At this point, Ling decided to let Hary make all the decisions in his gaming journey. Well, Hary was knowledgeable in every aspect, especially in properly handling the money and managing the sponsorship he might receive in the near future.
Yes, Ling could receive multiples sponsorship from different branded companies. Why? Because the screen name Blood was well-known on numerous social media platforms such as Toktok, Fecebook, etc. So it would be easy for them to endorse their brands with famous people like Blood. On top of that, after Zein showed how he was really interested in Blood, it gave a huge impact on Blood.
The downside here was he can't recklessly accept the 10 million dollar offer from Zein as it can be the main reason for putting his family in a dangerous situation. Zein has a huge influence and he could pay anyone to kill someone as he wishes. So it would be better if Hary and Ling to not get in touch with that old man.
Thanks for reading I hope you like it :)