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Kapitel 48: Reunion With Victoria


Ashley name is changed to 'Alice'

July, victoria's moms name changed to 'Jane'

"Hmmm… hmmm~" A humming sound in a sweet melodic voice could be heard by a girl whose face was buried in her pillow and she was flapping her legs at a fast pace while giggling sometimes, the girl was none other than Victoria and why was she in such a good mood… 

"I wonder what Alan is doing right now?"

"Ugh," She punches the bed in frustration and mutters in a low voice "I miss him so much."

While she was thinking of her beloved, a knock was heard on her bedroom's door which woke her up from her stupor. She raised her face in the direction of the room's door and replied.


"You have a visitor, Lady Victoria, they are waiting in the Hall."

The maid then left after conveying the message which she came here to deliver.

"Hmm, who could it be?" Victoria has never had visitors before, cause she never had any friends except for Alan, well she has one now she was Alice, her sister in comrade and Alan's other Fianceé. 

It's not that she didn't try making any friends, she had boys and girls always fawning around her but she never bothered to reply to anyone and showed them a cold shoulder. Because all they did was belittle Alan which angered her very much.

If we think about it, it was Victoria who suffered a lot from an early age.

She was stuck in the middle, on one side were the noble kids who praised her and wanted her company and on the other side was Alan who avoided and pushed her away. 

She was in a tight spot to choose someone's side, but she was firm in her decision to stay as Alan's friend and future wif-ahem! even if he didn't want to.

Victoria knew Alan very well since when they were kids, they were very close 'Friends', so she knew the reason behind Alan's actions and how much he was hurting himself inside when he treated her that way.

Even if Alan wouldn't have changed much and kept avoiding and keeping a distance from her, she would still choose to stay with him and support him. 

She would never regret the choice she had made back then. 

Victoria from a distance could see her parents sitting on one of the couches talking with someone with a small smile on their faces, especially her mother.

She couldn't grasp the one they were taking to as she was still far from the Hall and she had yet to reach there, so she decided to increase her speed. 

Her pace started increasing rapidly as her vision gradually revealed the person sitting in front of her parents. 

"... "

For a moment she thought she was in a dream so she pinched her cheeks but pain assaulted her instead of waking her up from this sweet dream. 

A smile blossomed on her beautiful face after seeing the man she loved with whom she hadn't met for some months. 

"Alan!" Victoria called out for him in a loud voice, she rushed towards him and jumped in his embrace. 

Alan caught her and they both fell on the sofa, seeing her behaviour Alan chuckled as she was hugging him tightly, her face buried in his chest she was sniffing him as well, the sound was low but it didn't escape his ears. She clutched him tighter as though she didn't want to leave his comfortable embrace. 

"Are you okay now?" He decided to break the silence as her parents were watching them right now and to be honest, it was embarrassing for him he would love all the skinship when they were alone, after all he doesn't want his woman's weak side to be seen by anyone else, he was a possessive man you see. 

He lifted her head by holding his chin and gave her a quick peck on her lips, Victoria's face reddened in embarrassment. 

"Alan~ I missed you." Victoria hugged Alan tightly not wanting to let go but soon she came back to her senses when she realised her parents were in the same room as well.

Victoria retained her calmness. She interlocked her fingers with Alan and stared at her mother with her piercing gaze.

'Heh~, why are you staring at me like that?' Jane shifted her focus to Alan after seeing her daughter glaring at her. 

"Alan, how are Catherine and Duke William? Are they doing well?" 

"Yes, they are fine."

There was a back and forth conversation for a while, catching up with all the events that happened especially with Isabella and Alan's visit to the Beast-kin kingdom.

"...and so Hannah and Juna are staying with me from the last two months." 

The atmosphere immediately got awkward when Alan mentioned the twins or his new Fianceé's. 

"..." Victoria now glared at her father, Adam who was seated beside her mother. He put on a neutral face as he didn't know how to solve the problem he caused…

The problem that caused a crack in the relationship between him and Alan.

The problem which had become the cause for his daughter to boycott him.

Adam immediately got up from his seat in order to end the problem that was caused a few months ago. 

"I am sorry, really sorry for what happened that day with Hannah and Juna..." Adam bowed with his head down and continued "... I was in the wrong, please forgive me."

Adam knew it was his mistake, no rather it was his stupidness to revolt against the decisions of the next Duke. He should have at least apologised to Alan personally but he never got the courage to stand in front of him and clear all the misunderstandings. 

He was really ashamed. 

"Why should I?" Alan's voice came out cold. He was immediately triggered as he was reminded of the past.


Alan glanced at Victoria who was about tear up, she was her dad's little Princess after all. For her to see her father bow in front of someone wasn't really a pleasant sight to witness, even if that someone was her lover, even when she knew it was completely her father's fault. 

But still…

Which child wouldn't get upset when they see their parents bowing down.

But she held it in. She can't lose Alan by supporting her father who was clearly in the wrong this time. 

Alan understood everything pretty well.


"Raise your head." Alan continued his words with the same cold tone "I can't forgive you for what you did... But maybe just maybe in the future." 

Adam sat down in relief knowing that there was still a chance. Most importantly, his daughter's relationship with him wouldn't turn sour. That was enough for now... He knew very well that getting back on Alan's good side would depend on his future actions.

Victoria huffed and soon her mood returned to normal.

They then talked for a while and after having a heartfelt conversation Alan and Victoria left for Victoria's room.

When they reached Victoria again hugged him and rested head on his chest. Alan patted ber head while thinking about a very important matter. 

The proposal, even if she is already his finances, he never got the chance to ask them out properly. He has prepared everything but he didn't know how to propose, he had no experience in these sorts of things. 

'Should I go on one knee or should I stand and give her the ring? While Alan was busy with his thoughts he heard; "Alan, have you done 'that' with Hannah and Juna?" She asked with a curious face.

"What do you mean 'that'?" 

"The intimate thing between a man and women." 

Victoria's face turned slightly red while she was trying her best to explain him. 

"Ah! You mean sex. " 

"Ehh? how can you say that with a straight face."

"I mean, we have done it already." Alan caressed Victoria's cheeks and continued "There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

Alan then pulled her chin up and lowered his head to kiss her, soon their lips met and a passionate kiss started with their tongues entwining each other. 

'Ahh~ this feeling' Victoria thought as she felt Alan's tongue suckin on her, her mind went dizzy and she savoured every moment of it. 

After a couple of minutes, they stopped their kiss and a bridge of saliva appeared between  their lips. 

They then moved to the bed where Victoria pushed him on the bed and she climbed on his lap and sat on it. 

Alan decided to reply to the question he held for sometime and without thinking too much he answered honestly "No, I haven't done it with them yet."




"I already promised to go on a date with Alice... I can't go back on my word, can I?"

"Ohh and they agreed with it?"


Victoria's respect for Hannah and Juna was raised after their decision of not doing sex with him before Alice. 

Knowing their body constitution and how they react to his scent, which was like an aphrodisiac for them, it would be very hard to hold back, But they still held on to it. 

Victoria flashed a small smile because the twins seemed good natured according to her. 

"Huh, why are you smiling suddenly?" Alan was surprised by Victoria's unexpected question and her smiling for some reason.

He couldn't read her thoughts which was behind the smile.

"Hehe~ it's nothing." Victoria kissed Alan again and said with a loving smile "I love you."

Alan caressed her cheeks and replied with a gentle smile as well "I love you too."

Their faces unconsciously moved towards each other and they shared another passionate kiss, this one lasting longer. 

Both of them were now cuddling with each other with Victoria resting her head on his chest. 

Alan suddenly thought about the present he bought along with him

"Here I have a present for you." Alan took out a box from his dimensional ring and handed it to Victoria.

Victoria had a confused expression on her face, it was a weird gift, yes a really weird gift but... It was still precious to her. Anything from Alan was precious after all

"Come on, open it"

Her eyes widened in surprise when she opened the 'gift' she took it out and examined the gun.

"What is this Alan?"

"It's a gun... I mean it's a weapon. Look, here is..." Alan started explaining the working of the gun. While Victoria kept staring at Alan, his voice was like a lullaby to her.

Alan glanced at Victoria who was dazed or half asleep. It's not that she didn't understand anything, Victoria was the most intelligent woman among his fianceés. 

But now her brain was totally focused on Alan. His handsome face which seemed to be carved by gods themselves, his gentle and loving smile, his caring nature it was like an abyss for her in which she was drowning in. 

"Haah… let's go to the training room. I will show you a demonstration there." Alan carried Victoria like a princess and she locked her arms around his neck and snuggled her face on his chest, savoring every moment she could. 

They soon reached the training hall which was average sized, not too big, not too small.

Alan didn't say much, he pointed the gun towards the dummies and fired on them. 


The dummies were destroyed by the burst; he hadn't even used mana on these wooden dummies.

"...?!" Victoria stood there in shock. She had never seen a weapon this powerful in close range.

Alan did the same thing but this time he infused mana in them, he walked towards the window and pointed them towards the trees and…


A grove of trees was completely wiped out from existence

"...?!!!" Victoria was now stunned her eyes widened in disbelief 

"Alan, what happened!?" Jane rushed to the training hall in a hurry, her eyes then trailed towards the window.

"...?!" She also stood there in surprise just like her daughter, both having the same expression. 

Adam wasn't present here, we could have gotten an even better reaction from him but he had already left for his duty.

"Shall I explain now?" Alan broke the silence he had a smirk on his face right now. 

*Nod* *Nod*

Alan then explained the working and the process of infusing mana into the bullets. This weapon was to be used in case of an emergency, Alan knew with his character he was bound to stir up trouble. 

Of course, we know Alan, he couldn't simply sit if he were to get a chance to fight someone strong and he is bound to make enemies.

So if they target either Victoria or the other girls and Alan might not be present there, this weapon can come in handy.

'Hopefully, nothing of that sort happens.'  Alan thought as he handed the gun to Victoria for a try.

*Bang* *Bang*

After Victoria exhausted herself playing with her new toy, yes, a toy which she loved. For her this isn't a weapon, it's a toy!. She imagined herself being an assailant in a tight black dress holding these guns at the back of the head of her targets, with an evil laugh as she said "Mission accomplished "

Alan didn't know what she was thinking while she had a smirk on her face, he decided to flick on her forehead to wake her from her stupor. 

"Ouch...that hurt." 

"What are you spacing out for, enough with the guns." Alan moved closer and said, and whispered in her ears "remember it's for 'Emergency purpose' only, don't go flaunting around the gun to anyone."

Alan was worried that exposing the gun could get Victoria into trouble. He wouldn't want that to happen at all. 

"...Okieee" Victoria said with a cute face.

'I can't believe her at all' Alan was getting a mild headache thinking about the problems he might have to deal with in Future. 

Victoria placed the gun and the bullets in her Dimensional Ring, she then moved closer and locked her arms with him.

"Thank you, darling. I love the present."


Victoria took Alan around her mansion; she introduced him to everyone who was close to her about him.

It was now already evening. Alan and Victoria spent their time cooking, talking about Alan's business plans, etc... And most of the time kissing. Time flew fastly, the sun setted and Alan had his dinner with the family but he hasn't had his main course yet.


"Victoria, come let's take a walk."Alan took her hand as they set for their destination to the garden.

As the couple walked through the garden Victoria surprised him with a question. An abrupt question.

"What do you think of Lucy?"


"Ugh, you don't remember her? The one from the pa- "

"Oh! that woman" Alan kept his finger on his chin and asked with a curious face "what about her?"

"I met her recently, all she talked about was 'you.'" Victoria asserted when she said that word. 

"She has been going around talking nonsense like you are her husband and all."

Victoria knew very well, that all she said was stupid and there was no way Alan would want to meet the woman again.


"Just let her speak all she wants. I will deal with her later, for now…" Alan let go of her hand and picked her up in a princess carry. 

"Kyaaa..." A cute surprised voice escaped from her mouth while he spoke in a predatory tone, "I can't wait any longer."

Victoria turned her face away and her face went beet red in embarrassment thinking about the things they will do. 

Alan then took her bedroom, dropped her on the bed and locked the door behind him. 

He flashed a smile as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his well toned body little by little.

Victoria's face flushed more red after seeing his bare body.

His smile grew as he said, "You are not getting out of bed till tomorrow morning. Hahaha…"

Soon a series of moans could be heard from her room as a passionate session started, thankfully he had already erected a Sound Barrier around the room or else everyone in the mansion could have heard her loud moans. 

Somewhere in a dark room… 

A man was sitting facing a communication orb. 

Another man spoke in a cold voice from the other side. "How are the plans progressing." 

"Umm... T-they are going as… planned " The man facing the orb muttered. 

All that was visible was a pair of red viper eyes and glistening sharp teeth, similar to a saber tooth. 

"Hmm, do your job well, you will be rewarded." the other man left after saying the sentence.

"Kekeke…Hahaha" The man with viper eyes said after laughing his heart out "I will reward you with death my little ****"


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Author's Note:

Don't forget to Vote for the novel, drop your honest reviews, share with your friends and add it to your library. 


Author : ALUCARD

Editor : Itz_Rez1st

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