couldn't tell what it was until Jia signed him. Apex, so these humans had a pack. Rage rises to his chest upon spotting eggs from the Skull crawlers.

Thus the Great ape smashed the ship before tossing it into the ocean. He then made a sign to go home. Jia nodded, Spear double-checked, or any hidden threat.

Once settled, they left, not noticing a camera recording the event, but specifically Slenra.

Gestroyah P.O.V.

The chimera was taking their time in the air. Doing somersaults and other stunts. They even spooked some humans for laughs.

They also had to stop Odin from peeking at a woman taking a dip in the river. But they admit, she was hot. If they still had their human body, they would pound her to next Sunday.

The thought made them stop. How the fuck are they going to breed!? They're too big for any Kaiju. "Don't lizards have a weird body to switch genders?"

"I don't like where this is going." Odin said.

"I mean some reptiles can reproduce asexually and if there's too much numbers on a specific gender, they swap to the opposite sex to keep things balanced." Cody said. "And since we share some of Godzilla's DNA it might be possible that..."

"Cody for the love everything, do not finish that." Ning pleaded, wishing to plug up his ears.

"Godzilla has become a female and is looking for us to mate. Or possibly force us to change our gender."

"DAMN IT, CODY!" Odin roared in horror. "I'm gonna have nightmares because of you!"

"Ugh... now we have another reason to win."

"Yeah, I've seen enough shit to know what happens if we lose." Odin shivered. He already saw how animals and reptiles lay eggs. He did not want to experience that.

And considering the amount, Gestroyah all whimpered.

"All in favor in kicking Godzilla's ass, say I."


"Let's head back to the island. Before Slenra makes Kong go nuts."

As their speed increased, the chimera shoots off. Upon arriving, they noticed the destroyed ship. They checked it and found it was from APEX. And judging from this, it was new.

Only Kong can do this damage. So they went to the shore and found remnants of them. The inhabitants of the island were eating the corpses. Good riddance.

Whoa! Where did that come from?

Shaking their head, they head back to their territory only to see Kong sleeping with Slenra kept under his arm. Not wanting to disturb them, Gestroyah took this chance to make themselves comfortable, and soon sleep took them.

Manda POV.

Manda, upon waking, followed Rodan's trail. But that blasted Alpha would no doubt hunt him down. In his state, he would surely lose.

He needed to regain his power. Spotting a storm, he swam underneath to avoid the harsh winds. He can feel his sense of direction becoming disordered as if he's lost.

But his stubbornness won and found a bizarre island. This will do, this will be his new stronghold. He then sensed it. Power, raw, unlimited power. Hunger and desire surfaced, but he reins it in.

Not now. He was weak, and this creature might kill him. He must rest and learn what happened after and during his slumber.

Thus he lay on the sand and closed his eyes. His mind wanders back to Rodan. His nemesis taking his home away. But he didn't care about that. He wanted to prove he was better. How dare he claim he was the better one!

This was the last thing in Manda's mind as slumber took him. One day, vengeance will be his.

AN: Here we go guys, the new chapter. Yes, Manda and Rodan know each other. I'm basing the idea around Aztec mythology. I got inspired by the comments on YouTube and used this to make lore for Manda and Rodan's grudge match.

So what do you think of this? Sorry if I didn't place any actions.

Stay safe, take care, and don't forget to review. Bye~

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